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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Tue Mar 07, 2023 7:45 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER_98530972_p14_master1200

The sound of gunfire rang out through the arena as Natasha kept up that withering gunfire. Loud pangs sounding through the air as bullets of reishi plowed through the lizards, the flimsy things crumbling easily, only further causing them to scatter as the second gun was brought to bear. on the hollows. The things hissing and attempmting to scatter as bullets cut them down. Leaving them crumbling to wispy clouds of dust.

Edelo let out a soft tch. Watching as a hallway full of lizards suddenly started to scatter. His eyes snapping to the nearest corner. Those eyes gleaming as he noticed those bunching up into groups. The heck? He cocked his leg back, air ripping inward, ruffling his hair before launching a strike, a sudden BANG sounding as a thin needle of air pierced through the walls, slamming into the pile of lizards before promptly expanding, following the motion of his foot and slicing through the group, cutting down a number of the lizards, but even more began to scatter.

No doubt Natasha would start to see the change in the Lizard's behaviors. Originally cowardly, they continued to scatter and run. However, whenever they managed to find a group and begin getting aggressive, they would form big swarms, swarms that even those shots of hers would have trouble ripping through. And soon they would begin to surge, rather than running, they'd begin advancing toward Natasha! Sending hails of those pellets at her as they attempted to swarm her!

A behavior that occasionally would cause a cleave of air from Edelo toward the larger groups, causing them to scatter again. It was a simple program. They ran away in small groups, but attacked in larger ones. A program designed to help practice crowd control. Keep them scattered. Keep them scared. And one that would no doubt tip of Natasha that she might need to use something a bit more suited for culling crowds.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Wed Mar 08, 2023 9:31 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Y0FSPNP


The first gathering of reptilian hollows went down with relative ease after her fierce wave of gunfire. As expected, the dual-wielding approach was always a recipe for success. When it came to trouble, why not make it double? After chuckling at her admittedly corny humor, Natasha maintained a focused gaze, eyes darting about rapidly to observe the other groups of virtual enemies that were likely hiding from her and Edelo, biding their time to employ another sneak attack. Of course, with the gathering of multiple lizards in rapid succession, the two gun method was slowly being rendered ineffective.

Her bullets were taking a few of them down, sure, but now with all of them swarming together, it became abundantly clear that she would have to shift to another strategy. For now, as those pellets of reishi came racing toward her, she contorted her body in methodical patterns, avoiding the field of fire with precise movement. Thankfully, Edelo came soaring in with his martial skill, swinging in from above to scare them off.

After taking time to analyze the situation, Natasha was beginning to understand the method behind how these lizards attacked. When in small groups, they'd scurry off and hide behind the walls of the maze. When in large groups, though? They grew a little more bold. Crowd control, eh? In the blink of an eye, Natasha would allow Casanova and Roxanne to temporarily dissipate into ambient reishi, azure energy swirling and twisting between her fingers, forming an outline until her new weapon materialized. Starpacker. Her prized assault rifle. Now, she could really take it to em'. Course', she made sure to quickly turn to Edelo, calling out to him as she leaped from wall to wall in this mazelike structure.

"Heads up, sweetheart, I'm gonna' bring out' the big guns. You handle the small groups, I'll wait until those large groups start pilin' on in numbers. Try and make sure ya' don't get caught in the crossfire, kay, sugar?"

After offering him a playful wink, Natasha's eyes darted toward the larger groups of lizards waiting for her to approach. Generating reishi for ammunition, Natasha pulled the trigger as an aerial rain of reishi fire filled the atmosphere, bullet after bullet pulverizing these virtual creatures in a ceaseless wave of gunfire.


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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Sat Mar 11, 2023 12:29 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER_98530972_p14_master1200

Edelo's frame was wreathed int the green tint of that shifting wind. He shot through the training environment, controlling his breathing as he leapt up onto one of the high platforms as a hail of pellets cracked into the stony wall he'd been beside moments before. Tensing up as he slammed his shoes into the panel, a soft green glow adhering him to the surface as his eyes darted, scanning around and through the maze of walls. He could see a few new groups beginning to form.

Thankfully Natasha's new shift in strategy was handling things very well. The sudden shift in weaponry promptly resulted in the woman plowing through the sudden swarming groups of Lizards. Withering the boosted confidence in the simulated enemies, causing them to shriek and scatter. Forcing them to dip behind cover. But of course, that wasn't an issue for Edelo. Taking a deep breath as Natasha called out her warning. He paused, scanning to spot the remaining groups in the arena around them. Taking a steady breath, gathering the wind around his legs as he tensed his muscles, slowly crouching before he sprang up. Launching himself up and into the air raising one of his heels up and into the air, that wind roaring as it gathered along the length of his leg.

"Orochi Guillotine." He called out, before dropping his foot, channeling his fullbring abilities and martial prowess into that twisting blade of air and launching it into the ground! That blade of green-tinged air slamming into the ground before promptly splitting apart! Cutting blades lanced outward, spidering across the arena, splitting and ripping clean through the walls of reishi and crashing through the crowds of lizards to shred them.

And of course, these were very weak enemies. Between Natasha's sudden hail of gunfire, and the finisher delivered by Edelo, the remaining lizards promptly were scattered and culled. The combination of strong cutting winds and puncturing bullets eliminating the remaining lizards, leaviung only a few left, but hardly enough to actually cause them to regroup. The remainders all dissolved into Reishi and the lights perked back up, signaling the end of the program.

Edelo let out a soft WHEW as the lighting shifted and he dropped down, pausing to eyeball the walls as they too began to deconstruct and dissolve, the maze of walls and platforms shifting. "Whew. Well that was a nice little warmup." He chuckled, offering a little smile as he looked to Natasha, and the display buzzed quietly at his waist. Hm?

He pulled out his phone and checked the display. Here is your Score. You have been authorized for increased levels of difficulty. Would you like to run another simulation? The application chimed. Causing him to tilt his head a bit before rubbing his chin. "Ahah.... sorry. I guess that was set a little....low." HE murmured. Honestly, between the both of them, it hadn't been all too exciting. "ahem, did uh, you want to try out the higher levels orrrrr?" He tilted his head. Certainly he wasn't actually sure how high these things went. But he also felt that ....well..that hadn't been nearly as .... long-lasting a simulation as he'd been hoping. So he was open it Natasha wanted to switch methods for their little training session.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Left_bar_bleue0/0Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Mon Mar 13, 2023 12:40 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Y0FSPNP


Natasha loved when a good plan came together. The ceaseless hail of gunfire was ideal for culling the larger group of enemies, while Edelo's martial prowess could handle the remaining scatter of lizards from below. Even from above, the blonde-haired woman couldn't help but whistle at how his martial skill and fullbring ability worked in perfect synchronization, quietly humming with approval at his impressive handiwork below. When the remaining lizards vanished into reishi, Natasha simply landed onto the ground, allowing her rifle to dissipate momentarily as she peeked behind Edelo to look at their score.

Apparently, she surmised, these simulations worked around difficulty levels. Pass one, and you were allowed to move onto the next. That was interesting. It was a fine way of gauging where a member of the Vandenreich might be in their progress. An ideal way to get them prepared. Ehefera had some pretty good ideas' in the cute head of hers, huh? Well, she never doubted it. It was simply interesting to see them in action. Natasha stroked her chin with a hand at her hip. She could certainly go for another round, all things considered. Then again, a spar didn't sound too bad either.

"We could certainly crank up the difficulty. I do need to break a sweat, after all. Although, a spar against you wouldn't sound half bad, either. Whaddya say? Coordinator vs Member? I gotta' get loosened up, though, so go easy on me," she quipped, tapping at his back. She made it obvious what she desired, but if he was unwilling? Well, he could certainly crank that level up on the phone, and throw them into another mission. Ball was in his court now.


Last edited by Iori on Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:56 am; edited 1 time in total
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Tue Mar 14, 2023 7:52 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER_98530972_p14_master1200

Edelo sighed just a little and couldn't help but smirk a bit to himself. He had started getting a little used to Miss Miller's teasing. Of course she didn't make any hard choices about the two, but simply stated she'd be up for either. He looked off to the side, eyeing the vanishing bits of wall and debris, everything being recycled down to reishi. Hmmm. Truth be told, seeing what she was capable of he did wonder what exactly he'd be able to manage. She had a pretty solid range advantage. Hm.

"I don't know if I'll be much of a challenge, but I'd be happy to spar." He noted with a bright smile, promptly adjusting his phone and selecting a suitable Arena. The machines whirred back to life and it wasn't long before a new arena was being constructed. Unlike the maze before, there was a massive area littered with pillars of varying sizes and angled leanings, though soon the ground began to shift as well, as the both of them slowly rose up as the ground built up beneath them.

They would be fighting on a tower. It was open, but certainly with a lot more verticality. But at least there was SOME cover in the form of those pillars jutting out from the tower's surface. Nice an open, but still with some cover. Something that they cold both try and take advantage of.

"Whenever you're ready, Coordinator Miller." His voice hardened a little as he got into the ready stance and placed his focus on the woman. For a few seconds before his gaze shifted. Shit this was going to be harder than he thought.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Tue Mar 14, 2023 8:19 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Y0FSPNP


"Let's get this party started then, honey. Don't worry, I'm sure you'll make me a break sweat in no time."

Winking softly, Natasha cracked her knuckles in preparation for their spar. To be quite honest, she had been aiming to work on her abilities in close range, too. Watching Edelo utilize it hade made her curious. She knew she may have possessed the clear advantage in terms of ranged combat, but if push came to shove and he happened to reach her? She wanted to see how she held up. It would be a personal challenge. In the meantime, she took a moment to take in her new surroundings as they roared to life. Several pillars of massive size and shape surrounding them, the ground elevating from below.

A tower, eh? A momentary glance was cast toward the newly formed arena in full view. After those azure eyes had their fill of the view, Natasha turned toward Edelo. Rather than forming a gun instantaneously, however, she chose to employ a quick element of surprise. An offensive stance quickly assumed, Natasha kicked off with her left foot, propelling her body forward as the distance closed between them in the blink of an eye, cocking her leg backward in preparation for a fierce roundhouse kick to the midsection.

"Ya know, I'm pretty proficient in hand-to-hand combat, too, honey! Let's see if ya' can push me into usin' a gun first! Think of it as a challenge for the both of us!"


Last edited by Iori on Tue Mar 14, 2023 11:21 am; edited 3 times in total
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Tue Mar 14, 2023 10:08 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__0a836df90b8dfe82d75d0f56ef64acbb

She caught him by surprise with that one. Mainly because of that breaking out a sweat comment. He felt a bit of embarassment crawl it's way throug his veins as he kept his focus to the side. Ready to react, primed to sense any shifts in spiritual energy. But to his surprise, Natasha suddenly sprang toward him. His eyes widening and his gaze darted to her form. A k-IIIICK?! Pupils immediately dilated when that kick slammed into his neck, just as he caught sight of her mid execution. His fullbring kicked in and the combination of the hit and the sight was enough to make him stagger back, wincing from the sudden sting and thrusting his elbow up! Attempting to knock that foot up and break her stance before stumbling back a bit himself and promptly gritting his teeth.

Fuck. His eyes darted around, before he FORCED himself to lock his gaze onto NAtasha. Which was .... distracting. He was still not ... used to precisely using his abilities. And so he got flashes of things. A few layers would peel away. And then suddenly it'd dial back. And then suddenly he could see her layers of muscle and bone. And then, it pulled back again. Some were unpleasant to look at. Some were a little too pleasant. And it was .... a distraction.

But he couldn't let his damn eyes have him fucking up infront of a coordinator. Even as his attention was snared and disrupted, he darted forward and swung, aiming a sharp right hook aimed to crack straight into Natasha's left shoulder. Definitely a potential surprise given ow kick-centric his fighting style usually was. But he needed a stable base. At least until he could get his damn nerves under control.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Wed Mar 15, 2023 2:58 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Y0FSPNP


The roundhouse kick was successful, it appeared, but that didn't mean it went without its share of resistance, either. His elbow thrusted upward against her foot in an attempt to break her stance, but Natasha maintained her balance, swiping her leg down to divert the force of his elbow strike, shifting backward on her stationary leg to create some distance. Natasha grinned softly, beckoning him forward with her hand in a fashion reminiscent of a martial artist in a kung-fu film.

The kick had been a fine way of catching him at unawares. Natasha had always ever displayed her marksmanship, so the idea of hand-to-hand combat was something few would rarely expect from out of her wheelhouse. From her perspective, it was imperative to improve in all aspects, to prepare herself for a situation where firearms might not be at her disposal. She had to grow stronger - no, she would grow stronger.

Turning her body forward, she settled into a defensive stance in preparation for his offensive as he struck forward with a right hook against her left shoulder. A haymaker, eh? Natasha was honestly taken a little aback, considering his affinity for taekwondo, but shock was quickly discarded in favor of combat adrenaline.

Whether punching or kicking, she'd take it head on and keep swinging! She took the right hook to the shoulder, locking her feet in place as her right hand shot forward, aiming to grab his arm before he could treat. If the latch proved successful, she would rotate forward with her left elbow aiming for his solar plexus. If he avoided all of that and his retreat proved superior? Natasha would dart forward, launching her leg upward against his chest.

""C'mon, I know ya' can show me more honey! Show me more of that kickin' style ya' used on the lizards!"


Last edited by Iori on Thu Mar 16, 2023 7:02 am; edited 5 times in total
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Wed Mar 15, 2023 9:06 pm
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 HEADER__lance_pokemon_and_2_more_drawn_by_y_036_yng__0a836df90b8dfe82d75d0f56ef64acbb

Whoa! His eyes widened slightly and his gaze pierced through her as he watched her suddenly catching his arm. She took that hit rather well and suddenly he felt himself suddenly getting grappled. He tensed up, pumping spiritual energy inot his chest, trying to blunt the immpact as he tensed. Hissing as that elbow slammed into his chest, barely managing to keep the breath in his lungs.... mostly, before he promptly locked an arm around her chest. Two could play at this game. His fingers sank into her shirt as his body shifted into a twist, aiming to lift the blonde woman clean off of her feet before throwing her across the top of the toward, aiming to toss her straigth into one of the jutting spires sticking out of the tower before staggering back a bit, catching his breath.

Hopefully it succeeded since well, with how close they were, failing to make distance probably meant more body strikes from Natasha. But with a bit of breathing distance he could readjust and get a better feel for the fight. Right, so she was a lot more compentent than he expected. Actually she was on HIS level! And Really martial arts was most of what he was capable of. So he'd have to be a bit more....clever if he wanted to best her. Well, surely he could figure something out.
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Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Empty Re: Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo]

Thu Mar 16, 2023 7:27 am
Eyes on the Prize [Natasha, Edelo] - Page 2 Y0FSPNP


An amused whistle brushed through her lips. To mitigate the overall damage of her strike, he focused his spiritual energy to decrease the full impact. It was an impressive counter, something she no doubt expected from Edelo considering his affinity, and his next move left her equally amused. Rather than shifting backward to create distance, he pulled onto her shirt, twisting his body around to throw her across the tower. In theory, it was a pretty exceptional idea, but Natasha enjoyed the rush of throwing him off his game in more ways than one.

During his throw, the gunslinging soldier formed a small portion of reishi around her palm, surrendering her body to the counterattack. From Edelo's point of view, the throw appeared to merit the result he was aiming for - until Natasha placed her hand forward, forming a platform of reishi around her hand during the flight.

Materializing another to use as a kicking point - centered around her feet - she pushed her body against the air, soaring in from his right to execute a crescent kick against his neck. She admired his effort, to be sure, but she wasn't going to ease up without a fight. Like a lion pouncing on their prey, Natasha doesn't intend to let up even for a second.

"That was good, but I'm not about to let up on ya' yet, sugar! Come on, don't play shy'! Show me what yer made of, Edelo!"


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