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Sun Apr 23, 2023 9:51 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well. As light and sexy as Rio looked. Lady really knew how to throw some that thick weight down and how to throw it back. When he gripped her by her forearm to guide her body into a toss using momentum. He found that he just did not have the energy nor strength and positioning to send her moving like he wanted with her foot planted firmly into the ground. Only able to cause her to skid a bit in the dirt as she resisted.
"And I respect a woman that doesn't make things too easy", Tento said in response to that confident smile and strong core. "...thanks", he said in a moment of seriousness. "I take great pride in those two things", he said after feeling his blows land on her. Soft. Solidly.

"Ah...", fuck. Gonna be like that Amaranta situation all over again. Sexy body to touch but man he wanted to fight. Fight fight now tickle a chicken. Although...that didn't sound bad in a different situation. Tento....

Annnnd anyway. With a burst of haste Tento moved his head back. Bringing his arms up to swipe Rio's elbow strike away hopefully. Or at least avoid that nasty attempt at his neck. If she could take him going hard than that was fine with him. He would just pummel her until she gave a smeck of sound giving recognition of effort. No matter how durable she was, she had a limit of accumulation. He could either deliver a drawing few blows to do something. Or he could try to wear her down. Movemtn speed in hand to hand seemed to be equal enough. He could maybe hang a little depending how she decided to use her martial skill.

But if shunpos came into this...

Tento would respond. Throwing out more strikes. Punches and kicks aiming for a few repeated spots faked into others to divert attention. Her core lower stomach. A few punches there in between going for the head and arms. Her left calf. A few kicks thrown there as well in between strikes to the upper body. Discouragement was long from the mood with the man. He was getting fired up!!!

"Unfortunately, I haven't heard about you. Perhaps that can get fixed over lunch later?".

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon Apr 24, 2023 4:50 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


"Perhaps it will."

Offering a playful response in return, Rio found herself amused by Tento's confidence. There was no hint of discouragement whatsoever in body language as he stepped in, layering her entire frame within a myriad of physical attacks, each seemingly locating a specific part of her body. Nothing went unanswered on her frame, but Rio remained stalwart, her expression naught but a confident grin that displayed her rising excitement. In actuality, there were a few words that resonated with Rio in Kanae's public message to the division.

That is, challenging one another and fighting without fear, challenging each other to embrace a fierce frontline mentality rivaled by none. To her, Tento displays an indomitable conviction that almost belies his playfully flirtatious nature. She had already acknowledged it in their joint battle against Kanae, but he was a warrior whose spirit admirably embodied everything the combat division stood for. As such, Rio would make this battle difficult, precisely out of the respect she had developed for his work ethic so far. In the next instant, Rio shifted her arms in a precise pattern, swiftly increasing the movement of her upper body to deflect each hit with her arm. Since her aim was to divert the trajectory of his repeated attacks, Rio shifts her right leg forward, swinging her arm upward to create an opening in his offensive. If the technique proved successful, Rio would bring her hands back in preparation for a palm strike to his midsection.


Last edited by Iori on Wed Apr 26, 2023 10:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Wed Apr 26, 2023 9:38 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Not bad not bad at all. It seemed that he could get along with Rio. One of the new additions, the shield of the Shihoin, could be a playful but fierce person. Marked by her skill in their combat and in this soft spar. And well, didn't mind Tento being a little flirtatious of course. That was good, he didn't have to worry about her running after him whenever she heard him give a little something to a woman who was happy to hear whatever dumb thing he was coming up with.

But more so, it seemed they could be respectful and talk casually. An important thing in Tento's mind when it came to being a part of a team.

Hit after hit landed on her body. But the brown tones skin did not bruise or give in. It even felt like it was pushing him off. He wouldn't let it deter his efforts though and so he would continue his assault! In result Rio began hers in due respect. Not standing there tanking the blows but swiftly shifting her arms in a waving pattern that was sharp, precise. Wewving and delfecting the strikes he came with. The faster he moved to try and land, the faster it seemed she got. It continued to the point where it looked like their bodies were slightly blurring in the exchange. The forms going in and out as only the brown hue of their skin and the white and black color of their garbs played as constant strings to reality. Daunting the watching unseated members at the speeds they were working up to in a slow cook of fiery competition of tag.

In this dance Rio took a step to take the lead. Taking a step forward, the sudden sound and motion put Tento on alert expecting the tide to switch. So when Rio swung her right arm up Tento brought his left arm down in a knife hand guard chop. Deeling an aching pain before their arms flash. Shaking for a moment before Rio's arm broke through the defensive attempt. Causing a stop in his flow before moving in a retreat to throw out a palm strike to his stomach.

Not one to back down Tento dropped both of his hands down in a X cross guard over her hand to divert her blow lower. Pressing them together to hold her hand down just a little before delivering a low kick to her right calf. It was quick and light hoping to begin a dancing flow of counter. "You sure can dance Rio. I hope we can do this for quite a while~!". He said with a happy grin dtepping forward to attempt a chop to her neck using both hands before throwing a right elbow to her side. Finally stepping to the right wnd throwing out an open palm strike to her left torso.

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Wed Apr 26, 2023 10:45 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


A cross guard chop altered the course of her palm strike, eliciting a smirk from the Shihoin woman. What an impressive show of resilience. His second blow landed successfully, too, a kick to the calf that hardly disrupted her balance, but earned her approval all the same. At the moment of contact, Rio maintained her iron wrought defense against his impressive flow of counterattacks as she curved her leg around his own, shifting her body around in an acrobatic spin to avoid his palm strike at the end. If a dance is what he desired, then she would respond in kind. Scant millimeters of distance were the only thing that separated them, and Rio had no intention of allowing him to pull back as swiftly as he did before. If he failed to move his leg away from her own, Rio would duck underneath to swing her elbow against his midsection. Should her own counter prove successful, the Shihoin woman followed that offensive up with a full-throttle leg sweep, aiming to send him to the ground.

"You're not bad yourself, Tento. We can dance like this for as long as you like."


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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ]

Sun Apr 30, 2023 9:13 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Tch. Dang was this woman rock solid. It seemed like an impossibility to get her off balanced, let alone stumbling in adjustment. For freaking sakes how could her skin be so soft and yet so tough!?!?! His foot stomped down after its connection. Grounding itself and Tento's body as he flowed through his flow of counterattqckw on Rio's body. Allower at least, as is she was testing her durability and his patience. But just when he finished she moved and


Tento's body immediately JOLTED when Rio's leg curved around his briefly. The twirl and spin out of the way at his last palm strike brushing the air behind her form. Millimeters away Tento normally would have loved such a situation but right now it was not so much a good thing. Enjoyable hes. Good baaaad. His mind knew better but he was sure she could hear the pounding of his chest at her beauty being so close. Or...was that because of his effort to just land a good blow on her?

Either way the tight space was bad for striking with full power and skill. A thing he was sure she had an advantage with at this point. In his pause, Rio ducked underneath. A gasp for air coming. Did their bodies touch!?


Yep. Courtesy of Rio herself, elbow right to the midsection! While he absorbed that little knock for a moment of humorist ill timed desire, his reward would be a leg sweep that knocked his feet from under him. Falling with a turn, Tento threw his left hand and arm down and out to catch his body and soften the fall. Disperse the falling force while throwing out his right leg in a sharp quick kick to the side of Rio's knee.

"I may take you up for that. But do you really wanna keep that promise? I may keep you for several minutes at least".

Given he was on his side, he would then shift to his back now to attempt to kick/extend his left leg towards Rio's core. An effort to maintain distance and push her back if she attempted to move in. If this was successful he would then roll backwards, trying to flip back onto his feet while throwing out a double kick. A further move to keep Rio away in her advantageous position against him.

to swing her elbow against his midsection. Should her own counter prove successful, the Shihoin woman followed that offensive up with a full-throttle leg sweep, aiming to send him to the ground.

"You're not bad yourself, Tento. We can dance like this for as long as you like."

Light in the Dark | End Post

Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Mon May 01, 2023 12:45 am
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


Matching the quick and well-timed movements of her opponent was far from difficult as Rio turned her knee upward to deflect against his quick kick counterattack. Rio could clearly tell that Tento was trying to create distance between them, but she had a clear momentum advantage here, and the thought of giving him any breathing room was the farthest thing from her mind right now.

As the second in command of the combat division, this spar was her way of gauging his overall capability as a warrior. As far as she was concerned, he proved to be quite the resilient warrior, just as many of his peers had claimed. Of course, with such information in mind, her next aim was testing just how far he could go.

Using shunpo to clear the distance between them in the blink of an eye, Rio would leap through midair to slam her feet against his chest, standing atop his tall frame to offer a graceful smile as she leaned down to ruffle his hair.

"Judging by how things are going so far, I don't think you can, Tento. Of course, you are more than welcome to prove me wrong."


Last edited by Iori on Thu May 04, 2023 11:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Thu May 04, 2023 11:05 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

SMACK!!! Tento's quick kicks deflected once again. But hey! At least he got a hit in on her right? Small positives... . Just like the situation he was in now.

That shunpo of hers was definitely more than she needed to get up close and personal to him. Sprinting that small distance jumping into the air to slam her feet onto his chest. His hand moving to try to catch her ankles and hold a tight grip.

The soul king behold her legs may be in his hands and Tento would have a soft triumphant smile before quickly turning his head to the side. In case Rio's modesty was on the line. Ruffled hair be damned though he wasn't going to make it easy for her.

And so! He would try to yank her feet down as hard as he could, hoping to make her body fall while keeping his grip. If he managed to do so he wanted to lift her up up and before body slamming her with a THUD, with all the speed and might he could manage.

"Oh ho. I gotcha do something to get your attention then..." Tento said if he was successful, blowing out a puff of steam from his nose. Due to something perhaps?

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Fri May 05, 2023 2:49 am
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


Fortunately for the two of them, there was no modesty to protect on Rio's part. She was wearing wear a division outfit that wouldn't reveal anything that could embarrass her, let alone cause her to falter. Since she left herself relatively open to an attack during the moment she ruffled his hair, she couldn't automatically move her body to defend against him lifting her up. Considering the size difference between them, he was able to achieve this feat with relative ease as she felt her body being hoisted up before Tento body slammed her with all his might.

A soft grunt escaped her lips, a clear sign that she had felt a tinge of pain rebounding through her core. Of course, Rio was quite familiar with pain, and paid little heed to it, leaping onto her feet to settle into an defensive stance this time. Well, that certainly got her attention. But the question was... could he display more of that? The Shihoin woman was certainly eager to find out.

"That's a start. Let's see if you can display more of that, Tento. I won't be letting my guard down again this time."


Last edited by Iori on Sat May 06, 2023 10:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Empty Re: Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ]

Sat May 06, 2023 9:48 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Success! He got a sound out of her. And not a bad grunt too. He took a sigh of relief noticing nothing to worry about Rio's appearance wise. He could look right at her with no worry and FOCUS.

He let go of his grip and quickly hopped back, his palms coming up in a mid guard of his arm. One up and the other down. A smooth focused exhale coming from his body. Rio leapt onto her feet to settle into an defensive stance. Tento's body edging closer to her as she spoke. Allowing her to get positioned and ready. If she wanted Tento to display more than he was already in the mindset of doing so. With how tough she was he had no choice if he wanted to give her a good challenge.

Tento spoke with a smile. A tiger hunting like gaze. Fierce, and as his energy began to seep then pour out of his frame it was clear he was happy to hear that she would take him a bit more seriously. "Oh...that makes me so happy tonhere. If that is the case...will you help me test out something knew I've been improving??".


Tento would vanish before swiftly running in to Rio. Throwing out a feint punch before delivering a snap kick aimed to the side of her head. "My Hakudo...", where he landed it he would continue. Attempting to throw out a barrage of punches and kicks that weaved into a flowing stream of strikes attempting to force Rio back.

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 Tentos10
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Sun May 07, 2023 1:27 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 2 H52_ehgfwhvjown


Rio moved in tandem with Tento, following his every movement with her eyes. His physical strength, when pushed to it's peak, was quite remarkable to behold. Even if she had allowed her attention to falter for a moment, lifting her up was no feat the average Shinigami could accomplish. It was time to match his spirit in earnest, approach the battle with a vigor equal to his own.

In the blink of an eye, Tento would seize the offensive flow, Rio would settle for the defensive flow. A stream of strikes were met with a seamless pattern of deflective counters, each diverting his attack off it's intended course. An exceptional display, Rio offers her approval in the form of a warm smile.


That was the extent of her praise as she crossed her forearms to repeat a similar act to the one she performed earlier, descending downward to swipe her arms upward, aiming to break the flow of attacks with her iron-wrought frame. Descending further, Rio would place her palms against the ground, bringing her legs around to execute a spinning kick against his lower extremities, aiming to disrupt his balance in preparation for another counter. If that initial series bore fruit, Rio would push her body off of the ground to soar in for an aerial roundhouse kick for Tento's neck.


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