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Mon Apr 01, 2019 5:18 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

The order of his prison sentence came in a while ago or perhaps it seemed. Tatsuya had entered into the Maggots Nest, making a resolution within himself. He didn't speak upon entering to a single soul. Questions asked were given a simple nod or shake of the head. Sleep had become something of a forgotten thing also grooming. Tatsuya's visual appearance had become more ragged. He seemed not all together there some of the fellow inmates would say. As though he simply didn't see or hear anything around him. This seemed to be the status of things as though his eyes were empty. Deprived of inner light within them some shimmering example of existing. Tatsuya saw this as perhaps nothing but another delusion. Fights happened though he merely stayed out of them. Seemingly lost in his own world often times drifting off to another place. People had tried to talk to him and warm up to him. But in the end, he merely ignored and remained closed off. Tatsuya put a wall up around him and didn't want people in.

Reasons for this could be contemplated or considered as him snapping finally. But he didn't speak or really do anything. He would eat, drink, and do things like that. But socializing with others seemed just out of his nature. Tatsuya would in his free time throw a certain number of punches before stopping. He seemed to be studying Hakuda and trying to learn to be better. Though he didn't really consider himself much of an expert at these things. Time in the Maggots Nest was suitable to him he guessed. Tatsuya didn't know his voice or bother cleaning up to look presentable. He didn't groom his hair or shave anymore which let his hair grow out. Some thought him a wild man as his hair growth was often faster than most peoples. Facial hair grew in within record time forming an unkempt beard and face. His eyes held bags under them from not sleeping. Nights were spent training alone in silence as were days. These were times where he devoted himself entirely to two principals. Control of his hollow and Hakuda instead of any formal sword training.

He couldn't blame Amateratsu for her powers or even say anything about them. He could only say he didn't want to wield her at this moment. It was like being sucked into the darkness inside. Slowly vanishing further away as voices of people were almost murmurs of noises that just didn't seem important. People spoke but they simply were shades to torment him he imagined. That number remained truthful to him that the prosecutor pointed out. The number he'd killed and that was all he did. He would count them each day as a tribute during his training. But outside of that food was something taken in but not thought about. It was something almost colorless and meaningless. His senses of sight and sound were simply being regulated to blankness. Things he viewed as unimportant were filtered out and that was all their was. During his time to walk around an area prison people could, Tatsuya would often find himself sitting instead.

If he had a choice he would remain in his cell instead of with the general population. He wasn't isolated so he isolated himself on his own. Guards if any reports given would go to quiet and almost dead in his mannerisms. Tatsuya did work out but that was all there was to him. Purpose seemed to be devoid of anything more. This would be his life from now on and he accepted that. Perhaps in time, his eyes would stop working or something else. But he didn't plan to clean or do anything. This wasn't a protest or something perhaps self-pity and destruction of one's own self. But Tatsuya's Soul was broken like his heart for what he had done. This punishment was much worse than death in his eyes. So he could only worsen it himself by changing. Words and personality that he'd become known for were gone. Any traits people once saw of a bright or anything had died. The moment those people did so did Tatsuya's light and cheerful nature. This was what would remain and it would be unknown if anything would change.

Tatsuya had contemplated suicide many times. Considered gouging his own eyes out with his fingers and ripping his tongue out. Snapping his own neck or perhaps letting the prisoners here simply kill him. So many options that existed in that place. Tatsuya had no God, no Religion, no King, no Counter. He was now just a shell or a shadow of the forgotten days. This was his punishment and it wouldn't end after the Maggots Nest. This was eternal damnation he sentenced himself too. No matter the Gotei's choice he would have tortured himself. He had almost protested treatment for his injuries. Making them treat him in the most painful way imaginable. Completely awake connecting and binding organs without healing powers. He wanted pain as that was familiar and comforting alone. MAsochism wasn't the way to describe it. That was a comforting reality that sometimes brought him back. Any fights were simply him being beaten and doing nothing about it. He wasn't helpless this simply was a deserved outcome as he saw it.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Tue Apr 02, 2019 6:00 am

Chain Gang (Open) 6EdIfMt

The Flame Of Hope

Artist: Carrotwine - Song: Dark Side Of The Road

In the morning, Ulv came into the Maggots Nest. Tatsuya was sent there yesterday by order of the court, and Ulv got permission to come down and punch him. And then probably also talk to him about his Hollow. She wasn't the best, but she was good and easily on hand. Plus, she wasn't going to cripple their war efforts with her absence because she wasn't part of their war effort, so it was good on many different fronts. And just to top it all off, she actually knew the guy so he would actually listen to her.

When she arrived, the physical appearance of him had seriously degraded. The hollow seemed to have a sense of humor, abusing it's control over him to make him look like he had been here weeks, or even months. Probably even made him think that as well. A few of the other prisoners glanced in her direction, but she struck an imposing figure before her Existential Death Stare ability, so nobody tried anything and she was left in peace.
"Tatsuya. I always knew you were an idiot, but I was ignorant of the scale until this point. So congratulations. You have surprised the great me" she gave a clap. A slow, and sarcastic clap.

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Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Tue Apr 02, 2019 3:42 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

His ears heard a sound a distant murmur hard to detect. But it seemed so familiar without his zanpakuto backing him up in restraining Hachiman many things pondered. Was he really even in here as long as his eyes looked at the figure. Gaining an idea of who it was but their visage felt bright. He guessed it must have been Ulv given her figure and the people's reactions. Though he could gauge best as sound almost as he said nothing. Merely offering a sound of acknowledging himself as an idiot and a fool. "Mmhm." It was drawn out or holding much energy behind it. Merely a noise of acknowledgment which was more then he'd done. Perhaps because it was Ulv he could manage that much. Tatsuya had beaten his Hollow, hadn't he? That question was becoming more unclear as was his sense of time in here. It felt like months or weeks thus far but only a day had gone by. If she was here to hit him he wouldn't stop her. Though his body hadn't recovered from the incidents involving the hollowfication.

So damages would likely see old wounds open up. He didn't hold that seem figure or gusto that he once had. The cutting figure of a man with purpose and dreams. Dreams died and so did beliefs and ideals. Conceptual realities that a person pushed on others. His heart just didn't have it in him anymore. Had she come here to kick him while he was down? Maybe kill him if he was lucky enough as he could only mentally continue counting. He didn't know what she expected from him though. He wasn't going to beg her to help him control his hollow and get a bid for his freedom. Nor did he anticipate sympathy from her as the sun had better chances of dying. Tatsuya held no purpose at this moment or desire. He would control his hollow with or without help. But many questions lingered in his mind like a dream just out of reach. He guessed this haze was only the beginning. Hachiman's hooks had settled in deeply into him from what he could tell. The only thing that seemed real anymore was the pain. Perhaps she would enlighten him with that.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Wed Apr 03, 2019 2:31 pm


Moopy bitch, he reminded her a lot of Henrex, and that was never a good idea because Ulv did not like Henrex's young moopy persona. He had improved a fair deal since then and so could be handled by Ulv, but Tatsuya was not this kind of person and so Ulv was not going to let him be this kind of person. if he was just going sit here and rot then he was a waste of time and wasn't anything anyone should waste their time on. So Ulv would hope to knock what few brain cells he had left into place.

He didn't even properly say hi!

So she was covered with a semi-visible, soft red aura and it gathered around her fist as she punched Tatsuya in the face. Ulv's might was not inconsiderable at the best of times, and when she used the most awesomely named Miss Wolf Knuckles Wolf Knuckles to enhance her power, it was phenomenal.
"If you are still alive, we shall talk!" She exclaimed, as the ground sundered, and shook, the air screamed and people fled the Tatsuya-shaped missile.



Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Thu Apr 04, 2019 3:54 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya felt something a sudden impact of tremendous force. Sending him flying with velocity and impact into the wall. Some people had managed to avoid him while others got caught in the air from the force his body had been sent with. His eyes blinked a bit as the pain was a reminder. He felt the impact of the wall and it gave in as his body cascaded into the ground. That punch felt familiar in a way like a memory. A far distant time when he'd made the error of insulting Ruin. IT felt so far as he slowly pushed the rubble around him. Blood dripped down his frame as he started standing up. Tatsuya could at the very least do one thing well and that take a beating. So his eyes still held a hollow like nature to them. Lacking that shimmering brightness or perhaps happy nature. Last time she'd struck him he'd swung at her and struck her. But what was the point in that or any actions at this point? Even if he did gain control over the hollow. It didn't bring those people back or undo what he had done.

He couldn't lie to himself and pretend it was all going to be alright. Control or no control he didn't see a point in any of it. He spoke now as his voice held on to not just a self-loathing but more. "About what?" Tatsuya didn't have the energy for long-winded exchanges. Or the desire for them he guessed she came here for a reason. Beating him while it was a nice pass time for him. As the pain was one of the few reminders that he still existed. Tatsuya glanced down at his hand as he began to feel something. It hadn't been that long had it in the real time? How long had he been in this place his mind felt cloudy on that subject. He'd won against the hollow. What about Kagami and Sachiko did they even still live outside this place. His head glanced around as blood dripped down his body. From his head and other locations from the force of the impact. He'd not died and it did hurt quite a bit. He was just good at handling pain, it was an enjoyable feeling for him. Pain meant you were alive and that was important.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Thu Apr 04, 2019 4:01 pm


RAHHH! This guy was pissing her off. He was acting like he was the only person in the world who had ever made a mistake and now he was totally justified in wasting away in here because of it. It really made Ulv mad, or madder. She was always mad. And getting that one under wraps was hard, doubly so with Touki out, so she dropped that and took control of her mindset with mental discipline.
"About you, obviously" Ulv said, brushing off her knuckles. She hadn't used her Punchinator, so that hit had scrapped them raw, and a second blow would have them split and bleeding. Hopefully, a second blow wouldn't be needed.

"The biggest question is if you have any desire to keep on living. Because if you don't, I'll end you right here and now. Saves everyone the trouble of having to deal with a whiny self-pitying git for one moment more than they have to.. Even the prisoners don't deserve that"



Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Sun Apr 07, 2019 8:33 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Everything hurt from that punch she'd given him. Nothing was exempt from that at this moment. Tatsuya didn't really know what he could do. But dying wasn't really an option at this point. He couldn't atone for those people as a dead man. He knew that and he knew he wasn't the first to make a mistake like this. But it was the first time he'd realize how much his hubris had caused trouble. And he'd reflected on how childish he'd been in previous moments. Sachiko and Kagami had been people who trusted him. How often had he done something like this and put them in the fire? Damien would have nailed him right now. For being the man he gave his arm up to put down in their fight. Though that was a much younger Damien too, they were both younger. The difference was Damien grew accomplished and experienced with a rather good aura about him. He needed to change and grow up as he didn't know how to say it. Living was the only choice available to him really. "I...want to live...and make amends if that is even possible." Tatsuya said softly.

He thought perhaps the only amends was to be locked up for the rest of eternity. To spend his days rotting in this place. Though the question of why Ulv had come to knock sense into him did remain. He knew she didn't like him though he wasn't a likable person in general. Something he began to realize more and more. His throat hurt and his body just hadn't come to terms with any of it. His mouth felt dry among other issues. As he'd not been eating or drinking as Tatsuya had been this way upon returning. Hubris and stupidity made him weak to it all and he didn't even want to pick Amateratsu up again. She deserved a better wielder and until he could provide such. He thought it best to not think about his zanpakuto and her motherly nature. She would just worry about him as he remained in the Maggots Nest. Weapons were forbidden here after all, though it did provide a chance. To learn something of Hakuda instead of Zanjutsu. Perhaps that would be the end result of it all.

Tatsuya hadn't regained hope or beaten despair in this. He merely wanted to live to make up for what he did. Though that was likely impossible to ever accomplish he knew it. It was more far fetched then that land of smiles he wished. The idea of creating a country was pure hubris on his part. The naivety of believes his own hype built from a small pond. This was the truth and reality of this world.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Mon Apr 08, 2019 7:07 am


"Then stand the fuck up!" Ulv's Reiatsu was unrestrained at this point, and it mingled with her emotional tangibility to make a most unique feeling. Something that would intimidate and oppress, while inspiring and uplifting at the same time. It was something to run away from, while also staying close to it. Like a Furious mother bear and her misbehaving cubs. "When you are knocked down, a man does now cower in defeat on the ground. He rises and grows from the experience, he strengths himself on the blows of another. Life is a whetstone, to produce the sharpest swords"

And then, taking a surprisingly deep breath, Ulv drew the Reiatsu and emotional tangibility back in, to settle it down again.
"If nobody had ever fucked up so badly, I would not even exist, Tatsuya. And I definitely wouldn't have made the Devil's Heart to help people overcome their regrets. The only thing in the world that is wrong, is doing nothing. Everything else is down to you"



Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:26 pm

The Madman of the Outlands

Oda Tatsuya
おだ たつや

Tatsuya felt pain and an ache in his muscles yet. She'd certainly given him a mighty punch that left a mark. Gripping bits of rock and structure that fell around him. Tatsuya began to move his body vertical from this horizontal view. This was a rather painful way to get woken up from one's despair. He sighed and cracked his neck left to right trying to work the kink out of his neck. Blood dripped down his torso from his head and other places as he tried to feel it. The situation of getting a handle on things was never an easy one. Her energy was infectious and felt as though it coursed through his skin. Perhaps further beyond that, as he wanted the help. Tatsuya wanted to not be lost in this darkness. He didn't know when or if he would ever leave here. But that didn't mean remaining stuck in some fog helped. Everything felt about right in terms of his body but could he be sure? The pain was something reliable ordinarily but given the incubation period and his foolish hubris. He couldn't be sure how much left was him anymore.

Tatsuya had named Hachiman and taken him into his heart. But that didn't mean anything a caged animal can still bite. There never was a dangerous animal he was sure wouldn't bite ever. It was this way no matter where you journeyed and took yourself. The world was vast and he looked at it thinking about the pity. He could have a pity party about it or try and do something. She was right and her words spoke to him. Deeply in a way that roused him as he glanced around him. As though awakening to the situation around him. Understanding the circumstances of his problems. But the question next that came to mind was how did he train? How did he gain control over the hollow's power? Without Amateratsu near him or able to help he was exposed. That was much more clear as he touched his hair. Almost like he came out of a dream. The fog was lifting only if a little as his self-loathing didn't leave him. But he was recovering he asked the next important question that came to mind.

"How do you train in this way?" Tatsuya wasn't sure how to word what he meant. He didn't understand the vizard powers all that well. He was a beginner in every aspect of it including his understanding.
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Chain Gang (Open) Empty Re: Chain Gang (Open)

Sat Apr 13, 2019 6:40 am


Finally he was back on his feet. Which was good, Tatsuya had been a very strange person for her for a long time. First insulting Ruin and then attacking her - after she had thumped him, true, but irrelevant - and then being such Hollow Bait. It was like a rollercoster with him, and she was completely lost, just winging it at this point.

"Mostly, it's all down to you. A big part of it is how you want to deal with your Inner Hollow. It is yours, so nobody can tell you how to deal with it. Some will tell you to crush it under your heel, strip away all control and leave it as simply a source of power and nothing else. But I personally prefer a different way of doing it. See, your Hollow starts negative, with nothing but a drive to eat your soul, and that is a pitiful existence. Imagine suddenly coming to in a box one day and the only true felling is to eat the man who owns it, to gain control of the box.

So teach them. Teach them to be a living, breathing, empathic being. Treat them like you would want to be treated, because they are you. Never forget they are dangerous, but never let that danger cloud your judgement. I am dangerous, Ibiki is dangerous, your average human with a gun is dangerous. But you don't treat them any different for that"


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