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Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:05 pm
So the conversation between Mayonaka and Victor had not been as private as they had thought. Privacy was a thing that was not very well respected anymore. Looking in the direction that Victor looked to, Mayonaka could see the bit of residue from the Hollow, a trail that almost definitely went down the other side of the building, following behind the Hollow until it stopped dragging itself on the glass. Was the Hollow aware that it left a trail, or was it ignorant of it. If it was aware, it was possible that the Hollow was trying to make the two follow it's trail. Were that the case, the Hollow would quickly discover that he had made a mistake. Victor alone would be a fierce opponent, but the Quinto Espada and Fuku-Taicho of the Kido Corps together would be even more fierce.

Mayonaka looked to Victor, his face showing sings of frustration and also of concentration. It would seem he was determined to find the spying Hollow, and that he was not impressed by being overheard. Looking back to the direction that Victor looked, Mayonaka waited to see what would appear there, if anything appeared at all. He did not draw his weapon, but was very ready to use a Kido or Shunpo. It would probably not be needed though, as Victor would certainly be able to handle the Hollow on his own. Ready to act in an instant, Mayonaka wondered how grand of a Hollow the intruder was.

OOC: Posting Order

Shinigami of the shadows, Mayonaka - 2-3
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Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:27 pm

One would figure, the brazen attitude and disrespect of a lingering party who had listened into that which was not meant for their ears. It truly was a loathsome idea, for that which was unwelcome, was working quickly to reinforce the stereotype upon which so many lives had been slain for. A sideways glance and short nod gave warning unto Mayonaka that the arrancar had every intent to pursue, and so he did. Silent steps brought Marcus to the edge of the rooftop, and off he went, walking right of the side, plunging straight down at an accelerated rate, much like those who jumped to their death. But it was not a leap for death as the wind screamed against Marcus' face like daggers with windburn, his haori whipping in an unheard rage against the wind, the full spread of his torso visible to the world upon which he was descending, the tattoed "5 visible to the world like a black beacon.

The earth rushed to meet the man, for many, it would create a sensation of fear, yet, all the world would recognize, he would not be subjugated to its law, rather, he would bend it to his will and logic, and such came to be in the flash of a moment. Not but perhaps a few feet from Galice's hiding place from which he cursed and spat, Marcus landed with an unheard step, his body suddenly halting against the ground without an ounce of counterforce, only a few small cracks appearing under his feet, the end result of the reiatsu he had gathered under his feet to halt his descent in but a moment, allowing him to come to a gentle stop, feet planted on the ground in such an ever so sinister manner, his haori gently falling back to his sides, once again covering his torso and unwanted number, his eyes aglow with a look of discontent and annoyance, his voice echoing in kind with an authorative tone that seemed to demand respect, from the greatest kings to the lowliest hollow.

"Typical..." he spat with a tone of mild frustration "You do nothing to aid that which binds us to terrible stereotypes as mindless monsters of ruthless hunger."

Step after silent and imposing step, Marcus brought himself ever closer to the hiding hollow, his reiatsu slowly rescinding itself to more bearable levels so as not to attract any other outside forces whose company he had no desire of having.

"Come and show yourself, else I would be forced to pull you from your place of hiding. Or if you come, do you think I would slaughter your evesdropping self? Do you not think I would have done so the moment you were noticed? Come and do so, for I've no desire to give chase in a world that we are not so welcomed in the thanks of our unwarranted stereotype."

Though true, his reiatsu had lessened, there still existed an air of draining and debilitating essence about. Though not unbearable, it still existed, it still drew out the breath to a sense that, while not impossible, it would indeed be uncomfortable for one weaker than Marcus himself to stand around the irritated arrancar. He desired not a show of power, no conflict, no unnecessary blood, and such was the means by which he acted, to force this unwanted intruder into a state of unwillingness to fight, but rather, a desire to speak. After all, his goals for that world in which he would exist without pursuit could not be gained, if the collateral of a simple meeting produced to bloodshed of the many inhabitants of Karakura City. So, he waited some few feet away, for the hollow to reveal himself, else he would be forced to pull him from the grate.

Post Order is: Kaigen, Mayonaka, Shoku, and Alister if he ever comes back. All new posters will automatically be put in the end of the post order.

Thoughtful Infiltration [Open] - Page 3 Rage


Victor "Marcus" Avitus 1-2+/0-5
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Sun Jan 09, 2011 5:54 pm
As Victor walked off the edge of the roof, Mayonaka walked to the spot where Victor had last been seen by him. Not jumping himself, Mayonaka looked down and watched as Victor fell through the air. He never made any noise and left hardly any marks. He was very casual about it. The sight of an Arrancar plummeting to the ground, a 5 tattooed on his chest, was probably very intimidating.

Mayonaka didn't go after Victor when he jumped off the roof. He decided that he would let Victor handle things with the second Hollow. There was no need for both of them to go. Besides, he figured he would let Victor have a bit of privacy with the other Hollow. However he decided to handle things would be up to him, Mayonaka would not interfere. Unless Victor began fighting and putting civilians in danger. After the talk they had just had though, Mayonaka trusted that Victor would not immediately start harming people in the streets.

He stood at the edge of the roof looking down at Victor, whom was standing near a grate. From the trail of residue, it was clear that the other Hollow was in the grate. Mayonaka was out of earshot of them, unless they were to talk very loud, and all he could do from here was watch. It granted Victor some privacy to talk to the Hollow, and allowed Mayonaka to see that Victor was not destroying the city.

Shinigami of the shadows, Mayonaka - 2-3
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Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:18 pm
"Idiot" galice shouted toward victor. "If you wanted to kill me i would already be dead. I know of your numbers despite my primative appearence i have existed for a little over a thousand years. Certain circumstances have left me in a rather weakened state.

Galice forced off the lid of the sewer and congealed himself into a basketball sized puddle in front of victor. Your rietsu it steals my life's breath but at the same time i feel drawn towards it i crave it. If you wish to see me whole you will need to let me sample the wares, your last stunt took away what little strength i had saved up.

Galice curled up a thin coil of his mass and shot it like a tentacle toward victor, surely he would intercept it but galice was taking quite a risk. This man could take this as an act of aggression and stomp him out with ease, but Galice was no fool he didn't survive for this long without a keen instinct and a hunch for things. He was banking on this mans passive aggressive ideals ,all things he had picked up from his eavesdropping.

Ooc: ive had some stuff come up sorry for the delay.
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Thoughtful Infiltration [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thoughtful Infiltration [Open]

Mon Jan 10, 2011 9:14 pm

So the shinigami remained atop the building? It was no surprise, given the situation, there was little need or logic for Mayonaka to follow after him, especially after the due effects of Marcus' own actions against the hollow. So, he merely ignored the shinigami from that point, focusing instead on the possible threat to the world around him, this hollow which had attempted to flee to the grate and filth of the human realm, a most fitting yet, unfitting place for the being to hide himself. But, the hollow had heeded Marcus' call for an appearance, yet, the frame was, well, lacking in just that, a frame, the puddle that assimilated before him causing a brow to raise. It was, an unstable being to say the very least, and perhaps somewhat disappointing at that, but, such was the case for many wandering hollow anymore, the general level at which he could sense so far gave him the impression that the hollow were either an incredibly weak Adjuchas, or a slightly stronger than usual Gillian, but, such could not be confirmed so easily, especially given the after effects of his own reiatsu, a rather sinister ability that crippled even the strongest of warriors when they would find themselves in his presence.

So, he watched on after the hollow, his curiousity peaked in but the slightest of ways at the rant of it having lost its consistency beneath his own powers. True, most of such levels were often crippled to dangerous levels, but rarely would they ever be reduced to such a state. Perhaps, this hollow was one of parasitic nature? Such hints were given after the demands for a "sample" of Marcus' very own reiatsu. So, he wondered in the seconds between galice's very own demands to the hollow's leap for his body, he wondered if he would allow the hollow such a taste. Such a thing could prove dangerous, then again, the hollow's own levels were in such a gap from his own, it was hard to fathom such a creature being any sort of direct threat. After all, he could simply force the creature away with his reiatsu should things find themselves out of hand, so, he simply extended his arm, allowing the coil to lick at his reiatsu ever so slightly, a quiet gaze monitoring the hollow's feeding of his reiatsu for but a few moments before retracting his arm from the coil with a mildly forceful gesture.

"I think that such will be more than enough. Now, the question is mine to ask as are the cards mine to hold. What name do you call yourself by, and why are you lingering in the human world? For your very own sake, I pray you have no intention of causing a swath of destruction or bloodshed in this city. For...if such were the case, then that circumstantial death of yours may not be so hypothetical."

Words from a serious man, Marcus watched on the then detatched form of Galice with a look less than personable or light-hearted. What would be this hollow's intentions so far? No doubt he came simply to feed, but, his own suspicions might very well be wrong, time and answers would only tell. A less than casual glance left over Marcus' shoulder, upwards gleam catching an ever-so-slight glimpse of the shinigami above him. What will you do shinigami? Though the arrancar. Many extra parties had revealed themselves in a short time period, such moments often proved volitile, so, the circumstance could only prove...interesting. One would merely have to wait and see.

Thoughtful Infiltration [Open] - Page 3 Rage


Victor "Marcus" Avitus 1-2+/0-5
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Thu Jan 13, 2011 7:51 pm
Had Victor just been struck? Victor had not dodged or retaliated against it though. It appeared that he had simply allowed it. Curiousity got the best of Mayonaka, he felt the need to go down and see what had just happened. There had been a few minutes of privacy between the two. Besides, Mayonaka had never promised Victor any privacy anyway, so he would not be doing anything that he had said he would not. Jumping down off the edge of the roof, Mayonaka freely dropped for a bit before slowing himself when he was about three quarters of the way down. With Shunpo he appeared a few feet behind Victor. Rather than scaring r surprising the Hollow by showing up so suddenly right beside Victor, and possibly surprising Victor although he was sure Victor knew he was there, he had stayed back a few feet.

"Is anything the matter down here?"

Walking casually to a location only a few feet behind Victor and off to the left some, Mayonaka looked from one to the other. Victor did not seem hurt, and the Hollow was a puddle. Nothing out of the ordinary at all. Looking down to the puddle, he greeted it.

"I am Mayonaka, a Lieutenant of the Gotei 13. Who might you be?"

Turning to Victor, he spoke again.

"Is something wrong with him? This is the first time that I have ever seen a hollow in liquid form."

He looked back to the puddle. If it tried to attack him, it would be quite surprised to find that Mayonaka would not simply allow the hit to land. He didn't trust it, there were far too many tales of Shinigami being controlled by some sort of parasitic Hollow, then slain by fellow Shinigami for it. He had too many plans to be stopped right now.

Shinigami of the shadows, Mayonaka - 2-3
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Thoughtful Infiltration [Open] - Page 3 Empty Re: Thoughtful Infiltration [Open]

Sat Jan 15, 2011 10:48 am
The pool began to bubble and out from it's center a humanoid body began to rise up and take shape. First the head formed then the chest followed by the forming of two arms and two legs. As the process continued victor and mayonaka could notice that Galice's body was becoming more and more detailed. The large dose of spiritual energy engorged Galice's form bolstering it with what appeared to be solid muscle tone, as his transformation completed he stood seven feet in height towering over mayonaka and tall enough to look Marcus in the eyes.(looks like his app image now)

Galice looked down at his right arm bending it a few times and flexing his five fingers as if he was breaking in a new glove. upon flexing his fingers several times the tips of each finger became longer and blade like and then shifted back to normal.

"I guess i should thank you stranger, although it was partially your fault. I wasn't sure i was going to be able to ever take this form again, and you."

Turning his bodies many eyes that floated about, there gaze now resting upon Mayonaka.
With Galice's anger his fingers shot back out to their bladed from and two tendrils protruded from his back.

"Your the one who's been hunting me for the last three days aren't you. What have you come to finish the job this one started."

"I will not go quietly" He shouted it seemed as if tensions were high between Galice the hollow and Mayonaka the shinigami. They were sworn enemies by existence, it was very uncommon for two of their kind to be in the same place and not trying to kill one another.

"Why the pleasantries, what are you planning, come near me and ill gut you like a pig."

As galice grew ever more paranoid and tense his body reacted growing evermore ridged and protruding spikes from other random locations, like a cornered cat he was ready to lash out at the slightest threatening move. He was totally oblivious to Victor now a shinigami this close to Galice had him on edge to the point where he could not calm himself, But was Galice wrong to be in fear of his life. When you are a creature hunted day and night simply because you exist you learn to survive anyway you can.

"You wont be the first" he shouted fingering the human like eye that sat where his mask should be. "Ive killed your kind before and ill keep killing them until i can live free from this pursuit."

In the final stage of Galice's anger and transformation a five foot prehensile tail protruded and pounded the pavement repeatedly in the beat of his frustration.

(occ: thought it said 6 in your app i miss read.)

Last edited by Shoku on Sat Jan 15, 2011 7:40 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Sat Jan 15, 2011 5:25 pm

A sparing glance over the shoulder caught movement just as Mayonaka had landed behind him. So, the shinigami cared enough of the matter to follow after? Impressive character shinigami. Thought the arrancar as the hollow before him began to form into a more humanoid shape, rising not but two inches shorter than he, the shape somewhat, skewed and strange at best. Nevertheless, there were certainly stranger things that had been or were to be seen in the worlds, especially in the existence of the Hollow Race. Forever fortuitous and stoic, Marcus kept himself reserved with arms crossed, seemingly unsurprised and lost in thought, his eyes drifting casually up and down the still growing and solidifying shape of Galice before him, a casual tone gracing the ears of the shinigami behind him.

"All is well Mayonaka-san, it seemed this one merely needed an aid in finding his form once more."

Then, the apparent finale in Galice's growth, the raspy tone of the gillian filling the air around them with mentions of thanks, though, one could not help but wonder if the hollow were simply being sarcastic in his thanks and still had every intent of proving himself hostile. Perhaps such thoughts were well fancied too, as Galice's shape and body shifted again, the hollow's anger shifting from Marcus to target the shinigami behind him instead, an act not to be left unapproached by the arrancar Marcus. In fact, the actions merely annoyed him further. After all, had not this hollow been listening to the exchange of words and circumstance between himself and Mayonaka? Perhaps this was a hollow of forgetful nature and less than logical mind? It was certainly possible, given the erratic nature of its forms, the constant growth of extra limbs, tails and natural weapons. A wonder came, did the hollow know it was not the only being around with the ability to shape and form weapons at its will? So, with mildly arrogant nature, Marcus stepped forward, furthering the wall between Mayonaka and Galice, his right arm extended to his side at parallel level with his shoulder, the bone-white ring that clung to his ring finger slowly congealing and shifting, extending out some few feet from Marcus' hand, the visible features of a slowly forming katana taking shape in his hand, wrought fingers clenching the suddenly shaped and solidified hilt as the blade itself defined itself finally, metallic sheen catching against the moonlight above with a deadly gleam, a furrowed brow giving sight to Marcus' displeasure along with his tone.

"And you will not be the first of mine own kind that I have put to the blade for their ignorance and foolish behavior if you do not put away your weapons Hollow-san. One warning you've been given already, and no more will you receive. Calm your rage before you once again enforce the stereotype of Hollow that we as a kind must cast off so as to rise above that which others expect us to be."

Deathly gaze of soul-piercing eyes looked dead into the mask of Galice. It was a warning with every ounce of seriousness and power behind it, Marcus' reiatsu once again shifting about him in a way so as to remind the hollow before him that the form he was given in the grace of "kindness" may be just as easily taken away as it was given. Blood or creep were neither a necessity in a world that did not require it in this current circumstance. Instead, cool heads would win the day, this hollow would be forced to realize this.

"Should you not have been listening enough, I too have a name, Victor, one that you may call me, provided the courtesy be returned."

Note: Pardon the short post, my muse was working half-way through and then kind of slumped. Fyi, Marcus is two inches taller than Galice.

Thoughtful Infiltration [Open] - Page 3 Rage


Victor "Marcus" Avitus 1-2+/0-5
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Sun Jan 16, 2011 1:48 pm
At the Hollow's threats, Mayonaka did not flinch or so much as blink. He was slightly surprised though to find Victor reacting to the Hollow instead of the one actually being threatened. Mayonaka did not enjoy being threatened, even if this Hollow somehow saw reason in his threats. It was not this Shinigami that had been hunting him for the past few days, it was another if any. As the Hollow grew his various weapons and such, and sprouted a tail, Mayonaka grew more and more unimpressed. Besides actually threatening him, did the Hollow actually believe that he could win here? A Fuku-Taichou of the Gotei 13, they would be more or less evenly matched in a fight. Victor, a former quinto Espada, would be able to destroy the Hollow in moments if he so wished it. This was not a good place to be throwing around threats.

"You threaten me with death, and you tell me you have slain many other Shinigami before me. This is not a very good introduction if I might say so. Pick your moments well, there is a time and a place for everything."

His hand did not go to his weapon, but Mayonaka did not feel he would need it. Even if he and the Hollow had been alone, he would not have reached for his weapon, not at this point anyway. Besides, Victor was here and standing between the two already. Mayonaka merely gave the Hollow a cold look, looking deep into his eyes. Should this Hollow still choose to attempt to fight, it would be a decision resulting almost certainly in his death.

"You should know, Hollow, that I do not react well to threats. Most often, I kill those who would threaten me with little warning to them. And telling me that you have killed my kind before only gives me more grounds to kill you. Tell me, why should your life not be ended right here and now?"

Shinigami of the shadows, Mayonaka - 2-3
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Mon Jan 17, 2011 8:27 pm
Galice looked back to Marcus. He grumbled a bit and retracted his bodies defences, there was no choice in the matter with the arrancar around. But it seemed his stance on either himself or mayonaka causing bloodshed was equal.

Galice pointed sharply at Mayonaka, " I only killed him because he left me no choice, but i don't blame him he was doing what all of you do. It's your job to murder all of us. It was either me or him and i chose to live. Unlike the stereotype not all of us hunt with an insatiable greed. In my condition i, forced to feed on a regular basis or my body simply falls to mush. Many call me a parasite, which is incorrect. My powers are symbiotic, you sustain me i increase your power that is my pact with anyone who would agree to it. I promise my hosts no harm only their greed for more power has ever killed them. They seek to draw more of my unique abilities out and in the process most have perished. I suppose you should know my name i am Galice."

Galice in no way wanted to fight either of these two, and for most of his life he sought an uneventful existence. But he grew tired of this game he played jumping from host to host not one could give him what he needed to breech the gap between hollow and arrancar, only then could he be rid of this curse, at that point an idea came to his mind. This arrancar he would never succumb to the fatigue his prolonged drain on a host would normally cause. He would be the one galice was searching for, at the rate of his decay he would not have very long before he would ultimately perish galice was desperate.

A hollow has never so sincerly uttered this word before "Please" galice begged at the foot of Marcus, "Become my host and ill follow your every command, I beg of you. If i don't get strong enough to remove my mask soon i will surely die."
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