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Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Mon Feb 05, 2024 5:25 am
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I suppose it takes all types. I'm not really interested in the whole getting stronger thing, but my family wants me to do just that, so obviously I was forced to come here to receive training. It comes with the territory, you know? Doing things you don't want to do so you can take over the family eventually and continue to do things you don't want to do."

Daniel spoke candidly and honestly as he folded his arms across his chest, half in frustration over the current situation, and half because of the wait time he was going through in this line. He didn't ask for the responsibility of heading up the family, but he was the next one to step up. Such was hereditary inheritance. There was nothing he could do, but accept his fate and try to make the most of it.

"Besides, even if I wanted to get stronger, I don't think I could get much stronger anyway."

He said begrudgingly.

End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 AQodtc6
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Mon Feb 05, 2024 8:47 pm
"Everyone has the ability to get stronger, but not everyone is willing to work to do so. If comes easier to others, but that doesn't stop you from improving.."

Stella would speak honestly with him as she truly believed this. She thinks that maybe one day she will be able to actually look at Natasha or Solomon as an equal instead of them being mentors and protectors. Maybe one day she would be able to help them instead of them just watching after her.
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Tue Feb 06, 2024 3:44 pm
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"I guess you're right, but if you met my dad or my brother? You would realize just how weak I am in comparison to them. To think I could ever reach those heights? Kind of a tall ask."

He said in complete honesty, but not in a way to dismiss her own viewpoint, but in a way that described his personal skepticism. His dad was a powerhouse and his brother had been a chip off the old block, if he were still alive he could only imagine that Gregory would be on par with dad, or maybe even stronger than him at this point. Such was the nature of his family's ability that he clearly lacked. He just didn't have the natural attributes or the latent talent for it, he had tried real hard in his youth to match expectations, but had failed. It wasn't that he had given up at this point, but he had simply accepted his own inadequacies.

"But I'm sure you will be real strong, Stella. Just keep yourself focused on what you want to do and the sky is the limit. Just don't forget the people you met along the way, alright?"

He said with a wide smile and a slight laugh trying his best to hide his disappointment in himself behind a fake laugh and a smile once again. He had become accustomed to this act quite well.

End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 AQodtc6
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Wed Feb 07, 2024 9:32 pm
"It can be the tallest task in the world, but if you set out to reach it you will. In the case of your father, just think about how much longer he has been around than you. So, if he was active for all those years plus however old you are then of course he would be powerful right?"

As she would listen she would give a happy hum and a smile before she would decide to move on just a bit. She'd look back to him.

"Thsnks for the confidence boost. But you should work on some confidence for yourself to, okay?"
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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Wed Feb 14, 2024 4:13 pm
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

He supposed she was right about a lot of that. It just never seemed to be an option for him to get powerful like his family when they were just so powerful to begin with, hell he even believed his mother could, in a pure physical sense, beat the crap out of him if she so desired. Not that she ever would as she was a nurturing type when it came toward him. He just wasn't that driven to do it, mainly discourage by lack of progress when he was young, and by the handling his parents had done of the situation between him and Gregory. Still, things were different now, and a great deal of effort was being made to make him a suitable heir to the family name.

Much to his chagrin, but that didn't matter so much. Still, to hear Stella kind of talk him out of his self-pity party when it came to his own abilities it kind of brought a smile to his face.

"Thanks, I will try...even if I still think it is a tall ask. Though, I suppose with people like you cheering me on probably not as much of an ask."

His smile grew wider as he gave her a nod and followed her as she pushed her way through.
End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 AQodtc6
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Wed Feb 21, 2024 5:50 am
Stella would smile as she would give a nod. Truly the only thing anyone could for sure give was an effort, and even if it was hard she was glad to know he was going to try. She would continue to push through the crowds as she would make for the next stop.

"That's all I can ask ya to do. Nothings easy, so just give it your best shot. it's all you can really do."
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 Empty Re: First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella)

Wed Feb 28, 2024 4:41 am
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

She had not lied when she had mentioned just how packed things were in this particular avenue to the next stop, but he was willing to wait it out with her. Good company was hard to find and he was looking to make friends so this was perfectly fine with him. Though he wished people would move so he could see more sights.

"So what was it like...where you live?"

He asked as they continued to break through the mass crowd. Deciding conversation would be the best distraction from the frustration of dealing with these people.

End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 AQodtc6
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Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:41 am
"It was a pretty small village in the mountains of Germany. My father owned a small logging company where we would cut timber, and sell it out to people who needed or wanted it. My mother and I protected the village from the smaller hollows that would come occasionally, but there wasn't any real massive threats usually."

She would talk about it as she would continue on with him. She didn't mind sharing where she was from, and it's not like Germany is exactly lacking on small mountain villages. Her father's company probably wasn't really know at all outside of the locale where they lived. Their village was small, but everyone would look out for each other so it was very homely. The villagers were aware of what Stella and her mother would do, so many times after killing some hollows they would be given food as thanks on the way back to their house on the outskirts.
Steiner Franz
Steiner Franz
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First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 Empty Re: First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella)

Thu Mar 14, 2024 3:24 pm
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 Daniel_Steiner
Enter: Daniel

"No massive threats, huh? Well I suppose in secluded locations like that safety from massive threats is just one of the perks."

Daniel nodded his head, appreciating that she was willing to share a bit more about herself, and about where she had lived. Speaking of businesses, he wondered if he should reveal just what his family was like, and just who they were. He doubted she would know much about the business his family ran being from a place like she was from, so maybe she wouldn't care too much like most people did. Well most people who were in positions of power tended to care about his lineage more than who he was, it kind of ticked him off when people asked for favors, and used him as a way to branch out. None the less, that wasn't important now. Sharing was important and since she was an open book, so too shall he be.

"To be honest, I've never fought a Hollow. Sheltered upbringing and all, but that is because my family really couldn't afford to send me out for things like that. I am, unfortunately, the heir apparent to a major medical company that deals in making a lot of next generation medical equipment. It has began to effect my personal life, hence why I'm here to appease my family, and make them, in some way, a bit content. Learning from the elite of my kin and improving my skills so that my family will lay off and just let me do what I want to do."

It wasn't like he was whining, but some could misconstrue it to be as such. He just liked the freedom he had before being sent here, not that he minded meeting people his age with their own desires, it was just a pain to have to change all of his ambitions to appease others. To him, it wasn't fair.
End Post

First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 OlBPPj4
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 VewULRr
First, Introductions! (Daniel/Stella) - Page 3 AQodtc6
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Thu Mar 28, 2024 5:22 am
"I think you should get some experience in fighting hollows. It doesn't matter how strong you are I'd you get frozen up because you get hurt, or you watch someone get hurt ya know? I can recommend asking some people to take you out on missions with them. Recently I went with a woman named Natasha, and she taught me how to take care of hollows on the outskirts of the city. They're stronger here than they were back hoke in Germany, so I have to be much more aware."

Stella would speak as she would look at the man. She understood what he meant, but if he was going to join to fight hollows then eventually it would probably come up. She didn't want to see him get hurt, so she would try to emphasize how he shouldn't avoid fighting hollows.
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