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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:44 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

Fall descended upon the smaller towns of northern Japan in a melancholic veil. Endless rains swept across the landscapes, and the cool, whispering winds lent an air of gloom to the already sparse streets.

In spite of that, a blood-eyed gothic woman appeared outside a library with a small smile on herself. The emptiness, a stark contrast to her quietly curious demeanor, granted her the freedom to explore at her leisure. It is what led to her being on the steps of this library.

Hearing the locals mutter about a strange man storing knowledge of the world in his library in the mountains did intrigue her and it could be something to mark off on her experience list. So, Aiko traversed the perilous, wet slopes until she came to the doorstep of this estate.

Now standing before the library's entrance, she knocked, her mind awash with anticipation and readiness to flee should the encounter turn sour or dull.

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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  WVMWLOu
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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Fri Nov 10, 2023 2:34 pm
Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  A62a9c1fe65df0779303ac82e2029c57

AKIRA TAIRITSU - Blue | Zathrusta - Purple

Akira had recently returned home from America, a fascinating and odd country to say the least, though the embarrassing engagement with Arrancar still lingered with his mind. Upon such a retreat into the bowels of the larger estate, the Shinigami descended into the private training arena and began to work on some basic Kido work, papers dotting the walls around the theory of intertwining Kido.

The man began his incantation of a Shu, moving a left hand to follow with a Hainawa yet faltering with a hiss of pain as the backlash surged into his fingertips, shaking his head. It was then a knock caught his ear, brow raising and shifting into his gigai, a smothered presence that offered naught more than the idea of a spiritually aware human. The room below itself is engraved with seals and Bakudo inscriptions to conceal reiatsu and other signatures to a higher degree.

Upon reaching the door, Akira shifted and unlocked the doorknob with a twist as the large oak door swung open, a maw yawning and exhaling a breath of heated air from a large hearth within the belly of this hallway, snow locks dancing lightly whilst a waist coat offered a form of sophistication, a calm smile gracing his features alongside a tone to match the warmth.

"It’s rare to see a new face around these parts Miss, please come inside. I’m Akira Tairitsu, your host and hopefully answer to any inquiries you may have.

Holding the door open for her to see the first part, a large intersecting hallway though below her feet a fluffy, midnight blue carpet as the innards held a very victorian, wooden aesthetic. There was decor engraved, handcrafted maybe though it was difficult to tell, of many sea creatures of mythos and gods alike, moving into the chamber as he’d set up silver tray with various aspects for tea. To glance up, left, right, would immediately be slightly ajar doors to see rows of books as far as the eye can see.

."Do you have a preference for tea miss? I have most flavors, I’m a little boring regarding my taste though, earl grey.


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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Sat Nov 11, 2023 5:42 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

Well, that was rather pleasant! Aiko was surprised to meet someone so gentlemanly. So, her bloody eyes lingered on the silver-haired man to get a feel for his body language. Judging from his tone, energy, and how he moved, Aiko felt he could trust his words for now.

"Nice to meet you~ My name is Aiko Aimi. I take it you are the owner of this library, huh?"

As she was invited inside, Aiko's eyes widened slightly, taking in the Victorian elegance of the interior. The ornate wooden floors and meticulously handcrafted decor held a captivating charm, drawing her further in. With a nod of acknowledgment, she followed Akira inside, her interest clearly piqued.

"And I could go for a black tea. I definitely could use a small boost of energy since I have some questions for you."

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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  WVMWLOu
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Sun Nov 12, 2023 9:32 am
Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  A62a9c1fe65df0779303ac82e2029c57


There was a slight dip of the head, acknowledging Aiko’s request whilst moving a few ingredients upon the tray to assure it was within the correct place, things aligned almost obsessively to correlate with the others in a harmonious look of order. He then picked it up, shifting deeper into a more confined chamber with an oak table that dominated, shifting to take off the shoes with a kick of the tip of his shoes and move such items upon the surface before her.

."I often make the tea in front of my guests, there has been one horror story or another of someone touching an individual's drink. Precautionary thing if you will.

He glanced up at her, finishing the tea for both her and him as he’d move to sit back against one of the two cushiony, silky chairs before moving to intake some of the warm liquid beyond his soft lips and down his throat. A soft exhale of satisfaction follows.

."I’m glad to see someone so eager for knowledge, don’t hesitate to inquire as much as you like. This place is a safe haven for any and all seekers of insight, mentality, spirituality, and politics. It matters not. I will offer what I know. If it is a personal inquiry though, I forewarn that my response often lacks emotion and is neutral, I claim as I see it, not as one might wish to hear it. Beyond that, I am alle ars Miss Aimi.


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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Thu Nov 23, 2023 3:45 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

"Yeah, there are a lot of men that are pieces of shit and try to drug a woman. You can never be too careful, so thanks for that."

Aiko nodded as, despite the spice in her words, the tone of her voice was relaxed and a bit intrigued as her eyes lingered on the man brewing the tea for the two of them. When it was ready, she took her seat, took a gentle sip of the warm drink flowing down her throat, and relaxed before letting out a content sigh.

"Mhm, that's the good stuff~"

Aiko wriggled her nose, enjoying the moment, her gaze now fixed on Akira with a newfound ease. As he outlined the terms and conditions of his knowledge, Aiko leaned forward, her interest piqued.

"Okie dokie~ If it's really THAT thorough, then what do you have on spirituality if one is feeling lost and seeking to find themselves more?"

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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  WVMWLOu
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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Thu Nov 23, 2023 9:30 pm
Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  A62a9c1fe65df0779303ac82e2029c57


Akira nestled into the seat as a soft chuckle radiated around the room, a horror story indeed. It was a sad existence that many chose to be malevolent, even more so exploiting others desire for kindness and peace in exchange for moral upheaval. Such was human nature he supposed. There was a soft, thoughtful hum though that followed shortly after.

."Spirituality is as unique as a snowflake. To find oneself isn’t an easy journey, some even say you never truly stop finding yourself until those lost moments of life. I suppose though in this case it is finding direction and incentive to live instead of merely existing. I’ve got a plethora of books Miss Aiko that can assist though first I require to ask some questions.

He smiled softly, moving to intake more of the warm liquid down his throat with a satisfied hiss.

."What’s your story? When did you first feeling lost?


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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Sun Dec 03, 2023 3:40 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

Aiko took another sip of her tea before letting the fluid nestle and rest in her gut as she digested the words that came from Akira. The journey of life could be compared to a piece of art that is forever in a state of construction and isn't finished until that last dying breath comes for everyone. So by that metric, her journey could have continual growth until her time came as well. With this realization dawning on the woman, she took a moment to nod her head and smile before speaking out about the experiences that made her feel a sense of loss.

"It may be silly, but I did feel thrown off when a guy I had been dating left me. It's stupid, but I felt like I invested a lot of care, love, and commitment to him and could see us living a happy life together."

A despondent sigh escaped her lips as she revisited the solitary period that followed – the grieving, the seeking of support, and the gradual rebuilding of her life. While she cherished her newfound independence, a lingering sense of incompleteness tugged at her heart.

"It inspired me to put myself out there, to challenge myself, to discover who I am without defining myself through my relationship with a man.

Aiko continued, her gaze drifting slightly to the right; indicating her introspection as she took a moment to look at the pitter-patter of rain dripping against the window.

"So I've grown without him, yes, but I’m still searching for answers about who I am, just as a woman on my own."

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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  WVMWLOu
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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Sun Dec 03, 2023 4:54 pm
Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  A62a9c1fe65df0779303ac82e2029c57


."My condolences.

He claimed softly with a sympathetic look after she regaled her story, shifting once more to intake the heated liquid down the throat, a satisfied exhale swiftly following. These things were difficult according to the literature he’d read, a relationship, something that can either condemn or ascend an individual with more layers than an onion.

Akira shifted a little in his seat as he proceeded onward, a thoughtful look behind hues of bright gold yet his posture always delivering a sense of compassion. It was relaxed against the seat enough to display genuine comfortability but not entirely enough to display a lack of care, a slight crinkle within the trouser knee as it bent toward her.

."Relationships aren’t defined by their moments of ecstasy but more so the ordeals they can withstand. In this situation though, a preliminary outlook on your situation may be exactly that. This individual changed you, now whilst you’ve grown, that growth is due to his reality.

He then shifted a little to tug at the waist coat with the free hand.

."The root of this could be due to the very platform you stand on is by some extension still his foundation. I have several sections of my library of both relationship and spiritualistic values. There are some ways to handle this, alot of it is exploration fo things that either you were not allowed to do whilst with this former lover, things that you did before meeting them and finally something to reinforce the future. New experiences.


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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:09 pm


Enter Aiko's Post

As Akira spoke, Aiko found herself lost in thought, her gaze drifting to the window. It wasn't sadness that filled her; it was a deep contemplation of the idea that her current reality might still be tethered to the foundation laid by her former lover. The notion that his influence lingered in her life was both enlightening and unsettling.

Still, she needed to pull herself back into reality and away from these ruminations. So, Aiko let out a gentle sigh, turned her focus to the tea in her hand, and took a slow sip. The feeling of warmth rekindled something within her essence and it allowed her to ponder her next words.

"I'd love to read those books."

Nodding her head in agreement, she smiled faintly before speaking in a more somber tone.

"Thank you for that, I do need to do more inner exploration of these feelings. Do you think it's a good thing that his shadow still lingers? I'm not sure if it's a good thing or not since I thought I was growing fine on my own, but when you put it like that it leaves some doubts."

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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  WVMWLOu
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Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  Empty Re: Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]

Mon Dec 11, 2023 6:34 pm
Echoes In The Rain [Aiko/Akira]  A62a9c1fe65df0779303ac82e2029c57


Aiko was a soul that fell in alot of traps.

Once though her interest was piqued, Akira offered a smaller nod and shifted to stand with a motion of the left hand to follow. They’d acquire those books whilst engaging accordingly. He shifted into the primary hallway and started to ascend long, slightly curved, wooden steps into the upper floors before twisting to the left. After a door was moved open, it revealed several shelves high of literature, needing steps that granted one ease of access as it was hooked into grooves.

It was always a delight to move like that.

."The past is a complicated thing, our past is what forges who we are so to neglect it entirely would be a foolish affair. In the opposite side though, a desire to change entirely due to it can be considered just as dangerous. You stare too long at the foundation or gaze upon the sky, you can’t acknowledge what’s before you.

He began to kick off the side as it rolled idly to the right, surveying certain sections.

."The shadow of your past has created an individual in my eyes who is already self aware enough to acknowledge their faults. So I would advise you seek to change only the bad elements that came from it, like co-dependance.

Then did one of the books find itself within the palm of Akira, moving a few steps down to hand it to her with a warm smile.

."Acknowledge the past. Embrace the current. Set for the future. When staring ahead we see both floor and sky alike.


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