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Wed Jun 23, 2021 4:34 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] 6EdIfMt

Julia never thought of herself as an overly nostalgic or sentimental person. Yet she found that every now and then her thoughts wandered back to the tragedy that had struck Karakura a few months back. All the deaths…

When she began realizing and subsequently admitting to herself that her preoccupation with the attack was maybe caused by her lack of real battle experience, it had felt like a defeat. After this revelation Jules immediately went and had a drink. Or three.

Anyway, even knowing, or guessing, why it bothered her so much still, she could do nothing against the fact. Alcohol only did so much. As for other distractions...those were limited, too. Relationships? Aside from being another reason why her parents would kill her, if they ever found her, she hadn’t really met anyone she honestly considered for something long-term. A bit fun here and there, yes (after all, she was 19 and her own woman), but the japanese were so damn...restrained. Training? Oh yes, she did that a lot. It was a very nice way to switch off the brain for a while. But only for a while. Therapy? God, no, we’re not there, yet.

So, when the memories once again began to fester in the back of Julia’s consciousness she decided to engage in a little bit of self-therapy and visit the coast.

Normally a visit to the coast is something soothing and nice. In this case not so much, for Julia’s destination was the very stretch of beach where the monster, that was responsible for the memories, had died and withered away.
She didn’t really expect trouble, but one could never be too prepared. So she put on the pants, top and boots of her Quincy-attire and only swapped the long coat for a short, brown leather jacket, because she had rented a motorcycle to travel to the beach. On her left hand she wore the archery glove with the quincy cross on the back of the hand and the leather cuff on her right forearm. Julia had even decided to bring her Seele Schneider and had them conveniently concealed under her jacket on her back, although she really didn’t know why.

When she arrived the beach was empty. Humans still avoided this place and she couldn’t blame them for it. Heck, she didn’t really know what she hoped to accomplish here. What a stupid idea. Coming here, to an empty piece of dirt right next to some water and hoping it would cure anything. Julia could almost physically feel her mood drop. Sullenly she stared at the sea.

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Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] Empty Re: Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia]

Wed Jun 23, 2021 6:22 pm
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The ocean. A sight she wouldn't know even if Hueco Mundo had one, but she wasn't here for the sight of it. It was the sound, the feel. Cool ocean breeze turning warm as the sun dipped and the general kinetic energy swapped, a turmoil as the land heated by the sun turned cold, and the air from the ocean felt warmer by comparison. A feeling that she so enjoyed. And one she typically did in solitude, and yet she sensed someone in the distance. A human? They seemed as much, normal as anything else where, with perhaps just a tinge of spiritual awareness? She paid it no mind, but as it drew closer it snared her thoughts again.

Finally, she looked down the line of the shore, intrigued as she spotted the human, a woman at that, stopping and staring out to the ocean. How very strange, she picked this spot because it was a place that so few humans even ventured NEAR, let alone TOWARD. What was this human doing here? She decided to find out, making her way calmly in their direction, stopping a good six or so meters away from them before she spoke up. "Are you lost?" She started simply enough. After all it seemed the most REASONABLE explanation for why a woman would be here. She was banking on what her pesquisa picked up, hopefully the human would be able to hear and see her, otherwise this would just be awkward.
Ame no ko
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Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] Empty Re: Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia]

Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:17 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] 6EdIfMt

Jules was so busy sulking that she jumped a little when suddenly a voice asked her if she was lost.

“No, I’m not…” she said, but stopped when she turned her head to look at the person. The woman standing there, roughly six meters away, was slim, blonde and a good 20 cm taller than Julia. In a way she was very similar in looks to Jules herself, of course apart from the height...and that she wasn’t human. At first glance she could see a hole in her forehead, soft blue lines and a pair of short antlers of a bone white color. Or maybe it was at first glance. Maybe the first thing she noticed was the presence of this person. This eerie feeling, that had crept into her consciousness, which she hadn’t been able to discern, probably because she felt weird already anyway. But now that she was aware of her, she could feel her.

A Hollow.

Even in her mind, she spat out the word. Hollows...the antithesis of a Quincy. At least this one wasn’t a muppet like the big ones she had learned about. Although, one could never be too sure. Might be just as much a muppet as these Shinigami-guys she had met. Military types…

Julia’s mind darkened even a little more. Hollows especially weren't to her liking. Or to the liking of any Quincy, she would believe. A being that could kill a Quincy with a few cells inserted into the body. A being that ate human souls. Julia might be a runaway, but she couldn't escape the teachings she has received her whole live.

“I’m not lost.” she said, her tone being quite cold and unfriendly. “But I wouldn’t mind if you were.”

She hadn’t been in such a bad mood since her parents had introduced her to the douche that was supposed to marry her, if her parents had gotten their wish.

“Seriously, I’m here alone. By choice.” She added and continued to stare at the empty beach. She could still remember vividly where the giant corpse had lain.
Even if she was feeling confrontational, she would have preferred to be alone. In this moment a sudden realisation came over her. The woman there was a Hollow. Maybe one that had shattered it’s mask, but still a Hollow. And she just had freely admitted to her that she was here alone.

‘Not a smart move, Jules.’ she told herself.

Outwardly she stayed relaxed -well, as relaxed as she had been- but inwardly she tensed up and trained her senses on the woman, especially her supernatural ones.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Thu Jun 24, 2021 5:24 pm
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Santa tilted her head slightly as she stared calmly at Jules. Eh? "Me? Ah, I'm not lost. But I appreciate the concern, G." She noted with a calm smile, the insult flying entirely over her head as she relaxed, seemingly pleased with the woman's expressed concern. Of course, that angry tone was not something she picked up on either. Hollows generally did not have much in the way of conveying tone. Murderous. Salacious. They rarely had their voices match up with ow they were actively feeling, such was the deception. So Santa simply had no concept of tone, probably evident by how seriously she spoke despite the ridiculous things she said.

She was alone? She paused for a moment at that. Thinking. Alone by choice.... Aaah, she had a breakup? She .... rubbed her chin. Humans were often sympathetic to these situations weren't they? "That's whack, homie. I do not have experience myself, but relationships have always been far too jiggy for my jive. But do not worry! For there is a whole lot of fish in the sea, and homegirl you got one helluva bait." She smiled, raising her hand for a high five, even though the line was delivered with a completely flat tone. Attempting to lift the girl's spirits after the assumed breakup.

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Ame no ko
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Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] Empty Re: Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia]

Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:37 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] 6EdIfMt

Julia’s head swiveled around to look at the Hollow again. Her facial expression was a picture book example of “what the f…”. That person either didn’t get a single meaning of what Jules just had said, or had simply decided to not understand. She was leaning more towards the latter, because of how unlikely it seemed to her that one could be this oblivious.

‘Will die mich verarschen?’* went through Julia’s head.

“I want to be alone here, now, at this beach. Everything else is not your concern.” she said aloud.

Even when she spoke it she felt, against her will, a pang at her being single. She probably only felt it at all because she was in such a foul mood to begin with. Usually she was a very positive person, happy to be free and live her life. Also usually she wasn’t really shy about getting some distraction, even if it only was to grab a few friends and get shitfaced. But now this...woman...caught her in a vulnerable moment. The comment about fish in the sea didn’t really help in this moment, either.

When the Hollow-woman moved in for a high-five Julia whirled around quickly. Something silvery flashed in her right hand. A blue light flared up and then Julia was holding the tip of a Seele Schneider’s blade under Santa’s nose.

“Du bist wirklich nicht die hellste Kerze auf der Torte, was?”** she yelled at the woman. Her face was now a mask of fury. Why the heck was it so difficult to understand that she didn’t want any company. Much less from a Hollow. Or maybe...maybe it was just a trick to lull Jules into relaxing.

“I really don’t need anything from a literal man eater like you and I don’t even believe for a second you’re really offering. Shall I beat that into your thick skull or do you wanna drop the act voluntarily? I am so not in the mood for games right now.”

Carefully Julia walked backwards, her right arm with the Schneider still outstretched and pointed at the other woman. She extended her left arm and energy began swirling around it, forming the silver-black, four-limbed bow she called Artio.
She could just use the Schneider now and fire it as an arrow, possibly end it in one swift shot. But just in case she missed or the Hollow was stronger than expected, she continued to get some distance between the two of them.

*’Is she bullshitting me?’
** “You’re not the brightest candle on the cake, huh?” (or better: ...not the sharpest tool in the shed…)

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

Last edited by Ame no ko on Mon Jun 28, 2021 3:14 am; edited 1 time in total
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Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] Empty Re: Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia]

Mon Jun 28, 2021 2:43 am
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Santa blinked for a moment as she noticed the confusion coming off of the quincy. But even more, to just leave her hanging? She lowered her hand for a moment, frowning as she sensed that there was something more going on than she was privy to. She considered the situation, watching as the girl turned and suddenly reacted violently. Of course her guard was immediately up, her body tensing for just an instant as quite suddenly, they wouldn't be alone on the beach. Flesh grew from the sand. Everywhere. From every corner of the beach, that sand turned red before bone and muscle slithered into existence. Limbs reaching out from the ground. A hand sliding up from below to grip at the quincy's thighs as Santa..... let go.

There was no burst of energy, or even a drop of one. The same dizzying aura that came off of Santa's body was there, she simply stopped holding it back as limbs would swarm the quincy, aiming to hold her in place as Santa raised her hands, her expression calm ish as she spoke, those limbs growing torsos and heads as she spoke. "Listen Homie. Calm down, and put down the ....whatever that is. You don't want to fight me. I can help, ya dig?" She beseeched quietly.
Ame no ko
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Mon Jun 28, 2021 8:03 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] 6EdIfMt

The chance came quickly just like in a nightmare. And also like a nightmare, a surreal feeling grabbed Julia. It was as if the ground was pulled out beneath her feet. What was happening here? WHAT THE FUCK WAS HAPPENING HERE?

Here eyes went wide with pure, unfiltered horror, flickered here and there to watch the sand turn red and see...things grow out of it. There was a hand coming up from the ground, grabbing her thigh!

With a cry of disgust and horror Julia swung her Seele Schneider at the hand and vanished from the spot she was standing on with a Hirenkyaku. She reappeared a few meters further back and vanished again immediately to stop high up in the air. With a few quick movements, trained so often and intensely that they were muscle memory by now, she deactivated the Schneider and shoved it into its holster on her back. Then she drew the string of her bow back and a bright blue arrow appeared. She aimed straight down and fired it into the growing mass of flesh, bones and future therapy sessions.

“What...what the fuck is that?” she screamed at the Hollow.

She fired two more arrows into the horror that grew from every corner of the beach.

“Is that you? Ist that you, verdammt nochmal? This is your help? You’re a monster.”

In an attempt of her mind to guard itself from the terror of what Julia saw happening all around her on the ground, the fear and shock flooded her body with adrenaline and transformed into anger. From one moment to the next she was beside herself with fury. It was her only option at that moment. Otherwise she would petrify or curl up in a fetal position and probably pass out from fear. After all, she was only a 19 year old girl, who’s first brush with the dangers of the supernatural world had been giant tentacles attacking her city, who’s also been bottling up the psychological effects of what she saw that night.

“A monster!” she screamed again.

She drew the bowstring back one more time, hands trembling a little. This time, she pointed it straight at Santa. Breathe in...hold your breath...release.

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Thu Jul 01, 2021 5:34 am
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Santa's eyes widened slightly at the reaction! She did expect visceral reactions, but this was a lot! That sudden hum tore through the limb that was attached to her thigh and managed to sever the hand from the rest of the limb, but Julia would find that the limb didn't simply go limp and fall off. IT gripped more firmly, and the flesh began regrowing, forming a new wrist and forearm from where the old one had been cut off. And as such, Santa was able to track her even as she zipped to a new location, screaming and firing arrows.

Those arrows cut into the bodies, but seemed to do little in actually ceasing the functions of what was growing, Santa herself furrowing her brows. As Julia began to focus and aim at the arrancar, the platform of reishi that the woman had been standing on would habe also begun growing as well, clawed fingers curling over her feet to clamp down, attempting to lock the quincy in place as the garden between Santa and the quincy suddenly sped up its growth, and some of the garden that had already grown moved into the path, so when fired that arrows went off with a PANG, slicing into that mass of flesh and bone, but stopping before it could reach Santa herself.

Santa herself felt .... irritation and frustration. She was being attacked now and it was VERY hard not to just try to rip the girl limb from limb. But .... she was clearly upset. Had she done something wrong? Sure she was terrified by the garden, but she'd been mean before that. Why? Was she racist against arrancar? Was she jealous of Santa's good looks? IT was hard to tell, but she was determined to find out.

"It's okay to be single! I don't know how you humans age but I assure you you can't get THIS upset over that! You're......cute ish. You don't need to resort to this sort of tantrum, I'm sure lots of people would wanna date you!" She spoke and the vgarden echoed her words, mouths among the fleshy bodies that were forming echoed and amplified her words as she ...... did her best as GUESSING why the girl was upset. "If it makes you feel any better, why don't I try to set you up?" She offered, smiling lightly as internally she patted herself on the back for having come up with such a clever way to end this weird fight.

Surely this would make the girl stop, she WAS after all incredibly good with the ladies, having had almost four different occassions when one seemed to be all over her. No doubt offering to help set the girl up would work no problem! Hopefully the girl wasn't TOO hysterical to recognize how good an offer it was.... hmm. She might have to find a way to sedate them. Maybe a sleeper hold? Hmmm.
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Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] Empty Re: Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia]

Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:07 am

The Runaway

Jules Ash

Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] 6EdIfMt

With horror Julia realised that even up in the air she wasn’t safe from this nightmarish attack. It growed upwards to meet her. And even worse: the hand that had gripped her thigh began growing a new arm! It was sickening, and Julia probably would have been sick if there wasn’t so much adrenaline screaming through her veins.

No, wait a second. It wasn’t growing grew out of thin air! How was that possible?

Someone with more experience would maybe have kept their wits enough to realise that the horrific growths, that tried to reach her, were growing out of every surface that was in reach of the Arrancar’s power. Every surface...including the tiny plattform of reishi Julia was standing on.
However, she wasn’t that experienced person and she definitely hadn’t kept enough wits.

Her eyes widened and with a long Hirenkyaku she zapped away before the hands could lock her feet in place. She reappeared about fifty yards away.

‘Oh Gott, was ist das für ein Alptraum?’* was a question that raced through her head, and not for the first time.

Quickly she grabbed a Seele Schneider from under her coat and activated the blade. Then she called upon the powers of her Blut Vene to harden her skin and cut off the hand from her thigh. Although the Blut prevented injury from this, her pants were cut and left a big patch of skin visible. The dark lines of the Blut could be easily seen there, as well as on her neck, face and hands. She sprang saway from the cut remains in case they would regrow again.

It was all so surreal. There was this Arrancar, a Hollow, that was obviously out for her soul, but shouting well meaning phrases, as if she thought Julia was suffering from a breakup. This was just nuts. Completely nuts.

“Stop it, you Monster!” Julia yelled back. “Just drop the act. I had no breakup or anything like that and you know it. If you’re after my soul, at least have the guts to say so. You really think anyone would believe you while you’re throwing this shit at them? Much less a Quincy!”

Once again, Julia disappeared. With several Hirenkyakus she circled Santa at high speed, hoping to be faster than her defense. Finally, she reapeared in her back, her bow drawn and aiming the arrow at the Arrancar’s back.

“Stop. This.” Julia stressed every word, but couldn’t avoid her voice from shaking. Even her hands were shaking. It could be interpreted as if she wanted Santa to simply stay down so she wouldn't have to kill her. But in fact, she just wanted these nightmarish flesh-plants to disappear, whatever else might happen.

*’God, what kind of nightmare is this?’

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia] Empty Re: Unhealthy Coping Strategies [Santa/Julia]

Thu Jul 01, 2021 8:28 am
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Santa tolled her eyes and let out an ugh. Was this girl serious!? ”Of course I’m using my power you ATTACKED ME! If you just STOP trying to shoot me I can remove it!” she hissed out, that hand being seared off, Santa narrowed her eyes as she tensed. She wasn’t able to follow the rapid movements but she simply grew her garden around herself, though she was startled when the quincy suddenly appeared behind her. Her garden had thoroughly filled the space around her, and though the girl had picked a spot empty of growth she wasn’t safe.

A hand pointed at her from behind and there was a CRACK as it fired a bala into the woman’s bow arm, in the same instant that Santa used sonido, using her move not to move NEXT to them. She didn’t have the precision for that. Instead she used it to PLOW straight i to the woman from the front just after that bala would connect, the sheer force even with her hierro would crack some of her bones but those would heal almost instantly anyway. Intent on back-tackling the quincy so she could pin them to the ground.

”Put your bow aeay and I can recall my garden! Otherwise I will be forced to restrain you!” She said firmly, as her garden grew in, dozens of hands aiming to grip and keep her pinned.
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