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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:07 pm


Trivial as time is it had been approximately five months since Lorin's last encounter with any serious danger that seemed to be of unworldly. Though, in this day and age, these things weren't rare occasions. Scanning through local news stations you'd hear several stories daily about mass murders, and other crimes of the sort from all over the world. As the uprise of spiritual entities rose, the severity of crimes did as well. Shocking enough to say, with all the good doers in the world and other realms alike there was too much to manage. It's not like every powerful being that had a good heart was also equipped with Superman's keen sense of hearing or Spiderman's uncanny spider senses. Thus, the rate of impulse crimes was far too great for that of any force that wished to stop it. With new abilities rising at every turn, there were no algorithms to detect what could be next. All that anyone could have was hope, especially for those that lacked power. However, many that have met the human race have come to know them as admirable foes, for their determination and ability to persevere. Even in the most traumatic of situations...

Dublin, Ireland. A land full of drunken cut throats that spoke English in a way that was hard for any foreign ear to catch on to. Why, Dublin you ask? Why not? Why would any red head not wish to go see if all the people that resided in the country were similar to him. After all the times he had been asked if he was Irish in school, he himself began to become curious as to why so many asked. As far as he knew, just because he had red hair didn't exactly make him Irish. Not to mention that he was able to escape from the spiritually-capped town of Karakura in exchange some other potato went and took his place over there.

It had been three months now since he had arrived here, and every day seemed to be better than the last. He was able to drink with little to no hassle, which provided for an excellent fifteenth birthday, and he was also able to make friends with loads of people that he never though he would. Hell, even the fat drunkards at the bars enjoyed some his bizarre stories he told of a panther and two other spiritual beings saving him from bullies in Karakura. For some reason or another the people seemed to admire the fact he had his head on straight, even the kids at school did the same. He felt at home, finally...

Hands stowed within his pockets and his headphones placed over his ears he tuned out the scenic sounds of the breeze and birds soaring through the skies. The sun blazed down, clouds shading the Earth every now and again. Lorin strolled along on his skateboard the friction of the wheels and the aged road made various sorts of scuffs and clunks. Touching his foot down to the pavement to give himself some momentum, he let out a solemn grunt. He was in no rush, it was a day just like any other. School was out and he would be on his way back to his dormitory in order to get his homework done and out of the way. Yet, we all know how things seem to work out...

Base Code by: THEFROST
Graphics and Coding by: CPKallday

Last edited by CPKallday on Tue Nov 11, 2014 8:47 pm; edited 1 time in total

Foreign Exchanges[DEATH ALLOWED] Sbb1I7e
Kido Kid
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Sun Oct 26, 2014 10:36 pm
Let's Get Ready Too Rumble!!!! Now everyone knew Mujin had no family in Ireland or a valuable reason to come here on a regular basis however this was no regular basis. He had bought tickets to a UFC bout and planned on staying in town for three days. This was his first day and upon entering the town he noticed one thing, it was not true that all Irish people drank a abnormal amount no on the contrariety they were normal people toting beards and wearing what he could not help but call skirts and again not all people wore such things but Mujin had saw enough in his short few hours that he had a perfect memory of it.

Currently the male would be jogging getting his run for the day done with his dreads would be tied back and he would have on a track suit, for some reason as of late he began to want to go back too the soul society less and less, it ended up with him doing his work for the day then coming to earth in order to relax and enjoy his free time. There was no rule against it that he knew of and at the moment he didn't really care much for his brother in arms he simply sought out power and that was something he was not getting enough of in the academy or the squad he recently joined.

Lost in thought the male would not notice that he was running full speed and to normal people it would look obvious what kind of being he was and if that was not enough Mujin would look up then gasp only to go face first into a boys chest who happened to be riding a skate board. Mujin would fall on the ground then quickly look up to noticing his mistake he would flail getting to his feet and picking up the boys skateboard if he had not already did so and handing it to him with a small scratch too the back of his neck and a chuckle, Sorry about that, i need to pay attention to where i am going
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Mon Oct 27, 2014 12:36 am


Planting his left foot on the ground once more, rolling his toe to his heel. Lorin picked up the pace he was riding as the music began to reach a climax. Nodding his head slowly to the tune, he dropped his left foot to the end of the deck. Pressing down with his left foot he lifted the front end of the board, to which he proceeded to slide his right foot up toward the screws of the front half and balanced the board out. Taking flight for a few seconds he pivoted his upper torso letting his feet work in tandem in order to keep the board beneath him. Hitting a guard rail with his rear truck, the metals screeched as a few solitary sparks flew. Reaching the end of the rail he pivoted once more landing backside. He looked back at the rail that he had just vandalized and smirked, thinking to himself nailed it!

He turned his body back toward the direction in which he was headed and was thrown into surprise as his chest met with a man's head. The two recoiled as Lorin was ripped from his board from the collision. Landing on his tailbone he groaned for a second and placed his hand upon it grasping his pants in agony. "What gives man!?" Lorin stretched his legs out, his face distraught from the excruciating pain being sent up his back and down his legs. "Shit... could have shouted out or something!" He struggled to blurt out, pausing now and again as he rolled upon the ground.

The man quickly sprawled up, flailing in reaction to running into the boy. He grasped the skateboard as Lorin finally decided that it wasn't that bad, and slowly got up onto his two feet once more. The man apologized, however Lorin was unaware that the man did it on accident. Though, still grunting in pain Lorin though the man had told him that he needed to pay attention to where he was going. "Just because I'm out here riding a skateboard doesn't mean I'm some punk kid! You can't just run into people for no reason! Dammit... Now I can't even ride anymore." He snapped, snatching the board from the man's hands, tucking it under his right arm. He continued to walk forward brushing his left shoulder into the man's chest. He continued to walk forward, mumbling as he did so. "Geez, why does everyone have to think that because I'm choosing a faster method transportation that I'm some hoodrat. At least I'm not just assaulting random strangers..." Walking away his voice grew dim, he didn't want to start anymore trouble. He just couldn't help but speak out loud in rage. He was just wound up, was all. If the man was to try and stop him from moving on he would just keep pushing forward. Right now did not seem to be a very good time for Lorin, and he would take that out on anyone that was willing to try him.

Pulling his phone out of his pocket he locked his eyes toward his waste checking to see what time was. He sighed realizing he had taken a bit longer than anticipated to get home and that his screen was now cracked. He foresaw that he wasn't going to be able to out tonight after all, due to the work load he had to do when returned to his dorm. Letting out a sigh he stopped and looked back at the fellow. "Thanks a lot, buddy. It's been a reaaaalll pleasure. Cracked my friggin screen!" A sarcastic tone shielded his what would seem kind words. He flashed his cellphone then brought it close to his face rubbing his thumb on the cracked surface to see how bad the damage was. His face full of disdain. He closed his eyes and rubbed his face as he put the phone back in his pocket. He looked up at the man waiting to see what he'd say next, expecting it to be something more along the lines of "I'll pay for that." As Lorin was rather short on money, himself...

Base Code by: THEFROST
Graphics and Coding by: CPKallday

Foreign Exchanges[DEATH ALLOWED] Sbb1I7e

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Kido Kid
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Sat Nov 01, 2014 4:42 pm
How unfortunate not only did he make the mistake of hitting someone the person seemed to be a rude little kid, Mujin would simply begin to dust himself of overlooking the boy as he spoke with a slight smirk on his face showing that he had interest in what was being said or in reality it amused him, he had done something wrong and apologized though today's youth could not help but wish to start something by spouting meaningless things, O how he wished everyone was like him the old think before you speak method. I never called you a punk kid, or some hood rat you said that yourself and maybe you have some issues you need to deal with, Mujin would pull out a wallet he had bought prior in order to carry currency and would toss it toward the boy though with a little strength and speed it would go flying at him at adept speeds and if he didn't catch it he be would hit in the face.

There is about 2 thousand in that wallet should be enough to buy a rotten kid a new phone, now get out of my face before i choose to teach you some manners in how to treat people. Mujin would place his hands within his pockets and offer a stare after his words though his attention would waver and he would tilt his head as he noticed a power rising in the area, he was a master at gauging peoples power and from here he could tell that it was a angry individual with enough power to make some humans life hell and possibly enough for Mujin to go and check it out. With a wave and his back now turned too the boy Mujin would begin to walk away in the direction of the power source that now intrigued him, for the most part playing role model to a human boy was not on his list of fun things to do.

Now considering the boy didn't stop him and or speak to him Mujin would Hoho to his intended area and arrive as the man that was dressed like a nerd began shouting on about demons though he would feel somewhat offended when he spoke of the french being weak his family originated from New Orleans and he had a considerable amount of french blood in him, causing him to spout out his own condescending phrase
*cough *Ireland has not done nearly as much as France albeit their good beer*cough, cough cough* Mujin would pretend to be clearing his throat as he spoke his words though he would keep his eye's on the man his blade on his back having went and picked it up from his hotel that was on the way here, he could not have a interesting time without it.
The KFC of PH
The KFC of PH
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Sat Nov 01, 2014 8:59 pm


It was clear as day that the man that he had run into could care less for the words that came out of Lorin's mouth, yet that wasn't going to stop him from continuing on. While he was in no way disrespected, he was just caught up in the moment and couldn't contain his anger just yet. The man spoke saying that Lorin was putting words in his mouth in summary. Lorin began to realize that he was punishing the man, when he should have been paying attention himself. Yet, that didn't keep the man from continuing on and tossing two-grand right to his face.

The velocity at which the money was slung at him was far too fast for him to even catch a glimpse of. And when he did, it was too late. Imprinting his face across his eyes and nose was a red rectangle from the impact of the money. As it fell to the ground, Lorin went to grasp his face and caught the money in the process bringing it to his face as he groaned in pain. He wasn't surprised at the fact that the man had done so, but he was shocked at how strong the guy was. It confused him, to be precise. After he was done with his wincing, hissing, and groaning from the excruciating money shot, he noticed that the man left after matching Lorin's rudeness. Whatever it was the man, must have realized he had forgotten something and ran off. That or, he just didn't want to deal with the kid anymore. Lorin shrugged and picked his board up from the ground and shoved the two grand into his pocket. He clicked the unlock button as it began to take a scan of his face and promptly allowed him access to the shattered phone. It still worked, but with the way technology worked today, it'd be a wonder if it didn't.

Sighing, he stepped back onto his board and shoved off once more loosening himself up. As he progressed toward the man he saw earlier he could all of a sudden feel an odd tingle to his skin. Not sure what it was, or what it felt like. Though it was unknown to Lorin, he was being exhausted of all his energy. As his body slowly lost strength, he stepped off his skateboard coming to a slow walk. He was unable to catch what the man had said as it had been thirty seconds prior to Mujin slandering the felon. Though, he realized the man now had a sword, and looked to be opposing the rather slender man before him. Whom, also seemed to have already caused a decent amount of trouble. Lorin could only guess that this was the reason he was unable to move properly. This guy most have been one of the spiritual entities that they spoke about in his history books back in Karakura. There was no doubt. He had ran into people with similar abilities before, but he was still unsure of what it was that he was looking at. Nor, the consequences of staying there.

Taking a few more steps toward the man he tugged on his sleeve, "Thank you, man... I apprecia--" He wished to thank the man for his charitable donation, but just as he could do so. He could no longer stand to be in the presence of the other fellow and fell to his knees, quivering in exhaustion. Sweat began to race down his visage as his face grew to an even paler state. It was clear that he needed to heed way to these two, but he just couldn't bring himself to do so...

Base Code and Graphic Style by: THEFROST
Graphics and Coding by: CPKallday

Foreign Exchanges[DEATH ALLOWED] Sbb1I7e

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Tue Nov 04, 2014 3:35 am

Artist: BGM - Song: The Doll Maker Of Bucuresti - Word Count: 1750

Hm, what was this?

Everything was -- red. The lands before the earth, the heavens in the skies and the enigma of the mind -- was all red.

Blood red -- blood moon.

Ah, that was it.

As the crimson light shined from the scarlet moon mass in the sky, a soft sigh escaped from the lips of a certain royal figure. Standing upon the top of a castle in the finer parts of Dubin, a powerful demonic entity observed these alterations. The taste of demonic magic filled the air. Stuffing the senses of the mouth, the bitter flavor of iron passed the lips of Demoness who was dubbed The Princess of Europe and The Demon Race as a whole.

Her reddened eyes pierced the city below her feet, but yet not a single feeling could be felt behind them. To pierce down below the surface of her detached expression would require one who understood matters of the heart, and not many of this drunken city could understand such a thing. Bleak and bitter, the atmosphere of the space around the child saw fit to match her tempo and blow a frigid burst of cold air around her. In doing so, it caused her luscious, silver hair that extended down to the ankles of her feet to blow ever-so gently against the wind.

Becoming one with this sense of coolness, the objective became clear: the city needed to be cleansed.

Therefore, as she felt the pulse from The Demon Lord's pulse, The Demi Network of Shadow Fall prevented such measures from taking over the city. Extending across all of their terrority, they were marked by the divine protection of their Queen and Godlings. So it was no wonder that the heir to these cosmic entities would be able to wield their power as her own and reject this influence.

Holding out the palm of her right hand to the heavens, the lone demon child closed her eyes and the city would become as bright as day nearly. Eclipsing and blocking out the shine of The Blood Moon, a celestial body that radiated gold, white and red light bathed the city. Surging to life with a damning source of demon magic, it was clear that another demon which was capable of daunting demonic spells was on the rise. In this explosion of luminous life, The Demon Princess began the task of cleaning this land of the Demon Lord's influence; as soon The Demi Network went deeper into work.

Like cutting away at pieces of a paper, the various strings of attachment that Vampire Matthew placed into the city was no laughing matter. It took a skilled cut of focus to find the problematic areas, precise accuracy to weave out the threats and massive quantities of potent demonic energy to rebuke this claim; but it was well within the realm of possibility for this piece of terrority to once again be within the influence of Shadow Fall's domain. They were like a flame embed within the core of the earth that was too strong, too wild and far too attached this realm to be so easily vanquished in one night's eve.

Therefore, with hop, skip and a jump; a dimensional portal carried the Princess of Europe towards the scene of action. Whisking her away in a flash of red and white brilliance, a dazzling burst of rich light flooded the streets. When it dimmed and faded, the embodiment of a bizarre female figure was left. Wearing a black dress with many tribal markings across it, similarly colored shoes and skin-tight body armor underneath that took the resemblance of tights; it was clear, even to those who did not possess spiritual senses abilities, that this was a demonic entity.

Red light flowing from her like a gentle flame, the child's aura felt akin to an infinite void, yet so filling that it gave off a loving embrace to it. It was as if there was a universal force of unlimited power hidden within the child, yet the world around them was so warm that it felt outlandish to conceive such a notion. Passing into the streets of those injured in the wake of these three brutes, The Semi-Divine Demon began the task of healing the injured.

Those who found their minds scarred in the wake of the fearsome Demon Lord? Relief and joy was found by The Demon Princess's protecting essence. To those who could not find themselves the courage or strength to stand in the wake of such extraordinary powers amassing? They'd soon discover the might to find themselves on their feet once more with the assistance of The Reagle Child.

And in that moment, six wings that radiated a crimson light extended from the Royal Figure's back. Going down a vertical line from the blessed girl's back, there were three sets of two wings in all and they let off a sensation of power that felt -- whole. It did not smother others, nor did it even attempt to outshine the might of The Vampiric Might of Matthew's aura. Instead, underneath it all, it felt like -- nature. As if it were cosmically natural for it to be in place and as if it was one with the universe itself. The kind of grandiose wonder one might consider the almighty himself to wield, but in the hands of its sacred follower.

"Heil..The One whom is The Demon God's and Demon Queen's Child. We welcome you, Priest of Khalaism."

The voice of numerous demons, humans marked with demonic scent and even some creatures that were hollow and Iramasha alike came from the shadows. Smiles smeared with fulfillment, tones bleeding childlike joy and hearts all but essatic; this gathering of men, women, children dressed in white robes came to be. Bowing down before that whose name was Neoveta, the Heir to Divinity is what she seemed to represent since her ascension to becoming a Demonic Queen. So she represented new life, new direction and new hope for those looking but forward to this child who held within her vessel the potential to become a future Demon Queen.

Although -- she could only shake her head in such a glorifying response to her presence. She felt it to be -- too much. Almost -- over flattering. To her? It was only natural to use strength to protect those under your wing. It is what separates those who had false strength and those whom possessed true power. Any one wicked spirits can use their powers to fend for themselves, but it takes something greater than that to manage to do that and shield others at the same time. So upon that line of nature, the ends justified the means for Neoveta.

Glancing at The Demon known as Matthew Hinote, the human that was Loran Hardwell and the Shinigami whom went by the title "Mujin Makiyoshi"; it was apparent to the celestial child that quite the perexling group of outsiders had taken shape in this dreary town. Sensing the dense and uncaring force of The Demon Overlord's power up close, Neoveta's blank expression did not change, but she was rather amused to see another close to her own power that was not either her own blood or that which was bonded to her in the case of Iriko Crow; The Captain Commander of The Gotei 13.

Skimming through the countless millennia's of demon knowledge sealed within her brain by the gods, the general backstory of the male before her was that he was the supposed last-man standing of the sub-race of demons whom called themselves "Vampires". Killing his own kind with no remorse, he started to make quite the name for himself throughout the centuries for such a brutal act. So from that general source of information, Neoveta understood the kind of opposition she may or may not face on this dark eve.

Digressing, with facial recognition technology backing the Demi Network, a hot, flowing line of information came in about the Mujin fellow. Not much was known about him through public records, but it was apparent enough that he was indeed apart of the Gotei 13. Listed in their databanks as a member of Squad Five, and together with the energy reading tipping her off to him being of Vice Captain Level, Neoveta would attempt to avoid having him injured -- if only for the sake of their Captain Commander she so very loved.

As for the human whom went by Loran Hardwell? A similar amount of miniscule information was available. Fourteen years old, male and American Native; the wealth of public records on him showed that his last recent information was that he was a freshman at Karakura High. So it was rather amusing that one of such a lower level of power found themselves all the way in the land of supernatural creatures. Oh well.

It was time to address them all:

"Coexistence. That is what Dubin is now. Demons and other races do live together. If one feels dislike for the other, then they live in the districts outside of town and are free to do as they wish within them." Chiming in at around the moment Matthew was going on about their enslavement, the cool and serene voice of Neoveta's mind echoed into the area as she spoke to them all telepathically. Without moving a single muscle from her lips, the child gave a vacant stare to them, but the warmth of her heart could be felt in their minds, bodies and souls as her placid and mellow essence seeped into the world around them like a calm wind.

"With that said, why do you wish to cause such a ruckus, Demon Lord? Have you come to cause trouble? State your story and leave those whom cannot defend themselves to me." Taking an obvious glance at the civilians Matthew dispensed of, the choking sounds of Loran and tense stares of Mujin; it was obvious enough that the Demoness was referring to all of them in that stance as she then set her crimson sights on The Vampire Lord.

What would his reaction be? Only time could tell, but things were certainly going to be interesting on this eve where supernatural creatures made a fright.

Foreign Exchanges[DEATH ALLOWED] WVMWLOu
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Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:42 am
Ascenia was now slowly regaining her composure and her breath. The immense weight of the darkness that had encompassed the area had put Ascenia to her knees, and had caused her hat to fall off, revealing her wolf ears, and her tail had now broken from the band she had put it in and was fluffed up. Claws digging into the ground, Ascenia then felt a calming sensation wash over her. A feeling of completeness filled her. A feeling of peace. And what a feeling it was. The heaviness of the world of the moment before was replaced with a feeling of weightless joy. Ascenia was now relieved to see this being that had landed in front of her. The scars given by the being that had called on a red moon were gone now, and Ascenia was able to stand up. She rose Slowly to her feet, and dusted off her clothes.

She was wearing a pair of brown leather pants, that were plain in exception of the back pockets, having steam punk gear designs on them. She wore a belt made of interconnecting pieces of metal that looked like gears and sprockets and grommets,. Her top was silken, a light greenish color, and was long sleeved. it was plain in color and had no designs. Her emerald green and bright eyes were now affixed on the female being before her. The six wings she saw were awe inspiring. And the clothes she was wearing presented her as a being with a high standing.

"Heil..The One whom is The Demon God's and Demon Queen's Child. We welcome you, Priest of Khalaism"

Upon hearing these words, Ascenia was then gripped with a sense of fear. She looked over to the corwd and the individuals outside of it. A young boy,or possibly a teenager. An older man, and a seemingly older man. Ascenia had been in to much pain and agony to hear what they had exchanged between one another. But now in this moment of silence after the speaking of the woman in front of her, she remembered information she had gathered from dossiers given to her by a contact in this region. And in those dossiers, it was mentioned that there wasa ruling family of demons, or rather sect, or something, that controlled Europe. She had no names for the rulers of Europe, but titles. and one of those titles was Priest of Khalaism.

But something else was now affecting Ascenia. Something inside her, felt like it was tugging at her being, tugging at her very soul. She had never felt something like this before. it was as if another being was trying to form inside her soul. Staggering to take a step, Ascenia stepped close to the winged being in front of her, panting. Her body was racked by the pain now, of this strange thing happening to her. Though she was fairly resistant to pain, this pain was unlike anything she had ever felt. It felt as if her very being was splitting in two, and it was getting worse and worse with each passing second. There was nothing she could do. She reached up, now a mere foot from the winged one, and weakly said

"please, help me"

She doubled over in pain, a searing heat now filling her body. But it then seemed to begin to fade away from her, as she felt the feeling of peace and tranquility wash over her again, as she got closer to the one in front of her. Her eyes gazed over m into the street to see the man standing among the group of people.Then she heard the female speak.

"With that said, why do you wish to cause such a ruckus, Demon Lord? Have you come to cause trouble? State your story and leave those whom cannot defend themselves to me."

Demons Lord. It made sense now to Ascenia. The pulse of energy and spreading miasma filling the air, the sudden pain and agony and scars on her mind and body. The man in the street was a Demon Lord. Ascenia shivered. She knew little of demons, except that they had a hierarchy, and at the top was their queen, god, and their princess, and then their lords and ladies. The fact that a Demon Lord had turned his powers on being under the protection of the demons themselves, sent a message to Ascenia. This one was dangerous.

"And before the darkness and shadow of death i stood, and stepped from the threshold of fear, into the doorway of eternity."
My Little Godesses.
Ascenia  Neya
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Wed Nov 05, 2014 3:51 pm
Now Mujin was interested gauging the full power of the man with a simple glance he would smirk he was running into beings of this caliber more and more lately and with his power gauging ability he could sense another closing in but no matter he would have his sleeve tugged and would tilt his head overlooking the boy as he offered a thanks only to be stricken by the power this man was emitting, meaning he was weak. Mujin would shrug him of with a grunt and turn his attention back to the man taking a few steps forward and with each step it would become clear that Mujin was standing perfectly still and content the power in this area was not enough to affect him to where he could not stand or speak with some effort seeing as how he was also suppressing his power a nifty gift from his weapon Exusia was the ultimate power it offered.

What if i am?

Mujin would say placing his hand on his blade and overlooking the man with a calm facial expression, he was in no way feeling the pressure of knowing that this man was stronger than him and talking to him as if he was a weakling could mean his death. No the young shinigami was arrogant and thought of his ability's more than enough to erase the beings of power filtering the world at the moment, they had no goals just wasted energy that needed to be snuffed out.

Luck? Only the weak not in control of their lives speak of luck as a play in their fates, if luck is a factor one could say you have dawned a bit of bad luck for ever coming back to this area

His eye's would stare into the mans as he spoke making sure to instill that small enigma of fear, allowing him to know that despite him being of power he got no respect from Mujin or anyone of the other countless people who felt his display of power. At that moment the sky returned to normal though Mujin knew this was only the start of another stronger being entering the area he began to gaze into the sky with a new found attentiveness and found his self catching a bright light which temporarily dimmed his vision causing him to see haze.

Now there was some demon girl in the area and most likely she was here to deal with the man that had been causing a ruckus letting his power run rampant and in turn it called stronger beings of control into the area, Mujin would chuckle to himself at the thought before turning his gaze to the man and then too the girl that had appeared, Mujin would take a step back as she sprouted wings and people began saying a prayer of sorts or something he didn't care he had no affiliation with these people and one day he would outshine them all and seek the perfect battlefield in order to take all the power these people held dear, Though Mujin was perfect at gauging power the demon woman was hard too judge her power seemed to go on forever and the feeling it gave off caused the young shinigami too look around in awe, it was as if he could see it if no one else could the feeling only added to the amazement as if the power was everywhere and it had been there from the beginning of time something like a natural occurrence. Amazing. Was all he could think.

As the women glanced at him Mujin would not waver his gaze instead he would offer a smirk toward the girl he was impressed and people that impressed him were people he would one day defeat and show them the folly of thinking they knew how to contain true unbeatable power and now in his mind he had three and with a step back he furthered himself from the man today was not the day for him to start his goal he was not well known or strong enough but watching this fight could serve too better him in the future seeing as how he wanted everyone who held more power than him dead the goal was something that took time and perfection and followers so it seems the woman had everyone's attention as she began too speak but Mujin would forcefully attempt to push her feeling of peace and tranquility out of his mind as well as her voice utilizing his full power in order to do so he didn't like the feeling she was giving off safety no he needed strife and chaos in order to attain his true power.

Mujin would scoff as he barely noticed how much people were standing around simply beckoning the help of this demon did the word mean nothing the race was not something to be praised they were all never needed, even the spiritual beings were asking for help, Mujin would turn his gaze too the boy and offer a smirk he could use this boy in the start of things to come he would move near the boy and place his hand on his shoulder before looking at him with a look of anger but also peace mixing the two one would only find chaos in Mujin eye's as he spoke quietly to the boy. Don't worry i will protect you, seems it might get a little messy here

Mujin would stop and once again stare at the man known as Matthew waiting for him to speak.
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