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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Tue Nov 20, 2018 11:08 am

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Entering all official like so she didn't get dogpiled by Captains, Ulv opened a Senkaimon and stepped into the Seireitei. It had been a while since she had been here, but it was never really something that was going to change. So she took her treasures over the the Fourth Division, and started hunting for Kyoraku. She could wait if he was doing paperwork, there was always Cultivation to be done. It took her a moment to get her bearings, not wanting to upset or aggravate anyone - especially not the Tundra Brat - by mapping the area with her Resolve Flame.

Eventually she found her way to where she was going eventually, and there, she gave a smile. Drinking with Kyoraku again would be nice. He might have been a flirt with all the girls and somewhat opposed to doing paperwork or any work really, but he was a charming man that she enjoyed the company of. And so when she got where she was going - nobody seemed to stop a woman with Shinigami Reiatsu and a feeling of warmth - she would give his door a good knock. Hopefully he was in and not just lying on some field somewhere...

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:09 pm


Shunsui was feeling exceptionally uninterested in lounging around the headquarters today, but he had no prior plans to do anything different, nor could he come up with any on such short notice. This resulted in a few lazy hours in which not very much was accomplished. Still, it wasn't as if he had anything urgent to take care of, so the tediousness of paperwork could wait. Perhaps he'd enjoy some training?

Just as he had this thought there came a loud knock from the large door which separated the interior of the division headquarters from the courtyard. He was expecting no visitors, so he wasn't quite sure who it could be, but he was, if he was being honest, quite pleased with the intrusion. Now to see who it was that wanted his attention.

He raised himself out of the chair he'd been slouched in for the past three or four hours, made his way to the door, and opened it curiously. When he saw who it was that had come to visit him he smiled widely.

"Well, who do we have here?"

It had been quite some time since Shunsui had spoken with Ulv. They had gotten along rather nicely, and although she hadn't accepted his invitation into his division he had no ill feelings about it, or towards her. In fact, he rather liked her. Moments after opening the door, instead of stepping aside, he would join her in front of the building.

"Pardon my rudeness, but I've been cooped up in there all day. I'd prefer to chat in the open if that's fine with you. Unless you wanted to speak about something in private?"

Shunsui's eyed wandered over the divisions outdoor area wistfully. He hoped there would be no issues in remaining out of the office.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Sun Nov 25, 2018 2:01 pm

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

He came out eventually, and asked to be out in the open rather than in his office. Which was a fine request, and so she nodded, and followed his eyes to the area he wanted to go sit in.
"Sounds good. I'll go set up, feel free to come by at your own pace" she told him, giving a soft nod of her head and then departing in a subtle billow of wind, landing gently on the ground and then opening her picnic basket to set up the mat, snacks - One should never drink on an empty stomach - and finally the drink itself. Black Gold and Yu-Shan Soul Rice Wine. She had dropped a pretty penny into Zian-Zi for these, but it was worth it.

And then, she looked up to the sky and frowned. It wasn't a cold day, but there was a cloud in the way of this place being sunlit and awesome, so she reached out with The Wind and brushed the cloud aside, setting it back on it's journey a few hours so they could have the kiss of the sun as they drunk. With everything nice and ready, she took out the glasses -dishes and cups, having learned from last time - and poured a pair of drinks, taking one for herself and gently sipping it.

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:43 pm


Although he could have traversed the distance between himself and the area Ulv had set up her impromptu picnic in nearly instantaneously, Shunsui made his way over slowly, enjoying walking through the grass. He always endeavored to find pleasure in the simplest things, and in that way he was always only a step away from happiness. In his lifetime he'd witnessed many atrocities, wrongdoings, and betrayals, but because he always focused on the simple things in life he had not become as cynical as many would expect. At least not on the surface.

Finally reaching the small area that had been designated, he slowly seated himself and perused the selection that had been set out in front of him. He wasn't very hungry, but he thought it would be rude to try nothing at all. With that thought in mind he sampled a few of the items that sat in front of him before taking his own drink in his hands. The sun warmed his back as he raised the cup to his lips, a rather pleasant feeling. One he experienced far too little these days. He drank from the cup lightly, savoring its contents, then lowered it once more. Before he got too carried away in indulging himself Shunsui thought it would be best to ask if there was a purpose for this meeting. Not that he would mind if there wasn't, the break was nice either way.

"Thank you for taking the time to prepare all of this. Now, was there a reason for your visit? Reconsidering my offer?"

He was of course speaking about the offer he'd made the last time they'd enjoyed such an outing. There was always room in the Gotei for unique and interesting individuals. He didn't expect that this was the reason that she'd come, but it never hurt to ask, after all.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:57 pm

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Sipping her own drink, and grinning at it's taste, she looked up to Shunsui and shook her head softly at his question.
"There is a reason for coming, yes. But jumping right into it makes it seem like I only come to visit you when I want something, and while currently that is an entirely correct statement, it isn't want I want to put across. And besides, small sample pool, I've only been here twice" she would pour some more of the wine out, and take a second drink. The energy inherent was good, even for her. As expected from Yu-Shan wine.

"Also, mmm. World's apart from the Gold that I brought last time. I can see why the Naku Clan revolve around this" She commented, looking into the glass and then finishing it up. Her metabolism would allow her to deal with the alcohol, as potent as it was, with a handy ease. "As for joining...Between your Tundra Brat and my own connections, I don't think me being an official part of the Gotei would go down so well. I would have come visit earlier but I was dealing with pulling myself together in a rather literal fashion and then..." she took a breath and an amber flame engulfed the glass, the feeling of hope and peace billowing from the flame as it danced away. "Other things. Have you been up to anything?"

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:14 pm


Shunsui drank from his own glass once more as he listened to Ulv explain herself. He smiled when she'd finished. She was certainly blunt. He could appreciate that, there was a certain charm involved with simply stating what was true, with no flowery tip-toeing around the question.

"Well I don't honestly mind if you only come to see me when you need something, you're forgetting that I get to see you as well."

He gave her a playful wink, then laughed heartily. Even though the way he conducted himself had changed for the better in the past few centuries, that tell-tale flirtatious nature was ever present. Finishing off his own glass he set it back on the blanket that lay beneath them. He noticed now just how much better it was.

"You're right, it certainly is something, isn't it? And don't worry about it. I, more than anyone, understand how busy life can become in a short period of time."

He smiled wistfully as he said this, pausing for a moment before he continued to speak.

" Do you have some sort of conflict with Toshiro? Perhaps you're right, still, a man can dream. You seem to be doing better now though, that's something, at least. The last time we met there was definitely a real problem. As for myself... I've been busy lately as well. Mainly with increasing the defenses of the Gotei, and Soul Society as a whole. And a few other things I'm not at liberty to discuss just yet."

Shunsui leaned back somewhat at this point, stretching his arms above his head, then interlocking his fingers behind his head. He'd needed this break. Work had certainly been dragging him down more than usual lately. Most likely due to the fact that he'd taken on so many extra burdens. But the undeniable fact was still there. He was getting old, and the same spryness he'd possessed in his youth just wasn't at the same level. He had many more years in him, he knew that, but it would only get harder.

"I'm glad you've come."

The statement seemed out of place without the context of his thoughts, even to him, but he expressed the sentiment all the same.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Dec 19, 2018 12:47 pm

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Ulv gave a soft giggle, and nodded. It was true that meeting someone was rarely a one-sided thing. There had to be two people to be a meeting, after all. And Captains could have problems with people, either those to friendly or those intimidated by their title and power. Just a friend, would be a rare thing for them.
"Ahh, Toshiro. First time I came to the Seireitei, I fell through a whole in the sky. I had my Zanpaktou on me and made a Senkaimon, but was still broken so I didn't know I had made a Senkaimon and it was all very confusing. Momo found me, and we were having a nice conversation before Toshiro arrived and treated me like something he had just stood on. I'm sure he would have just thrown me in jail and left me there forever if Momo wasn't around" Ulv took another sip and then nodded to Kyoraku. It was nice to have friends.

"You are welcome, Kyoraku. If you ever want to come visit me, I've got a nice little mayordom in Minatumi Harbor. It's a nice place where nobody ever has to meet a Toshiro. But, onto the why of me being here. I recently cracked an old memory I got from Mirja about a very interesting fighting style called the Tundra Lotus. But it is a complex thing I need practical experience to grasp. I don't have many friends that I can really practice with,and if I tried to go find Kenpachi we'd end up breaking the Seireitei. Level headed and powerful enough to keep pace are a difficult combination to find. And then add in actually willing to help....Which is why I came to you"

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Jan 02, 2019 12:17 pm


Shunsui enjoyed the sound of her laugh. It went nicely with the picnic, and the peaceful day. Some things just fit together like that, it was a pleasant thought. He listened quietly as she spoke of her first experience in the Seireitei. Young Toshiro seemed not to have changed much in the last few centuries. That was disappointing. He'd always been viewed as a prodigy, someone who could progress much more quickly than his peers, and who achieved a much greater level of strength with less training. Still, Shunsui knew the truth of the matter. However talented and powerful Toshiro may have been, he was no elite fighter. Above average? Yes, but still only marginally. Shunsui held these opinions because he'd fought by the young Shinigami's side many times in the past, and when that was the case the flaws in his ability became apparent. It was not a physical weakness or ineptitude that held Toshiro back, it was his own brash, selfish personality. A greater detriment by far than merely being less powerful than others.

"I see. Well, I am sorry to hear that, it must have been a terrible experience. I'm glad it all worked out in the end."

He was sitting more attentively now that they were having more of a serious conversation. A minor change, but one that most would pick up on. It seemed she was getting to the point now, revealing the true reason she'd come. While she did so Shunsui thought back to the first time they'd met, and he could tell, comparing the Ulv that sat in front of him then to the one that sat in front of him now, that she'd grown quite substantially. Excellent progress. His own pursuit of pure power was on hold at the moment. He was focused more on technique and skill at the moment, and so he did not worry as much if his power was less than it could be. He knew exactly how to use it, which many couldn't say.

"Minatumi Harbor? If I'm ever on Earth for any reason I'll be sure to check it out. But, onto the more pressing concern. You'd like a spar then? I suppose I could take a break for a while. I'll just get one of the others to do the rest of the paperwork, and then I'll be done for the day. Were you planning on doing this now?"

Perhaps he was being a bit generous, but if anything was still true of Shunsui after so many years, it was that he had a soft spot for pretty ladies. Plus, to tell the truth, he was slightly curious about what exactly it was that Ulv was trying to master. Seeing it develop with his own eyes would be a treat indeed.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Wed Jan 02, 2019 2:16 pm

The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Hammerfall - Song: Hearts On Fire

Standing up and stretching, she was glad for this little picnic, and not just for the energy she had sucked from the wine. The fight with Demonica - a fight far bigger and more powerful than any in Wulin could have dreamed of, aided by Ulv's plethora of aids - had pushed her into the fourth realm. But the gulf between it and the apex, was even more immense. She didn't know how people could see such a gulf and not get dissuaded by it's immensity. But then people in Wulin where people that could not be so easily turned off.

"Alright! Let's get to it! These Lotuses have to open in order. And, can get messy so I hope you are down to break a little. These are body-breaking Anti-Regeneration techniques for the most part. But for the first, shoot me with a Hadō! It doesn't have to be anything huge, but don't worry about shooting to much, we are a sturdy girl even if it doesn't work out the way we are hoping it will work out" Ulv exclaimed, taking the stance that she knew from memory, and waiting for Shunsui's response.

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The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo Empty Re: The Booze 2: Electric Boogaloo

Sun Jan 13, 2019 7:22 pm


Shunsui stood alongside Ulv, deigning to help her with this task. He let out a sigh as he stood, a usual mannerism for the lazy captain, but as he did so there was a marked shift. The usual care-free attitude and light demeanor seemed to evaporate in very little time at all. The man who stood before Ulv now was not the same man who'd stood before her only moments before. The smile had faded from both his lips and his eyes. His face had taken on more of a grim tone. Even the light atmosphere that usually followed Shunsui everywhere he went had left them. This was the face of a warrior, a scarred and ragged face, but a brave one, and an honest one. He looked over towards Ulv with mostly blank eyes. He was now fully prepared to unleash anything he was asked to. Ulv had said that the consequences would not be so dire, he certainly hoped she was correct.

His body barely moved at all, the only perceptible motion his right arm raising to run parallel to his body, index finger slowly extending. By this point in time the small, red, concentrated ball of energy could be seen forming at his fingertip. It crackled with a ferocity that was perhaps unexpected, but one's kido is perhaps the best look into the soul. As much as he played up the harmless old man act, there was a ruthless killer who resided in that body as well. Oh sure, he did enjoy himself when he was with friends, and the lecherous old man routine was not simply an act, but underneath was a man who would stop at nothing, who would persevere no matter the costs. His point of view, in the simplest of terms, could be broken down to "the ends justify the means." This was something he had always believed in.

The crackling grew more intense now. The energy coming from his fingertip was clearly audible, snapping every few seconds as if it had become angered. That should be more than enough. His arm fully raised, finger pointed straight at Ulv, Shunsui released the kido he'd been charging up until now.


The red ball of energy flew from his fingertip, growing as it did so. In its wake it left a trail of energy, a deep red essence that colored the very air in front of them. It shot towards Ulv at breakneck speeds, the only thing he could do now was watch, and see what happened.


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