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Wed Aug 27, 2014 1:48 am
Taiga walked into the arena and straightened his tie waiting patiently for his opponent. The arena was quite futuristic and could simulate any place or environment that the combatants willed it to be. Taiga was looking for a good work out, and took this as an opportunity to test his limits and learn new strategies and tactics. Learning and adapting was something Taiga enjoyed.

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Horus Sariel
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Random Rumble Empty Re: Random Rumble

Fri Aug 29, 2014 4:51 am

Artist: n/a - Song: unknown - Wordcount: 395
In the many months that had passed since the War for Australia many had spent said time recovering, training, or getting used to the changes within Australia. The very same can be said for one teen, Volund, whom had participated in the conflict that had shaken Bathurst. By the end of the conflict the young man had suffered multiple wounds from the foes he had faced, and his own weapons. After suffering a multitude of lacerations, stab wounds, and broken ribs, it had taken the male quite some time to recover. Though the recovery process was helped along by the greatest doctors he could afford, which had landed him within Karakura for a brief period of time. Since his recovery period came to an end the young male spent the majority of his waking moments training both his abilities, and body. But for now this training would come to a halt for one single reason. He had been summoned to the arena, a place he had only heard whispers of in the past. And so the young man found himself within the futuristic confines of the arena, ready to face whatever he had been brought here to fight.

As Volund made his way into one of the arena's many battleground he spotted his opponent already awaiting his arrival, thus allowing the blonde male to analyze his foe while approaching him. Unfortunately there wasn't much to analyze at the moment, aside from the slight excitement he could feel emanating from his foe. Silvery-blue eyes were locked upon Taiga as Volund continued forward, bringing his right palm towards what appeared to be a bracer of sorts upon his left wrist. As his right hand came to the bracer Volund would flick his index finger forwards, resulting in a handle releasing from the bracer, said handle being in the shape of a serpent of sorts. As quickly as the handle became visible the blonde had wrapped his palm around it, and with a quick whipping motion the bracer was revealed to be a flexible sword. Bringing the blade in-front of himself Volund would come to a halt several feet before Taiga, his gaze still locked upon the foe.

"I assume you are to be my opponent?" Volund would question the male before him, his voice carrying an even tone that revealed nothing about what he may currently be feeling.

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Random Rumble Empty Re: Random Rumble

Fri Aug 29, 2014 9:37 pm
"That's right im your opponent today the names Taiga."
Taiga readied up into a fighting stance. " Already to clashing
blades are we, wont you entertain me to alittle warm up.
Hand to hand id like to see how far my human limits can take me
if you don't mind. Taiga motioned with his palm in a come at me
gestgure hoping this would seal the deal. He was so hyped for
combat this guy looked strong and the methods behind his blade
showed he had something supernatural about him. He knew his
human skills would only take him so far against this guy.
How great would it be, to see how far he could go against
someone with powers. Waiting for his opponents response he
made direct eye contact never once looking away. The eyes were
the key to motive and movement as he was taught in martial arts.
This rule was especilly true with a stronger opponent. It could mean
the differnce between a glancing blow and a fatal wound.

I scare children ^_^
Horus Sariel
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Random Rumble Empty Re: Random Rumble

Sun Sep 07, 2014 1:19 pm

Artist: n/a - Song: unknown - Wordcount: 552

As milky silver-blue eyes locked upon his foe Volund began analyzing everything he could manage about the man whom introduced himself as Taiga. While analyzing the silver haired man before him several things became apparent to Volund. The first of which being that Taiga was definitely older than himself. The second thing was that Taiga seemed to possess a more muscular structure to his body than Volund himself. And the final thing, given away by the way the male spoke, was that Taiga seemed to be an ordinary human unlike himself. As these three things became apparent a decision was made to further analyze Taiga as the two engaged in combat. Upon the silver haired male introducing himself he had also declared a challenge, he wished to face Volund in hand to hand combat before utilizing any weaponry, such a request brought a carefree smile to the blondes face as he nodded in Taiga's direction. With the same fluid motions that had brought his blade forth the blonde was quick to return his weapon to its position upon his wrist before responding to his foe. "Taiga huh.. I'll accept this warm-up of yours, so for now lets see how you can hold up."

In the moments that followed Volund's response the two males locked eyes, silvery-blue meeting hazel as the two refused to look away from one another. While the two locked eyes Volund's smile never left his face, rather it grew slightly as the blonde prepared himself for the fight that was about to begin. While he had agreed not to use his blade Volund knew Taiga forgot about one thing, the potential for his foe to possess supernatural abilities, this would be a mistake that would cost him mere moments into the fight. Eyes still locked upon his foe Volund slid forward while shifting his weight so that he faced Taiga with his right arm in-front of himself, the rest of his body lining up perfectly behind it. With a nod to his foe Volund's right hand shifted from a relaxed position to one that would appear mocking to most. The blonde now faced his foe with his index finger pointed towards Taiga before launching himself forward at speeds nearing the limits of most normal humans.

Upon nearing his foe the blonde began lashing out, utilizing thrusting and slashing motions with his index finger as he struck at his foe. For now the blonde simply aimed to slow his foe, aiming for the shoulder and knee joints with precise strikes that held enough power behind them to pierce concrete. In the few moments that had passed since the battle had started Volund struck out roughly twelve times, three strikes per targeted joint. If his strikes were to land the blonde knew his foe would be significantly slowed as the strikes carried with them the potential to, at the least, fracture bones. Upon finishing his twelve strikes the blonde would simply leap back several feet, standing in the same position he had been in before launching his assault. "Although you call this a warm-up I should warn you.. Fight as though your very life depended upon it." With his warning given Volund would simply await Taiga's response while analyzing any potential injuries the silver haired male may suffer from his assault.

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Random Rumble Empty Re: Random Rumble

Sun Sep 07, 2014 8:51 pm
Taiga was no understudy when it came to fighting supernatural foes, He most often fought hollows, which are some of the most supernatural creatures to stalk the realms. Being only human he was prepared for ambushes and unforeseen strikes or those a human just couldn't react to. The Brace he wore wasn't a fashion accessory. It was a very high tech piece of equipment, developed and built from decades of research. The device itself contained an advanced AI which monitored spiritual pressure and held the ability to put a normal human on equal footing with hollow and demon alike.

As the assault came in the AI, detected the spike in spiritual pressure and the rapid moving energy signature, and acted in response to the dangerous situation Taiga was in. Taiga himself couldn't react with such speed. But the power of a high speed processor like Yuriko could easily match the reaction time of a supernatural being. In a bright burst of light the A.I sounded off

"....SoulBreaker... Initialize...."

From the burst of light came forth Taiga in a knelling stance with his arms crossed in a guarding position in a glimmering suit of white battle armor. The shielding crackled repelling the volley of finger strikes, "Thanks Yuriko, you saved my skin again." Taiga stood up and the crackling dissipated. "I was wrong to underestimate you, IM no contest for you on my own but this should level the playing field." A face guard closed over his nose and mouth and Taiga Launched forward with his own attack, his speed was far beyond what a human could do on his own, making his attack fast and furious. He struck hard with a left jab and then jet boosted his right leg sideways into a momentum filled kick to the upper body. Stepping back down from the kick he pushed back off the ground and threw a hard right cross towards Volund's face.

I scare children ^_^
Horus Sariel
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Random Rumble Empty Re: Random Rumble

Sun Oct 05, 2014 3:35 pm

Artist: - Song: - Wordcount: 651

Closing the distance with the intent of putting Taiga out of the fight Volund was pleasantly surprised when a bright light enveloped his foe. As his first two strikes fell upon their target Volund felt the strikes come into contact with something solid while crackling sounds began to fill the air of the stadium. Another two strikes fell as the bright light died down to reveal Taiga kneeling with his arms crossed. The second pair of strikes brought forth the same result, meeting resistance as crackling once again filled the air. Immediately backing off upon seeing that his strikes were useless at the level of strength he had put into them. Watching his foe stand Volund began analyzing the armor that Taiga now wore, looking for any apparent weakness within it. While Volund did so it seemed Taiga was ready to go on the offensive himself as he burst forth with speed beyond anything a normal human could do. Seeing this brought a vicious smirk to the face of Volund as his blood-lust slowly began to surface.

"I'm glad to see you possessed an ace in the hole, otherwise this would have been a quick fight." As the words left Volund darted forth in order to meet Taiga's assault head on. Closing the distance a golden glow would envelop the blondes right hand as he quickly put his abilities to use. Utilizing his ability to manipulate the sharpness of objects, or even give a blunt object a sharpened edge via his reiatsu, the blonde created a blade around his hand. The creation of the blade finished almost immediately, easily giving Volund the time to react to Taiga's assault, and thus the time to block the left jab that he led his assault with. Blocking the punch Volund was quick to notice the follow up strike, a right side-kick utilizing the momentum from his left jab to speed up the kick. Putting his flexibility and agility to use Volund seemed to spin around and under the kick before coming upright once again in order to meet a right cross. As the right cross fell the blonde was quick to strike out as well, knowing this time that more strength would be required behind his strike. Thus two fists collided between the blonde and his foe, the clash quickly becoming a momentary test of strength before the blonde began his follow up.

Before Taiga would have the chance to further the force behind his punch Volund was already moving, his body dropping low as he spun while striking out with his left leg in an attempt to trip Taiga. Whether or not he was successful Volund would allow his momentum to stand tall once again while lashing out with his reiatsu cloaked right hand. The result would be an arcing slash starting from knee height before coming up to shoulder height. Whether or not the slash would pierce the armor mattered not, it was simply meant to further test the quality of the armor donned by Taiga. Thus whether the slash would land or not Volund would slid back several feet, bringing his reiatsu cloaked hand to the blade wrapped around his wrist before once again removing the blade from its place. In doing so the reiatsu that surrounded the blondes right hand would being travelling up the length of the blade before completely enveloping it in Volund's reiatsu. Upon this occurring he was quick to utilize his abilities in order to further the sharpness of the flexible blade before testing said sharpness by plucking a hair from his head and tossing it into the air. With what appeared to be a simple flick of the wrist Volund flourished his blade, perfectly slicing the hair directly down the center. Satisfied with the cut Volund once again eyed his foe before taunting him to come forth with a gesture from his empty left hand.

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Random Rumble Empty Re: Random Rumble

Tue Oct 07, 2014 1:02 am
The strength matched taigas punch and even started to overpower it. This armor was just only a prototype, it had severe limitations. It took longer to power up after engaging and had many safeguards in place to keep it's actuators and power output within manageable levels for the human body. Many super natural stresses on the human body could have serious adverse effects on it which is the exact reason, his father built it the way he did. Committed to the final punch he stood his ground, but in doing so he was unable to avoid the sweep and the follow up blow hit hard to the center chest plate, sending him flying backwards colliding with the wall of the arena. The blow shattered the shield protecting Taiga and he slumped down into the corner. He definitely felt that blow, and with his breath knocked out of him he was slow to get to his feet falling forward on his hands and knees.

Taiga coughed a bit as he started to speak. "You got an arm on you, but IM not finished, I've got one more trump card i programmed myself into this armor and for my sake lets hope it hurts you more then it will me." Taiga got to his feet and deployed his sword from the back of the armor. a solid blade sheathed in spirit energy. Taiga swung the blade three times unleashing solid blades of cutting energy at volund. Taiga then followed up the slashes by closing in right behind the final blade, using it as cover for a lancing stab at what appeared to be his dominate knee.

"Yuriko, ready the safeguards for release." ....Action Not advised..... Levels will exceed acceptable human tolerance levels.

"I know don't prompt me for everything just do it." Aknowlaged.... Opening armor vents.... Preparing servos for increased load....Primary Core safeguards released.... Awaiting your command.

I scare children ^_^
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Random Rumble Empty Re: Random Rumble

Sun Oct 04, 2015 6:24 pm

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
┣▇▇▇═─          ☠          ─═▇▇▇┥

It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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