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The Cat
The Cat
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Joined : 2014-06-28
Posts : 552

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Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+] Left_bar_bleue24000/10000Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+] Empty_bar_bleue  (24000/10000)

Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+] Empty Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+]

Sun Aug 16, 2015 12:56 am
The Spiritual Human Template

Basic Information

• Name: Blaise Lorelei
• Titles: The Heart of the Abyss
• Age: 23
• Gender: Female
• Affiliation/Rank: The Vanguard

• Appearance Description: Standing at almost exactly 6’ tall with long, straight golden hair, Blaise is considered a giant compared to the average sized human being. Her height is one that isn’t very fitting for a woman who acts like her life is so small and meaningless. However, anyone who looks at her won’t particularly notice her height first. While a prominent feature to her appearance, Blaise’s height is one of the smaller aspects to her looks compared to some other things. With skin colored almost pale and complexion beyond fair and feminine, Blaise attracts many men and occasionally women with her charming looks alone. Or so she thinks. While it is true she is considered beautiful by many, there’s far more to it than just her skin and complexion. Her face is perfectly rounded, coated with beautifully rosy cheeks and two gentle sky blue orbs that gaze upon the world with a soft, motherly look. It’s not often you see Blaise without some kind of smile or grin on her face either. It helps give off a feeling of comfort and keeps the doge girl looking nonthreatening. From the shoulders down however, is a different story. Blaise is very voluptuous with some of the best curves you could see on a woman. Starting from the top of her torso, Blaise’s chest is incredibly generous. Not many women can say they’ve seen, or can even beat Blaise’s H-Cup breasts. It’s not something the girl particularly flaunts around, but it’s not something she likes to keep hiding either. A mix of partially visible to “pretty damn visible” as she calls it are what she tends to have on display. She does do her best to keep them from being anything close to truly bare, at least by her standards. With some of the women in the world and how they dress, Blaise is fairly sure she’s relatively conservative on most occasions. Adding on to her torso’s well recognized attractiveness are Blaise’s frail looking arms. In all actuality, her arms are the exact opposite of frail. It takes a lot to beat her on a strength level, as Blaise knows how to take on the full potential of her natural strength. Some people often question how she’s so strong and Blaise simply takes it as a chance to tease or taunt the questioners with phrases like “Maybe it’s just because I know what I’m doing.” or “If you actually took care of your body you wouldn’t have been beaten by a frail girl like me~”

Below the girl’s wonderfully generous chest is a flat belly that looks somewhat chubby at times depending on how much she’s eaten. Due to the modifications her body has gone under, Blaise can eat and digest food at a rate that rivals some of the world’s fastest eaters. That is, when she feels like she’s starving to death. Modesty is a trait that Blaise values. Save for her chest sometimes. The waist down on Blaise can only be described as thick and plush like the world’s greatest teddy bear. This trait is apparent from her hips all the way down to her thick thighs and even a little bit past that. It’s hard to hide it all, but Blaise does her best. She also avoids social contact so as to not draw too much attention. Sometimes she wonders if she should get body modifications to make herself less… sexy.

Blaise’s apparel varies greatly, ranging from kimonos to many different kinds of dresses, to even just a modified school uniform she had from years ago. More often than not, Blaise’s attire consists of mostly blue colored clothing that is very showy in terms of appearance. She doesn’t mean that in terms of it showing off her body, but rather in the fact that the clothing makes her look more impressive with the way it might flow in the wind or the way it’s made. Her most common set of clothing contains a tight dress-like top that leaves a decent portion of her chest exposed. Said top also has a red bow tied around her midriff, and just below said crimson knot is where the top splits and opens up to make it look a bit like a cape. From there, it reaches down to her knees which is where it ends. Her lower half is covered with a skirt that reaches almost all the way to her knees, stopping just an inch beforehand. A pair of detached sleeves are also tied to the middle of Blaise’s upper arms and stretch out far enough to reach almost past her hands. Underneath her skirt are black laced garters that help keep Blaise’s thigh high socks from falling or shifting. Said socks vanish underneath her skirt to keep her legs out of sight as much as possible. They also double as tabi, allowing Blaise to wear sandals, or even geta on occasion.

The final few things that make Blaise’s appearance stand out from the rest of humanity are her long, fluffy doge tail that sticks out from just above her tailbone, and her two soft, pettable doge ears that rest atop her head. These give Blaise a bit more of an animalistic appearance than most people, but at the same time they can contribute to her attractiveness depending on who’s looking at them. She’s had multiple situation where people stopped to pet her tail or ears because they thought they looked soft or fuzzy. After that, there’s not much else of note to her appearance.

• Appearance Picture:
Clothing & More General Pictures:



• Personality: ▶GENERAL: Blaise, more often than not, is considered charming, motherly, and incredibly polite. This is all commonly portrayed through the girl’s words and behavior when confronted in normal conversation. To her, it is a priority to make friends with people as quickly as possible, even going so far as to refer to complete strangers or enemies as “friend”. It’s been taken into consideration that she might even just disregard other people’s attitudes for her, meaning that to Blaise everyone is a “friend” regardless. Whether this is true or not is up for debate. This passion to be “friends” with every other living being seems to have no bounds. Even if struck or hurt in any way, Blaise seems to disregard such treatment as if it had never happened. Often times thinking of herself as childish for doing so, she acts this way to try and deter herself from walking a completely different path of life that she is constantly on the verge of treading. Blaise prefers to keep that particular reasoning to herself at all times. Only her closest family members know about it, but the more that she participates in the world, the more apparent it becomes to the world around her that she’s not what she seems.

In short, Blaise has a sort of second personality that stems from an event that happened during her times as a child. Having been experimented on in a lab (and after a particularly traumatizing event), Blaise’s psyche split into two halves. The more dominant side is the sweet caring side that everyone tends to see regularly. It’s the default Blaise, in short. However, exposure to particularly powerful surges of energy, adrenaline, or exposure to other people’s blood may cause Blaise’s other side to surface. And once it starts, it takes a lot to get it to go away. To define it in as few words as possible, Blaise’s second half is the epitome of bloodlust. It’s the incarnation of her inner desires. The desire to watch the world burn, to see and hear people suffer, to ruin lives, end desires, and satiate her lust for blood are all things this side of Blaise hold dear. The only things she holds dear. Friend and foe become mixed as well, and Blaise will not stop until she gets what she wants, someone knocks her out, or one of very very few other specific circumstances. These circumstances are undefinable and occur almost never.

In this form, Blaise is plenty more sadistic and violent. Her personality does a complete 180 from the nice, loving girl she normally is to a psychopathic murderer who essentially gets off on other people’s suffering in multiple senses of the phrase. Should the murder and destruction that she causes get too intense, Blaise may actually get aroused to a degree. Never knowing the reason why, Blaise doesn’t question it for fear of thinking about it too much and getting turned on again. On another topic, there are times where Blaise is actually calmer in this state. As in, you can hold an intelligible conversation with her and she won’t try and murder you. This is usually in the aftermath of becoming fully content with the carnage she’s wrought. After her contentness levels max out, she slowly fades back into her normal self until her psycho half is gone and she’s left in her normal state. It’s safe to say that the only time Blaise treats someone negatively when she’s her normal self is because she took a disliking towards them in her deranged form. Even still, she’ll have at least a shred of kindness left to give them, but it’s miniscule and often only takes the form of just enough mercy to not kill them. When forced into a social situation with them that involves other people, Blaise will act awkward and indifferent towards the person she doesn’t like so as to save the others the pain of having to listen to her and the disliked individual argue or spout insults at each other.

It’s perfectly possible for Blaise to resist going into her insanity state, but it takes a lot of raw willpower to do so. In combat where she is most likely to go into said state, it takes most of her energy and focus to keep herself from descending into temporary madness. Otherwise she’ll go insane almost immediately. There is a small gap inbetween when she’s sane and when she’s going mad that is visible, but it’s small and hard to notice. It mostly consists of Blaise freezing in place with wide eyes for a short moment before the change is complete. Once the shift in personality has happened, Blaise will stay in that condition until the proper criteria are met for a revert back to the previous state of sanity. If she tries too hard to stay in one state of mind, she will start to get weaker and weaker physically and mentally until she either succumbs and switches, or passes out entirely.

Finally, Blaise has a deep sense of pride. Moreso in her psychopathic state than her calmer one. It’s hard to resist a challenge to a fight, but in her human form Blaise will often avoid such so as to preserve her sanity. It feels to her that if she goes into her psycho state too much, she’ll permanently lose her sanity and fall into a state of psychopathic and bloodlust forever. Sometimes she thinks even her sense of pride will diminish if she were to fall into that pitiful state.

▶LIKES & DISLIKES: Blaise’s likes and dislikes vary greatly depending on her state of mind. In her normal, civilized state, Blaise takes a great liking to the small things in life. She dislikes big things and believes that small occurrences contribute more to life than some of the bigger things. To her, they’re what influence the bigger things in the first place. Without the little things, there’s no structure for history or even the future. Another thing that Blaise enjoys is making other people happy. It makes her incredibly joyous to turn someone’s frown upside down. It’s part of the reason she tries to make friends so often. The final like to note is chocolate. Much like her sister Rachael, Blaise has a borderline obsession with chocolate. The sweet confection takes up a fair amount of both her and her sister’s attention on a daily basis, so it’s not uncommon to see them indulging themselves in chocolatey treats. On the other hand, Blaise doesn’t have many dislikes in her civilized state. Other than self-centered, righteous individuals, Blaise is fairly calm and positive.

In her other state, Blaise’s likes take a complete turn for the worse. Instead of taking pride and joy in making people happy, she takes pleasure in making people suffer immensely. Her sadism seems to have no ends at time, making her seem antagonistic most of the time. What makes her happy, at least in her civilized state, is that she isn’t in this state most of the time. The reason for this, asides from her sadistic nature, is that she heavily dislikes anything she doesn’t already like in her sadistic state to the point of almost outright hating it. The negativity Blaise has in this state of mind seems endless. There’s no real bounds in sight for how cruel she can get, nor are there any real standards for how cruel she is at times. Sometimes she’s open for conversation, other times she just heads straight into bloodlust and attempts to cause as much carnage as possible. It’s almost impossible to predict how savage she starts off as or how violent she gets over time.

Natural Attributes & Supernatural Powers

• Natural Attributes:

▶LACK OF REIATSU:The first thing to notice is that, even as a human with enough power to rival some of the stronger members of other races, Blaise does not have produce reishi, and therefore cannot produce reiatsu. Instead, she produces a completely different energy with completely different properties. The first thing to note is that it does not resonate a pressure similar to reiatsu. That is, unless Blaise uses her powers herself. Only when Blaise releases this energy via power usage are others capable of feeling or sensing her energy. This simple fact alone allows Blaise to slip through certain situations without being sensed, simply because she does not passively generate her energy. The second thing to note is that this energy does not particularly feel like anything. It can be sensed and sometimes seen when it’s in great concentration, but the feel it gives off reflects emptiness and a lack of emotion. Looking at Blaise however, one can clearly see this isn’t just some kind of reflection of her personality.

▶PHYSICAL AUGMENTS: Blaise’s body is under constant strain from her body generating an endlessly growing pool of energy. In return, her entire body compacts and grows new materials that fill in the now empty space so it can keep up with her ever growing powers. Resulting in this is an abnormal strength, endurance, and speed that Blaise has consistently even without using her powers or energy. This doesn’t change much about her appearance however, as she still has the same appearance as she always has. No particular changes in muscle mass or shape can be seen.

• Powers:
▶CELL-INFUSED ENERGY: Blaise’s unique energy is referred to by her as a “Cell-Infused Energy”. What this means is that her energy is filled with the cells both from her physical body and her spiritual one. This is generated from within her body, centered at her heart, and can be stored in such massive amounts that, if released in full, reflects a power and creates a pressure strong enough to rival a reiatsu or similar energy of someone at the same tier as Blaise. The speed at which this happens is incredibly fast, and it can be released almost completely in just a dozen seconds or less. What Blaise can do with this energy is infuse her energy to a single object to gain powers on a metaphysical object that are related to the object or its concepts. At the same time, she is spiritually and sometimes physically bound to that object. There is a set distance from where Blaise can be from that object, concept or energy before she either loses the bonds between her and that concept/energy/object or she is forced to stop moving due to the physical strains it puts upon her body.

When Blaise binds herself to an object (the process of which takes a great deal of time depending on how strong she wants the bonds to be), she has a say in what powers she gets from said object, but only ones that are relative to the concept of what it is she bound herself to. At the same time, Blaise only gets to choose a fraction of the powers she gets, and only has a vague idea of what it is she’s now capable of. Said powers are mostly mutated versions of what it is she intended herself to get, and she won’t instantaneously know every little secret to her new powers/abilities. It will take a fair amount of time to discover each little quirk or trait of her powers, and sometimes said traits can be discovered by learning more about her bonds and what it is she’s bound to. The more she learns about said bonds, the more she can possibly learn about her powers. It’s not particularly obvious so it takes quite a bit of mental deduction in order to figure out her powers.

Some more limits to this are that if Blaise binds herself to a Universal concept or energy, she may always produce said energy or always be within range of that concept or object. Such as if she bound herself to the earth itself, she could walk anywhere she wanted as long as she was on land. The longest distance she could be away from land is about a single mile. Or if she bound herself to a specific kind of energy such as heat, then she might always produce an abnormal amount of heat and she’d be fine. At the same time, if she bound herself to a house, she could be only a mile away from the house before her body underwent extreme stress and strain. Scientifically, her energy is infused with said house and in said energy is her cells. By going too far away, she loses the bonds, and therefore loses her cells in the process. In short, it kills her. It quite literally slowly kills her to be too far away from the thing she is bound to. At the same time, she can only be bound to two concepts, objects, or energies. She can be bound to any combination of the three, but can only be bound to two at a time.

▶THE ABYSS: Blaise has access to a special pocket dimension known as “The Abyss”, which is a void full of nothing but monstrous creations and endless dark energies. From this, Blaise derives her powers which allow her to manipulate an energy that resembles pure darkness. Blaise had gained control over this place after fusing her energy with the very core of this place directly. She’s literally part of the Abyss and is essentially its master in the eyes of whatever dwells there. Since the power of the Abyss stretches out upon multiple dimensions, Blaise doesn’t necessarily need to be anywhere inside or near the Abyss to keep herself from the draining effects of not being near her bonds.

From the dark energies she gains control over, Blaise gets an absurdly massive physical power boost and an affinity for dark, isolated places. In addition to this, Blaise can open rifts to and from anywhere in the Abyss at least once every 24 hours (or whatever her body perceives as 24 hours). These rifts can be created however Blaise so pleases, but always require her to physically open them with her body or whatever she has on her person. It often takes the appearance of her literally tearing open space and time or slicing open a rift with her sword. From this, she can also summon one of her many “creations”. Yes, Blaise has created entire beings out of her Abyssal energies. They are very very few in number but they are just as alive as any other being may be. It took several years to figure out this process and how to optimize it, but eventually Blaise learned and memorized it. Even still, the creatures are not powerful, barely even have the intelligence of an animal (probably even less), and weaken Blaise immensely for several months whenever she tries to make one. Even then, they have no use for her since they can’t understand even the most basic of commands which even canines have extreme ease understanding.

Blaise can also control the raw energy from the Abyss in the form of a potent pitch black energy. This energy feels and acts like a raw form of power, in that it has no concepts attached to it like most other energies. An example of an energy with a concept attached to it would be a nature iramasha’s in that their energies are more or less tied to the concept of nature. The dark energy Blaise controls has no concept, and does not feel like a reiatsu other than being able to exert a pressure almost exactly like the kind a reiatsu of high potency exhibits. Even then, Blaise has to draw this abyssal energy through the space around her for her to use this pressure to her advantage. This power is drawn through small, microscopic rifts in space that Blaise opens up around her body. It is drawn in small portions over time subconsciously, but Blaise can summon more of it en masse if she puts effort into it. Even then, there is a limit (based on tier) to how much she can control at once. Not only that, but her body undergoes extreme stress while using this energy, and she tires out when channeling the Abyss’ dark energies through her body (the only way TO channel it). With this energy, Blaise can construct objects on a whim using this energy. These objects are not permanent, as they aren’t real. They are simply black masses that Blaise forms using the physical form of the raw energy she gets from the Abyss (the energy from the Abyss itself is what the objects are formed and made of, so they only exist as long as Blaise puts effort into making them exist.

The properties of this energy include corrupting anything that comes in touch with it. Anything that is exposed to the energy for extended periods of time, excluding Blaise herself, will become corrupted with the power of the Abyss. When an object or person becomes corrupted like this, it undergoes a mildly fast process of necrosis. It lasts long enough to give an opponent a chance to kill or incapacitate Blaise (which usually stops AND reverts the process completely), but if a normal person is caught in this abyssal energy they tend to lose a limb or two to this process. The corruption that causes the necrosis also doesn’t spread from wherever it is once it has begun the necrosis process. The dark energy itself, however, may spread up to a mile from any rift to the Abyss that Blaise opens up even without Blaise being there. This may cause anything in that mile radius to undergo the effects of the corruption caused by being in contact with the energy, although it may take days to spread that full mile.

• Pure Abilities:
IMMENSE POWER: To say that Blaise’s dark powers aren’t extremely… well, powerful, would be an understatement. The amount of pressure the dark energy she controls exerts on people can grow to be incredibly powerful and stressful as long as they’re within the area. It also gives Blaise massive physical strength, allowing her to destroy things with just physical strength alone without much difficulty.

EXPERIENCED FIGHTER: Being born and eventually raised as a weapon, Blaise knows the basics and some advanced materials when it comes to the topic of fighting. She is also very capable of expressing this directly in combat itself. While her fighting style doesn’t take a very structured form, Blaise knows many weak points and how to strike them with what kind of fist in order to cause optimal damage. She also has good enough reflexes to fight hand to hand with most professional fighters, and the smarts and knowledge of different fighting styles to outsmart the opposition and take the upper hand.

ABYSS SENSITIVITY: Blaise is sensitive to everything in the Abyss and can tell when someone enters her domain. She may not be able to pinpoint where exactly they are, but she can tell when someone or something enters or leaves the Abyss. The only time she can pinpoint a location is when they get close to the heart of the Abyss where Blaise fused her energy. Blaise is the only one with this level of sensitivity of the Abyssal realm. Her creatures she creates aren’t even remotely close to being as in tune with the heart of the Abyss like Blaise, said intonation being the main reason Blaise is so sensitive to the happenings of the realm.

Sacred Release

• Sacred Release Appearance: Blaise doesn’t have a legitimate Sacred Release. Instead, she opens up a 3x3 meter wide rift to the Abyss anywhere 5 feet away from her in her line of sight. She can then leave it there and go anywhere else in the world and it will be left open, as it does not take power to maintain. The Abyss itself has more than enough power to maintain the rift without Blaise needing to constantly pay attention to it. Using some kind of nullification powers on the rift will instantaneously close it, but the corruption will still remain unless that too is nullified. Anything that’s already undergone necrosis will not be healed, however.

• Sacred Release Powers: Blaise, when anywhere up to a mile away from this rift, needs to put minimal effort into drawing the dark energy she controls from the Abyss. Instead, she gains a more potent control over it (giving her a + to power control). Since it takes less energy to draw the power from the Abyss, as she can just draw it directly from the portal instead of having to open those microscopic rifts, it also causes her to maintain most of her stamina and use less energy over time, making her last almost twice as long in fights. However, when she opens the 3x3 rift the previously one opened will instantly close, ceasing all spread of dark energies and corruption.


Ascended Sacred State

•Ascended Sacred State Appearance: N/A

• Ascended Sacred State Powers: N/A

Background History

• Background: Born into a test tube and raised in a lab as a living experiment, Blaise did not have the best of lives early on, and she still believes her current life is rather painful as well. The first five years of her life she cannot remember due to the sheer fact her mind was not developed far enough. But even since the very moment her mind was capable of holding proper memories, Blaise only remembers pain and loneliness. The cold bars of her cell, held in a completely different holding block from her precious little sister, are still prominent in some of Blaises oldest memories. She could remember the feel of the electricity that would course through her body whenever she tried to bang on them. The feeling of pain even through the anaesthetics the doctors provided as they sliced into her skin. And the foreign, disgusting feeling of getting used to her new, misshapen heart that was stuffed into her body and forced to replace her old one against her will. All of it is still fresh in her mind, and it’s been at least a dozen years since she got out of there. That wasn’t even the worst of it, either.

When Blaise turned ten, her parents (who were contracted into working as scientists here before they knew what really went on) started research of something called “The Abyss”. It was originally named “The Boundary” after the fact that those who were researching it thought it was the literal boundary between worlds. It wasn’t until several months into the project that they realized it could have just been an empty slate for another world to appear as well. Even over those months though, they couldn’t find out much about this place. It was a mystery as to how the lead scientist even found the Abyss. Only he knew, and he wasn’t willing to share his secrets with anyone else. That is, most anyone else. No one knew why, probably because he thought she was expendable due to her age and the lack of fruition with the experiments made to her now that she thinks about it, but he seemed to think Blaise was a perfectly good test subject. The organ they inserted into Blaise worked and pumped blood just like a second heart. This wasn’t its initial purpose however. Infused with this organ were samples of her tissue they extracted (as the organ wasn’t made of her own cells), and a “liquid” sample of her spiritual energies (which she was simply born with as a result of her parents both having a somewhat potent reiatsu).

One night the lead scientist of “The Abyss Frontier” as they called it, kidnapped Blaise and took her to an isolated, sealed off room that had ridiculously high levels of security measures guarding it. Most other scientists believed the man installed it himself and kept it on a separate network from the other security systems, as no one else could even see the cameras, mounted guns, and heavily sealed doors on the registration of security systems and protocols. There even seemed to be a reiatsu nullifying field near the room, as those scientists who did have a potent reiatsu seemed to feel significantly weakened when they stood even close to the corridor that held the room. While locked in this room, Blaise was completely stripped of all clothes and chained spread eagle to a table. The man then proceeded to take a place a video recorder in front of her and stand between her and the recorder. His message was brief and ended with him showing Blaise in all her 10 year old naked glory to everyone else in the compound over the networking system, to be brief about it. There was only one part of the message that Blaise’s parents really needed to know, and was the only part they can remember to this day.

“I’m sending your child into the Abyss, and there is literally nothing you can do to stop me.

After that, the recording cut to black and ended.

When Blaise came to, she was the only one in the room. The girl didn’t even know she had been chained up, as she was unconscious the whole time. The only thing she did know was that there was a strange black hole in the wall, and that the room was covered in blood red arrows pointing to it. The scent even reminded Blaise of blood, so she could only assume it was shut. Even when she was being told to go in the portal, she knew what would happen. It would close behind her and she’d be stuck. This was how they got rid of all the other kids. Or at least how she heard they did it. The young girl did not know that they were actually experiments that the scientist man had captured and thrown into the Abyss after letting everyone know that he had stolen another victim. To every other scientist who had a kid or knew one of the kids that fell victim to this man’s experiments, Blaise was just another poor soul who wasn’t going to live much longer.

After banging on the door for what felt like hours, Blaise laid there on the floor, crying in despair. There were no more options. She HAD to go through this. It was now, or fall victim to the scientist’s anger, she thought. Finding no alternative, Blaise slowly stood up and walked up to the black hole in the wall. It was empty, let out no sound, was cold, and reminded Blaise of a nightmare she had where she was alone and cold in pitch blackness. After minutes of fear induced contemplation, the girl stepped inside and was almost instantly blinded by a bright white light. She almost fell over from the sudden step back she took, but managed to catch herself in time. Afraid yet curious, the little doge girl opened her eyes and let them adjust to the light so as to see what she was dealing with here. When she saw what it was, she couldn’t help but gasp in both surprise and fear.

It was a circular light with several wispy tentacles extending from it. And into this light were many souls flying directly into it. While Blaise didn’t identify the souls as souls at the time, she still thought the sight and sounds it was making were terrifying. It beat like a heart and was almost completely in time with her own. It sent a chill down her spine and kept her frozen in fear. There was nothing else she could do except stand there frozen as a strange feeling of emptiness welled up in her chest. This feeling grew and grew until Blaise couldn’t take it anymore. She collapsed completely on the floor and writhed in sorrow. She felt like it was all going to end here. The feeling of emotional pain and despair that arose from this thought alone made the girl break out into tears and become paralyzed in hopelessness. It really was over then, wasn’t it?

The scientist could see it all from a camera that he placed on the girl. It was magnificent. Not the obnoxious sniffling and sobbing of the girl, but the massive white light that was clearly some kind of living thing within the Abyss. It beat like a heart, ate souls like a Hollow, and shone like an Angel. This was obviously a massive discovery for him. Not only that, but he could finally not have to kidnap children to send them to their deaths. This was the last one that would die there and he wouldn’t have to piss off the adults anymore.

Or so he thought.

Out of nowhere, Blaise started hearing voices. Some kind of warm, beckoning tone that resonated from directly in front of her. The moment the doge opened her eyes, she was blinded by the white light again. The soft, almost inaudible tones also went silent. When Blaise closed her eyes again, the sounds came back, albeit louder. The process repeated where Blaise would close and open her eyes to make the sounds turn on and off. She wasn’t just hearing things, she came to conclude. And each time she closed and opened her eyes, the sounds became louder. Over and over she did it until finally, Blaise could understand what the voices were saying. What made the girl confused even more was the fact the voices sounded almost exactly like her parents.

“Come here, Blaise, we won’t hurt you. We promise.” The voices beckoned over and over again. Once Blaise understood this message, she could also tell that the voices were coming from a direction. Specifically, they were coming from directly in front of her. It almost seemed like they were coming from the bright white light itself. The more that Blaise listened to them, the more enticing they became. It wasn’t long before Blaise stood up and slowly walked over towards the voices.

“Yes, that’s right, come here…” the voices would say. At least a dozen steps forwards and Blaise could touch the source of the light itself. She couldn’t see what it was, nor did she care. It was soft. It was warm. It was the first thing in her life that Blaise found even remotely comforting. She couldn’t help but press the rest of herself to it. The girl didn’t even get to sniffle before she felt herself get pulled inside, and after that, everything went dark.

Some time later, Blaise came to and found herself once again in the Abyss. Except this time she wasn’t afraid, and her consciousness felt completely different. She felt much more… powerful than before. Not only that, but when she turned around to look at the white light which hadn’t changed, she felt a strange comfort and joy flow throughout her body. The doge knew that she had the power to control some cell infused spiritual energy to bind herself to objects. She had done it before, but on a very small scale due to how inexperienced she was with it. Had she done that with this thing too? She felt like it. The bonds that she made with objects felt physical to her on a certain scale, as well as emotional and spiritual. It felt like there was something connecting them, something familiar that she had used to connect herself to other objects. Blaise could only assume it was her cell infused energy.

No more than a dozen seconds after waking up, Blaise could hear crying. Where from, though? It resonated from the space around her, and no matter where she moved, it was still there. It came from familiar voices too, and it wasn’t until the voices spoke that Blaise could tell it was from her parents again.

“I miss her so much…” the voice that sounded like her mother sobbed. It made Blaise’s heart sink completely. Her parents missed her? Of course they did, they were her parents. But she could hear them despite being in another plane of existence. Another voice resonated throughout the Abyss, though this one was different. It was foreign and unrecognizable, not sounding like anything else Blaise had heard.

“Go to them.” it told her in an almost commanding voice. Subconsciously Blaise raised a hand and thought about just going to her parents. What if she could just do that. Wouldn’t that be nice? It felt like an eternity since she had last seen them. Blaise couldn’t even remember the last time she had seen them. And why were they crying so much? Did the scientist man send them a message saying she was gone? The mental image of her parents hugging each other and crying felt very heavy in her mind, and it sent a wave of anguish and sorrow throughout her body. What if she never saw them again? The mere image of her parents hugging and sobbing grew more solid in her mind with each passing moment, until she felt a strong desire to see her parents again well up in her chest. She wanted- no, HAD to see her parents again. Blaise wasn’t dead, she was sure of it. And then, all of a sudden, the space in front of Blaise parted, and she could see it. Her parents were in fact hugging and crying in each other’s arms. Not only that, but they were in what looked like her old cell. Was this an image, or was it…?

“Mom? Dad?” Blaise uttered before she even consciously thought about speaking. Their heads perked up and the looked over to see their daughter standing before them on the other side of what looked like a portal to the Abyss. The next few moments were met with hugs and much warmth as Blaise leapt from the portal and into her parents arms. Blaise hadn’t realized it, but her body had aged by about 7 years, making her look much like a 17 year old. After that, though, life was a blur.

Shortly after Blaise returning to the realm of the living, she started learning about her control over the Abyss. She could move to and from it on a whim, although doing so took quite the toll on her physical being. Her parents also bought a house in Karakura where they live to this day. The only thing Blaise had trouble accommodating to was her sudden shift in personality. She was more upbeat and cheery now. However, and she still doesn’t know why this happens, but at times she devolved into what Blaise only describes as utter insanity. Her desire to destroy only became more and more prominent as time went on, and she even found herself succumbing to this desire every now and again. Every now and again Blaise finds herself destroying portions of forests or buildings or even human beings just for sport. And when she switches back to her normal demeanor? The girl doesn’t seem to care. It’s like it’s her nature no matter whether she’s feeling kind and generous or destructive and cruel to absolutely ruin the world around her. Maybe it’s because of her connection to the Abyss? Blaise isn’t completely sure on that one.

Eventually, Blaise joined the Vanguard to try and use her powers for good. Even when she wasn’t training, she found herself growing more and more powerful, and so eventually the only consensus was to use these powers for something. For what though? Half of her said “Kill everything” and the other half said “Help everything”. Blaise decided to combine them into “Help everything good by killing everything else” and eventually joined the Vanguard where she is today. Now, she lives happily with her family while going into her insanity state very rarely. It’s something that Blaise has learned to control to a small degree, and even grown used to avoiding the situations where she is forced into said state. Her life is, for the most part, relatively normal now, excluding her strange mental disability.

That is, until her insanity takes over her mind once more...


See Skill Sheet for More Information

General Skills
  • Durability: Beginner
  • General Speed: Adept
  • Strength: Adept
  • Weapon Skill: Beginner

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Human Reiatsu Sheet
  • Power Control: Adept
  • Energy Usage/Regeneration: Beginner
  • Energy Resistance/Endurance: Beginner
  • Physical Augmentation: Adept


Roleplay Sample

• Roleplay Sample: (Please create a sample of how you role play in this section by either creating a RP sample with this character OR pasting something you have written in the past. If you have already made an accepted character, you need not go through this)

Last edited by Sumdumguy on Mon Aug 17, 2015 4:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+] Empty Re: Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+]

Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:13 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

Comments/Notes: Approved, potentially subject to further evaluation dependent on the applications of the powers amid combat.

Welcome to the Vanguard~
Tier: 4-2
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Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+] Empty Re: Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+]

Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:37 pm
Application Checklist
  • Name [x]
  • Appropriate Age [x]
  • Gender [x]
  • Appearance Present [x]
  • Appearance Described in Appropriate Length OR Picture is Visible [x]
  • Appearance is Not Claimed [x]
  • 10 sentences for personality [x]
  • History is of appropriate length [x]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [x]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [x]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[x]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [x]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [x]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Advanced
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Beginner
  • Focus: Adept

    Comments/Notes:After discussion in the skype, I'm gonna boost this up to 3-1+

    Tier: 3-1+

Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+] WVMWLOu
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Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+] Empty Re: Blaise Lorelei [Approved: 3-1+]

Wed Dec 23, 2015 1:59 am

✖| Kuma Shock! |✚
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