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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Wed Apr 05, 2023 7:22 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 LjHzgKt


"That isn't what I meant," Hiroi said, walking over a root along her path before stopping under a large tree. She followed the root up the tree, letting her red eyes focus on a bird's nest up above. Narrowing her eyes, she brought her arm up, aiming a piece of bread in her hand, crushed between her fingers. With a bit of effort, she launched the bread up, hitting the nest and causing it to fall from the tree onto the ground between the two women. Looking down, she took note of the broken egg, its yolk spilling from the destroyed nest.

"Do you like being fire? Does it not bother you that you're a force used mainly for destruction?"

Eyes, youthful indignation behind them, stared at the redhead. Hiroi's lips fell as she frowned at Kimitsuki. Right now, her thoughts have gone back to her time as a Danava, feeling the rules she's meant to follow pulling her to and fro, that gnawing hunger that tortured her day in and out. Even after being freed of it, the pale woman still found her view of the world bleak. There are words in her mouth that want to come out, but she bit her lip and kept herself quiet for the answer that is to come, her cold eyes falling onto the destroyed nest, regret already plaguing them.

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Thu Apr 06, 2023 11:50 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Frankly speaking, Kimitsuki had no idea what exactly Hiroi had meant. And such a thing was even less clear as Hiroi cocked her arm back with a ball of bread within it. This made everything quite confusing until Hiroi had pitched that ball of bread for a nest in a lofty tree, during which time Kimitsuki had barely enough time to register in an attempt to catch the falling egg; and the falling nest.

Smashed upon the ground, Kimitsuki looked at the fallen nest before she turned on Hiroi. She wasn't angry, or even disappointed... but she was simply saddened that Hiroi would do something so destructive to life. However, Kimitsuki soon gleamed immense regret from Hiroi's eyes; seemingly cold, but Kimitsuki soon sighed and walked up to Hiroi. She flicked the woman's nose gently before she cupped Hiroi's cheeks in her hands and kissed her forehead gently; her hot lips likely left a sensation of lingering heat before she looked at Hiroi intensely.

"You didn't need to waste the potential of new life just to prove a point to me, Hiroi. And the facts are I love being fire."

In an instant, fire erupted around them, surrounding Hiroi and Kimitsuki as Kimitsuki rested her forehead against Hiroi's forehead; humming oh so gently as the fire around them burned different hues, created patterns, and did far more things than what one would expect from the stereotypical definition of fire.

"I embody everything that is fire, Hiroi. Life, death, the cycle of life itself; cleansing and the natural order. Just because what I am is often used for destruction does not mean I have to be; it does not mean I am only that one aspect. Of course, fire is destructive beyond measure and should not be played with; just like you should never play with my emotions like that, Hiroi. Because I am fire, I must be careful every single moment I am alive, but I also enjoy everything that I am because fire is beautiful, Hiroi. It is not a weapon, it is a simple tool that is used incorrectly by everyone and everything."

In a sudden spur of emotion, Kimitsuki pecked Hiroi's lips as casually as anything, before she pulled Hiroi into a tight hug, the fire burning around them gently sputtering out and turning into beautiful sparks that cascaded through the branches harmlessly.

"I may be fire, but that does not mean I have to be hurt or broken by the worst aspects of myself. Instead, I choose to embrace them and control them for the good of myself and others; and especially you. Rules are meant to be broken, Hiroi. For what we are made of does not make us who we are; it's what we choose to be that makes us who were are. And what do you choose to be, my dear Hiroi?"

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:30 am
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 LjHzgKt



Kimitsuki being mad is one thing, but that look of disappointment pained Hiroi in a way she's hardly felt before. However, the young woman found her example plain and required. Regrettable? Yes, but she has lived her life with a blatant disregard for life in general. In her eyes, if the eggs were meant to survive, they wouldn't have cracked. Where are the parents? If she were her old self, Hiroi would have found the eggs a snack because that's simply nature. It is hard to combat the status quo. That is why Kimitsuki felt idealistic, but the redhead is a living example of fighting against what she is meant to do.

However, maybe Hiroi is the one looking at things wrong. Kimitsuki can spout her nonsense about being life, but, in the end, there's nothing beautiful about any of this. Even as the fire raged, even as Kimitsuki showed the woman compassion she's never felt before, the pale ex-Danava found her heart burdened with the heavy realization of her existence. She is no longer a Danava, but she can still feel that pull, that hungering sensation to devour. It angered her. Kimitsuki's kiss angered her, and that anger made her take the redhead's hand and shove them away.

"So? What I'm supposed to do is just focus on the good, huh? Just ignore the pain I feel everyday, gnawing at my stomach?"

Her expression darkened again, her lips tingling. Her red eyes glared at Kimitsuki, her body tensing as she shook with buried emotions that she had kept for a while now. Everything's coming to the surface, everything she felt while her consciousness was subdued to keep from going insane with her lust to eat.

"That Danava saved my life by consuming me. That Danava made me feel unimaginable pain. It was my only family, but it also tormented me everyday I was awake. Every night was nothing but nightmares. You can say that eating gives you power, that consuming knowledge leads to wonderful things, but what about when it's too much?! What about when the desire to consume everything outweighs everything else?! Huh?! Even fire. All it wants to do is eat and eat until there's nothing else. I could feel it. Everyday, by your side, I felt those flames want to devour the world, whether it was to protect or destroy, to heal or kill."

Fuck. Hiroi bit her lip hard to keep it from trembling, a spick of blood dropping from her chin. Her anger, coming out in spouts, dwindled as she found it tiring to keep up with it, and with a sigh, she crumbled into herself, grabbing her clothing with her hands and clenching hard as her eyes focused on the ground.

"I don't even deserve to live. How can I do what I want when I have no idea what it is I want?"

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sat Apr 08, 2023 2:18 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

"I never said you need to look on the bright side, or even consider ignoring the pain... I've simply had the benefit of time to come to terms with what I am; while you have not. Especially given your recent change. There was a time where I was afraid of harming everyone, afraid of burning down the entire world because of emotions that burned like fire; emotions that still burn unchecked if I am not careful. If I lost control for one Iota of a second... everything burns..."

Flames erupted around them both again. This time, they were very obviously not in control, singing the grass, heat coursing through the area; the scent of burning flora and fauna palpable as Kimitsuki's fiery eyes bored into Hiroi. She felt bad for the woman, truly so, and that was why Kimitsuki pulled Hiroi into a hug; even as the world seemed to burn around them, and Kimitsuki's body too seemed to burn.

"My flames, my fire, may desire for something different than I do; but I bend them to my will because I must. They would consume everything I love without consideration, without care; they would consume you, too. I cannot have that, ever... Hiroi, you can choose what you want, and you need not let me, nor another decide for you. But I know that what I want in life is the safety of those I love and, most importantly, your safety. It's why my fire does not devour with reckless abandon, but does my whim; for it is me, and I choose what it will do."

In an instant, the flames flared in one last ENOURMOUS roar of emotion before they faded into nonexistence; the only traces a ring of burnt grass at their feet. Not even the trees seemed to be harmed, a little dry for the moment, but unharmed.

"Hiroi, if life were so easy, I would gladly take your troubles away and make it so you could live happily ever after. But this is no fairy tale, this is no grand tale... This is simply the honest to goodness suffering of existence, and we must find happiness wherever we can. Do not focus on what we must do, but what you want to do, what you want to be, figure it all out; for you shall have me by your side every step of the way."

Kimitsuki hummed softly as she hugged Hiroi a little bit tighter, her warmth no longer a bit much to bear, but once more soothing; a calming warmth like that of a lover or a warm blanket, perhaps. She may embody the destructive nature of fire, but fire was far more than destruction; and Hiroi simply need understand that hunger was much more than consumption. It was the desire to exist, to continue existing, and to live on.

"You do deserve to live, Hiroi; just like every single being in this world deserves a chance at life. This isn't even optimism, it's just truth. Besides, I don't want you to die, Hiroi. There's no need to look on the positive side every time, but there's only a need to try and come to terms with what you are; and what you can do. We'll figure out what it is you want, Hiroi. Besides, don't you want to remain with me? After all, you haven't expressed a desire to leave me. We may not need look on the positive side all the time, but that doesn't mean we have to look on the negative side of things. Everything is not as bleak as you might believe, I promise. Deep breaths, Hiroi... We'll figure out how to tame your newfound hunger, and I promise to make you as many meals as you need, okay~? Just please... No more needless destruction of life. Even if those eggs were bound for destruction, that does not mean we need to cause it."

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sun Apr 09, 2023 9:27 pm
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 LjHzgKt


It's hot, but that's expected. Hiroi isn't bothered by it. She's focused on Kimitsuki, listening to the redhead's words. She had nothing to say on the subject, all her worries already voiced and responded to. Right now, the only thing left to do is continue with her life. Whatever's meant for her will come, like Kimitsuki said. She may have to find it, but she won't be alone in doing so at least. The idea of molding herself into something different than what she knows is scary.

"I don't think I can do this without you," Hiroi mumbled, leaning into Kimitsuki. Hiroi has never been too physical with Kimitsuki, so the deep hug that she returned may come as a surprise.

"I know I said we should take things slow, but I guess I haven't completely gotten over my hunger." Whatever that means.

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Wed Apr 19, 2023 11:09 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki held Hiroi tight to her frame, as if refusing to let the woman go. She smiled gently, stroking Hiroi’s back and holding the woman’s head gently; humming carefully as she held Hiroi. Soon, however, Hiroi’s voice came in a mumble, and a return to her embrace came at the same time; and she really wasn’t sure what surprised her more. Such a gentle, scared, tone of voice or the simple fact that Hiroi was actually returning a hug in earnest for once. However, instead of faltering, Kimitsuki’s passions only gently increased as she held the woman lovingly in her arms.

“You won’t have to, Hiroi. I will be with you every step of the way, for as long as you need; for as long as time allows us~ You will never be without me, my dear Hiroi~”

Kimitsuki smiled still, rubbing the woman’s back before she heard Hiroi’s final statement. It caused her head to tilt, an eyebrow to cock towards her bangs, and especially the multitude of questions that entered her mind. She reminded Kimi of how Hiroi said they should take things slow, and yet she hadn’t completely gotten over her hunger. Unless Hiroi wanted more food…

“Tell me… Show me what you hunger for, Hiroi~”

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:13 am
Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 LjHzgKt


"Eh... Nevermind."

It may be best to not push that particular topic, so Hiroi left that where it should remain for now. There are better times to talk about something of the sort. Besides, it's not like she really gets what she wants either, at the moment. For now, they should regain the simplicity of their walk and continue on.

"Let's go. The food's going to get cold, and this forest is hot."

Hehe. Awkward as it may be, Hiroi tried her best to get out of Kimitsuki's grip, still keeping the other's hand though. This sort of feeling, or hunger, should be worked out a bit more before followed up on. If anything, Hiroi would like to avoid having too much of a dependency on Kimitsuki like before.

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Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 Empty Re: Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi)

Thu Jun 08, 2023 11:17 pm

Guideless Fire (Kimitsuki/Hiroi) - Page 3 6EdIfMt

The Liberated Flame

Artist: JubyPhonic - Song: WILDFIRE!! (Cover)

Kimitsuki smiled warmly at Hiroi as she decided upon control, and not to push boundaries quite yet. The Danava gave the woman a slightly wry smile before hugging Hiroi with her free arm; as her hand was certainly quite captured. She nodded gently at what Hiroi said, a small smile still upon her lips.

"Very well~"

Kimitsuki easily let Hiroi slip from her grip, knowing well that she would not relinquish the Danava's hand despite that. A tiny smile appeared on those lips then as Kimitsuki walked side by side with Hiroi, through the forest that could be considered her place of birth; as far as Danava were concerned at least. Kimitsuki hummed gently as she walked with Hiroi, a pleasant tune that was likely unfamiliar to Hiroi, but no less pleasant despite it. Many of these things could be handled with time, and Kimi was more than happy to allow Hiroi the time she needed; but of course, knowing that Hiroi could still depend on Kimitsuki, even if she desired to be a little more independent.

"Then we may as well return and enjoy the rest of our meal before it grows too cold~ I think I packed a little bit of dessert too~"

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