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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Fri Dec 15, 2023 4:43 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa was a little confused as she found herself staring at the display. A window which showed a small kennel of puppies playing in a box. A number of the small little things were running around, playing with one another or interacting with various toys. Whilst others simply slept or sat with curious faces aimed in her direction. Curiosity shone on her face as she stood a short distance away from the glass. Certainly she'd never had any sort of pet before, but still it was interesting to see the little creatures. Humans kept these little things?

She glanced toward the door leading inside, pausing as every time one of the humans slipped inside, she'd hear the lingering echo of not just the puppies, but a large number of animals from within, and she did ponder going inside. Stanbding a bit out of the way and looking at her phone to try and not be conspicuous as she debated whether or not to go inside. Perhaps she should text Liltotto? Surely she knew something about these things. Perhaps she should send them pictures of some of the animals? She herself often found a lot of animals out in the wastelands at times. Perhaps she could capture one? Was there some special method to make them friendly?

As she pondered these things, she remained largely unaware of her surroundings and of anyone who might have caught sight of her. Alas she DID draw a fair few glances now and then, from her height at the very least.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:18 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Hr8LOBy

Per the norm, Helle wandered through the City of Lights. It's a new daily exercise for her. It has only been a few days since her return, but those days have been hectic. Everyone was all too ecstatic to reinstate her as Sternritter Director. Some never even considered her gone despite her lack of physical presence. Is that loyalty or something... worse?

Either way, Helle had escaped from her piled work. To avoid what had happened before, she's created breaks for herself. In the morning, she will only do meetings, and then work on paperwork. In the afternoon, she will take time to simply walk. Fresh air does wonders for a person's mind. Why, you could say it even-


Well, not to be nosey, but it's pretty impossible to not notice the way people have become less aware of their surroundings. A man had bumped into her, but that's something that hardly happens when she's walking. People usually avoid her because of her presence alone. For someone to simply bump into her, they'd have to had found something else worth looking at.

Another glance around and Helle's quick to notice that a lot of people have their gaze turned a specific direction, as if walking by an amusing picture that you must see before going about your day. Curious, Helle followed their gazes, moving as she did until walking into the vicinity of a fairly tall woman who also sported blonde hair. Helle is quick to notice that the woman is also an Arrancar.

Guess those two descriptors are enough for the common populace. Anyone would find their head swiveling, if for only a moment, to view the stranger idling in front of a pet shop. And, Oh! Helle caught that. The woman's eyes had looked into the display. Helle immediately stepped closer, but ignored the Arrancar as she too looked through the display and saw-

"Oh my gosh! Aren't you adorable?" She said through hushed breathes as her emerald eyes sparkled.

Falling to her knees to look through the glass at a puppy that had hopped onto its hind legs, Helle suddenly became the woman that people looked at as they walked by. The sudden desire for a pet filled her youthful mind. Maybe she should get one. Ooh... That'd be so awesome!

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 12:27 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

The approach of the other woman had gone largely unnotived by Santa, after all she was focused on her planned endeavor into the store itself. But thew sound of someone else soon jarred her from her thoughts. Head turning when that pretty voice reached her ears and she spotted someone crouching infront of the window, talking fondly to one of the little puppies. Her eyes sparkled slightly when she spotted them, and she couldn't help but brighten up a bit!

"Aren't they precious?" She chimed in from the side, smiling from ear to ear as she approached the other woman. Seeing that she wasn't the only one entranced by the little things was nice, and so she promptly made her way over to introduce herself. [colot=goldenrod]"I think they have a little area you can play with them inside, I was just thinking of checking it out. Did you want to come with?"[/color] She asked, those eyes practically sparkling as she locked eyes with the once-director. After all, oggling the cute animals was one thing. But getting to do it with company sounded even better! After all, she had learned that it was best to have someone else nearby to gauge her actions off of. Knowing that she was a bit...strange, having a human nearby to sortof reign herself in comparison to usually helped her relax and enjoy the situation a bit more.

Surely checking out the pet store with this pretty woman would just mean she'd get to enjoy it that much more! And she was pretty eager to get inside and check it out. Even through the front display, she could see, thanks to her height, that there were at least three areas set up inside. And these little dog things were just one of them. Kittens and bunnies also seemed to be set up in other areas near the storefront.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 9:45 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Hr8LOBy

Oh! The strange Arrancar has approved her. That is fair, considering Helle had made the scene about herself with her intrusive squealing. She has a habit of pulling attention towards herself, but her awareness of such only makes her worse at not doing it. However, a queen at inserting herself in any fashion she pleased, Helle couldn't be bothered to show any animosity towards a stranger that had caused a ruckus with appearances alone, and opted to become just a bimboish as her new companion instead.

"An area for that? Sounds delightful!"

Hands together, Helle turned her head to the taller woman, looking up with a small tilt to her head. Noticing the woman's enthusiasm, she slowly rose, pondering. There lacks any, well, anything. Simply another pedestrian, Helle soon quelled any worries that may have been as the back of her head and smiled. To say the least, she wasted no time entering the pet store, giddy when the puppy she had entertained ran to the other side of its cage and began bobbing itself around for attention.

Helle being who she is, didn't hesitate to lift the puppy into her arms.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:02 am

Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa promptly perked up! Not sensing that doubt or questioning in the slightest, she only saw the sudden warm, friendly smile that Helle offered to her and smiled right back. Oh! This was nice! It wasn't rare perse, but people did usually beeline their gaze toward her horn stubs or some other aspect with a bit of confusion. But this woman seemed entirely unbothered! "Alright, let's go!" She chimed just as cheerfully, unaware that this might be some sort of act, or that 'bimbo' was a vibe she gave off.

All the same, she perked up, eyes glossing as they slipped into the establishment. Almost immediately the puppies turned their attention to them and seemed to vy for their attention. Already Santa was looking around, amazed with the sight of the nearby animals that were also in other areas. It was awesome!

Turning her attention to the puppies, she promptly smiled and perked up, making her way over and watching as one of them went right up to Helle. And she stood at the very edge of the pen and gently let her hand down, waiting for one of them to make their way over.

Only for no response. The small, inquisitive little things, though seemingly vying for even the slightest bit of attention din't react to her in the slightest, and it took her just a moment to realize ... ah. They weren't spiritually aware. At least not as they were, and she pulled her hand back from reaching for one of them, realizing that the poor thing might become quite distressed if they were lifted semingly for no reason. But even so, she smiled, and gently held her hands infront of her, watching fondly as Helle handled the one that had beeleined right for her.

"Theyre so adorable! And so many of them too." She paused, turning to glance at the rest of them.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:13 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Hr8LOBy


"Yes. They are," Helle responded, being all too aware of what just occurred. It is rare to find creatures lacking any spiritual awareness, but animals are not as suspectable to change as humans are, especially when kept free of spiritual influence. Evolution is slow, painful, and selective. However, Helle is a woman of unbound ability.

"Do you wish to hold this one?" She questioned, her emerald eyes suddenly bright as her lips thinned into a small smile.

Her fingers stroked the puppy's head as it laid in her arm, gloved fingers running down its spine as electric-like sparks danced from the interaction. The puppy's gaze turned lame, as if being entranced, but then it yelped jumping up as its eyes fell on Santa. As if a world had opened up to the creature, it could not contain itself as sensations never before felt tugged at its ability to comprehend.

Then, it found itself settling down, eyes still focused on the woman who had appeared from nothingness. Helle sighed as the puppy then looked up at her and became relaxed in her presence. That is when she held it towards the other blonde, looking at the woman with expectant enthusiasm.

"Gentle now. Babies scare easily."

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 10:32 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

She blinked when she felt that tingle. Her pesquisa picking it up before her eyes caught the energy along the woman's fingers. she was startled for just an instant, surprised when she saw the sudden comatose look on the pup's face. And then, just like that, it looked at her. Directly at her! Her eyes widened slightly as she suddenly realized it could see her. had she DONE that?!

A nervous little smile showed on her lips, and she ..cautiously reached out. She almost half expected it to ...growl or something? But that little thing didn't seem afraid in the slightest. And with very gentle care, she collected the puppy and held it to her chest. Immediately pleased with how soft and warm the little thing was. She'd almost thought it would be a bit cold with how small it was, but it was pleasantly snug! Hugging the little thing to her chest, she giggled as it promptly lifted it's head to lick her face and wrists aggressively, smiling from ear to ear as she was able to enjoy it's unbridled affections. But still, carefully as she watched it shift within her grasp.

"How.... thank you." The uncertainty only lasted a second. After all, she was...used to not understanding the things people did around her, and promptly that question turned to thankfulness as she smiled to the other blonde, adoringly cradling the pup as it seemed to ceaselessly shower her with affection. Something which Santa seemed to soak up just as affectionately, petting it's head and holding it closely and carefully. It was hard to tell whom was the more affectionate.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:16 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Hr8LOBy

The how is particular; easy in theory but difficult in practice. Helle is unsure if the Arrancar would understand that she simply used Reishi to turn the puppy into a Quincy per say, but that doesn't mean the dog has an aptitude for anything outside of seeing spiritual beings. Explaining it would also mean revealing how she could have easily lobotomized the dog if she had made any minute mistake.

Thinking of that possibility meant doubting her abilities though, and Helle's not the type of person to ever doubt herself. The few times she had were cataclysmic and not something she plans on making a habit of. Besides, she's pleased at seeing that she has helped her companion. Even if they are strangers, that is no reason to not show kindness when applicable, and kindness is always applicable.

"You should adopt him," Helle would then push, not knowing anything about the woman, but finding her affection for the puppy just as adorable as the actual puppy.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:31 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa was quite enamored, watching as the little things's energy petered out just a bit and soon it was snug against her chest, curled up in a nice soft pocket and snoozing against her sternum. Even with its affections petering out, she still smiled at the little thing fondly, incredibly pleased to see it being so adorable and comfortable. Though those words caused her to blink in surprise, glancing up at Helle before giving a sheepish smile.

"Oh! I mean, I would, but I don't really have a home for him at the moment. I'm... a bit of a wanderer these days." She pointed out with a sheepish smile, though she hardly seemed ashamed of it, more disappointed as she now realized that such a thing limited her ability to have such a cute little thing in her life. Sure, Liltotto had offered for her to stop by now and then, but she hardly was going to go introducing a dog into the woman's home randomly.

"What about you? Do you have any pets?" She ventured with a tilt of her head and a smile towards the strange woman.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Dec 16, 2023 7:54 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] Hr8LOBy

A wanderer? Well, it was a 50/50 chance of whether this woman lived in the City of Lights or not, but aren't dogs naturally wild animals anyway? Years of domesticating them haven't taken away their ability to live in the wild, but Helle can understand not wanting to have that responsibility without proper means of taking care of another. There is the issue of acquiring food, training, and taking care of any illness that may befall the puppy. Not to say the Arrancar's incapable, but Helle isn't going to assume what one is capable of.

"I do not have any pets," Helle would answer, finding her lips pursed in thought as she placed a hand under her chin.

It would be easy to then assume that the woman may ask if she would like to adopt the puppy, but Helle had not started her walk with the intent of acquiring a pet. However, she had to wonder if many go out expecting to adopt and how many do find themselves with a pet randomly.

"How about if I take him home? You can stop by and visit him whenever you're in the City of Lights."

Now, for Helle, adopting a puppy didn't sound bad at all, but inviting a stranger to visit whenever she wants would definitely come off abnormal. The way Helle sees it, even if this woman did prove an eventual threat, she could handle her, and she wouldn't want to leave this puppy all alone again after helping him make a new friend.

Her pursed lips thinned into a small smile again, one filled with a bit of assured confidence that she'd make a good pet owner and friend.

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