Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)
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- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)
Fri Apr 10, 2020 10:32 am
Helle Armstrong
Helle didn’t bother registering Ms. Aubur’s eyes. During her time reading and such, she learned of the Vizards. To be fair, she lived her life in a closed off area meaning she never learned how the world had changed in the past up to now where Hollows, Vizards, Shinigami, and Quincy could live in a strange harmony. She did not hate it however. The world is more peaceful because of it, but she does know the dangers that all sides still present if any were to step out of line. Wasn’t that the reason the Quincy were destroyed on multiple occasions? Acting up in a world that seemed more united in keeping the peace?
When Ms. Aubur had leapt from the roof, Helle was quick to follow. In all honesty, she felt strangely giddy with the idea of trying on something that could end up making her cute, maybe even sexy? Her, sexy? She’s never thought of such a thing. It’s always been to appear regal, powerful through example and actions. Her armor wasn’t for show but for protection. As if any would feel threatened by it. With her strength, she would be facing mountains, not peasants. Ignoring the blush comment, Helle followed Ms. Aubur inside her home. The question made her think about her own view of herself. Under all that authority and armor is just an uneasy 20 year old girl who had never experienced life like a normal child would have. Her mind switches repeatedly between her regalesque role and her youthful personality constantly, and right now, the desire to act her age seemed rather hard to contain.
“Hmm. I do not know actually. I have worn nothing more than my required outfits for my duties. However, if I must… direct our search… Maybe something… cute? Uhm... “
Oh, when they had entered the massive wardrobe, Helle actually felt overwhelmed by everything within it. Outfits she’s never seen, outfits she’d never dream of wearing, and outfits that she could feel herself wondering about how such a thing would look on her. Her blushing face is impossible to steer away from. Ms. Aubur did not seem like the one for such an advanced closet, but Helle is now a believer.
“Oh my… This is rather… a lot… Erm…”
Helle is actually at a loss for words.
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