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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Thu May 01, 2014 3:29 pm
It had been an annoyingly quiet series of weeks since the arrancar known as Highwayman Bordeaux. After meeting another member Kurikku and returning to the fortress, he'd spent a long time quietly meditating on himself in an attempt to search for the beginnings of his rage. To his annoyance, nothing major had been rediscovered. What wasn't lost to the sands of time were fragments of feelings and glimpses of remembered images. Most of the feelings were those he was well acquainted with: Anger, hatred, superiority. It brought credence to his theory that he was nothing more than those feelings given form, as even though the feelings were only small pieces, they contained a great intensity to them, nearly triggering greater rage from his at nothing in particular.

Of course those were only half of the equation. The other half was what brought him back into the world of the living. Fragments of memories brought the Highwayman pictures of posh countrysides and rolling green hills. Others brought him images of setting suns over harbors full of sailing ships. By themselves, the memories would have meant nothing; just sceneries from a forgotten life with no real way to pinpoint their locations especially with the amount of time that might have passed between the memory and the present. But with his unconscious predilection for western Europe, he thought the nation of origin for those memories would probably match that of his accent and name.


While that connection limited the search area down a significant amount, it didn't provide him with the answers Bordeaux was looking for, yet. The nation was still quite large and Bordeaux could only search for certain amount of time before his presence in the human world was noticed by either his allies or his enemies.

The arrancar emerged into the world outside the capital, Paris, to the southwest. The seven-foot tall man looked around in silence. The roads were nearly vacant and what animals were around scattered the instant they sensed his malicious pressure.

Nothing even close. The thought to himself as he sighed in aggravation. With one hand resting in the hilt of his blade, the arrancar sped off away from the large city. His eyes were alert and constantly scanning back and forth, trying to match his location to his memories.
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Thu May 01, 2014 6:21 pm


When most people go to France it's to see the sights, meet their true love, rekindle dying flames, yada yada yada. These were the sarcastic thoughts going through Landen's head as he puled himself out of the mud of a pig pen, the mud smelling more than just dirt, more like shit. Muck curving his shoulders, arms, and legs as he stood up, Azai in his left hand. The gross filth slid off the blade of his Zanpakutō while he exhaled in annoyance.

"Look Fat ass, let's just wrap this up so I can go into the city, sip expensive coffee and eat stall bread with the other stuck ups." He yelled into the hole that he created int he side of the barn, a rumbling noise sounding like two rocks colliding as the tumbled down a mountain side before hitting pavement " Gonna be like that aye?" he asked, already knowing the answer as he lifted himself up through the opening and landed softly inside the barn. The air heavy with hay dust and ripe with the smell of must and decay. The Hollow sat gorging itself on a cow, the guts of the bovine hanging out of the Hollow's ample mouth, its red eyes fixing on the Vizard.

The thing must have had a huge hunger to have smacked the Vizard out of the barn and then deciding to eat rather than fight for its life but most of these creatures lacked intelligence. This one was a great example, high in muscle, low in fiber! Kidding no, the brains of this thing would rival a rock. It did though have enough sense to try and rush Landen as he raised Azai towards the thing, her metal tip pointing at its skull as he yawned, "Sprinkled on the bones of the beast! Sharp tower, red crystal, steel ring. Move and become the wind, stop and become the calm. The sound of warring spears fills the empty castle! Hadō 63!" He spat out, almost out of breath at the end as a burst of yellow energy rushed out of Azai and right toward the Hollow cleaving it in two and turning the wooden wall behind it to splinters making the whole barn shack and forcing him to exit or make this his tomb.

Upon exiting he caught the faint feeling of reiatsu, much like an arrancar's and he looked toward the road where he caught the faint glimpse of a shadow speeding off away form him and the city in the not so far away back round. No doubt whoever it was felt Landen's energy and the mission had only been to clear up the Hollow but the two could be linked so he decided to follow, but not before masking his reiatsu and following from the trees like some sort of ninja in a manga. A bored smirk played across his lips as he went.

Template By: [THEFROST]

|Death is but the first step in life|

Faint of Heart [Closed/Invite] ZfrGue8

Faint of Heart [Closed/Invite] EUuCTxy
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Tue May 06, 2014 12:08 pm
Searching as he was, the Arrancar easily spotted the conflict happening in the countryside. A young man fighting a hollow stupidly gorging itself on the flesh of livestock and ignoring the combatant. The smell of the carnage made Bordeaux's blood boil, but he fought it back to focus on his mission. He attempted to give the battlefield a wide berth, but it must not have been enough as the young man began to follow him discreetly. The arrancar was completely unaware as he was too preoccupied in his search to bother checking spiritual pressures.

Regarding that, Highwayman Bordeaux still had nothing to go on. Nothing matched the snapshots so far. Several rolling hills skirted the immediate horizon. As he reached the top of one of the hills, Bordeaux made a face.

"Nothing still. Je méprise cet endroit." He spat on the ground and looked down at the land in front of him. The world was so different from what the memories looked like.
The Game
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Tue May 06, 2014 2:27 pm


The guy didn't move too far, just to the top of a series of hills. He let a little frustration in what Landen assumed was French, making the Vizard's eye brows raise a bit. The kid spit on the ground while looking around and Landen wanted to laugh but he couldn't that would give him away. This man seemed to be looking for something and not finding it, making Landen think back to the first time he came back to Earth to revisit his mother who he hadn't managed to find in the after life, her head stone weather eroded from the years of savage elements.

He thought of how he knelt at her grave and cried while tracing the letters that were barely legible anymore. Thought of the hours he spent talking to the rock about his new life and the things he had done. He shook his head as he bit back tears and felt he knew that this guy was looking for something from the past himself, the anger he had was all too familiar to Landen.

He dropped quietly from the tree and walked on all fours like the panther, that his Shikai and and Bankai form took after, in the shadows until he managed to creep with in ten feet of the man. He would stand up quietly and unmask his spirit energy, his reiatsu. He did this to let the guy know he wasn't alone and also if this guy was quick enough he'd realize Landen meant no harm, being that he wasn't a rookie and had let his energy become known on purpose. "You look lost." he said, not with the usual rude tone that came with that sentence, but with an understanding. His eyes fixed on the man while he turned around.

|Death is but the first step in life|

Faint of Heart [Closed/Invite] ZfrGue8

Faint of Heart [Closed/Invite] EUuCTxy
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Thu May 08, 2014 4:33 pm
Lost? He heard the voice behind him ask his question as his reiatsu rose from its suppressed state. This man was not a pushover like the prey that went about their oblivious days in the cars just down the hill on the highway. He thought back to another member of his group he had met rather recently. A young girl with power that made him look like but a novice beginner. This man's power seemed similar but... not quite as refined, maybe. Of course comparing strengths on just his sensing ability had never proved to conclusive for Bordeaux, so who knows what this man was capable of. The fact that he wasn't dead already was a sign. He relaxed the unconsciously tightened grip he had on his sabre.

"Lost? Ne soyez pas ridicule" The arrancar replied in a soft growl. It was as civil as he could really manage with the embarrassment of being snuck up on coupled with his own annoyance growing from having to walk among these mortals for as long as he had been. "I am simply attempting to take a very long trip down memory lane. It is of no concern of yours." In his mind, he hoped such a brush-off would be enough to send away his unwanted companion.

Though the 'ambush' did start to jog something of a memory. Another tidbit, but longer than the others. It seemed to be a fragment of a conversation. He was in a carriage of some kind. A man on a horse was talking to another man that was traveling with him. Bordeaux could read the words "Are you lost" from the man outside the carriage's lips. The world out side was dreary, but the hills... These were those hills! He was sure of it!

Bordeaux's body tensed from the realization and quickly started to walk down the hill towards the road. It was nearly the in the exact same place as the memory, though concrete and asphalt replaced simple dirt. The arrancar looked up into the sky and judged the sun's position and began to move again with purpose. The man that had been talking to him almost didn't register to him.
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Sun Oct 04, 2015 11:24 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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