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Thu Nov 07, 2019 8:12 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Eh? Bowing? Well then. Elyss was a bit unsure about such humilities in this particular situation, but if Midori wished to treat her as such, the redhead would not spoil her hospitality. Though, beyond simply simplicities, Elyss couldn’t help but notice the armory decorating the walls. Such diverse amount weaponry lined up all over verifying Midori’s claims at being a weaponsmith. Elyss is unsure how to feel about such besides that she’d not wish to be on the pointy end of any of them. As a person who usually has her fists lodged into someone’s head, she’s probably missing the beauty of creating weapons of sorts; the pride Midori probably feels when she makes something unique with her bare hands. All Elyss really knows is how to break things never being one for fine arts or craftsmanship. These details are wasted on her eyes, and she feels somewhat guilty for it. Still, she wonders what use a weapon is if it cannot maim and kill. And, that thought sends shivers down her spine wondering if Midori has ever used her creations herself. How powerful is the host of this home?

Well, such thoughts are best kept secret. There is no point in angering the woman who saved her, brought her to her home, and is about to feed her for no self gain at all. Though, maybe there is some ulterior motive that Elyss has yet to realize. Either way, it’s not like she could do anything about it if Midori decided to play some twisted game. There’s an odd sense of a power disbalance within this home. Elyss feels she’s incapable of defending herself; definitely not with her arm missing and her Zanpakuto far from her person. All she can do is move into the living room and sit in one of the many chairs feeling a bit restless about her current situation. Midori said she can help her with her arm. Is this going to be something similar with Takehiko? The redhead wonders just how far healing can go. Such ability to mend something that is no longer there? How powerful is Midori she wonders once more as she rises struggling to feel comfortable at all.

She finds herself following after Midori poking her head into the kitchen to gaze at the woman in curiosity to what is occuring. Just her luck to have run into some kind of super cannibal or diabolical witch, but those are truly childish thoughts. Yet, a person will think how they think at the most inappropriate times. Her stomach is also wondering what may be occurring in the kitchen. Curiosity and hunger; a dangerous combination.


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Fri Nov 08, 2019 10:02 am


MIDORI Sugiura

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Preparing a meal for her newfound guest, Midori went through a series of thoughts as to what she would want as a meal. Truth be told, she didn't particularly know whether or not the crimson-haired woman would welcome a spicy or seasoned meal being in a desert for so long. Assuming that she would be against any form of food seemed foolhardy at best, however. Why not cook a variety of things and let her pick from what she desired?

Midori held her hands out, weaving her fingers within mystical patterns as she guided the ingredients onto a cooking board and immediately utilized her magic to make this process an easier one than if she cooked by hand. The first meal that was prepared was a plate of rice pilaf, followed by some sauteed beef and grilled chicken.

If she was against that, Midori had a contingency plan in the form of soup and plates of vegetables. Preparing the plates, Midori immediately sensed Elyss's presence and turned towards her, smiling as she walked towards her, with a feigned expression of disappointment not meant to be taken seriously.

"Couldn't wait for the food, I see. Heh. Does it smell that good?"

Midori smiled and poked her nose, before going over and grabbing a ladle. Walking back towards Elyss she held the spoonful of soup before her.

"Well! If you're going to enter a woman's kitchen unannounced, you might as well tell her how she's doing so far."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Nov 10, 2019 7:24 am; edited 3 times in total
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Lost and Found - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost and Found

Fri Nov 08, 2019 10:29 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

What a fantastic sight to one’s inexperienced eyes. Has Elyss ever seen such a display of magic used so easily and for simple activities. Not even the impressive Ulv has used such an intricate control over fine objects as Midori who commands the food and cooking utensils at her leisure. Well, is magic the correct word? It is simply a different application over the Reishi in the world, isn’t it? Such as Hadō. Though, Elyss has never seen a human do so with such ease without any need for incantations. It makes her feel slightly odd and wonder if she could learn to do the same, but she knows she isn’t one for magic or Hadō. She enjoys using her hands far too much to rely on abilities to perform any duties. Of course, she should have known she wouldn’t have been able to simply spectate without being noticed. Her Reiatsu is bare for any to pick up on.

Though, when she was discovered, she felt herself jump slightly and look a bit flustered to having been caught peeking. Yes. She is somewhat hungry with the amount of energy she has used throughout this, the amount of trauma she has suffered, and not to mention the fact her body had healed itself using Midori’s energy. All that combined has her extremely famished and ready to chow down on pretty much anything. So, she gives a slight nod to Midori with a little nervous smile and a shrug of her shoulders as she steps further in right when the other brought over a spoon of soup.

Oh, the idea of tasting it like this is surely something Ulv would fantasize about before taking her thoughts too far into erogenous areas. No doubt the woman would have also spoken whatever BDSM contraction her head came up with without regulation. Hearing Midori speak about how she pretty much has to taste it, Elyss just gulps silently and leans in some catching the spoon into her mouth and slurping the soup within the small curved surface down her throat before her onyx eyes started to gleam with wonderment.

“Ish good!”

She blurts out rather sloppily with some of the soup still in her mouth before catching herself and blushing a bit. Oh gosh. She really let herself slip a bit there, but she’s sure the reaction will be pleasing to Midori. Now, Elyss is ready to taste more of the woman’s cooking. Her stomach aches for more nourishment.

“When will… the food be ready?”


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Sat Nov 09, 2019 6:15 am


MIDORI Sugiura

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Elyss was positively adorable in the eyes of the raven-haired woman as she observed her cute reaction towards the taste of her food. She appeared so childish and even the way her personality came across was one that would've caused any mother to squeal with maternal glee.

"You came at just the right time. You can find somewhere to sit down and I shall bring the food to you."

Midori returned towards where most of the meals were and deftly prepared many plates of food for Elyss as well as one for herself. If Elyss had chosen her area of choice, Midori would meet her there and they would be able to learn more about the other and Midori could gain a better understanding of this woman named Elyss. Handing her the plates of food by the couch, Midori would sit across from her as she sat down with her own meal and observed the redhead.

"I know you seem to be very hungry, so feel free to eat until your heart's content. As you eat, we can learn more about the other."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sun Nov 10, 2019 4:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lost and Found - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost and Found

Sat Nov 09, 2019 9:11 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

No doubt she proved to be amusing in some form or fashion. Anyone would feel happy about having what they cooked praised with such enthusiasm. Elyss feels that Midori is harboring some other thoughts about the redhead’s reaction though. How many times has Elyss been called cute during her more absent-minded moments such as this. For such a hardass, she easily switches from cold to warm unconsciously. It’s been hard for her to actually keep herself stoic in many situations like she used to.

Her only reaction to Midori is a slow nod of her head followed by her slipping away into the living room taking a seat quickly onto the couch. Food… That’s her headspace right now. Lost of lots of food. She’s ready to chow down.


She hears herself muttering a bit when Midori finally stepped out from the kitchen with an arsenal of plates. To be honest, Elyss’ mind is far from talking until her stomach is suitably satisfied. Maybe she’ll be a bit more open for small talk and describing herself a bit more then. Maybe she’d rather not dive that deep into her personal life.

“Thank you for the food.”

She says before actually chowing down showing a bit of her unsanitary side with the ferocity that she ate with. What is a girl supposed to do when she’s hungry? Eat properly? Please. Besides, the fact that she only has her left hand just makes it all the more a mess. Of course she’s able to use both her hands due to her training and such, but her left is obviously less coordinated than her right, so her spoonfuls usually drop back onto the plate which just makes her eat more annoyed and such.



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Lost and Found - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost and Found

Sun Nov 10, 2019 4:57 am


MIDORI Sugiura

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Judging by Elyss's reactions to the taste of her food, it was abundantly clear that the crimson-haired woman could not wait for a second longer to finally consume a meal. Staring at Elyss, Midori could not help but chuckle as she watched her eat the meal in a relentless fashion.

Midori did not judge her for her lack of etiquette; the woman was missing an arm and before she came along, she was on the verge of suffering an unenviable death in the desert.

In contrast, Midori ate her food with the grace of a noblewoman, neatly slicing into a portion of the grilled chicken she had prepared before bringing it towards her mouth and chewing it softly, in the space of a single set of motions. Midori continued to observe Elyss as she ate. Deciding that it would be awkward to eat in silence, she decided it would only be proper to spark a conversation first.

"It fills a woman with happiness to know others enjoy her cooking so much. Admittedly, I think this is one of the few times I've ever prepared a meal for someone in my forgery. This is usually where I go whenever inspiration strikes me to forge a weapon. Perhaps once the arm is fixed, I'll give you a sword as well, fellow wanderer," Midori quipped humorously as she continued to consume her meal.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Tue Nov 12, 2019 7:54 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lost and Found - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost and Found

Mon Nov 11, 2019 7:55 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Munch munch. Chew chew. Elyss is busy filling her empty stomach with food. She doesn’t just feel tired physically, but it’s like her energy reserves have been hit hard as well. It’s comparable to an empty canister of water. You fill it all the way up, and that’s the end of it, but then, suddenly, there’s another canister and another canister, and you have to fill those up too. That’s how Elyss feels right now. It’s as if she has more canisters to fill then she did before. A clear sign that the redhead has grown in power from her expenditures in life. So, she doesn’t spare anything on her plate eating with a necessity that many do not normally show.

Though, when Midori spoke up, Elyss had to force herself to slow down just a bit to be more of a guest than she is at the moment. Even though Midori is clearly happy that someone is enjoying her food to such an extent, it would still be rude to not give conversation back to the host. So, with a mighty gulp and a minor beating of her chest to help get some of the stuck food down, she sighs heavily and tilts her head at Midori with some meat on her chin. She blinks a bit tilting her head at the suggestion of receiving a new sword. Then, she turns her head around looking at all the weapons hanging along the walls and has a slight glimmer in her gaze. However, she remembers that she already has two swords back home that are waiting for her return, and that thought saddens her somewhat, but it also feels a bit rude to deny Midori the chance to create and do what she loves. Already, the woman has been taken out of her comfort zone by cooking for Elyss. Why not allow her the chance to do something more familiar?

“Okay. If you really want to make me a weapon, I won’t turn you down.”

Elyss shrugs and moves to scratch the back of her head.

“I’ve never had anyone make anything for me though besides a meal, so I’m a bit nervous about agreeing to that, but seeing how you love forging, I feel it may be a bit more rude to turn the offer down.”

She gives a weird smile before picking at her food. She has a thought in her head, but she doesn’t speak it immediately as she resumed eating, albeit, a bit slower.



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Tue Nov 12, 2019 8:36 am


MIDORI Sugiura

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Midori nodded with soft affirmation as she continued to consume her food, humored by Elyss's answer to her offer. Even though Midori had often fought on the battlefield, in a different timeline than this, she imagined herself as a world-renowned blacksmith crafting weapons of the finest make for her brothers in arms. There was a pronounced joy she found in writing outlines within her mind of mystical weaponry.

She could not properly decipher where her passion for the forge had originated, only that it filled her with elation beyond most things in this world. The joy she held for her weapons was akin to a parent who found pride in knowing they raised their children to be great men and women of the world.

The decorated swords and spears that adorned her wall served as a testament of her fervor. The creation of weaponry was second nature to her, she valued forging weapons as much as she did fighting a battle.

Midori nodded and finished her plate as she kept her gaze on Elyss, continuing to speak.

"Well, after you finish your meals, I could show you how amazing the divine process of creating a mystical weapon can be."

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Lost and Found - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost and Found

Tue Nov 12, 2019 9:58 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

How would Elyss understand what each weapon meant to Midori? How could she understand the blood, sweat, and tears that were probably shedded during each item’s creation and birth? She couldn’t. She can’t. It’s that simple. As someone who has practically nothing to her name besides her own fists and swords, she has nothing to truly be proud of. Yet, that doesn’t matter to her. She is fine with being on the sidelines; an unimportant individual in this evermoving world. As long as she is able to keep the cogs moving and make someone happy even if they do not thank her or acknowledge her, she is content with her life. The idea of creating something as special as these weapons has never appeared in her mind. She grows strong for others. Not for herself, but she must worry about herself to ensure she can save others. It is a strange road, but one that she has chosen to travel. Has her thoughts changed during her time training and growing? Possibly somewhat, but the desire to protect people remain.

“Okay. After I’m done.”

She continues eating with not much left for her to swallow, and it only takes a few more minutes before everything set before her has been emptied. She groans lightly rubbing at her stomach. That was good. It was fulfilling, and now, she is ready to go with Midori to experience her process of creation. To be honest, Elyss has no real idea what is soon to occur. Is she going to be asked what she prefers made? Ask about abilities and such? Her mind is empty on her needs or wants. Still, this will be an experience she should most likely not turn down. So, she rises and stretches a bit filling a bit bloated, but that is the best feeling to have right now even with her right arm missing.

“Lead the way Midori. I’d like to watch this process first hand.”



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Lost and Found - Page 2 Empty Re: Lost and Found

Mon Nov 18, 2019 5:49 am


MIDORI Sugiura

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Midori was delighted to hear Elyss confirm her interest in observing Midori as she forged a weapon into creation. To reiterate, though she was fond of the battlefield and the thrill it brought her.

Clashing blades with the enemy seemed to pale in comparison to forging one. Midori continued to gaze at Elyss as she finished off the proportions of the meals that were prepared for her.

The raven-haired woman rose from her seat with a solemn nod as she walked towards her forge, guiding Elyss around the house until they reached the lower corridor. when they arrived, Elyss would automatically be greeted by a lion familiar guarding her armory.

The lion familiar gazed at Elyss with a raised eyebrow, evaluating the woman before nodding solemnly. He made his way towards his master and bore his fangs as he nipped at Midori's hand. The raven-haired woman warmly pressed her hand against his head and brushed her fingers through his mane.

"It has been some time since you've visited, Master. Years. Far be it from me to judge you for your actions, but I thought you had died. I have truly missed you."

"I know, Leon. I lost my way in life... but it fills me with joy to know that you waited for me to return. My armory looks the same as it has so many years ago..." Midori warmly brought the lion's head into her embrace.

"Indeed, You created me with the purpose of guarding your treasures - nay, your life's work against thieves. Have I done well?"

"Indeed, you have," she replied as she ruffled his mane before allowing him to finally roam freely around her house.

With that, Midori had placed her hands against the walls, illuminating the room with her touch, revealing a myriad of weapons, lining the walls like pictures to a wall. There were dazzling swords that shone with a golden light, spears bedecked with jade amulets and other mesmerizing stones, and even beyond such regal weapons, there were bows and arrows that appeared as if they had been materialized from the pages of mythology. Axes and hammers that were of such abnormal shape that one could feel their power and might; one of the hammers glowed with blue electrical sparks as it flew towards Midori's hand.

"I do hope I'll be able to amaze you. Admittedly, I may be a bit rusty."
Midori's gaze returned towards Elyss as she motioned for her to follow her a few more steps closer.

Midori walked towards her forge as she swung the hammer around within her hand as she turned around.

"Which weapon do you prefer? Or, perhaps the more detailed question would be, which weapon are you fond of the most? For me... I value the creation of all weapons." Midori rose the hammer valiantly into the sky as her fierce amber eyes bore down on Elyss.

"In mythological times, heroes of their country's tales were always equipped with a mystical weapon, the ones who were not gods or divine beings but men who felt human. Even the gods had mighty weapons, too. In my youngest years, I loved to read mythology and I think that is what filled me with such admiration for crafting them. King Arthur and Excalibur, Nuadu and Fragarach, Fergus mac Róich and Caldabolg, the Spear of destiny that pierced the flesh of Jesus Christ, Odin, and Gungrir..."

Midori chuckled as she sheepishly gazed at Elyss.

"I apologize... I got a little carried away there. "

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:35 pm; edited 1 time in total
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