Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Mon Nov 18, 2019 11:10 am

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Here they go to the forge. Elyss has no idea what to expect. She knows little of how weapons are created or where. She is completely under Midori’s guidance in this situation. Then, there is a lion, and Elyss is quite perplexed by that. Though, Midori is quick to get comfortable with the beast, and it even talked to her. Master? Elyss is bewildered by the fact that Midori has a talking lion. Well, at least it didn’t attack her. Elyss isn’t sure Midori would want her to get in a fight with her pet. Would Elyss even win? If this lion was tasked with protecting this place, no doubt it’s probably capable of handling many who would even attempt to disturb Midori’s masterpieces.

Elyss did gain some questions however that she may or may not ask depending on how this situation develops. Her mind is still somewhat occupied with thinking about what kind of weapon she would even want made for herself, but after a bit of conversing between Midori and her pet whose name is Leon, it’s finally time to enter the forge.

Elyss is rather awestruck with the display of weapons along the walls. The living room was nice, but the forge has a splendor about it. A powerful feeling full of uniqueness, strength, brilliance, and mysticality. Midori’s explanation of her fascination with the lore of heroes and their weapon of choice makes sense with just a single look around. It is a bit breathtaking and intimidating all at the same time. Elyss didn’t even seem to care how Midori carried on about it finding it truly pleasant to hear another talk about their passion so easily.

She could only give a small humorous smile as her own mind wonders on how much it took to create each piece. Isn’t that what Ulv talks about? Doing something you enjoy. Let your passion speak for you. Action over inaction. Though, a problem lingers.

“I… I have no idea what to say. I’ve never thought about a weapon as such… Something so personal as to have a legend born around myself and the tool I weild. I suppose being a Shinigami has taught me that our weapon is literally an extension of ourselves. So, I suppose if I were to have something created, I would want it to be just that… an extension of myself, but…”

She lets her mind wander. Who is she? What would the ideal weapon for her be? And, she thinks about her Zanpakuto. She thinks about how it urges her to fight, to grow, and to conquer. Her weapon is an extension of herself, and it tells her just how battle hungry she is. It verifies her thirst for a challenge, and her want to be stronger than all around her. Though, she also realizes that her spirit has its issues. It is a mirror to her own ideals, beliefs, and fears. That old man is a her that has truly given in to their selfish desires, and that is not an individual she wishes to be. It is something she must work on, but if she were to have the ideal tool, it would be something powerful. Something that would express her wish to help the world. A tool of a tyrant used to protect.

“What do you think Midori? I am at a loss.”

Though, she has something in mind...



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Wed Jan 01, 2020 2:50 pm


MIDORI Sugiura

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Midori listened intently to the crimson-haired woman as she spoke her mind with solemn honesty. Come to think of it, since she was on the verge of death, Midori did not bother with learning about what Elyss was. Confirming that she was a Shinigami, Midori flashed a wistful smile as the woman finished expressing the feelings in her heart. Indeed, Zanpakuto were extensions of a death god’s soul. Representing them down to their very core.

For a moment, Midori idly wondered if crafting a weapon for Elyss would inhibit her on her path towards the enlightenment of what her own Zanpakuto wished to represent. No doubt, as Midori held the hammer in her fingers, she turned to Elyss and posed a question to her in return.

“Truth be told, Elyss… my advice is that perhaps crafting a weapon for you may not be the best idea. Tell me, do you know of your Zanpakuto’s name? It’s nature? Do you wish to know the mirror in your soul, the extension of who you are? I am no Shinigami but I am certain that most train in search of such illumination. It is a piece of their identity, after all. If you answer yes to any of these questions, then I have no intention of stifling you on that path.”

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Lost and Found - Page 3 Empty Re: Lost and Found

Wed Jan 01, 2020 3:30 pm

ポ ス ト を 開 始

Questions. Questions she can’t answer. Elyss looks down at the ground. There isn’t a lot to think about. What a strange thing to think about after the events that have occurred, not even a full day ago. Her Inner Hollow, her Zanpakuto… Does she even want to think about that right now? And, quickly, she realizes the answer to her own inner drama. At this very moment…

“No. I do not truly wish to know anything about my own soul. Not now. Not at this very moment. Maybe that will change the very next day. Maybe it will not, but I can tell I am not ready for such inner exercises.”

And, that that realization, she understands what exactly she would want for a blade that is truly hers.

“Can you create a sword that eats emotions?”

Now, that is a rather spontaneous thing to ask. She is asking if Midori can create a blade that manipulates emotions. Not just anyone’s emotions either. She isn’t looking to use this against people, but she is looking to use this against herself. If there is a weapon that she feels she needs in her life, it would be something that could help her contain her inner turmoil, control the anger that builds within her.

She looks up and raises a brow wondering just how capable Midori is. Of course, if the redhead is turned down, then that is that.



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