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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Wed Jan 25, 2023 11:42 pm
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

A worrisome expression immediately set in against his bright countenance after Cala staggered back, slumping towards the ground after his counterstrike. Kenichi had exerted as little force as necessary so as to not overwhelm her. Had there been a misstep on his part? He immediately dropped the Gun Staff, hurriedly stepping towards Cala only to bear witness to the scene unfolding before his eyes. Her energy no longer resembled a human, bearing a spiritual signature reminiscent of hollow---had she been an Arrancar this entire time? Well, that didn't really bother him. He didn't care about that. Hollow or human, it hardly mattered.

Her condition was the paramount source of his concern. Kenichi contemplated striking through the cage, but he didn't wish to startle her, to worsen her condition, and so he simply extended his hands through the cage, aiming to hold onto Cala and pull her forward. Did she react poorly to the battle? Had he pushed her too far?

"Are... you alright, Cala? Did I hit you too hard? Maybe I overdid it. Idiot! Sorry. I might have gotten a little excited. Don't isolate yourself. I'm just here to help you, alright?"


Last edited by Iori on Sat Jan 28, 2023 7:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:03 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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As Cala sat there, ears ringing and vision swimming they heard the muffled and barely-recognizable voice of Kenichi calling out to them. They faintly recognized it as the voice of someone.... nice, but like a gentle autumn breeze blowing by they couldn't grasp that thought anymore than they could lasso the wind. Instead in their mind the two selves contended for control, though to say they fought would be a gross misrepresentation, and neither could achieve an outcome. The current Cala was too far gone to willingly surrender their body to their other, while their other was far too concerned of what a change would due to their other half.

Thus, they were in gridlock.

On the outside, as Kenichi gripped their body, they shivered and the Fade writhed like live wires humming with electricity. Not quite touching his skin as it was it would have no effect but Cala's body, on the other hand, emitted a small, pained noise as Kenichi gripped them. Their eyes were hazy and unfocused, almost dead-looking, as they simply.... blankly gazed into the center of Kenichi's chest. Cala's small form quaked in his grasp and, as Kenichi spoke and asked them if they struck too hard, it was not Kenichi's blow that now strained their ability to breathe, but general control of themselves.

After a moment the two selves would disentangle, Cala's hands shakily raising to grip Kenichi's own and they would hiccup, quietly, their eyes slowly blinking and the ringing in their ears dying down. Now allowed to hear Kenichi Cala would shiver from head to toe and glance around quickly, heart aching, pulse pounding and worry evident in their features. They were still panicking, but now more actively, and tears budded in their eyes as they desperately looked for Ariadna, their big sister, for Saiko who made their soul feel at peace, for Hana their new friend, for Solomon the Hero or Igen the very first person who had greeted them from their stupor or... anyone they knew previously... but no. None of them were there.

Instead before them was only Kenichi, a kind soul who knelt for them, to help them, even now as they broke down and Cala sniffled loudly as that sensation crushing their lungs finally relented, and they coughed a choke noise. Their voice spilling out in a slightly hoarse, mumbling rush.

"N-No you didn't I-I.... I just... I've never fought before a-and... and I hurt you!"

Cala could not look at Kenichi's hand, not again, instead they looked down and curled up their hands in their lap. All around them the Fade would tense, condense, and compact together before, as Cala's body relaxed, collapse into a pile beneath the small Arrancar. Cala would rub their eyes with a sleeve, their breathe hitching.

"I-I hurt you and I lied to you, I-I'm not a very good friend at all....."

This was..... perhaps a bit more about Cala's general mindset than just Kenichi, how insecure they felt about hiding their energy all the time and how little they felt they got to just be themselves. Nonetheless Cala lowered their damp sleeve and sighed shakily, heavily, their mouth feeling dry now.

"I-I must... seem really weak...."

They croaked quietly.

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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Fri Jan 27, 2023 5:26 pm
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Kenichi's eyes flickered between his hand and the raven-haired woman crying in his arms. Those orbs of lavender, with with tears, rendered him speechless. Cala was expressing how much they hurt him, when in reality, he didn't feel the slightest sting of pain. He likely suffered far worse in the past, but Cala was treating it as something akin to an irreparable wound, as if she had intended to truly hurt him. He was honestly smitten with how innocent she truly was. It was a rare sight in a world like this. He was at a loss of words while she was falling apart at the seams over a mere cut in his hand.

"Cala... no. You didn't do anything wrong. We were training. Accidents happen during training. This cut on my hand? You should be proud of it. You landed a good strike! That doesn't make you a horrible person at all. C'mere."

Like a bigger brother to a sibling, Kenichi would hum softly as he pulled her into a warm embrace, ruffling her hair softly as he offered words of reassurance. He didn't care about the lie. He didn't care about the cut. At that moment, he simply desired to make sure she was okay. Compared to that, everything else was secondary right now.

"In a world where hollows or Arrancar are purified or attacked, I don't blame you one bit for trying to blend in. Sure, you fooled me... but I don't care about that. Arrancar, human, Shinigami... none of that matters. The only race that matters to me is friend," he chortled softly, wiping her tears away as she stared at him. Obviously, it wasn't a race, but if it helped her laugh a little, he'd gladly fall on the blade of his own dumb humor.

"And above all, we talked about this. You're not weak. Just now, I didn't see weak. I saw a determined lady showing off some impressive techniques with her blade. That's pretty strong to me! Don't you think so, too?"


Last edited by Iori on Wed Feb 15, 2023 8:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Sat Jan 28, 2023 1:18 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala went rigid as Kenichi rebuked their worry, their doubt, their fear. His positivity giving Cala pause and, when he hugged them close, Cala blinked rapidly. Their entire thin form completely and utterly tense as they breathe in quick, scared pants. Not quite able to full calm themselves just yet and too emotionally drained to muster the strength to hug Kenichi back it was all Cala could due to blink their shimmering eyes and lean into the hug. The Fade they had called forth in desperation slowly vanishing back into their clothing without a trace. Leaving only the two of them, knelt on the ground, in an embrace that did wonders to help Cala's hurting heart.

Kenichi made the same point about their hiding as they themselves had discussed so long ago, about why it was a better idea for this side of them to primarily handle their business in the Living World, and Cala pulled back from the hug enough to look Kenichi in the face and nod a tiny bit. Sniffling Cala would not at all think of what Kenichi said as a joke, instead it would make them smile a small smile, a very fragile, shaky smile that had their lips quivering with the effort to maintain it. Kenichi calling them awesome making the tears well even more, threatening to spill over, and Cala nodded harder now. Causing their hair to swish before they saw Kenichi's hand again and they.... froze.

Staring at the hand for a long moment, throat working as if they were going to puke, Cala then turned their head and quickly removed the sash from their outfit. Saying nothing Cala then gently took one of Kenichi's hands in theirs, their own hands much smaller, slimmer and more soft but no less determined in bringing his hands into their lap as they mumbled.

"A-At least.... let me m-make it better...."

Cala would shakily begin to wrap Kenichi's hand in their sash, small, dexterous fingers being very gentle with him, as if he were the fragile one. As if he were something precious. Only once his hand was securely wrapped, snug under the soft fabric now staining with his blood, Cala then gently held his hand in both of theirs. Squeezing it gently and nodding without looking up at his eyes.

"Th-There. It... It should be better now, r-right?"

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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Sun Jan 29, 2023 11:24 pm
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

A sheepish chuckle had escaped Kenichi's lips. He really hadn't intended for Cala to react so strongly to his wound. To him, every word he said just now were undeniably sincere. Kenichi didn't particularly see the point in passing judgment on anyone without allowing them to prove themselves, regardless of race and origin. As far as he had been concerned, Cala had approached him with genuine benevolence. He had always been reminded of how naïve he truly was, but he trusted his gut with her. After all, would someone with suspicious intent react so strongly to a mere cut across their hand, an action that occurred in the midst of a spar? If they did, they were being pretty damn elaborate. He quietly observed the raven-haired woman as she wrapped her sash around his hand, holding his hand gently within her hands, as if that single part of his body was a precious gem that required delicate care, delicate attention. Reaching in with his other hand, he would softly pat her head as he nodded.

"Yeah. Much better. Thank you, Cala."

Honestly, it didn't even hurt that much. He could recall so many events where he felt pain far greater than this. It stinged maybe a little, but still... he wanted to make sure her mind was at peace.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Feb 01, 2023 1:44 am; edited 3 times in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Tue Jan 31, 2023 8:08 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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Cala closed their eyes and ducked their head a bit as Kenichi pat their head, giving the distinct impression that if they possessed animal ears those ears would have tucked down in enjoyment of the head pats. But as things stood Cala merely blushed and nodded as Kenichi said his hand did feel better, a fact that brought no small amount of relief to Cala. A soft exhale leaving them as they nodded and folded their hands in their lap, suddenly feeling very exposed and sheepish about the whole situation, and they would feel compelled to at least try and explain themselves.

"W-What you said earlier... about Arrancar and Hollows always being hunted that is w-why.... we chose to hide. I-I... I mean... I don't need to tell you a-at this point I don't like fighting, so instead I found a way to avoid notice, to eat in peace."

Cala did not mention that it was other Hollows they had devoured once upon a time, they did not feel the need to add the pretty grisly detail, but they did square their shoulders and bows their head to Kenichi.

"I-... I am sorry for tricking you! I've... I've even made some Shinigami friends s-so... so maybe.... maybe I don't need to hide as much anymore but it's still scary. Y-Ya know? Everyone around you, everyone you could meet, e-even people like you, or Hollows I-I guess, all trying to eat or kill you. I... I think it would make anyone nervous...."

Cala trailed off softly. On some level, perhaps, they knew it sounded like an excuse for their own behavior, a way to avoid having to confront how anxious they always were. But for now it was the best way they could think on how to cope with the situation.

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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 2:47 am
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

To be certain, as one who had crossed paths with a hollow with whom he shared what could only be described as a "partnership" of sorts, Cala's explanation was far from necessary. Compared to everyone else, Kenichi had always viewed himself as a neutral party. He was neither judge nor jury - to say nothing of executioner, for as long as his loved ones remained unharmed, the act of killing was something he rarely engaged in. He considered himself leagues below a more saintly spirit, but the idea of indiscriminate slaughter, regardless of race, was something he found far more detestable than he did appealing.

Hollows, were by nature, gluttonous beasts who thrived on devouring their own kind, and spiritually appealing humans who unfortunately found themselves on the receiving end of their hunger. They weren't an agreeable kind, but Kenichi had found, in his experience, at least, that they weren't entirely a lost cause once they developed a sense of "self". Saber was proof of that, he supposed. Even if she proved mercurial and rather harsh in the way she spoke to him. Always demanding, never offering anything in return.

Yet, he followed along. Sometimes, he was really was too kind for his own good. Even so, Cala seemed like a safe bet - seeming every bit of a woman who wouldn't hurt a fly. As such, there was no need to build a case. He had already considered her a solid addition into his ever growing collection of friends. Shaking his head, he motioned for Cala to raise her head, tickling her ears softly as a soft chuckle escaped his lips.

"At ease, soldier. Even if you deceived me, I understand the reason why. I've crossed paths with a sentient hollow before. Compared to humans like me, soul reapers, and even quincy - hollows are frightening creatures that feast on their own kind. Judging from what I've seen here, I could certainly understand why you'd want to avoid combat. I also understand the necessity for hollows to eat one another to survive. In any case..."

Kenichi would bump his head against Cala's, ruffling her hair as he nudged her cheek with a fist.

"None of that matters here. As I said, you and me are friends now. Even if you fear the thought of lifting up a sword, I'm never far away if you need someone to protect you. If you do desire to raise a sword, I'll always be there to guide you along the way. When your a friend of the Rising Dragon? It comes with the territory," he humored, a soft chortle as he gently tapped their cheek.


Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 8:33 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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All the while Cala spoke of deceiving and tricking Kenichi he had a thoughtful, but kind, appearance on his face. Cala's softly bowed head casting nervous, timid glances up at him. Their hands pressed together in front of them to nervously twiddle their fingers, breathe coming in shallow inhales until Kenichi motioned for them to raise their head. An act they did without any real thought, only to.... have their ears tickled? This was definitely, absolutely not anything Cala had ever experienced before. It very much reminded them of something Ari Onee-chan would do and Cala's face became a startled mess of a bright lavender blush to match their eyes.

With their back suddenly jolting up like a steel rod at being tickled Cala let out a giggle and weakly batted at Kenichi's hands, turning their head away in the process, and let out a small snort even as they were VERY ticklish. Only for them to blink and clamp a hand over their mouth as their eyes turned to pout at Kenichi, then soften, as he forgave them for lying to him. A brief bit of guilt flickering through Cala's eyes but as Kenichi leaned in and bumped their heads together Cala went still, unsure of how to react as their hair was ruffled, only for Kenichi to pull back and give them a very soft false punch. An act which made Cala drop their hand from their mouth, now smiling softly, and hugged their knees up to their chest.

As Kenichi promised to be their for them, to help them if they should need it even if they couldn't fight themselves, Cala pursed their lips and swallowed thickly. But when they gathered their voice, their cheek was poked, and they huffed softly out of their small nose at the further boops to their face. But regardless of the pouting that may have occured, Cala smiled nonetheless in a small, kinda way and nodded slowly.

"Th-Thank you Kenichi. You umm... you remind me of my onee-chan, Ari. I-I mean we're not... umm.... born family b-but.... well she is also very kind like you. She even helps me pick out clothes and prepare for dates!"

Talking about Ari only made Cala happier, and the vague allusion to their date with Saiko made butterflies erupt in their stomach, but for the moment Cala was only complimenting the Rising Dragon, comparing him to one of the most important people in their life at only their first meeting.

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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Wed Feb 01, 2023 9:03 pm
Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 ASSp7Iq

KENICHI MURATA | Rising Dragon

Kenichi chuckled softly as Cala seemed to take his words in stride. He had meant every word, after all. There was not a single falsity to be found. The giggle only assured him as the arrancar feebly batted his hands away. Kenichi relaxed in his posture as he continued to observe the woman, listening to her speak at length about him reminding her of another woman that cared for them in earnest. In turn, Kenichi smiled as he stroked his chin thoughtfully. Onee-chan, ah? Ari? Had he, perhaps, met her in passing? Probably not. Either way, as if to brighten their mood further, Kenichi flamboyantly assumed a martial art stance before pointing towards himself.

"She sounds like a great woman. In that case, if she is your onee-chan, I shall boldly claim the role of Onii-chan! After all, as your protector, I'll be viewing you like family from now on. Now, I might be terrible at finding women's clothing, but with two sibling figures, you can't go wrong!"

Perhaps he was getting ahead of himself, but he genuinely enjoyed the idea of looking over this woman, of watching her progress, and protecting that gentle smile. Modest as he tried to be about it, his kindness always seemed to display itself no matter how hard he tried.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Feb 15, 2023 9:16 pm; edited 4 times in total
Cala Paracer
Cala Paracer
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Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]  - Page 3 Empty Re: Ants & Dragons[Cala, Kenichi]

Sun Feb 05, 2023 1:24 pm


Enter Cala's Post

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As Kenichi struck a dramatic pose Cala blinked rapidly in surprise, almost startling, but when he pointed at himself and claimed he would gladly be their Nii-chan Cala.... stared for a moment. Gosh and Saiko said Cala was moving fast with their emotions! But nonetheless Cala felt deeply, felt strongly, in most everything they ever felt and with Kenichi? With Kenichi they felt nothing but warmth and honesty, someone who would truly want to be their Nii-chan, someone that maybe.... maybe could help them forget those moments of overwhelming Loss and anxiety.

Whether getting ahead of himself or not Cala's eyes would sparkle with delight at the idea, only for them to move forward, their arms circling Kenichi in a hug as Cala sniffled and hugged them snugly. A small, sincere smile on their face as they nuzzled their face against his shoulder. Their voice just a little shaky as they murmured.

"I-I think... you would make a great Nii-chan Kenichi."

Cala would pull back sheepishly, not usually one to initiate close contact like that, and they would wipe at their eyes as they did so. Their cheeks flushed and features obviously incredibly overjoyed. They now had Ari as their Onee-chan, and Kenichi as their Nii-chan, two people they felt were tender, sweet and genuine. Two people to help anchor them to their life and prevent them from drifting off into that near-death malaise that had claimed them recently. Wanting to try and match their new Nii-chan's emotions Cala would hum, cupping your chin in thought, their lavender eyes looking up as they mumbled.

"If you're Kenichi... a-and my Nii-chan.... then would you be Kenii-chan?~"

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