- OttozeoExperienced Member
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Killer within the warrior [ready]
Sat Mar 18, 2023 8:29 pm
» Name Of Character: Tento Zefa
» Link To Character:
» Upgrading: none, just officially creating
» Why: He is a vizard and I figured out what/how I wanted his inner hollow to start out as/work. (Also, inner hollow came out in a thread he was in that I didn’t expect so I figured reeeaaallly need to get it done now.
» Extra: https://www.platinumhearts.net/t22757-what-is-your-name-tento-s-shikai#166521
Continuing from this conversation and attempt. As stated at the end I will use these thoughts and feedback to try and create the concept for abilities.
I. Vizard Information
» Inner Hollow Name: Acosador
» Inner Hollow Description:
Acosador looks like a tall, well-built muscular man with an obsidian black color covering of his full body makes it hard to tell if he has hair or not. He has a pointed face and sharp pointed teeth that he keeps restrained, causing his teeth to appear normal to the naked eye. At times he wears black clothing common among the Gothic or hardcore type. Usually commemorated with a black leather jacket with a white fur-collar and a pair of sunglasses, or a red and black coat. His body is a mix of two colors, the base being the deep pitch black common throughout his body. But the top is patterned in white/silver lines that make up a decorated look of African pendants, while the bottom half of his body is dressed in red lines that make up the design of what one would assume is Indigenous symbols. Once he absorbs power and stores it within his body, the two sections of lines expand, run all over his body and are expanded all over his face, crossing his eyes.
» Inner Hollow Personality: A twisted version of Tento. Acosador is everything Tento is and more. Arrogant when prideful, calculative when thoughtful, obsessive when passionate, and, lustful when lustful. All sides of Tento but with no or little restraint. Where Tento fights to grow or for fun. He fights to conquer and rule. While Tento holds himself in high esteem, he is arrogant and a bit self centered. While Tento tries to consider people's deeper selves, he tries to USE people's inner self. And while Tento ogles at a lot of women, he would rather… you get the drift.
He has what can come off as a demanding and nettlesome personality, but also somehow is very polite, laid-back, chivalrous, and enthusiastic. He never lies, he just leaves out information. He offers bargains to gain what he wants and he acts in an extremely friendly (though sarcastic) way even towards foes.
» Inner Hollow Powers:
(Impact absorption ) :
While most inner hollows have a straightforward boost of power and speed to their host, or improve their spiritual energy or endurance. This inner hollow has an unique ability in addition to what a normal hollow would have. This hollow has the ability to change its skin to a hardened external shell from which it can further increase the durability and strength by focusing rishi and kishi into its body. Resulting in an iron steel defense or sharpened fingernail blades depending on which the hollow switches to. By absorbing blows it can handle by physical force or spiritual force; it is stored as ‘potential’ energy within its body to later be unleashed as ‘kinetic’ energy. When unreleased it can increase physical strikes or increase the power of energy based assaults such as ceros.
The energy storage from attacks received is a 1 to 1 ratio to the energy taken at base. This is an innate ability of the hollow that cannot be controlled at first, but with development, the hollow has learned to control how much energy of an attack it takes while taking battle damage. Based on the hollow’s power rank starting at adept;
Adept: it can’t reduce energy absorbed in concentration
Advanced: it can choose to reduce energy absorbed by 1 to .75 ratio
Elite: can choose to reduce energy absorbed by 1 to .5 ratio.
Note that regardless of rank, the damage that an attack is worth harm wise is still taken at 1 to 1. Meaning that an attack that would hurt at adept durability will not be reduced due to having adept impact absorption, for sake and purposes this is an effectiveness of controlling energy absorbed into the body and what is not.
(Energy storage)
The energy storage cap is the hollow’s Spiritual class. And its powers follow a strict rule to its function. The cap is the base function where the hollow can handle a cumulative SC without suffering serious consequences, but doing more than that will result in some. Based on the hollows power rank scaling at a ratio from adept to elite. The energy stored within the hollow can be this in comparison to its SC. Energy above Sc is passively lost by one level per post.
Adept: Can store its SC level without issue
Advanced: Can store SC+1 of its level with some pain
Elite: can store SC+2 of its level with moderate pain
(Energy usage)
However, it does not end there with the Hollow’s skill of its ability. For just as it can use this stored energy to empower its melee attacks or special attacks such as a cero, it can increase other physical capabilities, but such an effort causes a continuous steady drain of its stored power and damages the fibers of its body. Causing an increased time for healing after battle.
As stated above, the energy storage and the energy cap is related to its own SC with respect to its hollow power rank. In the case that the hollow uses the stored power to attack, it can be done in the manner of metaphors; adding oil to a flame in terms of adding power to an attack, or acting as a fuel source to make a fire if there isn’t any power level to be able to do an attack. This too scales with hollow power rank starting at adept.
Adept: can unleash energy power adding to its own, valued at 1.5x
Advanced: can unleash energy power adding to its own treated as 2x, twice per thread
Elite: can use the stored power to attack when exhausted, twice per thread
Conversion (To Physical)
However, it does not end there with the Hollow’s skill of its ability. For just as it can use this stored energy to empower its melee attacks or special attacks such as a cero, it can increase other physical capabilities, but such an effort causes a continuous steady drain of its stored power and damages the fibers of its body. Resulting in limiting Causing an increased time for healing after battle. Regulations of this hollow’s ability starts at advance and can only be done using a full stored level of potential energy.
Adept: General speed rank is considered Rank+
Advance: General speed and Strength are both considered Rank+
Elite: Both General speed and Strength are both considered Rank+
Note: Both cannot be active at the same post. In terms of this energy conversion this is the same as spiritual conversion where the power is used as a fuel for an action. Instead of unleashing energy attacks though it is a physical action. Punching harder than would normally be possible, or physically moving faster than expected.
Containing more energy than the hollow can hold can result in an overflow state. In which case if not handled it can result of a blowback effect. Resulting in negative effect as well as damage The hollow must release said energy within one post of receiving it or take the chance of the following.
1st overcharge/one level above SC - mental levels decreased by one rank
2nd overcharge/ two levels above SC- Physical damage in corresponds to extra energy
3rd overcharge/ 3 levels above SC- General skills decreased by one rank
4th overcharge/ 4 levels above SC- immovability after use for rest of thread, internal damage in correspond to extra energy
» Hollow Mask Appearance:
» Vizard Powers: Donning the hollow mask gives a general assumption of abilities of a vizard; an increase in spiritual energy, physical strength, durability, and speed. As well as the typical gaining of hollow abilities such as Ceros/bala, regeneration in Acosador's case, acid secretion etc. However, in addition to these donning the hollow mask also gives :
Impact absorption: When he has his mask on, Tento acquires the ability to absorb blows to his body to store as kishi/rishi similar to his inner hollow. However, he is not as good as the inner hollow with this ability and thus cannot control the absorption like they can. Resulting in the energy absorption being stuck to a 1 to 1 ration and still suffering damage from successful attacks.
(Energy storage)
However, with what he lacks in comparison of control Tento has with durability, having the ability to handle overflow energy increasing with rank of Power augmentation after adept. During the time that his hollow mask is on. There is aesthetically shown by the lines that the inner hollow has shown up on Tento's body in a purple glow as well as pendants glowing in the same color along Tento's collar 4 total in number representing a symbol for the amount of energy stored. The purple color shifts to blue once it reaches SC+ level and white at Sc+1. Use of each level storage of power functions as doubling the power of whatever energy attack Tento unleashes. However he must be careful of using too much, as use of power beyond doubling the strike can have a recoil effect on his body.
Adept: Can store its SC level without issue
Advanced: Can store SC+ of its level without issue
Elite: can store SC+1 of its level without issue
Conversion Techniques:
( To Energy)
Adept: can unleash energy power adding to its own, valued at 1.5x
Advanced: can unleash energy power adding to its own treated as 2x, once per thread
Elite: can use the stored power to attack when exhausted, once per thread
(To Physical)
Adept: General speed rank is considered Rank+
Advance: General speed and Strength are both considered Rank+ but durability is seen as Rank-
Elite: Both General speed and Strength are both considered Rank+
Note: Both cannot be active at the same post. In terms of this energy conversion this is the same as spiritual conversion where the power is used as a fuel for an action. Instead of unleashing energy attacks though it is a physical action. Punching harder than would normally be possible, or physically moving faster than expected.
(Ultimate Shield):
When he has his mask on, Tento may use the energy to acquire a strong aura of raistu armor beyond one could have from simply empowering their body with their own spiritual energy. This boosts his durability that functions in a similar way to a stacked Arrancars' haido would due to the exerted spiritual pressure and physical change. Making it harder to physically damage him and make some attacks fail to damage him with ie. stabbing/slashing. This is only active when energy is currently stored within Tento's body.
This physical resistance only applies to things that impact his body. Weapons, punches, kido, burns, elemental attacks etc. Poisons, diseases, and mental attacks occur as normal with his base durability and mental abilities. Also, this ability is not as effective against foes with a massive difference of energy to him. Finding less success against people with a severe higher spirit class difference against him. (One spirit class difference is 80% effective, two spirit class difference is 50% effective, and 3+ is not effective at all). For people of this level, the damage is felt in full as normal just without a physical sign of impacting his body. This technique can only be used once per thread and will last until the stored up energy within Tento’s body is used. If he manages to keep an incoming flow of energy to power this defensive technique, it may last the period of his hollow control -1, shorting the time he has with his mask on as a result.
(Ultimate sword):
A use of all of the energy Tento has (his own and stored) to convert into an offensive assault following the principles of the Hollow’s abilities. When he has his mask on, Tento may use the energy to acquire a strong aura of raistu armor that boosts his strength or kido depending on the way he attacks. This refers to the amount of power he can unleash and not his ability (this does not allow Tento to use kido or other attacks he normally wouldn't be able to do). Resulting in the attack to 3x its potency.
Instead of the energy forming on his body acting on a shield, it expands as an external force. Coating his hands and arms and his Zanpatuko if he is wielding it. He can even unleash a burst of this force to push and damage foes back. This has a toll on Tento's body and can only be used so much before he is a threat to himself. Resulting in his durability to fall by one level through over use for the remainder of the thread.
Adept- not possible at this rank
Advanced- one time per thread, immoveable after use
Elite - one time per thread, exhausted after use
Containing more energy than the Tento can hold can result in an overflow state. In which case if not handled it can result in a blowback effect. Resulting in negative effect as well as damage Tento must release said energy within one post of receiving his max or take the chance of the following.
1st overcharge - mental levels decreased by one rank
2nd overcharge - General skills decreased by one rank
3rd overcharge - lost of vizard powers for the period of the thread
Saving Roll: Once per thread, Tento is able to manifest his hollow mask somewhere on his body. It has an durability equal to its power augmentation and is on Tento's inner hollow to do this, his hollow views it only as a means of self-preservation to save its own skin as well as a refusal to lose due to its massive pride.
So pretty much, the amount of energy he gets is based about how much energy the attack gives out (unless the he chooses to take a reduced amount of the absorbed energy. Its base on his attack and the spiritual energy limit he has. If he is Sc8 and a Sc9 tries attacking, then even at full power the Sc9 wouldn't be able to give an equivalent for it to be used. However if as a Sc8 he fought a Sc7, he could take a built up amount of power if unleashed all out at once and use it. Even then, the concept depends on how much energy the enemy unleashes. Power augmention serves the well of how well he can use the hollow’s power, and Spirit Class is the vessel room her has ti work with. I didn’t want this to be something that could him tank a hit from a SC2 and throw a Sc2 level attack back. So I tried to limit in a way that at most it could be an attack combining 2 or 3 Sc of the same level in one attack. (granted in the scale of Sc I dont know how…big that really is when comparing to higher Sc).
Concept wise, it is pretty much me trying to do the vibranium suit that the black panther wears. Absorbing kinetic energy to then use it after being absorbed through the body for use. In terms of stats though I never thought of it as a % boost but a writing/ rank boost that in the situation can be see as an adept+ vs adept clash for physical attacks and just a limited temporary energy reserve that has to be used unless a chance of self harm is caused as a result.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Killer within the warrior [ready]
Sat May 11, 2024 7:11 am
Hollow powers:
-Impact Absorption/conversion
I would like to see some mor information on how this occurs. Is the energy storage a perfect 1:1? If you absorb 3 punches, can you fire a punch at 3x the strength of that punch? Whats the cap on the storage? The strength and potential of this ability means it should have well defined parameters, as it can essentially function as damage reflect with a lot of potential. As such, I'm going to need to know what the conversion rate is for taking hits (He should take some form of damage, otherwise this is just damage immunity), and a Cap on how much energy he can store.
For energy conversion, this feels just like stat boosting. How much does this boost his abilities? What physical capabilities can he boost? By how much? How much does taking a punch to the face allow you to increase say your speed?
This will tie in with the constraints asked for in the first section. How much energy does he get from any particular hit in comparison to the strike, and how does that convert to these boosts?
Vizard powers:
-Impact absorption
These durations will need to be adjusted, vizard masks don't last more than a couple posts even at higher levels, but these durations more or less exactly match what the vizard mask duration would be at these levels, and so they don't really serve much if they're intended to be drawbacks as they would have 100% uptime.. ( You can reference https://www.platinumhearts.net/t23167-vizard-race-specs for the duration of Vizard Mask use). Similar to the Hollow version of this ability, I'll want to see drawbacks, a cap on how much energy can be absorbed from any particular hit (It mentions that he wouldn't be hurt until a certain threshold is met, but doesn't really specify what that threshold is. Also, even the first thing that hits him should still do some fraction of the damage it should have done, otherwise this is damage immunity), as well as a proper scale. You mention that this ability scales off Power Augmentation, but then in the second section, it seems that the constraints for what he can absorb are based on spirit class, so a bit of clarification for what role power augmentation plays would be helpful.
Ultimate sword: The number of uses seems a bit high for an Ultimate attack. I would like to know if this would just be an attack using all of the stored energy (in which case it seems like just an extension of how the other ability works) Or if there is some sort of tangible statistic boost for when this attack goes off.
Hollow powers:
-Impact Absorption/conversion
I would like to see some mor information on how this occurs. Is the energy storage a perfect 1:1? If you absorb 3 punches, can you fire a punch at 3x the strength of that punch? Whats the cap on the storage? The strength and potential of this ability means it should have well defined parameters, as it can essentially function as damage reflect with a lot of potential. As such, I'm going to need to know what the conversion rate is for taking hits (He should take some form of damage, otherwise this is just damage immunity), and a Cap on how much energy he can store.
For energy conversion, this feels just like stat boosting. How much does this boost his abilities? What physical capabilities can he boost? By how much? How much does taking a punch to the face allow you to increase say your speed?
This will tie in with the constraints asked for in the first section. How much energy does he get from any particular hit in comparison to the strike, and how does that convert to these boosts?
Vizard powers:
-Impact absorption
These durations will need to be adjusted, vizard masks don't last more than a couple posts even at higher levels, but these durations more or less exactly match what the vizard mask duration would be at these levels, and so they don't really serve much if they're intended to be drawbacks as they would have 100% uptime.. ( You can reference https://www.platinumhearts.net/t23167-vizard-race-specs for the duration of Vizard Mask use). Similar to the Hollow version of this ability, I'll want to see drawbacks, a cap on how much energy can be absorbed from any particular hit (It mentions that he wouldn't be hurt until a certain threshold is met, but doesn't really specify what that threshold is. Also, even the first thing that hits him should still do some fraction of the damage it should have done, otherwise this is damage immunity), as well as a proper scale. You mention that this ability scales off Power Augmentation, but then in the second section, it seems that the constraints for what he can absorb are based on spirit class, so a bit of clarification for what role power augmentation plays would be helpful.
Ultimate sword: The number of uses seems a bit high for an Ultimate attack. I would like to know if this would just be an attack using all of the stored energy (in which case it seems like just an extension of how the other ability works) Or if there is some sort of tangible statistic boost for when this attack goes off.
- OttozeoExperienced Member
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Re: Killer within the warrior [ready]
Wed May 15, 2024 10:01 pm
ForgottenMercy wrote:[mod]
Hollow powers:
-Impact Absorption/conversion
I would like to see some mor information on how this occurs. Is the energy storage a perfect 1:1? If you absorb 3 punches, can you fire a punch at 3x the strength of that punch? Whats the cap on the storage? The strength and potential of this ability means it should have well defined parameters, as it can essentially function as damage reflect with a lot of potential. As such, I'm going to need to know what the conversion rate is for taking hits (He should take some form of damage, otherwise this is just damage immunity), and a Cap on how much energy he can store.
For energy conversion, this feels just like stat boosting. How much does this boost his abilities? What physical capabilities can he boost? By how much? How much does taking a punch to the face allow you to increase say your speed?
This will tie in with the constraints asked for in the first section. How much energy does he get from any particular hit in comparison to the strike, and how does that convert to these boosts?
Vizard powers:
-Impact absorption
These durations will need to be adjusted, vizard masks don't last more than a couple posts even at higher levels, but these durations more or less exactly match what the vizard mask duration would be at these levels, and so they don't really serve much if they're intended to be drawbacks as they would have 100% uptime.. ( You can reference https://www.platinumhearts.net/t23167-vizard-race-specs for the duration of Vizard Mask use). Similar to the Hollow version of this ability, I'll want to see drawbacks, a cap on how much energy can be absorbed from any particular hit (It mentions that he wouldn't be hurt until a certain threshold is met, but doesn't really specify what that threshold is. Also, even the first thing that hits him should still do some fraction of the damage it should have done, otherwise this is damage immunity), as well as a proper scale. You mention that this ability scales off Power Augmentation, but then in the second section, it seems that the constraints for what he can absorb are based on spirit class, so a bit of clarification for what role power augmentation plays would be helpful.
Ultimate sword: The number of uses seems a bit high for an Ultimate attack. I would like to know if this would just be an attack using all of the stored energy (in which case it seems like just an extension of how the other ability works) Or if there is some sort of tangible statistic boost for when this attack goes off.
Updated with requests adding a clearer rule of parameters I think
- Added clarification of how the impact absorption/conversion works. Created a separation of absorption and conversion for the inner hollow to show a difference of skill between it and Tento. Clarified as well that the ratio is stuck as a 1:1 for Tento.
- changed no damage until energy cap is met to him still being damaged while occurring energy
-Added inform to hopefully make clear that the absorption takes in energy but does not stop damage from occurring just by taking blows. Also tried to show that the energy storage is stuck at Character Sc but can be endured with greater levels of success/pain threshold depending on skill rank. If it would be better for this to be a separate needed skill or if you think it shouldnt be here at all let me know though for balancing.
- clarified that the idea I was thinking for this was not an addition stat boosting but of rank skill. More so of a narrative note and lesser boost than say character boosted by xxx% imo. Added detail that the core boost to physical capabilities is related to strength and speed. Both done in the way of pushing out energy; one on hitting a target, and one coursing through the body as a proper using the structure of his body. Also tried to explain how much by introducing the factor of rank+, in addition to clarifying how much energy an attack could increase for ex speed.
- added a kickback effect /overflow state to give a consequence of doing this as well as taking in too much power.
- removed durations, went with just how long the energy is within his body. Added that these things cannot be used unleased energy cap is full as well as consequences/limitations of how often it can be used in a thread.
- tried to show that this is based on SC and Power Augmentation
- Ultimate sword: changed number of uses it can do. And yes, it is an attack that would use all of the stored energy as well as his own.
- Ultimate shield: updated this since I did Ultimate sword. tried to add further details about what occurs against people with various Sc levels in comparison to his. Gave a drawback as well
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Killer within the warrior [ready]
Thu May 30, 2024 7:33 am
First and foremost, for the time being you should remove the Skill Scaling for these abilities. It makes for simpler reading and comprehension for anyone looking at the skill, otherwise theyd have to cross reference your skill sheet to know what its capable of.
Now onto the specifics.
Hollow powers:
General: These are all seem to just be facets of a single ability, as such for better ease of reading: once the following changes are made it would make more sense to just have all of it consolidate into a single ability "Impact Absorption". and then have these be sections under the single ability explaining its constraints and then the ulterior useage of the energy all under one ability name.
-Impact Absorption
Pick one of these scales, for the sake of simplicity, I’d say lock it at 1:1 for how much energy is absorbed from any particular attack.
-Energy Storage
This can just be rolled into Impact absorption as its not really its own ability, but a further explanation on Impact absorption’s constraints.
Energy storage should not allow him to absorb +2 without serious consequences due to the exponential growth of spirit class scaling (One level above one's spirit class is way more than just say double, and that gap increases the higher your sc is). For the time being, it should simply be capped at his own Spirit Class.
-Energy Useage.
Same as before, please consolidate it to a Non-scaling value. When its time to upgrade the ability at higher levels you can just put in upgrades for those.
Side note: Hollows do not have their own stats anymore, and so there is no Hollow Power stat for it to scale off.
Again, nix the scaling. Also for the sake of simplicity, it would be better to use a percentile scale for how much this improves the physical abilities. + and - dont apply to skill levels, they only apply to SC and even then they are only used in special cases. It would be much more prudent to just apply a percentile increase to the physical stats.
This again, should be rolled into the Absorption Ability as its just a drawback associated with it, not its own ability. Please consolidate the scaling to a flat level.
Vizard Abilities:
After some review among staff, we would ask that you please remove this section and save it for a proper upgrade. As you have presented this as not being an upgrade, but just filling in the application that had previously been empty, his history does not have sufficient backing that would justify him having mastered his hollow to the extent that he would be able to utilize its abilities. Much less to this extent.
In the future, after some training in threads, Tento certainly can see about slowly developing the ability to use his Hollow’s abilities. However, we would want to see these represented by a proper upgrade with thread backing in regards to him learning to control his hollow and utilize its abilities.
With all of that in mind, we've come up with something that's a bit more consolidated as a suggestion:
Impact Absorption: Acosador's ability is the ability to absorb energy that connects with its body. By focusing on an incoming attack the hollow is able to absorb the impact and store the energy in its body as potential energy which is represented by a "+" modifier on the spirit class. This energy can then be released at a time of choosing to empower the next action equal to the rank in Power Augmentation ie. Adept, Advanced, Elite (%200, %300, 400%).
Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.
The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.
This will address the changes and also make it a bit easier to read. But as stated, this is just a suggestion.
- OttozeoExperienced Member
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Re: Killer within the warrior [ready]
Fri Jun 28, 2024 12:02 pm
ForgottenMercy wrote:
First and foremost, for the time being you should remove the Skill Scaling for these abilities. It makes for simpler reading and comprehension for anyone looking at the skill, otherwise theyd have to cross reference your skill sheet to know what its capable of.
Now onto the specifics.
Hollow powers:
General: These are all seem to just be facets of a single ability, as such for better ease of reading: once the following changes are made it would make more sense to just have all of it consolidate into a single ability "Impact Absorption". and then have these be sections under the single ability explaining its constraints and then the ulterior useage of the energy all under one ability name.
-Impact Absorption
Pick one of these scales, for the sake of simplicity, I’d say lock it at 1:1 for how much energy is absorbed from any particular attack.
-Energy Storage
This can just be rolled into Impact absorption as its not really its own ability, but a further explanation on Impact absorption’s constraints.
Energy storage should not allow him to absorb +2 without serious consequences due to the exponential growth of spirit class scaling (One level above one's spirit class is way more than just say double, and that gap increases the higher your sc is). For the time being, it should simply be capped at his own Spirit Class.
-Energy Useage.
Same as before, please consolidate it to a Non-scaling value. When its time to upgrade the ability at higher levels you can just put in upgrades for those.
Side note: Hollows do not have their own stats anymore, and so there is no Hollow Power stat for it to scale off.
Again, nix the scaling. Also for the sake of simplicity, it would be better to use a percentile scale for how much this improves the physical abilities. + and - dont apply to skill levels, they only apply to SC and even then they are only used in special cases. It would be much more prudent to just apply a percentile increase to the physical stats.
This again, should be rolled into the Absorption Ability as its just a drawback associated with it, not its own ability. Please consolidate the scaling to a flat level.
Vizard Abilities:
After some review among staff, we would ask that you please remove this section and save it for a proper upgrade. As you have presented this as not being an upgrade, but just filling in the application that had previously been empty, his history does not have sufficient backing that would justify him having mastered his hollow to the extent that he would be able to utilize its abilities. Much less to this extent.
In the future, after some training in threads, Tento certainly can see about slowly developing the ability to use his Hollow’s abilities. However, we would want to see these represented by a proper upgrade with thread backing in regards to him learning to control his hollow and utilize its abilities.
With all of that in mind, we've come up with something that's a bit more consolidated as a suggestion:
Impact Absorption: Acosador's ability is the ability to absorb energy that connects with its body. By focusing on an incoming attack the hollow is able to absorb the impact and store the energy in its body as potential energy which is represented by a "+" modifier on the spirit class. This energy can then be released at a time of choosing to empower the next action equal to the rank in Power Augmentation ie. Adept, Advanced, Elite (%200, %300, 400%).
Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.
The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.
This will address the changes and also make it a bit easier to read. But as stated, this is just a suggestion.
Thank you Mercy, I think this embodies the concept I was trying to go for! I will go with this and remove the vizard abilities section that pertains to this for when Tento has explored and acquired these ic. For now, I will just adjust his vizard sheet I suppose with the default abilities that all vizards have from their hollows.
So that leaves us with this version-
» Name Of Character: Tento Zefa
» Link To Character:
» Upgrading: none, just officially creating
» Why: He is a vizard and I figured out what/how I wanted his inner hollow to start out as/work. (Also, inner hollow came out in a thread he was in that I didn’t expect so I figured reeeaaallly need to get it done now.
» Extra: https://www.platinumhearts.net/t22757-what-is-your-name-tento-s-shikai#166521
Continuing from this conversation and attempt. As stated at the end I will use these thoughts and feedback to try and create the concept for abilities.
I. Vizard Information
» Inner Hollow Name: Acosador
» Inner Hollow Description:
Acosador looks like a tall, well-built muscular man with an obsidian black color covering of his full body makes it hard to tell if he has hair or not. He has a pointed face and sharp pointed teeth that he keeps restrained, causing his teeth to appear normal to the naked eye. At times he wears black clothing common among the Gothic or hardcore type. Usually commemorated with a black leather jacket with a white fur-collar and a pair of sunglasses, or a red and black coat. His body is a mix of two colors, the base being the deep pitch black common throughout his body. But the top is patterned in white/silver lines that make up a decorated look of African pendants, while the bottom half of his body is dressed in red lines that make up the design of what one would assume is Indigenous symbols. Once he absorbs power and stores it within his body, the two sections of lines expand, run all over his body and are expanded all over his face, crossing his eyes.
» Inner Hollow Personality: A twisted version of Tento. Acosador is everything Tento is and more. Arrogant when prideful, calculative when thoughtful, obsessive when passionate, and, lustful when lustful. All sides of Tento but with no or little restraint. Where Tento fights to grow or for fun. He fights to conquer and rule. While Tento holds himself in high esteem, he is arrogant and a bit self centered. While Tento tries to consider people's deeper selves, he tries to USE people's inner self. And while Tento ogles at a lot of women, he would rather… you get the drift.
He has what can come off as a demanding and nettlesome personality, but also somehow is very polite, laid-back, chivalrous, and enthusiastic. He never lies, he just leaves out information. He offers bargains to gain what he wants and he acts in an extremely friendly (though sarcastic) way even towards foes.
» Inner Hollow Powers:
While bestowed with all of the expected powers anyone would see within a hollow. Acosador has an unique ability that involves a system of interaction of damage and energy.
Expected powers-
Soul-Body Separation: This is a simple racial technique that most, if not all, Hollows have access to. And this is no different of a case for Tento's Inner Hollow Acosador. He can feed on souls as any normal hollow can do, separating the living person from their spirit leaving a lifeless corpse as the only remainder. Although he can use this, Acosador much rather prefers ripping the spirit out of a soul after defeating them in battle. Or hunting them down into submission. He rather uses this to force Shinigami out of hiding from a crowd, separating them for the gigai to fight where letting the humans run away in fear.
Acidic Touch: A rather passive and simple ability for all hollows. Acosador uses it as a means to an end with his physical attacks. As another form of defense separated by his steel body abilities the acid touch acts a painful remainder for those who dare to touch him, or fail to avoid his touch. Acid burns that sting and erode the skin and bone if left with too much of a prolonged exposure.
Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy. Primarily a close range hunter, Acosador does not choose to use it much. Rather, he often only used it ideally to deal with long range pests. A traditional red colored cero, it could be seen that at desperate times of hunger Acosador could use one to wipe out an entire small town in order to feast on fresh souls. Normally it is fired by his mouth but he is able to send out ceros from other body parts with equal efficiently. His bala's often come from his fists, acting as secondary attacks as he pummels his opponents. In addition, in order to combat speedster, he developed his balas to be able to track trajectory if he focus. Being able to control how they travel to hunt them down or even slow down the speed of their movement to distract the target before quickly changing speed to land an acidic laced bala on their skin.
Garganta: This is the way that all hollows use to travel between different realms. When in use, a black rift literally tears open the fabric of space to pass through. It was pretend standard in its use by Acosador, only using it to travel from the world of the living and Hueco Mundo.
Negacion: Negacion is the technique in which hollows can rescue or "extract" allies from a battle. Opening a garganta from the sky, a ray of light will shoot down onto the targets, as a few moments pass they will be dragged up and into the rift. This is usually done by gillian whom are massive in size and can be commanded by other Hollow for easy "extraction" from dangerous areas.
High-Speed regeneration: Generally self explanatory, all hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies in a timely manner. Got Acosador the hollow has a well trained regenation that works in tandom with his iron body. Capable of regrowing limbs in a short amount of time and healing from even the most heaviest battle damage. This is all time consuming though with the more he is damaged and a drain of his stamina and spiritual energy.
Impact Absorption: Acosador's ability is the ability to absorb energy that connects with its body. By focusing on an incoming attack the hollow is able to absorb the impact and store the energy in its body as potential energy which is represented by a "+" modifier on the spirit class. This energy can then be released at a time of choosing to empower the next action equal to the rank in Power Augmentation ie. Adept, Advanced, Elite (%200, %300, 400%).
Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.
The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.
» Hollow Mask Appearance:
» Vizard Powers: Donning the hollow mask gives a general assumption of abilities of a vizard; an increase in spiritual energy, physical strength, durability, and speed based on his power augmentation (100%, 250%, 500% etc). As well as the typical gaining of hollow abilities such as Ceros/bala, regeneration in Acosador's case, acid secretion etc.
However, in addition to these donning the hollow mask also gives :
Saving Roll: Once per thread, Tento is able to manifest his hollow mask somewhere on his body. It has an durability equal to its power augmentation and is on Tento's inner hollow to do this, his hollow views it only as a means of self-preservation to save its own skin as well as a refusal to lose due to its massive pride.
Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.
The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Killer within the warrior [ready]
Fri Jun 28, 2024 2:32 pm
Gonna ask that you remove the crossed out section under Vizard powers. As I've stated in the past, I don't want unapproved powerts sitting on an app that new people may look up and try to use as a reference. If you want to save it somewhere do so, but please do not have unapproved material on the application, even crossed out.
Gonna ask that you remove the crossed out section under Vizard powers. As I've stated in the past, I don't want unapproved powerts sitting on an app that new people may look up and try to use as a reference. If you want to save it somewhere do so, but please do not have unapproved material on the application, even crossed out.
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- OttozeoExperienced Member
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Re: Killer within the warrior [ready]
Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:14 pm
ForgottenMercy wrote:[mod]
Gonna ask that you remove the crossed out section under Vizard powers. As I've stated in the past, I don't want unapproved powerts sitting on an app that new people may look up and try to use as a reference. If you want to save it somewhere do so, but please do not have unapproved material on the application, even crossed out.
ForgottenMercy wrote:
First and foremost, for the time being you should remove the Skill Scaling for these abilities. It makes for simpler reading and comprehension for anyone looking at the skill, otherwise theyd have to cross reference your skill sheet to know what its capable of.
Now onto the specifics.
Hollow powers:
General: These are all seem to just be facets of a single ability, as such for better ease of reading: once the following changes are made it would make more sense to just have all of it consolidate into a single ability "Impact Absorption". and then have these be sections under the single ability explaining its constraints and then the ulterior useage of the energy all under one ability name.
-Impact Absorption
Pick one of these scales, for the sake of simplicity, I’d say lock it at 1:1 for how much energy is absorbed from any particular attack.
-Energy Storage
This can just be rolled into Impact absorption as its not really its own ability, but a further explanation on Impact absorption’s constraints.
Energy storage should not allow him to absorb +2 without serious consequences due to the exponential growth of spirit class scaling (One level above one's spirit class is way more than just say double, and that gap increases the higher your sc is). For the time being, it should simply be capped at his own Spirit Class.
-Energy Useage.
Same as before, please consolidate it to a Non-scaling value. When its time to upgrade the ability at higher levels you can just put in upgrades for those.
Side note: Hollows do not have their own stats anymore, and so there is no Hollow Power stat for it to scale off.
Again, nix the scaling. Also for the sake of simplicity, it would be better to use a percentile scale for how much this improves the physical abilities. + and - dont apply to skill levels, they only apply to SC and even then they are only used in special cases. It would be much more prudent to just apply a percentile increase to the physical stats.
This again, should be rolled into the Absorption Ability as its just a drawback associated with it, not its own ability. Please consolidate the scaling to a flat level.
Vizard Abilities:
After some review among staff, we would ask that you please remove this section and save it for a proper upgrade. As you have presented this as not being an upgrade, but just filling in the application that had previously been empty, his history does not have sufficient backing that would justify him having mastered his hollow to the extent that he would be able to utilize its abilities. Much less to this extent.
In the future, after some training in threads, Tento certainly can see about slowly developing the ability to use his Hollow’s abilities. However, we would want to see these represented by a proper upgrade with thread backing in regards to him learning to control his hollow and utilize its abilities.
With all of that in mind, we've come up with something that's a bit more consolidated as a suggestion:
Impact Absorption: Acosador's ability is the ability to absorb energy that connects with its body. By focusing on an incoming attack the hollow is able to absorb the impact and store the energy in its body as potential energy which is represented by a "+" modifier on the spirit class. This energy can then be released at a time of choosing to empower the next action equal to the rank in Power Augmentation ie. Adept, Advanced, Elite (%200, %300, 400%).
Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.
The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.
This will address the changes and also make it a bit easier to read. But as stated, this is just a suggestion.
Thank you Mercy, I think this embodies the concept I was trying to go for! I will go with this and remove the vizard abilities section that pertains to this for when Tento has explored and acquired these ic. For now, I will just adjust his vizard sheet I suppose with the default abilities that all vizards have from their hollows.
So that leaves us with this version-
» Name Of Character: Tento Zefa
» Link To Character:
» Upgrading: none, just officially creating
» Why: He is a vizard and I figured out what/how I wanted his inner hollow to start out as/work. (Also, inner hollow came out in a thread he was in that I didn’t expect so I figured reeeaaallly need to get it done now.
» Extra: https://www.platinumhearts.net/t22757-what-is-your-name-tento-s-shikai#166521
Continuing from this conversation and attempt. As stated at the end I will use these thoughts and feedback to try and create the concept for abilities.
I. Vizard Information
» Inner Hollow Name: Acosador
» Inner Hollow Description:
Acosador looks like a tall, well-built muscular man with an obsidian black color covering of his full body makes it hard to tell if he has hair or not. He has a pointed face and sharp pointed teeth that he keeps restrained, causing his teeth to appear normal to the naked eye. At times he wears black clothing common among the Gothic or hardcore type. Usually commemorated with a black leather jacket with a white fur-collar and a pair of sunglasses, or a red and black coat. His body is a mix of two colors, the base being the deep pitch black common throughout his body. But the top is patterned in white/silver lines that make up a decorated look of African pendants, while the bottom half of his body is dressed in red lines that make up the design of what one would assume is Indigenous symbols. Once he absorbs power and stores it within his body, the two sections of lines expand, run all over his body and are expanded all over his face, crossing his eyes.
» Inner Hollow Personality: A twisted version of Tento. Acosador is everything Tento is and more. Arrogant when prideful, calculative when thoughtful, obsessive when passionate, and, lustful when lustful. All sides of Tento but with no or little restraint. Where Tento fights to grow or for fun. He fights to conquer and rule. While Tento holds himself in high esteem, he is arrogant and a bit self centered. While Tento tries to consider people's deeper selves, he tries to USE people's inner self. And while Tento ogles at a lot of women, he would rather… you get the drift.
He has what can come off as a demanding and nettlesome personality, but also somehow is very polite, laid-back, chivalrous, and enthusiastic. He never lies, he just leaves out information. He offers bargains to gain what he wants and he acts in an extremely friendly (though sarcastic) way even towards foes.
» Inner Hollow Powers:
While bestowed with all of the expected powers anyone would see within a hollow. Acosador has an unique ability that involves a system of interaction of damage and energy.
Expected powers-
Soul-Body Separation: This is a simple racial technique that most, if not all, Hollows have access to. And this is no different of a case for Tento's Inner Hollow Acosador. He can feed on souls as any normal hollow can do, separating the living person from their spirit leaving a lifeless corpse as the only remainder. Although he can use this, Acosador much rather prefers ripping the spirit out of a soul after defeating them in battle. Or hunting them down into submission. He rather uses this to force Shinigami out of hiding from a crowd, separating them for the gigai to fight where letting the humans run away in fear.
Acidic Touch: A rather passive and simple ability for all hollows. Acosador uses it as a means to an end with his physical attacks. As another form of defense separated by his steel body abilities the acid touch acts a painful remainder for those who dare to touch him, or fail to avoid his touch. Acid burns that sting and erode the skin and bone if left with too much of a prolonged exposure.
Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy. Primarily a close range hunter, Acosador does not choose to use it much. Rather, he often only used it ideally to deal with long range pests. A traditional red colored cero, it could be seen that at desperate times of hunger Acosador could use one to wipe out an entire small town in order to feast on fresh souls. Normally it is fired by his mouth but he is able to send out ceros from other body parts with equal efficiently. His bala's often come from his fists, acting as secondary attacks as he pummels his opponents. In addition, in order to combat speedster, he developed his balas to be able to track trajectory if he focus. Being able to control how they travel to hunt them down or even slow down the speed of their movement to distract the target before quickly changing speed to land an acidic laced bala on their skin.
Garganta: This is the way that all hollows use to travel between different realms. When in use, a black rift literally tears open the fabric of space to pass through. It was pretend standard in its use by Acosador, only using it to travel from the world of the living and Hueco Mundo.
Negacion: Negacion is the technique in which hollows can rescue or "extract" allies from a battle. Opening a garganta from the sky, a ray of light will shoot down onto the targets, as a few moments pass they will be dragged up and into the rift. This is usually done by gillian whom are massive in size and can be commanded by other Hollow for easy "extraction" from dangerous areas.
High-Speed regeneration: Generally self explanatory, all hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies in a timely manner. Got Acosador the hollow has a well trained regenation that works in tandom with his iron body. Capable of regrowing limbs in a short amount of time and healing from even the most heaviest battle damage. This is all time consuming though with the more he is damaged and a drain of his stamina and spiritual energy.
Impact Absorption: Acosador's ability is the ability to absorb energy that connects with its body. By focusing on an incoming attack the hollow is able to absorb the impact and store the energy in its body as potential energy which is represented by a "+" modifier on the spirit class. This energy can then be released at a time of choosing to empower the next action equal to the rank in Power Augmentation ie. Adept, Advanced, Elite (%200, %300, 400%).
Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.
The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.
» Hollow Mask Appearance:
» Vizard Powers: Donning the hollow mask gives a general assumption of abilities of a vizard; an increase in spiritual energy, physical strength, durability, and speed based on his power augmentation (100%, 250%, 500% etc). As well as the typical gaining of hollow abilities such as Ceros/bala, regeneration in Acosador's case, acid secretion etc.
However, in addition to these donning the hollow mask also gives :
Saving Roll: Once per thread, Tento is able to manifest his hollow mask somewhere on his body. It has an durability equal to its power augmentation and is on Tento's inner hollow to do this, his hollow views it only as a means of self-preservation to save its own skin as well as a refusal to lose due to its massive pride.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Killer within the warrior [ready]
Fri Jun 28, 2024 4:23 pm
ApprovedOttozeo wrote:
» Name Of Character: Tento Zefa
» Link To Character:
» Upgrading: none, just officially creating
» Why: He is a vizard and I figured out what/how I wanted his inner hollow to start out as/work. (Also, inner hollow came out in a thread he was in that I didn’t expect so I figured reeeaaallly need to get it done now.
» Extra: https://www.platinumhearts.net/t22757-what-is-your-name-tento-s-shikai#166521
Continuing from this conversation and attempt. As stated at the end I will use these thoughts and feedback to try and create the concept for abilities.I. Vizard Information
» Inner Hollow Name: Acosador
» Inner Hollow Description:
Acosador looks like a tall, well-built muscular man with an obsidian black color covering of his full body makes it hard to tell if he has hair or not. He has a pointed face and sharp pointed teeth that he keeps restrained, causing his teeth to appear normal to the naked eye. At times he wears black clothing common among the Gothic or hardcore type. Usually commemorated with a black leather jacket with a white fur-collar and a pair of sunglasses, or a red and black coat. His body is a mix of two colors, the base being the deep pitch black common throughout his body. But the top is patterned in white/silver lines that make up a decorated look of African pendants, while the bottom half of his body is dressed in red lines that make up the design of what one would assume is Indigenous symbols. Once he absorbs power and stores it within his body, the two sections of lines expand, run all over his body and are expanded all over his face, crossing his eyes.
» Inner Hollow Personality: A twisted version of Tento. Acosador is everything Tento is and more. Arrogant when prideful, calculative when thoughtful, obsessive when passionate, and, lustful when lustful. All sides of Tento but with no or little restraint. Where Tento fights to grow or for fun. He fights to conquer and rule. While Tento holds himself in high esteem, he is arrogant and a bit self centered. While Tento tries to consider people's deeper selves, he tries to USE people's inner self. And while Tento ogles at a lot of women, he would rather… you get the drift.
He has what can come off as a demanding and nettlesome personality, but also somehow is very polite, laid-back, chivalrous, and enthusiastic. He never lies, he just leaves out information. He offers bargains to gain what he wants and he acts in an extremely friendly (though sarcastic) way even towards foes.
» Inner Hollow Powers:
While bestowed with all of the expected powers anyone would see within a hollow. Acosador has an unique ability that involves a system of interaction of damage and energy.
Expected powers-
Soul-Body Separation: This is a simple racial technique that most, if not all, Hollows have access to. And this is no different of a case for Tento's Inner Hollow Acosador. He can feed on souls as any normal hollow can do, separating the living person from their spirit leaving a lifeless corpse as the only remainder. Although he can use this, Acosador much rather prefers ripping the spirit out of a soul after defeating them in battle. Or hunting them down into submission. He rather uses this to force Shinigami out of hiding from a crowd, separating them for the gigai to fight where letting the humans run away in fear.
Acidic Touch: A rather passive and simple ability for all hollows. Acosador uses it as a means to an end with his physical attacks. As another form of defense separated by his steel body abilities the acid touch acts a painful remainder for those who dare to touch him, or fail to avoid his touch. Acid burns that sting and erode the skin and bone if left with too much of a prolonged exposure.
Cero: This is a very powerful and extremely swift blast of energy. Primarily a close range hunter, Acosador does not choose to use it much. Rather, he often only used it ideally to deal with long range pests. A traditional red colored cero, it could be seen that at desperate times of hunger Acosador could use one to wipe out an entire small town in order to feast on fresh souls. Normally it is fired by his mouth but he is able to send out ceros from other body parts with equal efficiently. His bala's often come from his fists, acting as secondary attacks as he pummels his opponents. In addition, in order to combat speedster, he developed his balas to be able to track trajectory if he focus. Being able to control how they travel to hunt them down or even slow down the speed of their movement to distract the target before quickly changing speed to land an acidic laced bala on their skin.
Garganta: This is the way that all hollows use to travel between different realms. When in use, a black rift literally tears open the fabric of space to pass through. It was pretend standard in its use by Acosador, only using it to travel from the world of the living and Hueco Mundo.
Negacion: Negacion is the technique in which hollows can rescue or "extract" allies from a battle. Opening a garganta from the sky, a ray of light will shoot down onto the targets, as a few moments pass they will be dragged up and into the rift. This is usually done by gillian whom are massive in size and can be commanded by other Hollow for easy "extraction" from dangerous areas.
High-Speed regeneration: Generally self explanatory, all hollows are capable of having the ability to regenerate their bodies in a timely manner. Got Acosador the hollow has a well trained regenation that works in tandom with his iron body. Capable of regrowing limbs in a short amount of time and healing from even the most heaviest battle damage. This is all time consuming though with the more he is damaged and a drain of his stamina and spiritual energy.
Impact Absorption: Acosador's ability is the ability to absorb energy that connects with its body. By focusing on an incoming attack the hollow is able to absorb the impact and store the energy in its body as potential energy which is represented by a "+" modifier on the spirit class. This energy can then be released at a time of choosing to empower the next action equal to the rank in Power Augmentation ie. Adept, Advanced, Elite (%200, %300, 400%).
Impact Release: There are three methods of releasing the stored energy. Offensively, defensively, or supportively. Offensively covers attacks, physical or spiritual, and defensively covers the same. Supportive release of the energy can be used for a quick second wind or to promote the healing process albeit not to the scale of high-speed regeneration.
The conditions for Acosador's power is that it cannot absorb anymore energy after it has stopped meaning while it could absorb a volley of attacks, after he stops absorbing the impact he is unable to attempt to absorb energy again until the energy has been spent. He can safely absorb up to the level of his spirit class but any higher will cause stress and has a high chance of being detrimental to him.
» Hollow Mask Appearance:
» Vizard Powers: Donning the hollow mask gives a general assumption of abilities of a vizard; an increase in spiritual energy, physical strength, durability, and speed based on his power augmentation (100%, 250%, 500% etc). As well as the typical gaining of hollow abilities such as Ceros/bala, regeneration in Acosador's case, acid secretion etc.
However, in addition to these donning the hollow mask also gives :
Saving Roll: Once per thread, Tento is able to manifest his hollow mask somewhere on his body. It has an durability equal to its power augmentation and is on Tento's inner hollow to do this, his hollow views it only as a means of self-preservation to save its own skin as well as a refusal to lose due to its massive pride.
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