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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue40300/10000First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty Re: First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella)

Fri Apr 19, 2024 3:44 pm
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"So, is Natasha kind of like your mentor or something? Is there some kind of program that I am not aware of that gives out mentors to young Quincy looking to make a name for themselves?"

He asked with a chuckle, but also with a serious gleam in his eye as if he was probing her for information on the subject manner of there being some kind of program that he truly wasn't aware of. It wouldn't surprise him if there was some kind of mentor/apprentice sort of program within the city, but he doubt he met the criteria for such things. He perhaps needed some kind of accolades, maybe a recommendation? Probably wouldn't hurt to ask though. He really needed to get back to his every day life and ditch this foreigner in a new land feeling he had been getting for some time now since he arrived in the City. It wasn't like he was being treated coldly, but he could tell people sensed he wasn't quite like them, and there was also the apparent barriers one met when coming to a new place. He was breaking the feeling of lonliness though. Stella made for good company and she seemed to at least have her head screwed on right. Something that he could appreciate as his few interactions with Quincy came from his uptight family and their inner circle.

Not necessarily the most appealing group of people, even if they were family for the most part.

"I will take your advice to heart. Though I doubt I can just go out and look for Hollows to fight on my own, an inexperienced guy like myself would more than likely get killed after all."

He trusted his spellcraft, but that was about all he trusted at this point and time. He was here to improve so he hoped that wouldn't be the case by the time he left the city.

End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty Re: First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella)

Sat Apr 20, 2024 6:37 am
"Uh, no not really. She trains with me and allowed me to go on a mission with her. Its more so I met her in the city, and she just kind of took me under her wing. I think she's way more of a motherly type than she would admit too being."

Stella would think about the situation with Nat as she would assume that rhe blonde would be an awesome mother. She had a feeling that Nat may not believe that to be the case, but Stella knows she would. She would tack on.

"It's not very difficult to find some members of the vandenreich. My biggest advice to you would be to find someone that you connect with in training, and ask them to take you under their wing. ya know?"

Stella would listen to him tell her he would tske her advice as she would smile. It felt a little weird to be giving out advice as she was usually the one taking it but she would nod to him.

"Good, I'm sure you'll be a great quincy one day."
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue40300/10000First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

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Sun Apr 21, 2024 6:29 am
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Yeah, getting a mentor should be priority one right now, I suppose? Though I doubt anything will be easy when it comes to finding one."

He supposed if he waded through the proper channels and asked around someone would present an opportunity for him to learn from them, but outside of potentially joining the Vandenreich and working his way up he doubted someone would pop up. So for now, he supposed keeping his own personal training regiment would give him some small growth for now until a proper candidate stepped up. Still, it seemed like this "Natasha" lady was someone special to Stella, he wondered if he would meet anyone like that here. Something to ponder for later he supposed.

"Must be nice having someone to teach you the stuff you need to know and walk you through all of the little things that make a Quincy a Quincy. My dad would mostly beat me to a bloody pulp in all of our training sessions, but that was more because I lack skill, and less about him being too harsh. Though I guess both go hand in hand."

He doubted his dad knew what "light" training was, but then again a former Sternritter had to be prepared to be called into service he supposed, and with that had to be a fine tuned weapon. Daniel just didn't think he fit in very much with that line of worker, he didn't really fight, and had never really been pressed to do so, but now that his brother was dead it was up to him to make up for lost time. It was like cram school, but with more bruises and scrapes.

"But seriously...I wish I was as lucky."

He said with a hint of a depressed tone that he tried to hide with a smile.

End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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Tue Apr 23, 2024 7:02 pm
"Well, you just have to put yourself out there. Nothings gonna come to you if you don't look ya know? Sometimes you put yourself out there and you'll find what you're looking for in no time at all."

Stella would attempt to be uplifting to the other quincy as she noticed the tone. She didn't like it when people were sad or depressed, so she was going to do what she could to help them out. she wanted to make sure that she didn't hurt his feelings or anything.

"I'm sure you'll be able to find someone to tutor ya. I could put your name in for Natasha or Solomon as well. Have them help ya out like they did me, maybe?"
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue40300/10000First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty Re: First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella)

Tue Apr 30, 2024 2:51 pm
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"A referral service? I guess if I meet any powerful Quincy I will just tell em 'Stella sent me'."

He said folding his arms in front of his chest as he thought about the offer. Natasha seemed to be skilled, at least by the way Stella was putting it, and he could use all the help he could get. It wasn't like he would have any luck wandering the streets of the City of Light looking for someone to take him under their wing and help him improve. He had never heard of Solomon, but by the sound of his name he could only guess that he was someone who was quite strong, and if Stella was putting his name in the same sentence as her mentor he didn't doubt that was the truth.

"A good word is always welcome in a new place. So I will definitely have to take you up on your offer."

Daniel said as he reached out her hand as he had been trained to do when making a deal. It was only proper to seal the deal that way, right?

End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty Re: First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella)

Wed May 01, 2024 9:54 pm
Stella would extend her hand out to meach the young quincy in the handshake. as she would give him a warm friendly smile she would speak out towards him. Stella was thinking that he was going to be someone eventually. Like her, he had. along way to go but something about him just made it seem like he was going to prove to his dad he could do it.

"I look forward go progressing forward towards our goals together. I hope to see ya around the city, okay?"

Stella would ask as she would wait before she would.make her way back to her house. She wanted to rest for the evening as she had already had more talking than she would most days. it has lowered her energy much more than she had originally anticipated.
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Left_bar_bleue40300/10000First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty_bar_bleue  (40300/10000)

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Empty Re: First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella)

Mon May 06, 2024 6:45 pm
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"Likewise. I will be around, hopefully life in the city suits me!"

Daniel said with a grin as he watched her walk off toward where he assumed her home would be located at. Looking around for a second and then noticing that Stella had disappeared around a corner on her way home, a thought entered into his head, and then quickly exited his mouth.

"I have no idea where I am do I?"

The realization that he had just been dropped in unknown territory without so much as a simple idea of where he was going. He felt like he had been had and bamboozled. He wondered if this was some form of hazing or what not, but shook his head a bit after shrugging his shoulders a bit.

"Got to meet a new person, she seemed nice...I'm sure it will be worth the hassle of finding a way back to the hotel."

He said to no one in particular as he turned around and tried to retrace his steps. Hoping that one day he would get to meet Stella gain, hopefully with a bit more experience under his belt.

End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 4 AQodtc6
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