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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Fri Jan 19, 2024 5:49 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa was familiar with smothering power. Truth be told, she didn't hold a lot of interest in the intensity of it. No, it was the subtle flavors which more drew her attention. And Helle's was an ...interesting one. Something that certainly seemed to have an effect on her, not of any particular fear or the like. But rather, she was drawn to it, like a moth to the warmth of a flame.

But well, that was only part of it of course. She'd bren drawn in before only to find the interior of a person distasteful. But Helle? The question didn't even seem to phase Santa. She had been considering such a thing as well.

"Hm? I guess I probably am." She declared with a calm smile. Something of a sly tilt to her smile, not quite innocent, but certainly without any shame. She was confident in her words. Such was the way she'd come to be. So many souls around her were indirect, closed up, coiled within airs and veils and parlor tricks to put forth something so very ......performed. Around such people, she'd learned to be direct. And so, with that question answered, she leaned in just a little and tilted her head.

"Maybe that's weird. But I like you. I feel.......relaxed." She mused, closing her eyes as she hummed to herself. As if harmonizing with the frequency that she sensed coming from the Quincy. As if her favorite song was singing out to her. Not....quite familiar. But similar to something she once cherished. "......So is that a yes to another hug?" A happy little bounce as she asked.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:20 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Hr8LOBy

Direct. A bit too direct.

Helle wasn't sure what she was expecting, and maybe she should have saw Santa's response coming, but having someone be so blatant is really refreshing. It reminds of her of the few people she consider a friend. The ability to be true to yourself and speak your mind without falter. She wish she knew of this strange power before everything had happened the way it did, but better late than never.

"Well, Santa. This is rare. There are few who fluster me."

But flustered she is. Is this something akin to being asked out? Maybe that feeling is even more extreme. Ah, but if she were to remember this feeling, she should describe it to herself. Mmm... Yes. Her stomach finds itself light but her arms and legs lack strength. Her thoughts are rampant with trying to understand what exactly Santa meant, a desperate need for knowledge that could be so easily resolved yet also impossible to simply obtain.

"Interesting..." She'd muse to herself, but she'd quickly give Santa her attention and nod her head.

"I suppose another hug wouldn't hurt."

She's already prepared herself to be lifted off her feet anyway.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sat Jan 20, 2024 8:40 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa's head tilted slightly and that smile of hers broke out into a warm grin. "Oh good! I'm happy you're not weirded out." She giggled, quite aware that her mannerisms were perhaps a bit on the strange side. But she didn't mind the weirdness, it was weird for her too. But here she was anyway, here they BOTH were! And that was pretty great.

When Helle gave her permission for another hug, Santa of course restrained herself from scooping the woman up. A pleased little bounce on her feet as she stepped in and gently slipped her arms around Helle's shoulders. Promptly sheltering the woman in her arms as she held them close. Far less manhandling, but perhaps a bit more intimate given their height difference as Helle's head was almost swallowed up on the spot. But all the same, a fond little hum escaped Santa.

"You don't have to worry, not like I'll tell anyone you got flustered. You seem.....tired. You don't have to be tense around me, ya know? If you want to just relax, you don't have to keep up your airs and stuff." She offered quietly. She knew the ....vibe from Helle. A weight of responsibility. Of a Past. That weight that kept one on a narrow path and under a heavy burden. She'd watched so many people die with that burden.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:41 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Hr8LOBy

This is different too, but Helle doesn't hate it. The woman's body is soft. She knows that from experience, so this is a little better than being picked off her feet, but that doesn't take away from the fact that she's in a compromising position. She's not rigid, but it's hard to relax when doing so means melting into some other woman's bosom.

However, Santa's talking way beyond her prior maturity. Helle was not prepared for the sudden talk about letting go of her burden. She knows that much, and she's been better about taking time for herself. The very fact that this situation is happening is proof enough that Helle has changed as a person, to a degree. In fact, this whole ordeal only came about because she was taking a break from her duties.

"You're right, but I'm not going to turn into a wild juvenile," She muttered. "I just enjoy carrying myself a certain way, and I'm not sure if this is the time for something like that. We've not even been on our first date."

She'd try and make light of the situation, especially considering how awkward it is to look up at Santa. If anyone were to see this, they'd probably believe Helle in a relationship with this woman, and the fact remains that this is their first encounter. Helle had opened the dam, but she didn't imagine the flood to be so intense.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sun Jan 21, 2024 9:41 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 HEADER2_57038e818fe589f8269c89f3b2c4030f

Santa smiled, always pleased when she was able to be a bit more serious around people without worry. It was likely the result of her being rubbed off on by Ajora, a thought that she despised more than anyone could imagine. But all the same, it was, in some ways, worth these little moments where her emotional intelligence could shine through. And that soft admission from Helle brought a smile to her face as she gently gave the woman a little squeeze, resting her chin on the woman's head and humming thoughtfully as Helle responded.

"Hm, that's a good point. When did you want to go on our first date then? I have a pretty open schedule." She offered without missing a beat. "And I don't mind if you like being Serious,! But I don't ever think I could be like that all the time." She noted with a soft chuckle, her mind shifting back to those times when she'd dipped into such a mindset herself. "Just know that you can relax if you want. Life's....always a lot shorter than you'd expect. So it'ts nice to take a little bit to enjoy it now and then." Perhaps it was ...ironic that she would say such a thing. As old as she was. As much as she'd seen and experienced.

But not everyone lived as long as she did. And she understood that her long life could meat a very sudden end. How could she not? When it seemed everyone around her was so very close to death. Even those she thought would be around forever long after she was gone. Helle seemed powerful. The kind of person who would never go away. Exactly the type of person who had been taken away from her. Should this have made her afraid? If she were some ....human. Would she have avoided Helle like the plague? Feared such a person being taken away from her?

Maybe. But she wasn't. She was just herself. As far as she was concerned, it was all the more reason to enjoy the time she had around this woman while she could.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sun Jan 21, 2024 10:32 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Hr8LOBy

Well, that's one way to make an already compromising situation worse.

Helle had brought up the idea of dating as a way to let Santa know that they shouldn't act as intimate as they are. Instead she's just influenced the woman to reach further than she already has. This situation isn't anything worth being mad about, but it's a bit hard to not feel a tinge of annoyance at how seamlessly Santa bounced from one thing to another. It's like telling a child to calm down, just for them to take it as a joke; cute but frustrating.

The only saving grace is that Santa does seem to understand that things should be taken slower, despite how she's practically smothering Helle, and it's not like Helle is entirely opposed to a date. Santa is cute and pleasant, so there's no real reason to deny her the opportunity. Helle had thought herself only attracted to men at a time, but the help of another quirky female had helped her find that gender didn't really affect what she found worthwhile in a person.

"Fine. Fine. I will have to check my schedule, dear, so please let me go. It is getting hard to breathe."

They are two rather endowed women after all, and despite her pensive look, Helle did not seem angry. Her annoyance is more so targeted, again, at how easy it seems for Santa to go with the flow. As someone with an important job, Helle always found herself having to make sure she's doing the right thing and consider so many options before she's allowed to make a decision. Santa reminded her so much of her time away from the Vandenreich when the most she worried about was if she wanted vanilla or strawberry ice cream.

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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Sun Jan 21, 2024 11:00 pm
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 HEADER_14569502

A look of immediate joy flashed across Santa's face, pleasant surprise taking over in just an instant. True, she had noticed that Helle had brought the topic up more as a playful little prod, and Santa had countered. And yet, it hadn't been with a joke of her own, but rather a question. Why NOT go out on a date? And it seemed that both of them had found a surprisingly easy answer to the question. Thankfully, she wasn't so blown away as to not be able to hear Helle's request, and with a big smile, she gently released the woman.

"I was a little curious if you'd even say yes." Oh yes, Helle would be able to hear the palpable excitement bubbling up in Santa's tone, just a hair away from practically squealing with delight. Almost immediately her mind was racing. A Date with Helle sounded like tremendous fun! And well... the idea of going on a date was just as exciting!

Gently folding her hands in front of her, Santa turned to Helle and gave a fond little smile as she pulled out her phone. "Let's trade numbers! Then you can let me know when you'll be free." Thank goodness she actually remembered. It had been a bit since she'd gotten her phone, but she was at least now remembering to actually ask for people's numbers. The habit of tracking people down by spiritual pressure was.... far less than efficient.
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Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Empty Re: Golden Girls [Santa, Helle]

Mon Jan 22, 2024 5:23 am
Golden Girls [Santa, Helle] - Page 4 Hr8LOBy

"Phew," Helle sighed, finally free to move her limbs as she pleased.

Santa's a heavy hugger, and it'll take some time getting used to the woman's antics on a regular basis if they're going to be seeing more of one another, but Helle couldn't deny that the blonde's smile is precious. Overjoyed because of a simple date? How cute. Helle found it somewhat contagious, and her excitement slowly blossomed because of it. Honestly, she's not been on an actual date before. Like, she's been on outings, but never an outing because someone's interested in her romantically.

Ah- Okay. Let's see," Helle'd mutter as Santa brought out her phone. Taking it, Helle would tap her number into it for the Arrancar and pass it over. "I'll check my sched- Oh! Oh gosh. How long has it been?"

Suddenly panicking a bit, Helle's realized that her break's probably been over.

"Stay as long as you want. Solito is... somewhere. Put out a potty pad and get his food prepared when the delivery guy gets here. I have to get back to work."

Her voice somewhat hushed and rushed, Helle'd step up to Santa, "I'll catch you later." And, with that, she's heading out the door, thinking about everything that just happened as she took off at blinding speeds, a small smile growing on her face at the randomness her day took.

...And all because of a puppy...

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