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Lost and Found Empty Lost and Found

Thu Oct 10, 2019 12:09 pm

Dying Kishimoto

Elyss Kishimoto

Lost and Found JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

What is this place? There is nothing but sand, yet, it is not Hueco Mundo. No, it is one of the many deserts that litter the world; the sun blazing down with little mercy for those who inhabits the hot sands beneath it. For miles around, there is no signs of life besides the Buzzards that hover the skies watching for dead prey that have fallen in these lands. Their current sights, however, are set on one individual that lays still down below.

Elyss Kishimoto: Shinigami now turned Vizard had dropped off here in one of the many dunes in the desert. Unconscious and laying on her face is her current status. Unconscious and wounded horribly; her red mane splayed on over her person. She is only in the tattered remains of her gym clothes; ripped black spandex shorts and a nigh destroyed black sports bra. What doesn’t help is the irritated sand that attacks her bare skin leaving scratches here and there as the wind blows into her broken form. Under and around her, the sand bleeds red, but it is not the source of this coloring as it is soon seen the missing right forearm to the elbow of the downed redhead; the wound sputtering sticky red liquid onto the ground at random intervals signaling how it is far from closed or treated.

She is in critical condition. How she got this way is a mystery to probably all except her and a certain other. How she got from Minatumi Harbour to here is also a mystery to all who can not sense her the strange addition to her spiritual presence; a sickening twisted cruelty to her usual hot aura. Though, there is little to sense from her nearly drained and injured body. Death is imminent for her as her wounds continue to bleed and sand enter irritating her person and threatening her with disease and infection. Her time is short if there is no grace showed to her; no mercy to bring her away from that encroaching light at the end of a long tunnel.

Coding By: [THEFROST]
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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Mon Oct 14, 2019 1:30 pm


MIDORI Sugiura

Lost and Found 6EdIfMt

The harsh conditions of the desert made it such a perilous location that no ordinary soul wanted to travel, regardless of whether they were superhuman or another otherworldly race altogether. Overwhelming humidity and the difficulty of mobility through the sand made it an absolutely inhabitable area for your ordinary superhuman. Of course, the raven-haired woman soaring through the air was clearly far from ordinary. The blazing sun shone brightly as it graced her skin, suffusing her body with radiant energy. The individual soaring in the sky happened to be Midori Sugiura, a warrior who had recently disappeared from the public eye.

Reuniting with Shadin and her sister had led the raven-haired woman to contemplate her path in life, ruminating over the events that transpired. Her sister had illuminated her mind to the point of causing Midori to seek seclusion, all so she could find herself; gaining peace of mind so that her anger would never lead her to commit the same unspeakable act in the forest. To be sure, even if she intended to temper her fury, she likewise had no intent to shed herself of that image entirely. It was in her blood, after all.

As she soared through the sky, Midori's eyebrows furrowed into a curious expression, as she witnessed a group of vultures flying towards... a body? Midori followed the vultures in silence, reading their movements as they landed around the body of a crimson-haired woman who appeared to be in critical condition.

Landing quietly beside Elyss, Midori tilted her head in confusion as she wondered what had happened that led this woman to a desert, especially in this damaged state. Midori's fierce presence was enough to scare the flesh-hungry birds away from Elyss.

The wounds were deep and her body was battered, and she was missing an arm. Midori inhaled a deep breath as she placed her hands towards Elyss's body to gauge how deep these wounds were. As she examined the body, her hands ended up being covered in a lot of blood; Each wound was as severe as one would imagine, including the area where her forearm once was. Even in this intense heat, her body felt as if life was truly draining away from it.

Midori could not recover an arm out of anywhere but her supernatural abilities as a soul-evo - as well as her unique element of the sun and its conceptual nature -would allow her to nurse this woman back to good health. To wit, Midori did not particularly care that she was helping an unknown stranger. As an honorable warrior worth anything, she would not simply allow someone to pass if she could easily prevent their death.

Placing her hand towards the sky, Midori forged a sharp knife out of thin air, bringing it towards her own arm, slicing deeply into her skin. She kneeled over Elyss, pouring her own blood over the wounds in her flesh and the area where her forearm was severed. Her blood as a Soul-Evo would serve as a healing agent, closing the wounds before any more blood could pour out. In addition, she placed her hand around the forearm wound, covering it within even more of her mystical essence as she gazed at Elyss, still unconscious. To fully ensure her wounds would not linger, Midori clapped her hands together and tapped into Sol, applying a healing technique from her repertoire.

Amaterasu - Benevolent Restoration


These methods of healing should revitalize Elyss's body to the point where she can easily walk, stand, and operate. She may likely feel the sting of her missing arm but being alive should matter more in a situation like this. If she wanted a replacement arm, Midori could rip her own forearm off and surgically attach it to the area, but this would suffice for now. Midori sat back and watched over her body, waiting for Elyss to wake up, hoping she had not arrived before it was too late.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:13 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:12 pm

Dying Kishimoto

Elyss Kishimoto

Lost and Found JCRrxmK

Song: N/a STUFF - Artist: N/A STUFF - Words: N/A

Death. All must one day feel its caring embrace. Even if that day is years and years in the future, one day, they will be forced to accept that the end of their journey has come. It is a scary thought; a thought Elyss had never truly thought about. She knew her antics were extremely dangerous; especially for a person as weak as herself in a world full of supernatural beings that murdered people at her strength level with ease. Yet, she never thought about what would happen if she were killed. Death was never a factor in her mind when she walked out in front of a crowd in defiance or called out an individual for their foolishness. She could blame her anger issues, but deep down, she knew there was more to it than that. Ignorance. She was ignorant to her own frailty or just didn’t care enough to let it stop her from speaking her mind of letting her do what she thought right. However, she has been put in her place time and time again, and every time she experiences someone stronger than her, her own faults became blatant to even herself.

That was why she began training, yes? She was forced to accept her trials due to Ulv opening her eyes. There was no way she could continue letting her rage blind her sense for protecting the weak. And, from there, she continued to meet powerful individuals who called out her faults: Arianda, Henrex, Shadin, Claire. She saw how far she had to go, experienced the sea of rage she’d have to traverse, countless days of sweat, blood, and tears she’d have to endure. She had thought herself ready, but everytime she let herself think she was growing, a voice in the back of her head would remind her of the anger, the rage, the insanity that she truly was. And, that voice had one in the end. She had lost all control; let herself fall to the monster under her bed. She almost killed someone she thought she could have been friends with. She let everyone down. Now, all that’s left for her to do is die.

That light. She had read that there is usually a light at the end of the tunnel when one is nearing death. Only a light they could see though. She had no body, but she felt she could move closer to it. She could feel every step she took. The light is warm. It shows her the journey she had taken to reach this point; even the life she lived before becoming a plus. In the back of her mind, she could hear the old man who sat upon that throne calling her name pleading for her to not go, but maybe her death is for the best. That way, she wouldn’t be able to hurt anyone else. The Hollow within her couldn’t hurt anyone else. The light is warm, really warm like a blazing sun caressing her body. She can feel herself rising as she gets closer, and soon, the light enveloped her.


It’s bright and hot. She feels thirsty, hungry, and sore all over. Yet, she also feels like she can run a marathon. Onyx eyes open staring up at the sun and the buzzards in the sky.


She’s alive? Or is this some kind of Heaven? That’s not how this works however. If she had died, she would have been put back into the Soul Cycle. She wouldn’t be Elyss right now, but she is. She’s alive and OH MY FUCKING GOD!

She suddenly sits up feeling pain run up her right side burning her arm into her shoulder and runs through her chest as she moves her left hand to grab at her arm. That’s when she realizes something rather important. She’s missing her right arm up to the elbow. She sits there shocked and confused for a moment before the memory of how she lost it came to her, but she doesn’t say anything about it as she feels that pain reminding her that she is missing her right arm.

“Ah! Shit! Fuck that hurts.”

She curses and decides to move her eyes around noting the sand all around and the woman beside her. Woman beside her?

She jumps back trying to kick herself away from the stranger surprised by their presence. Though, it’s sand, and she succeeds in kicking a lot of it up into the air and onto both women as she tried to make space between them realizing she wouldn’t get far and just stops just a foot or two away.

“Who the hell are you?”

Coding By: [THEFROST]

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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Wed Oct 16, 2019 1:33 pm


MIDORI Sugiura

Lost and Found 6EdIfMt

Midori tilted her head in confusion at the woman's reaction, yet smiled warmly as she gazed at her visage, now reignited with the flame of vitality. She would not have to bury a body in the desert. Of all the graves a warrior deserved, a desert full of harsh sand and overbearing heat was certainly last among the list of suggestions Midori would encourage.

A playful rise of her hand to her face to block the sand from hitting her face was meant to indicate that Midori had no intention of harming Elyss. The knife-wound created in Midori's arm had healed within seconds as she continued to examine Elyss, to confirm that all the fatal wounds she had suffered, had been healed entirely.

Midori turned her head to gaze at Elyss as she nodded, introducing herself with a composed reply.

"My name is Midori--Midori Sugiura. I'm not sure if a death scene in the desert was what you were aiming for, so I revitalized your body with my own blood and sunlit spirit energy. As a fellow warrior to another, seeing someone die when you can prevent their death is not something I take lightly... which is why I healed you. Now that I've introduced myself. Mind telling me who you are and what happened to you?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Fri Nov 08, 2019 9:13 am; edited 7 times in total
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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Wed Oct 16, 2019 11:37 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Wait. What? Revitalized her body with blood and sun energy? Now, that sounds as wacky as Ulv in general. Well, Arianda too. Actually, Elyss shouldn’t be surprised when she hears someone has a power she’s never thought or heard of before. What she should be concerned with is the fact that her life has been saved by this stranger; a stranger named Midori.

No. Death in the desert is something she would have liked to avoid which she did due to Midori. Elyss remembers how she ended up like this. That fight between her and Abigail. She winces feeling her right arm throb and places her free hand onto her arm looking down at the closed stub. She wonders if she has lost her arm forever or if someone will somehow make this all better. She remembers the last time she was healed, and surely, another miracle such as that can be performed. It’d be a bit weird to have two swords but only one hand.

Anyway, she was asked a question. It is probably best to respond. She was saved. This will be how she thanks her saviour some.

“There was a struggle. I guess I kind of won. I’m still alive.”

She doesn’t really want to get into the details about how her inner Hollow took control over her body and almost killed a person who wanted nothing more than to help her grow stronger. Yeah. Those are memories she’d not want to get too invested in for now. She knows she’ll be forced to face the music eventually.

“I’m Elyss by the way. Thanks for… saving my life. What luck, huh? Where… are we anyway?”

Yeah. That’s the last thing she can recall. Something had opened up; a sort of dimensional portal or gateway that ate her up before she lost consciousness. Just like when that Hollow dinosaur attacked her. She can’t recall the name as of now, but she gives Midori a questioning look wondering what all this sand is about.



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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Sat Nov 02, 2019 7:36 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Lost and Found 6EdIfMt

Midori listened to Elyss with curious focus as she promptly provided her with an explanation of what led her all the way to a desert. Upon hearing this vague answer, Midori could not help but wonder if the battle had taken place in the desert or she was boomed through a portal.

The raven-haired woman continued to gaze at Elyss with a soft expression as she became accustomed to her revitalized body. Wounds aside, Midori found Elyss to be quite the gorgeous woman on the eyes, missing arm aside. Long crimson hair, a voluptuous pair of breasts, and the sense of a fiery spirit within. The naughtier part of her spirit wanted to flirt so much, but she quickly discarded the thought as she smiled at Elyss.

It felt good to be the savior for once, to play the role of a heroine saving the life of another. In the past, it was once second-nature to extend such kindness and on her path to recovering from what she felt to be her beloved sister's "death", she had admittedly lost her way. Midori ruffled Elyss's hair as she nodded her head and spoke in a tone that was as warm as the energy she had used to heal Elyss's body.

"My name is Midori Sugiura. Heh, I suppose it is luck, huh? I am glad I came across this part before it was too late. You nearly became grub for a group of vultures. In any case, I can help transport you somewhere else that is more comfortable and not so full of sand. If you're hungry, I'll even cook you something or treat you to a meal. Have any locations in mind?"

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Mon Nov 04, 2019 3:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Sat Nov 02, 2019 1:00 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

She didn’t bother being annoyed by the hand in her hair petting her head even though it made her feel rather small in front of this stranger. She’s not that young that she’d find such things all too comforting. Her thoughts are still troubled, but she preferred to keep them down and to herself for now. This should be a more uplifting occasion considering she has not lost her life this day despite being so near to death.

Elyss knows not of how Midori is feeling thinking the woman simply a kind individual. It’s not her place to question the morals of her savior… yet. Elyss doesn’t know what all this woman has been through, and right now, that doesn’t matter to her. What does matter is the prospect of food and a place to rest different from the itchy desert floor. It was smart to not comment on Elyss’ unwanted good looks either. She’s not in the mood for such right now.

“I want to…”

She pauses thinking of where she could go. Minatumi? She thinks and figures that that may not be the best for her right now. She doesn’t know what’s going on inside of herself, and she definitely doesn’t want to appear there with such issues within. Of course Ulv would help her, but she wants to figure things out on her own for right now. Besides, this is the perfect chance to get out of the mansion and explore more of the world.

“Well… I don’t know anywhere… I’m a bit of a wanderer.”

What a lie, but she hopes Midori buys into it. She gives a small weary smile while shrugging her shoulders.

“I’d also appreciate it if you knew someplace I could get a hand from.”

What a horrid joke at her own expense as she looks to her stump and flails it weakly.


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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Mon Nov 04, 2019 4:31 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Lost and Found 6EdIfMt

Midori had anticipated an inconclusive answer: There were still strangers to one another, after all, regardless of whether Midori had rescued her away from death merely moments ago. Of course, there were other locations she could transport them to with ease, providing Elyss with all that she would need to make a true recovery from the harrowing damage she had suffered from her battle. Midori knew exactly where they could go without attracting too much attention.

It would be her own home, one that she personally built for herself away from the home she may have shared with her husband. It was her very own blacksmith hub that allowed Midori to forge her weapons without any form of distraction whatsoever. It resided in a secluded mountain outside of Karakura Town. Through traveling here, she would solve the food and arm problem with equal precision. Thus decided, Midori turned to Elyss and nodded.

"That makes two of us on the wanderer front," she said with a hearty chuckle as she placed her fingers forward, drawing a series of lines that opened a gateway that would lead to her home.

"If you're fine with it, you can recover at my home. It's a place where I enjoy forging many weapons but also good for seclusion and relaxation. To answer your question about the arm, you've met the right person. I am no healer by any stretch of the term, but I am quite familiar with the concept of healing magic, to the point that I do believe I can provide you with a new limb."

Stepping through the gateway, Midori held out her hand and gazed at Elyss with an inquisitive stare.

"If you want to come with me, of course. Don't worry, I won't bite."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Wed Nov 06, 2019 7:25 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Don’t bite? Don’t bite! Elyss could only roll her eyes at such reassuring words. She truly felt safe with Midori. A true woman to woo anyone’s unsteady heart. A bit of a lackluster viewpoint on things considering Midori is about to feed her and give her a new arm, but Elyss just got weird vibes from this woman. It’s something akin to that feeling Ulv gives her at times like she’s prey to some hungry beast, and that hunger is something much more erotic than one would normally thinkg. Still, she’s not going to give up this opportunity just because someone feels like they like to party when able. That’d be hypocritical considering who all she knows on that Harbour and what they all do.

With a sigh, she reaches up and takes that hand gripping it firmly with her only good hand. Elyss’ hand is rather soft considering how violent in life she is. One would expect something rough with scratches, hard skin, and lack of moisture. But, Elyss’ hand feels oddly too feminine for her brash nature. With the help, she rises from her spot and looks into the gateway wondering just where this home is. A forgery, huh? Sounds interesting. Elyss wonders what all this woman creates. She doesn’t look like a normal weaponsmith, but looks are always deceiving. This redhead is a true testament to that. No one would think of her as the brutish savage she is until they finally see her in action.

“Well, my fellow wanderer. Let us travel to your lovely abode, shall we? I’m putting my trust in you, so don’t abuse it. I’m not that easy despite missing an arm.”

She smirks lightly at her bit of humor, but it’s obvious that her guard is up somewhat. Midori may have saved her, but people can have ulterior motives, and Elyss will have to be careful to not fall for a simple trick that anyone could pull by showing a bit of compassion. Either way, the idea of getting her arm back this easily is too hard to give up, and food is truly needed for her stomach is angered by her lack of nutrition.



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Lost and Found Empty Re: Lost and Found

Thu Nov 07, 2019 7:01 am


MIDORI Sugiura

Lost and Found 6EdIfMt

Midori smiled with a humorous expression in her visage as she guided her through the gateway, transporting them through a high-speed tunnel of sorts that would lead them to Midori's forgery. With a reassuring smile, Midori held onto her hand as they arrived precisely within the center of her home. When they arrived, Midori had immediately directed that Elyss make herself comfortable. Even with healing Elyss back to full health, she didn't want to take any risks that would prevent her from conducting a spell that would grant her a new arm and ease her back into full recovery.

Midori snapped her fingers as a golden light shined brightly within her house, revealing walls outfitted with a myriad of weapons - spears, swords, axes, arrows, and even weapons of indeterminate shape and size. Beyond those weapons, her house was definitely what one would consider comfortable and relaxing. The living room was filled with chairs made of the finest wood and a table fit for a banquet. There was a wide couch with space enough to fit groups of people and if Elyss wished to remain warm, there was a fireplace somewhere in the center. Midori turned to Elyss and bowed.

"Welcome to my lovely abode. Now, allow me to prepare you a meal."

With those words, Midori had left Elyss to her devices and entered the kitchen, preparing food and drink.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s

Last edited by Iori[Chronos] on Sat Nov 09, 2019 5:57 am; edited 1 time in total
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