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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:02 am
Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Ndl1dWe


A moment of respite. Between the ever present duties that she has and the looming war, Helle has found no time in her schedule to simply sit down and enjoy the passing of time. However, through some miracle, mostly her Liege allowing for everyone to have a break before the battle comes to fruition to prepare fully, Helle finds herself longing for nothing more than relaxation. It would do her no good to cramp up or fall due to exhaustion on the battlefield.

Why here of all places however? She could have relaxed in her room. Maybe she wanted to escape from her familiar setting, and maybe this is the only other location in the world that she actually has any form of familiarity with even if miniscule.

Armored boots step onto one of the many docks of the harbour as a fully armoured Helle finds her gaze sweeping over the city in wonder. The last time she was here, which was not too long ago, was simply to check on her Liege. She did not get to see much besides a small amount due to being greeted by the apparent mayor of the area. Helle felt that her presence here would surely garner the attention of Ms. Aubur, but that is fine. It may be strange that Helle is dressed this way, but that is simply due to her worry of enemy assaults. Yes. It’s not that she doesn’t have much to wear and is actually rather frightful being out in the world alone without any guidance. It’s not like it’s been five years since Helle has known fresh air, definitely not the fact she literally spent her whole life cooped up with little outside interaction.

A woman out of time, surely, but she will make the best of this. Ignoring the inquisitive look of the many civilians onto her armoured form, she begins wandering. Here and there, she sees stores and stalls and such she cannot quite place or understand if worth learning more of. It seemed as if people prefered allowing her her space as well, maybe it’s the fact she’s a six foot individual dressed in intimidating gear with her powerful presence made blatant for any to feel. It’s even impossible to tell her gender with her getup. Lucky her, for she’d rather hate having anyone look upon her form with lecherous eyes, much like Ms. Aubur had despite her hidden appearance. Ah. Is she lost? She’s unsure. She was lost when she first began her little tour.


Last edited by Siegharty on Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:44 am; edited 1 time in total
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Tue Apr 07, 2020 10:13 am

The Wolf


Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) 6EdIfMt

After a few minutes of wandering through the warm streets, Helle would be met with a sight not entirely relaxing or welcoming. A gigantic wolf would come bounding down the road, massive fangs jutting out of it's lips like a sabertooth and huge claws gripping the floor for greater traction to rush at the Quincy like it had just found it's prey. The appearance that was similar to a Hollow certainly didn't help things in any way either. What this creature was doing loose in the city was an enigma. Maybe it had just snuck in via Garganta and pounced at the first prey it saw.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:02 am
Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Ndl1dWe


How strange and concerning. Helle had thought prior that her presence would have alerted Ms. Aubur garnering the attention of the woman and bringing her to the Quincy’s location out of curiosity to why the blonde had arrived. Ah. Maybe that was too selfish of Helle to hypothesize. Most likely the Mayor had more important things to do with her time than appear randomly before the Quincy simply to assist her in finding her way around this area. Curse her meager ability with social interactions. It was duly possible for Helle to have found a capable individual to show her around the area. She only has herself to blame for her current situation. Though, it is not something impossible to solve.

However, before she went about taking care of her lost complication, the sudden stench of Hollow alerted her senses both physically and spiritually. It only took a second to focus her attention on the sudden wolf-like Hollow bowling down the road towards her in some crazed focused frenzy. Is this beast insane? That is a strong possibility. Not all Hollow are intelligent, but one would think them capable of sensing that this particular Quincy had far more power than an average citizen and would not be an easy meal for anything to partake in. Does her armor not warrant caution? No matter. A Hollow in Ms. Aubur’s city in such a manner? Helle shall handle this in place of Ms. Aubur.

Reaching into her side, she produced a small Quincy Cross gripping it in her metal palm before her Reiryoku flared calling forth Reishi in her surroundings to collect together forming a simple plain bow of blue and white light. Helle doesn’t have a personalized bow like most Quincy, but that does not make hers any less powerful simply due to her ability to control and manipulate Reishi. Pulling back from the base of the bow, an arrow forms that glowed with brilliance and killing intent. One shot? She hopes so. Causing damage to the surroundings is not something she desires. “So, please vanish from my sight.” She mutters under her breath waiting for the moment the wolf bore its fangs too close for comfort, and with a twitch of her fingers, the arrow would be released aimed precisely for the skull of the beast with the simple idea of piercing right through and leaving the wolf in two.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:08 am

The Wolf


Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) 6EdIfMt

Minatumi City was a great place for Quincy, given the incredible amounts of Reishi soaked into the very walls, and the ground, and the air itself. They could pull in far more than they could normally, and so the bow shot Helle was drawing back was an incredibly powerful one. Most hollows would vaporise in an instant were they hit with such a shot. Though this creature, took the arrow to the head and carried on as if Helle had thrown a hardened pea at it.

And then, it stopped running at her, and got down on it's belly, gesturing with it's large head to the Wolf's back. From this close proximity, the feel of Hollow was...different. It wouldn't set her teeth on edge like normal hollow energy, and instead felt artificial. Like it was a construct made by someone with Hollow Reiatsu rather than a Hollow in and of itself. It's approach had been highly suspect, but it seemed it was here to carry her somewhere, rather than try to eat her. Maybe the mayor had noticed her after all....

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:26 am
Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Ndl1dWe


“...” It would seem this Hollow held more power than she had originally thought. Maybe she should put more into her next arrow. Though, that didn’t seem an option as the thing barreled closer. Eh, she was more of a hand to hand individual. Her arrows were never anything spectacular despite the power they held.

Letting the bow dissipate into the air, her fingers flexed before forming fists ready to tackle the beast to the ground using her own body. Sadly, she did not have Serathiel with her, so she is left with her own devices. The fact this Hollow took an arrow from her without even flinching meant it was much stronger than one would initially expect. Shouldn’t Hollows of this strength show more mental prowess? It is somewhat alarming. However, she will not deter from protecting the people from this thing.

However, as she tightened her body to accept the Hollow’s charge, it simply stopped all together. Out of all her predictions, this was not considered at all. Helle, caught off guard by this sudden show of submission, didn’t even attack as the beast lied there feeling the strangeness of it. Did someone create this thing? It didn’t feel as natural as other Hollows she has seen. Did it want her to sit on it? Wait. Is this something that Ms. Aubur has brought to her? Helle recalled feeling a hint of Hollow energy from the mayor but thought nothing of it with her worry for her Liege. Strangely, things felt like they were adding up into some weird formula that equaled her actually getting someplace different than lost.

“Fine, but one mishap, and I’m snapping your neck.”

With visible contempt, she slipped herself onto the back of the giant wolf and awaited for whether it took her someplace valuable or desired a gruesome death.


Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Wed Apr 08, 2020 9:58 am


There was a bark that could have been a primal laugh at Helle's threat, and then it stood up once the woman was on his back. Bristling and tensing it's muscles, it flew off down the street, considerably faster than it had arrived, and shockingly agile for a thing of such incredible size. Arriving promptly at the Manor on the hill, it leapt into the air with powerful muscles and landed on the roof, slowing down and then dropping to it's belly again in front of a woman who was wearing a bikini, sunglasses, and not much else.

"Hey darling. You come to see me about a cute dress to woo your Liege with, or is this something more important?" Ulv asked, not sitting up from the sunchair she was lounging on, but still giving her the deserved attention.


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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:44 am
Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Ndl1dWe


What a bumpy ride. The beast could have shown some consideration for the woman on its back that held onto its hairy hide so she wouldn’t fall off. It is a bit surprising how fast the beast flew down the street carrying her and her armour on its back, fascinating really. Though, her care for such theatrics fall short moments before both beings find themselves sailing through the sky in one simple, but mighty, leap. Wait! Helle didn’t show any concern about the sudden height, but it was the sole fact that she did not expect to soar as they are that has her voice suddenly shrill with tension. Yet, it lasted for only a few seconds before they touched down onto the roof of some manor. Helle, however, still seemed on edge despite closing her own voice off, and with a growl and a few concerning racial slurs about masked imbeciles and untrained mutts, she got off of the Hollow wolf noticing the familiar woman in nothing more than a bikini.


Out of everything that just occured, the first thing she is greeted with is some sleazy plan of tempting a man who sealed his own emotions off. Yes. There is something more important! What is that more important thing? Helle has no idea. That fact caused her to blush under her helmet as the idea of her Liege paying her more heed based on her looks filtered through her thoughts. Curses. UGH! What is she here for again? Oh… Oh yes. She came to relax and enjoy a day without the worries of her duties. She doesn’t look the part however which she knows, but what is a clueless gal supposed to do? Especially when a giant Hollow blitzs her down the street.

“No, Ms. Aubur. I didn’t come to your city to woo anyone. I came here to spend the day doing… as you are, nothing while enjoying myself. Though… No. Yes? Urk… I just want to relax today.”

Great, she didn’t want Azmi in her head right now but dammit it all...

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:52 am


The Wolf then simply, popped out of existence, reinforcing the idea that it was a construct. And as for Ulv, she sat up for the first time and smiled at her.

"Yea, Woo. Entice. Arouse. Enthral. Interest. Basically get someone's attention" Ulv told her. Then grinned as the emotions flowing through the girl's body were nice to feel. Behind that armour she was a woman after all, it would seem. Leaning back, Helle spoke that she had come here to relax and enjoy the day. Which was interesting because she came here dressed for war, and if Ulv was a lesser woman she might have taken the implication to heart.

"Try dropping the armour first. It doesn't scream relaxation. And after that, I'll get you a lovely thing to wear and we can go out on a girl's day. My own fiance had the same kind of tightness you are extruding and it ruined our marriage before we even began. So I don't want it to ruin yours as well"


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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:14 am

Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) ZnehDGG

Helle Armstrong

Ah. So the damn mutt simply poofs like a bad nightmare or bad trip. Great. Very cool. Helle took Ms. Aubur’s words at face value. Wooing her Liege is the last thing she desired to think of on today, no matter how greatly her curiosity grew on how the Mayor planned on making her more attractive to an individual who willingly gave up their emotions. It’d be something akin to flirting with a plank. Helle doubted Azmi would suffer simply to allow her the satisfaction of him accepting silly advances. However, her young mind failed at keeping any mental fantasies at bay. Focus training her ass. She’s no better than a lovestruck bumbling teenaged girl. She’ll not show such physically however. At least that training is holding up splendidly, and the helmet is great for hiding blushes. Yet, Ms. Aubur is correct. It is a bit strange to wear a full armor set out to a city with plans to simply relax.

“You seem a woman with many lovely things to wear Ms. Aubur. Please allow me the time to remove my armor.”

Did Helle actually want to wear something lovely? The blonde is unsure herself, but slowly, she begins to remove her outfit starting with the helmet, and next, the gloves. Soon her chestplate is next followed by her leggings leaving her in the blue outfit she normally adorns with her armor. At this point, the blush she had worn had vanished completely leaving any physical implications of her interest with ‘wooing’ in the past. Such didn’t matter when dealing with an empath, but Helle did not know fully of Ms. Aubur’s abilities.

“Now then. I came here today to better learn how to relax. To be honest, I’ve never done much but reading when left to my own devices.”

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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle) Empty Re: Misplaced Respite (Ulv/Helle)

Fri Apr 10, 2020 9:39 am


"'alf the bloody 'ouse is filled with lovely things to wear. I'm sure we can get something that matches your figure and tone" Ulv commented, standing up and taking off her sunglasses. From there, the glowing yellow eyes and black sclera were on full display. Those eyes were generally the sign of a Vizard wearing their mask, so for her to have them naturally? It was a testament to the mastery of the Hollow within her.

When she had finished taking off her Armour, Ulv gestured with her forehead and dropped off the edge of the roof. It wasn't a long way down, and a Quincy of Helle's power should have no worries getting down herself.
"Well, now you are all dehelmeted and can no longer hide your cute blushes behind it, let's get something to accent your figure, shall we? What do you like in terms of clothing?" Ulv asked, leading her way to the wardrobe. It semeed she really wasn't lying when she said half the house was a wardrobe. What they walked into was a massive room filled with all many of clothing. From the stately to the regal to the outright hedonistic, and everything inbetween.


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