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Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Left_bar_bleue20650/20000Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (20650/20000)

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5]

Thu Feb 13, 2014 3:19 pm
Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4487

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4486-1

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4488-1

• Name: Courage (Kaizme)
• Age: Hidden.
• Gender: Male
• Appearance:

Courage is definitely a peculiar looking man. His hair is blue, and his eyes are read. He has an average size mouth and a rather pointed chin. His ears are small and the grain of his hair moves in small grouped points. However, this is his face, and only his face. The rest of his body is where the significance of his expression can be found.

His chest is nearly always in view, no matter what else he has on his body. He has wrappings around his abdomen and boths of his wrists halfway down to his elbows. His fingers are strong and his nails are of a normal size. Around his legs he wears a pair of leggings that are held together by an old, holey cloth that serves as a belt. The pants have a collar that reaches up halfway around the wrappings around his abdomen, but are completely open in the middle, with the belt around his waist to preserve his 'modesty'.

All over his body, he has blue tattoos. These tattoos run in lines all over him, and they do not seem to have an origin or an ending. The truly special traits of his body are the cloak that he holds around his body and the glasses that he wears over his eyes. The cloak around his body is red in color, with a mask in flames on the back of it with glasses that are the same kind he wears. It ends in a swathe of flames that burn brightly from his backside at all times. The glasses are extremely, extremely pointed; they are both triangular and each extend for an entire foot. They don’t connect to his ears but rather are hooked onto the bridge of his nose, and through them his eyes can be seen as orange. They are permanently orange in color. The cloak is held onto his form by two ropes that go over his chest, and the cape has a collar that extends out for more than two feet on either side of his head. Lastly, he normally carries with him a longsword that appears to be made of obsidian, with a blue grip and a golden guard.

• Branch/Position: None.

• Race: General.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4489-1

• Personality:
The name that he gave himself is Courage, his former one lost to the ages. Courage is extremely courageous. Whether it is dealing with others or attempting something new, he can always overcome fear. He is not fearless; for indeed, he does possess fear. However, his ability to overcome fear is his single strongest point, and this means that he is an extremely dependable individual. Risky ventures and even frightening prospects seem to hold no sway on him; the amount of time it takes him to overcome his mental insecurity is less than the time it takes to fart. This is partly arrogance; but at the same time, it is mostly pure determination. After all ,he definitely feels the fear and acknowledges it; but he does not allow it to overcome him. The courage that he feels is often infecious; because of it, he is never afraid of encouraging someone else, and even if they can't believe in themselves he will at least encourage them to believe in him that believes in them. That is just how courageous he is.

His reliability is one of his more valued traits. Because of the fact that he allows so little doubt or fear to hold sway over him, there is considered to be no weaknesses in his heart, at least permanently, as once he senses their presence he eradicates them just as quickly. Anything that causes him to feel fear or doubt, he overcomes as soon as possible; he does not like feeling weak, and always focuses on striving forwards. This means that if he is loyal to someone, he will never allow himself to go back on his loyalty to them. Bribes and the like hold absolutely no sway on him. Seduction also has little to no effect (note: little to no). Intimidation also is diverted from his personality and attempting to influence him is like trying to move a mountain with a spoon. When he makes a promise, he would sooner die than not be able to fulfill it; this means that even should he promise the impossible, that it will somehow likely be accomplished, due to his courageous nature and his inability, sheer inability to give up.

At the same time… he lacks basic manners. In fact, he seems to take some kind of innocent joy in violating societies perceptions of a gentleman; he has smoked, drank, gets his food all over himself when he eats, sneezes, coughs ,farts, pisses wherever he pleases, and in general would be considered a nuisance to live with. This is simply because he cannot stand having to be dependent on something he views as essentially pointless; after all, why does anyone else need to give a f#ck where you set your cloak? This also extends to his style of dress; he loves the way that he dresses, as it is the only kind of style that he feels is truly 'him'.

At the end of the day, his faith is another one of his strongest qualities. When he believes in something or someone, he believes in it with all of his heart. This is part of what makes his loyalty so strong, as well as allows him to be so confident. He believes in himself; this is one of the most core traits of his entire being. He believes, in his own abilities, his own skills, his own mind, his own personality; he believes that they will cause good results all around him so long as he has faith in them. This is true of his faith in other as well; by believing them and helping them, he thinks that no one is able to completely fail or completely fall. As a result, he takes pity on those who are unable to have faith in others; as he views it as an inability to have faith in themselves, or at the least, a flawed faith. He believes that there must be some kind of greater power that watches over everything, deems everything, has established everything… but that it also gave people the free will they have always had to do with as they please.

Possibly the worst thing about him is his temper. Due to his ability to deal with fear, he can be reckless at times. Most of the time, he can control his own recklessness by using his own common sense, which he puts a great amount of faith in. However, when he becomes enraged to the point where he can no longer see reason, he becomes an extremely dangerous man. He keeps his loyalties, but that is all; any and all threats he faces the same, attempting to use violence to force them away and keep them away. He will pursue his goal violently until the end when he begins to feel this way, often leading to unfortunate ends either for himself or for those who get in his way. He does not truly know hopelessness; but such a thing would drive him to be like a completely empty man ,as the entirety of himself is based on faith and hope. Making an enemy of this man is also a rather unwise notion; his determination sees to it that any true enemies that he acquires end up as either miserable wrecks or completely killed, totaled, and buried. He does hate to be looked down on, and while he does not look down on others he views all people as at least equal, so inequalities also can frustrate him.

When he loves another person, he is completely different around them. He is very expressive and very physical with them. He remains fiercely loyal to them even more so than his normal loyalties ,but at the same time he expects for them to do the same. His heart is truly locked away in this regard, as he knows that should he give his trust to another, he would gain a part of them inside of himself, mentally, and that part could easily turn to weakness if his bond with them was not significantly strong. However, the bindings between family are also incredibly strong; he depends on his family members if he requires it, and always allows for them to rely on him. If they ever need a favor or any kind of assistance, he will happily give it to them.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4491-1

• Background:

Youth. When Courage was born, he was the second born. He was the younger of two of the first ones, the children of the man who would become head of the Kaizme clan, Zefonse Kaizme. His entire body was trained to fight from a very young age, and his senses were nearly as sharp as those of his father. While he did not know the man that well, he did know that he had a responsibility. His older brother craved power, plain and simple. Courage believed that that was wrong; he believed that power would only lead to destruction. This encounter with his brother over this regard lead to his absolute disagreement with gaining power. As a result, even as a spiritual being he refused to use his spiritual powers, training only his body and mind.

Due to his extended lifespan, he lived much longer than any normal human was ever expected to. He created his own branch of the clan, one based around the principles of honor, love, justice, and above all, loyalty. Hunger for power was viewed as the ultimate weakness within their branch, even to the point where it was pitied. Status was conferred based upon loyalty and relationships; which altogether made for an interesting society. Later in his life, he would settle in the Fertile Crescent, and much later down the line his progeny would join the kingdom of Babylon, some of its members even becoming royalty due to their intrinsic belief in loyalty.

Finally, the day came when he fought his brother. The both of them had lived for so long that they found it difficult to go on living this way. When at last they met, it was in a place far away from humans. The males, both of whom had let their identities fade as the years passed, faced each other down over a simple matter; which was more valuable, love or power. The willing of good for another or the willing of good for one's self.

Their battle was said to last for years, spanning several areas that would later become separate countries all over Asia. This battle was a perfect example of the developing will to fight of the Asian peoples, as well as an inspiration of stories and legends for generations to come. Courage was armed only with his blade and cloak, both of which had long ago become programmed from his refusal to use spirit energy to replenish his spiritual energy upon the usage of his emotions. Quite frankly, his brother could not understand; Courage was powerful beyond all belief, even though he refused gaining power for himself so vehemently.

IT was in the last days of their duel, when his brother finally came to the realization of not only why Courage was so intensely powerful, but also why his brother would not speak a word to him. There was no possible way for him to win this combat. His brother never gained power for himself. He gained it... for others. He gained power not for one individual, himself, but for hundreds, perhaps even thousands, of others. He also realized that while it may have been a win in the end for him, as they both began to realize as the combat went on, but also that there was no honor in beating his brother this way. Courage's true power was found when he was with those whom he gathered power for; he was not meant to fight alone. However, if he HAD managed to defeat his brother, whose entire purpose was in such combat... Even in winning, the man had lost, simply by the virtue of how long Courage had lasted.

However, the rage incurred by this action filled the man. At last, he ran out of steam. Knowing the realization of his brother made him unable to muster up the emotion to defeat him any longer; he looked to Courage like a broken man. Finally, he was struck down, and in a massive wave of power his entire body was destroyed. As the power began to consume his form from all sides, he could only smile; that smile was the last thing that his brother would see of Courage, as at last it consumed him, and he was wiped from the mortal plain forever.

Needless to say that upon becoming a Plus, he was able to sustain himself. THe purity and strength of his soul was so great that by willpower alone he refused to become a hollow and corrupt himself with a need for power; as a Plus he used his bodily skills to divert those spirits which wished harm on the humans, acting as a hero for them. He never allowed for any Shinigami to send him onto the Seireitei; as after all, what good could he do there? He would be forced to get power for himself if he did that; and all he really wanted was the spiritual cloak and blade that he carried along with him to the status of a Plus.

He became known as the strongest Plus on Earth. However, this status could not remain forever; millennium after his death, the cracks began to show. In fact, he became the first plus whose soul chain had completely devoured itself, leaving a massive hole in his chest. The only thing holding him together was his own willpower; by using it, he prevented himself from turning, determined to not become that kind of monster. At last, he found a Shinigami who would perform Konso for him, and at last his body was sent onto the Rukongai, into the Soul Society.

However, he could not find happiness there. Even though he was still him, the world was damp and cramped. There was nowhere to go; the only place where he could form true bonds of camaraderie wanted him to gain power for himself; and he still could not abide by that logic. Roaming, he went far and wide, the man's strange nature finally forcing him to encounter a certain individual; an Iramasha. Needless to say, the Iramasha was completely shocked when a spirit of the Rukongai was able able to see her; and he was vastly interested in knowing more about what she was and where she came from.

What he learned surprised him. For one thing, she was a member of an organization which lasted above the Seireitei; known only as Iramasha. He learned that there were all types of Iramasha; General, Demons, and Angels. Over the course of several years he grew to know this individual; and at last, even asked for her to make him one of them. He could not stand this existence, this area where he felt completely trapped. After dozens of proddings, she finally relented, and the male was converted...

And became a General Iramasha, just like her. It was strange; though not strange. The male had intense power that becoming an Angel or Demon would have both been vastly incredible for him to become; but the truth was that his alignment was with neither. It was simply with the power of bonds of loyalty, of Courage... and as he emerged from his conversion, he knew that much was true; the outside of his body now reflected the inside of his heart. His Cloak became his Seishin Buki, and his body became able to feel the power of the energy that flowed within him, able to manipulate it in new ways.

When he finished transforming, the one who had performed his conversion gave him a particular item, asking him to hang onto it. It was a strange orange material, and when he asked what it was, he simply got the answer that it was the Crystallization of his own soul. An interesting concept, he thought, but not one that he should likely look to far into. She asked him to hang onto it, so he did so... and never saw her again.

So, time passed. He learned how to use his new abilities, crafting all new ways to use his energy, and even becoming involved in several hundreds of battles on Earth, able to rejoin the at last. He had little interest in Iramasha Island or its politics; he never so much as registered his own identity with them. As a result, he was considered a bit of an oddity; with the fact that so few General Iramasha were well known and that he himself was not known by any base of data, he was definitely a peculiar individual...

Until at last he came into contact with a certain male. This male wanted one thing; he wanted battle. He wanted war. A strange man, certainly, but one that Courage found pressing against his very soul. When he engaged him in combat, he could not get his own abilities to activate. His attacks were fueled only by his own training an experience; vastly greater than those of a normal person's, but still not extraordinary. He was nearly slain when he realized, at last, what it was about the male before him; it was the eyes. It was the man who would later become known as Zefonse Kaizme, an individual so powerful that he struck Courage with a fear that took the entirety of his willpower to overcome. However, more than anything else... The male's spiritual signature was identical to that of Courage's. This man, older than him, could only be one individual that Courage could think of; it seemed that he had found his own father.

Upon this realization, he did something that in the thousands of years of his life he had never performed before; he fled. He fled, knowing the hopelessness of prolonged combat with that man. His body was damaged, broken, but there was something very interesting to note; he kept his own pace. He was not overwhelmed, with his abilities honed through such raw training allowing him to shine brilliantly. At last, he calmed his senses once more, and could think straight.

He decided that he would keep tabs on this male; and over time, his existence lead him to the present day. Zefonse became sane once more, relatively sane, at least. He started a new organization known as the RInyauru, and for the first time Courage decided to have his hand at getting to know his own father better. To this day, since he applied for membership, Zefonse has no idea that he is related; after all, Courage does not himself produce any energy to be examined, and is a General Iramasha. However, Courage has an idea, and upon his entry took on his titular name. He is the Courage of the Rinyauru; he is the fighter who never gives up, and when he desires something, his will is like a volcanic eruption, consuming all in its path and decimating all that surrounds it.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4495-1

• Seishin Buki Name: Nobody.

• Seishin Buki Appearance:
The Seishin Buki of Courage is the cloak that he wears along his body. Ragged at the edges, with the back being completely lit on fire at all times, it is a symbol of his own soul. On its back is a symbol of a skull made out of fire, wearing his iconic glasses. The cape hangs around his chest with two straps around his torso, with four buttons in total. It also has a massive collar on either side of his neck that raise upwards towards the sky, rimming all the way around the base of his neck. It is often seen flapping about either in the wind, or even when there is no wind or breeze, or even his own movements; it is simply not able to stay still.

• Seishin Buki Abilities:

Power of Courage
The cloak symbolizes his own soul; and as a result, the flames on the end of it symbolize his power output. Because he does not use forms, this is the only way that he can truly express any difference in his power level, by using the cloak. The cloak's fires do not actually burn; they are merely a creation of reishi that symbolize how much energy the cloak is converting. That is correct, the cloak converts energy. Specifically, it converts Courage's bravery into energy. Essentially, the bigger risk or fear that Courage overcomes, the more energy is released by the cloak and made available for use within his body. This effect also occurs from him believing in something or someone else or defending some ideal; these also generate energy from the cloak. This means that if he were to risk a life threatening situation head-on, he would receive a massive temporary boost in energy, but only until he used it up. However, if he keeps going through risk, the cloak will keep producing; meaning that as long as he is within the risk area, his cloak will keep producing energy.

This means that the cloak also reflects a part of his mental state; as long as he believes in himself, it will always have some small amount of power available to him as a base, enough to get through day to day life. However, he himself lacks any real spiritual energy; that is the other condition of the cloak. So long as Courage wears it, his own energy is unable to stockpile and remain there. This means that he essentially always is at the status of a normal human; only by believing in himself does the cloak allow him the energy required to move at instant speeds, have super-human strength, stamina, or see spirits. He could not eve see his own people without the cloak on; though once it was removed, it would only take about five minutes before he had enough spiritual presence to see them.

The most unique property of the cloak is the volume it is able to convert. As long as Courage faces more and more risk, the amount of energy that he has available for his use keeps growing and changing, rising exponentially. This means that he can gain energy even in quick-time; for example, if a gigantic blast were fired at him and he chose to go against it with all his might, the cloak would give him a fairly substatantial amount of energy that he could use to attempt to deter or otherwise stop the incoming blast. Once again, this is always symbolized by the flames on the bottom of the cloak; a roaring inferno, one should be terrified of, but the normal flames are not too intimidating. Most of his time in his status he appears as a rather weak Vice Captain in terms of energy, though this can also change.

The cloak also removes his ability to sneak around at will. While he can turn off the function temporarily with his mind in order to attempt to disguise his presence for a moment, he can only reduce himself to sealing the cloak by thinking of it for an entire post, and it also takes a post to wake the cloak up again. He can also choose to not accept the energy from the cape, which would make himself seem weaker even with the flames burning. In fact, he is able to disguise himself as a human, and truly take on all the attributes of a powerless human by sealing the cloak with the exception of his mind.

In addition, because of this bond with Courage, it is always bound to him. It can be reduced and blend in with the tattoos on his body, but it will still be there and still be present with its effect. In addition, due to its bond with Courage, if it is damaged it will automatically restore itself with the energy it converts, and the only way to truly permanently destroy it or seal it away is to kill Courage himself, as it cannot be compatible with anyone else. This means that this trait is also unable to be copied or duplicated; it is almost literally Courage's soul, meaning as long as his soul is within him, so is the cloak and the way that it works.

The cloak is unable to be removed from him; it can be destroyed or eliminated, but almost every time it will rapidly be restored. The cloak is as soft as silk and it weighs nearly nothing. It can be dismantled at will and molded into his body while still being active. He can only have one cloak at any one time, at the part that converts the courage is attached directly to his soul. This means that unless his soul is messed with, the cloak will remain connected to his body, making it extraordinarily difficult to remove the ability of using his cloak.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4494-1

• Powers:

Speech of Power
His main supplementary ability, he is able to assist allies by speaking to them. When he begins speaking to an ally, or even a group of allies, the mental connection ability of the Iramasha opens between them, though it is altered. Through this mental link passes not words or images, but energy. The more that those who receive this link listen to the words of Courage, the more energy that is transferred to them. This energy is transferred directly to them, as long as they are within earshot of Courage's voice. The more words that they listen to, the greater the transfer of energy from Courage to them. This ability is able to have as many targets as Courage can mentally handle, and his control over it is so great that he is even able to revitalize entire army forces.

Battle Cry
Courage has mastered the art of yelling energy out as a force from his mouth and projecting it around him by infusing the sound waves which leave his throat with energy, and then when the energy leaves his mouth it is set to be disruptive, pushing other things away from it. This means that he can fire out shouts of energy at others, attempting to throw them off course, blow them around, or blow them away with force. He can also use it to force objects to move, and the louder his voice and the more energy he places into it also help determine its strength. By not putting his energy into a force, however, he is also able to massively increase the volume of his voice, letting it become able to be heard even over vast distances.

Battle Cry: Charging Lariat
A technique which he taught himself, Battle Cry: Charging Lariat begins with forming a Battle Cry layer of energy around his body. This Battle Cry layer becomes extremely dense, roughly 3-4 feet around the surface area of his body. This Cry has the benefit of being extraordinarily dense, meaning that simply touching it will repulse most things. Courage sustains this field by keeping his mouth open and the shout continuing, before shooting himself forwards, both arms extended wide. This allows him to push away most things that would come near him while he performs this technique and make the path that he wishes to take clear. Once it reaches the opponent, the force begins to push them backwards, but not away from in front of Courage. Then, he releases the shout, attempting to slam either his blade or his left arm into the target's abdomen or middle area. Finally, he releases another Battle Cry, used with full force on the opponent as he attempts to send them flying from the assault that he just performed on them. This charging move is also able to be used passively as an increased method of transport, and can often grow exponentially as he charges forwards as well as he places more energy into it.

Avatar is one of his strongest techniques, methods of manipulating his energy. He forms his energy into the image he has of himself, and therefore behind him his energy projects a different being. This being is formed from the energy generated by Courage and placed into it. This means that the being's power level is able to change based on how much that Courage puts into it. The more energy it has, the larger it is, the tougher it is to harm, and the faster that it becomes. This means that he can perform a being behind himself who is absolutely gigantic if he wills it, or just something to deal with perhaps larger enemies.

The Avatar is made up of blue and red, red for the glasses on its face and the cloak that it wears and blue for the rest of its body. It looks almost like a man made out of balloons or marshmallows, but it has definite fingers and joints. It also has no eyes or facial features. It is primarily used for close combat battle, as it cannot fire long range weaponry with its body. Concentrating the energy inwards is what allows for its speed to increase the more energy it receives, although this also makes it larger. It can both mimic Courage's actions as well as perform its own independent ones, but it is controlled specifically by the connection between Courage's energy and his soul, making it next to impossible to take control of.

Blade of Courage E-A+++
This blade is the product of Courage's determination to forge himself a blade that fit him. This blade reacts just like his cloak to his courage, feelings of bravery, determination, faith in himself, and his faith in others. When these feelings increase, more energy is allowed to enter the blade. However, the blade is different in that the higher that Courage's emotions rise in a thread, the more energy can be placed into it. This means that the more that Courage opens the gates of his emotions ,with the blade that's how much energy can flow into it. The blade grows into a weapon of that level the more emotions he has; this means that even if he ascends to a very powerful state and then releases his bravery, the blade will still be extremely efficient, as well as powerful. As the blade's level increases during a thread, it becomes sharper, stronger, more durable, and lighter.

The blade is black in color, like obsidian. It has a diamond patterned grip with blue string, and the guard is golden and circular. He wields it with both one and two hands , and even in its base state it is still a spiritual weapon, meaning that it is naturally fairly effective. The blade, like his cloak, is imprinted upon his soul, meaning that it can be generated from his body or concealed within his tattoos.

Blade of Overage
The blade also has the ability to intake energy from Courage, meaning that it can absorb energy from his body into itself. It can use this energy for one thing; extending itself. This means that the blade can be restored if it is destroyed, or it can be used to extend the blade should he require it. However, a much more interesting, and much more explosive use of this is to launch the blade out like a cannon. By filling the blade with his energy, the energy pressurizes itself, filling the entirety of the inside of the blade. This energy must all come from himself, as it cannot be filled from any other force. Then, the blade's holding back can be released, allowing the blade to fire out like a cannon. It moves faster the more energy is placed in, as well as farther, and retracting it is usually just as fast. This is because the blade desires to return to its natural state, meaning that it snaps back like a piece of rubber after it has explosively extended. This also means that the farther it extends, the more foce it obtains, as it requires more force to continue to move the blade away from that original state. Energy can be continually stored in the blade as Courage chooses, and even extracted back into him should he desire. However, the blade does not show up as a spiritual object, no matter what is scanning it.

Glasses of Obeisance
He wears his glasses not because he wants to, but because he needs to. His glasses are what allow his flames to always be burning, at least a little bit, due to his vow to keep the glasses always. The glasses are made of a unique material that shows the spiritual presence of things beyond it, making those things that have spirit energy shine the different colors like Cybereyes do. However, Kamina found that shaping the material like these both allowed him to work better when he was without energy, and it also matched his style. That is why he carries these glasses with him at all times, and almost always wears them on his face.

Fist Pump of Strength
He can also charge his energy into his muscles. To do this, he raises a fist up, closing down on it with a great amount of force. This action hypercharges the muscles throughout his body with the energy that he has stored up so far, meaning that his muscles become greatly increased in power. THis means that his body can move faster, his body is more durable, and he is able to output much greater force than before. Using this, he is able to even fight against thsoe whose level of power may normally be much stronger than his, as the charge lasts in his muscles for four to five posts after it is first used, meaning that he can continually increase the power within his uscles, as with each ivnestment of power the old investments stay, the total level increasing.

Gesture of Power
By throwing his finger into the air, Courage is able to send an absolutely massive amount of power directly into the ground around himself, causing it to ripple and shake, destroying the nearby terrain. This is only an indicator of what is occurring, however. In reality, massive waves of force are roaring around his body when he uses this technique, meaning that those who are standing near him are blown away as if he had used Battle Cry. However, the difference is that this releases all stored energy within his body, which means that the force is equal on all sides of Courage's body, acting like a massive shield of force that keeps other things from reaching his body.

Capacity for Energy
The strongest part of his body, and indeed the most powerful part of him overall is his sheer ability for energy. The amount of energy that he is able to take in with his body rivals even that of his family member Zefonse Kaizme. While naturally he faces very few situations where he takes in that much power, it is possible for him to be able to.

Grandmaster of Control
Even more than any of that, the true power of Courage is in his ability to control the energy. He can take all of the energy comfortably, and use it however he would like to. He is extremely adaptable to using his energy in the ways that he can, and is confident in his own abilities.

Burning Heart
Another ability has to to do with the purification of his own form. By releasing what he refers to as the 'Burning Heart', energy spreads from his very soul around his body, energy gained from the cloak on his back. This energy completely pushes around the inside of him, and as long as he has the will for it, it will completely purify the inside of him, breaking any and all influences, whether they be physical, mental, or spiritual. This ability automatically responds to his inability to activate Nobody, and the first thing that it targets his mind, the ability to activate courage. This makes it very difficult to mentally assault him, or even to poison him. This does not allow him to heal injuries, or even restore his blood cell count. It only purges things from him, completely eliminating them through his pores with pure energy.

Highly Adaptable Combatant
When it comes to combat, he is outright excellent. His observational skills greatly exceed what most people would believe of him, but he is constantly aware of the situation around himself. He has great confidence in his 'common sense', which covers everything on cauterizing a wound to stop the bleeding to dodging to the left when opponent's right arm begins to twitch. Hyper observation combined with experience and instinct allow for his ability in battle. He is extremely adaptablee while he is in battle, or even just in general. He reacts quickly to things that eh sees, and seems to have a surprising amount of ability to cope with new situations.

Master Swordsman
His ability with a sword is his greatest pure technical skill. He treats the blade as if it were an extension of himself; while he does not use any particular style or school of learning, he nevertheless has the prowess of a master swordsman, and the will to match; and most of all, the moves. He performs every one of his attacks, even movements, as if they had been deftly practiced hundreds of thousands of times. Indeed, most of them have. He is an extremely experienced combatant, skilled in fighting every kind of combatant from every race, from archers, brawlers, berserkers, ghosts, to shinigami, demons, arrancar, hollow... He is used to them all from his past experience.

Inability to Give Up
As much a part of him as his very soul, the inability of giving up has effected him to the point where it has become a conceptual part of his body. Even if the rest of his body has been destroyed, as long as his soul still wishes to not give up, he will be able to use the Kaizme's gene of high-speed regeneration to constantly restore himself. However, once he has reached this point, he loses any ability but being able to walk around, as his cloak is disabled for the rest of the thread. so while the healing restores his entire body instantaneously, it only gives him an extra life and a mostly powerless one at that.

Stanima of the Warrior
While he has the capacity for an absolutely gigantic amount of energy, he is still a being with a spirit. Taking in energy the way he does, although he may be very used to it, is still a task that weights on his soul. His maximum level of energy he is able to sustain for about two posts. A low 0 tier's amount of energy can be sustainted or 4-5 posts after its activation, if he pushes it hard after the fourth. His 1 tier level can be sustained for roughly 10 posts, with a maximum of 12 if he truly pushes it. Two tier and lower levels of collected energies do not weigh enough on his spirit for him to physically notice it. This means that while he may be in a 0 tier amount for 3 posts, he would only be able to sustain his maximum for a single post after that.

• Chaos Moves:
He is unaware of any Chaos Moves.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4496-1

• Custom Form Appearance
Hyper Acceleration simply involves the increasing of his own body's abilities. This mode cause his flesh to become a bright red and begin to emit steam, his blue tattoos contrasting against his skin. His hair rises up, and a third prong rises from the center of his glasses, pointing straight upwards. The cloak on his back doubles in size, and the bandages around his arms and stomach all shatter, the belt is blown asunder that was around his waist, and bright red material flows around his torso and crotch, allowing for full range of motion.

• Custom Form Abilities:

Hyper Acceleration
By infusing his very cells with chaos energy, he is able to achieve a 'transformation' of sorts. This transformation is a temporary boost to every part of himself, often accompanied by a deep voice intoning "BOOST-O". When this mode is triggered, the entirety of the ability of his cape flows into himself,a nd he becomes a warrior able to fight with some of the world's greatest, although his cells are only able to endure this absolute fusion for only one post. While in Hyper Acceleration, his strength, speed, durability, stamina, coordination, balance, awareness, observation, and presence all skyrocket by several thousands of time his base stats, becoming an absolutely monstrous individual and a powerful warrior. However, the expending of his own cells caused by this ability means that he has to use the Inability to Give Up afterwards, as otherwise he would end up dying from the sheer amount of damage inflicted upon his body.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4492-1

• Class Title: The General of Bravery

• Class Traits:

His Seishin Buki is an incarnation of his Class Traits, as is his Blade of Courage.

• Skills:


General Skills
  • Durability:
  • General Speed:
  • Strength:
  • Weapon Skill:

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination:
  • Mental Deduction:
  • Pain Endurance:
  • Focus:

Racial Skills
  • Chaos Energy Skill:
  • Chaos Warp:
  • Chaos Fighting Style:
  • Gem Creation:

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Image4493-1

• Roleplay Sample:

Pasted from

Last edited by JJ on Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Left_bar_bleue99999/99999Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (99999/99999)

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty Re: Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5]

Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:47 am


« Application Checklist »

• Let's Get Down To Business •

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  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced
  • Comments/Notes: Only thing I can really say to this character is to really add a note somewhere about his body's stamina. The reason being? I'm just concerned with him endlessly spamming attacks or never getting exhausted from the energy he uses. Shatari has something similar with her willpower, but eventually the strain of that Yuudeshi Drive will exhaust her body and her mind can mentally feel the strain like a bad cluster headache and eventually stop her if she goes overboard. I'd like to see something similar with Kaizame other than the fact of someone knocking the will out of him.

    Outside of that, due to the conditions of his application, I'll make him a 5-5 under a special circumstance.

  • Tier: 5-5 when fixed

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] WVMWLOu
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Left_bar_bleue25/100Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty_bar_bleue  (25/100)

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty Re: Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5]

Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:33 am
Moving to Old WIP since it's been over a month now.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Sbb1I7e
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty Re: Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5]

Wed May 28, 2014 7:59 am


Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty Re: Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5]

Wed Jun 04, 2014 11:38 am
Application Checklist
  • Name [X]
  • Appropriate Age [X]
  • Gender [X]
  • Appearance Present [X]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [X]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [X]
  • 10 sentences for personality [X]
  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Master.
  • Mental Deduction: Adept.
  • Pain Endurance: Master.
  • Focus: Advanced.

Comments/Notes: He'll be the man to "pierce the heavens with a drill."
Tier: 5-5.

Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] GFHHFG_zpsj1vrrfxz
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
Joined : 2011-03-03
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Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5] Empty Re: Courage Kaizme [Iramasha, 5-5]

Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:03 am

This is being moved to archives.

Thank you very much for your service over the years.

If you are ever needed again, you shall be re-summoned once more and moved back to Approved Applications.

Until then, sleep well, my dear friend. Thank you for the good times and for having put up with me for so very, very long.

Kake your referencing abilities are so bad... but yes. Courage, I made you only recently, and I am sure this comes as a bit of a shock. You are an excellent character, and one of my only remaining connections with Raiki and Zefonse. However, at the same time, I have not been able to do right by you, and you do not have any remaining connections in the PH multiverse. Therefore, until I feel motivated to find your destiny myself, I shall bid you adieu... please get plenty of rest.

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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