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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:34 am
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Talking like a woman who has everything now, aren'tcha?" Elyss muttered, chuckling as she found herself surrounding again.

Honestly, clones that are just as strong as the original? How unfair, but it's not like she's ever been in one fair fight in her life. She's always the one on the back foot, but it's not like she ever pick fights with people she can actually handle. Guess that's what makes all of this fun and exciting.

"The world's not gonna always let someone make mistake after mistake just to become a better person. You're so optimistic, Captain."

Moving her one arm just to block the two swings behind her, it'd be impossible to counter everything. That's why you gotta pick and choose. Elyss chose to block the other clone that came at her front, but that block was instantly followed by her dropping her Zanpakuto as she felt the dissections line her body like a treasure map, but effortlessly or not, Murasaki's too close. Even if she had to let herself be diced to pieces, her hand still struck out, moving only to grab Murasaki by her wrist to stop the endless onslaught. If you can't keep up with an opponent, then you just have to slow their movements. As if something that simple would work, but that's why you had to add even more flavor.

"Succumb, Tenrin."

Her dropped Zanpakuto glowed, winds suddenly between her and Murasaki before the Captain Commander would find her senses triggered by nearing danger right before a giant chakram came flying up, an attempt to take the woman's sword arm off as Elyss attempted to hold it. Besides, Elyss shouldn't be the only one turned into a pin cushion, even as she only released half of her Zanpakuto.

God of Love
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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:12 am
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 RPVR7bP

"Because I've fought to have everything. And nothing is going to take it from me. Do you think I'm optimistic? Honestly, I feel like I'm getting more jaded than I'd like to be. Sometimes I feel like I'm turning into Abalia."

The moment Elyss moved to grab her, Murasaki quickly moved to the side, her speed leagues above what most could match. Still, the proximity of the blade had been enough to remind her she couldn't take Elyss lightly, and it had nearly cut into her as she moved.

"But thinking positively does wonders. Maybe not expecting the best, but hoping for it. Working toward it. If you only ever prepare for the worst, you're just digging your own grave."

Another sharp breath inward, blade sheathed, at the ready. The sword arced out all at once, in a blinding flash, and Murasaki unleashed the other technique of her shikai. Not one Senmaioroshi cut toward Elyss, but 15 simultaneously, all fully intent on besting the woman. Murasaki knew that she was durable, and these weren't blows that she expected to kill her.

But, at the same time, she certainly wasn't going easy.

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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Sun Apr 23, 2023 4:16 pm
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

"Tch. Succumb, Tenmarin."

With the full name of her Zanpakuto spoken, the katana still in her hand glowed before winds coveted the blade, the other chakram returning to Elyss side as Murasaki launched another flurry of deadly slashes. The two chakrams spun around Elyss at high speeds, kicking up air right as those slashes fell on the redhead, protecting her from some, but not all, of what Murasaki threw her way. However, at least, Elyss found herself carried upwards with the strong gusts, to avoid any unnecessary damage, one of her chakrams suddenly under her feet as an airborne platform.

"A bit of dominance never hurt anyone. Even Abalia couldn't completely shut off her heart, so don't worry too much about needing a firmer hand, Murasaki. You're not someone I expect to work in the shadows like a black widow."

Red eyes glared at the woman as Elyss rose her hand, the serrated chakram hoisted above her spinning with obvious deadliness. However, she doesn't move to attack Murasaki, the obvious halter of combat irritating her Zanpakuto.

"Do you dislike Tenmarin, Captain?"

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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Wed Apr 26, 2023 8:37 pm
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 RPVR7bP

"You're right. It's not really my kinda thing, to go around creeping in the shadows. I'm straightforward, always have been. Just kinda disappointing, realizing what I've gotta be straightforward about these days."

Murasaki's hands remained squarely on her blade as she stepped upward to meet her opponent. This had been a challenge, after all. Murasaki may have been friendly, optimistic, but she was also a woman who took things like that very seriously. Her name, and her pride, meant a great deal to her, and she'd never treat a challenge with anything other than her most serious effort.

"Yeah, I do."

The blade in the Captain Commander's hand once more swung toward Elyss with lightning quickness, every cut moving at speeds few could track and with precision that almost none alive could hope to match. A zanpakuto such as hers was nothing short of pristine, and she used it in a way that befit its status.

"Because I know you can do better than that. Something's always bothered me about Tenmarin, but I wasn't good enough to figure it out back then. Now, though? It's not so hard to see. I think you and me aren't so different, Elyss. Something else is buried under Tenmarin, I think. And I want to see you dig it out."

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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Fri Apr 28, 2023 11:39 am
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Unknown

Elyss Kishimoto | Red

Honestly, how are they supposed to have a conversation when Elyss is forced to focus her attention on not being killed? Well, this wouldn't be much of a fight if things weren't at least a bit intense, but Murasaki decided to throw in her last bit, and that was enough for Elyss to pause. She could see she's in danger, but it was hard to focus on her surroundings when you've been told that there's something else going on with your body that you might not be aware of.

"Wah-" In that moment, Tenmarin took control of the situation, throwing Elyss off of her platform just in time to dodge the blade that would have taken her head off. The two Chakrams moved in tandem with one another, spinning at Murasaki to ward her away from Elyss. However, the redhead stayed on the ground, staring at nothing in particular as she wondered what exactly Murasaki had meant.

"Zoning out, huh?" Said someone beside Elyss, but the redhead knew that voice, even if she refused to look towards it. Tenmarin stood there, not as a projection of Elyss' mind, but as an actual creature. Its attention on Murasaki, Tenmarin folded her arms, an unreadable expression on its face.

"Tenmarin. What did Murasaki mean?" Elyss asked, but she received no answer.

God of Love
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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Sun Apr 30, 2023 10:04 am
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 RPVR7bP

Deflecting those chakrams was effortless for Murasaki, and she moved back down to the ground with her blade still at the ready, eyes keeping track of both Elyss and the newly-manifested Tenmarin. There was a clear distaste in the Captain Commander's gaze as she sized up the zanpakuto spirit, and she was still tensed, ready to strike.

"Go ahead. Answer her. But you know what I'll do if you lie to her."

Such a clear and absolute threat was a stark contrast to the typical personable cheer Murasaki always presented, but she knew how to take things plenty seriously. She just typically didn't have to, though she had to imagine she'd be doing this more often. Maybe that was just part of being Captain Commander.

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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Mon May 01, 2023 8:20 pm
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 6rJcRB5

Tenmarin | Blood

"Master... Even now..."

The hint of disdain in Tenmarin's voice was enough for Elyss to understand. Despite everything that led to now, she's still clueless to what's in front of her. Without Tenmarin even saying it, Elyss already knows the situation at hand. Though, as if picking up on that dawning realization, the spirit canted its head to the side, its scarlet eyes searing a hole through its owner.

"Your worries were always true, but it's always easier to run away. I beg a response, Master. Have I led you astray?"

Elyss' somber eyes rose, black jewels peering back at scarlet orbs. Knowing her answer, Elyss found herself biting her lip as reality bore its fangs. It would be easy to say that everything's Tenmarin's fault. Elyss could blame Tenmarin for every bad thing that's ever befallen her, but then she'd end up right back where she started. This all began because taking responsibility for herself was too hard, the kinks of her personality something she'd rather bury than face. It became hard to keep her eyes on Tenmarin, and again, Elyss let her head fall.

"Master. You've known for a while now, haven't you? There's nothing I need to say here, but for our precious Captain Commander, let me make it clear."

Tenmarin moved its glare to Murasaki, an obvious contempt for the woman written on its face. The chakrams returned to Elyss' side, but as they rested from their earlier assault, they slowly began to fade away, seemingly melting into the ground before forming a red cape around Tenmarin's neck. That's when the vile stench of Hollow began rolling from the spirit.

"That's right. I'm not a Zanpakuto."

END POST | Crimson
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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Thu May 04, 2023 6:24 pm
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 RPVR7bP

Murasaki would have liked to offer Elyss her support, as a friend and as a superior, but right now there was far more to worry about. Even if she was strong, it wasn't as if Elyss was a weak opponent, and Tenmarin would have all that same strength at her disposal. Murasaki's hands remained tight on the hilt of her sword, her stance firm but ready to move at the first moment she needed.

"I've met a lot of zanpakuto in my life, and some have been pretty weird. But I knew something wasn't right with you. Wish I'd just been able to see it sooner."

She was a zanpakuto herself, and that meant she was all too willing to purify a hollow like this if she had to. But, then again, it wasn't quite that easy, was it? If this was a part of Elyss, cutting it out wasn't really much of an option, not without taking risks Murasaki wasn't willing to take.

"Elyss. You're stronger than this, aren't you? How far have you come? How much have you grown? Are you gonna let someone like this push you around?"

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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Sat May 06, 2023 12:12 pm
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 6rJcRB5

Tenmarin | Blood

"Your voice is irritating. Who made her strong? You? Her friends? No. That was me."

Tenmarin couldn't help but let her expression turn ugly, her gaze a burning laser of disgust. The Hollow couldn't believe the filth around her, all the weaklings with their talk about being better than this or having potential for that. Words are as useful as tissue paper to her. The only thing that's ever did something for anyone is action, and she's been a creature that's pushed Elyss towards her ideal self with action alone.

"From the very beginning, I've existed inside of her. None of you understand her better than me. You can look at all the evils I've done, but it's all pushed her to become as strong as she's become today. Maybe at first, I would have liked nothing more than to take control and do things my way, but now look at us. The only thing still holding her back is herself, but now she's finally coming to terms with that last bit of hesitation, and it's always... bitches like you that stand in her w-"

"Tenmarin. Enough," Elyss spay, cutting the other redhead off. Rising from her spot, Elyss sighed, her face a mask as she brought her gaze up, her eyes dancing between Murasaki and Tenmarin. Slowly, she brought her hand up, curling her fingers into a fist, her hold so tight that her arm shook.

"...Thank you..." Elyss muttered, her voice dropping to a whisper as she contemplated her next words, years of her life running through her head as she compiled everything she could ever imagine, be it dream or nightmare, into a single phrase.

"You've done enough."

Tenmarin, her head swiveled to look at Elyss, glared with an knowing gleam in her eye. She sighed, her body hunching over before a long sword appeared in the Hollow's hand. Looking away and down at the ground, Tenmarin grinned, a morbid expression that only those who've finally reached the end of their journey experience.

"They say Shinigami only have one Zanpakuto, but you had two, Elyss. Maybe it's obvious now, but I guess I should just say that your Shikai was as much of a lie as I was. Only one of those swords are yours. The other..."

The area grew livid with corrupted Reiryoku.

END POST | Crimson
God of Love
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Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 Empty Re: Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki)

Sun May 07, 2023 7:57 am
Homewrecker (Elyss/Murasaki) - Page 2 RPVR7bP

Murasaki made a point not to hate anyone in her life, at least not for reasons outside their control. That included Hollows, even if her very being tended to tell her on an instinctive level that they were no good. Making wide judgements was the exact sort of thing that had ruined her life, after all.

But, with all that in mind, Tenmarin was the sort of Hollow that gave Murasaki second thoughts about that outlook.

"It's still hers, isn't it? Unless you think you're going to fight her for it."

The gaze of the green-haired shinigami grew more firm, more cold, so unlike the cheery woman she typically was. She could practically hear the disapproval of her father, but she was her own woman. She cut her own path.

"If that happens, then this won't be a Captain against her Commander anymore. It'll just be a zanpakuto against a hollow. And I won't give you the same treatment I give her."

The hollow energy filling the air didn't mean much to Murasaki. After all, she wasn't someone who could hollowfy, as far as she knew. The sword she held was leveled toward the source of the corruption, and now it was just a matter of cutting it away if that's what it came down to.

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