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Mon Jan 02, 2023 9:43 pm
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

It was a relatively simple day in Tokyo. There was the usual hustle and bustle the city was known for, and not much else. Of course, that was far too ordinary for Kenichi's liking. A simple day was far from what he intended to experience. To him, every day of every week of every month ought to be an adventure. That was the notion of life he believed in. Progress in all forms. The endless path of pursuit. Therefore, somewhere on the outskirts of the city, Kenichi could be seen training vigorously as he performed technique after technique. Striking down target after target with his arms and legs.

A pulse of crimson energy emanated around his form, blazing vibrantly like a crimson flame. Each strike was carried out with an air of precision, with purpose and a striking degree of strength as each target, equivalent to the size of a tree, was sent crashing down with every hit he executed. Slowing to a pause, Kenichi allowed himself a moment of rest as he sat on a mat nearby, drinking from his stylish water bottle as he gazed towards the sky. All this training was making him hungry. Perhaps he'd treat himself to a meal after his training. Or look elsewhere for greater entertainment? He had a whole day to figure that out exactly.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Tue Jan 03, 2023 12:20 am


Enter Cala's Post

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Returning from Hueco Mundo to somewhere somewhat familiar in the Mortal World Cala found themselves deposited outside of Tokyo of all places. All but on the opposite side of the world from where they had been not all that long ago with Saiko and Aina which was.... more than a little disorienting to get used to if they were honest. All told however Cala had gone into the city and purchased a large bento box of food when they felt a spike of energy from nearby. One potent enough to make them nearly leap out of their skin! A brilliant flare of crimson energy pulsing out from beyond the nearby trees! Wait no... just targets the size of trees.... falling trees!

Cala was a bit awed by the display, even if they COULD do something similar, as it seemed to be done rather rapidly by whoever, or whatever, was doing it but... from what their Pesquisa told them the energy was not from a Hollow.... maybe? Whatever it was it was either a very odd Hollow or HEAVILY entangled with Hollows in ways that made Cala think maybe they should turn around and leave......

Glancing back behind them briefly Cala decided that given the nature of the energy they could feel maybe this person was training? They did seem to calm down to a very relaxed state, as if taking a break, and Cala glanced down at the bento box happily. Maybe they could make a new friend? Thankfully they had already adopted the energy of a spiritually endowed human before going into Tokyo instead of wandering around openly as an Arrancar so that was sure to help!

Walking forward with a bit more pep in their step Cala seated themselves on a nearby bench, seeing one Kenichi Murata take a drink from his water bottle as the last tree-sized enemy fell and Cala, picking a dumpling from the bento box and placing it in their lips, munched softly on the food before clapping a polite applause for the warrior before them! Biting off the end of the dumpling Cala would smile and extend the bento box in their grip Kenichi's way.

"Would you like some? Training is hard work after all....."

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Tue Jan 03, 2023 2:41 am
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

The heavens were shining down on him today. Kenichi had intended to complete his training, and go to the nearest location in Tokyo that served fine cuisine. Turning his head towards Cala, Kenichi smiled softly as he observed her appearance. She seemed like an upbeat gal, all things told. More importantly, she was offering him free food. Kenichi would be an utter fool to turn down the proposal. Rising from the mat, the young male hummed pleasantly as he stretched his arms, walking forward to nod his head as he occupied a seat beside Cala.

"Don't mind if I do, Miss. Training usually ends with me working up a sweat and a huge appetite. My name is Kenichi Murata. What about you, miss? Since you're kind enough to share with me, we might as well get acquainted, right?"


Last edited by Iori on Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:59 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Wed Jan 04, 2023 11:55 pm


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Cala smiled kindly at this Kenichi individual as he approached and took up a seat beside the undercover Arrancar. Cala would nod, causing the dumpling in their lips to flop up and down in mutual agreement before Cala blushed and, steadying the dumpling, took another bite from it before ducking their head and agreeing.


Cala would then look over the felled trees and hum softly, idly taking a smaller bite off the dumpling, before nodding their head.

"You're very strong Kenichi and um.... I'm Cala, it's nice to meet you."

Naturally Cala would turn their head to face Kenichi once again as they introduced themselves, bowing their head respectfully to their newfound acquaintance, before they smiled gently and asked.

"If you don't mind me asking Kenichi.... what brought you out here to train?"

It wasn't until asking this that Cala noticed they felt strangely.... calm? Mellow? Their speech wasn't stuttering like it usually did, very little in fact, and they tilted their head curiously at this fact. Was it because they felt safe around Kenichi? No.... from what they could feel Kenichi was significantly stronger than them. Enough so that any training or altercation between them would be all but doomed to be short-lived in Kenichi's favor and of little use to the martial artist. Cala truly could not discern a reason behind their calm demeanor for the moment. Was it their internal agreement with their other half to begin training themselves, even when they were in control? Maybe but.... that did not feel right either....

Outside Cala's own mind their head was still tilted, their gaze rather unfocused, as they obviously had something weighing on their mind.

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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Thu Jan 05, 2023 12:53 am
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

A warm grin lined the martial artist lip's as he received the genuine compliment that accompanied Cala's introduction. An interesting name for an interesting woman. He ran hand over his brown locks of hair as a soft chuckled danced from his lips. It was always a joyous moment to receive praise. Be it in passing or direct engagement, Kenichi wore such compliments as a symbol of pride. Pulling small pieces of wood from the bench, Kenichi applied a rudimentary form of mediumship as he manipulated the small pieces of wood into the shape of chopsticks. Turning towards the box as he gazed directly at Cala, Kenichi pulled a small dumpling from the box, settling into his position on the bench as he carried the conversation forward.

"Nice to meet you, too, Cala. Thanks for the compliment! Free food and compliments of my strength? You, my lady, are too kind," he humored playfully, taking a bite of the dumpling as she listened to her transition into a question. It was a valid question to pose, and Kenichi didn't find any particular reason not to offer her an answer in return.

"To be quite honest? The immutable will of my soul. I get restless if I'm not taking the time to train and cultivate my techniques. Forgive me if I sound flamboyant, but I follow the path of endless pursuit, tirelessly striving until I reach the peak of martial supremacy."

Kenichi held the dumpling in his mouth as he assumed a makeshift martial art stance in the seat, displaying that sense of showmanship his companions recognized him for. A flashy act to elicit some humor. Maintaining a soft smile, Kenichi continued.

"But... things are a little different now. I'd like to use these techniques to protect those I care about now. My family, my newfound friends... I'd like to inspire others and show them what hard work and dedication looks like, you know? I'm going on a bit of tangent now," he chuckled, waving his hand as he gazed towards her.

"What brought you out here, Cala? Typical day on the town?"


Last edited by Iori on Fri Jan 06, 2023 1:51 am; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Thu Jan 05, 2023 8:55 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala found themselves smiling softly as Kenichi returned their kindness and Cala's head tilted curiously in the other direction as Kenichi seemed to transmute bits of the table they currently sat at into chopsticks. That was something Cala noted as very cool, and definitely not something they could do, but as for what Kenichi said afterwards well.... if Cala had once said Solomon sounded like a superhero due to action Kenichi sounded like a superhero due to aspiration. The small Arrancar simply found themselves staring up at him with big, lavender eyes that were almost lost in his VERY flamboyant reasoning for pushing himself to train.

It would not be inaccurate to say that, in that moment, Cala looked at Kenichi like a child would look at someone dressed up as Superman. Caught up in Kenichi's sincerity and drive for improvement they did not even seem to mind his rather showy motions and continued eating. In point of fact Cala all but forgot about the food as Kenichi went on to describe their desire to protect those close to them. Cala would find themselves nodding along absentmindedly, not really thinking about the motion until Kenichi turned to them and asked them.... something.

Cala would blink, rapidly, and blush a little as they barely heard the question to begin with. Now racking their brain as they turned their attention down to stir at the rice in their box that had formed the bed for the dumplings to lay on. Their voice was small, distant and somewhat..... wistful as they spoke. At the very least most certainly distracted.

"Ehhh.... ummm...."

Cala would cut themselves off by picking up some clumped rice, soaked with teriyaki flavor from some chicken also in the box and would munch it briefly before look at the tree-sized dummies Kenichi felled before sighing gently after swallowing. It was in that moment that they realized exactly why they felt... off. Their other self was... completely silent in their mind. They had not even noticed they hadn't referred to themselves as 'we' before! Indeed even when probing their thoughts they could barely sense their other self as they were.... busy. With what they did not seem keen to share yet so Cala simply fidgeted in place and nodded.

"I think to train too. Umm.... we've had to fight a lot growing up... err... we a-as in... me and... someone close to me."

Cala almost stumbled over explaining away their other self before continuing. Their expression sobering and even being pulled downward by a small frown.

"We umm... sometimes had to do things we weren't proud of to make it... a-and now someone we care about depends on us for protection.... and someone else I promised to learn how to protect for.... I was just never the fighter.... a-and.... I dunno if I would say I am brave."

Cala would sheepishly try and smile, thought it did not reach their eyes, as they looked up at Kenichi and gave a soft exhale of a near-laugh, nodding their head.

"It definitely doesn't sound as.... f-flamboyant or immutable as your own reasons, ya know?"

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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Fri Jan 06, 2023 2:09 am
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Kenichi quietly listened to Cala with a significant degree of interest as he ate away at whatever portion he was allowed of the large bento box. He motioned his makeshift chopsticks towards a couple of pieces of chicken, mixing in a small pile of rice as he brought the collective mix towards his mouth, savoring the whirlwind of flavors gracing his tastebuds. Ah, so she possessed a desire to train, too? He listened further to ensure that he genuinely understood this woman's intentions. After all, she had allowed him ample opportunity to flamboyantly display his showmanship.

It was only fair he extend likewise courtesy. Humming softly as he enjoyed the food, Kenichi canted his head to the side. From the way she expressed herself, it seemed as though this woman, and another person close to her, desire to protect their loved ones as well. He wholeheartedly admired that. So what if the reasons weren't as flashy or immutable as his own? They were no less genuine, no less meaningful than the words Kenichi uttered moments ago. Extending a hand forward, Kenichi ruffled the woman's hair as he chuckled.

"Don't worry about any of that, Cala. The fact that you wish to be stronger to protect those you care for is plenty immutable. No one simply develops bravery over night. What matters is that there is a desire, and so as long as the desire is there... the sky is the limit. Of course, words are merely words..."

Kenichi would trail off a bit, stroking his chin before flicking the chopsticks around in his other hand.

"I frequent Japan all the time. In fact, I live somewhere in Okinawa. I'd certainly be more than happy to help train you. Just as I wish to protect those I care about, I'd be honored to help a kind woman do the same for her loved ones."


Last edited by Iori on Wed Jan 11, 2023 5:48 am; edited 2 times in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Sun Jan 08, 2023 2:57 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala blinked in moderate confusion as Kenichi's hand approached them, their head tilting back a little as their wide eyes simply watched his hand as it came down atop their head. Cala blinked, briefly, only to blush as Kenichi ruffled their hair. Being touched was something Cala was definitely getting more used to and Kenichi's words definitely buoyed Cala's spirits. Bravery was something they were still coming to grips with, at least even the concept of it, but more and more people seemed to insist that being scared also meant they were brave? Cala still didn't quite believe it, not truly, but they were now more willing to try than they would have been even some months previous.

As Kenichi offered to help Cala train Cala would smile softly, bowing their head to Kenichi and offering him the rest of the Bento box. Primarily teriyaki rice, a couple dumplings and a single sushi roll buried at the bottom of the rice, soaked with flavor because of it.

"Thank you Kenichi that is very kind. I don't fight with m-my hands... uhh... a-at least if I can help it but some Hollows do use their claws and fists so it might be a good idea to learn how to fight against attacks like that?"

Cala, this Cala anyways, did not have the personal experience with combat to really confidently make such a statement but it made sense to them. While, certainly, most Hollow's swipes and battering attacks wouldn't be as precise or skilled as Kenichi's that would probably only help Cala more since if they could at least somewhat compete with Kenichi then a less skilled Hollow would be a cake walk by comparison.

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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Wed Jan 11, 2023 12:22 pm
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Kenichi would graciously accept the remaining contents in the Bento box as a bright smile dominated his features. Leaning against the bench, Kenichi listened to Cala speak about her lack of skill in hand-to-hand combat and a hollow's approach to combat. He wondered if she was speaking about arrancars, though. Most of the hollows he contended with up until this point liked using ceros. Then again, her words did hold merit. They came in so many forms. Thus, battle styles varied. Some fight like they appeared - like animals. Those with more distinct appearances fought with more otherworldly techniques. There wasn't a set program with these guys. That much was clear.

"In my opinion, I think it's usually best for any fighter to fight to their strengths, but incorporating something new is pretty integral as well. So, I don't think it'd be a bad idea to add something new to your repertoire. As a martial artist, I'm not sure how much I could teach you, but I'm certainly open to the prospect if you are eager to learn. If nothing else, I can teach you the basics and work our way up from there. I must ask, though, as a fighter... what are you good at? That's the best place to start. Acknowledging and playing off of your strengths."


Last edited by Iori on Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:17 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Sun Jan 15, 2023 8:11 pm


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Cala nodded along with Kenichi's words, their eyes wide, and their head.... not exactly empty but certainly devoid of helpful thoughts to add to the situation. After all a true, skilled martial artist advising someone with no skill in the subject was about as close to a one-sided conversation as someone could feasibly get outside of sentencing and Cala hummed quietly in consideration at what was said. It made Cala think. They had, in this form, never really fought before so they really did not have any framework for what they would be good or bad at yet, and the least they could be to Kenichi was honest.

"I umm... w-well honestly I don't know. I've never really been in a real fight like this..... s-so I dunno what I am actually good at when it comes to fighting specifically. I guess I am creative and I am good at noticing things. Just ahh.... in general?"

Cala fidgeted from foot to foot as they stood, glancing down at Ceniza on their hip briefly, before pursing their lips and wincing.

"A-And what little I do know doesn't involve using my hands....."

Cala would look at their admittedly small, slender hands. Soft, pale and more like those meant for piano playing than punching Cala could only grimace at the idea of them trying to hit anything. They definitely weren't built for it, at the very least.

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