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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Tue Jan 02, 2024 10:36 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa took her time, admiring the surroundings as Helle got the pup out. The furniture, the structure. It certainly was nice for a human dwelling. And the occupant was pretty nice as well! She paused and looked at Helle as the woman carefully set down the little guy, whom instantly began to look about and start sniffing, immediately beginning to explore said surroundings. It was cute to watch, and Santa's attention meandered back to Helle. She seemed pretty healthy for a human, not skinny or worn out looking. She even seemed well rested, which was unusual for Quincy in the city. Usually a lot of them seemed a little frazzled. Probably because of all the stuff going on these days, but Helle seemed, at least in this moment, pretty alright. Pretty too! She had in fact been surveying the woman when Helle asked that question. The arrancar blinked, her gaze sifting up to the woman's face before giving a sheepish smile.

"Oh! I mean I'm alright. I ate some burgers a few days ago." She chimed with that ever-bright smile of hers.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Fri Jan 05, 2024 6:00 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Hr8LOBy

That's right. Arrancar do not require food like a human would. That makes serving her guest harder and easier because Helle does not know what she should do next. There's a couch and TV, but would an Arrancar be complacent with that? There are no games to be had unless they play with Solito, but the little man's busy with smelling everything still.

""Ah- We barely know each other," Helle brought up, just now coming to terms that she created a pretty strong bond with Santa without rhyme or reason.

"Ask any questions you'd like. I feel it'd be best if we actually got to know each other."

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Fri Jan 05, 2024 9:13 pm
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The sight of Helle staring at her with that expression of recognition had her tilting her head a bit curiously. Naturally, she had also had such a thing cross her mind. However, as Helle spoke up about it, the Arrancar fell silent and briefly tilted her head. At least until a sheepish smile broke out across her features. "I guess you have a good point! I guess I'm not sued to people being so readily friendly. It's nice!" She noted, expressing her own particular thoughts on the matter before glancing off to the side and wondering.

DID she have anything she wanted to ask Helle? Hmmmmm. She looked around for a moment and surveyed the interior of the house, her attention meandering to little Solito as he snoofed his way around the floor, and then finally back to Helle herself. Looking her up and down for a moment as if collecting data. Hm.....

"What's your stance on hugs?" She ventured with a tilt of her head, after what seemed like almost a minute of deliberation.
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Mon Jan 08, 2024 7:04 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Hr8LOBy

Questions would make this whole ordeal easier. Them actually knowing each other would help get rid of this awkward silence that befall aimless conversations. Though, Santa doesn't seem to have anything she actually wants to ask. Then, Helle should come up with her own questions.

"I-" Oop! And just like that, Santa stopped Helle before the woman could even utter her sentence.

What an odd question. Hugs? Helle's head tilted the other way. That question caught her off guard, but it did not break her smile. The very idea that Santa wanted nothing more than a hug made Helle question such naivety. Well, even if a bit strange, the question was asked.

"...Hugs are fine. I don't hug people much, but there's nothing wrong with them," Helle would answer. "Why?" She would then ask.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Wed Jan 10, 2024 1:03 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 HEADER_sample-980e8c2fe1998cef5db5ddc2e0ad12fc

"THATS AWESOME!" Santa promptly squealed, and promptly scooped Helle clean off the ground. Arms wrapping around the woman as she smiled from ear to ear! After all, it was pretty obvious why she was asking. And so when Helle asserted that hugs were fine, Santa promptly presumed that was permission for a hug! Which she immediately took! Though her eyes widened, surprise flashing across her face.

"Oh wow, you're really soft and squishy!" She murmured, having been holding back of course, just in case Helle was frail, but well, it was likely that Helle's body wouldn't be completely relaxed when peeled right off the ground, And as she gave just the slightest increase in pressure, she was surprised when she felt how sturdy the woman felt! "And strong!" The surprise was very evident in Santa's voice. It almost felt like she could even hug the woman at full strength! Not that she WOULD of course. But even more than that, she was....different!

There was a lot more....fat? It was like hugging one of her clones, but smaller!
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Fri Jan 12, 2024 1:59 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Hr8LOBy

Being hugged is different from being manhandled. Helle is being manhandled. Anyone else probably would have responded with urgent alarm, but Helle's eyes only held mild surprise at how aggressively Santa moved. If Helle had thought Santa like a pet before, the woman's antics have put her squarely into dog territory. It's adorable and frightening all at the same time, but as Santa stammered on about Helle's physique, the blonde laughed. Santa's genuine reaction, juvenile and all, simply tickled the other's funny bone to an extent it's not been meddled with before.

"Touché~ If you were a man, this probably would have felt far more uncomfortable," Helle chortled, focusing her emerald orbs downward.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Wed Jan 17, 2024 8:31 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa blinked a few times in response to Helle's commentary on her handling of the woman, following Helle's gaze down to the both of them pretty much mashed together thanks to their bear hug. "Oh!" She blurted out, and promptly set the woman back down, giving a gentle smile. "Sorry, I got a little carried away. Still, I'm a little impressed. Are you a warrior?" She promptly rounded to that particular topic once again.

After all, it was one thing that the woman was so nice. But strong humans were rare to run into! At least physically. A lot of the humans she'd run into usually had some fancy powers, but in a physical sense of things, she'd never run into anyone that she felt on par with. Not only just in her body, but her pesquisa had picked up that little trick she'd done with the dog, as if the results themselves weren't a clear enough indication of the bizarre abilities.

Truth be told, she was usually a bit more vigilant with that sort of thing. And in that moment, that usually dim light in Santa's head did sharpen ever so slightly as she recognized something. She felt.....comfortable around the woman. Strangely so. And that only made her more curious.

Just who WAS Helle?
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Fri Jan 19, 2024 8:50 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Hr8LOBy

Well then, maybe if Helle was just a normal person, she'd have found herself suffering from back ailments. Luckily, she is far from being considered normal. Though, there are plenty of powerful people in the City of Lights. Helle would never dote over her own abilities...

"You see, Santa. You could say that. I am the strongest person in this city after all."

Modesty is key after all, and Helle wouldn't let her ego take over just like that. She's matured too much for something like that, but her expression shifted a bit. Her brows knitted as her cheeks expanded because of the small mischievous smirk on her face. Her emerald eyes looked to the side as her hand came up to cover a sudden chuckle.

"Hehehe... Usually I'm the one lifting. My poor back. I wouldn't mind if someone carried me around every now and then."

Mostly teasing about Santa's sudden realization that she sure did just lift the woman off her feet, Helle definitely wasn't bragging about how she'll have to carry the deadbeats around her or anything. Besides, she's not been around for the most important of events, but that just means it's time to focus and turn the game around for the Vandenreich. Still, she's pretty freaking cool.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Fri Jan 19, 2024 4:27 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

The ....strongest in the city of lights? She blinked a few times at that and stared at Helle, as if something hit her all at once. She .... moved in a bit closed for a moment and stared at Helle for a moment, suddenly her pesquisa focused further on the woman infront of her and she ....felt something. Or rather, recognized something she'd sensed within the woman for a while now. "You really ARE strong....." She murmured softly, her head canting a bit to the side as she ....studied Helle's face. As if looking for something. "And Pretty....." She trailed off...

She was almost distracted enough to not hear what Helle said next. Almost. Carry her? Almost instantly, her face lit up into another smile and she perked up. "I'd LOVE to carry you around!" She chimed excitedly! And Helle would see it, that Santa was VERY clearly thinking about scooping up Helle right then and there, but she was restraining herself for the time being.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:29 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 3 Hr8LOBy

Normally most of her power is sealed away, for it is enough to always rattle a normal person, but Helle does not readably keep others from sensing its depth. It acts as a countermeasure of sorts against those who'd try something malicious in her presence. A normal citizen would be none the wiser to the scale of Helle's capability. It is interesting that Santa cared to even understand it, but Helle did provoke the action.

However, Helle only wondered what all the Arrancar had found, more interested in the rest of their conversation than the boorish meandering about her powers. Santa seemed particularly interested in physical contact. She's never seen anyone light up as the Arrancar did at the insinuation that further interaction may be allowed.

"You'd love to? Quite straightforward with your wants, aren't you? It leaves me to wonder if you're perhaps smitten with me."

Of course, Helle wouldn't blame Santa. Most people probably are, but many aren't as direct. Most do not even approach her on a daily basis unless they must. The statement about being the strongest is as much as curse as it is a blessing.

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