Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Yukichiyu Senoku
Yukichiyu Senoku
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Joined : 2014-02-14
Posts : 84
Age : 30
Location : United Helldom

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Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Left_bar_bleue0/0Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training)

Thu Apr 10, 2014 5:23 pm
A cold yet subtle breeze blew across the Karakura forest. The trees blowing in the wind and the leaves breaking off one by one as the pressure of the wind strikes heavily against the branches showing force of one life ending another. It seemed to be the way of life, that is what Yukichiyu thought of anyway. The thought of her past was stuck inside of her mind and it continued to eat away at her even when she was asleep. She couldn't sleep knowing what she had done, the cold and empty feeling her heart felt that moment when she strikes it was as if she had died and become a hollow. it sickened her to think she had powers that made her heart freeze over. Looking down at her necklace she saw the angel on one side and the demon on the other. It seemed to be a symbol of her own power. She was nice and sweet like an angel as a human, but when her powers are involved she became evil like a demon. She wished she did not have this power but it was out of the question, it was stuck on her from the inside. The thought of how they were activated could have been avoided but it wasn't. Yukichiyu clenched upon her arm tightly closing her eyes as she thought back to that moment. the cold hearted moment where she had killed Yuna, it was devastating to her sanity but she tried to wash the blood off of her hands so many times but nothing would work.

Yuki felt like the world was spinning around twenty times faster than she could handle. the flickers of her spiritual energy rose as it was etched into the forest from when she touched the surroundings, Yuki did not realise what she had done. She does not have much control of what she can do with her powers and thus unconsciously releasing her pressure on objects that she touched. This did not bode well for her while in the forest where the hollows were free to roam and strike on the unwary. She would put herself in danger to push herself to use her powers but in the end she would always fear using them just in case she would become a hollow. Though this was not possible it never flickered from her mind that it could happen. Holding onto her pendant that her grandparents gave to her it meant everything to her and was the source of her hope. The source of her power was the hope that she could protect those she held close but there was no-one she held close to her as she resented herself and would not allow those around her to get so close as to friend status because of leina.

A dark portal surfaced in front of the child as she looked along the trees to a open plot of land with no debris in the way, a pure white glove like claw clawed its way into the ground before it. then came along the hollow's face, yellow amber eyes glaring through the mask holes and the being formed into a bull like mask with tusks and a wrestlers body as it was built like a brick house. Yukichiyu stood there frozen in disbelief. Her face turned white as she could feel the power of a hollow bestow upon her as it crept closer. She fell onto the hard rocky ground from the dense feeling. The thumping feeling within her heart pounded against her ribcage as the influence of her spiritual pressure clashed with the hollows. The deep despair of feeling flooded her thoughts and emotions just like before. Yukichiyu tried to resist but the feeling was too great. The part of her that wished for darkness and power grew around hollow presence and it would be hard for her to control that urge for destruction. The density of her reiatsu began to compete with the hollows as it seemed instinctive to follow her scent and devour her.

Black flares began to emit from her body as she tried to push back the power from within her body. The ground beneath her would begin to shake as the hollow roared with such delight. Speaking to the girl as some strong hollows could

"So Child, do you wish to fight against me? or are you going to give in and let me Devour you!"

Yukichiyu growled coldly looking up at the hollow that seemed rather up himself. the rage burned inside of her. Unlike most situations she would not use her powers unless she was on deaths row but even then it would be hard to make her do so. When fighting a hollow however, the influence of their reiatsu which is similar to her own seemed to uncontrollably force her to become more open to using her power. A dark grin spaced over her face as she looked up at the hollow, her hair draped over her face in a distorted mannar. Her eyes seemed to glow from blue to a amberish colour as the reiatsu flares flickered past her eyes. It resembled the same look as a hollow, but it was just the illusion of her reiatsu that caused her eyes to glare in that mannar. Standing up Yukichiyu looked directly at the hollow, panting heavily. Her right hand engulfed in black flames showing that her power was controlling itself against her will. Growing over to her whole arm to her elbow, her left hand held onto her arm to try and suppress her abilities as it disgusted her but it was not working. If anything it only seemed to fuel the hollow and her powers, especially as it migrated into her left arm to where now both of her arms were engulfed in her black flare reiatsu. The hollow saw no reason not to and decided to attack throwing it's fists directly at the girl. Yukichiyu held her arms up to block the attack which sent her flying back into a tree trunk. The ground broke up as her heels dug into the ground as she tried to push herself to stop but it had no effect.

Yuki panted looking up at the hollow that had struck her, the tree behind her broke in half falling backwards creating a rumble in the forest. Taking a deep breath to keep her composure to feeling of the need to fight it consumed her completely, she couldn't help the blood lust for killing

“I-I'm sorry Hollow, but you leave me no choice.”

As she spoke her essence became colder and more vicious as a hollows, she cackled coldly. Her arm flames manifested forming and shape shifting. The flares shrunk in size and turned into a weapon of some sort. It was very uneven looking as if it wasn't perfected. The flares formed into a grip where her hands were hold onto and where her index finger was on each hand a nozzle of some type formed still in a black flare form. The reiatsu had formed into a pair of twin pistols though not fully manifested their power was nothing to sneer at even for a hollow of her opponents stature. Pointing the weapons at the Hollow, dark purple light shun from the depth of the blackness of the nozzle on each gun. Her reiatsu spiraled out of control impacting on her ability to hold onto it's manifested stage. It didn't stop Yukichiyu however as she fired to weapons. As she released her power the guns backfired at the same time, the guns dispersed and part of the stored pressure was released sending Yukichiyu back into more trees. The remaining pressure that was released from the guns hurtled through the air towards the hollow breaking half of it's face off. The loud piercing scream of the hollow bellowed throughout the the forest as it retreated to hueco mundo. Yukichiyu laid on the ground panting heavily as her thoughts and personal air around her returned to normal, leaving small traces of her hollowed scented aura.

1353 - word

Yuki & Kaida:

Kaida's Theme:

Yukichiyu Senoku- Ziamichi:

Kaida Valliere - Shinigami:

Yukichiyu's Theme:
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Joined : 2012-02-02
Posts : 165
Age : 27
Location : in your head

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Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Left_bar_bleue0/0Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty Re: Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training)

Fri Apr 11, 2014 10:49 pm
Zeus was in a tree today. He had a quirky admiration of tress. He has no idea why. But ever since he was little he enjoyed being on the brink of them. He was there going get a nap. It was nice, quiet, and peaceful on top of the canopy of the forest. It was special kind of tranquility that only can be enjoyed from time to time. All of a sudden a roar echoed through the forest. The loud roar startled Zeus, and woke him. He fell out of the tree, and landed hard onto the forest floor.
"owwww. What the heck was that?"
Zeus slowly got up. He dusted himself off and tried to find out where the noise came from. Zeus runs around the forest trying to find whatever it was that roared like that, but he could not find anything out of the ordinary. Until he sees a flash of purple light shoots across the forest. After the flash of light, a scream of pain could be heard. Zeus immediately ran to the scene. Zeus stopped and looked at the battlefield. There was some broken down trees and trail of dirt that looked like someone was dragged across the ground. At the end of the trail, Zeus saw a girl laying on the ground.
"Gosh I hope she is alright"
Zeus runs to the girl's aid. Zeus felt the need to help this girl. He didn't know who she was, or anything about her. But Zeus was just the kind of guy to help anyone in need. He helps everyone. Zeus gets on knees and looks at the girl. Then he grabs her shoulders, and shakes her lightly.
"Are you ok?"

Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Rapid_Cero_Fire
Yukichiyu Senoku
Yukichiyu Senoku
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Joined : 2014-02-14
Posts : 84
Age : 30
Location : United Helldom

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Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Left_bar_bleue0/0Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty Re: Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training)

Sat Apr 12, 2014 9:30 am
Yukichiyu got up from the debris, her clothes were tattered and rather dirty from the backlash of her technique, her hollowed essence still surrounded her a little making anyone that would contact her in the near future would get a rather cold shouldered remark. Wincing and moaning Yuki got up right hesitantly. The reiatsu that surrounded her flared off her being and into the air where it would disperse. The flares were tiny in comparison to most technique so fi you wasn't paying much attention you wouldn't have noticed them. Not long after getting up she heard someone was nearby which shook her awake and conscious. She didn't like people knowing what she could do and most people thought she was insane enough with her split personality when spiritual pressure connects with her senses. Yukichiyu tried to quickly brush off the debris and act like nothing had happened. Her right arm however was a little marked from the materialization of her weapons and the discharge released form the technique. Her arm burned and felt the stinging sensation a little. Huffing and puffing she looked over t the human that rushed up to see if she was okay with what had gone on. By the looks of things he didn't see what she had done and what had gone on within the time frame. It was a giant sigh of relief, he grabbed her by the shoulders as she gasped in pain as her grabbed her right shoulder. The cold air would be felt the moment the boy had touched her but soon vanished as if he was just disillusioned.

“I-I'm okay... Something just backfired.... That is all, I'm okay honestly”

her smile was hollow and almost transparent but she would still show her soft smile neither the less, She looked over at Zeus with her bright blue eyes and golden locks flowing over her sight. She giggled painfully as she tried to stand up on her own, which wa short lived making her fall back down to her butt

Yuki & Kaida:

Kaida's Theme:

Yukichiyu Senoku- Ziamichi:

Kaida Valliere - Shinigami:

Yukichiyu's Theme:
Established Member
Joined : 2012-02-02
Posts : 165
Age : 27
Location : in your head

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Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Left_bar_bleue0/0Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty Re: Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training)

Sun Apr 13, 2014 10:55 am
There was definitely something wrong here. Zeus scans the area. There was broken down trees everywhere. The girl's clothes were ruined, and she had a burn on her arm. Obviously she had been through a lot. Zeus had to know what happened here. His natural curiosity wouldn't let him leave without learning something. Zeus felt an unnatural chill come over him after touching the girl. But it only lasted for a second. So he quickly disregarded it.

"You're not okay. You look like you need to go to a hospital or something. What happened over here anyway?"

Zeus immediately saw through the girl's smile. It didn't seem like a real smile to him. So he decided he would try to pester the girl to get more information out of her. Then the girl tries to get up. Zeus notices her about to lose her footing and catches before she falls. Then he smiles at her. He feels the chill come over again. He ignored it again. Not really paying attention to it.

"You're really not okay. I'll help you out if you need any assistance."

Then Zeus sets the girl down over by a tree, for her to relax a little. The girl was hiding something. He just has to figure out what it is. Zeus thought to himself maybe he could take this opportunity to figure out this girl. Maybe this girl had something to do with that flashing light he saw. Zeus sits down in front of her.

"So who are you? And what exactly happened over here?"

Zeus gave the girl a big smile, trying not to appear too hostile toward her.

Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Rapid_Cero_Fire
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
Sᵃ ᶥ ᶦ ˣ ♚
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Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Left_bar_bleue134700/60000Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty_bar_bleue  (134700/60000)

Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training) Empty Re: Fear of power (Open(invite) - Training)

Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:03 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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