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Ye Olde Guarde
Joined : 2010-07-09
Posts : 3633
Age : 30
Location : Gracemeria

Member Info
Platinum Points:
Taikyō Yorimune [FINISHED] Left_bar_bleue7380/100Taikyō Yorimune [FINISHED] Empty_bar_bleue  (7380/100)

Taikyō Yorimune [FINISHED] Empty Taikyō Yorimune [FINISHED]

Thu May 23, 2024 2:13 pm

I. Basic Information

» Name: Yorimune, Taikyō (自心 體凶)
» Alias: "Inverse Disaster"
» Age: Unknown to him [Somewhere around 300]
» Gender: Male
» Association: None

» Estigma: Two horns
» Hollow Hole: See: Belief in One's Heart
» Aspect of Death: Absence/Dependence

» Appearance Image:
Taikyō Yorimune [FINISHED] HyV2q5

I. Personality

» Personality: Taikyō is constantly donning a "way to go, sport" smile. If it weren't for the fact he was handsome, he'd probably be seen as condescending. Well, that and the aura he exudes. He's a genuinely helpful person to a fault. He'll take on extra tasks to make sure others who may have a more important duty at home can leave early. He's the guy that always volunteers for overtime—so much so that others may not get the overtime. But he does it genuinely because he enjoys others being able to depend on him.

That craving for dependability ties back into his Aspect than anything unfortunately. He is an Arrancar, even if he doesn't believe it himself. There is a more primal side to him that usually comes out when someone takes advantage of him and his kindness—let alone the kindness of others. Those people usually have unfortunate accidents to explain away the bruising. And after they heal, they're usually better people to work with! It's a winning situation at least in Taikyō's mind.

Overall, he's a man with a good "heart." His methods and thinking may be a bit out of line, but the result he's trying to achieve is a net-good one. And all he does, he does with a smile.

I. History

» History:

Taikyō only has flashes of memory of his previous life. He remembers a desert, some fighting, and immense pain before getting thrown into darkness. That was about ten years ago. Taikyō awoke in the northern reaches of Japan and was nursed back to health by a small community he doesn't believe was even on the map. When he was found, Taikyō couldn't walk. His body was stiff and seemed unused despite the musculature he had clearly developed. Their spiritual healer had some actual medical knowledge and relayed that whatever caused him to lose his memory was extremely traumatic and that he may not recover the memories he lost. The community as a whole did their best to teach him things such as how to operate a smartphone while also helping him recover. The last thing Taikyō asked the people was why they helped him—and they said it was because it was the right and good thing to do. Although he stayed with them for only a short time, that community shaped who Taikyō would become.

He travelled around Japan, and later the world as part of missionary groups and other goodwill organizations. He was a relatively common sight at disaster-stricken areas as he used his large body to clear obstacles that would require heavier machinery normally. There's even a famous photo of him from behind as he hoists a child he rescued from a raging river high above his head (he has a passive income from the royalties of this photo). He was given his moniker of the "Inverse Disaster" as his smile and presence made victims briefly forget the calamity around them.

Even as war spread, Taikyō remained a steadfast projector of "Good." At first, he was hesitant to fight. He heard the opposing forces being called "demons" but he felt that was just propoganda. And then he witnessed them butcher a small town in the midwest USA. It wasn't just any small town either. It was one he had helped clear tornado debris from only a month prior. He still had two free plates of pulled pork waiting on him at their hole-in-the-wall barbeque joint. This changed his stance. It wasn't propoganda. It was the truth—and this truth was one that needed to be defeated.

The town was briefly hit by a third disaster as he cleared it of the demonic menace. The remaining populace was thankful for rescuing them, but the town was finished. The people left weren't enough to man the farms if they were running normally, and with the destruction wrought by the demons (and their exterminator), this small town would likely not recover. They'd move to a larger city that hadn't fallen or something. They thanked him as he left. For once, he felt empty. He felt that something was missing—and it was clear to him what it was. He needed people to believe in him, no... he needed people to need him.

Taikyō travelled across other small US towns doing the same thing before finding passage to Europe. There, he continued his journey. It wasn't all fighting. Many times it was just repairing a broken bridge or moving large debris out of the way. And yet, people needed him. If it weren't for his immense strength, sturdy body, and unforgiving will, he'd've lost many times over. He fought the demonic menace without using any of his latent abilities—almost as if his unconscious rejection of them had made him stronger.

The war left many areas destroyed, and so his journey didn't end when the demons left the World of the Living. Aside from Antarctica, he's provided disaster and war relief on every continent. He found and lost many friends during those days, and many people that suffered tragedy would remember him as at least offering to help. Some would shy away from the scary large man with horns and a tail, but he was rarely attacked. His genuine smile seemed to comfort the terror these people felt in the aftermath of calamity.

Taikyō also found himself helping out with reconstruction efforts. Strong men were needed across the globe, but Vastime was a popular area if only because it kept expanding. He found himself in the hot African desert more often than not. Thankfully, he was not in the city when the Hole opened up. He was in Egypt at the time, helping the removal of yet another stuck cargo ship. After finishing that job, he tried to return to the city-state he spent so much time in, but was rebuffed. He eventually snuck in during a lull in activity and found himself helping people evacuate when the opening shots of the final battle rang out. Taikyō narrowly avoided getting melted by weird fog, blasted by god-knows-what-kind of energy blast, and crushed by falling buildings as he helped a few of the remaining civilian populace out.

After the battle, Taikyō was left with little to do there, so he continued his travels to find someone else who would need him...

I. Natural Abilities

» Strength of Body: Taikyō is a decently sturdy man. He's had metal scaffolding fall on him (his tail's fault) and only come out a bit bruised. He's a constant request for construction companies because he can carry heavier loads than most and isn't afraid to deal with stuck heavy machinery by lifting it up enough to get something to help with traction around or under the wheel. He doesn't care about parallel parking because he'll just get out and move the car to and from the spot. A firefighter once even called him a humanoid jaws of life after he helped an injured motorist out of their damaged vehicle by prying the broken door off. He's first pick at community baseball games mostly because he hits the ball (or what's left of it) out of the park just about every time.

» Strength of Mind: Taikyō may not be the most worldly or the most verbose person, but he's a decent head on his shoulders. Most of his mental acuity comes from his firm beliefs in doing good deeds. He's seen people be called heartless and it not affect them. To him, that's why he believes so hard that he has a "heart." If he does enough good, then there's no way someone could call him that! Right? Well, that steadfast desire has given him the ability to hide his Hollow Hole, so it might just be true...

» Prehensile Tail: The most prominent feature Taikyō has that shows he's not entirely normal is the 7-foot-long barbed tail. Black scales make it about 25% tougher to cut through than his normal skin, and the ornamented barb at the end is as strong as an actual weapon. Unlike other portions of his body, the tail can regenerate much like that of a lizard's—a new tail will be fully regrown in about a month. The tail has a full skeleton and muscles. Taikyō makes sure to work out with his tail just as much as he does his arms and legs, so his entire body is equally fit.

» Overview: Myōki Shōban (冥昕昭晚; Darkest Day and Brightest Night) is the hand-to-hand style Taikyō uses. It is one of the few things he remembers—as these teachings seemed to be more etched onto his "soul" more than his own identity. The style makes use of the added benefits of Taikyō's prehensile tail by either using it as an additional balance point or as an another striking mechanism—although more commonly, it is the former.

Because of the addition of a new anchor point, Myōki Shōban changes how the legs and arms can be used. Fighting while using this style is more akin to breakdancing and theatre performances due to the new angles of attack that can be performed. It is a highly mobile style, although it isn't an agile style. Myōki Shōban is mobile in the sense a tractor is—it can turn, but it's best used in a straight line. These heavy, straight-line strikes are focused. When used in "turns," the strikes are usually wide sweeps that cause collateral damage.

I. Racial Abilities

» Belief in One's Heart: This is an ability that Taikyō doesn't know actually exists. His belief that he has a heart—and thus acts in what should be for the good of others—has created a "barrier" around where his Hollow Hole should be, which happens to be the center of his chest where his heart should have been. Combined with his lack of knowledge on being an Arrancar and general incapability of using Arrancar racial abilities, it's almost like he isn't one. Of course, this barrier isn't fool-proof. He'd still detect as at least Hollow-related (if not an Arrancar outright) to a dedicated Reiatsu sensor or skilled Reikaku users. The hole is also still, well, there. Anyone with Advanced or higher willpower can go through the barrier (although Advanced would still need to exert effort to go through). If he ever believes he does not have a heart, the barrier falls and can not (without extreme "atonement") be reformed.

» Hollow Dissociation: Due to the traumatic nature of his becoming an Arrancar, Taikyō doesn't actually know he's an Arrancar. He doesn't even remember his time as a Hollow. There are some things he does remember—a desert and fighting tall, masked monsters to name a few. However, on a fundamental level he doesn't believe he is something related to a Hollow. Because of that, he does not have any access to the normal Arrancar skills. As he develops, he may gain access to them, but increases in those skills will weaken Belief in One's Heart as he becomes more in-tune with his Hollow side.

» Reiryoku Reserves: Taikyō doesn't really know how to express or really even release his Reiryoku properly. As such, he only really releases about a third of what he can actually utilize. He's almost constantly running at a full tank. With what he currently utilizes, he's capable of clearing a home improvement store with the effort he puts within his strikes. If he were to learn how to properly use his Reiryoku, he'd be doing damage to entire American shopping mall as he fought seriously.

I. Zanpakutō

» Zanpakutō Name: Unknown

» Sealed Zanpakutō Appearance: The blade at the tip of his tail.

I. Resurrección

» Resurrección Release Phrase: Unknown

» Resurrección Release Action: None

» Resurrección Appearance: Currently unknown.

» Resurrección Abilities: None Currently Known

I. Skill Sheet

General Skills
» Durability:
» Speed:
» Strength:
» Martial Skill:

Will Skills
» Willpower:
» Deduction:
» Focus:

Arrancar Skills
» Cero:
» Nucleo:
» Aumentar:
» Sonido:


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