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Sat Apr 08, 2023 3:12 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

The sun shined high in the sky over the 4th division on this cloudy day. The energetic life of the combat was a bit more tamed on thisday, likely still in the aftermath of absorbing the recent announcement only a short time ago. A new Captain, a new co op Vice Captain that joined. An old member rumored to be likely elected for a seated position due to her skill and reputation as an unseated member during her. And the pervet gentleman of the 4th division promoted to yet another rank after returning in from a long stint of action in the world of the living. The 4th was busy as always really!

Such changes and subtle aura of the division had changed thus, Captain Kanae already having influence, whether good or bad unknown. But in a section of the marksmanship, if Tento and a few ladies of the 4th were having a bad day they certainly did not sound like it! If anything it sounded a bit more cheerful and bright as nor al, the sound of pebbles hitting target marks echoing a bit as stockpiles of...chocolate!? Kept being exchanged hand in hand.

"My all are really kick my butt today", Tento said in a lighthearted voice with a laugh.

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Tentos10
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Sat Apr 08, 2023 8:54 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] H52_ehgfwhvjown


All thing told, that battle with Kanae had been a pretty entertaining exchange. Rio hadn't cut loose like that in a while! The jury was still out on her opinion of Kanae, but her speech and her general mood left a reasonable impression on the woman. Only time would tell if that would stand. For now, the Shihoin was eager to socialize with her fellow combat division members. She had already Moe well before she joined this division, who else would she meet today? The answer to her question would come in the form of a few of the foot soldiers, and the newly promoted Tento Zefa who was being pelted by... chocolate pebbles? Rio blinked softly, approaching the man with a degree of interest.

"You put up a great fight out there, Tento. I applauded your bravery in the face of that woman's intense spiritual pressure! I don't need to introduce myself since you already know my name... but its a pleasure to finally meet you face to face. I hear that your reputation proceeds you in this division," she humored, gesturing to some of the females that walked past him.

She certainly respected his bravery in battle. How was he personally? There were varying opinions, so she wanted to get an impression on her own by speaking with him face to face.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Apr 24, 2023 3:08 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:35 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

One cringe funny joke and chocolates get thrown at ya. By soul king if they found it funny like they said why pelt him!?! Eh o wel. They seemed to be genuinely enjoying themselves. In the down time within a division with no spars or duties needed to be done. What else could there be asked for but to spend time with ones squad and friends and enjoy the peaceful life given by the stability of balance in the after life? Well. Peaceful life for now at least. That holoe hoe was still on everyone's radar, especially Tetos.

A few soft whispers gave him headway that another figure was coming. At the start of her voice coming he turned to see the source. It was their new member, co o Vice Captain, Rio Shihoin. Lordy she was even more of a cutie up close.

He bowed, deep and held to welcome her as she finished coming up yo him and the others. The other unseated officers quickly following suit. "Good day Vice Captain", Tento said with his cheerful voice as always and soft smile glued to his face. "It was fun and an honor to join you and Moe against our Captain in a spar I-", hd shot up quick straight like a board.

"Waaaait, what reputation!!". Oh no...that one. That one. And that one...smashed. He gave a worrisome side look to the female officers that were giggling and then back to Rio. Oh first impressions made well before meeting her... "It is a pleasure to meet you as well. I hope you feel welcomed. Um, werid saying this since you're my superior. But if you have any questions or would like help yo can count on me".

Light in the Dark | End Post

Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Tentos10
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Sat Apr 08, 2023 11:50 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] H52_ehgfwhvjown


The formality was appreciated, but Rio simply waved her hand dismissively. She was proud of the position, sure, but she wasn't aiming to be treated with some special respect, even if her current standing demanded that level of respect. She wanted everyone to operate as if she was one of the division members, too. Chuckling softly at Tento's reaction to her comment about his reputation, Rio tilted her head and decided to tease him even further. According to the women, he was a man who enjoyed flirting whenever the opportunity presented itself. Naturally, she wasn't the type of woman to let a man or woman be defined by their reputation, bad or good, and she had been meaning to meet him ever since she stepped foot into these barracks.

"The reputation of the flirtatious Tento Zefa. Don't worry, I don't usually pay attention to reputations, rumors, or even gossip. And I'm not here for anything in particular. I simply wanted to meet one of my division members in person. Apart from the humorous hearsay, I hear that you have proved yourself time and again in battle. Whether in missions on earth, the event in Africa, and even your display in our battle... I've only ever heard good things. As such, I'd like to get to know you better. Would you prefer that over a spar or a meal and then a spar? Your choice."


Last edited by Iori on Mon Apr 10, 2023 10:05 am; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Apr 10, 2023 9:45 am
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

After they all have their bowa they returned to the normal causal postures. The dismissive wave by Rio, the ladies nearby enjoyed Tento's reaction. Holding back their own chuckles and giggles unlike Rio. A reputation indeed. A bit of a flirt but thankfully not a handsy type unless given the okay. Goofy but a hard worker. At times too much of either in fact.

"Well that is", a few more ladies walked up. Goving up a big COUGH, making their pr4csene known and their full readiness to call bullshit if he dared say otherwise. They had first hand experiences after all~. Tento looked sideways at the sound and noticed the two additional ladies. "....accurate...somewhat".

He then coughed and turned back to his new co op Vice Captain. "I respect that mindset. Actions speak louder than words and I have had a few friends who are good people but started off on the wrong sides of people", he daid thinking of one specific dear friend that had a widely different reputation than when they where in the academy.

"Depending on what actions you see from him though. He can be exactly like we say", one of the ladies teased with a grin.

"Kek", said sounded low with a sweatdrop. He did smile a little bit though, it was good to hear that he was doing good in his efforts when he got deployed. This grin grew sharp and a spark shined in his eye. A spar with one of the Vice Captain's and then a meal? Maybe he could get her number heheeheh. "Oh?", Tento said, "ahh. Sure. Sure! I can use the challenge. Ah...", he thought for a second. "How about we spar then eat? Work up an appetite!".

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Tentos10
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Wed Apr 12, 2023 1:42 am
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] H52_ehgfwhvjown


"Is that so? Ah, well, as you can see so far, Tento, your reputation proceeds you."

Each of her female peers had confirmed that the rumors about Tento's flirtatious reputation were indeed correct, wasting no time at his expense as they maintained playfully watchful gazes to ensure he didn't deny her initial jest. Now that they were finished with teasing the poor soul, Rio could actually host a conversation in peace with the man, or rather, host a spar without too many bodies in close proximity to inhibit their overall ease of movement. Assuming an offensive stance, Rio motioned for the their fellow squad members to create some distance between the two of them, directing her golden eyes at Tento, beckoning his approach. His first strike would signal the beginning to their spar.

"A spar it is, then. Come on, let's get this battle started!"


Last edited by Iori on Mon Apr 17, 2023 4:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Mon Apr 17, 2023 4:20 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Indeed it seemed so. Now the only question was if that was going to be a good thing or not. Certainly good. Right? ....right? Factually he had to admit that it seemed all was well at this point. A flirtatious reputation mixed with a goofy hard working character. Yeah he could take that. He got his missions done, he and his comrades had fun; bonded. And life with the 4th had its noise. Respect and all, such a life with playfully watchful gazes. Training, working out, bonding through challenges. It was the way of their division after all.

And so when Rio took her offensive stance,, with the members in this little social gathering moving away now with quick shuffling to give space. Tento quickly found his body bouncing on the balls of his feet, his grin wide on his lips as his shoulders moved with an overwhelming energetic bounce. It would be interesting to see how he could do against his new Vice Captain. It may had only been a few weeks since their group spar, but he felt he became slightly stronger from that interaction and the follow up spars he had with the many unseated members of their division and their workout sections.

His brown eyes stared into her golden orbs. Slightly soothing in their enchanting nature. Sword on his person at his hip, Tento was more than happy to accept Rio's beckoning. "A strong, pretty lady doesn't have to tell me to come here twice…", Tento said mid-motion. Shunpoing forward to break the gapping space between them before doing so again, throwing out a left jab as he reached Rio before throwing out a quick follow up with his right.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Tentos10
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Wed Apr 19, 2023 6:32 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] H52_ehgfwhvjown


"A strong, pretty woman, huh? Your words flatter me, but do try to focus on our spar for now. I wouldn't want you making any excuses about how you were distracted by my looks when I beat you."

Offering playful banter in return, Rio shot forward precisely at the moment the man charged in, executing a series of simple movements that allowed her to close the distance between them like a collapsing star. Her right arm shot forward as a firm hand winded itself around his left forearm, aiming to seize it in place in preparation for a counterstrike, her left elbow following in her other limb's wake to crash into Tento's sternum. If this attack made contact with his tall frame, Rio would sweep her foot around to disrupt his balance and compromise his center of gravity.


Last edited by Iori on Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:21 pm; edited 3 times in total
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Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:30 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

As strong and concentrated his face looked immediately at the start of their spar. Cloaked in the fiery bright fierce smile on his face. "Rio, Rio Rio~. I am only speaking the truth, am I not? A nice truth but truth nonetheless". Tento said in a soft response at Rio's words, a playful smirk on his face as she approached. Things were not always as they appeared. As goofy and laid back Tento always seemed he was always a man that held an intense focus when things demanded so. He just liked to show an outward appearance that was different. A thing she would learn over time as a new member of the 4th.

As she shot forward meeting Tentos strikes. The clothes on their forms vanished as their voices carried on. "Too late for that", he said with a chuckle. Rio's flash stepped before he could completely finish his second. Left hand coming ready to throw a punch as he felt her hand press on his forearm. Bicep flexed and pumped ready to let loose. However her firm hold held back the tight muscle, so when he attempted to throw out his punch it was limited in reach. Wheezing by her face in the open air missing its target.

Immediately after the quick flow of actions of hand to hand committed to life as the two combatants began! That was a loud quaking BOOM as Rio's left elbow crashed into Tento's sternum. A gasp of air coming to before he felt his body wobble, his legs taken out from underneath him as Rio sweeped his legs. Feeling his center shift Tento quickly gripped the arm that threw the elbow to his chest trying to hassle firmly grab a limb as he let his weight drop. Falling down to the ground as he attempted to let the momentum follow as he wanted to TOSS Rio head first into the dirt some distance to the side.

Either way he would land in the ground. "I would never complain about losing just because I found someone attractive", Tento said as he quickly rolled to his side and popped to his feet. Bursting forward in an arc run as he approached from Rio's right to throw out an elbow of his own before tossing a quick chop to her waist.

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] Tentos10
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Sat Apr 22, 2023 5:57 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] H52_ehgfwhvjown


He wasn't simply a man of flirtatious words, that much was clear, and he proved it as much by seizing her arm, aiming to use her momentum to guide toss her across the barracks, but Rio remained exactly where she was, firmly planting her foot on the ground as a confident smile dominated the woman's expression.

"Good. I can respect a warrior who doesn't make any excuses about the results. I have heard good things about you, though. No one questions your tenacity and work ethic, and those are two traits I hold in high regard."

Offering her point of view, Rio beckoned the man forward as he charged in, reappearing at her side for a thrust of the elbow and a chop to her waist. The Shihoin woman allowed each attack to land, turning her body forward to swing her forearm forward in a sweep, aiming to strike him at his neck. She hoped that he wouldn't be discouraged by the lack of reaction she felt from his attacks, though. Rio was ironclad in both personality and physical composition, and so it simply stood to reason that she wouldn't falter from anything but his best in terms of physical strength.


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