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Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Fri Aug 23, 2013 4:11 pm

The night life of the European city that Reigen had found himself in was quite lively to say the least. Even in an area occupied by Demons and Shadowfall humanity still looked to scrape by on the simplest of pleasure they could find, it was almost comical to the well-dressed Demon but for the most part he simply looked to be more of an observer as the sheepish members of the human race looked over head and around the corners every so often making sure they were not in danger of having their lives taken by a stray monster that looked like a man... This unfortunately for the people of the city that Reigen hadn't even bothered to find the name of that was exactly the kind of monster he was he didn't mean anything by them though, he was just a businessman and misery's business was always booming for humans. The Gentleman didn't like stick in Shadowfall territory for long, he was always looking for more entertainment and it was very rarely found in his own races company. Still the night was profitable to say the least, a few couples an elderly man even a few stray drunkards being kicked out of the bars they where patroning it was like their corpses where just lying there for the taking!

Putting the comedy behind his work aside the Demon made a brisk pace through the area he was uncomfortable he was unsure why and to look at his face he would not seem in any way uncertain of himself, however the Cheshire grin that he had on his face at all times did not really help his situation much he was never truly worried until he had to deal with a bothersome situation, these such situation however seemed to be hell-bent on being in the way of the Demon. Looking to the route out of the city Reigen could tell that the night would not be accommodating for his journey to more interesting and greener pastures. Looking to his pocket watch the Demon sighed as he tilted his hat downwards think to himself. "If I where to leave now I might end up killing a few demons on the way...That sounds compelling but if I were to make waves around here my business might be disrupted...I wouldn't want that..." The well-dressed Demon was uncomfortable with the idea of staying in this city for longer than needed but... He realized that he would need to find a hotel.

The Demon found a rather grand hotel within the entertainment sector of the already boring city he was in...He wondered if his short attention span was starting to make his time in Europe a little less grandiose than he wished. As he entered the hotel he looked to reception, his money was not to be spent just yet if he was to stay in the city for a night then the Demon was willing to use his tricks and his 'power' to get a freebie for such a nice place. By two hours in the Demon was already sitting by the bar of the rather well-stocked hotel with a very fruity looking cocktail, along with the drink came the Demon playing with the umbrella that he had specifically demanded be place in the cocktail. For the hours he had been their Reigen had already managed to deal with the hotel staff by taking the grand suite key under the nose of the receptionist as well as already ruining two engagements announcements by giving the men who were looking cold feet. Though the second guy was less cold feet and more...Drowned in the pool after seemingly 'forgetting' how to swim, it seemed that Reigen was not a matchmaker after all.

For someone who did not want to make waves metaphorically the Demon seemed to not be uncomfortable making them literally. "Ah this cocktail is unsurprisingly good for what its worth..." The Demon spoke his thoughts aloud as he looked around to see if he could make anymore of his personal entertainment occur, but the only thing he could see was a feeling of discomfort coming from the human guests, he was unsure if this was due to himself but he was suspicious at the nature of the way the people avoided eye contact. Reigen was still smiling but his face gave off a more sinister feel when he turned back to enjoy his beverage. "I'm not sure if I'm the elephant in the room or is someone else...." The well-dressed Gentleman looked around to see if he was in the clutches of a trap, he stayed on edge as he turned his back to the rest of the world waiting for someone to make the brilliant idea of making him as an enemy... It was all a matter of timing and patience.

Coding In Template By: TheFrost, Lionus The Wolf
Template By: Sou Yuuki

Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Re: Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:06 am

Europe. That's where he had found her trail; like strands of raging flames, he had followed the traces of her path. And he had looked for those elusive tints of red, the ones that only she wore. The human had not necessarily trouble, but a lot of hesitance coming to such a place. His chest was hurting, as if there was something in him that called out to this world. The demonic aura was oppressive; and even now, Milostrad was in a high rate hotel, his silver-green hair unusual, along with his asian like traits of his bone structure, that made him look.. very feminine. What's more is that he stood out easily; the shabby like goat with the fur on the top, the deep red t-shirt underneath it, the one dog tag around his neck, and the worn out jeans. In fact, many were muttering about the stray mutt; how it wouldn't be surprising if he was killed. But the green eyes he held; that's what made them recoil. Why? Because they were the eyes of a killer; of someone that had no hesitation to do whatever was needed to find their path. Milostrad was like that; lost. And that's what he remembered a name as.. The Lost. It was in some sort of.. tournament maybe? In fact, he heard a lot of voices muttering about how they felt strange around the absentee champion; it was strange for him too. But whatever, his contact was meant to be here, under the guise of an engagement.

Well at least, he was supposed to. But Milostrad's instincts were clamouring that.. something was wrong. It was like a dog's instinct; his steps led him towards a gentleman of some sort. The male stood, his gaze watching this man intently, standing about five feet away from him. But his head moved somewhere else, hearing noises, and more things. Tch. Too many people here; this man was a likely target as any. But he didn't hesitate; the male tapped the other's shoulder, as if to grab his attention. ''Hey. Can I talk to you outside?'' he said simply, not even a pre-amble or something. Milostrad knew he might have to get violent to get what he wanted; but he would ask for the information, either people liked it or not. After all, he was on the trail of her; he wanted to see her face, to feel her touch.. anything. The one that saved him, the one that gave him a purpose; he needed to find her, and he even went deep into enemy territory to do so. In fact, Milostrad held no alliance anymore; all he wanted was her. And yet.. he still couldn't find her, as he waited for the response of the man he had accosted. After all, this man was alone, facing away from everyone.. so it made sense that Milostrad came to a man like him. Someone that not interacted with others, but kept distant and watched. That was the kind of person he sought out. And maybe he'd get an answer.

But not like Milos wasn't ready to force it if needed.

Template Made by Kylekaotikk


Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Re: Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Sat Aug 24, 2013 6:44 am

It had seemed that Reigen had caught the attention of the one that was giving all the other humans in the hotel even more to worry about, this human was unlike the others around however he was much more 'interesting' in the eyes of the Demon. That didn't mean much more than Reigen seeing him perhaps as a more interesting tool or plaything, the man seemed to stand unlike the others around the city he had no fear of the things that go bump in the night. Then again with the looks of the human he did not seem all that impressive, he was almost girlish in a way but then the well-dressed Demon very rarely saw much difference between girls and pretty boys, if they wanted to look so much like the opposite sex it was up to them. More than that the human seemed almost under-dressed in comparison to the Demon wearing a shaggy coat along with dogs tags and worn-out jeans he looked more like a pretty boy vagrant or a hobo rather than someone who would be gracing such an establishment as Reigen did but not everyone could have such a sense of decorum and style as the well-dressed Gentleman.

As the human walked towards the Demon sitting at the bar Reigen also noticed the hair of the man, it was a shade of green that seemed to stand out among the other features of his face. "Surely he must have appeared out of a Shojo manga..." Reigen tittered to himself as he thought upon the human coming towards him he was unsure of his purpose here but he was assuredly not one who would go out of his way to strike up a conversation with the suited Gentleman sitting alone. But Reigen could see that his eyes led him for something, beyond the striking look of one who had seen and caused death before a drive was somewhere within this human's soul the spark in his eye as he moved towards the Demon was clear enough for Reigen to give him a few seconds, but just a few.

The other male tapped Reigen on the shoulder to get his attention, the Demon did not turn as the man asked him to step outside. He continued to play with a tiny umbrella and took a sip of the drink he ordered making the wait excruciatingly long for the human before he finally turned his head with the same easy smile as he gave many, but if the human noted it he would notice that the smile was rather unwelcoming and was seemingly made to make him uncomfortable. "Me? Well that's certainly forward of you, well I've got some time to kill while I'm in town why don't you lead the way..." The Demon kept his jovial manner even while he talked, he would stand up only to see the looks of a few fearful watchers from the background shift away. The two standing there seemed to radiate an unwelcoming aura both had seen death both had caused it in one way or another but the one who came to Reigen was looking for answers on a few things... Reigen would be happy to oblige, but he was reading himself just in case this human started to become more fun than he was worth... "Looks like the two elephants are leaving the room..."

Coding In Template By: TheFrost, Lionus The Wolf
Template By: Sou Yuuki

Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Re: Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:02 am

Milostrad wasn't stupid; there was something off about this man. That innate sense of alarm ran off in the male's mind; but he breathed out, and let nothing bother him. Many of the chattering humans were actually phased out by the male, not out of heartlessness but rather as a means of protection. His silver-green gaze, much like the unusual shade of his hair, were simply waiting. Now, if one wanted to play a waiting game with Milostrad, eventually he would win. Why? Because his patience was unlimited; in a way, it was almost impossible to wait out the male. He wasn't a persistent stalker either; but he wasn't someone that would just give up despite the lack of a quick response. So he stood there, hands in his jacket's pockets, waiting for the male to answer the question and tap he had offered. For Milostrad, that was no big deal; waiting was a part of life in fact. But the male turned around, and offered the male a smile he knew well; the sort of smile that people wore to cover up their annoyance, in order to be proper. That was the type of people that hid their true selves, and were unable to be blunt with their feelings; that or they were angling for a certain purpose to themselves, entirely losing who they were.. or rather, trying to hide the darkness they had. The human's eyes flickered to the man, taking in his suit, and the very unique hat, he had forgotten it's name, and then the features. Green hair, slitted eyes that had a gleam of green; and that fake smile.

The male didn't even acknowledge the statement; or rather showed no outward sign of it, as he simply turned on his heel, and made his way towards the door. However, he had the decency to move his head towards which exit he would take, as a warning sign. The chatter boxes would keep talking, but male just let his strides be slow and steady; he didn't want to seem like he was rushing after all. His hand pushed on the door, and suddenly a rush of fresh but polluted air flew out towards him. He eased out a breath; even though it was so full of smells he had never thought of smelling in Japan, this air wasn't so bad. The male had taken the door to the back alley, since it was the best of places; with enough ground room to maneuver, but not enough to use wider weapons, it made it a spot that Milostrad could use if it got bad. The male still had his hands in his jacket pockets, as he leaned under the only lamp that was out in the alley. Some of his hair fell over one eye, as he waited, letting that patience factor play again. Once the other had come, if they did come to the alley with him, the male would push himself off the alleyway wall, and just tilt his head. ''I was supposed to meet someone. Their cover was an engagement to be done soon. He's late. Know anything about them? If not, know anything about a red-haired girl, named Mikazuki.''

That was all he wanted; however, Milostrad knew.. that something was off. Possibly why he had isolated them from others; to centralize what that feeling was.. and to take whatever measures he needed just in case.

Template Made by Kylekaotikk

Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Re: Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Sun Aug 25, 2013 4:44 am

The human made his way out of the bar and into the back-street behind the hotel, as the Demon followed he was unsure of why or what such a person would need with a businessman like Reigen. Then again it wasn't uncommon for people of his age to need some sort of dirty work to be done by another more adequate source, though from the way he looked as he walked away from the Demon and into the alleyway seemed to show that this man had a purpose or at least something that was making him reach out to someone like Reigen. As the man stood uncaring under the only lamppost that seemed to be broken within the alleyway Reigen walked slowly with a sort of jaunt that showed he was had little to no care in what he was doing, more than that his face even within the darkened back-alley would still have his piercing eyes glowing with both malicious intent and a sort of dark interest to what the human needed him for. Depending on what the answer was for this question Reigen would have all sorts of fun dealing with the human, he would not turn a request down as long as the price was right or at least if the entertainment it would give him was enough for payment.

The alley was quite narrow for the tastes of the Demon, though in this case he was more worried about getting something that had plastered itself to the walls on his favorite suit rather than any sort of strategic advantage. For Reigen it was never about the strategy, it was all about how much fun he could have with the toy he found until it broke or at least he grew bored of making humans squirm. As Reigen reached the human's location he was asked to recall if he had noted anyone who was just recently finishing up and engagement party. The face of the Demon did not change in any grand way, if the human was keen enough he would note that Reigen's smile would become wider as he heard the specific of the situation relaying with the only reply he could think of at that moment, looking at his pocket watch the Demon asked. "Have you checked the pool? I'm sure it will still be open now..." The dark joke was for the Demon's own benefit it was just glorious for him to see how things work when one person takes a dip when around him. The human went on to ask if the Demon himself knew anything about a certain woman a redhead going by the name of Mikazuki, the Demon looked inquisitively when he was asked by the man. "Well I certainly may have sources to find such a person but I have to ask the specifics of your relations to the girl its not practical business if I'm helping a stalker with their dark work..."

The Demon had caught a human who was looking for someone, this couldn't have been better. Reigen had many people looking for that special someone or simply a lost family member to give clients some clarity and peace of mind for their loves ones. But for someone to come to Reigen and ask him for something was certainly delicious for the Demon, now it was only a matter of time before the man gave him some more information on the relationship between him and the girl, then the Demon could have fun playing with him and crushing what little he had barring the apathetic cool look he was going for... All depended on the next answer the man gave to the well-dressed Monster.

Coding In Template By: TheFrost, Lionus The Wolf
Template By: Sou Yuuki

Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Re: Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Sun Aug 25, 2013 9:52 am

In between the time that it took the demon to arrive, the light bulb winked out; and his eyes were shifted. There, he wouldn't be caught off guard now. The silver-green haired male watched the other, the way they moved; cautious? Rather, the male had waited, patiently; and that other had come. His questions? Elicited a bit of changes; and in Milostrad's gut, he understood. That's he could smell it; death, blood, whatever people called it. It was a smell he knew well, almost too well. It was almost stuck within his nostrils and mind, able to be remembered so easily by a simple flicker; therefore he realized his instincts might have been right to pick out this one. But which instincts? That was the better question that bothered the male's mind. In fact, he was almost certain that it was his fighting ones; but he couldn't be sure since he got a lead a bit on what happened to his contact. Rather.. the male's words were for food of thought. The pool? He had been there earlier; there were the human forces, pulling out the body. But.. he hadn't seen the body. That was perhaps one of the points that this one was trying to make. Those eyes of his, defiant, narrowed. Yes, this was taking a sharp, dangerous turn, as the other began to speak once more. In fact, this time, the other was questioning his bond to her; and that, for a second, would've made anyone see red.

And yet, Milostrad didn't even twitch; the fact that the other was trying to fish for the information? Didn't bother him what so ever. He cared nothing for his own person. ''She saved me. I have to pay back that debt.'' he said simply. That was the extent of their relationship; she had saved him, trained him, took care of him; taught him the world, taught him the chi he uses, taught him well... how to live again, after the catastrophic events of back then. The city that no longer existed; that not even Shadowfall was to blame for. The elusive title of Il-re, the Champion of Ryng ; all of these things were tied to the man right there, despite him knowing it or not. But those didn't matter to him in the end, as he was saved by the girl of fire hair, named Mikazuki. The one person that had taken his worthless, scattered existence and put it together; she had helped create the system that kept the other part of himself down. ''She told me to find her after a certain time.'' he added, leaving just that. Perhaps this had been the wrong person to ask; for some reason, Milostrad had the instinct that he should leave. Like there was something wrong here; that was just an instinct, and not one he had to listen to. He did hope what he had said was enough information for the other to respond or give an idea of something. After all, Milostrad might not trust him, but he had an idea that he wouldn't lie fully to him.. all lies were uncovered in time as well.

At least, if he could make it out before something happened.

Template Made by Kylekaotikk

Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Re: Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Sun Aug 25, 2013 10:25 am

The Demon kept his smile pleasant as he looked to the human, the man seemed to become shifty as he mentioned the pool perhaps he was catching onto the Demon's little joke that he left face down in the pool, but it was no matter for Reigen he was one who simply dealt in both joy and misery and not in equal measures at that. The Demon could tell that the human was getting ever more cautious he was perhaps unsure of the danger that he could be in while in the well-dressed monster's presence, he was definitely right to worry however it was not everyday that Reigen got to deal with someone who only called for him on a gut feeling more than that he expected the Demon to have information on a girl out of the millions of those that were out in the world such trust in someone so bad made Reigen feel that perhaps there was some hope for humanity. It was that hope he wished to crush all too quickly just to see the look on the face of the man.

His request for information was accepted and the man told the Demon about his relation to the woman, being his savior and someone who he needed to pay back. He continued saying that he was looking for her as the time was right, it seemed all too good for the Demon. Looking at the human it seemed that his request was almost fairy tale in nature, having to repay a debt to someone was something the Demon understood quite well but it was usually others that were repaying him he had no need to give others the luxury of his time or deeds for payback, it was simply not in his nature to rely on someone's good charity, even the word charity gave the Demon a bad taste in his mouth. Though he would not look it from the outside Reigen jovial mood grew brighter as he listened to the human's tale and as he finished the Gentleman pouted for a moment before finally coming up with the will to speak. "So you're repaying a debt huh? How very... Noble of you I can see that you're not the average creep that want me to stalk a girl for his own perverted amusement..." Turning his back on the man for a moment Reigen turned his head back and smiled a devilish grin that made his feelings on the matter of the search for this girl very clear. "I'll help you find this girl...She sounds like an interesting catch, for someone to help another in this day and age isn't heard of much..." The Demon however hesitated before he continued with his answer. "So when I find her I'll be sure to tell the corps- I mean the bod- I mean the girl where you are... Or should I send her too you? I'm sure depending on how long I have that she could fit in a carry-on bag at the airport and be on her way too your gracious self."

The Demon's malicious nature was clear, as he finished speaking a chain fell from within his coat and struck the lamppost the man was standing next to piercing it as it snaked around for a few moments before becoming tame once again. "But before I give you such a gracious deal I'd like to see the lengths you'd go to find this girl, or at least to make sure I don't find her first..." The Demon smiled with a monstrous glee he was prepared for the human to make a move he was just waiting for the opportunity to play with this new toy of his... "Well sir how far are you willing to go?

Coding In Template By: TheFrost, Lionus The Wolf
Template By: Sou Yuuki
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Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night] Empty Re: Unrelenting Avarice (Aivee) [Fight Night]

Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:25 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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