A Caged Bird (Open)
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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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A Caged Bird (Open)
Mon May 20, 2019 7:31 am
The Grand Witch
Hannah sat in a chair, playing with her soul as usual. Most spiritual beings in this prison were locked off completely from their power, but to do that to Hannah would make her a blind cripple, barely better than just outright killing her. So she had a custom thing that let just enough through for her to...not be a blind cripple. And it was through that that she got to play. The fact that she had only a barest thread to use in comparison to her original nature, just stoked her desire for experimentation even further. Were she not to have this, she probably wouldn't have survived. Kido was her life, and without it, life was worthless.
It was like just starting Shin'o all over again. Feeling out the world beyond her body, grasping at what she could do with it. Only this time she as in prison and was doing this for kicks. She didn't really know anyone outside of K-world and surprisingly few people in it. So she didn't expect any visitors, but the world was broad and glorious. Who knew what might come out of the shadows of the Unknown these days?
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Thu May 30, 2019 1:11 pm
Another day; another situation with Ulv randomly coming in as usual and suggesting Elyss come with her again to some place. It has been some time since Ulv had brought Elyss to the harbor. There wasn't really explanation why, but Elyss had just guessed it was to keep her nearby for training. Though, there hasn't actually been too much mental or physical training going on between the two. Ulv seemed to be too busy with many of things leaving Elyss to wander and meet some interesting individuals. The thought of one of them usually brought a small blush to her cheeks, but it wasn't anything that caused her to long for that particular event to occur once more.
Elyss could already tell this trip didn't have anything to do with training by the simple fact that she wore normal clothes and not anything embarrassing as they traveled to Karakura Central. Talk about getting hit with dejavu. Everything felt recognizable but foreign at the same time. It must be because she lived around here when she was alive, but there's no time for sight seeing once Ulv brought her to a prison. That is where a quick explanation that the big brute will be helping people with some remediation or something of the like and just wanted to get Elyss out the harbor. Well, Elyss wouldn't say bringing her to a prison is taking her out to anywhere, but it does have her curious about the area for when she's alone.
They go through the normal regulations when entering a prison and are soon in the recreation room. This must be where Ulv will be doing her whatever at, but Elyss doesn't really have much need for being there, so she found herself walking around a bit looking around the prison.
'I could end up here one day.'
Her mind tells her. It'd be as simple as losing control and going to far because of her issues, and bam, she'd be locked away for something irreversible. It has her in her thoughts. She'd be like all these people; locked away with no powers available to them. She was told about the power limiters. Though, that is also why she suddenly raises a brow in curiosity when she felt a light brush against herself. Someone's spiritual presence nearby. Her little ability to feel the power of others isn't useful at gauging people since powerful beings are far beyond her comprehension, but this felt quite weak and easy to measure. Her eyes move up to eye Hannah sitting in a chair.
She wonders why out of everyone, she could feel that woman's energy. Is she that weak that she does not need her powers regulated? Maybe she's similar to Elyss in that regard. It makes her curious and has her stepping a bit closer than she probably should with narrowed eyes. That's when she notices the vacancy in the woman's eyes; their paleness strange. Blind? That's what she thinks, and absently, she raises a hand waving to the person to check. While doing this, she remains silent to make sure her guess is correct. No point checking for blindness if you just call out to them, and soon, she is quite close, and still, she doesn't say a word staring oddly with onyx eyes.
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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Thu May 30, 2019 1:55 pm
The Grand Witch
There was a smile in Hannah's soul as someone came up to her and waved their hands as if to check if Hannah was blind. So rude. So Hannah let her get close and then suddenly looked up. Not precisely in the eyes, but certainly in her direction with a smirk on her face.
"It's rude to wave your hands like that, you know. Much better to just start a conversation" Hannah replied, finishing up her playing and turning the chair to look at the woman. She was a Plus, with something more attached to her Soul. An interesting something else.
"So, what does a Plus with a shard of a mighty soul embedded within them want with a blind prisoner? Is it anything true, or just mere curiosity that bids you come? I can do tricks if that is what you wish" Hannah had a soft voice, but her body was beyond slender. It was scrawny and thin to the point of emaciated. "Though if a woman like you wanders about a prison simply for the sake of wandering, you might not find it an enjoyable time. Guards are lax with the recent attack, and never cared much for what we did anyway"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Thu May 30, 2019 2:31 pm
Well, this is something like off of a horror movie when the person steps up close to the apparently unmoving object just for it to snap its attention to them randomly when they are near. That is exactly what Hannah did to Elyss causing her to jump lightly, and, afterwards, blush a bit letting her eyes moves away from the blind woman. Blind? The way she turned made it seem like she saw Elyss coming somehow. Is she actually blind? Still, Elyss turned her eyes a bit back onto to Hannah seeing the woman isn't looking at her face but simply looking in her direction.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to be rude... A shard?" 'A mighty soul?'
Elyss is caught off guard by such a statement when she meant to try an apologize and tilts his head curiously at Hannah. At least it's confirmed that the woman is blind at least, but that doesn't explain how she noticed Elyss so easily. Elyss frowns a bit though shaking her head at the following words.
"I am not here to get any tricks out of you. I was just... curious about what I am feeling. Out of everyone around, you are the only one with a presence about you. It made me wonder if you were simply too weak to be shackled or... something is particular about you, miss..."
She pauses not knowing the woman's name and frowns a bit deeper as she rubs the back of her neck and chuckles a bit nervously looking around at the other inmates.
"Mmm... May I know the name of the one I've wronged with my curiosity. It will make apologizing feel more... sincere. And, don't worry about the other inmates. I think I can handle myself fairly well, and I have a friend here with me who would not enjoy another putting their hands near me in such a manner."
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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Thu May 30, 2019 2:42 pm
The Grand Witch
Hannah would look in Elyss general direction as she asked if Hannah was too weak to be bound. It made her laugh, an amused little titter that had Hannah cover her mouth with her hand.
"Ohh, my dear, no. Rather the opposite in fact. Why, out there in the world I was one of the best Kido practitioners in any realm you care to put me in. But I have a wisp of energy because otherwise I am a blind woman who would be bedridden with crippling agony three days out of the week. I need to control my energy so I don't live in eternal torture. And these people are the good guys, so they don't stand for such conditions"
"My name, is Hannah Chiza. And if you are the one who came in on the coat-tails of the great Wolf, then you have an interesting life ahead of you, my dear. But....you say you don't know about the shard in your soul? You don't have a lot of force, but how are you unaware of something so foreign and oceanic inside your own being? Can you not feel it's presence rubbing against your own?"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Thu May 30, 2019 4:00 pm
She said something funny. That's evident by the laughter and lack of effort to hide it by Hannah. She couldn't help but pout just a little, but understand of why things went this way is soon given. So, Hannah is actually extremely powerful and uses Kido. What is Kido? Elyss tilts her head a bit listening more. Without some of her power allowed to her, she'd find herself without the ability to function properly; someone so dependent on their energy, that she'd be bedridden without it. That sounds like an over dependence, but it seems something she was passionate about is now the only thing keeping her stable. Elyss wonders what occurred that has her locked up in this state.
It seems Ulv is known quite well around the world: both living and dead. Now, Elyss is more curious about her current teacher. Just more questions for the brute later on. She at least knows Ulv isn't a Shinigami, but something classified as a Vizard whatever that means. The redhead doesn't know it has something to do with Hollows yet. Now, there is the thought about what's inside her. A foreign thing within her? Something rubbing against her? Elyss' mind goes back to the times she's felt her anger built and push her to become a raging beast that strives for confrontation. She's always felt that at those moments, something else took a hold of her; something she has no ability to control. And now, the words of Arianda and Ulv echo in her mind about a power she cannot control; a similar power to Ulv.
What is going on with her body and her power?
"It is nice to meet you, Hannah Kabal. My name is Elyss Kishimoto. I... apologize for rudely approaching you in such manner, and I am also apologetic for the questions I now have for you, but I must know..."
She takes a breath and keeps her onyx eyes steady on the blind woman who didn't seem too bad, but she is locked away for a reason with almost all of her power restrained which sounds like is a lot with how she called herself one of the best.
"What is Kido? And, do you know exactly what is going on within me? There are moments when it feels like something comes over me that I just can't control; a powerful rage that I've been told is fueled by my powers. I'm sorry to bother you with such information and curiosity, but is there anymore you can tell me?"
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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Sat Jun 01, 2019 7:28 am
The Grand Witch
"I accept your apology, Elyss Kishimoto. Be ever aware of your actions in the world. Do not lie down and take it for every being who wishes to control you with the leash of offense, but do not spite all in the world because of it. A most delicate balancing act, it is" Hannah nodded and looked to her hands, feeling the gentle spiritual energy inside them. She could really do something with this, if she was given the time. And time was all she had in this place. A smile came upon her face as she broached towards a new creation. And then, Elyss spoke once more.
"Ahh, Kido. So beautiful. It's the spiritual power of a Shinigami, capable of being turned to offensive or defensive purposes, with a secondary use to heal people of the wounds suffered. As for what is happened to you, well that is a different thing. There is a shard of a soul not your embedded inside you. And it's energies are flowing into your own. Giving you powers and playing with your cute little head. So it will feel like there is something invading, something that is not yours in your mind. But you must make it yours, or suffer forever"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Sat Jun 01, 2019 10:20 am
So, that's her answer. Kido is an ability that a Shinigami controls. Though, the basic fundamentals are not gone into. Spiritual energy? She feels that has something to do with the presence she feels within and around Hannah. It is also something Hannah is sensing within her: something foreign within her.
Elyss doesn't react much to the first thing said to her knowing her own fundamentals to social interaction and only stepping closer as a form of experimentation to learn the true nature of Hannah. Still, that does not make it any less rude to abuse a crippling feature of another just to sate one's curiosity. Elyss will try her best to not do something like this again, but humanity is a fickle thing to control at a whim. As of now, she is curious at to why Hannah is looking at hands, but that is just one of many concerns, and a small concern for that. Her thoughts are quite focused on the fact she has some strange shard within her that she has to learn to control or lose herself entirely if true.
"This... I will have to speak to Ulv about this. There is no doubt this has something to do with her since she says she senses something similar to herself within me. I just thought it was simply fate that gave us similar abilities, but it seems there is more at work here."
She tilts her head looking towards the ground in thought as her hand comes to her chin.
"Thank you for... such information. It seems my issues do have a source to them. It isn't just something I was born with. Though, I ask of you. If you are a Shinigami, why are you locked away here?"
She looks back up wondering why a Shinigami is in the human world in jail instead of in Soul Society locked away or not. What is Hannah's offense to these lands?
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- Mirja EeolaDemon Toy
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Sun Jun 02, 2019 6:23 am
The Grand Witch
"No, no. There is definitely something causing this, making you feel that way. A soul of great power and fury. A Soul that wishes to do great harm to everything that it looks upon. I am really saddened to know such a soul exists. The pain someone must have felt to have an entire soul like this is one I don't want to look into" Hannah shook her head gently. Though she was well aware of how one could feel that kind of fury. She was alert and aware of it because she had felt it too, once. But that was long ago.
"You are welcome for the information darling. I am always around to help anyone who needs it. Though, as for why I am here, it is why everyone else is here. I am a criminal, and they have arrested me. So now I am here until I am released. Which I doubt will be for a very long time" Hannah didn't seem too put out about the idea of spending eternity in jail. Maybe she thought it was well deserved. Maybe it was. "But a woman as young and beautiful as you should avoid this place. You have a life in front of you"
Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: A Caged Bird (Open)
Sun Jun 02, 2019 4:20 pm
Elyss sighs. Her anger is something foreign, but it is strong enough to have control over her life to such an extent that it endangers everyone around her constantly. So, she has to take control of this and reign it in. Whatever is inside her needs to be handled. At least she has Ulv and others helping her contain this power inside her.
"I have experienced this anger. Though, I doubt I have faced it in its entirety yet. Thank you again for further explaining my situation Hannah."
She bows her head a bit to the criminal finding it strange to have respect for an individual that is locked away for some misdeed. However, Elyss is probably not far away herself from being locked away. One mistake with this power is all that's needed to get her put away.
"I will try to not... end up here. Though, I was wondering on what exactly you have done to end up here."
Her head tilts a bit more as she looks at the woman who seemed too nice to have done something horrible, but the outside appearance can hold a many of ugliness within. It is probably a bit rude to ask for such specifics, but Elyss finds herself intrigued with this conversation. Everyone has their story. She has a sudden want to learn more about Hannah and hers.
Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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