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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Wed Mar 06, 2024 6:50 pm
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] My2pcrpjqj7

Santa hummed excitedly as she made her way up to Helle's home. The energy she carried with her was very obvious. The date she'd been planning of course had her hyped up. A date! With Helle! The very notion of having secured a get together with the woman was something thsat put a skip in her step. It was such a surprise honestly, she hadn't even thought about something like that ...for....for some time. And on her way to the door she couldn't help but ...pause.

Stopping on that sidewalk as she gently held her hands out infront of her.

How many times had she opened her heart?

And for the first time, a little bit of worry shone inside of her. Thinking about how often it was taken away from her. How often she was left all alone.

She gently pursed her lips, and the corners of her mouth dipped back up into a smile. IN a way? That fear made it a bit more exciting. She pushed the fear out of her head. There was no point in worrying. IN thinking about ...what would happen if she was alone all over again.

Today was about spending time with Helle, and with renewed determination, she walked up and firmly knocked on the front door.
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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Sun Mar 10, 2024 9:33 am
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] TKicari

Fuck. What time is it? Shit. She has, like, an hour tops.

Papers strewn everywhere, drool the icing on the cake, Helle had gotten carried away with doing paperwork. Her phone's full of missed alarm notices, and her whole body's aching from being curled over. One back pop later though, and she's running around, doing this and that, washing this and that. Ugh. Why is being a woman so annoying at times, but it is what it is when she found herself actually put together in a presentable manner. And, with 10 minutes to spare, she could do nothing more than give herself a pat on the back. However, her house is a mess. She should probably clean it up too, but a knock at the door pulled her attention.

Ah... Well then... A little early, huh? No matter... To the door Helle went, opening it and slipping past it to shut it behind her quickly before Santa could see inside. Her emerald eyes held nothing but worried guilt at the mess behind her, but hopefully Santa's not the curious sort to push about something inconsequential to their time together.

"Santa! Hi. How are you? Hi. Lovely day, isn't it?" Her tone a bit higher than usual, nerves obviously wrecked the woman's usual stoic shell because there's one thing Helle dislikes, and that's revealing her absolute slob nature to people, especially those she's trying to impress.
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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Tue Mar 12, 2024 5:52 pm
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] My2pcrpjqj7

Santa perked up and instantly smiled as she spotted Helle! A rush of enjoyment, any notion of even looking over Helle's shoulder is ignored entirely to focus on the woman themselves. "Hello! I've been doing great actually!" No small part connected to the fact that she'd been looking forward to the date all day. She herself was looking nice as well. Sortof? She had a black dress on with a nice little long sleeved cropped jacket on and stockings on. A bit fancy! A friend of hers had attempted to help direct her and so she'd put something together. Already she shifted from side to side, hoping Helle liked the outfit.

"Ahem, so uhm. I know I'm a little early. Did you want some help getting ready?" She ventured with a tilt of her head, that gentle smile of hers glowing as she held her hands infront of her. Of course she had been a bit worried earlier, especially when her initial dating plans had gone under....scrutiny from her friend. As it was, it turned out that Burger King was NOT an acceptable place to take a date. But that worry was gone now, with Helle directly in front of her. There was nothing but warm smiles and joy in the Arrancar's eyes.

She was getting to spend time with Helle.
How could it be anything but lovely?
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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:46 pm
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] TKicari

Ah, Helle's outfit, itself, had not been expounded on. One would call it casual to a T. Black jeans hugged her form gently white heeled slip-ons accenting her barely shown ankles. The rest of her attire in a similar color scheme, her blouse is vertically stripped, smaller black lines splitting through white as her black jacket kept everything in check. She even pulled up her hair into a ponytail. Though, her hair is usually fashioned up anyway, but this simply accented the length she kept her hair as blonde locks reached down to the small of her back.

If asked, however, she'd probably tell make it known that Santa's outfit is nothing short of explementary as well. But, why simply think these thoughts when affection is easy to vocalize. A second or two, perhaps, to simply admire what is before her. It is best to take in the present while one has the chance.

"You look lovely, Santa, but I think I've done my best to prepare." With what little time she had to do so. "What do you think?"

Seeing the light in Santa's eyes, Helle couldn't help but feel a mockery of that pride she tries to keep at bay, so why not be a little cocky about her looks? A small playful smile on her face, she stepped forward and put her hands on her hip, a silent 'hmph' blowing from her nostrils.

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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Tue Mar 12, 2024 6:55 pm
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] My2pcrpjqj7

An immediate happy giggle as Helle made comment on her outfit, turning to and fro for a moment before clasping her hands infront of her and giving a little bounce. [color=goldenrod]"Thank you! I had a friend help me! I'm not usually very good with this kind of thing. You look lovely too!" She added, taking a moment to really get a good look at Helle's outfit before glancing back up and clapping her hands together.

"I really like it! It's..... firm! Confident! Uhhh, how would she have described it.... It shows who is wearing the pants!" She finally elaborated, giggling a little as she watched Helle take a step forward and give that confident little Huff. She was all too happy to walk around Helle and step in beside her, gently clasping her hands together and tilting her head amicably, as if swooning for the somewhat tomboyish figure that Helle was cutting.

"Did you want to head out now then? I thought of some places to take us but uhm..." She sheepishly gestured up to her antlers. The mark that she was an arrancar. "I hope you don't mind someplace a little....quiet and out of the way?" She ventured. Naturally, she didnt' want someone ...reacting to her presence to usurp the night.
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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Fri Mar 15, 2024 7:50 am
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] TKicari

Firm? Confident? Those are not usual terms to describe a woman's look, but she found them suitable for the situation. Though, she does ponder exactly what firm means and why something like this would be seen as confident. Helle has many outfits, some that would make one question her modesty, but that is a conversation for another day. However, that pants comment achieved a sudden snort from the Director.

"I am sure many would argue that statement," She noted.

But, she does carry herself in an imposing manner, so she is sure that there are few who could actually handle her in a way that'd make her feel submissive.

Nonetheless, it is time they began their outing. Santa's worries would be met with Helle giving her a really sweet smile, bordering an almost aloof look before she casually stated her opinion on the matter of Santa's looks.

"We can go anywhere you want. I'd handle whoever has a problem with that."

Despite being a prideful Quincy, Helle hated anyone who so easily discriminated against another. She only works in reputation, not physical looks or blood or whatever else hardly matters when dealing with people on a day to day basis.

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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Sat Mar 16, 2024 4:27 pm
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] My2pcrpjqj7

Santa giggled softly at that and canted her head to the side. "Hmmm, Maybe they're just shy." She offered, clasping her hands together as she took a moment to enbjoy the smile on Helle's face as she...considered that assurance. She felt warmth in her chest at that gesture, even though she thoiught she'd still go somewhere more private. A remnant of a time in her life when she had less control over her powers, she did like quieter places sometimes. Especially if she wanted to relax.

"Fair enough~ Still! I had someplace I really liked in mind." She noted softly, offering her hand to Helle to take before she'd promptly lead the way out the door itself. Excitement brimming through her as she practically carried Helle along with her. Her larger stride was something she had to keep reminding herself of, and there would be a few soft sheepish apologies whenever she found herself pulling Helle along. But all the same, it wouldn't take them much time at all to reach the destination she had in mind.

It was a nice, cosy little cafe in the outter section ot the south city. Along a rim of buildings which formed almost a wall conforming with the edge of the floating section. With little balconies facing the ocean, it was like looking off the side of a cliff. With nothing but glimmering water and the warm sea air. A scenic little place, one where you could look out towards the ocean and perhaps even forget that you were in a city at all.

On arrival, Santa would glance at Helle, excitement as she waited to see how the woman would react. It wasn't anywhere fancy, but it had decent food and the view was the main appeal, and it was largely devoid of the usual noises of the city. A place they could relax. Sure if one had a bad experience with heights, there might be a bit of vertigo when staring off what felt like a cliff face. But she hardly thought she needed to worry about that with Helle.
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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:00 am
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] TKicari

"Let us be on our way then."

Someone's excited, but that's a good thing. Good vibes, as its labeled, is contagious, and in the same note, bad vibes are the same. If Santa was in a bad mood, Helle would have felt it and would have definitely brought it up. Seeing the other blonde giddy made her feel ready to go on this little date. However, she just could not reach that level of childish glee that her companion so easily expressed.

And it showed as they walked. Helle had allowed her hand to be taken, but she could hardly say she moved with the strength Santa did, but she did make sure to reassure the Arrancar whenever she started to overly concern herself over it. Life in the office and stress makes it hard to have that sort of gusto on demand.

So, color Helle surprised when they arrived at a nice quiet cafe with an astounding view of the ocean. She found the City's beaches to be one of its stronger attractions, so this little spot fit perfectly for a first date. Helle, despite herself, favored areas that are small and quiet. It's why she's in her office a lot, so her reaction was a simple nod.

"Color my surprised. I was expected fast food," She joked before taking the lead and dragging Santa along into the establishment.

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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:45 pm
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] My2pcrpjqj7

Santa was pleased when Helle accepted her hand, and even MORE pleased to see the woman reacting positively to her choice in location! "Ah I'm glad! I admit I uh..had a little help. I ...WAS planning on taking you somewhere else. But they said something like this might be better." She confessed, letting out a little squeak when Helle began to pull HER along. Though it wasn't long before Santa was eagerly allowing herself to be followed, a bit surprised. It wasn't often she wasn't in the lead of things!

All the same, as they arrived, they were greeted by reception, and they were given a table. No reservation needed with how off to the side the place was. Once they were seated next to one of the railings, Santa parked herself in the tiny seat and then looked to Helle with a fond smile. "There was a couple places they showed me. But this one is my favorite." She confided, glancing out to the expanse of ocean and giving a forlorn smile as she took a moment to admire it, and then look to Helle with a ...similar appreciative stare.

"Hueco Mundo isn't very scenic. And well, the ocean isn't something we have anything close to. When I first came here it was actually on a boat. I couldn't stay away from the sides, I wanted to see the water." She hummed, and then picked up her Menu and cleared her throat. "Feel free to order what you like! It's on me~" She noted with a proud little puff of her chest. Admittedly she had borrowed a bit of money, however, little did Liltotto know, that Santa had actually done a bit of work at the docks and earned some EXTRA cash. Maybe not enough to fully cover the food, btu enough that she'd at least be able to pay them back some. She considered it a loan if anything. And getting to see what kind of foods Helle liked would be well worth the investment!

Though... as for herself... she admittedly didn't get too ambitious with her meal. She ordered a couple of burgers.
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Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] Empty Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]

Sat Mar 23, 2024 10:34 am
Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle] TKicari

"A shared conceptualization, I assure," He replied as they were given their table and seats.

She sat across from Santa, letting her gaze wander towards the ocean. It is a mass that represents so much, for how simplistic it is. It is but a body of water, yet it houses a vast uncountable amount of life and fuels the entire planet with resources. Its symbolism is varied and each person experiences it in their own way. As she looked at it now, her mind bounced through all it has meant to her, from her inspirations to her depravities.

"There are even humans who have yet to see it in person. I remember my first time viewing it and realizing just how small I am in this world."

With that said, she opened a menu that was brought to them and browsed its contents. Helle has never considered herself a healthy eater, and she has little doubt that Santa would care about what she satisfied her cravings with. However, just to keep from making a mess, she ordered a simple chicken sandwich with a house salad. She saw that there were an arrange of drinks, but she settled on iced tea, with a bit of sugar, to satisfy want for something sweet.

"Though, I must ask, Santa. What were you original intentions for our first outing."

Helle wasn't going to let it slide. Santa had brought it up, and just because she had not asked immediately, did not mean Helle was not curious what an Arrancar had originally thought adept for a first date. Curiosity in her eyes, Helle's sculpture-like appearance expected something... admittedly adorable.

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