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Wed May 10, 2023 1:41 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

If things were different and on thr brighter side. Tento would have thought he was dancing with Rio. The two going back and forth with reactions to one another. With every step Tento did Rio had hers already planned. And with her swift of his arms towards her, she had one of her own. It seemed that he had win some vigor from Rio due to the body slam. That was a win enough for him. "heh".

It things continued like that though and only that. It would boring. And Rio was most certainly not that. Hee deflections were well timed but there was not a shift of pressure yet. But when Rio went on to unleash her counter move. That was soon to be tested!

With Rio's cross out with her forearms, it threw off the last kick that Tento tossed, causing an end to the relentless pressure he had attempted to put on. He wouldn't just stand there through. As her body went down he went to swing his leg out, hoping to land a sharp kick as she lowered her frame.

If he managed to land it he doubt it would cause a halt to her iron determined motion. Either way, Rio would place her palms against the ground, bringing her legs around to land a thundering spinning kick to his side. A sharp cough exploded from Tento's core. A bit of liquid red cornering his mouth as his feet slid, his balanced altered.

Adjusting he would look up to see Rio coming to deliver an aerial roundhouse kick. Sticking both of his arms out to grabs and block. He would absorb the strike instead to his arms. Another ache and jolt of his body but a fierce grip with both hands. With a roar if he manged to keep his grip and stay on his feet. Tento would unleash even further determination out to the Vice Captain, slamming her to the ground again and again. Whipping her one side before doing another before tossing her into the air.

Tento would cough after, the exertion and wounds now starting to really teach his limits. But still, he would smile, and look at Rio from where she was before wiping the blood from the corner or his lips.

"Raaaaa!!", Tento yelled as he ran towards her before flash stepping at the last minute. Changing his frontal approach before attempting to get behind her, throwing down a snap kick to the shoulder. Empowered by his spiritual energy to send out a quake of extra force like a pulse.

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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Wed May 10, 2023 4:37 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 H52_ehgfwhvjown


In terms of overall resilience, Tento certainly didn't fall behind. With each attack that landed, he seemed motivated to strike back just as stronger. It was an admirable display, to be sure, and Rio enjoyed the thought of maintaining this so-called dance between them. Remaining relentless in her own aggression, Rio would use her exceptionally efficient reaction time to telegraph his movements, noting his intent to grab her by the legs once again. Contorting her body at an angle, Rio would swiftly attempt to wrap her legs around his head, following that movement up by attempting to seize his arm. If both attempts proved successful, the Shihoin woman would push her hips forward to lock and swing him onto the ground. Of course, he had shown time and again that he was more than up eager to display his own strength, and so a sacrifice in movement in exchange for a grapple technique to hold him in place would no doubt leave her susceptible to a counter if Tento held any in mind.


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Thu May 11, 2023 10:42 am
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Residence was most certainly a core principle of Tento. It was who he was as a person in his past life and what he was now as a Shinigami. If you weren't going to work hard for what you wanted in life or what meant for you. Then what was the point??

With the aggressive exchange of the two 4th division members battle would proving more and more thought to be more one sided. As resilient Tento was, Rio was just stronger, faster, better. More experienced. One proved to her aid as she once agained countered Tento's counter. Using the ebony warrior's attempt to grab her by her legs, contorting her body as their bodies met.

Softly and swiftly wrapping her legs around his head in a sudden turn of events. His face remained stoned. Then again Rio would most likely not be able to see his face right now. Either way externally he would be calm but inside there was a raging storm!!! His inner being was steaming with fiery joy, and if he stayed like this for long. He knew that his brown skin would be red out and burning from this soft firmness and closeness.

A bit dizzy and panting. From the fighting! The only things on his mind was Rio's body and how close she was. And strong. And yet soft... oh lordy

With no real way of knowing why. Maybe because he knew how strong she was and the difficulty of getting her off of his head. Maybe it was because he was starring at her thighs. But Tento had quickly grabbed her. Feeling her tight grip on one of his arms. Thus, attempting to grasp one hand full of her thigh or one hand full of...something else. Nice and round due to her position. To grip her and hold her in place of course. Depending on which arm was free.

But the act of being stunned and holding a lower resistance. Shihoin woman would push her hips forward to lock and swing him onto the ground. "Wanting to roll around with me eh?", Tento said in a slightly not calm voice.

Then he would do something extremely unexpected even for himself. Taking a deep breath to chomp down onto one of Rio's thigh. Why? To startle her and hopefully make her drop her guard! Following this unexpected 'nibble', Tento bringing his hand up, throwing it down in a resounding SMACK if he landed it correctly.


Tento would then try to bring his legs under himself before trying to turn using the ground and his elbow. Trying to flip Rio yo thr ground and press her before attempting to.lift her up while keeping g a firm grip onto Rio's body if he was able to. All before slamming her once again hoping to slam Rio back first into the dirt.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ]

Fri May 12, 2023 2:51 am
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 H52_ehgfwhvjown


.--------Huh? Wait a minute. What was this feeling? Rio barely registered the touch of teeth biting against her flesh. No, why would she register it? There was no way that she was actually experiencing being bitten on her thigh in the heat of battle. Moving past that, the next movement he followed through with was so out of place that it legitimately left her at a loss of words. On a surface level, Rio understood the necessity of employing an underhanded method to turn the tide of battle.

In a battle to the death, where one might well find themselves forced to contend for their survival, she acknowledged the practical nature behind underhanded means. Of course, to a woman fighting a man in a battle, in a spar that had, up until now, been fought hitherto fought honorably and competitively, his next sequence of actions totally shattered her ability to execute a counter in response.

If anything, it threw her off to such a degree that as soon as she felt the bite of teeth against her thigh, the firm smack of his hand across her rear, and the outburst had truly rendered her unable to act in the present moment required to make a counter. And so, she ended up being slammed across the ground as Tento intended. For a moment, she just laid there, genuine disbelief painted across her expression. Who... who resorted to something like that in the middle of a battle!? Clearly, her expectations for him weren't as high as she thought they were if he'd resort to what amounted as sexual harassment in a spar!

Roaring back into the air, Rio brought, perhaps, the finest display of shunpo she had executed in her life, to bear for the sole purpose of one technique---a roaring kick to the land down under, a place where most men feared being hit, regardless of who they were. If the kick connected, Rio simply dusted her body off, touching her hand against her thigh before touching her own rear, as if she was still struggling to make sense of why there was a need to do...whatever that sequence was.

"I heard you were quite the flirtatious sort, but I didn't think that extended to resorting to means such as this! Who... who does that in battle!? This spar is over with. You can go eat on your own time since you chose to focus on a "meal" already."

Crossing her arms with a resound "hpmh" and a golden glare, Rio began walking off. Normally, under any other circumstance, she would have stayed, but for a woman who hadn't experienced a situation like this in a battle, let alone a spar of all places... it was certainly something she wasn't built to handle at the moment. If she let anger get to her, well she'd likely start attempting to beat him down. What a strange man...


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Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Empty Re: Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ]

Fri May 12, 2023 6:22 pm
Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Cc273a97c03c9b2e584353292e339435

Tentō Zefā | The Unrefined Paragon

Well. There was one thing Tento would regret today. Not thinking! As soon as he bite down I was like his Zanpakuto spirits had smack their heads in disbelief. They knew how much the man loved the female body but really, he had never ever done anything like this with no inclination of doing so in the future. Internally it was like they double smacked him and continued to do so as Rio laid there in complete shock.

He had straightened up on his knees annnnnd immediately had a regretful expression on his face. Their spar had been fun and competitive so far. Bonding even. And such an action surely ruined it. Ah geez that was out of pocket... .

"Ah, sorry. I don't-", Tento eyes boared wide and death flashed before him. The crown jeweled had been touched and his body hit the ground in front of where Rio stood like a sack of potatoes. It was not known if Rio heard him after a resounding hmph and walking off. "Yea sorry...definitely deserved that". The soft sounds of whimpers and deaaaath lingered as he laid there with little breath and full pain.

Light in the Dark | End Post

Chocolate chocolate [ Tento | Rio ] - Page 3 Tentos10
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