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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Sat Mar 18, 2023 4:59 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__0a836df90b8dfe82d75d0f56ef64acbb

He was caught off guard again. His eyes widening as that kick slammed into him. His upper body JARRING slightly as he slid along the ground. His wrist having been barely brought up in time to block that vicious kick, and honestly, he only partially blocked it. Gritting his teeth as he slid back and off the edge of the tower! Dropping down the length of that sheer side before skidding along the side of the buildig, a little HUFF escaping him as he blinked rapidly and let out a soft tiisk. Pulling his leg back as his eyes gleamed. Spotting Natasha THROUGH the side of the tower.

"Guillotine." He growled as his spiritual pressure kicked up, and then unleashed that vicious kick! A blade of air ripping clean through the tower and aiming to slam up and into the quincy above! A horizontal slash that promptly severed the chunk of tower he had been standing on, causing it to begin sliding down the length of the building! The floor rumbling as that big chunk of structure began to fall,
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Thu Mar 30, 2023 11:44 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 GErtDg6


"Heh, now that's what I call gettin' me to work up a sweat, sweetheart!"

Extending a shout of praise in response to the horizontal slash of air roaring from below - slicing through the structure that kept her balanced - Natasha grinned from ear to ear. Forming a robust shield of reishi, she braved the storm of that crescent of air, kicking her body away from the collapsing tower. Showcasing her exceptional skill in reishi manipulation, humanity's strongest soldier manipulated the shield's shape, its form now akin to a hoverboard.

Swinging it forward during her descent, Natasha leap onto the unique platform of reishi, soaring toward Edelo from above, her arm poised in preparation for a clothesline if she could keep catch him at unawares. He hadn't forced her to use a gun yet, but he definitely made her sweat with that last technique. In addition, it earned him a reprieve from her fierce assault during their first clash. Her aim was to ensure that reprieve was momentary.


Last edited by Iori on Sat Apr 08, 2023 12:32 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Wed Apr 05, 2023 5:15 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__0a836df90b8dfe82d75d0f56ef64acbb

Edelo smirked just a little as she leapt away, and he grinned at the woman as the chunk of building he landed on continued to slide down and began to fall, tumbling so that it was now rushing toward the ground, Edelo standing upside down on the falling chunk of building. If Natasha wanted to swoop in, she'd have to rush in under that falling chunk.

In the very last moment, as she charged toward him, he suddenly spun, blocking her forearm with his own. And as he did s, he planted his foot into that reishi platform she was standing on, attempting to stomp it into the ground and plucking her from it in an attempt to throw her into the floor "beneath" them with enough force to split the chunk in half, cleaving it in two and causing both halves of the falling building chunk to peel apart, starting to fall on their sides rather than threatening to flatten the both of them beneath it as it fell. At the very end of his move, he attempted to tighten his grip on the woman. Hoping to grapple the blonde. She had some pretty nasty counters and retorts to his prior moves, and so hopefully with a bit of restraint, she'd be a bit limited in her options to counter. The last thing he wanted was to give her too much opportunity to use her range advantage on him.

He NEEDED more options. Sure he had his kicks, but he could feel himself struggling to try and find an answer for those guns that he KNEW she might pull out at any time.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:15 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 GErtDg6


Forearm for a forearm, eh? Natasha was absolutely amused by the counter, even more so when he stood on her platform of reishi. His aim was to throw her off of her own platform of reishi with his own physical prowess as the catalyst - a bold tactic that elicited even more amusement in the sharpshooter's expression. Holding her ground as though to challenge him in a contest of strength, Natasha maintained her balance as she answered back with resistance, generating blut Arterie through her forearm to limit his overall ability to overpower her, and by extension, grapple her entirely.

"Lookit at you tyin' me up in a knot. Am I gettin' to ya that much, darlin'?"

Ever shifting movements between the both of them would inevitably lead to a disbalance on her part regardless of how well she held up here, to say nothing of the chunks of debris hurdling down from above. Forming Casanova in the hand of the limb that wasn't constricted, Natasha pointed it toward the chunk of crashing debris in a straight line, releasing a blue arc of reishi rather than the bullets that a proud staple of her repertoire. Considering his strength, he wasn't going to let go so easily. As though well aware of that fact, she offered a warning.

"Hold on tight, Del'. We're about to hop off of the Nat Express.'"

The blue arc of reishi transmuted into a rope, winding itself around the debris as Natasha brought every fiber of strength to bear to tug her body upward off of the board of reishi, attempting to guide her body to the another platform and hopefully separate the man off of her body. Either way, one of them was going to crash into something, and Natasha was well aware she might be the first. Even so, as long as she gained some distance. She could reposition Casanova, and really overwhelm him. Or maybe she'd go back to fighting him in his realm? Decisions, decisions...


Last edited by Iori on Sun May 07, 2023 4:35 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Sat May 06, 2023 1:41 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__0a836df90b8dfe82d75d0f56ef64acbb


The sudden formation of that spirit weapon had him narrowing his eyes. Tightening his grip on the woman's arm even more as she suddenly sliced through that incoming chunk of building, only to turn that beam into ... a rope? He furrowed his brows and gritted his teeth as she suddenly SHOT off! His grip on her almost slipping as he was tugged along for the ride, the muscles in his arms having to flex as he kept his grip and the pair of them swung off of their previous spot! He was unfortunate enough to be on the bottom when they finally landed, GRUNTING as they skidded across the new platform, and he narrowed his eyes at the woman, tugging her back in to try and reduce her ability to point that weapon at him.

"I'm not going to let you get away," He informed her, his voice deepening as he leered down at her, shifting his grip and attempting to reach around her shoulders to try and grab the back of her neck. He wasn't bulky enough that he could just overpower her. Not in a long term engagement. But his spiritual pressure did swell up within him and with a sudden narrowing of his eyes, strength would flow into his arms and legs as he bolstered himself. He wasn't even particularly good at this kind of thing with his spiritual energy, but thankfully his martial prowess made up some of the difference. With that sudden burst of strength, he aimed to SWING her up and into the air. An attempt to get her entirely off of her feet before twisting his body, slinging her over his shoulder and then down into the floor. driving her head-first into the platform with a sudden powerful strike, one strong enough to send cracks slithering down the length of the pillar and cause that platform to crumble!

A blow he trusted she'd be able to handle.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Mon May 08, 2023 2:11 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 GErtDg6


"Haha, no kiddin! I was aimin' to drop you off durin' our little flight that time!"

Natasha felt the firm grip of the young martial artist trying to tug her back in. His resilience was something to be admired, to be sure, but if he was so sharp-set on maintaining his hold on her body, Natasha intended to make his path as difficult as possible. Self-improvement could only come from within when one was pushed to their upper limit, after all.

As a result of the way they landed, Natasha couldn't immediately shift her body away from his grip, leaving her susceptible to being swung along for her own ride through the air, courtesy of Edelo. Judging by the trajectory of his swing, this guy was aiming to slam her head-first into the platform. Natasha would have to be swift. And swift she was, tapping into the defensive system of Blut to avoid suffering the full brunt of damage that powerful body slam.

"Phew...! Going for a knockout blow, eh, Del? Sorry to break it to ya, sweetheart, but I ain't goin' down without a fight!"

As the foundation of the second pillar began to crumble, Natasha would press the muzzle of her gun against the ground with a grin. Casanova's specific set of reishi bullets were akin to mini-explosives. One of these bad boys would assuredly push her towards the outcome she desired at the moment - that is, twisting her body free of Edelo's grip.

Two bullets released against the faltering pillar as a wave of reishi fire filled the atmosphere, exploding against the cracking platform. No, to be more precise, it accelerated the destruction of the platform, forcibly breaking it apart through the duress of her bullets. The theory behind this wild act was to disrupt his footing, distort the balance advantage, and potentially free her body away from his grip entirely. To ensure that her strategy came to fruition, if he faltered in his attention even for a moment, Natasha generate reishi at the sole of her feet, bringing enough of her physical strength to bear to kick him away.

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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Tue May 09, 2023 6:43 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__0a836df90b8dfe82d75d0f56ef64acbb


He could contend with trying to just keeping a hold of her. That was his strength against hers, and with enough leverage, he felt he had a decent shot. But when that gune pressed into the ground, he had a feeling he knew what was going to come next. That sudden explosive burst caused his ears to ring and the force of the hit knocked him away from her, losing his grip as he raised his arms and legs defensively to shield himself from the blast. Skidding off across the pillar with dust trailing from his uniform, pushing off of a platform of condensed air and then skidding to a halt nar the edge of the platform, Which was now breaking apart. Fuck. He staggered as his footing broke apart and his eyes narrowed as he focused on where Natasha was. Expecting a hail of gunfire.

Ah. A Foot.
Seeing that kick smashing in from the side, he managed to raise his forearm in time to partially block the hit. But she was strong, and with her whole body, particularly that rather developed thigh and posterior in the mix, his own forearm was smashed into himself, and he gritted his teeth as he was forced to take the hit, a soft glow to his eyes as the air roared along his heel.

"Guillotine." He hissed out, just before he twisted his body to flow with the impact, his leg swinging up as he briefly pushed off on a disc of compressed air, giving himself the leverage to counter with his own swinging kick. One backed up with a massive blade of wind to tear into the Coordinator's shoulder and sides. IT wasn't a tremendous hit, certainly not a Guillotine as strong as some of the ones he'd used earlier, but it was the best he could muster on the spot.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Wed May 10, 2023 2:07 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 GErtDg6


Showcasing his deceptive resilience once more, Natasha could only offer a praiseworthy grin as she perceived Edelo roaring in again. Thinking on his feet, he kicked off of his own platform in the air to burst forward, unleashing another kick layered within a cutting torrent of wind. Since he collapsed so quickly upon her, there would be no instantaneous opportunity to utilize Blut Vene. As though recognizing that, Natasha braced herself as that fierce kick connected with her shoulder and side, cutting softly into her flesh.

The rattling impact was enough to earn a pained grunt, but that was the extent of her reaction. If anything, the collision only caused her grin to widen even more as she held onto that leg in the air, tapping into the offensive system of blut to seize it in place. Rushing her other arm forward, she poised her gun at his midriff. At such close distance, he probably possessed more than enough strength to push her away, but she wouldn't let him go without letting a few shots fly against his well-defined frame. Since she wasn't aiming to injure him, one shot from Casanova would be enough to give him pause if nothing else. A miniature little explosion to throw him off his game, and earn herself enough freedom to put on a real light show. Or go down trying.

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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Fri May 12, 2023 8:58 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__0a836df90b8dfe82d75d0f56ef64acbb

The way that Natasha snared his leg certainly was a bit alarming. As his leg connected with the woman's chest, his spiritual pressure ROARED! That slim blade of Wind suddenly growing in size! A sudden crackle of energy flowing through his leg and into his pants specifically. And promptly, Natasha would feel that grip she had on his leg suddenly be reduced to nothing.

"Oiled Guilltine"

Using Full Taekwondo: Schizophrenia, the friction along his leg was promptly eliminated. And his leg SLICED along her frame as he tore it from her grasp and followed through with the kick, ripping across her body and ending with a downward rush of cutting wind and energy, aiming to bore into her Blut and launch into the pillar with staggering force, the glow of his reiryoku twisting with the motion of the strike as he promptly disengaged from the woman. but not before that gun had fired off. Even peeling from her grip, he wasn't able to avoid the guns pointed at his gut. The loud CRACK of it discharging caused him to wince and he gritted his teeth as he forced himself to continue the strike, onlt to slip away from her as the two of them parted, the friction returning to his pants and boot as he slid along the platform, a brand new hole in his uniform thanks to those explosive shots.

"Well. Not as ... scott-free as I was hoping." He panted out, slowly rising back up to his feet before flashing a smile toward the woman. His eyes shining, peeling away the layers to try and see if he'd done any lasting damage. After all, he had used a fair ammount of energy between her and the training dummies.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Fri May 12, 2023 9:35 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 3 GErtDg6


From Natasha's perspective, Edelo proved more than capable of earning his escape. And as expected, he did just that. He turned her gamble into a payoff for his own benefit as a torrent of cutting winds billowed around his foot, slicing into her flesh with each blade. Following that up with a more purposeful kick, shrouded within a gale of wind and energy, Natasha was left relatively defenseless in terms of her overall options to counter. The only thing left to her in this moment was to simply cut her losses, and let the damage come as it may.

The kick landed as it had intended, sending the woman flying back several meters through the air. Of course, even with her body becoming an enemy of gravity at the moment, Natasha simply gritted her teeth as she formed a wall of reishi at her back to break the overall impact against that pillar. Without missing a beat, even with a pretty wicked wound, she set her feet atop the platform of reishi, skipping about until she reached the platform he currently occupied.

Chuckling softly, Natasha noted the wide gash of a wound across the torn gap in her shirt, stained with a generous amount of blood. At the moment, she was using Blut to softly bind it and thread it together, but it only paused the process at best. At worst, she was still leaking something pretty fierce. Shifting her feet from side to side as though sizing up, Natasha wiped off the blood on her lips before settling into an offensive stance, something that actually resembled a martial artist.

"That makes two of us, sugar. You cut me up somethin' fierce just now. Even so, I reckon' I still got more in me. That is, of course, if you want to tap out' and call it a day, Del'." Voicing words that felt like a challenge, Natasha observed Edelo with waiting eyes, curious to see what he'd say. All things told, she wasn't ready to call it quits even with the damage she suffered.

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