Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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A fight in the forest! Left_bar_bleue0/0A fight in the forest! Empty_bar_bleue  (0/0)

A fight in the forest! Empty A fight in the forest!

Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:43 pm
It was midday in the center of the forest, as a short figure jumped from tree to tree looking bored. She was heading away from the city, looking for something to do. The figure is known as Byakuya Mori, a shinigami of the adept level. She was wearing a black silk suit, with combat boots disguised as dress shoes. There appears to be no weapons of any kind upon her person, due to her hiding her Zanpakutō within her coat.

Byakuya stopped in the exact center of the forest. Looking around with her chocolate brown eyes she took something out of one of the pockets in her coat. It's a bar of chocolate wrapped in a plastic baggy so if it melted it would not ruin her suit. Sighing, Byakuya tore into the chocolate. Humming while chewing, she happily ate the bar of chocolate, before putting the wrapper back into the plastic baggy.

With the garbage within one of her pockets, she launches herself back off into the forest, once more looking for something to do or someone to fight. While jumping through the trees she was thinking about what she should do with the rest of the day if she could not find something to do.

Halting on a branch, with a small thump, Byakuya spied someone, with their back turned, near a lake. She could not get a good view of the person nor a good read on their power level due to them being outside the passive maximum of her sensory range. She pulsed her energy through her ability to extend her range, so she could spy on their power level.

Finding the person to be slightly stronger than herself, Byakuya sighed before aiming one of her arms at the girl. Byakuya gathered her energy into the palm of her hand creating a mass of sharp ice covering the palm, whilst whispering a incantation under her breath. Slowly, ever so slowly the ice forms into a orb. Bigger, ever bigger the orb of ice grows until it's the size of a baseball. "Hadō #9 Kori no Tama."

Once those words were uttered, the orb of ice fires away from Byakuya's hand aimed at the ground directly behind the girl, that Byakuya spied. Soaring through the air, the orb went until it crashed into the ground directly behind the girl, before sending shards in all directions. Some of the shards of ice flew at the back of the girl's legs. It appears as though Byakuya is trying to make it harder for the girl to move.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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A fight in the forest! Empty Re: A fight in the forest!

Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:59 am
Chika had always felt at peace in the forest, even now the cool breeze calmed her nerves. To most the breeze was just that, but to her it was a song. A song that came from the wind as it drifted through the branches causing the rustle of the leaves. She had always wondered if it was something to with her soul sorceries. Although the red petals, she thought she would never figure out. However, she put that to the side as her attention turned to the forest around her. The gentle scent of the lake drifted around her carrying a relaxing sent. Lake surface had bugs skittered along the surfaces. The ripples moved in patterns that could only be detected by the beings with the oldest of eyes. Here alone this peaceful glade, Chika came to forget her worries. However, something stopped her wonderings.

Someone was drawing near, and as usual Chika paranoia kicked in. She felt them stretching out their own energy to touch her as if they where probing her. Immediately her guard was up however she didn’t show any outwards appearance of it. She knew that the energy was not Za Kao, which meant that the person was not a demon. It also meant that they were not an Iramasha as well. That felt a few things that they could be. She settled on either a Human or Shinigami since Hollows, Arracars, and Vizards all had a similar darkish aura to them. Then that begged the question on what did they want with her.

She didn’t have to wait long since her now confirmed opponent as there was a flare in their energy. Taking action, Chika moved with a step to the side before she rushed towards her opponent with a soul dash. Behind her, a few red glowing petals were left in the place where Chika once stood. The shattered remnant of the ice mixed with glowing petals. The ice gave off a red glow in the area around the lakes edge, before tearing through petals. Chika, on the other hand, was nowhere near the edge of the lake instead she was closing the distances in mere moments. Chika's had in her hands was once a red rectangle that she normally carried on her back. Now the rectangle was extended and unfolded to reveal Chika preferred weapon, a scythe that was twice her size. To be fair, she was normal overreacts when she was out in the woods. However, this time her paranoia saved her from being hit by a projectile.

Most of the time Chika preferred to attacks her opponents with passing blows as she speed by. However, this time she wanted throw off her opponent before attacking. Instead of jumping up to attack she continued passed the base of the tree and sliced at an angle so it would fall. Once past she turned around with one of her hands outstretched as she focuses her energy for her attack. “Petal Cutter,” Chika commanded as released her energy to attack. From her hand, six crescent waves of air flew towards her opponent. The only definition that there was any attack there were the glowing petals that followed the currents of air. The tree that she had cut would provide no cover as this attack was recorded to cut through five feet of solid steel before being stopped. They also had a good range, but she could not snipe with them despite how powerful she felt it was.

“Who sent you to attack me? Was it the facility?” Chika demanded. She would be damned if she went back to that place, and if her attacker would think she would go easy would be sorely mistaken.
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A fight in the forest! Empty Re: A fight in the forest!

Mon Nov 10, 2014 7:36 pm
Byakuya smirked as she watched her orb of ice fly towards Chika. Frowning, due to the orb missing it's target and Chika shredding the ice with flower petals. Byakuya, opened her suit's coat before drawing what appears to be a pocket knife from a inside pocket.


Suddenly the pocket knife ignites with a beam of light red. It appears to be a three foot long energy blade. Chika approached the tree that Byakuya is within. As Byakuya waves the blade around, it's making humming, and buzzing sounds. Jumping forward, to a different tree Byakuya flipped turning around avoiding the now cut tree. As she is upside down, Byakuya thrusts a hand downwards towards the ground.


Blasting out a blast of pure reishi at the ground, Byakuya suddenly is accelerated upwards avoiding all six crescent blades of condensed air. Byakuya landed on the ground several meters away from Chika. Listening to the words that Chika spoke, Byakuya couldn't help but laugh.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

This girl thought that someone commanded Byakuya to attack her. This is completely hilarious to Byakuya. To think that she would even consider that, is completely ridiculous to Byakuya. The only people that Byakuya will even consider listening to are the captains and vice captains, and only if told on a piece of paper with their signature, or in person.

"I was not sent by anybody, girl. I am here from my own free will, after completing a mission from a superior."

Byakuya suddenly, lashes out with the hand holding her blade. Suddenly the blade flies out of her hand with a boost of pure invisible reishi, making the blade fly faster towards Chika. Spinning the blade appears to be a saw of blinding light red. The blade that was thrown now is flying towards Chika's midsection. The blade is made out of a pure concentration of reishi, which can and will cut through almost anything below it's concentration of reishi in it's path.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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A fight in the forest! Empty Re: A fight in the forest!

Mon Nov 10, 2014 11:31 pm
Chika’s mind spun at furious rate from the amount of information she was processing ay. Since she was in combat, her mind focused on understanding her opponent’s abilities. In her mind, she started categorizing Byakuya as a kinetic projection type. Based on her soul sensing, Chika determined that the blast was that of pure Reishi. She did not see any form to the blast therefore she was classifying as a projection. As for kinetic in nature, came from the fact she used it as a dodge. The area that the blast hit caused branches to snap, dust to fly, and leaves to scatter. It also had enough forces to push Byakuya upwards at a high speed. That meant there was quite a bit of power to it. Then came the blade she was using. She believed it was similar to concentrated plasma. She noticed with Byakuya’s spinning of her blade, a few times it niche the tree and caused some burn marks. She could feel the Reishi that formed the blade. She knew that it would cut through almost anything. However, she could already tell what its weakness could be.

In another small part of her mind, Chika was archiving the other girl’s response. The other girl had no reason; she just attacked her without provocation. Chika would curse her luck, or whatever it was that got her in these kinds of situations. Pushing that back for now Chika focused slowly at the other girl. Byakuya had already thrown her blade at Chika with great forces. However, there seemed to be no control, or very little control in the blades arc. Channeling her soul force into her weapon Chika prepared to meet the blade head on. Chika's scythe glowed red as it hummed as it was covered with Reishi while giving it an extra edge. It was one of the few ways that Chika could gain extra attack power with her scythe, and if she were right, the extra power would help defend against Byakuya’s blade.

Using both of her hands, Chika swung her scythe in a continuous downward arc. The slight angle she chooses would deflect the blade making it head back the way it came, but not towards it wielder. Instead, it would go off to Byakuya’s left matching in the keeping the same speed that it was thrown. This proved to Chika that her weapon could block Byakuya’s strange sword. However, there was a slight char on the edge of her scythe. That meant Chika need to adjust her Soul Force in order to block without ill effect. Chika was glad that her weapon was made out of metal reinforced with Reishi. This made the metal stronger than normal, and able to channel Reishi with ease.

Chika was not done with simply deflecting the blade. Once it was deflected she continued to spin her scythe in a figure eight patterns. To Byakuya the scythe would seem blurry at the speed Chika could maneuver such a large weapon. To Chika, on the other hand, the blade was not moving that fast. Her mind always works at a high speed, and Chika was just moving the Scythe to a speed that could come closer to the speed in which her mind operated. This processing speed also allows Chika to pull off an interesting trick. Using slight movements with her hand, Chika aimed her scythe that was also a gun. Once in line the with Byakuya, Chika would pull the trigger and fire an Iramasha Fire Gem Bullet. Then on the back swing she would pull the latch and empty the shell casing, and release it so that it reloaded her weapon. She fired the first two bullets right after one another; however she fire a third to with a slight delay to throw off any rhythm Byakuya might have.



If Chika had charged the bullets, before pulling the trigger, they would explode with the force of a cero. However, she was using these bullets as AP rounds right now, although that didn’t mean their natural fire effect was not to fear. One of these bullets could pierce a lower level Hierro of an Arrancar although Chika preferred the charged bullets. However, the energy normal used to charge the bullets was being used to defend against Byakuya’s blade.

While Chika, may not be as physically strong as others, her mind was sharp, and she could adapt very well.
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A fight in the forest! Empty Re: A fight in the forest!

Thu Nov 13, 2014 7:59 pm
Byakuya watched as her blade was batted aside from Chika's scythe. She used a pulling gesture with her left hand to bring the blade back to her left hand, once it reached the ground. While doing it, Byakuya was examining the figure 8 motion that Chika was doing. Unbeknownst to Chika, Byakuya was indeed able to keep up with the figure 8 motion due to her focus being on a advanced level.

Byakuya continued to watch the human making the ridiculous motions, before Byakuya noticed the slight hand motions of Chika changing the scythe into a gun.

Holding the blade in two hands, Byakuya brought the blade in front of her in a defensive form with her left leg forward and the right leg back. Her knees bent to keep her balance. Byakuya breathed in and out slowly.

Byakuya suddenly smirked, just as Chika started to open fire.

"Bakudo 21 Sekienton"

Suddenly, red smoke erupted from her feet surrounding Byakuya in a red smoke. Byakuya, focused reishi into her legs as the red smoke surrounded her just as the first bullet started to fly out of the barrel to the smoke.

As soon as the proper amount was focused, Byakuya performed a step and disappeared from the spot that she was in. All three bullets flew through the smoke hitting nothing, but air and red smoke.

Byakuya, appeared in mid step in a tree near Chika. Before doing anything else, Byakuya pointed a hand towards Chika while being shrouded with the tree's leaves. Waving the hand slowly towards Chika.

"You will strip all of your clothing off, and walk away from it."

Byakuya watched while waiting for Chika to start striping while starting to focus reishi into two of her fingers to fire a quick Byakurai at the clothing to completely burn it, forcing Chika to be completely naked the rest of the fight, and to be distracted by her own nakedness. Due to how she is hidden, Chika should not be able to tell what Byakuya has done to trigger one of her more... favored techniques.
Shirou Mamoru
Shirou Mamoru
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A fight in the forest! Empty Re: A fight in the forest!

Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:48 pm

Once Byakuya had used her Bakudo, Chika had confirmation of most of her opponent’s basic abilities. This meant she could focus her senses and follow Byakuya’s movements. Although the smoke screen that Byakuya had used was concealing her movements. Although as soon as she made, a move Chika could gain her location then take action against her attacker. Looking around Chika waited for Byakuya to her next act. As Chika tried to scan the area, she felt a strange urge to take off her clothing. She started to fiddle with the string of her shirt, when her mind caught up with what she was doing. She wondered why she was doing this; there was an enemy nearby however she felt the urge to strip. She started untie the strings that held red corset-like clothing in place. What was she doing? Then it hit her, another ability that her opponent might have. She was using telepathic manipulations. It made sense since as Byakuya used a type of kinetic projection, only that proved to be a type of telekinetic manipulations. However, Byakuya could not control her. Chika tried to understand what was going on and understand the urge she felt. Once she had thought of it has an urge, Chika knew what was happening. That didn’t change the fact she didn’t know how fight off the compulsion and she was already half way done with the strings.

Biting her lip a little Chika tried to figure an away out of this. That was when she knew what needed to be done. Her hand continued to untie the corset like clothing. Although Byakuya had made a mistake in charging up her energy before she knew that her trick had work for certain. Know she knew the direction that Byakuya had moved to. Once her hand had finished untie the strings, it was thrown away from her. However, the way Chika had thrown was done, so that she could turn her back to Byakuya’s locations. Feeling the urge, Chika bent down to remove the next article of clothing as she did the red hood of her cloak fell over her head. The cape fluttered a few times as Chika’s hand moved. Obvious she was removing her boots from the actions she was taking.

Although, when it looked like Chika was about to take off the boot and throw it, Chika turned suddenly while still kneeling. She was facing Byakuya’s location, and her arm outstretched. On the back of her hand was a glove, and on it was a red like gem etched with the Iramasha symbol for fire. Mentally in Chika’s mind she issued the command of ‘fire’. Chika had barely stop turning when a giant ball erupted from the gem heading for Byakuya general location. Chika was not point at Byakyua exactly because of the sudden speed she had used, but that didn’t matter to Chika. The gem was full charged, and once it goes off the explosion would have been comparative to a cero in power. Right now it was heading in Byakuya’s direction, and if it exploded near her, she would be feeling it.

In Chika’s mind, she knew Byakuya had limited opinions in this situation. The easiest way for Byakuya to escape the damage would be to dodge the fireball. Chika was planning on this, and once Byakuya moved, Chika would be there as well. Above Chika would be waiting with her Scythe drawn to slice Byakuya from above. If Byakuya had time to look, she would see some things different about Chika. The first was the cloak that she always wore. It was now pulled down around her eyes and covered her face in shadow. Although there was still the slight of Chika’s lip that was bleeding from when she had bit herself. The end of the cape was also tattered and torn even though it was in pristine condition earlier. Even her scythe looked different, as a brighter red glow encased the weapon.

That was just the end game for Chika, the moment she figured out to how to break Byakuya’s suggestion. It was during when she was biting the edge of her lip that she noticed the urge had lessened. That was when she knew pain could counter the effects of the manipulation. She had forced herself to do the ridicules throw so that she could break the urge, by biting her own lip, so that blood was drawn. She had then knelt down to continue the ruse of still be under the implanted suggestion. She used that time to get a batter lock on Byakuya location before turning to use her fire gem. Even the giant fireball, which is a very powerful attack, was used as a distraction that would cover Chika with it blinding light. It was during that time shifted into her first stage soul evolution so that she could move with a faster speed to intercept Byakuya.
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A fight in the forest! Empty Re: A fight in the forest!

Sun Oct 04, 2015 10:00 am

✖| Clean Up Time!! |✚
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It's been 2014 or even before that!
There for I will be locking this thread, feel free to revisit this and keep on reading!

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