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Wed Oct 19, 2022 9:32 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Exhausting but satisfying. That simple sentence can be used to describe the day Saiko had. Spending it investing in the current members of the Gotei that wanted to get stronger, grow wiser, and become people that could uphold some sense of justice and hope and overall become people with the capacity to rescue the walls of this existence by balancing the souls of the known realms. That is what the duties of a shinigami were, eh?

With a mission set in her heart, The Mistress of Glum wandered freely after having just left a group of shinigami students, asking her questions on how to become stronger, how to fight, grow their spiritual strength, and matters of the heart. It brought a sense of warmth to Saiko's heart to have been of use as, day by day, she was slowly turning into an asset and was determined to prove that worth. Even if there were doubts, the absence of fear wasn't bravery; it's acting in the face of your own negativism, anxiety, and cowardice that makes you brave, and Saiko tried to cling to that as much as she could to clear her conscious of the hells of her previous life.

As time passed, dusk was starting to approach, and Saiko stopped in a quiet barracks as she gazed up at the plum and amber colors of the sky, smiling at the glistening of the twinkling stars of the heavens. This flutter of warmth in her heart was of a burning will, and she had long since forgotten what it was like to feel happy being alive.

Giggling quietly to herself, Saiko relished the moment before she sensed another person approaching. Then, turning out to find out who it was, the aqua-eyed woman just called out:

"Hello? Is someone there?"

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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] WVMWLOu
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 7:35 pm
Upon hearing a commotion outside the unfinished barracks of the Gotei's newest Division, the Eighth, Morikawa Mizu glanced out a nearby window toward the sounds of chatter. She could see a number of Shinigami surrounding and engaging excitedly with a small woman she didn't at first recognize. As the blonde Shinigami listened more intently she could just barely make out the name Saiko. The Siako?! she nervously questioned to herself. Mizu wasn't really the kind of person to fall prey to gossip, but she had to admit some of the rumors she'd heard swirling about were certainly incredible.

Nervous and lost in her thoughts Mizu barely noticed the crowd splitting up in time to duck and dodge to the side to not be seen. Regardless of the truth of these rumors she didn't want her first impression with a stranger to involve creeping on them. Peaking out from the window she noticed the person called Saiko was walking toward her barracks. With a start Mizu shuffled away and hid around the corner of a doorway leading out of the large room she'd been completing paperwork in. Once Saiko entered she kept staring at her, trying to debunk some of the more ridiculous hearsay She sure doesn't look like a great monster. Monsters don't giggle....

It was then Mizu heard the charcoal-haired woman call out, likely to her, and figuring it would be rude to continue hiding she stepped into the room and bowed apologetically at the waist "I apologize! I hope I did not offend by not greeting you sooner. I am called Morikawa Mizu, 5th Seat of the 8th Division. I noticed you'd drawn quite the crowd and was interested in what kind of person you are, if that is not too forward." As she finished speaking Mizu smiled warmly at the stranger and waited for a response.
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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] Empty Re: Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:07 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Ah, there it was. Or rather, there SHE was. Whatever Saiko had been sensing turned out to be another sister in arms. Word gets around quickly, and the hybrid's actions may have finally started to cause rumors to spread. That was definitely a thought The Mistress of Glum hadn't considered, but one that would be dealt with later. For now, she'd address Mizu.

"Don't worry about it, Mizu. You aren't bothering me. It's nice to see allies after all."

Speaking in a gentle voice, Saiko smiled and waved gently toward the other woman. Though, after that, a brief period of silence came over her. The reason for that is that the half-breed shinigami had to think of what type of person she was. Lawful? Sinful? Apathetic? A few thoughts ran through her mind, but she decided the straightforward answer was best.

"Just a girl that is seeking redemption from a rough past. So you can say I'm a motivated woman."

Without getting too deep into her backstory with a person she just met, Saiko decided to then turn the question in on itself and give Mizu something to ponder.

"But, tell me, why are you interested in that? I'm curious to know why."

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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] WVMWLOu
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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] Empty Re: Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu]

Thu Oct 20, 2022 8:42 pm
Coming from a rather privileged upbringing with her only real struggles being about her own physical limitations Mizu didn't have the experience necessary to truly understand or speak about a notion like redemption but she empathized anyway. She was at least a believer in second chances and from the sound of things that's all this Saiko was chasing. To acknowledge the woman's answer Mizu nodded her head and let slip a quick "Hai. from her lips.

It was then her time to consider a question. She didn't want to lie and give no real reason, but also hoped to not come off as some gossiping busybody. After swift consideration Mizu knew her answer "Truth be told I've heard some strange things about you, if you are indeed the Saiko-san of the 7th Division. But more importantly when I saw an entire crowd of people so excited just to be near you I thought Wow, she must be a great Shinigami. A-and...that's what I want to be, more than anything." Mizu's cheeks suddenly turned rosy as she blushed, unused to sharing her dream with total strangers like this. Something about this woman made it easy for her to open up, which Mizu realized was her resemblance to her childhood friend Tsuna.
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Thu Oct 20, 2022 9:23 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

"Honestly, I'm happy people are aware I'm just...trying. That means a lot to me, Mizu."

Heh, it was always nice to have your work noticed. So a part of Saiko could blush right now if she could. But, in her heart, there was a sense of pride but also happiness that perhaps her own story and actions could motivate others to do better in their own lives. Is that what life is about, after all? So, the hybrid nodded with another smile before responding to Mizu.

"But tell me, why do you want to be great? What is motivating you to achieve something more than you are now?"

This question wasn't asked maliciously but out of genuine intrigue. Greatness doesn't come from a want; it comes from a need. When a person needs to achieve something, things fall into place. Even if it's out of their own will, there is something in a person's heart and soul that compels them to act the way they want. So the question was: what compelled Mizu's soul to keep going?

"Greatness can be found on the small scale by helping a stranger, friend, or family. But I doubt that is what you mean, so you'll have to tell me what compels you toward greatness."

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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] WVMWLOu
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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] Empty Re: Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 5:53 pm
Mizu was glad her answer seemed satisfactory. When Saiko pressed further she only had to think for a moment before she had her answer, having spent most of her life thinking about this very subject "Well Saiko-san, I have many reasons for pursuing this life. I want to make my family proud, some of whom have also been great Shinigami in their own way. I want to beat my limitations, of which I have many. Most importantly, I want to help make a world where one's birthplace and circumstances don't dictate anything about them. Where anyone can be anything."

Upon finishing her speech the blonde Shinigami blushed profusely, as she'd done before, and looked to the ground in embarrassment. She may not lack confidence, but saying such things aloud might as well have been the height of arrogance from someone like her who had struggled every step of the way through her life to achieve what little she had.

Mizu had been told her entire life she should leave such lofty goals to other, more capable people. She would be best making the lives of these better people easier through servitude or handling the mundane tasks they were too busy fixing the world to bother with. Despite all these people and their wanting of her to set supposedly realistic goals, she persevered. With this in mind Mizu raised her glowing gold orbs and set their gaze on Saiko's and spoke again "I may not be a genius Shinigami, like the great Kuchiki's and Shihoin's, but I am a genius hard worker!"
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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] Empty Re: Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu]

Fri Oct 21, 2022 8:53 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

Static rang in the mind of Saiko when the notion of family came up. To still have those that were living and connected to your blood? That was precious, so precious. Without caring much about boundaries, the hybrid placed each of her hands on the shoulders of Mizu and spoke boldly.

"Do not let go of your family. If nothing else, even in moments where you are pushed to the brink, keep them in your heart and use it as strength. Once they or yourself is gone, that is a scar which never leaves."

There was a great sense of urgency in the voice of Saiko before she slowly let go and stepped back just a few steps to give her some space after that.

"Sorry. That's a touchy subject for me."

Although part of her was embarrassed by that sudden outpouring of intensity, it never showed as Saiko just gave a polite smile. Despite that, the hurt in her mind and heart rang out when thinking of the notion of family. To have lost her biological kin and the last lover who could provide her with a family of her own, it brought many unpleasant memories; but she'd continue forward and not project any further those pains on Mizu.

"But your dream? It may not come true how exactly as you want it, but it is still possible to achieve small portions of it. It takes such a great will to change the world, so it makes sense to take little steps to that ideal vision in your heart. Build a community with these ideals and perhaps you will save some people from the unfairness of the world."

Now pointing to the heavens above, she continued by asking a question.

"The gods have blessed people with wealth, power, numbers and knowledge. If these blessed people stand in your way, do you have any steps to achieve your goal?"

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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] WVMWLOu
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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] Empty Re: Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 4:01 pm
Mizu was taken aback by her new acquaintance's sudden grabbing of her shoulders. It seemed like recently the people she had been meeting were much more comfortable with physical touching than her, This time though it wasn't the touching that perturbed her, but the sudden seriousness with which Saiko spoke. With a look of determination in her voice Mizu nodded her head and said "Hai." to acknowledge her agreement with Saiko's words about family. She knew her family, particularly her parents, had their faults and represented part of what Mizu wanted to change in Soul Society, but she still loved them greatly and wanted to make them proud.

Not wanting for Saiko to feel awkward about what happened Mizu spoke again, this time to reassure her "It's alright Saiko-san, I'm sorry if what I said inadvertently upset you." No matter how well the woman might hide behind the mask of a smile, Mizu had no doubt she had some inner turmoil which caused her to react like that. But everyone has baggage of some kind so Mizu met Saiko's smile with one of her own.

"I-I hope to encourage these ideals in the 8th Division and with those I meet from other branches. If people stand in my way I'll just have surpass them! That is what it means to be a great Shinigami, I think." As if to reassure herself this time, Mizu nodded again.
"My next step is mastering my Shikai and helping Captain Otoribashi-sama solidify the 8th Division."
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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] Empty Re: Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu]

Sat Oct 22, 2022 8:58 pm


Enter Saiko's Post

"Don't worry about it. You are fine, Mizu."

Assuring her that she took no offense to the words spoken, Saiko gently tapped the shoulder of Mizu to give her a physical sign that she meant well. After all, one cannot expect to exist in a world where every little thing triggers them. A person will become insane if they expect the existence around them to cater to every little thing in their mind. So, the hybrid let it go.

Focusing on the words spoken after the shinigami's apology, Saiko took an interest in the fact she still wanted to move forward with her path to power. Surpassing others takes a high amount of ambition and will, so she nodded in agreement with herself and spoke:

"The road to power isn't easy, and you will suffer eventually, but you will need others around you to help you push through it, fight back against the negative and get stronger if that is your will. Make sure your ambitions and resolve don't crumble when those obstacles inevitably come."

There was a belief in Saiko's words that Mizu could achieve these things. EVERY person had that potential in them, after all. However, it was another ordeal when the time for action came. It is easy to speak such sweet and soft words, yet those ideals are tested in the midst of danger, and reality often paints a different picture. Still, it's not a reason to give up. On the contrary, having that knowledge prepares you for the days when things get tough, while when things are going right, you can relax and know what you are fighting for.

Regardless, one cannot live in their head forever. So, Saiko's stare lingered on Mizu as she spoke of wanting to master her shikai and help her Captain. Then, with a raised brow, she asked these questions out to the lively shinigami:

"But tell me: what does your shikai do? I don't need a bunch of details, but I'm curious how you plan actually to master it and increase its potency. Do you have any objective paths to achieving that?"

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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] WVMWLOu
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Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu] Empty Re: Healing Hearts [Saiko/Mizu]

Mon Oct 24, 2022 3:26 pm
Mizu nodded repeatedly as Saiko spoke to her, mentally writing down everything she was saying. She knew the probably enormous chasm between their life experience was certainly enough for Saiko to be far wiser than she could be. Ever the studious one, this was an opportunity for her to learn from a senior member of the Gotei and she would gratefully take it.

The path the blonde haired Shinigami had chosen had never been easy for her with it full of roadblocks every step of the way. She had never had an easy go of it and her parents still encourage her to settle for a less difficult and simpler life as a Seireitei scholar or getting into the arts. The idea of crumbling before obstacles, as Saiko put it, was foreign to her; it was impossible to know the future but she was at least confident in her own resolve. At the same time she couldn't imagine some of the difficulties Saiko had been through or what it was like beyond her own limited life experiences.

"W-well Saiko-san, my Shousenmaru creates and controls crystals that can be formed into different shapes. At the moment I can only make basic shapes and it's really exhausting to use, but I get more confident in it every time I use it. That is what I think I need to do to master it. So long as I keep using it, Shousenmaru and I will grow closer and evolve together. I'm not aware of any shortcuts or alternate paths so this is what I'll do, Saiko-san."
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