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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Sun Oct 30, 2022 12:52 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 L0Imfce


Kimitsuki was glad she entrusted the task of where to go to Hiroe. What the woman didn't know, of course, was the Kimitsuki wasn't going to let Hiroe pay for their drinks and food even if she tried. Kimi had a job, along with being Abalia's ward and dear friend; so she had a few minor connections and plenty funds to pay for something like a meal. So, Kimitsuki gladly followed Hiroe after she locked her office behind her. Luckily, because she was not due to start teaching yet, lesson planning and that whole ordeal could wait until later. So, Kimitsuki followed Hiroe, walking in stride with the woman. As they walked, Kimi couldn't help but notice that the woman was rather giddy, or perhaps nervous? Regardless, the Danava just passed it off as nerves for meeting a future teacher and also the simple nerves of meeting someone new that you were taking to a restaurant. Either way, Kimitsuki seemed perfectly calm and collected... mostly because she was. And mostly because she had no idea Hiroe could be generating a crush for the teacher as time went on.

While they walked, Hiroe eventually started another line of questioning, which caught the Danava's attention. All of which were indeed a bit of a personal nature, and ones that Kimitsuki had to think about for a few moments before answering. Not a question of whether or not to answer them, more of a question of how to answer them properly. After all, she wanted to make sure she shared only the necessary information, and nothing more; hopefully.

"Well, I came here initially at the request of a dear friend of mine. She actually used to be a head captain during the time I first came here. Frankly speaking, She brought me here because of my aptitude and her trust for me. Otherwise, I cannot say what other form of luck could have brought me to a place where most of my kind have never stepped foot in. However, despite my appearance, and I must thank you for complimenting it, I didn't have a following of Danava wanting to learn from me. I never really had the impulse to teach those around me, I can only thank my military experience that I can conduct myself so well, I suppose. And Adults are a bit easier to deal with than children, after all."

Kimitsuki couldn't help but chuckle a tiny bit. Yes indeed, adults are a bit easier to deal with than teaching children. However, some adults certainly weren't the most mature of the batch; even after being in the Rukongai for a very long time. No matter how conditions could improve in those areas, from what Kimi knew it was hard to leave the Rukongai without being steeled in some way by the experiences. Regardless, the Danava turned her mind towards Hiroe's final question, a tiny smile on her face.

"I was actually quite content to stay with my dear friend and help her raise her children; and keep them all safe. However, I was approached by Murasaki; our current head captain. You can imagine my surprise when she asked me to teach at Shino'o. After hearing the proposal, and a show of capabilities to help her opinion of me, I took the job. I suppose, in some way, I eventually came to the conclusion that helping the next generation of Shinigami better survive was an honestly amazing thought. Especially considering it gave me the opportunity to teach on the subject most dear to me; fire. Not to mention, I liked the idea of possibly being able to teach of the Danava; so that people would better understand my race and not mistake us for demons so often. However, that will be a goal that may be quite far in the future still."

After walking for a little while in silence, Kimitsuki turned her gaze to the ever-curious Hiroe, a question of Kimi's own suddenly blazing in her head; and it was relatively on topic. After all, Hiroe was asking about what lead Kimi to wanting to teach; now Kimi could deliver her own question. A question that Hiroe may find hard to answer, then again, perhaps not.

"Tell me, Hiroe, what lead you to want to become a Shinigami? I know not everyone desires to become a Shinigami, others just eek out their existences in the Rukongai. But you did not. So why? I'm sure you have other talents, you do look like quite the talented young woman after all; but I can't help but wonder after the reasons why you desired to become a Shinigami. I won't judge, promise; I simply desire to know your reasonings."


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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Sun Oct 30, 2022 7:20 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 XmZbQZY


HIroe was visibly surprised to hear Kimitsuki's answer. She expected something along the lines of being found on earth by soul Society, but, according to her, she had shared a connection with the former captain commander, going so far as to watch over and raise her children to an extent. Couple that with Captain Commander Murasaki approaching her, and it was clear to see why Kimitsuki occupied the position she did today - or planned to, in theory, at least. Offering an understanding nod to indicate she was paying attention, Hiroe gazed up at the woman as she posed a question for her in return. It was a fair question to ask, too, and not at all difficult for HIroe to answer as they slowly stepped foot through the doors of the restaurant she mentioned minutes before they left the academy.

"Honestly? It's not really super complicated and there isn't a lot of backstory behind it, either. You see, for a long time, I figured I'd pursue the career of a tailor and inherit my parent's business. I'm really good at tailoring and weaving together outfits. Sometimes, I employ my meager use of Reiryoku to add an extra hint of flare, and others I simply use the materials in the shop. Anyway, I met a really cool Shinigami who saved me one night after I wandered too far out into the Rukongai."

Hiroe would sit down in a seat, waiting for Kimitsuki to follow her lead, continuing her little origin story and how it led her to the academy..

"After she saved me, I asked to stay with her, pretending I was homeless, and man... I thought she was the coolest lady to ever exist. Just as cool as you, in fact. The more I hung around her, the more I desired to become a member of the Gotei. At first, I thought I was in over my head and the lady I befriended let me have it. She said the Gotei wasn't just some place to join because it's cool. It was almost like the military, and I had to take it seriously. At that point, I had two decisions. Go back and just inherit the family business..." Hiroe trailed off a little, gazing up at the ceiling, sighing softly.

"Or stay here and keep going. Well... I'm really stubborn. So I decided to stay. I want to inherit the business and become an upstanding member of the Gotei. I want to show her and my parents that my decision mattered, that it truly holds meaning. That's why I'm here. I want to be great - no matter what it takes to get there."

Dreamer | End Post

Last edited by Iori on Thu Jan 12, 2023 3:47 am; edited 2 times in total
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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Wed Nov 02, 2022 8:21 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 L0Imfce


Kimitsuki followed Hiroe and politely listened to the woman, nodding her head a few times here and there to show that she was listening still; absorbing the information she was presented with. Hiroe was, and still likely is, the heir to her familial empire of tailoring. Frankly speaking it made Kimi quite curious as to what Hiroe could make, and how great the quality of the clothing she made was. After all, Kimitsuki was down most of her wardrobe from her moving to here from Earth. However, overall, Kimitsuki listened to Hiroe with wrapped attention. It was quite interesting, especially her tale of the woman who had caught her attention and had wholly inspired her to become a Shinigami. The Danava couldn't help but grin a tiny bit, understanding how difficult the military can be. However, she had a tiny bit of reservation that Vastime was a bit harder than the Gotei. Then again, she had very little experience of the Gotei's inner-running; aside from what little she had gained insight on as Abalia's personal guard.

Eventually, after the pair had sat down, and especially after Hiroe had truly told her full origin story, Kimitsuki couldn't help but smile at the woman before her. Despite the nature of her desires, and being a tiny bit uninspired on just being "cool" at first, Kimitsuki was glad to know, however, she was dedicating herself wholly to being a good student; and to becoming a Shinigami as well.

"What you're doing, Hiroe, is admirable. It's difficult to migrate away from what your family wants to do what you want. Work hard, become a great student, and then become a great Shinigami. With your determination, I have a feeling your greatness will follow with time. Just be careful, and don't be rash. Know your limits, and what you can do; but also do not lose sight of your passions. Keep up with Tailoring as a hobby, it could be an amazing stress reliever on difficult nights, but never give up."

Kimitsuki smiled warmly, a truly radiant smile as all of her other smiles; but this one was far more caring. She didn't see a kindred spirit in Hiroe, not quite, but she saw a woman who had a vision, a dream; a goal. Kimitsuki knew quite well how that felt. After all, it was Kimi's overall goal to try and give her people, the Danava, a bit of leeway in the world; and perhaps even give demons a bit more benefit of the doubt too. Regardless, the Danava let out a small chuckle, her eyes scanning the woman before her with obvious interest. It wasn't the kind of gaze Hiroe would expect from a teacher. Affection was mingled with looking at the person before her for her potential; and especially for what he could become. Kimi knew she was looking at amazing potential.

"Perhaps honest private lessons are in order... if it is your dream to prove your parents that this was a good decision; that you can make it as a Shinigami. Blade work and a bit of experience that can help you out in situations. After all, school is mostly hypothetical with only a few actual experiences. And I wouldn't mind spending time with you outside of school as well, even if it's not for training. Every person needs a friend in this world, and especially in a tough time like school. And I would love to hear more about what you can make as a Tailor."


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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Fri Nov 04, 2022 3:04 am
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 XmZbQZY


The affection radiating from that smile had rendered Hiroe speechless. To one who tended to dismiss their dream as foolish and impossible, it certainly invigorated her spirits. The determined tailoress viewed the Danava of Fire's advice as words to follow, much like an admiring fan would to a person they idolized or viewed in a grand light. A soft shade of red formed in her cheeks, listening to the woman with undivided focus. As the waiter came over to ask for their orders,

Hiroe would quickly shift her attention towards them, placing in an order for refreshing drinks and a nice meal for two. A couple of bowls of rice topped with well-seasoned meat grilled to perfection. In addition, Hiroe would place in an order for an appetizer while they waited for their main course. An order of Gyoza would serve as a nice compliment with the drinks. Even better, they were allowed free refills, too.

"I... um... that really means a lot, Miss Kimitsuki. I'm always open to having more friends, and to have someone like you supporting and training me would be a huge help. I'd make sure I attend those private lessons as early and often as you wished. As far as my tailoring goes.. hm..." Hiroe would stroke her chin thoughtfully, dancing on the next thought going through her mind.

"After we're finished eating... how about I show you my shop? Give you a tour? Seeing is better than believing and all that jazz. Who knows, if you want, I might even make you a cool teacher Haori free of charge," she remarked, almost half jokingly. Somewhere deep inside, she was genuinely serious about it. A cool lady like this had to be seen in equally cool wear, yea? Of course she did, and Hiroe would be the one to bring out the flare even more.

Dreamer | End Post

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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Sat Nov 05, 2022 10:37 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 L0Imfce


Kimitsuki nodded at Hiroe, and while she watched the woman, and listened, their food had arrived. However, Kimitsuki didn't start eating immediately. Honestly speaking, she was quite enraptured with Hiroe's words, listening to the woman speak. Even as Kimitsuki started to eat her food, albeit slowly so that way she could speak when needed, the Danava found that she was quite intrigued by the prospect of seeing the woman's shop; and especially to be introduced to the handsome garments she could make. After all, Kimi's wardrobe was indeed a bit lacking... However, for now the Danava returned to focusing on Hiroe's words, Hiroe herself, and the food they had received.

"I'd love to see your shop, Hiroe! However... I might ask for a Kimono instead of a Haori, if that's alright. It would be nice to have an actual one... and I like this coat too much to replace it with a Haori~ Also, I'd say we can probably do regular lessons on Friday's, early afternoon. We can think of more times to meet, if need~"

After another warm smile, the Danava returned to her food. There was likely a great slot of time where there was nothing but the sound of utensils, the silence of chewing mouths, and the pleasantly sated breaths of a certain Danava after the section of time in which Kimitsuki and hopefully Hiroe had finished up their meals. After a bit of a break, in which Kimitsuki let Hiroe finish her food if she was not yet done, the Danava would smile warmly, and receive and pay for the bill. One more break was all that was due before Kimitsuki gave Hiroe another warm smile, standing up and stretching.

"Well, shall we? If you're ready that is. I would love to see your shop, once again. I can't wait to see the efforts of your labor, ya know. But, anywho, lead the way, Hiroe!"

Kimitsuki smiled softly, giving her clothes a quick wipe to make sure crumbs weren't hanging onto her clothes, and especially to the white jacket she seemed quite fond of. Afterwards, Kimitsuki would follow Hiroe wherever she would lead her. After all, Kimitsuki had no idea where the woman's shop was. And, quite honestly, Kimitsuki was very excited to see Hiroe's shop. It's not every day you meet a professional tailor who also happens to be a shinigami student. Kimi still whole heartedly believed that Hiroe's dream would come true. A hard worker like her would make it, and Kimitsuki would make sure of it.


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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Wed Nov 09, 2022 12:21 am
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 XmZbQZY


Truth be told, Hiroe was captivated, wholly enraptured by the woman's attention towards her as she spoke. It offered her a sense of fulfillment she hadn't quite enjoyed in a while. To have someone who was genuinely invested in seeing her dream come to fruition, as well as openly stating she was willing to offer assistance in pursuit of that dream, filled Hiroe's spirit with exhilaration. There were those who would typically listen to you, and simply tell you that they hope for the best. Some wouldn't care at all, really. Yet, Kimitsuki was genuinely interested in her and her undertaking.

"I... I'd be honored, Miss Kimitsuki! I promise that I'll arrive on time as early and often as possible. And don't you worry, once we're finished, the shop is the next place on my list!"

To Hiroe, she couldn't think of a ringing endorsement greater than that! Well, maybe if Captain Commander Kagyaku came in, called her cool, and hit her with a captain haori and position, but that was merely fantasy! This was reality! It made the meal that followed a delightful one as she relished in that ringing approval, indulging in the Gyoza and pork bowl with unrestrained glee.

Even better, when they were finished eating, Kimitsuki paid for the meal in full. Free meal, badass crimson-haired lady offering classes... could this day get any better?! Her belly was full, her grin wide, as she rose up and grabbed Kimitsuki's hand.

"Leading the way now, Miss Kimitsuki! Trust me, you're gonna love it!"

A radiant smile beamed on the woman's countenance as exited the restaurant, guiding the woman out of the Seireitei, and traveling towards her home in the Rukongai.

Dreamer | End Post

Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:45 pm; edited 1 time in total
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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Thu Nov 10, 2022 7:38 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 L0Imfce


Kimitsuki was quite glad that Hiroe was so excited to show her the studio. Frankly speaking, even if Hiroe had a darling desire close to her heart, it was obvious for Kimi to tell that Hiroe's true love was in her hobby; especially with the way her eyes lit up and her voice practically exploded with excitement. Kimitsuki found the woman even more endearing the more Hiroe let herself relax and be true to herself. However, it was a little difficult for KImi not to blush the tiniest of amounts when Hiroe held her hand and then swiftly proceeded to guide Kimi to where she resided in the Rukongai. Frankly speaking, Kimitsuki had never been to the Rukongai, so it was hard to take what she saw. While it certainly was far better off than it could have been in the past, Kimitsuki still found the area quite dismal. Frankly speaking, it's exactly why Kimitsuki held Hiroe's hand a bit tighter and treated every person as a potential threat. Habit, perhaps, but she was trained far too well to become unconscious of ne'er-do-wells just because she was having fun.

Eventually, Kimitsuki would hold Hiroe's hand a little bit tighter again, drawing the woman close as they proceeded on. She was being quite careful, only because she didn't want Hiroe to get the wrong idea; but also because she wanted to assure Hiroe's safety. Good are of the Rukongai or not, that didn't mean there couldn't be trouble around every corner or in every dark corner. However, when Hiroe and Kimitsuki had eventually arrived at their destination, Kimitsuki cast an appraising look around, giving Hiroe a small smile. It definitely looked like the nice little place to live, as long as Hiroe had ample space to sleep. Either way, the Danava continued to let Hiroe lead the way, smiling warmly all the while.

"I can't wait to see your Studio, Hiroe. I can honestly say that you have made me quite curious indeed~"


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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Mon Jan 02, 2023 10:12 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 XmZbQZY


Hiroe didn't pay any particular mind to the fact she was holding what was possibly going to be her next instructor's hand. The tightened grip simply encouraged the raven-haired woman to pull her there faster. They probably stood out like a sore thumb, based on Kimitsuki's appearance alone. This, too, HIroe paid little heed to as she ignored the wandering eyes of the residents who passed them by in her district in the Rukongai. Within at least twenty minutes, the two had finally arrived at Hiroe's home. Her parents weren't present at the moment (as usual), so there was more than enough time to give her a nice tour of the home, especially the little studio set up in her room. Golden eyes glanced toward Kimitsuki's figure curiously, predicting the type of outfit she might construct for the woman, a memento for the newfound friendship. Opening the door, Hiroe would release Kimitsuki's hand as she gestured to her surroundings.

"Ta-da~ My lovely abode. Actually, my parent's abode... but still! They're gonna let me inherit this place soon, anyway. Anywho, It's our personal shop and home. This is where I and my parents usually create and tailor outfits for those soul reapers looking to spice up their sense of fashion. Recently, we've gotten more customers since I've been more active in working on the clothing. Pretty cool, right?"

Dreamer | End Post

Last edited by Iori on Sat Jan 07, 2023 7:51 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Fri Jan 06, 2023 8:08 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 L0Imfce


"Sticking out like a sore thumb" was basically Kimitsuki's definition as a being and living in the soul society in general. Fiery red hair, eccentric outfits, a completely different race than just about any being here, and a being who was closely associated with the Kyoraku family; if she didn't stand out like a sore thumb, then she would be surprised. However, she ignored any looks she may be receiving, any odd stares, and any voices that may follow; if any did. Why should she worry about them? She was currently with Hiroe, and worrying about bystanders was the least of her problem. Which was why their trip to Hiroe's, well her parents, abode and studio was relatively short for the Danava.

Upon arrival, Kimitsuki took in the building with searching fiery orbs, also taking in Hiroe herself, and her words, as she looked upon the surroundings that were presented to her. During such, of course she was nowhere near aware that Hiroe had glanced towards the Danava in curiosity, trying to figure out the best outfit for her. Simply speaking, Kimitsuki was in awe of what she saw. Given how she had lived, it was a vast difference to where she had lived; but not in a bad way. Frankly speaking, every inch of the house was extremely intriguing to Kimitsuki. So much so that Kimitsuki was a little bit slow to answer Hiroe, giving the woman that radiant smile of hers and a firm nod.

"It looks amazing, Hiroe... and it definitely is cool. You and your parents have a really nice place here, ya know? What kind of outfits do you make, Hiroe? Seeing your house has only made me ever more curious what kind of clothing you make; and how elaborate. If you don't mind, I would love a full tour of anything you're allowed to show me~"


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The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe]

Sat Jan 07, 2023 8:06 pm
The Hot New Teacher! [Kimitsuki/Hiroe] - Page 2 XmZbQZY


"What kind of outfits do I make? Well, my fiery teacher of awesomeness, allow me to show you the little studio in my room," she motioned for the woman to follow her as she grabbed a sewing needle and entered her bedroom. It was a simple house that didn't really require much of a tour, to be honest. Most of the cool stuff was located in her part of the house. Her parents preferred to approach their outfit-making with simplicity, but Hiroe felt that their approach was excessively outdated. Opening the door to her room, if Kimitsuki was following her step for step, she would get a full view of the array of outfits she had lined across a clothes rack. In the corner, she'd notice a table by the window where Hiroe worked her magic, weaving together several outfits. There was a nice mirror that stood directly beside the rack, and of course, her bed towards the side.

Turning back to Kimitsuki, Hiroe would stroke her chin softly as she continued to observe Kimitsuki's form. By the end of this, Kimitsuki would be leaving this woman's house with an outfit worthy of her awesome looks! That was the objective now~

Dreamer | End Post

Last edited by Iori on Mon Jan 09, 2023 2:55 pm; edited 2 times in total
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