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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
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Member Info
Platinum Points:
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Sun Aug 31, 2014 4:58 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A


» Name:Inami Asthavon
» Titles: Queen Of Chaya Nation
» Age: 300
» Gender: Female
» Rank: Infanta [Shadow Fall] Queen [Chaya Nation]
» Affiliation 1:Asthavon Family Sisterhood[Blood Relation]
» Affiliation 2:Devil 9/Relations Division[Chaya Nation Teams]

» Shifter Appearance Written: N/A Refer To Header

» Shifter Appearance Picture: N/A Refer To Header

» True Appearance Written: N/A

» True Appearance Picture:



Racial Indifference: Inami ever since meeting the likes of both Ibiki , and Neoveta, as well as some other individuals who's names aren't really important, she has gained what many people would consider to be something akin to the enlightenment that racial Differences, even species changes don't matter. Individuals are going to end up being negative or positive to one another based soley on one thing, how they veiw each other. That isn't to say that she thinks everything is flowers and roses. In fact this comes down to in her preferences a very relatable and realistic mind-set. That not all of a race are bad, but sometimes fueding species may never see eye to eye. Its not quite a materialistically fixable thing. It all lay in what is in ones heart, and how they are willing to perceive the other person. This means she is rarely the kind of person who will randomly attack or go off on a whim to try to destroy people without reason. As now from her growth and mental developement and new responsibilities she finally understands. People fight, beings fight, but everyone is trying to live and survive, and you can't fault them for that.

Kind of building onto this, she also has been able to understand that sometimes people have preconceived notions of how a race is supposed to be. She understands now not everyone is the bad guy, but sometimes the individual is overlooked if the whole entirety of that race is known for doing one thing. Such as her demonic heritage, she is proud of it, but her new enlightenment reflects because unless someone is actually capable of posing a threat to her? She's not going to precisely try to go out of her way to attack them. Because she knows in their head? What they are doing probably is justifiable, the people that die, those killed in war by a race. It doesn't matter if its not her particularly that did it. Its that fact that shes the same race as those, which makes her just as bad in the eyes of others. She gets that, understands that, and thats why she wont attack without a solid definable reason.

Further her indifference means something else, as displayed she has that feeling of conversing with other races. She is willing to make alliances with them, and she is willing to listen to them. Everyone in her opinion deserves a chance to be heard. As in her mind, you never know when you may find someone who is like minded. And that you never know when you will find someone that you can trust with your integrity and honor. Essentially meaning, she is probably the easiest to converse with demon out there, being she is less likely to attack someone on sight.

Queenly Aura: Inami is many things, for one she is a queen and as such she has an image she must upkeep. Hence this is easily one of the most visible personality traits she has. She will act with neccisary restraint, Because she has more to think about then just her own emotions. In result, she acts with reason and logical thought giving time to think about the situation if she can; before acting on something that she feels could or couldn't be bad. Given that the consequences of her acting out of some petty emotion has bigger consequences to more people then just her anymore. She must act with the thought in mind that she has more people then herself that she needs to take care of. She must be strong for those who depend on her. Her Time as a queen made her realize that. It Drove home that she can't act like a child anymore, which is why Inami tends to act maturely if she can. Its what she needs to do, and she has no problem doing it.

This also Extends to her charisma for people in general, she feels its best to give her true emotions, to show kindness and compassion. This is as much a part of her as sleeping and insanity was to her when she hadn't met the people that she knows now. As such Inami displays compassion and concern to those who are innocent, regardless of their race, however she is firmer to the likes of the individuals who are either related to her, in power, or part of chaya nation. She knows its hard to be given responsibility, but since she knows that responsibility shapes character while she doesn't hold it against them but she hopes that they can understand that its nothing against them but she hopes that they can take time to show some maturity as well.

Another Part Of Her Queenly Aura? Its the fact that she's not afraid to lay down the law. She is firm when she needs to be, while she is understanding to those who are innocent, her policy is that if you deserve it? She is not going to hold back, she is quite ruthless if you do something which either conflicts with the morals she holds, or do something that puts her freinds, country of others in-danger that dont need to be brought into the conflict. This is the main reason that as a queen she's like two sides of a coin. She is both very understanding, but she is also extremely ruthless when she needs to be.

Conviction:Inami after attaining her position gained from her journies and maturing the conviction neccisary to woman up and get the job that she had and the tenacity to do it right. She isn't going to say if she can or cant do something and if she makes a promise she's going to do the best she can to keep the promise. Or keep her word, as the only difference is that her word means alot more now then it used to. She has more to look out for then just the integrity of her own self, her words carry power, they are the words of a queen. Hence this is why honestly she has gone thought a pretty profound change which was again thanks to a few special people which changed her mind about just the fact that she could or couldn't change. So she took it upon herself to change. This is one of the things that really did change about her.

She isn't quite as fool hardy, as seen when she says something she isn't generally giggling or in the throws of insanity. She says it now honestly and sanely. And she rarerly needs to repeat herself because of it. She is able to express genuine emotion, and she is able to say things now from the bottom of her soul. Which is why she will if need be move the heavens and the earth itself to get it done. Her will known as her conviction is stronger then ever because of the experiences she's endured upon waking up. Becoming the person she was, took her questioning the very foundation of her existance, challenging that and being "Reborn" So to speak. Thanks to this it reflects in her personality, things like she isn't afraid of fighting, and she isn't afraid of challenging and changing things. She isn't afraid of her powers either. She's also unafraid of telling people off when they get in her business.

Finally, this means she isn't running away anymore. She decided mentally a while ago that she was done running. Which is why she is willing to tolerate being attacked if thats what it takes to get a point across. Its why she mentally is in a place she won't attack back if they don't deserve to die. She has such mental restraint, she really shows this best because she now declares her thoughts clearly, and she proposes what she feels will better more then just herself, or others. In short, she isn't afraid of understanding changing, and allowing things to change for the better. This also shows because in short it is almost impossible to startle her now, in terms of getting her to go into supreme insanity. As shown in certain situations, her desire is far outstriping her power. She has an iron clad will, and her conviction is almost now..realistically unshakable.

Knowledge/Reasoning Of A Queen:As seen, Inami has major awareness in terms of her vast Demon Knowledge which is shown in her personality in terms of her finding the need and being able to tamper with the likes of Neoveta C1, and creating a multi-faceted energy source which is connected to hell as an energy source using her own skillset. Further her reasoning has increased as shown in her day-to day queenly duties. Its because of the responsibilities that came with her position, A queen is normally smart. But more then that, Because of what she endured in a short span of time, she had to get smart. There was nothing else she could do other then get smart. Realistically if she didn't she would be able to lead a country, let alone be someone who had been up for the job. This is one of the ways that this clearly shows itself. Being that it is important, to know what your doing.

However in her personality this shows because of just how she speaks, and in official meetings more specifically you can understand her intellect in the way that she speaks. She doesn't just say something, she also is debating, and trying to pick apart what benifits her as she's finding new things that could possibly be useful to her. This is because as a queen and as a person she needed to be able to diversify her mind, and broaden her horizons. As such she gained this Knowledge, for more then herself, and changed her thinking from single-mentality to group mentality, as her actions as stressed above, have affect on many more people then just she herself. So in this regard she may not be the smartest, but she has pretty sharp wit.

Her Mind however, tends to over-look things, as shown when she's speaking she may pause in regular intervals. This is because she is collecting those thoughts which are being shot through her head at rapid fire speeds unrelentingly. She knows what she's wanting to say, but because she has so much regularly on her mind, she tends to miss things some times, as shown in her personality as one of the hidden reasons she had in establishing the Devil 9, because she can't do everything and she knows this. So she displays a trust and investment into others, to lessen her burden and to let things function MUCH smoother then if she just was doing things herself.

Natural Abilities:

Hellishly Dark Threads A power that uses similar Concept to D.E , but instead of using death energy, its a combination of corrupted Demonic energies, and Hell's Miasma. As when creating the Demi Core of the chaya nation. Her threads and the miasma's of hell began to bond which is the only reason that her threads can effectively draw the energy from hell without much strain or adverse affects. As such they also possess a balance of both versatility, and Durability. Given they are able to sustain blows from 0-tiers when they are woven together to create solid Constructs like walls, or sheilds. Given they combine their durability together, its easy to see how they would be very strong when combined and put together. This is particularly useful, since the threads are created Internally, meaning Inside her body. Allowing for both quantity and quality of the threads to be controlled. Also this is why she is unable to unlike her sisters use any viable form of death energy. As her threads are naturally incompatible with the asthavons trade-mark form of energy.

Dark threads have a primary means of affecting or changing the ebb and flow of battle. This would be the fact that the threads themselves have comparable strength to a demons Akuma Kyodo (demonic barrier) which is filtering out and suppressing any outside influences which seek to affect the course or properties of the threads that are in use themselves. Directly from that capability would be the notion that while they can be destroyed, they can’t be altered from the original path by any one person other than Inami Asthavon herself. Although this is only one of the many functions the threads actually do possess; another one of the functions would be the ability to control, manipulate; and attack the opponent or even something like a capacity for creating weapons or even being able to on a lesser level overpower or stop attacks before they can actually cause any severe amount of damage to the user.

They although also have the ability to create certain objects. Some of these are spontaneously Generated, others require some time to create if they are stronger. However after the increase in her Power, Inami discovered that she is able to control and use less blood to control, and exhert her dominance over many of the threads which used to in fact cause and change her blood flow, Essentially meaning she is now able to control her threads while they will take the normal amount of blood if she wishes to double their effectiveness when in the midst of battle. However they are now unable to actually cause death due to the limitor Inami set herself after her adventures with Neoveta, having gotten a better grasp over her powers then when she originally was awoken from her slumber some time before. Hence why this now shows the greater grasp, and power control she has and can display over her abilities.However, if over-used she still can if she's low on energy get dizzy, or light-headed, and possibly even strokes or seizures in severe situations. Given her blood is a medium still ultimately used to strengthen her power with these threads, as such she still needs to be cautious when using them.

Also, Dark Threads are able to perform feats and miracles, such as it is possible to possess and turn every day objects into puppets If she imbeds her threads into the construct. She can turn the Dead into Inimate puppets that will depending on the amount have a tier of 1-1 / 0-5 [if there's 1 or 2 of them] or anywhere down to [2-1/3-1] [2-1 is for 10 or more] [3-1 is for 40 and up. ] She is also able to perform feats of self-recovery, mending herself and fixing the injuries in her body which is a feat in itself because she can essentially reform and stitch her limbs, and body back together. It also is why her Main Title which is "Puppet God X" Or the God of Puppets. Is so widely used, as she can literally turn hordes of the undead that she finds into hordes of puppets that she can actually control. This also has been strengthened thanks to Hells Miasma, causing her affective range of control to range essentially where ever she can feed demon energy to.

With The Addition of Hells Miasma, the threads have become able to merge with the objects and effectively become invisible to see. Which is also why of course Dark Threads are closely used with puppetry and other forms of long range, or you could say indirect stealth style combat; because this is precisely what Dark Threads excel at , not direct confrontation, or directly overpowering the foe in a blazing display of power, no they have optimal balance of durability (a skill level below the Akuma Kyodo Skill Possessed) Speed, and flexibility in options which allow these little threads to become a not so little problem while in the middle of either large scale war, or serious fights and confrontations of any general level.

[notes]Puppet creation is something that happens because she puts her own energy into the puppet, its not just a random "Dead person" they would have legitimately have to had died during the thread to be used as a puppet, and even then the limits to the puppet are going to be put towards the strain such a puppet would have on the user. Adding on to this, such things as stitching her body together, and why blood is used is fairly simple. The blood acts like in a gran-rey cero, it boosts and increases the strength by using that blood as a medium to focus and control more energy. Finally as to stitching her body back together, this is something for her which is like regeneration, it happens but it isn't perfectly healing her, and it takes MASSIVE amounts of energy, so don't expect to see this done often.

Dark Eyes : The eyes that Inami Possess are unique, they use demonic energies and convert it into fuel, speeding up cognative response time, and the movement speed of the user. It heightens the spiritual awareness that the user of dark eyes possesses. Causing for her in her mind to make it possible to construct an Internal sonar, a blue print. She is very adept at reading movements muscle movements, tiny shifts in the muscles, but more importantly changes in spiritual energy. There is a reason these are "Dark Eyes" They are able to fully grasp to an extent movement and motion. Discerning breaking down the movements, and then at the same time simultaneously reconstructing these back into the internal minds eye veiw at speeds which are truly impressive. This is how these "Dark Eyes" Make it possible for her to in certain situations discern and even figure out movements and their nature before they even happen.

The eye of god, as its called has a fundamental Flaw, the less energy being released the less is going to be discerned by it. Because these eyes are reserved for fighting those who are releasing every ounce of their power. So as you might have guessed, it is less useful or "..Helpful" When opponents are hardly releasing any of their energy at all. As such Dark eyes eventually have evolved to fit the needs of inami. In this case, she after gaining more control over herself, changed and altered its fundamental make up so that it better suited the needs of the queen. Also in this way it greatly lessens the stress which is being put on her eyes in general. Since in the first place the way she senses works so that instead of straining to sense everything, the more released in energy, the more violent the movement, the more energy exherted, the easier it is for her to discern its path and trajectory.

Finally though her "Eyes Of God" have evolved, to the point that she is able to use these to help with her cognative building of demonic seals or demon spells and even her own control over her flow of demonic energies. Given she can arguably discern the movements of others through the amount released, its also arguable that these eyes grant her some degree of knowledge and insight into her own spells and energy on a profound level. Meaning that this "Fail safe" is what keeps her able to primarily function as needed when using more energy that she would have previously been able to handle. In short this manner of use is known as "Dark Reaction" essentially allowing her to keep her sanity and incidents where she looses control at what could be considered a bare minimum.

Although as a result of the changes in dark eyes, they have lost the bulk of their power. Given they now works in a practical level. Hence why at the level they are at now, they do not cause the blindness of the eyes, and instead of taking time to adjust its a 1 turn adjustment period after each major release of power from the opponent. Such as from sealed to shikai, and from shikai to bankai. This also means that her clarity of energy and movements increases the more an individual is going to release. Such as in sealed state these eyes give her.. around 20% insight into the opponent, shikai leveled states give her 40% bankai leveled states give her 60% and Shikokai leveled states give her 80%. Which is in itself an inherent draw-back seeing as her "Eyes" are not as keen as they used to be, but however also can be used more freely without as much danger in the draw-back department. And have generated a new sub-technique.

NOTE: given there are some problems with dark eyes i will explain the base idea. Its energy reading, it does not function on statistics or character movements. The asset it gains the most is the more energy is released the easier comprehension becomes. Think Claire from Claymore's Yokai sensing ability , thats quite the actual basis on whats happening here.

Vast Zao Ka Connection and Dark Energy : Inami Asthavon possesses a very large connection to Zao Ka, the energy source which is common place to all demons that can be found in the demon world. While most can use a selective portion of the total power that is present, Inami can use a above normal amount as is mostly common with many infant or asthavons in general. Being of royal blood it allows the capacity for further enhancements in the demon magic seals on the body, which in turn has expanded the connection that is present. So it’s not that she is just born with a monstrous connection like some other demons, it’s the basic fact that because of who she is; what her blood is, and even how her seal reflects it. In short, you could say Inami Asthavon is the result of good breeding or even that it is because of her heritage; though none of that really matters. It’s just simple fact, Inami Asthavon has reserves of Zao Ka that are large enough to be considered not only powerful, but if fully released to be dangerous to those under three tiers weaker then she herself is (Such as inami being 0-3, and the opponent being 2-1 for example) .

In fact such plentiful energy was actually too much for Inami’s body to actually hold at birth. It needed some kind of secondary system which would bypass a portion of her full power; or she would have been born a stillborn child. That secondary system was Dark Energy. A type of energy that happened by converting corrupting and altering the fundamentals of Zao Ka and indirectly inscribing similar attributes to the ones found in death energy. In fact, these similar attributes would be Decay, the ability to subjugate souls, and a decomposition potential that is truly frightening. Yet Dark energy as well isn’t quite like death energy either, given it doesn’t subjugate souls or devour them if souls are captured they can (With permission from the character owner) be put back into the respective owners body, meaning that this power does hold minor sway over mundane things like life and death itself.

Such energy takes time to master, but more than that it takes some kind of drawback. The draw back here was substantial and yet subtle. This energy inflicts a heavy toll on the body if not monitored with due caution because of the fact it is so volatile that it eats away at the users sanity and even the soul. Energy of this type is not easy to come across, and even harder to get ample control over that could be worth noting. Even then though, the control over it because it takes blood or energy as compensation is second nature; The consequence for depleting both is not only strenuous but dangerous as the last thing it feeds off of is her life source itself. Dark Energy is like a virus it feeds off of the vitality that is present in the host body and unless her intake and consumption is monitored it could mean certain death or demise for the user.

With Great power comes a great price, and that is her price the power drains her energy and blood as compensation to augment the power output it has. However that price also grants substantial power which is comparable to fighting two people on the same tier as she would be. Both possessing great amounts of energy and superb control over that energy, although it should be mentioned there is another drawback beyond life draining, which is bodily frailty her basic body is very weak which is why she must protect it, as taxing as her dark energy is, it is without a doubt ample reason as to why it is also as powerful as it is given it is both there to protect her body, but it also is the thing that arguably possesses the most danger to her body. It is her greatest strength, and also you could say it is definitively her greatest weakness, given the fact that it does take a rather serious toll on the body, which is why when in use after 10 turns while it might not look like it, damage is regularly occurring to the body itself as such its use is very restrained, unless in dire situations.

Unnatural Regeneration/Shape Shifting: Inami Asthavon Possesses a rather odd type of regeneration which is because of her dark energy ; this unusual trait is that the body when she has most of her energy will instead of being able to be damaged, become a singular Metaphysical entity, which is naturally not prone to damage. This means that if she has over half her full amount of energy cutting her into ribbons will not precisely spell her immediate death, actually it would do very little until her reserves are depleted given both parts would still be able to function off of the energy residue present within subtly leeching off of those reserves to give Inami the benefit of what could be called a very damned hard to kill body. Given the fact that this is draining each time she takes a killing blow it has many other downsides to it. The main one being while she is able to take ridiculous levels of damage without even so much as batting an eye, her full battle potential: how hard she can fight is heavily hampered and weakened. Inami cannot enter her Puppet God State either while this regeneration is in effect, given the Regeneration drains more energy than what is sustainable in her heavily draining awakened state.

Although nearly being indestructible , at least as long as she doesn’t run low in her reserves: does have its perks, such as being able to survive being cut in half and even being able to do something like reforming on the other side of the person and going on like nothing happened. Also while in this particular regenerative state, her body cannot be altered by outside sources without her consent, it is a direct impossibility due to the high level defenses and the fact that her regeneration has a level of containment and control which is nearly impossible to trump without actually knowing the breakdown of how it works. Ergo because she often doesn’t flaunt her powers, when it is in use, its generally just better to wait for her energy reserves to run low, and then hit her hard to incapacitate her. As of course that is one of the sure fire ways you can get damage off on her, although it’s not precisely that she doesn’t take damage in this state. Instead of taking damage she is being drained of a proportionate amount of energy, depending on the wound she takes, as example if you mortally wounded her every single post, her energy reserves would run out after 10 posts, as example of course. Now if you severely overkilled it, like almost completely erasing her body her energy may last around 4 or 5 posts total.

Still though, this kind of regeneration does have other perks other then. Well being able to actually regenerate, one such thing is that generally speaking Inami Asthavon possesses the capacity to contort and control her body, a direct variant of a naturally occurring technique demons often utilize. However the reason that it is considerably different is that she can also change the hardness of the skin by implementing the Dark Energy Threads, blood price stipulation, which means essentially, because of how extensively her dark energy is a part of her body. It means she is able to manipulate some of its attributes in cohesion to her already existing demonic attributes. Take for example Inami would be able to harden her skin through sacrificing blood at a given ratio which was relative to how much of her skin she would be, at that time choosing to harden. Of course though it wouldn’t be as hard as perhaps someone who is a defensive type, but it means basically she could turn anything from an arm, leg or even her entire body for a brief period of time, into an hardened surface which could reflect a decent amount of damage. Not to be of course confused with manipulating the genetic make-up of the body, it’s purely using variables explained above to essentially enhance a already naturally (As stated numerous times above) occurring ability in demons thanks to zao ka.

Other things that can be done, are comparable to taking and adding on effects, to then change the basic way the bodily manipulation is going to function. Such as something like taking the ability to subjugate souls, via Dark Energy, and apply that to her bodily manipulation to allow her to do something akin to Soul Body Separation. Or if she applied the principle of her decomposition, she could in essence interchange hardness for something like a hollows acidic Touch, meaning that Inami could through this method possibly melt through a steel object that she comes in contact with. Of course other affects can be introduced, like if she was holding her hand on an energy core, she could say if that core used heat as a energy source , convert her own body to be superheated or if in cold environments adapt her skin to be more resistant to the cold weather.

Also it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that she is able to using her dark energy , and of course reasonable energy control, regeneration and over all manipulation capacity to create a single duplicate of herself at the cost of both her and her duplicate being a tier lower than what they regularly would possess. Such as say inami was 0-5 it would mean for the duration of the duplicate being in place, both her and the duplicate would be tiered at 1-1. As such while both duplicates can use the full range of power and abilities that are present, it wouldn’t be fighting at full capacity. Given the fact that energy would be divided equally amongst her and the duplicate that has been created. Also if the duplicate was killed, another problem would present itself almost immediately. You see unlike if it’s just with a single body, if a duplicate is destroyed while her soul will remain in-tact for around a week. Real life time that is, she would be stuck at that 1-1 tier, instead of her full 0-5 tier. Incidentally she also would be unable to use her released state, Puppet God State, until all her energy was recreated and she was enabled to fight again at full capacity.

Another side-affect is that both will take minor injuries even while in her metaphysical regeneration based state, meaning even if she is able to do this it means that say she was cut in half , and forms back together like she normally would. Not only would she lose the relative amount of energy , but slight blood loss will occur as well such as spitting up blood or even weakness in movement for short durations of time. For this reason while she can split herself in half, if has a range of disadvantages that not only can be dangerous but don’t go away right as the effects are partially long lasting, such as if her duplicate is killed, or she is killed and the duplicate is not. That means, that she would take a week before she would be back at full capacity, and then another 3days before her soul would fully reform back into her body. So because of that there are some risks with using her skills like anything else.

NOTE: with this there are some facts that need to be cleared up so here we go With this, she can be killed mortal wounds and what not just do not do it, because of the fact when she's supposed to be killed the injury that would take place takes A TON of energy to regenerate, just think about it, its not blatant immortality + the clones are canon because she's not making merely a clone, she's reducing her own energy to supplement the clones energy allowing for both to retain a higher tier, but dropping both from the normal level of what their tier actually would be. Also NOTE. adressing the "Immortality" Broohahaha, the clone itself is an essential part of Inami so its more then just "A mere clone" killing this clone is comparable to putting damage on inami's soul which will need to be fixed over a duration of time. In this way you can clearly kill her, and while energy reserves are vast, its not impossible. Also it should be notable that there is a way to kill her, its peculiar but useful, by striking two mortal blows simultaneously you can put her at near death. By striking her heart, spine and brain, you can kill her. However this has to be quick penetrative damage, you cannot blow her up .

Unique Abilities

Unique Demon Magic Abilities

Ocular Demon Sequence: Inami's Dark Eyes, allow her a unique trait in her Demon Magic Building. She can see the sequences of demon magic as they are being built. Meaning that instead of putting in all that time to speak it out verbally? She is actually very easily able to discern and then imput the magic mentally and then project it out using her eyes as the medium rather then her mouth. Since her Dark Eyes, allow her to discern both her own release of energy and the energy of others. This means that she's also able to use these eyes as an offensive tool, doing things such as generating demon magic attacks, or barriers without speaking or indicating a single thing other then a red-black glow in her eyes. That is indicating the sequence of magic is being transferred from her brain to the material word throught her eyes.

Although despite the bonuses this allows her, the consequences of over-abusing it become apparent on high level or strong spells which would normally blow up miles of landscape or something like that. As THOSE kinds of attacks cause a disruption in the retina of her eyes and causes a painful jolt inside of her mind and brain, akin to what might be called a Migraine from hell. Making it quite costly and disruptive if she does try to bite off and cast more then she can chew from just using this occular means of Demon-Magic Execution. Although she can create defensive types, and minor to average powered spells for her tier using this method. Because that wouldn't neccisarily put excessive strain on her retina or her eyes in general, as the larger the spell the more complexity it actually has, and in a nut shell, the more components in it the more strain on the brain/eyes will be generated.

Finally this also can be used as a means of Controlling demon magic that she naturally exudes into the environment around her, such as things like generating Portals, or even controlling the space around her. Or the curse affect demons have. All of these things can be manipulated and discerned to a certain degree using her eyes alone as the medium, but for stronger opponents [around her tier ] she must use more mental and verbal control over these things to keep her eyes from burning themselves out entirely.

Dark Arsenal Discovered by Inami when she was fighting the likes of Eric. Dark arsenal over-rode and showed her will power. Because this arsenal uses energy corrupted by hell as shown because inami's threads after she spent the time to form the Demi-Core Reactor had been tainted and mixed with the likes of hells actual miasma. As such the Dark Arsenal is referred to as "Hells Fire" given things created in this arsenal have been manipulated and warped internally to conform and unify with the like of Hells Miasma. Meaning that In Dark Arsenal, the weapons that are found have decaying and destructive effects. Not quite like Death Energy, but they are known for the eternal Burning and blackened flames and ruby red weapons that reflect the painful might of hell. Each weapon is different, and it should be noted these weapons have their own perks, but do not boost the users own capacity instead holding a whole other special set of abilities.

NOTE: with this one it isn't added in because this ability is newer and as such she wouldn't have any real ACTUAL substantial weapons yet to put into it, and because of that this is here for future expansion.

Hell Magic Merge: Inami is able to Merge Hell's Miasma with Demon magic of a certain degree, something she discovered in the gridlocked heights of her battle with Eric. This power quite interestingly will take what is normally demonic energy and corrupt it to the point that it is not quite Demon magic, but not purely hells Miasma, given she cannot fully manipulate Hell's Energy because of her essentially NOT being someone who was created in hell in the first place. For this reason Hell Magic Merge itself is something that is tricky because it takes time for her to learn what techniques can and cant be used with Hell's energy, as not all Demon magic can be intermixed, such as things like bodily manipulation or high-end Demon Spells which are already powerful to begin with. These things almost never will be able to intermix with Hells Miasma and take on this secondary form of demon magic that Inami Herself has created out of a sheer accident and force of will and a drive to win.

Hell Magic Merge generally comes in two types, one of which is hell's Fire, or Hellfire. This takes things like A black inferno blast and intermixes it for example with hells innate energy. In doing so the miasma of hell will turn the normal blast into something that is considerably more volatile due to the increase in offensive damage that would be naturally generated because of the affects hells miasma has on the structure of the demon-magic in the attack. In this way it means that while these attacks are not in themselves originally extremely powerful, depending on the intent and amount of power pumped into them, they can have what might be considered pretty cataclysmic Results in terms of damage on the area around her and the one struck by it.

Finally though, Hell Magic Merge is tricky, if she doesn't control and force the energy where she wants it to go, then it will also cause damage to her on a minor degree. As the miasma of hell is something that she herself doesn't have 100% control over, because of the fact that she herself wasn't born with or grew up with this type of energy in the first place. Which is finally why Hell Magic Merge, can be considered certainly Dangerous, as it can cause damage to the caster , and the opponent.

[HellMagicMerge:Inferal HellFire [Black HellFire Blast] This Skill is a variation of a normal black inferno blast, it was learned by accident actually when fighting with eric zarathos. It is created by fusing a normal black inferno blast with hells miasma, causing the corrupted energy to flare up and take the shape of Scorchingly hot fire which is like the flames you might find in the depths of hell. Hot and deadly these flames themselves are generated and expanded outwards within the energy which expands from the blast when it is fired. Although the difference is that it drops the innate destructive qualities of a normal demonic blast and has different Varying affects because this fire can be used beyond mere blasting, due to the minor affinity of manipulation Inami has over hells miasma in general. As such hells fire or "Black Hellfire Blast" has a secondary stage beyond the "Black HellFire Blast" which is what generally is called the "fluid state, in which the hellfire can be manipulated to a certain extent at the expense of either having a limited number of turns for use per thread, or halving the intensity of the technique so it can be used for the entire thread.

Visual Appearance [blast form] : The HellFire of Infernal hell fire looks like a normal black inferno blast other than the trace appearance of flames which dances quite subtly across the surface of the chaotic pitch-black with a purple corona shell of the blast. It when stationary will appear like that, however when it is mobile it will explode outwards loosing its defined shape and spread out in a compact beam-like projectile or explode in every direction in a dome and or rogue "Wave" of flaming energy which can swamp the area around it within a quarter mile radius at minimal due to the dispersion of the blade after being released if it takes on that wide area attack style, being so far apart.

Visual Appearance:[Liquid Form] Infernal hellfire in its liquid state has a liquid look about it, as it will generally drip down around her feet and cause burns to appear on her skin or the contact point it is being used at. These burns however do not go away as one of the prices of using the liquid form, literally "Flesh Eating" flames from hell will dine continuously on her skin as it regenerates leaving her in agonizing and constant pain which sometimes can hinder movement. Which is why the Manipulatable for of Infernal Hellfire is problematic, it eats the user bit by bit or atleast the skin due to the need to sustain itself on SOMETHING. as the infernal hellfire uses most forms of energy as its combustion point.

Affects Of Hellfire: In any state hellfire is not to be taken likely. Given the properties of it are "Flesh and Soul Eating" they are literally akin to their namesake, and act like "fires from the depth of hell". They are made to do two simple things and that is it, two things because of how the nature of these flames corrupted by the miasma of hell infused with them works. Below will be the two things that they are made to do.

Not To Be Put Out: The reason the fire is "Flesh Eating" is because the first thing its made to do is not to be put out under any circumstances in terms of affecting the flames directly. They can be teleported and moved, around but they themselves cannot be put out for one very simple reason. The contract that keeps these flames from perishing is the fact that every turn these flames in return for this very inconvenient power not only are being allowed to claim tribute from anything it turns to ash, but is also claiming its compensation by eating the very flesh and blood of the host body that summoned it. Meaning that instead of the flame being put out, every time that would happen [per turn is limited to once] about an inch of her skin will be devoured by the flame leaving a nasty burn that will not be able to but extinguished or healed until the thread itself is over, because while activated its not "just eating the flesh once" its price is that it completely cancels out her regenerative ability for the skin and pain tolerance for that area, by CONSTANTLY devouring the flesh on the claimed parts of her body as they are being regenerated. Causing a legitimately endless cycle of pain and agony for the host themselves.

Thanks to this though, the fires themselves when in liquid form cannot be EXTINGUISHED. they can be avoided and or moved away from,and the burned area can be contained however, if a person is hit by it they will continuously have the skin and eventually muscle if left unchecked burned apart indefinitively until the thread is over by the flames "Flesh Eating Nature" in itself. However for enemies? Its not merely flesh eating. as it cannot be put out, its man-eating actually meaning it is actively trying to devour the target who has actually been hit by the flames themselves [excluding inami since she has a contract already]. As Such you can be absolutely assured that the flames of hell even diluted are not something that is to be normally trifled with.

Soul Devastation, Near Perfect Burn: The second thing Hellfire is made to do is simple in its liquid state. Its made to burn into the soul to corrupt and if killed by the flames send the individual to hell where they will be reborn as a demon a tier lower then their actual tier that they had been when they where a living individual of another race. This is because Hellfire claims the lives of those it kills, as the contract for this part is that all that are killed by it, are claimed by hell directly. She looses the ability to turn these individuals into puppets, and she also must ensure the newly formed demon is properly looked after and then eventually she will have to show them and teach them how to be successful. This is because By The Hellfire claiming the lives of those it kills, it makes Inami directly take 100% responsibility for the life she has snuffed out and created new again. As This tool is not entirely made to kill, in fact its actually not made to reduce mongrels to oblivion. Its made to incapacitate on pure pain, hence why the consequences of Inami killing someone with this technique will be she not only must make sure they adjust and become happy as a demon, but she will get violently ill for the remainder of the next 24 hour time period, where she will feel constant burning, and agony that will be far worse then death. Because Hellfire is a fire of hell, it was created by Inami but it also can inflict pain on inami if the conditions it was unintentionally created under because of Inami's mood during the time of conception are broken. As hell fire is legitimately something that is not veiwed to be Abusable in any way shape or form.

Because of the severity of the consequence of taking a life, she also has to make sure that her flames which are able to burn using reishi, demon energy, even other forms of energy which border into the realm of suigura, and even things such as Hells energy itself, if shot at it and of 1 tier lower, can possibly be PARTIALLY incinerated if offensive [40% incineration max] And if defensive through the course of 1 post [full power] and 2 posts [half power] it can burn through the defensive barrier thats keeping it out. As the second part of its second functionality is to be able to burn through and create pain, to burn indescriminately and be able to burn through skin and partially through muscle at normal. This is because hell fire is made to cause a pain thats worse then death, and make someone unable to fight any further, It legitimately had no real killing intent upon creation, as such it is DESIGNED so that it is Extremely hard to kill someone while using it, but it is infact extremely easy to use it to burn through and clear obstacles out of her way.

NOTE: if you read the drawbacks to killing, what happens is quite arguably problematic. Plus the whole technique if you read through it is designed to INJURE not to actually kill. Now moving on to the skin burning, this is from herself as the fire uses this as a price which is quite literally the payment for keeping the fire going, as nothing is without a price. ALSO NOTE , the reincarnation part needs to have EXPLICIT permission from the owner of said character, as this cannot be done otherwise.

Hellfire: [Manipulation Forms]In Inami's Black hell fire there are some forms which are actually usable for her in terms of named ones. The difference between named and unamed abilities lay in the difference in strength. As kind of like how giving names to kido increase their power, Giving names to Manipulation in her case makes them much stronger. For example, if she had a named barrier made of flames, and a unnamed barrier made of flames the one that possessed an actual name that needed to be called out would be the stronger of the two. As well though because of this while she can fluidly create how ever many things she wants unnamed [within reason] she can only use two named Hellfire Manipulation Form skills at once no matter what the situation is, due to the immense willpower it actually takes to tame these raging flames especially since they have been given a name, and as such have a MUCH higher damage and power threshold then just random hellfire which is manipulated in every day situations.

Note With HellFire AGAIN: these techniques have yet to actually been filled in because she does not know them, this is to mainly explain the functionality of the whole thing as a whole. Plus is should be noted that in this state any flames manipulated or warped cannot randomly harm or injure actual players unless directed towards them, plus if you reread the flames you will understand how hard the flames actually would have to TRY to kill someone.

Satan Soul: "..May satan come and sate my soul, satan soul activate" Satan Soul is a technique all its own in the manipulation of hell fire, as what it does is it clothes the user in a veil of harsh flames, causing the skin and demon markings to radiate outwards. Literally vibrating and bleeding for the first two turns profusely due to the immense bodily strain and un-familiarity of satan souls particular form of manipulation [this happens always if not its not considered satan soul] However wings of flame, and burning rage will become apparent, as a crack will form down the users eye as she takes on the form of literal flame. This also causes her tier to rise to 0-3++ given this manipulation form is a "Bodily" Manipulation meaning she is fusing hells fire into her own body to cause a corrupt Transcendance into a special form which can only be obtained by a process of pain which will greately injure and cause grevious harm to the host the first few times of use, since it is essentially an Advent of hell and demon magic, confining both and using them to shape the vassal or host body into the shape of its hellish counterpart itself.

Which is why this is a mixed gray area, its both a legitimate canon manipulate of her hellfire but it also is an actual form which is added onto her body, as somewhere between her Puppet God X state and her normal shifter state. Satan soul however boasts stronger physical and hell-based affinities than the likes of Puppet god X. [Note this will be continued in the 2nd post of the app with the form itself]

[Note] This technique is something which is actually based upon the fact she is in her highest state a 0-2, which is why this technique is possible to increase her tier, plus rereading for draw-backs will show this state has more then ample sacrifice. to balance it out
Unique Thread-Based Abilities

Woven Hungry Chains: Woven hungry chains are not what you would consider to be typical chains. These chains are made using a small amount of blood and dark threads woven together to give the structure a chain like feel. These chains are not normal in comparison to the normal function of chains, or even other kinds of dark-thread attacks. You see these chains have the capacity to eat up matter objects, and within reason even spiritual energy that they come into contact with. For this reason Inami Asthavon can use these for many indirect purposes, such as devouring energy up to the relative level that Inami herself possesses. Although when that happens it would mean the chains for the rest of the thread actually become rather quite useless in regards to both functionality and actually being able to stay on the material side of existence. These chains act like a voraciously hungry pack of wolves who haven’t eaten in over a month. That’s just the easiest way to explain them, in terms of how fast the chains devour inanimate objects and cause the terrain to change around them.

Relatively speaking, the chains themselves can’t eat up energy instantly , nor unless a serious tier gap is present can they actually do things like devouring someone’s spiritual energy signature. However , if they devour a basic run of the mill NPC human, what happens is the soul would become trapped within Inami’s Dark Energy, and the person along with the ground and personal belonging they had on them at the time, would look like they had just vanished, and often there is a trace of the chains bite marks, which look like a cookie cutter shaped chunk is bitten out of the ground, or any other fixed objects that happened to be within 100 feet of the devouring point. Effectively speaking this means that the chains are not directly made to seriously injure or fight someone, despite obvious durability which comes from multiple threads woven together to create the chains in the first place.

When the chains do hit an object, it has a peculiar affect. If say the chain was going to cut someone’s arm off, the chain would eat said arm instead, or a portion of it at the very least, which would look like a huge bite had been taken out of the person, not the prettiest sight to behold. This is why they are called Hungry chains, because by eating up objects they come into contact with (exclusion of Player characters unless given permission) become eaten up , such as if Inami had directed the chain into the ground it could devour the amount of ground that is coming into contact with the chain itself, or devour anything within an area that is surrounded by the chains. In example if one of these chains managed to wrap around a modern day skyscraper, what would happen is the skyscraper would vibrate for a moment, and then vanish. However the ground and area that the skyscraper used to rest on would look again like it had gotten a great big hunk bitten out of it.

Thinking back, you might think that the chains just could devour anything and are invincible. That is not the truth in the slightest, as everything devoured goes into what is known as a pocket. These pockets are constructed by shrinking the matter down and then storing them within the individual fibers of the woven hungry chains. In doing so it allows for the chain to pool up to a specific amount of matter. However the particles of matter that are being held in the chains have a rather short life span. As over the course of 3-4 turns what happens is that the matter is decomposed, and any souls devoured (npc souls) are transferred to her Puppet God States reserves. Often these souls will be recycled and spat out, unless one of her dolls in the puppet army is lacking a fuel source, and in that case a soul will be then stored in that puppet, the rest however will be dispelled back into the soul cycle after a set period of time (At the end of the thread).

To be fair while this is hard to comprehend and seems to be useful, it also is no walk in the park to control. As Woven Hungry Chains have a particularly nasty side effect to them, which is that they require a steady reliable source of energy to stay active. Which is hard because of the strength that they have, means that in direct proportion to it, they also take a relatively large sum of energy to keep active, which is why of course if her energy is already depleted the nasty part of it comes into play. When energy is not present there is a second source of power for these volatile and deadly chains, it is not the souls they devour, but instead it is the blood of Inami Asthavon herself. Yes these chains will devour her blood after a set period of time following the depletion of energy. This is why there is a limit on the chains after half power is reached the chains begin draining blood, from there it is a countdown of 5 turns before the user would be incapacitated from blood loss best case scenario. That means if she didn’t lose any blood prior to that point, she would last only 5 turns before passing out from being , completely drained of blood.

Going further in depth, these chains are also able to use part of the energy, souls and matter devoured. Such as being able to manipulate the materials to say boost or reinforce a specific object, such as say Inami Asthavon had devoured 5 tons of steel, well if she put her hand on a wall she could reinforce the wall so that it would be just as hard as say a wall that was made of 2.5tons of solid steel. Although this does mean something else, such as if the chains devoured electricity , they could in essence utilize half the electricity they devoured in some sort of attack. The only problem is doing so creates Unimaginable strain on the body, as such doing something of that magnitude requires Inami Asthavon to be in her Puppet God State, where she is not restricted by her Miraculous but odd regeneration traits. Finally however, these chains can be destroyed it’s not impossible nor is it absurdly hard it just takes time and practice.

[note the fixed rate for consumption of energy from player characters is 5-10%]

[note ] this is something that would use mass amounts of energy ergo it would have a 4 turn limit, + in actuality if used over that period, it would devour and essentially kill INAMI herself. which is why its so strong

Racial Skills
  • Za Koa Skill:GrandMaster
  • Demon Magic: Master
  • Shadow Movement: Advanced
  • Akuma Kyōdo: Master

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Master
  • Strength: Advanced
  • Weapon Skill: Advanced

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Shizuo on Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:49 pm; edited 18 times in total

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] LzZCuy7
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] BtXe12b
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
Location : Google Maps

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Platinum Points:
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Sun Aug 31, 2014 7:13 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Satan Soul Form



Cold: Inami in her satan soul state is legitimately cold. Her personality is listless and depthless. She looks at thinks from a purely theoretical and logical veiw. Given due to her powers and the control exuded from hell, its quite literally that her emotions have become forfiet in the duration that this form is to take and continue to exist in. In this way this can be clearly seen as she rarely does show any form of actual emotion when she's actually in this kind of state. Hence why in this way she poses a danger to herself and others in a nut-shell. She will terminate anything that jepordizes her own neutrality in her emotions. Or try to unless she is focused on a bigger purpose, because Satan Soul exists in partnership with hell's miasma, not like her puppet god X state, instead it has carefully locked down and forcefully contained emotions at all times. Also the influence of hells energy on her mentality causes this drastic shift between what normally is considered normal behavior and her more.. reserved behavior which is found in satan soul.

Behavioraly this leads to her being reserved and quiet, choosing not to use her voice unless needed. the usually talkative person is more like an Empty shell which radiates a distance glacial demeanor. Her eyes are dull most of the time, and they seem to suck the light out of the rooms around her. No joy is seen in those eyes unless some strange freak accident of nature occurs. Because To become completely engrossed in Satan Soul , she must discard irrationality and uneeded human or "Weak" emotions to truly become the vassal needed to willfully and forcefully supress and harness the full capabilities of what connections to hells energy she actually has in the first place.

Guts: Inami In Satan Soul has a gutsy demeanor, she will not flinch or back down. She will not tolerate weakness when its shown, because in this form she understands much better the cost of any weakness. Given her minds been altered so that weakness will not be of the heart in such a form as Satan Soul. Pain loss, hardships. these are parts of life which can't and shouldn't be avoided because in her mind.. its clear that these are natural as breathing and eating to the living, and the mourning of the dead. Nothing that is worth fighting for should be cowardly gained or compromised for. When striking you don't fear being struck down, when slaying you don't fear the kiss of the grim reaper if you are slain. These things and many more are much a part of this satanic mode of hers and her personality that goes along with it. As weakness is kindness and such things cannot be shown to others lest emminent death be the penalty. So her demeanor isn't lacking, in fact its a pressure of willpower and certainty and a lack of fear or compromise which exudes from her in droves.

In this way the Guts she will display in satan soul, make her ruthless and effective. As she is able to shoulder psychological stress like its nothing, compared to what satan soul has taken from her its arguably reason enough that this profound psychological shift which drives her to do things like just stand there as a hurtling fire-ball blasts past her, or not blinking even if she was almost hit by something like a nuclear blast. Such things do not disturb her much, due to the on lock down control and burning desire to keep going that is displayed or as they say the SHEER guts that she is able to pull up from her heart in Satan Soul State.

Hells Will: Arguably a part of her personality which is inherited from the energies that gave her access to such a state in the first place. This is known as the will of hell, which is what hijacks and controls her mind and movements when hell or a high ranking individual of hell such like deveta or khala gave her a special request. Her mind is re-wrote to conform to the wishes of the requester, as such her whole demeanor will shift suddenly showing dis-interest in what ever she had been doing before. This is a part of her personality because it means she may be doing something, but suddenly she could then stop it and vanish in another direction; due to this reason this is almost like an Alter-Ego that she has wrapped within the depths of her personality. It's certainly not one simple emotion like love or hate. In fact depending on the commands given she could become more war-like and get straight into the thick of a battle with the ferocity of a true hell-born creature. Because of the fact her mind would optimally shift her personality to fit the command given so it could be carried out as affectively as possible.

Now however if the command was " Protect Me" Inami might in satan soul become more possessive, and noble displaying the characteristics of a guard or sentry which will do everything to protect the post given to them. In this case this would be because of the fact that she was told to "Protect" meaning that she would do everything she could to satisfy the request given to her by that individual who is part of hell itself. Because that is a part of satans contract. Meaning this isn't a multiple personality disorder that she has, its kind of like how a shape shifter can become nearly anything to fit its situation? Well because of hells will her mind will conform to perfectly fit the role or task given to her at that moment, so that again it is carried out more affectively. Like for example there are some simple commands which would change her demeanor.

Like Hunt, if she was given this command by a person like deveta of khala or someone tied to those who are considered a intergral part of hell, she would become more war-like as explained in the first paragraph. But in hunt she also would become much more persistant, to the point she would have the determination and the willpower to hunt down the person to the very ends of the earth. Not stopping , not eating, probably not even sleeping until she completed the request she was given, which in this case would be hunt.

If The Command was Murder, She might have her mentality altered to fit that of a psychopath, shutting down her feelings of guilt or even her feelings of sadness for anything she'd do in this moment until the command was finished. This would be so that her movements wouldn't be dulled or slowed down by any acts or thoughts of hesitation which may arise from weak emotions or kindness. So in this way Hells will is a part of Satan Souls personality because it ALTERS her personality to fit whats needed.

Devil Killing Intent: Inami In Satan Soul exudes hellishly potent killing intent. Just looking into the satan-soul forms eyes can be compared to the killing intent of an entire army of psychopaths which have each killed thousands of lives. This is because satan soul sharpens what is needed in the vassal personality and kills what is un-needed. Compassion is gone, and hate is gone. Without these two things the clear defined killing intent that exudes of inami which is normally hidden by her other manners and emotions is brought up to the surface and then clearly harnessed and amplified to match the hellish energy and miasma which permits her to enter this state in the first place. These are as much a part of her personality as her words and actions, as her killing intent defines what this form is on the battle feild, it truly is what makes people or individuals probably consider her actually as a demon in the first place. This is because of the fact that she doesn't care for life in this form but also will not crave needless destruction.

This complex combination makes the killing intent nothing like a murderers need to kill, or a psychopaths enjoyment with murdering others. Instead its like a natural oppressive presence, its just there. Its not saying if i look at you you will instantly die, but it does say if you try anything i have no problem killing you and then everyone else to cover up the evidence. Since thats just how she is when she's in this form, she's a spawn of satan, and doesn't care if she kills or not.

Unorthadox : In Satan Soul State personality wise, Inami is unorthadox, doing things in ways that most people would not in a million years probably think of doing it as. For example if she wanted to throw someone, she may quickly kick the individual in the gut, grab their hair and then throw them through the sky. Or if she wanted to avoid and attack she might quickly move so that instead of dodging it, she knocks the attack off direction. This is just combat application from her personal preferences though. In other situations she just seems to enjoy making individuals have to wrap their minds around just what she's doing. Like putting a bun inside a hot-dog, or instead of blowing up the area and killing a person, killing a person and causing the area to blow up because the person died and not the other way around. Such in this way, she would prefer to fly than sit, or sit on her hands rather than her legs if she did sit. As her hellishly twisted counterpart personality in satan soul is two things, a mirror image of what she'd be like in hell, and whimsical, or weird.

Because of the fact that, there's a stereo-type that devils or satan is a trouble maker, as such its easy to explain this behavior under the fact that her mind probably had this thought stuck in it when she first learned to use hellish energies. Which caused the energy to take and manifest this in the Satan Soul form which she now is in possession of. In this way this is probably one of the only things about her, satan soul form which isn't completely and entirely serious. Given the fact that.. satan soul takes the normal personality of the host, and again warps it to fit a more hell-defined version of it.

Logical Mind: Satan Soul gives inami in this form a logical outlook on things. Given she must be able to keep things both in check, and function it requires her to think of things realistically without letting her desire or other thoughts get in the way of it. Hence why she makes actions even in how she speaks [when she chooses to speak] based on the pro's and cons that are going on. Such as if its required to speak or if its actually something thats useful in terms of if it helps her get anywhere in the first place. If the answer however is no? chances are she's not going to speak or go through with it unless there's some downside to not doing it. Such as if it actually is of detriment to her [meaning it'd hurt her if she didnt] and in those situations she will however step in intervene or take up the gauntlet if need be. Meaning she's much more on the dot, and thinking a bout the nature of things in this form that she is in other forms. However it should be noted. This reaction is in no way actually being geared towards social situations, as Satan SOUL is generally not activated to "fratenize" unless she somehow gets stuck in it. Precisely why this "Logical" outlook is more geared to the way she fights and how she needs to do things while she fights.

Essentially in a nut shell, she does possess a HIGHLY logic based personality, but it doesn't mean she will change her position in the situation or that she will stop whats she's doing. This is just essentially here because of the fact being that due to the contortion of her mind in this state, it will make it so that she undergoes a "maturity" which puts her in a different mind-set then following her heart, she tends to lean towards her mind, and iron will when in her Satan Soul state, which reflects in her Logical and reason-based mental outlook on things.

Natural Affinity: Satan's Contract: In Satan Soul mode, Inami Asthavon has an affinity for hell which is bound to her by Satan's Contract, by the merged hell fire which permeated into her demonic seals, it indirectly in this form only estableshes any REAL connection that is anchored within her own body, without borrowing energy from her threads or outside sources. This contract however means that in Satan Soul she must act in hells best interest if say Deveta or Some deity who resided in hell or even if a guardian of hell chose to contact her directly, she would in return for this contract be forced to stay in and obey the commands given until the time that satan soul either was forcefully ended, or when they chose to release her. In such instances she will remain in satan soul indescriminately until such time she has been allowed to revert back by the one who summoned her for a task in the first place. This is only one part of the contract, but in turn for her subjugation essentially to the whim of hell itself, she is granted a connection and affinity for hells energy even when traveling in other dimensions. This means her Demon seals will serve a clear purpose, they will bind her to the command of hell when there is one, and when not she can also not do anything to defy, or hurt anything that is in any way shape or form connected to an protected or considered to be in great substantial benfit of hell to keep around.

This means that if an enemy she was fighting was suddenly "Deemed" to be of benifit to hell she would suddenly lock up, and become unable to move so long as she had ANY direct killing intent towards that person, as her contract is both to give her power and to control and restrict her like a dog on a very well maintained and controlled leash. Which is one of the most LITERAL drawbacks this form has, which is that at any time if hells will changes she can become unable to battle and this will make her extremely vulnerable. Seeing as essentially this form is totally dependant on the whim and literal "Law or Orders" Of hell itself. As she can be considered a "Slave" to hell in some ways when ever entering this form, as she both gains power from this contract but can be seen to be restricted and controlled by it as well, such as energy limiters which will keep her on a set tier level. In this way any guardian of hell or direct controller within hell can not only limit her connection to hell, but can cause her tier to drop EXPONENTIALLY if they wished when ever she was in this form or state due to the nature of satans contract.

In Return for such complete control over her, this iron clad contract grants her great power, as it is comparable to fighting an extremely powerful 0-3++'s tier if the full amount of energy is exherted, at one direct point in time. However because of this, the second condition of hell is that she becomes unable to use demonic energies, meaning her demonic skills and akuma Kyodo and even demon magics become legitimately Null and void, and her regeneration will take a hit as well, meaning as while she has energy she still won't die from fatal attacks, these attacks will take 4 to 5 times longer to heal than normal. Meaning if a limb was cut off per satans Contract she would take probably at least a turn to regenerate the entire thing if not longer. Given Satan's Contract binds the user and shapes them to meet their hellish potential, repressing uneccisary traits to greatly boost and hone offensive and tank-like capabilities which make this form essentially like fighting a offensive powerhouse .

Further Essentially Satan's Contract also causes the Personality of the host to shift, given this contract requires the individual to completely submit to hell, sacrificing any of their Advanced Demon States" as well meaning that Satan Soul makes it so that in this case Inami cannot even learn a new demon state beyond her puppet god x due to it actually being there previously. As hell also in this contract takes some of the potential growth of the individual, Meaning that as well because of This contact Inami will never be able to reach the heights of 0-2++ and will at max be able to hit 0-2+ given that the contract must balance out the power given by taking something of equal value away. In this way also Satan Soul makes it so that she will also hurt loved ones if they get to close or get in her way, as her emotions become supressed greviously and she thinks more like a killer because of hells complete merger within her body in general.

Because of all this, the intense draw-backs of Satan soul, cause essentially for her to loose as much of her potential as she gained by going into such a contract. Meaning in essence the body itself becomes in merger with hell and is governed also by hells rules, meaning she cannot act in contrary interest to hell. And she certainly cannot pick a side which would be in any way shape or actual definable form Opposing the wishes and or legitimate Feelings of hell itself, she can however per this Contract remain neutral in such situations unless hell manages to hijack her body by giving her a command while she is in her Satan Soul Form.

Satan Soul Abilities:

HellFire Domination: Satan Soul Grants The Ability to Dominate and bend hellish flames which can be created if she initiates a blaze using energy in the air, note though this ability does not work in places VOID of energy entirely. However once intiated around her body hellish flames of a black green color will begin to wrap around her entwining with her. Brilliantly hot flames which are the equivalent of her Dark-Threads in this state, can be manipulated at the cost of large sums of energy via a gradual drain that happens over the course of a few turns. These flames are able to burn through other forms of energy although it does not do so completely, being able to utilize around a tenth of the energy that it comes in contact with [exluding controlled characters] Meaning that she can take flames of any potency and if they are weak enough in terms of power if they are from someone who wields flames. Or fully natural flames can be used to generate these waves of black energy. This fire is also nearly impossible to put out, due to the lack of a need for oxygen , instead they need something anything to sustain them. If you remove that one variable, and give them absolutely nothing they can use to thrive on? You can literally put these flames out without a problem what so ever. This is because no energy, means no continued burning.

Another thing is, this hell fire is spiritually corrosive, acting to gradually burn through barriers and even being able to but slight "burns" on hierro [not bullshit their way through instantly] and even worsen burns over the extended period someone actually stays in contact with such hellish flames. This is because Hellfire in this state is made to burn and cause long term damage, but also create wounds that take LONGER to heal rather than attacks which could be more deadly than actually hard to fix. In essence this means Hellfire Domination allows her to control the flames of hell conforming them to her will when needed. However in terms of use, she has key limitations put in place outside of hell meaning this even has limitations put in place in the demon world that keep the fundamental power level of this ability in check. Meaning that she can use fundamentally outside of hell period roughly 70% of this abilities full power, meaning she is able to bend and super-heat or control flames on a generalized whim, but also is able to use these burning and corrosive flames to terraform the landscape in area's that are not populated.

For Example Hell Fire Domination is a form of fire manipulation which is expanded upon to include flames which have the properties of what is considered the miasma of hell. They burn and they are corrosive, but they are unable to kill a person instantly, instead this hell fire is perfect for char-broiling and causing slowly increasing damage and certianly painful damage to who ever they actually manage to hit. For this reason, HellFire Domination, itself like her normal hellfire, is weakened when it is not given a confined form to which has a name. In example a sword given a name would be stronger than just a simple blade which was formed from nameless hellfire, given the name means it was created and energy was put into it, rather than just being made up on the spot.

[note] just like the predecessor, this thing cannot be accurately used to teleport into people, + the blades and weapons are not here because this is new and she hasn't really built things for it yet. As such again note this ability it can be stopped but it has clear limitations as to what it can and cannot do.

Scream Catacylism: Miasma warps internally causing for Hells energy to take the form of sound, in this case an unholy screaming sound which cannot be muted due to it making sound, but the affects not being based around the sound itself at all. While the sound goes on, high particle collision is interchanging between the corrosive miasma of hell which is dispersed in red-colored sound waves, and any and all energy/matter it comes in direct contact with [excluding Inami herself]. This interaction causes for a highly potent force of energy disguised as sound to be intermovable around her body in varying distances at extremely high speed. This is known as Scream Cataclysm because when using this the screaming sound on contact caused a corrosion to take affect which happens quickly enough that it will de-balance the energy/matter and cause it to blow up, essentially meaning if the scream hits a radius around her the ground will smoke black before it would explode, as does happen with inanimate objects. Given this is split second color change is occuring due to the partial corrosion which causes everything to de-stabelize.

This is also a technique which clashes with barriers and defenses, causing for any new defensive type spells to be diminished in strength when cast by those of the same tier range, 1 tier below and then above her tier. These individuals will be able to still cast defensive while this is in affect when inside her radius. However anyone lower then that tier range will find defensive spells to be nearly impossible to cast. Although this also doesn't affect someone from going outside the range of the Scream Cataclysm and then performing the feat, as its not disrupting the techniques creation. It does something different interfering with the process that happens between the two, making it so that essentially it will disrupt the attacks cast. Now moving from that part Scream Cataclysm is able to cause wide spread damage, using this colored psuedo sound like attack to amplify punches causing for an explosive charge around normal physical attacks that make it so she can "Project" or attack using this method.

Its not a perfect system though , given that Scream Cataclysm can be active or manipulated at half power for a given period of time, and when in use at full power it lasts 5 turns before being de-activated. If at half power she can use it for the rest of the thread. The full power limit of this range wise is just under a mile at max [very unlikely to happen] the max for half power is at a quarter mile radius. Which is why Scream Catacylism's affects aren't generally causing destruction by the actual energy, but by the residue affects, which are pretty much massive shockwaves which happen from atoms and what-not imploding and releasing energy in unison at high speeds. Which is why this physical combat technique allows her to put an explosive edge on either her speed or attacks.

However it does cause damage if she somehow was to tire out her energy reserves the strength of Scream Cataclysm would not only cause her injury, but it would probably shred every inch of skin and probably greatly damage muscles all over her body even if the energy was drained for a mere second. Because of the fact that her energy is placating the scream Cataclysms functions and more importantly it allows her defense method [Satan Defense] to accurately buffer or resist a majority of the affects which happen from Scream Cataclysm. What buffer means, is that it won't essentially block the entirety of the damage from herself since she gets minor cuts and lacerations on her skin every few turns which is a major problem as she has a hard time regenerating. Also in a way this is almost like area-manipulation in Zao-Ka. given it is affecting the area around it in a indirect manner using the influence of energy to destabilize it.

Other things you should know about this technique is that it is not made to kill, being hit by the shockwave either can have replusive affects or can cause burns and lacerations on the point of contact. However the main purpose of it is that it accumulates over her physical strength and speed, allowing her to add an extra "Explosive" component to her combat style.

Note: with this one? Scream cataclysm may say it disables but it merely disrupts. Over looking it, the simple thing is the conventional casting or [non verbal method] becomes extremely difficult to use, and weakens it. Use of full incantation for it however makes these abilities usable at.. 80% power

Physical Augmentations: [b]

Satan Strength: Satan Soul gets something major for disabling all of Inami's usable abilities from any other state. One of these somethings, is Massive Strength which is befitting of a rouge offensive demon such as Inami has become in her satan soul state. Think of it as a alteration made when hells energy mixes permeates and merges with her body through the medium of the hell fire. This hell energy is massive, but she looses so much because of Satans contract, and from that she gains great strength. Energy which in the moment of transformation changes into latent physical prowess, which is why Satan Soul is not on par with puppet god x. Its because that extra amount of energy was discarded in favor of superior power. As such within this state her stats will merge together to compensate for the loss of her racial skill's. In this way these supercharged hell-borne muscles have enough strength to level entire cities with a single punch if enough force is put into it[ this would take alot of force] Or she would be able to do things like picking up actual portions of mountains such as maybe a 20th of mount everest for example, and throw it the length of a foot ball field. At full strength at least she could probably pick up a 6th of mount everest, but the thing is?

Satan Strength is heftily limited outside of hell and the demon world, which is why her strength while it is immensley powerful is actually being siphoned some. This means all her attacks will remain full power but because of the restraints set upon her from hell, any and all damage received outside of hell or the demon world is comparable to only 60% of the actual maximum amount of damage that would be taken. As specified by satans contract she cannot defy the will of hell, and her destroying massive plots of land in other potentially conquerable locations would be seen as "Damning" or not benifital to hell. As such her punches are pulled in every situation and fight so long as she's not in the demon world or hell. As such if in hell or the demon world you may see her strength almost having gone under the illusion of "Doubling" but that isn't the case. Its merely that in these two area's and THESE two area's only, she cannot activate all her power. In fact she can also only activate 100% of her strength when within hell or within her own nation, in places out side of that such as the demon captial or other nations within hell she becomes unable to use more then 75% of her full strength, and in cases like with Mana's nation, she actually can only use 55% of her max strength unless given Explicit in thread permission by mana herself or have received approval from a governing force of hell itself.

Also because of this Satan Strength also if in area's that aren't neccisarily intended to be damaged [such as where she veiws the inhabitants as not deserving of such mayhem] The restrictions can also act as a focus-point, making it so that in such instances she cannot no matter how hard she tries, break the landscape or buildings around her. Meaning if someone's hiding in a building and this mode is on, she can't instantly devastate the building they would be hiding in, she would have to open the door and then go in after them. Which is a major Down-side of satan strength, it is powerful and useful but the literal downsides of some of the modes when active can balance out the perks gained by them.

Satan Speed: Satan Soul also gives another major asset beyond her strength. Satan Speed, a physical augmentation which is also a product of her tier being 0-3++ in this state rather then 0-2. It boosts her speed to dizzying heights, causing her to be able to move weave and dodge incoming attacks at rates that she can be seen as if she's fully using every ounce of it? She could literally be confused with teleporting, since Satan Speed uses her strength but nerfs and redirects it to bolster the speed she already possessed. Legitimately allowing her to move at rates that could let her transverse the ocean from China to America within 5 minutes if she was pushing it as hard as she could [in a straight line] The reason for this though is she is made to hit hard, block hard and move fast in satan Soul. For this reason her light-weight and well muscled form carries unbeleivable speed when particularly within hell, where she has no restraints. Given that just like Satan strength? She has limits placed on her speed when outside of her own nation, or hell, or the demon world in general. Satan's Contract does this to keep the speed to a point that ironically enough she wont cause damage by RUNNING into objects. Not because the speed itself would damage the environment itself.

Satan speed is legitimately limited in the realms of the living and K-world due to the benifitial connections they have with the likes of shadow fall. In example she may be able to run fast enough to cause one touch from her foot on the water to being enough to generate massive 50-60 foot tall waves over a distance of 3 miles, however all the force from contact in terms of on just objects that arent either attacking her, or deemed by her as deadly will have all impact based on SPEED to be negated, meaning that she cannot use her speed to rip through or cause damage to individuals, like if she hit a stop-sign unless she actually used force to break through it, that stopsign could fesibly stop her if she's only using just her pure speed. This is because if she didn't have this she would cause wrecks all over the place if she where to trip or to fall. Plus this is another limit or condition placed by satans contract on the limitations of what satan soul can actually do. Due to the innate strength and power it would possess otherwise.

In a sense, this means that satan's contract limits satan speed to around 60% output in realms other than hell, the demon world, in particularly her nation. and then in places like k-world, and the world of the living speed is reduced further to roughly 50%. Meaning that there are area's that she has default limiters which are LOWER then what is considered to be the average limiters which are governing her speed in other area's in general. This is actually because of the fact that, Satan Soul is a state which both merges the body mind, and physical abilities of a demon and merges them with hellish energy. Causing for extreme boosts in power, for which the limits that are put in place on it are completely uncontrollable by her, given she cannot disobey rules given to her by hell in general More importantly because of her affinity for hell aka Satans Contract.

Satan Defense: Satan's Defense is not fully physical, as her skin has hardened due to the adverse affects of hells energy as it merged with Inami's Body. Making her skin have durability enough to in her current state majorly reduce the damage that is taken by energy attacks, and more particularly those which involve demon,or hells energies, and decay /breakdown type attacks. This is because Satan Defense is made to be able to keep up with the strength and speed of Inami, and is also there to counterbalance her extremely slowed down regeneration rates. In this way Satan Defense has an ingenious method of combining hells miasma with the skin itself. This results in the change of her hands, and cracks which are prominently seen across the bottom of one of her eyes. Given these are area's where the skin has pure hell-energy dripping down into the crevaces and entirety of her skin. Thanks to Satan Defense she can take a pretty enourmous beat down given its not a full on impenitrable armor, but it is a armor which balances out the severely slow regeneration time that her body now possesses.

Not To Mention, Satan Defense utilizes the decaying and corrosive properties of hells miasma which existed originally as the long term burning in hellfire. This doesn't damage opponents that come in contact with her however. Given this physical/ Metaphysical augmentation makes it so that while in hell or the demon world, normal energy based attacks of mostly any given origin [including reality shift] will become warped by the miasma which naturally radiates from her body, as a kind of supernatural barrier. What it does after it warps is it buffers or decays a part of the attack as a way to balance out her lack of a demonic barrier. Inside hell and her nation in the demon world, these actions are able to reduce the integrity of an attack of someone within 2 tiers of her [below her such as 0-5] by roughly 60%. while it will reduce those of equal or higher tier. by roughly 40 %. Note though that is in the demon world itself, as when in other realms such as the world of the living, these reduction rates are reduced by 15% each, due to the limitations placed on her defenses like everything else.

Also These defenses will diminish slightly when in the realm of the soul-society, due to the connection the soul society has with both the iramasha and the soul king himself. These outside affects will cause her reduction rates to drop another entire 5% due to these outside influences. Now though, Satan Defense is restricted in how much it can block, it is not infallible and outside of hell it is limited and restricted due to the need to protect hells interests, or because of her not actually being in a realm either attached to or literally within the realm of hell itself. Such as the demon world is connected to the gate that goes to hell as such, her abilities will remain the same in strength as if she was back in hell itself. Finally Satan Defense was also given at the price that she lost her akuma kyodo's grand-mastery potential. Meaning she cannot because of this particular ability ever reach the perfection of akuma kyodo's skill. Because of the need for a compensation after gaining such a useful gift.

Note: OUTSIDE of hell she has the capacity to use all of these at once using the limiters that are implaced on her. However in hell she has an activation sequence, meaning she can only activate either her strength and speed, or strength and defense at one time. This also includes the demon world, since her limits are HARSHLY lessened in restraint wise situations.
Hell Magic:

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Shizuo on Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:51 pm; edited 22 times in total

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] LzZCuy7
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] BtXe12b
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
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Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Mon Sep 01, 2014 11:40 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A


Neoveta Asthavon This relation-ship is something that kind of boggles the mind, even to Inami. Seeing as after she was majorly injured in the Australian War Arc, she actually was being taken care of by a 3 year old who's wisdom seemed great but also who's verbal skills had been very VERY lacking. Even so, the two share a very tight , and what Inami treats as, "Closer Than Kin" Bond, given the fact is that Inami wouldn't probably be who she was today without the girls help and indirectly her caring.. but kind of stone-walled nature; as both helped Inami through some PRETTY hard times.

Reigen Reigen is somewhat of an Enigma, Inami respects him but has not gotten to know him well enough that she could call him a "Close freind" However more importantly then this, there is one thing that blossomed between them that is unshakable to the core in Inami's Opinion. That would be trust, she more than trusts Reigen as if he was an extension of her body. Because of that this relation ship is more business like, then it is normal freind to friend relationship. However in some ways, the bonds run deeper then kin and blood here.

Gilgamesh Gilgamesh, and Inami have a peculiar Relation-Ship , one that may or may not be considered a potential Love-Interest. For various reasons, ever since meeting Gilgamesh she has been both annoyed by him endlessly, and amazed by his blunt-sincerity even if she finds it wholly and incomparable self-centered and depraved. So she doesn't know the hell why she feels like she does in this relation-ship, nor does she ever think she will figure things out regarding to just how she feels about the man. However he is the first of his entire species.. meaning that alien concept known as man. To make inami feel any of the inkling emotions which are associated with that mystical term called love. She herself thought that it would be incapable for her to love.. or at least want to stick around in a relationship with a man.. but here she is. So the relation ship is all kinds of crazy, but she does.. sorta love him? Or atleast views him as more of an interest than a pain in the ass somehow. ?

Eric Zarathos A hard worker who know's how to get things done. Inami doesn't know how she particularly feels about the man or his temper, but she respects him and feels a motherly attraction to him, viewing him as a son almost due to his immature nature and mannerisms. Because of this she has a soft spot for the massively powerful demon and wishes to see him succeed. Most of her trust and respect though stems from things she has heard about him around the demon world, and she wishes to continue to see the mad demon grow and prosper; and eventually cultivate him into nothing short of a fine young demon-king who's name will be known far and wide.

Tsubasa Inami has only known tsubasa for a short time, but she has both strong feelings of attraction, and feelings of him as if he was a psuedo father figure. In essence this man who she's barely been able to get to know, is a person she nothing short of has a yandere moment towards. She is utterly enthralled by the figure of this man, and more importantly she is utterly taken aback by his mannerisms. So you could say while she doesn't know him that well, she very much so wants to get to know him better, and already possesses high respect, and strong feelings of attraction and longing towards him.

Ibiki To Inami ibiki was the first shinigami to do something other than attack her. as such the both of them have a pretty good mutual understand, but not quite friendship, yet this unlikely cease-fire still boggles the likes of the chaya queen's mind. As this literally was in her case an individual which changed her so completely that she's almost a different person now. To boot, this in inami's mind is the first shinigami individual who she actually does not mind, and actually enjoys being associated with even in a round-about manner.

Kurai Closer then kin, Inami feels a motherly attachment to Kurai which prompts the queen to legitimately treat the shinigami as her first born child. Blood relations mean next to nothing in this mind-boggling relation ship. Inami is willing to fight to protect this child and bring him up right because of how she feels towards him. Although she doesn't know much about the young shinigami lad, she hopes that he will eventually look to her as a mother.

Demonica Nightfang Inami considers this individual to be a child to sorts. Not quite in the way she veiws Eric and Kurai, but in the way that she is a hunting dog, and Inami respects the likes of Demonica Nightfangs strength, as such she feels that this individual is someone who while she is familiar with and also is on reasonable terms with, the likes of demonica Nightfang is still not considered in Inami's eyes as a "friend"

Mana Asthavon
Mana Asthavon is an Enigma, Inami feels a great deal of love for her elder sister, and almost feels like an over-bearing step-child in regards to mana's rather twisted but motherly demeanor. However, because of this Inami doesn't really come into contact with her sister much due to their varying duties which contrast. Ergo while they are still of the same family? They are more on the plane of "Seperated Siblings" as she shares that sibling affinity for mana, but she also isn't as close to her as she would be to other individuals in her family.

Neoveta Asthavon Replica 1 [shell 1] Neoveta Asthavon Replica 1 is someone who Inami loves more than she probably would a lover. She's totally a yandere about the replica of her favorite family member. In fact its quite plausible that in this relationship, if replica one wasn't related to her, that Inami quite possibly would have asked her out by now. But given they are related, the Queen Of Chaya has settled with being that clingy sister, who loves their sibling of choice to death. Meaning if any harm befell the likes of Neoveta Asthavon Replica one? Its quite plausible that nothing short of death would stop Inami Asthavon from hunting down the assailant and killing him as horrifically as possible herself.

Khala Asthavon Inami feel's khala asthavon is both a stranger, and someone who cares about her. She has mixed emotions and is confused about this.. "elder" sister/deity figure which suddenly thrust in her life in its shittiest throws. Although Inami has shown signs of sisterly kin-ship and concern for her "Elder Sister" which means she still does view her as someone important to her. However because of how confused and how hard A time has even figuring out this relationship in its entirety? It is actually a very classic example of "One Big Clusterfuck".

Liu Asthavon Distant Relative of Inami, she really is neutral about this person, but doesn't dislike her perhaps. In honesty the Queen Of Chaya just doesn't have a set in stone feeling about this particular individual, and just kind of knows them rather then anything concrete or significant.

Haru This Is one of the more unlikely but canon relationships that Inami has. As she took a liking to the cold-calculative nature of the Zero Division Member known as Haru. Which is why this relationship is casual/Professional mixed. as she both respects and likes his attitude as a person, but also knows she must strictly adhere to her own norms behavior wise about herself due to her position and his race, however in time she hopes that this will change once Demons and Shinigami slowly ease into acceptance with each-other in chaya nation.

Nami Asthavon Nami Asthavon , A Sister that she knows and is also quite fond of. Although perhaps they haven't "Met" face to face, she is hoping to get to meet the sister that she feels is the closest one in terms of sharing her ideals and dreams. As such she feels she's on "I know this person" / Distant" terms with this person who she views to be a particularly "Like Minded" Individual.


Australian War Arc Recovery PT1: Darkness After the australian war arc, Inami asthavon had been detained for quite some time, in recovery after she had pushed herself way beyond her limits. She hadn't meant to screw everything up, she really hadn't but thats what ended up happening. Most nights she unable to wake up endured pain which was like her whole body was being broken apart and then put back together again. The last moments of khala coming to intervene, those memories had shaken her to her very core, she hadn't been able to understand what she had done wrong. Her memories kept going back and forth, in and out, khala's face was the one thing that predominated those times, months days or years, Inami hadn't been able to discern past, present or even future as she had been locked in internal struggle and strife between her and the likes of her puppet god power. Most times she was stuck in endless conversation, endless fighting. She didn't even have the strength to move, or to breath. All she could was lay there numb, and think. Think about just how badly she had screwed up; just how horribly she had dissapointed her sisters, how disgraceful she had acted and how she had tarnished the name of asthavons. All of those thoughts went through the mind that was trapped in the jail cell of her limb and immovable body, she was a trapped bird, and she knew it. Many times in her lonely hours .. or what seemed like hours to inami she kept going delving into the back of her head, trying frantically to remember just why she had done what she had done. . . Why she had been such a monster.

Just. . watching the battle over and over; and her actions all of them she could only stare in her mind tears of dis-beleif rippling through her face, as she wanted nothing more than to dissapear. Then to die and stop causing pain for others. "..Does it matter i ment well? I'm in this state because i let my emotions control me, take hold of me. . . I'm such a failure i wish i could stay like this in these moments , in these sorrows for ever, maybe this is my punishment. . Never being able to see anything again. . this blackness is the darkness i've harbored.. and i wouldn't have a better way to be punished then to stay in my misery and agony.. this is truely my way of being paid back by fate." Inami thought as time passed sluggishly in her head, her mind and body staying in statis for the longest time. She couldn't even open her eyes and apologies , just the pain alone though was comforting, it told her she wasn't dead just yet, that she was still somehow connected to the world.. Even though she couldn't hear her own heartbeat. And she had been nearly about to give up, to throw in the towel and accept the governing embrace of death. To slip into the true bliss of hell and become one with the energies which powered demons and those of this damned land.

Yet something kept her there, a strange alien warmth that appeared after what seemed to her like a thousand years. But probably had only been days in the Asthavon estate. A soft telepathic thought which had been prying and pressing into her mind, and was just now being able to break through the mental fortitude that held the likes of Inami in her own little bubble to wallow in her own lack of functionality. It pried it open and she was able, to hear a soft voice which was oddly strange and alien, but comforting something which she could just smile.. at. Hearing the voice which said something like..
"..Come back it's time to wake up" Thats what the voice said and Inami just slowly had shook her head some before she had sunk further into the darkness. She felt she finally had gone crazy, absolutely crazy because of the fact that she was hearing voices other then her own and puppet god x in her head. This voice was different, strange and she didn't know where the sam-hell it came from, but what she did know was the fact that. . .This voice wanted her to survive and not go into the blackness. Which was why as she was on the door of what demons called true death, she turned back and began to move to the light.

Inami felt strength coursing through her veins, but she still was weak. but she forced herself closer and closer to life, her body twitching and her eyes shifting only minorly in the demon world, as tears dripped down her eyelashes. She had reached and pulled herself back to the warmth of the light, feeling a sound weight on her mid-section, which made her clearly flip the hell out. . . But before she could completely loose her mind . . She felt a warm stinging sensation across her face which began to throb painfully as this pulled her completely back into reality, her eyes shifting to see just what the hell had actually happened. and she looked up to see a stoic blank face, and a hand touching the wall to the right of her, and she connected the dots. . . She had been slapped HARD. and she normally would have gone insane, but she understood why.

Part 2:Bonds
Inami had woken up to a straight blank-faced girl smacking her across the face, and she expected some speech, as she rose with a start and began to say.
"..Wha-what the he-ow.ow.ow.ow.?" She had stopped off mid rant as blood began to drip from a bandage on her abdomen, still feeling the affects of her over-exhertion of energy, she had doubled over and hacked up a huge globular of blood which splatter-painted the white sheets of her bed, a dark crimson red. Inami Looked up freezing some as she got flicked hard straight on the for-head skidding off the bed and smashing into a wall as the straight faced girl had continued to sit there, some blood covering her face while she seemed to have the emotional capacity of a rock. But as the dust cleared Inami slowly got up and began to dust herself off, when the girl sprang from the bed and landed on her making her crash into the floor. Which there writhing she had been trying to get the girl off.. Inami had tried everything until she heard the voice of the girl but not out of her mouth. Instead she heard it from inside her head. "..Rest, you need to rest, your not healed yet." Inami's eye's had widened as she heard the voice in her head, which had really no actual emotion in it, more like she was a kind of robitic marionette which had been tasked with taking care of her and nothing else. However Inami just exhaled and propped herself up, pressing her hand on Neoveta's head and thumped her once before she had then looking at the stoic face of the girl leaned in and gave her a light hug and said. "..I know i need to rest, you've been taking care of me right?.. I tha-.. OW WHY YOU" Inami had begun to thank the likes of this girl but then had gotten popped randomly in the nose causing her to smash back into the ground as she glared upwards at the still straightfaced girl that replied as if it all made sense in her head. "..You assaulted me, so i punched you, as i learned was normal with interactions with others." The likes of the girl [Neoveta] had replied in inami's head with, while Inami puffed up like a blow fish.

".Your not supposed to hit people, you weird robo-woman. Whats your name?" Inami asked exhasperated and confused, and over all just done with the situation. She looked up however awaiting for the weird girl to give some kind of reply, so that she could atleast adress this anomaly by her name. Yet she was sure as hell suprised when she had gotten the answer in her head. "..My.. Name is Neoveta Asthavon" That did make inami cough some before she would have spluttered up at the girl named Neoveta Asthavon"..So you hit your FAMILY? with stupid reasons?" Inami asked, as Neoveta made the only face she had seen other than the flat-features of her blank face. Since she made a fairly clueless innocent look and then inquired. "..Is there something wrong with that?" The telepathic voice from Neoveta still had been fairly emotionless, but Inami was internally raging around inside as she just composed herself and exhaled. Then answered almost wanting to throttle the girl."..Of course its not okay you just don't punch family. " That did seem to confuse neoveta but Inami just exhaled and ruffled the girl on the head, her eyes closing some as she had let out her kind of tired breath she hadn't known she'd been holding in. Her vision was still going in and out, and neoveta had been right, she certainly WASN'T okay and ready to be moving around at any real kind of regularity. "..I'm kind of tired actually neo-veta.." Inami finished as she passed back out, her eyes sliding shut as she had a silly grin on her face.

This was how Inami and Neoveta first actually became aquainted with each other. Everyday when Inami woke up neoveta would be there, and Inami had eventually learned that neoveta hadn't really much emotion or knowledge of emotions. Which was why she spent her waking moments trying to help the girl regain some of her lost humanity. Although this rarely ended up working perfectly, as often the Stoic girl found such things actually irrelevant or unimportant, she instead just had wanted to force inami to lay down and sleep. Something which inami brutally resisted so that she could talk to the strange girl. This kind of back and forth went on for quite some time, in fact it was this Back and forth which made Inami kind of happy, and it made the whole situation bearable, given that she had been trapped in her own mind for what she had felt was an actual eternity. Forcing and fighting against emotions that she had no control over . . Or did she? Being around Neoveta always got her thinking that sometimes it could indeed be mind over matter. Which was why just being with Neoveta had gotten Inami thinking about just, what she could do even if it was one day at a time, to make herself as well a better person. This recovery process went on for quite some time, weeks or maybe a month or two, however she gradually healed and gradually got much much stronger.

Eventually Inami had fully healed, and she and Neoveta had been sitting on the roof of the asthavon estate. As inami had been looking up at the demonic stars which lay in the sky. And she could hear Neoveta asking questions in her mind such as things like
"..Are you feeling fine?" The concern even without any emotion in her voice that neoveta displayed now, astounded and made Inami feel happy and connected to the other girl. The girl who undoubtedly she understood had saved her life, and kept her from dying. Hence why as Inami continued to look at the stars she heard a question from neoveta that had kind of suprised her.. as the young sister of sorts had asked. "..Why do you look at the stars so much?" That question had shifted Inami's attention some, as she had then let her lips part and she would have exhaled abit, and her voice would have came out true, and honest as she answered the curiously un-emotional straight face, and clueless likes of neoveta."..I like the stars because i feel like they understand that some times being strong, means to be alone. That they are bystanders that just watch all the conflict with disenterest.. and i envy them for that gift they have" Inami answered as she would have then gone silent listening to Neoveta's Reply. "..If i killed the stars would you not envy them?"Inami would look over and smile now as she would have said then just honestly as she just leaned against the girl , who had stopped by not just randomly hitting her and answered. "..You can't kill the stars, they are just there.. which is why you just enjoy them " Inami finished before she would have gotten up and went down to her room and fell asleep.

Australian War Arc Recovery PT3: 7days Battle, Farewells, and the Rogue Sword. The next day of course Inami and Neoveta had set out because neoveta hadn't really known much of the outside world. So inami had decided to take it upon herself to show her. they left at early light and began moving at high speeds which had begun to show the responsibility + the connection between the two, as they shot off deep into the outworlds of the demon world. Their movement taking them far far away at high speeds as they had begun to slow down after Inami didn't even know where they had been. So far out that the depths of the demon world themselves had accurately become skewed, and further then that they had become fully lost in the intricacies of the outland. As such becoming perfect bait for monsters which hadn't reared their ugly heads in many years, many many years ,because of the fact that these creatures had been thought dead. Ripped apart and thrown away to slowly reform elsewhere, ancient civilizations and ruins lay predominant in this corner. So far out of the way they probably hadn't been found in many many years. This place all looked partially familiar to Inami however she didn't quite know what was going on in the fact that they had become surrounded in hundreds if not thousands of enemies which came in all sorts of shapes, sizes and forms. In fact as demons rushed inwards Inami and Neoveta almost seemed to have looked in unison without needing to converse with eachother, inami jerking left and neoveta moving right they sprang out and proceeded to murder massacre and destroy the monsters which lay in their way. A long battle which turned into bloody war, intense intermingled and un-deniable bloodshed which was hard to practically process due to the brutality and how long it was taking to actually forcibly get her powers out. Fighting just after resting was hard and tricky.

Which was clear as neoveta tore through rank after rank, Inami had begun to tire after the force which lay inbetween her and the next location which had been holding between them. However something was calling to her, which was why as neoveta kept clearing out her side, inami quickly released and moved her threads jerking and slicing through objects, crushing through enemies which seemed to pop up as if being summoned from the ground itself. These things had actually become partially to blame for the forcible expunging of her energy which was leading to her slowly beginning to tire and falter. In fact she began to get hurt as enemies seemed more focused around her than Neoveta at that point. However at the moment of near Demise, Inami had felt a soft pulse against her back as neoveta had appeared and tore like a bat from hell into the ranks of the foe. Inami slowly then looked up and forcibly exhaled , Expanding her own energy and blasting a hole through the enemies. Making her way down into the depths of the cave she had been going into, as she hadn't thought about anything else, she just went for it and forcibly pushed herself into the cave , smashing into barriers, seals, traps. In fact the force of the barriers and traps had begun to far outstrip Inami's ability to blow them up, forcing her to push into her Puppet God X state and in this way she would have been barely able to break through the last bits of the defenses landing in a huge cavern filled with bones of many dead. Where one of touketsu's altars stayed firm and erect with a blade stuck in the center of it. The blade was sunken into the mass of what looked like a demon spawned from the depths of hell. Inami had grabbed it and brought her arm up, forcibly extending the blade outwards as she had immediately exhaled forcing the energy and force out of her body as some other kind of presense was taking over and forcibly causing her body to act up, to be different and to spasm uncontrollably.

Above ground, however A projection of Inami had been created realistic enough to fool neoveta, and that was the one which returned with her to then part with her. Meanwhile however Inami had been writhing in this pit, as her arm was blistering and snakes and seals had begun to unwind from the blade which seemed to have a total mind of its own. Due to the fact of the matter being that it seemed to have been some sort of sealed blade which internally meant that it either held something of great power or it had been something extremely deadly. Which was why as she forcibly expanded her own will she was fighting for dominance with a mere sword a tool which was meant to be used by others to fight and to fight in a way that could win. This was why as she bit her lip and almost cried out, Inami had then allowed her arm to smash into a wall, sending threads out to smash into the sword itself and try to battle dominance over the blade which belonged to a being of past power. An old king or something she was sure of it, a king from hundreds if not millions of years ago which had been expunged from the history of the demon world. She could feel the pain and the strength that was forcefully going through her body seeking to twist, and to control her. It seeked to make her actually a host for it. She however couldn't be having that. She forced and willed her energy to seal itself up as she delved deep into her mind to rage and reason with the intensley powerful force which lay hiding within.
"..You Girl did you dare to pick up the blade of a former Demon Lord? a creature who's strength you could not even comprehend in the first place? I was alive before you where born , i was smithed on the blood of millions of demon's lives, i did not rest nor did i speak and sleep, you think you have the strength when you don't even have might within yourself? I will make you my new tomb-stone a fitting honor to the lord which was buried here. Gremorie's ancient heritage lays at rest here, the originator of the bloodline. Yet you dare take the blade of the once proud demon who died in great wars that you demons don't even remember coheriently? "[color=white] The rumbling power of the blade was immense, and Inami was beginning to loose control over herself.

So now Inami had brought the blade and jerked it down into her heart , slowly allowing energy and at the same time threads to blossom over the blade as she went deep into her mind, and began to fight the beast of old in its playing field. In the mind where she could see the demons full shape and the full power of the creature which lay deep within the confines of her body. As such she had begun slowly and then forcefully allowing her mind to reach into the depths, even while tendrils of energy burst from her body and she would have screeched in apparent pain. Trying to win a fight which in her current state she normally wouldn't be able to win. Forcing her mind to the limit as she had begun to reason with the blade, trying to talk to it and show it that she was not going to actually tarnish the name of a lord, she was showing her mind her solution her will as she said internally to the beast. "Enough blade of lords, you think i'm not worthy, and i don't think im powerful enough to do my jobs. I will take up the mantle of queen in a nation of brutes and i will make that nation one worthy of lords and kings and gods. I will build a nation of my own will, of my ideals and my dreams. I will become a legacy in history as either tyrannical dictator, or beloved queen and ruler. If you wish to kill me, then watch my progress and kill me if my actions displease you, i need strength because my strength is lacking. Make a gamble here maybe you will once again be in the hands of a worthy user again." Inami displayed her thoughts and then listened to the blade, which had an old rumbling sound which had quickly blocked out any and all the rest of her thoughts. with its laughter and musings ".. Amusing you wish to please me a sword which does not wish to be weilded any more, FINE. i will allow you to weild me, to use me. However if you do not complete the promise you have made to me, i will kill you as i will be as much a part inside you as a part outside you. Remember i am a fragment of power which was absorbed and lost in the past, for now i will be wielded , if you mis-use me.. i will however kill you" Inami nodded now as she slowly had gotten up, and forced her mind outwards, she was sensing a disturbance.. one which she felt.. with a sinking heart would be connected completely to nothing good.

Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Shizuo on Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:52 pm; edited 6 times in total

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] LzZCuy7
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] BtXe12b
Joined : 2011-09-01
Posts : 2813
Age : 26
Location : Google Maps

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Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:51 am

Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: N/A

Sword Styles:

60Sided Lotus Dance

General Info One of Inami's Sword style's that she learned when tutoring with tsubasa. The meaning of its name is the "60sided Lotus Dance" it draws on the concept of quick draw and air displacement, as well as sound elusive movements which cause the user to move at speeds which seem to be on par with a flash step or shunpo. Essentially, mastering the concept of ridding one's self of unneccesary movements and striking clean and fast is the main principle of this style. Working towards awareness of the surroundings and knowing the 12 blade movements which all link together masterfully to make this style move and work. It is honestly thought to be the 60 sided Lotus dance is a combination of tsubasa's teaching and Inami's quick and unorthodox learning style. Which has allowed the blade to quicken and cleave through the landscape at whim.

Concept Inforings of striking distance brantch out from the user, the farthest the actually being the 60th strike. They brantch out in the fact that each ring out adds one more strike, so it goes 1 strike ring 1, 2 strikes ring 2, and so forth. So the name itself is HIGHLY deceptive given its not a mere 60 strikes that can happen within the quarter mile range of this technique. In fact because of her knowledge which was pounded into her from this the Lotus dance allows her to within the 60-bars or rings move with speed that can border on the line of near-teleportation. Given each movement is seemlessly blended in with the next movement, attaching clean crisp combinations which ultimately will link together to generate an extremely deadly means of combat, one which allows her to fight quickly and affectively using many variations of the 12 positions which are a part of the 60 sided lotus. In fact the reason this technique is so deadly is that its hundreds of strikes in a set radius, which has been also auto hammered 12 movements into her mind to make it nearly like something that would be considered "Second Nature"

The 12 sword Positions

JanuaryStanding for January this is a chilling high slash which was designed to slice the air and create a freezing sub-zero chill on the blade itself. Doing this the sword rises up quickly and approaches the target , once struck if the cut would be worse than a medium grade injury the opponent would feel the affects of early onslaught freezer burn, causing the wound itself to turn a dark purple signifying it would be in the last stages of frost bite. In doing so this allows the individual to discern the property of the blade which in the end will then also allow for the inter-exchange of force and a lack of friction to cause this kind of chilling quick- icy strike. It should be recognized though that this style does whip up a fog around her before she brings the blade forward to strike.

Febuary Standing For Febuary, it is known for the biting sharpness. This is the fastest of the 12 positions going at speeds that surpass and leave it as a strike without sound or trace. It is known also as the side-winding killer due to its deceptive and abrupt execution, which causes the air to slice and implode on itself once sliding around the sword due to how it slices through the air. This causes this position to be constantly excellerating meaning that it will far out-strip the speed or a normal individuals comprehension rate. As generally what is seen from the sword itself is an illusion, and if someone isn't paying attention? Well they might not even see this quickedly fast slash at all, not even the slighest blur unless your actually paying attention to it or looking for it.

MarchStanding For March, this one is the screeching blade. Who's horrible sounds can be felt if not heard over a long distance. In essence the COMPLETE opposite of Febuary's blade, which is deathly silent and without a whisper. This one she picked up from seeing tsubasa's own -sound based sword motion. But instead of using the sound to knock others out, this nasty flash-slash will jerk forward after striking off her nails to cause the initial vibration, after that the vibrating wail will build until it causes shock wave /vibration based damage meaning this slash goes out and hits the maximum distance of her 60 rings , due to the shockwaves cutting and still innate slicing affect which is carried on even after the first slash itself occurs.

April Standing for April, this is the liquid blade, which causes the movements of the strike to seem almost non-solid. This strike works by only tensing at the last possible second, generating the illusion that the blade can move suddenly on an omnidirectional axis. So this is known as the most diverse blade, which is a true name given that this strike itself can move randomly in hundreds if not thousands of different directions if need be. However it should also be noted that this blade can cause skeletal damage to the practitioners bones if used without any real concern for keeping the body in practical and functioning tip-top shape. Because of that this blade is also known as the Doctors Visit Blade, as if used wrong the practitioner may need to go and seek some sort of medical attention.

MayStanding For May, this is the endless blade. Known for the insane burst of speed and lack of drag which happens when this position is drawn. These things cause the sword to move in multiple directions which is due to at the speed of travel, ones perception of the strikes is "Lagged" or 2 seconds behind what it actually is, so when the first strike happens visually atleast the blade would be on the 2nd strike, and so on. In this way the endless blade makes multiple strikes seem to hit all at the exact same time, rather than the strikes each hitting individually. Because of this fact, this is again known as the "Endless" Blade position its name given because of the illusion that the blade in deed is "Endless" and can hit from an endless amount of angles.

JuneStanding For June, this is the forceful blade. Known for the force and power behind the strike which comes from forcing full relaxation then contraction of the muscles, while creating as much drag as possible then removing all drag moments before the actual strike. This causes the force of the slash to rocket up exponentially, and because of this it makes the blade extremely "Forceful" given it has all that restriction suddenly removed from it, which then causes as a result for the sword to still be hurtling with all that power, but with no precise object to restrain it again. Which is exactly how this is known as the forceful blade. Given the dynamic function generates alot of force. And also leaves very little other then its target to oppose it.

JulyStanding For July, this is the Ferocious Blade, known for how friction rubs against the sword at the particular angle its swung at, causing for the blade to super-heat and burst into flames. Making this style particularly useful for not only penetrating, but causing wounds that will take longer to heal. Since essentially this strike is a super-heated blade which comes around to strike to skin or the body, dealing greater cutting damage as the heightened heat will make it have less resistance of super-hard or solid objects. Hence why this blade itself causes billowing torrential fire to expand outwards on contact , due to the increase in friction that is made between contact point and blade. However this particular sword position will burn off the practitioners skin if used over 3 times in a row [meaning one after another] Also this is a demanding physical position given it uses the brute strength of the user to muscle through the friction which is how it bursts into fire in the first place. So the nickname for july is "The Blade Of Fire"

AugustStanding for August, this is the Counter Blade, known because how the blade is swung gradually curving away from the body, and balancing out force with counter force. This allows this form to be used for deflecting blades from the body at high speed, essentially meaning this particular form of striking is useful in close-quarters. It allows for the practitioner to combine the strike style with the movement of the feet, in perfect harmony to allow essentially for this to then deflect attacks within reason. That being said, that's only the purpose of this style, it still can be over-whelmed easily if something was to happen, or she was unable to completely put in the right amount of force. Which is why this is just how it behaves, and it is in no ways something that can block perfectly without fail, as that of course is impossible.


[note] [b] The sword style "rings" if used for over 6 turns will cause the users muscles to give out for the remainder of the thread due to the force exherted to do such things. 2nd, with the sword moves, these have to be done with a blade that can withstand the force of a 0 tier individual, more so then this however the ice-blade style needs to have a specific and unique blade which can freeze or cool down objects around it , other then that one though, the rest can be used naturally via interaction with the environment around it.

Puppet God X State

[She isn't always in puppet god state]
Puppet God State: More like a power then a state. Puppet God is a power which resides within inami asthavon, the very principle of it is the rudimentary awakening of powers which often have been suppressed for fear of truly the strength it naturally possesses being so great that it honestly speaking is monstrous in size and strength. Comparable the closer to State X, she gets the stronger her powers are, and the more energy that she will possess and be able to harness in that short period of time, that she has been awakening. It’s not her gaining more power, but its fundamentally the fact that she is instead regaining the lost power that she has inside her, through a similar cycle to that of the other asthavons. The only real difference is that this is not just energy that’s unlocked. There are certain skills which are also unlocked by releasing more of the total power that she possesses in general. Such as the puppet god’s Army, that’s an ability that is usable at state X. rather than her other states E-B-A-S and SS.

So these cycles are not really making it so that she is getting stronger, instead rather its showing that Inami is becoming more in tune with her natural capabilities and furthering them to reach her full potential. So it’s not a form perhaps, but more like just a limiter which staggers her power so that when its sealed, it isn’t going to destroy everything near her. That’s honestly the reason why in the first place that Inami Asthavon has this power, it’s because if she gets too into her powers, it can have unexpected side-affects which cause a good deal of damage, and not to mention cause a strain on her sanity which ends up with truly disastrous effects not only on the psyche but on the landscape surrounding her if such a situation comes to pass. Given the fact that, again her energy itself is vast. However with just how large a connection she has its hard to explain what honestly happens when its revved up to its full power.

Stage E:Stage E for Inami is beginning to tap into her powers, what happens is that in this state she begins to be able to use her threads with a greater amount of power then previously possible. Its like an elusive weight which settles across a wide area. Enabling her to begin to tap into the full capacity of her dark Energy, and expand her energy reserves. In this state there is a simple way to check, as horns begin to grow on her head. Not precisely large, but large enough that it becomes noticeable to those that actually come close enough to feel the effects. Not to mention in this state her energy is increased to around 15% or so of her max power. By opening up the connection the effects that are seen include a slight change in the color of her eyes, as they make the gradual transition from the normal color to a unnatural silver tone.

In this state she is enabled to use and harness her full power again up to 15%, the only problem is that in this state the strain on the body while slight, begins to take a toll, while her sanity may hold it causes often fatigue and trouble really distinguishing whats going on. Despite this fact the energy increase itself should be able to be felt with a sense of dread, given this state isn’t really a large release just enough that she can begin using her powers, which have around a power up of 10% in comparison to when she isn’t in her Puppet god state cycle, that’s really the main bonus you can find from the puppet god states despite the power increases present.

Stage B: Stage B enables Inami to use more of her full power, however the awakening of this state is seen by her body beginning to vibrate at fast speeds. Given the fact her skin isn’t able to contain the actual pressure that would be generally building up in side from this energy. So that in general her power itself is increased to the point that the ground will begin to break up around her, and naturally begin to decay from the death energy like aspects of the dark energy. Also in this state a rather vast increase in the amount of energy she is enabled to use is generally seen. Such as her normally draining skills will take less of a toll on her body, although this state will further cause her mind to wander and even for her body in general to begin to bleed, and break apart at the edges. So this state has a lot of pain in it, due to the fact that it generally not only takes a toll on the body, but at the same time, it releases enough energy to cause a decent increase in pressure over the vicinity of a radius that would be comparable to a city. Generally speaking this is because originally she had a astounding amount of energy, however it took time for her to actually be able to fully relax. Also she begins to get a rather good control over her powers.

Stage A: Stage A is where you can see her use up to 50 % of her total energy. For inami this means she has enough that the ground itself in a mile radius falls out from around her, and actually will distort the air and cause a pretty dense fog. Not to mention because her energy vibrates outwards it extends the range of her skills even further, augmenting her body and reactivating her Regeneration which isn’t actually seen in stage b. Not to mention from her blood bursting and reforming her body out of her threads, you can see a pair of wings which will grow out of her back. These are made of the same material as generally speaking her threads. Thanks to these facts this is where you begin to fully see the amount of energy she has at her disposal, and thankfully because of it, her energy is becoming more stable, however she has a very high likely hood of regressing from this state if she loses her cool.

Stage S: Inami’s Stage S, is seen when her entire body becomes saturated in power. At this point her energy itself will spike immensely. Comparable to a bankai release for some, the energy is strong enough that it can be felt many many miles away. At this point of course her horns would be fully grown, and she would grow a tail. That’s around the point that her energy is fully regressing into its natural state. Because of this of course, it means also that the energy that is present should be much greater than it was previously , so at this level of energy she has fuel which exponentially increases her destructive power, in example in this state if she had swung her arm out it might be enough because of the energy presently being released to damage or level good chunks of cities without much of a problem. That though is the limits of her Stage S.

Stage SS: In this Stage Inami’s energy is comparable to that of a large entity, as she possesses enough energy to destroy mountains , and cause cities to be fully destroyed with a surge of energy. Given her power is so great in this stage though, it causes her to undergo immense strain over both the body, and her mind. The scenario which happens because of it, is often amnesia, meaning she not only looses her memories but completely forgets about who she is. In some cases this doesn’t happen but in others if this is used too often, it may mean that she passes out and doesn’t wake up for another couple hundred years. This is the reason that she fell asleep last time, given the fact that the energy was large enough that it overwhelmed her mental stability and then finally caused her body to merely give out.

Stage X: [Event Only] Stage X has 100% of her power, and is comparable to a final release. In this stage Inami Asthavon is capable of destroying miles of land in a short period of time, and is also capable of blowing up mountains or erasing cities off the face of the map if she releases a surge of energy. The release itself is great enough that it changes the skies color and literally releases a wave of energy that can be felt for many miles. This state is only reserved for if she’s fully gone nuts however, because of the fact that in specific situations what happens is that she hasn’t figured out how to access this consciously, its normally in moments that she snap’s and utterly goes nuts that this is going to happen. As such this is also fairly dangerous because she can animate thousands of inanimate objects or even be able to pull off feats like turning the earth in a given radius into a living object, because of the energy reserves present being massive enough , that literally speaking there is very little chance of her ever ascending to this state in the first place.


Template By: [THEFROST]

Last edited by Shizuo on Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:52 pm; edited 3 times in total

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] LzZCuy7
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] BtXe12b
Metal as Fuck
Joined : 2010-12-11
Posts : 3387
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Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue44400/999999Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (44400/999999)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Thu Sep 11, 2014 9:53 am


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  • 10 sentences for personality [-]
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  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [-]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [-]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [-]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[-]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [-]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [-]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A

  • Comments/Notes:

    Alright, gonna go down the line here as I was asked to by Shizuo and kinda give my thoughts of what needs to happen to make this app approvable for whatever admin/adviser pulls through here to do the final check.

    • Appearance:

      I understand her graphic's in the header, but i would put a picture here at least just to be safe, as it is a section of the application. Kinda nitpicky? Sure, but it helps keep everything organized and provides a secondary image should the header image ever break for any reason.

    • Personality:

      No problems here. Moving on.

    • Natural Abilities:

      First, for the threads.

      They although also have the ability to create certain objects. Some of these are spontaneously Generated, others require some time to create if they are stronger. However after the increase in her Power, Inami discovered that she is able to control and use less blood to control, and exhert her dominance over many of the threads which used to in fact cause and change her blood flow, Essentially meaning she is now able to control her threads while they will take the normal amount of blood if she wishes to double their effectiveness when in the midst of battle.

      First off, if they're going to create objects, those objects would all have to be of roughly the same strength as the threads themselves. Creating "Stronger" objects wouldn't be possible. (Sum of its parts and all that nonsense). I don't know if that's what you meant by this, but that's what I'm seeing. Secondly, you hadn't mentioned before that these threads take her blood flow. You said they were internal, but not that they used her blood. What do they use it for? How does taking the normal amount of blood double their effectiveness? Do these work like life fibers from Kill la Kill or is the blood used for something else? This is extremely confusing. Consider some extra explanation where this is concerned.

      She can turn the Dead into Inimate puppets that will depending on the amount have a tier of 1-1 / 0-5 [if there's 1 or 2 of them] or anywhere down to [2-1/3-1] [2-1 is for 10 or more] [3-1 is for 40 and up. ]

      I.. don't like how non-specific this is. First off, randomly just SPAWNING a zero tier from a dead person doesn't sound very balanced at all. Second, please be more specific as to the kind of corpse she can reanimate. It's one thing to bring your own dead body or summon a zombie or some necromancy of that sort, but i see nothing here to keep her from going "Yep, there was totally someone who died RIGHT under my feet where I'm fighting you, and now they're a 0-5 coming at your face. Whoops." I'd definitely ask for you to either explain this further or at the very least be more specific.

      She is also able to perform feats of self-recovery, mending herself and fixing the injuries in her body which is a feat in itself because she can essentially reform and stitch her limbs, and body back together.

      This definitely needs some kind of drawbacks or explanation. How fast can she do this? Is there a limit to how many times a thread she can use this? What kind of injuries CAN'T she heal? How many posts does it take to heal injuries of different sizes?

      With The Addition of Hells Miasma, the threads have become able to merge with the objects and effectively become invisible to see.

      I'd say make them small enough to where they're DIFFICULT to see. I wouldn't say invisible. Especially because of how strong you're stating these threads as being.

      Next, the Dark Eyes.

      Given she can arguably discern the movements of others through the amount released, its also arguable that these eyes grant her some degree of knowledge and insight into her own spells and energy on a profound level. Meaning that this "Fail safe" is what keeps her able to primarily function as needed when using more energy that she would have previously been able to handle. In short this manner of use is known as "Dark Reaction" essentially allowing her to keep her sanity and incidents where she looses control at what could be considered a bare minimum.

      I don't see anything that explains how insight into others grants her insight into herself. Nor do I see how that's conducive to her being able to handle more energy than normal. It's not that the eyes can't do these things, i just don't see any proper explanation as to why they'd be able to.

      Such as from sealed to shikai, and from shikai to bankai. This also means that her clarity of energy and movements increases the more an individual is going to release. Such as in sealed state these eyes give her.. around 20% insight into the opponent, shikai leveled states give her 40% bankai leveled states give her 60% and Shikokai leveled states give her 80%.

      This seems backwards. I feel as if the stronger an opponent gets, the LESS insight she should be able to have into them since they'd be closer to a point where, say, if you were facing a speed-user, they'd easily outmaneuver this "insight".

      I don't know much about the whole Za Koa/Demon Energy thing, so I'm gonna nitpick where I see fit.

      It’s just simple fact, Inami Asthavon has reserves of Zao Ka that are large enough to be considered not only powerful, but if fully released to be dangerous to those under three tiers weaker then she herself is (Such as inami being 0-3, and the opponent being 1-1 for example) .

      0-3 to 1-1 is NOT a big enough power gap for energy to be dangerous to someone. Yes, 0-3 is a spectacular amount of energy, but even for Radioactive releasing the kind of nuclear energy he's capable of, 1-1 tiers were able to stick around him and keep fighting. Please make this gap bigger.

      Okay.. now... the regeneration...

      the body when she has most of her energy will instead of being able to be damaged, become a singular Metaphysical entity, which is naturally not prone to damage. This means that if she has over half her full amount of energy cutting her into ribbons will not precisely spell her immediate death, actually it would do very little until her reserves are depleted given both parts would still be able to function off of the energy residue present within subtly leeching off of those reserves to give Inami the benefit of what could be called a very damned hard to kill body. Given the fact that this is draining each time she takes a killing blow it has many other downsides to it. The main one being while she is able to take ridiculous levels of damage without even so much as batting an eye, her full battle potential: how hard she can fight is heavily hampered and weakened. Inami cannot enter her Puppet God State either while this regeneration is in effect, given the Regeneration drains more energy than what is sustainable in her heavily draining awakened state.

      THIS is a HARD no. Regardless of how powerful you are, you have to die. Being "depleted of energy" as someone of her tier is something almost impossible to do unless she does it to herself, and even then not an easy feat. If she's going to have this level of regeneration, there NEEDS to be a killswitch. For example, a character who is immortal unless you decapitate them (Kameko). Bam. Win condition, right there. Allows to be hard to kill but with an easy fix for the whole "not-dying" thing. The power you're describing is far too strong for a regeneration ability, ESPECIALLY factoring in that her threads can also heal her wounds and such. This is gonna have to be either heavily modified or removed.

      Also it wouldn’t be a stretch to say that she is able to using her dark energy , and of course reasonable energy control, regeneration and over all manipulation capacity to create a single duplicate of herself at the cost of both her and her duplicate being a tier lower than what they regularly would possess. Such as say inami was 0-5 it would mean for the duration of the duplicate being in place, both her and the duplicate would be tiered at 1-1. As such while both duplicates can use the full range of power and abilities that are present, it wouldn’t be fighting at full capacity. Given the fact that energy would be divided equally amongst her and the duplicate that has been created. Also if the duplicate was killed, another problem would present itself almost immediately. You see unlike if it’s just with a single body, if a duplicate is destroyed while her soul will remain in-tact for around a week. Real life time that is, she would be stuck at that 1-1 tier, instead of her full 0-5 tier. Incidentally she also would be unable to use her released state, Puppet God State, until all her energy was recreated and she was enabled to fight again at full capacity.

      ... Okay, im gonna have to say no to this part of it too. The reasoning being simply because if you're going to make a clone of yourself, it wouldn't just be a singular tier drop down. For most, when they make a clone, it's a powerless clone, or an EXTREMELY WEAK clone. It's not a cloning in a way that makes two people who are only SLIGHTLY less powerful. That's not even remotely in the bounds of what should be possible where this is concerned. Everything in between the last point and this one, i'm ignoring for now, since the very BASIS of the regeneration ability has to be altered considerably, so what you do with the rest after that is up to you.

    • Unique Abilities:

      I don't see a problem with Ocular Demon Sequence, so I'm skipping that.

      Dark Arsenal is referred to as "Hells Fire" given things created in this arsenal have been manipulated and warped internally to conform and unify with the like of Hells Miasma. Meaning that In Dark Arsenal, the weapons that are found have decaying and destructive effects. Not quite like Death Energy, but they are known for the eternal Burning and blackened flames and ruby red weapons that reflect the painful might of hell. Each weapon is different, and it should be noted these weapons have their own perks, but do not boost the users own capacity instead holding a whole other special set of abilities.

      What kind of weapons can she create? How many? How strong are they? Are they equipment or spiritual? SO many questions left unanswered. PLEASE explain this further.

      Skipping Hell's Magic Merge because I don't really know how demon magic is supposed to work so from what I've read I'm assuming everything's up to snuff here.

      They can be teleported and moved, around but they themselves cannot be put out for one very simple reason. The contract that keeps these flames from perishing is the fact that every turn these flames in return for this very inconvenient power not only are being allowed to claim tribute from anything it turns to ash, but is also claiming its compensation by eating the very flesh and blood of the host body that summoned it. Meaning that instead of the flame being put out, every time that would happen [per turn is limited to once] about an inch of her skin will be devoured by the flame leaving a nasty burn that will not be able to but extinguished or healed until the thread itself is over, because while activated its not "just eating the flesh once" its price is that it completely cancels out her regenerative ability for the skin and pain tolerance for that area, by CONSTANTLY devouring the flesh on the claimed parts of her body as they are being regenerated. Causing a legitimately endless cycle of pain and agony for the host themselves.

      Thanks to this though, the fires themselves when in liquid form cannot be EXTINGUISHED. they can be avoided and or moved away from,and the burned area can be contained however, if a person is hit by it they will continuously have the skin and eventually muscle if left unchecked burned apart indefinitively until the thread is over by the flames "Flesh Eating Nature" in itself. However for enemies? Its not merely flesh eating. as it cannot be put out, its man-eating actually meaning it is actively trying to devour the target who has actually been hit by the flames themselves [excluding inami since she has a contract already]. As Such you can be absolutely assured that the flames of hell even diluted are not something that is to be normally trifled with.

      I have a problem with this. Several, in fact. The first being the fact that they can be "teleported". What's to keep her from straight-out SPAWNING flames on top of an opponent? That needs to be adjusted, please. Second being that it's okay if they're unable to be putout. That's cool, it's whatever, but if someone TRIES to put them out, the punishment you have listed for that is overpowered as hell. There's no way if someone dumps a bucket of water on this fire, it'd be able to just eat an inch of skin as "payback". Nope. Adjustment needed. There HAS to be more drawbacks and conditions. BALANCE is needed here. This is a seriously OP ability as it stands at the moment.

      Soul Devastation, Near Perfect Burn: The second thing Hellfire is made to do is simple in its liquid state. Its made to burn into the soul to corrupt and if killed by the flames send the individual to hell where they will be reborn as a demon a tier lower then their actual tier that they had been when they where a living individual of another race. This is because Hellfire claims the lives of those it kills, as the contract for this part is that all that are killed by it, are claimed by hell directly. She looses the ability to turn these individuals into puppets, and she also must ensure the newly formed demon is properly looked after and then eventually she will have to show them and teach them how to be successful. This is because By The Hellfire claiming the lives of those it kills, it makes Inami directly take 100% responsibility for the life she has snuffed out and created new again. As This tool is not entirely made to kill, in fact its actually not made to reduce mongrels to oblivion. Its made to incapacitate on pure pain, hence why the consequences of Inami killing someone with this technique will be she not only must make sure they adjust and become happy as a demon, but she will get violently ill for the remainder of the next 24 hour time period, where she will feel constant burning, and agony that will be far worse then death. Because Hellfire is a fire of hell, it was created by Inami but it also can inflict pain on inami if the conditions it was unintentionally created under because of Inami's mood during the time of conception are broken. As hell fire is legitimately something that is not veiwed to be Abusable in any way shape or form.

      Because of the severity of the consequence of taking a life, she also has to make sure that her flames which are able to burn using reishi, demon energy, even other forms of energy which border into the realm of suigura, and even things such as Hells energy itself, if shot at it and of 1 tier lower, can possibly be PARTIALLY incinerated if offensive [40% incineration max] And if defensive through the course of 1 post [full power] and 2 posts [half power] it can burn through the defensive barrier thats keeping it out. As the second part of its second functionality is to be able to burn through and create pain, to burn indescriminately and be able to burn through skin and partially through muscle at normal. This is because hell fire is made to cause a pain thats worse then death, and make someone unable to fight any further, It legitimately had no real killing intent upon creation, as such it is DESIGNED so that it is Extremely hard to kill someone while using it, but it is infact extremely easy to use it to burn through and clear obstacles out of her way.

      No. That's all I'm gonna say about this ability. There's absolutely no chance in hell (pun intended) that she'd be able to send flames into a soul and turn someone into a demon AND drop their tier. That's a HARD no. Absolutely no part of that is approvable. ESPECIALLY not as a "Unique Ability" that she can access willy-nilly.

      Hellfire: [Manipulation Forms]In Inami's Black hell fire there are some forms which are actually usable for her in terms of named ones. The difference between named and unamed abilities lay in the difference in strength. As kind of like how giving names to kido increase their power, Giving names to Manipulation in her case makes them much stronger. For example, if she had a named barrier made of flames, and a unnamed barrier made of flames the one that possessed an actual name that needed to be called out would be the stronger of the two. As well though because of this while she can fluidly create how ever many things she wants unnamed [within reason] she can only use two named Hellfire Manipulation Form skills at once no matter what the situation is, due to the immense willpower it actually takes to tame these raging flames especially since they have been given a name, and as such have a MUCH higher damage and power threshold then just random hellfire which is manipulated in every day situations.

      So... what are the names? What are the techniques she can use with this? You've given the basis for an ability with no outline or specifics to follow up with..?

      Gonna skip the satan soul "ability" for the most part except for the fact that you can't explicitly state gaining a tier like that unless given express permission to do so. I'd say just put that she gains strength. That makes it easier to approve and makes me far less nervous.

    • Unique Thread-Based Abilities:

      Woven Hungry Chains

      I literally don't have enough room to quote the problems i have with this one-by-one, so i'll just say that having chains that simply EAT energy and matter like that are a no-go. Eating souls like that? No-go. Even if they are NPCs. Especially because you then go ENTIRELY off track and say that they can also reinforce things? What? Beyond that, having them able to "devour" things that they'd normally just cut off (which i don't see how that's possible since they're chains, not swords, and nothing in here states that they're sharp) is also a no-go. I would rethink this ENTIRE ability, since it seems one part useless in application and one part godmod.

    • Satan Soul Form:

      There's no appearance picture or description here, so there's that.

      Personality I don't really have a problem with.

      The abilities, however...

      Satan's Contract:

      Already I have an issue. two 0-3++'s? No. Not even remotely. There's NO WAY she can be fighting on THAT level ONE form out of the gate from a 0-4++ base state. I would need to see two admin approvals and a signed note from Jesus himself before I let that one slide. I don't care how much "control over her" there is in this state. Who's to say what hell's will is while she's using this? Is Deveta going to be there during EVERY fight, telling her what she can and can't do? If not, then this needs to be SERIOUSLY nerfed, since I won't let that kind of power be dependent on whether or not, in the post, you decide that Hell likes whoever you're fighting. This needs to be seriously altered regardless, but i would also like some kind of notion as to how hell's will toward her opponent is decided, as the way you worded it makes it sound like it's completely up to you, which is a nono also.

      Now for hellfire domination

      Brilliantly hot flames which are the equivalent of her Dark-Threads in this state

      So does she still have access to the dark threads too? Or are these like.. new ones? You need to make that more clear.

      Other than that this ability is balanced to a point and not too OP. This is the kind of stuff you need to be doing for EVERY ability.

      Scream Cataclysm's next.

      This is also a technique which clashes with barriers and defenses, causing for any new defensive type spells to be diminished in strength when cast by those of the same tier range, 1 tier below and then above her tier. These individuals will be able to still cast defensive while this is in affect when inside her radius. However anyone lower then that tier range will find defensive spells to be nearly impossible to cast. Although this also doesn't affect someone from going outside the range of the Scream Cataclysm and then performing the feat, as its not disrupting the techniques creation. It does something different interfering with the process that happens between the two, making it so that essentially it will disrupt the attacks cast. Now moving from that part Scream Cataclysm is able to cause wide spread damage, using this colored psuedo sound like attack to amplify punches causing for an explosive charge around normal physical attacks that make it so she can "Project" or attack using this method.

      You could easily make this an attack that simply weakens defensive techniques. That's not something I have a problem with. However, the fact that anyone further than 1 tier below her just CAN'T cast defensive spells while she's using this? Uh, no? You can't "lolnope" people from USING their abilities. I don't care if you're Truth or Deveta himself, you can't remove the aspect of choice from a roleplay, that's part of what makes it fun. Even if they can remove themselves from the area and do it, that's just too OP for my tastes.

      Satan Soul gets something major for disabling all of Inami's usable abilities from any other state

      Okay so THERE'S the description of why she can't use the other threads. Something like this would be better suited in a description of the form itself, not one of the abilities.

      For Satan Strength, Speed, and Defense, I don't see any real problems with these abilities individually. However, I would like for you to state that she has to have only one active at a time, and for there to be a time delay (one post should do) between which one is active, as having all three on at once just seems like the fast train to OP land.

      As for Relationships and History, I leave those portions up to you and the admins since there are a lot of character mentions here and things she's done in her past are ultimately up to those who run the lore. I'm just here to nitpick so these sections aren't something I'll cover.

    • Sword Styles:

      rings of striking distance brantch out from the user, the farthest the actually being the 60th strike. They brantch out in the fact that each ring out adds one more strike, so it goes 1 strike ring 1, 2 strikes ring 2, and so forth. So the name itself is HIGHLY deceptive given its not a mere 60 strikes that can happen within the quarter mile range of this technique. In fact because of her knowledge which was pounded into her from this the Lotus dance allows her to within the 60-bars or rings move with speed that can border on the line of near-teleportation.

      I'm gonna need drawbacks here. This is way too many strikes WAY too fast to be approvable. There has to be a condition, something to keep her from just using this to mercilessly wail on an opponent with little to no chance to really block or dodge by the way you're making it sound.

      The 12 sword Positions

      I'm gonna state all of my problems with this under a blanket header.

      Where does her blade get the ability to make these strikes do all these different things? Simply knowing kendo doesn't give you ice powers. That kind of thing bothers me a lot. There needs to be one big explanation as to how a blade is able to do all of these different things and have this variety of moves. It's one thing to make a bunch of sword strikes, it's another to have your blade manipulate ice, sound, or friction just from swinging it differently. There needs to be a better explanation as to HOW she can do this, as of now I don't see anything at all justifying these sword techniques.

    Well, you wanted nitpicky, and there ya go. Those are all the problems I've seen so far from what I've looked over. Any adviser/admin that wants to come over and give it a look after these changes are made are free to check this app for real and ultimately decide whether or not its approvable, as well as make adjustments to things I might've missed. For now, this app needs a LOT of work before its ready to be approved. So hop to it!

  • Tier: N/A

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
I rage because of the heart.
Because of the heart...
I lust for everything about you.

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Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Thu Sep 11, 2014 10:05 am
NOTE.: She is a 0-2 ergo the power increase isn't an increase. now as to the other stuff, i will work on it and fix it.

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] LzZCuy7
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] BtXe12b
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Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Thu Sep 11, 2014 11:05 am


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  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [X]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [X]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

« The Willsheet Checklist »

• And Comments/Fixes •

  • Willpower/Determination: Master
  • Mental Deduction: Master
  • Pain Endurance: Master
  • Focus: Advanced

  • Comments/Notes: Ok, Shizuo was very cooperative in getting all this shit sorted out. I'm going to approve this for the tiers listed in her app title.. If anyone has a problem with this, feel free to contact me and I'll review this approval.

  • Tier: 0-4++ in Base State, 0-3++ in Satan Soul Form, and 0-2 in PGX State.

I envy because of the heart.
I glutton because of the heart.
I covet because of the heart.
I am prideful because of the heart.
I sloth because of the heart.
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I lust for everything about you.

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Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue0/0Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Fri Sep 12, 2014 8:04 am
I gave her an approval for a GM in Za koa in private chat, but I'll post it here as well.

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Ap8OoJO

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Thu Nov 05, 2015 11:24 pm

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Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] Empty Re: [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State]

Mon Dec 28, 2015 6:47 am
un-archive please

Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] LzZCuy7
Inami - [2014 Revamp] Inami Asthavon [APPROVED, 0-3 | 0-3++ Satan Soul Form | 0-2+ PGX State] BtXe12b
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