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- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:02 am
Santa couldn't help but warm her expression as Helle shared her enjoyment of the location. A giddy litt;e bubble of laughter welling up inside of her as she let out a little sighing hum. "I'm glad! I admit, I'm not used to this kind of thing. Hollows aren't usually the dating type."'[ she conceded, thinking back to the past of her own experiences. How strange it had been for coupling to be a voluntary and noncombative process.
However, something that Helle said caused her to stop in place for just a brief instant. The notion of the Ocean making one feel small, and it made her pause as the memory of something suddenly struck out in her head.
The notion of feeling small. But not because of the ocean. A dream that was not quite hers, but was burned into her mind. A mamory of far off screaming stars. An agony of bleeding light and far off twisting agony in every single direction.
She blinked a few times when she realized that Helle had asked her something, and a sheepish little smile formed as she mentally caught up with the conversation. "Oh! I wanted to take you to my favorite place to eat! Burger King! I don't usually have a lot of money, and they have really good food! It's not often I get to indulge human food, and there's always so many friendly humans there I've met. Even the staff know me." She paused for a moment, before a soft, gentle little smile formed on her lips. "I suppose. it's one of the first places I felt welcome in the city. Aha.... but well. My friend said it might give off the wrong idea if I took you there." She confessed.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Sun Mar 31, 2024 9:48 am
Burger King?
Leaving the rest of their conversation behind, Helle could only focus on the idea of dressing up for a date at Burger King. The very notion was enough to make her visage crack and force a laugh out of her. Though, she tried to lessen the blow by covering her mouth with her hand as her laugh turned into fake coughing and rapid snorting from her throat.
"I must admit. I would have found that amusing, but I definitely prefer where we are now."
Letting her giddiness die, she focused her attention a particular part of Santa's explanation. Well, it's not weird to hear that she had found friends at Burger King, but it is a thought to consider. The world has changed. Everyone of different flavors are slowly coming together, when a time ago, Hollow-kind would have been unwelcomed anywhere. It is an interesting thought, the way that the world adapts to changing times.
"I am sure you've made plenty of companions since then, I am sure."
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Sun Mar 31, 2024 10:10 am
Santa broke out into a bit of laughter of her own, the notion that it was at her own expense didn't even occur to her. It was nice to hear Helle laugh, And she already lknew how strange it was. V had informed her as much of that, even though they had capitulated to where she wanted to eat. All the same, she looked fondly to Helle as the woman confessed their preferences. She'd have to thank Liltotto for that later. "I'll remember that." She giggle softly, a gentle sigh escaping her as she looked off to the side and considered for a moment Helle's next words.
"Not yet. Hm... I suppose I've been not really looking hard .... You're perhaps the third person I've really hung out with. And I don't think one of them would quite count as a friend. But I don't mind. I'm not very used to having a lot of friends. But one day, I hope so." She noted firmly, no hesitation of indecision about it. She'd make friends at the pace she liked. The food didn't take long to arrive, and soon enough Santa paused as she looked out to the Ocean and found her thoughts wandering, as her eyes gently drifted upward to that endless sky. The very first beginnings of stars showing.
"What about you? Do you have a lot of friends in the city?" she ventured, glancing back down to Helle with a tilt of her head.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Sat Apr 06, 2024 11:36 am
Hmm... Considering the disposition of Hollow-kind, Helle found it less sad and more just the way of life as Santa pointed out her sparce amount of companionship. She was taught they are usually nomadic and prideful, a life full of solitude and conflict. Maybe that is why so many come to Earth these days. The rise of more sophisticated Hollow seem to have led many to actively search out society. She's not going to try and understand it right now. Santa's here, and that means her attention should be solely on her date.
"I would not say I have many friends, but there are a lot of people who rely on me. It's not the same, but the feeling, I guess, is similar."
How would someone feel though? If Santa were a leader, would she think everyone beneath her a friend? Some only refer to Helle by her status, and others are too afraid to ever approach her. The few that are casual with her do not know too much of her life nor struggles, much to her own doing. There are only two people who Helle has ever shared herself with, but she hasn't seen them in a while, and she's positive they do not see her in the same way she saw them.
Her expression had soured some, but she tried to detract from it by looking out the window, seeming more inquisitive about the sea than sad about anything. Though, Santa appeared the empathetic type, so the little fake out probably isn't going to work.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Fri Apr 12, 2024 9:54 pm
Santa paused for a moment at that and tilted her head slightly, at the notion of being depended on. Ah right, her work. Her mind wandered to MAzda for a moment, and she recalled his own mentions of the sensation. That many depended on him. But those had not been references that seemed to ...quite match how Helle spoke of it. There wasn't the same confidence, or air of rightness. When Mazda spoke of those depending on him, he spoke as if he were simply describing the nature of all things, as if it were natural. But there was more.....consideration in Helle's voice. And so she couldn't help but wonder.
"Is it ..... stressful? Having so many people relying on you? But you know... never getting to know you? like a friend?" She asked softly.
She paused for a moment when she saw the change in Helle's expression, as the woman didn't even seem to shift in response to Santa's words, but rather was lost in her own thoughts. and for a moment, she realized that there was a slight...gulf between them. She offered a sheepish smile and shifted a bit from side to side in her seat.
"Once upon a time. I considered myself like the moon. That I would reach a point where all could look up to me for light in times otherwise dark." She noted softly, folding her hands into her lap. " The world...however. Is bigger than I expected. It seems most people don't seem to see me at all. I wonder if I was a human, if that would upset me." She noted softly, folding her hands into her lap.
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Fri Apr 19, 2024 10:56 am
"It is stressful, but it is stress that I have acquired of my own freewill," Helle responded, turning her eyes to Santa.
Her emerald fields still appeared a bit murky, but it did not seem like the topic at hand had completely ruined her mood. It is interesting to have these sort of debates every now and then. She just did not expect Santa of all people to harbor such deep thoughts, but it is always the unsuspecting that are always watching the world. Maybe when she comes of greater age, she will have the ability to hide and reveal her wisdom at a whim.
"Emotions are not some rare treasure that few are allowed, dear. The fact you question your worth is enough to know that it troubles you."
Helle sat up straight and put on a small smile. It did not remove the thoughtful atmosphere around the two women, but it did help in letting Santa know that Helle understood the feeling as much as she possibly could. They are from two different worlds, figuratively and literally. It'd be impossible to completely understand each other's struggle, but the fact that they have struggles at all is enough to come to an agreement.
"There was a time I wished to burn as brightly as the sun, a constant beacon for the world, but times change, and reality sets in. I have grown somewhat content in knowing I've helped the few I have, even if they do not return the favor because I know that one nice deed leads to another and another. Eventually, the world becomes a better place simply because I helped one person's day be a bit better."
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:29 pm
Santa couldn't help but pause for a moment as she stared at Helle. A ... gentle little smile forming as she felt a bit flattered by the woman's simple words. The notion that Arrancar were capable of such a spectrum of emotions was..... nice. But she was more than aware that it wasn't always the case. The way that they were strained and tested, so many Arrancar, in one way or another, were broken to some emotional degree. She didn't fully understand Ajora's notes on the subject, she only received a sort of tangential understanding, she had memories about the subject, and like ghosts, they pointed to conclusions she herself perhaps would not have come up with on her own. But they still lingered there.
Some arrancar, by the nature of their evolution, simply did not have the full proper emotional spread that humans had. But even so.... Helle's insistence otherwise was....sweet.
"You sound a little like me. Making the world better. I've wanted that for some time. Is it really os simple as being kind?" She wondered with a pause and a glance toward the window. Just how many kindnesses would it have taken, to spare algos her fate? Calypso?
Oh how she would have loved to grasp such a hope, but that was a question she wouldn't dare truly utter in the company of others. "I like that. It's.... comforting to think about."
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Sat Apr 20, 2024 10:47 pm
"It is a crucial step to bettering the world, but it is not the end all be all."
Of course, she's referring to temperament. You can be as nice as you want to another person, but if they do not accept it, then there is nothing you can do. Santa may have plenty of people that she has tried being nice to, finding no reward for her struggles, but what becomes of them is not her fault. People will always find a reason for cruelty, whether it be there own twisted idea of life or trauma that isn't easy to let go.
"There are many aspects to bettering the world, but an open heart, I'd like to think, is probably most important. Without it, we would not find ourselves here, now would we?"
However, it's hard to not let sour grapes ruin the vine. Her thoughts focused on what all she has to do, and the very idea that the future is so far away stills her optimism. You make it day by day by doing what you can around you she always reminds herself. Trying to think five years into the future or worry about things you have no true idea of will only drown her.
- ForgottenMercyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Sun Apr 21, 2024 5:45 am
Santa paused as she took a few more bits of her food, and .... considered Helle's words. It was awfully .... similar to her own thoughts and beliefs. After all, for better or for worse, she'd certainly shown kindness and warmth to individuals of ...perhaps inadviseable pasts and backgrounds. And yet, it had changed them hadn't it? At least she liked to believe as much. That even though their souls had been swept away, that at least before they had been destroyed, that they had come to be something...better than before?
IT wasn't an entirely pleasant path for her thoughts to tread, but a gentle, rueful smile crossed her lips as she found herself setting her fork down, and ...not quite as hungry anymore. "Probably not." She noted with a sheepish chuckle. Certainly, she'd opened her heart to Helle. Though as she let her mind snap back to the actual date, she did realize that it had been... it WAS nice! It certainly wasn't what she'd expected. The two of them had remained firmly on their own sides of the table, and Santa briefly was a bit....worried? She looked up to Helle expectantly, but those eyes looked back at her with all the calm and respect she'd expect from anyone else. No real....wandering. And certainly the woman had kept her hands to herself this entire time.
Was she doing something wrong? Her own ... incredibly narrow band of experience worked against her. Her mind having expected .... something by now. And that sheepish smile lingered as she realized that well...she supposed this was ab it impulsive. She'd been hoping for a date, especially since Helle had been the one to bring it up. But honestly, things had turned out more or less like an afternoon talking with Liltotto. And her own almost faux-pas with the choice in venue came back to mind.
Hm. Perhaps she wasn't as good at this dating thing as she'd hoped.
"Is your food alright?"
- SieghartyVeteran Member
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Re: Happy to Be Here [Santa, Helle]
Sun Apr 21, 2024 7:42 am
"Hmm... The food is fine," She answered after a few bites herself.
However, she frowned for a second, a thought passing by, but then a small smile turned her expression upside down. With a little sigh, she looked around the place, a little twinkle in her eye.
"I think I'll come by here more often. It reminds me of a little cafe I used to stop at."
The use of the word used probably hinted at what happened to the place. How it happened is up to interpretation, for there has been many events in the City of Lights as of late, be it economical or physical. Helle wouldn't want to stay too fixated on the thought though, so she quickly rebounded and raised a brow towards Santa. Her little smile turned a bit mischievous.
"To be honest, Santa, this feels more like a girl's day out than a date between potential partners, huh? I must admit, I've never dated before."
Well, she had, but they had moved so fast and barely interacted outside of those few moments that some might have saw it more as a fling than actually dating. Helle can safely say that it had not prepared her for actual flirting and long term engagement with someone of interest.
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