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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sat Feb 04, 2023 3:57 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 LjHzgKt


Even with more control over herself, Hiroi still found Kimitsuki's affection smothering. Though, she shouldn't expect much from a creature who's entire being is comprised of literal flames. It's the simple fact that it made Hiroi feel like an inexperienced child at times, especially with the woman lacking any knowledge of how old she actually is.

"If we are trying to figure things out, Kimitsuki, you should work on treating me a bit more maturely," Hiroi found herself grumbling, pushing a hand up to make Kimitsuki's head face upwards and away from her face or forehead. Honestly, Hiroi felt herself grow bored of the gentle affection and cooing. For starters, she can handle far more punishment than this. However, the very notion that Hiroi felt immaturely caressed left the woman still and worried, her own sudden masochism catching herself off guard.

"...Anyway... Let us go. I know little about the Rukongai, but I am sure finding a comfortable shop or something is within our capabilities."

Now she found herself shimmying away as quickly as she could, making sure both her feet were on the ground. Then, she adjusted her outfit, Kimitsuki's shenanigans just enough to leave it disheveled. Honestly, this redheaded mess of a Danava. What will Hiroi do with her? Hmph. The smaller woman held her hand out to her larger companion, signaling the truth of how she did not entirely mind her prior treatment.

"Come on, Kimitsuki. We'll find something that'll cheer you up."

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Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:14 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 L0Imfce


"Well... How much more maturely, Hiroi? You're right that I shouldn't treat you so... innocently, I suppose. But who would you like me to treat you instead?"

It was an honest question, one that Kimitsuki meant in earnest. No matter how small Hiroi may seem, her age was certainly something to question. Just how old was she, and how much could Kimi define by that measure? The Danava gave a small shrug before she smiled at Hiroi and nodded at her request at the very least; to try and treat Hiroi more maturely. It was only fair, especially since being treated so immaturely was enough for Hiroi to push Kimi's face and head away; causing the Danava to grin the tiniest bit.

However, Hiroi was right... she wasn't immature no matter how small she looked. So, the Danava simply figured it would be within her best interests to try and treat Hiroi more like she wanted. Regardless, the Danava slipped off her bed as well. While Hiroi righted her dishevelled clothing, Kimitsuki put on clothes that were a bit more flattering; but still very casual. Black jeans, a T-shirt covered with a fiery hoodie, and her normal heeled boots. She smiled, took Hiroi's hand and nodded once again, holding the smaller woman's hand firmly; but not like that of an older person keeping hold of a younger person, far more like that of... a couple, perhaps?

Regardless, Kimitsuki was more than glad to let Hiroi lead her out of the Kyoraku estate, and into the Seireitei and Soul Society at large; glad to follow Hiroi. Frankly speaking, Kimitsuki could go for the forest that was her birthplace... but, for now, she would let Hiroi take the reigns.

"Lead on, Hiroi. I trust your judgement completely. Besides, your presence alone has cheered me up tremendously~"


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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sat Feb 11, 2023 7:29 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 LjHzgKt


Hiroi knew little of Soul Society in actuality, the poor reality of her old situation as a dangerous creature. Now, without posing any threat, the grey woman had become addicted to exploring. The only thing that kept her curiosity at bay was Kimitsuki's situation, but with both women now free of the confines of that room, Hiroi felt the need to force her redheaded companion everywhere and anywhere. That didn't translate well though. Almost immediately, Hiroi felt overwhelmed by the idea of leading the way. There's just too much to choose from.

"Um... Kimitsuki?" Hiroi started, mad about having to even bring up the situation. She said she wanted to be treated better, but she's going to have do this now. "I don't know where to go. Take us somewhere."

Almost like an annoyed whine, she gave a rather pissed pout up at the redhead but kept quiet afterwards. She's embarrassed now, and she can feel the tinge of heat threatening her cheeks.

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:51 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

"Mm... How about, instead of some stuffy old restaurant, a private place... something I've wanted to show you but never got around to. We'll have a picnic there too~"

Kimitsuki smiled, bending a bit to give Hiroi a kiss on the cheek before she guided the slightly shorter woman out to the kitchen, where Kimitsuki gathered a rather plentiful bunch of supplies; at least before second guessing herself, repacked, and came out with a picnic basket that was far more fit to two women of a relatively normal apatite. After once more taking Hiroi's hand, Kimitsuki gave her a warm smile, and guided them out of the Kyoraku estate and then out of the seireitei with the help of a few guides to also take them to the world of the living; to a particular forest.

Where they emerged was in Europe, in a violently green forest by the name of Bialowieza Primeval Forest. Kimitsuki smiled at Hiroi fondly before she guided them through the forest, tongues of fire occasionally jumping out to briefly move branches and brush out of their way without harm; until they were in a clearing that was deep within the forest. While most of it was newly grown over, there were still some very obvious marks of a rather powerful burst of fire; along with the bare traces of a wooden shelter trapped under years of moss, leaves, and other forest waste. Kimitsuki smiled, letting Hiroi's hand slip out of hers as the Danava walked further into the little clearing; where she swiftly sat down on a clear bit of forest; and where the scorching seemed to have been the worst.

"Come... sit. This is where I was born, Hiroi. I kinda... caused a forest fire. But I wanted to spend some time with you here, just you and me... And, I hope we can truly get to know each other now. So please, sit... I packed a variety of food, and I want to know your favorites again~"

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sun Feb 26, 2023 8:53 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 LjHzgKt


From here to there, Hiroi simply followed Kimitsuki's whims. The trip was a doozy though, but in the end, they had made it to some forest. DeJa'Vu struck Hiroi, leaving her a bit quiet after they had arrived. The area reminded her of when she first met the Danava of Hunger and of their time together after that. Now, she's in another forest with another Danava, soon to have a similar interaction to then. The steps that brought them here was nothing more than due process, but Hiroi still wasn't completely satisfied with just that. Her mind is racing with other activities they could participate in.

"Sit? I'd like to explore the forest more. We should go exploring after we eat."

She did come to sit, but she made her wants known. This place seems huge, and she's curious about what else could be out here. This is where Kimitsuki was born after all. It'd be a shame to not fully learn the landscape. But, some food first wouldn't hurt. Can't go traveling without some energy in your stomach. Hiroi may not have an endless hunger, but she kept some of her insatiable appetite.

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sat Mar 04, 2023 4:05 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Perhaps this was similar for Hiroi, from what little she knew of the woman, it was likely jarring enough. However, if Hiroi wanted to be treated not as a child, but as a woman... Then this was the start. Then again, if Hiroi kept up what The First Danava of Hunger had done with her before, jealously trying to keep Kimitsuki to herself... Sadly, things would not end well for anyone. However! Kimitsuki's mind was focused on their picnic! After Hiroi joined her, Kimitsuki opened up their little basket of food, well more like medium sized cooler of food. Even if Hiroi herself no longer held the same appetite as before, it did seem like she still had quite the metabolism as a left over from her time being bonded with that First Danava of Hunger. Which was why Kimitsuki had a lavish spread for the pair of them.

Supplies to create sandwiches, various meats, some yogurt, sweets of course, and a few other odds and ends that Kimitsuki easily heated up with a cursory burst of flame. Learning how to cook, for her, was the best thing; especially because she could cook most foods by herself. Mostly letting Hiroi eat on her own, letting the woman choose what foods she wished, Kimitsuki tended to herself the same way. She certainly ate far less than Hiroi did, but Kimitsuki still at a whole sandwich and about half of a new york strip steak. Either Hiroi was rubbing off on her, or she was hungry. Either way, the Danava had certainly finished before Hiroi. So, she waited patiently, allowing her meal to settle within her stomach; humming some as she casually leaned against Hiroi, looking around the forest. For now, she was enjoying the small bits of nostalgia, along with Hiroi's company; more than happy to wait for the woman to be done eating.

"When you're ready, Hiroi, just take my hand; alright~? I'll follow wherever you wish to explore."

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Mon Mar 06, 2023 8:58 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 LjHzgKt


Stubbornly, Hiroi still wanted to explore, but her stomach demanded an apt amount of nutrition beforehand. Her whole spiel about being mature wasn't something she actively tried to uphold. Her face was nothing but entranced at the multiple items placed before her. Like a child in a candy store, her red eyes locked on to about everything, drool suddenly rolling down her cheek before she dug in. One of the only things in this world capable of distracting her, the array of food kept her still, even complacent with Kimitsuki's weight on her.

"I'm good," She grumbled with food in her mouth, stuffing her pockets at the suggestion of being on their way. Comically, she seemed to have little concern with mannerisms. Hiroi couldn't help but jump up and begin to drag Kimitsuki along, all the while keeping her other hand focused on stuffing her face.

"Lesh go! Any rivers?"

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Wed Mar 08, 2023 10:12 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki was quite right to believe that Hiroi's hunger still bordered on insatiable. She couldn't help but chuckle slightly as she watched Hiroi eat with a fervor of one who had been starved. However, it appears Hiroi's impatience outweighed her desire to sit and eat. However, it didn't entirely outweigh her desire to eat. The woman was practically stuffing her mouth, and pockets, with as much food as possible, clearly desiring to eat while walking. Kimitsuki wanted Hiroi to be a bit careful, but she couldn't help but chuckle as Hiroi dragged her along; her hand in Hiroi's as she led the woman off.

"Yes, off to the northwest."

Kimitsuki couldn't help but grin slightly as she caught up to Hiroi's pace, following the woman gladly; and also chuckling a tiny bit at how insistently she felt like stuffing her face the whole while. It really was adorable in a way that only Hiroi could truly muster.

"I hope you don't get a stomach ache, Hiroi. That's a lot of food, ya know~"

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Thu Mar 16, 2023 8:57 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 LjHzgKt


"Mmphf Mmphle."

Wait. A second to swallow and Hiroi's trying that again. "It's alright. I won't choke or anything."

Though, that doesn't really take away the dangers of eating so much. Hiroi's good for right now. Later? Who knows? But that's not important right now. What is important is exploring the forest. She's reminded so much of when she explored the woods back at home. Home? What was home like again? Hiroi hasn't thought about her past life in so long that it even coming up in her head sort of took away some of the pep that was in her step.

"Do you like your job, Kimitsuki?" She asked, stepping over a small twig. Not noticing it at first, in her more reserved state, Hiroi noticed the remnants of a fire. The charred wood is old, and a lot of the burnt leaves are nothing more than specks, but it's there. It's all around. Hiroi could only imagine how everything went down. It made her wonder what's so spectacular about being born with your whole life dedicated to something out of your control.

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sun Apr 02, 2023 7:40 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 2 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Well, somethings certainly don't change, do they? Hiroi was talking with her mouth full like she was still the same girl from before; albeit it was quite obvious she was not the same girl from before. Kimitsuki simply giggled before Hiroi had fixed her speech, and Kimitsuki squeezed Hiroi's hand as they continued to walk through the forest; with Hiroi reassuring Kimitsuki she wouldn't choke on her food. While Kimi didn't find that entirely reassuring, she didn't protest and instead let Hiroi do as she wished. She was her own woman, after all.

And indeed, there were traces of some great fire everywhere; traces of the exact moment in which Kimitsuki had been born. It was a long time ago, so the area had mostly healed but it was hard to hide some of the effects of such an intense fire that burned and ravaged; especially at the spot where its source was. However, Kimitsuki soon turned her head towards Hiroi and smiled warmly at her question.

"My job...?"

Kimitsuki considered for a few moments, her head tilting somewhat as she considered. Did she like her job? No. She loved her job. Even if making lesson plans was a pain, and the time she took out of her day to give a few students private lessons was encroaching on spare time, she loved it. So, Kimitsuki smiled warmly at Hiroi, hugging her briefly before they continued walking.

"I love my job, Hiroi. I truly do. Even if lesson plans and teaching can be quite stressful... It's a surprisingly fulfilling experience to see those who you train with and teach blossom under your care; and especially to see what they become... It makes me look forward to maybe being a mother one day; but that still feels like a far off reality."

Kimitsuki smiled at Hiroi and continued to let Hiroi lead the way, not caring about where they went; as long as she was with Hiroi, it would be fine. After all, Hiroi wanted to explore, so what better to do than let the woman explore as she wished?

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