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Sun May 21, 2023 3:54 pm
Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) ZGX1Eisc
Elyss Kishimoto

And another one bites the dust. She's not applying much to her Kido, but the first Hadō is already enough to shatter the dummies set up around her. Guess her level of power is just too high for normal application, but that's why she's here. Never one for having to keep it in, teaching yourself to control output is off-putting. This isn't the same as holding back a punch or loosening her muscles when someone's trying to hurt her. Maybe if she had learned this while she was weaker, this would have been easier, but as she is, her energy's like a waterfall without a faucet or tap.

The Academy's the best place for this kind of training though. There are a lot of teachers here who'd be able to stop her if she accidentally let out a bit too much energy while practicing a spell. Then there's the fact that there are a load of teachers ready for new disciples and whatnot. If only her status as a Captain, and her background, didn't get in the way of finding someone. Most people don't want to deal with the redheaded brute and asking Shishiyuki is out of the question. Elyss would rather not address the fact she's trying to mimic her Vice.

However, as she used Sho on another dummy, causing it to implode into itself before exploding aggressively, she couldn't help but look around the empty training ground. Splinters lie everywhere from her efforts, but all she's managed is making bigger splinters after a while. At least she's learned some control. The first dummy was practically atomized.

Mirja Eeola
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Sun May 21, 2023 4:15 pm

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) 6EdIfMt

"Shokunin Onkei"

It was a gently spoken word, though the results of it were clear, as the splinters and dust rattled, shuddered, and then flew back to the dummy stand, reconstituting themselves into a fully undamaged object once again. As if they had never been so much as touched before, let alone actually hit.

"Of all the things I would find you doing, Kido has to be among the absolute last. I can not imagine what series of events would drive you to be trying such a thing. Captain Kishimoto~"

Hannah spoke with a cool, but a little energetic tone. Though the last part was far more animate and teasing than the rest of it.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Mon May 22, 2023 5:04 am
Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) ZGX1Eisc
Elyss Kishimoto

Hmm? She didn't bother turning her head away from the restored dummy. That voice was recognizable enough, and the owner of it wouldn't be the wiser to her lack of acknowledgement. Elyss, if anything, only rose a brow, mostly because she wouldn't have expected this woman out of anyone to be anywhere near this place.

"What are you doing here? Thought you hated Shinigami."

It is a rather unique development, but it isn't anything too crazy. Hannah can answer as she sees fit. Maybe she'll keep up the playfulness or maybe she'll get a little serious about the subject. Elyss isn't too concerned as long as the woman is pleased with her decisions. It'd be a shame if she was forced to be here or anything. Elyss would have some words about that at least.

Mirja Eeola
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Mon May 22, 2023 5:19 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) 6EdIfMt

"Hate is a hard emotion to maintain" Hannah would reply, stepping up to Elyss and reaching out to take the woman's hand. "Besides, someone taught me that they aren't all that bad. Some of them are even worth being friends with, if you can imagine that"

Hannah would then give Elyss' hand a light squeeze. "So, you gonna talk? Or are we going to stare here awkwardly staring at each other?"

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Mon May 22, 2023 5:28 am
Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) ZGX1Eisc
Elyss Kishimoto

"Maintenance doesn't concern everyone," Elyss grumbled, knowing she should be content that Hannah's gotten over her issues. It's just the way the woman worded it. Elyss isn't that daft to not get the implications. It's one thing trying to help someone. It's another to be acknowledged for it. Either way, she's not the best with sentimental stuff.

Guess she oughta give the blind woman her attention at least. Even if staring isn't exactly possible, it would get awkward if they didn't do anything besides small talk, and Hannah sure did just grab her hand like a maiden thanking their savior. That's awkward enough without follow up.

"Haha. If you must know, I was just practicing Kido which you already know. Uh... Yeah..."

Don't make things awkward, huh? Impossible challenge.

Mirja Eeola
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Mon May 22, 2023 5:39 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) 6EdIfMt

"Everything needs something. Take it from me; just because you can't see something doesn't mean it doesn't exist" Hannah consoled, the grumbling lil Elyss a staple in her life. Ever since she barged into prison and talked shit to Shadin.

"And I was just coming here to stand next to you, hold your hand, and watch you practice Kido. Which you already know. Shall we explore motivations a little deeper, or continue to state the obvious?"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Mon May 22, 2023 6:22 am
Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) ZGX1Eisc
Elyss Kishimoto

"Obviously, I'd rather stand here, holding hands and stare deep into each other's eyes. Maybe even create our own special Kido while at it."

Well, she got a bit snarky there, but Hannah can only get away with so much before Elyss got a bit annoyed. It's all in jest though. The redhead has a hard time being mad and staying mad at Hannah. Call it an annoying quirk the blind woman has over her.

"But, since you asked so nicely, I'm trying to, as they say, broaden my horizon. There's someone with skills I'd like to know, but it requires learning Kido and having better control over my own energy. As you felt, I'm a bit bad at both."

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Mon May 22, 2023 6:29 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) 6EdIfMt

Skills she wanted to know. That needed Kido and energy control. She would give Elyss as best a stare as she could for a few seconds, and then speak.

"This isn't Shunko, is it? I've already had one guy come to my class and beg for Kido lessons because Shunko is cool and that's it as far as his motivations go" Hannah would seem a little grumpy at the idea that her entire life's work was being used merely as a stepping stone to get some other shit that was only tangentially related.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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Mon May 22, 2023 6:36 am
Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) ZGX1Eisc
Elyss Kishimoto

"Shunko?" Elyss pondered, flicking her eyes up in thought. Is that it? She's heard about it. She's even seen it, but she's not entirely sure if Shishiyuki was using Shunko. Shaoling undeniably had to have been using the mixture of Hakuda and Kido, but Elyss couldn't say she was inspired by that woman. It was a fun fight though.

"I guess something like that. After losing my Zanpakuto, it's probably best I learn something new. Even if it's as lame a reason as thinking it's cool, I shouldn't deny myself anything I want if I don't have to."

Casually bringing up her Zanpakuto being gone might cause a reaction from Hannah, but Elyss didn't think much of it. It's just a simple fact that Tenmarin is gone, and she's been torn up about it for long enough. Forever thankful, she's already committed to living her life the way she wants to, just like Tenmarin always pushed her to do.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) Empty Re: Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah)

Mon May 22, 2023 6:40 am

The Grand Witch

Hannah Chiza

Banjo And Kazooie (Elyss/Hannah) 6EdIfMt

"Were you close?"

Hannah's response was simple, a tone of voice that implied an extreme level of self-control and measurement to make sure it was useful. Helpful. Supportive. Nobody needed Hannah to break into her own neurosis about the Spirit Lost, especially not Daisy. Girl already had imposter syndrome, it did not need exacerbating at all.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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