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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Joined : 2016-01-20
Posts : 4607
Age : 23

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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Left_bar_bleue419100/999999Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty_bar_bleue  (419100/999999)

Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:04 pm


Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] JCRrxmK


I. General Information

» Name: Vanyel Xioyang
» Titles: Megalomaniac, Madman
» Age: 23
» Gender: Male
» Affiliation/Rank: Xu Family (Former), Rouge (Current)

» Appearance Description:

» Appearance Picture:





II. Personality

Vanyel is very cold to people, treating them as if they were nothing more than a speck of dirt on his boots. He cares little for anything, aside from those who somehow warm his icy heart. He has rarely cared for anything, even from when he was young. He is also very torturous, often finding a new thing to torture every day, creating new methods of torture on the spot, and loves to watch things die. This guy is FUCKING MENTAL, losing his sanity at a semi-young age from lack of sleep, and constantly researching evil, ancient spells, from the old days of when Chi was first used. Vanyel is very sadistic, a really bad combo with his insanity, often laughing like a maniac many-a-times before focusing on the task at hand. He has such a hatred for happiness, unless it's his own, he will seek to destroy everyone's happiness, to make sure he is the only one happy with life, which would increase upon someone's sadness. This man is the true definition of evil in a human. He uses his Chi for evil purposes, whether it be to create evil rituals, or even rituals for simply to torture someone. He has created many different ways of using his special Dark Chi, creating weapons, fusing it to make different kinds of blasts, discs, and more.

Vanyel is cocky, arrogant, and proud, and will always refuse to let anyone work with him, or let anyone get in his way. His arrogance is also responsible for one of his greatest downfalls. He always expects himself to stay in control of a fight, staying on the offensive constantly, caring little about defense or strategy, believing that staying in control of a fight will always lead to victory. He is a solo fighter, making multiple enemies everywhere he goes, sometimes without even meaning to. He is addicted to combat, working out in his spare time to keep himself in shape, and then whacking the ever-loving hell out of a punching bag, often breaking it, making him laugh even louder. This man is the true pinnacle of insanity, caring nothing for any living being, aside from his own safety, and would watch the world burn, probably sitting in a lawn chair, eating from a nice, fresh bag of popcorn, laughing like a maniac when he senses someone die. He has a habit of tracking someone down at random, then torturing them, and wanting to execute them, but normally they die before he even gets the chance to "play".

He also has a MAJOR temper, often throwing a big fit when things don't go his way, often by unleashing his Dark Chi, hurling the evil energy in all different forms, not bothering to stabilize it, but simply wishes to get the anger out. His anger will never end though, as he gets angry very easily, and tracks down someone to kill to get a rush of energy, or simply to get the psychotic rage out. However....he does have a normal side to him. When he isn't angry, or remembers to take his medicine to keep himself just on the borderline of sanity, he acts very calm, cool, and collected. He still gets angry easily, but he is very calm most of the time when he's on his meds. Vanyel is also very vulgar, never having even one sentence without a single curse word, often swearing about everything. He rarely is seen not cursing, unless he is on his medication, to which, once again, is very calm and collected. But whenever his insanity returns, he once again becomes a gibbering, cursing mess. He also has a small habit of giving the finger to many people, making many people hate him, or even attempt to attack him, to which he responds by retaliating with his own powers.

He is very social when on his medication, almost as if he were never insane in the first place. But don't be fooled by the calm demeanor. This man is DANGEROUS, he still has his murderous tendencies, never laughing, or enjoying the killing when he's calm, but rather look, and act as if he has no remorse in killing, to which, he does. Either when he is calm, or when he's insane from not taking his meds, he enjoys killing. If you see him anywhere, run. Run as fast as you can. Get as far away from him as possible. This man might be the most evil, and the most dangerous Chi user, in the history of Xu Family.

III. Background Information

Vanyel was, at first, a normal child, born into the Xu Family martial arts faction, a clan of...strange martial artists, who use a ruler to fight with their martial arts, instead of a sword or their fists. The Xu Family had a special, secret martial arts style for their strange weapon, called the Black Ink Ruler. The style was for Chi users, with the basis of the martial arts being to use Chi is the form of black ink that would be created at the tip of the ruler. The set was powerful, but also had flaws. The Black Ink Ruler was mainly used for offensive combo attacks, caring very little for defense. Vanyel was interested in his school's fighting style and learned it, but he wanted more. He learned that he had an affinity for the life energy some humans have called Chi. Although....when he found out what he can do with changed him.

Vanyel was an evil child, often seen looking up dark chi rituals that usually required far more chi that he could muster, even with every once of Chi he possessed, he could never come close to performing these rituals. Most of them time, he would use so much chi that he would pass out, laying there to be found by the higher-ups of the Xu Family, sometimes being reported to the Headmaster for trying to perform these techniques. He often ignored them, and continued his research of Chi in secret. He was born with Chi, but had very little control over it, but he learned to control it overtime. Although...when he learned to control it, he quickly realized his limits, and tried his hardest to get stronger, eventually losing most of his sanity from constant experiments on Chi rituals, making him retreat into isolation, muttering to himself.

When he reached adulthood, he was an expert at handling Chi, one of the best in the entire Xu Family. The headmaster of the Xu Family, Xu Yunzheng, was very impressed with his skill, but was worried about the evil and conflict within the madman's heart. Due to his worries, he sent Vanyel away to a special island with Yin Ping, the village's elder, to help him suppress the evil inside him, through deep meditation and hard training. But by that point, it was already to late for Vanyel. He had already lost his mind, and all the training did for him was give a better control over his Chi, and the training only made him stronger. So, Yunzheng had no other option. With sadness in his heart, he had no other option. He had to banish him. The Xu Family code forbade all people who had an evil heart, or evil intentions.

When Vanyel was banished, he was more than angry. As they escorted him out...rather...roughly, he struggled and cursed the Xu Family's name, swearing that he would have his revenge. He was never seen since. Some in the Xu Family wondered if he was dead. But Vanyel still lives, wandering the cites of Karakura Central, mostly around the cover of night, killing anyone who wanders around at night. He's become even more dangerous, with people making a mandatory curfew as to keep their children, friends, and family safe from this monster. He sometimes comes across the Xu Family Manor, and he simply...stands there. He doesn't enter or anything, he just...stands there, grinning in the moonlight, dagger in hand.

After a few years of wandering the outskirts of Karakura, and the Xu Family Manor, Vanyel discovered more about the power of his Dark Chi. He created new Chi techniques that were very powerful, in their own way. He had created Chi Corruption, Chi Sealing, and Chi Rituals and Spells. He made Chi Sealing and Chi Corruption at first as ways for torture, but he eventually started using them in combat, mainly Chi Sealing, if the target proved to be a threat. Chi Corruption he started using in combat when he felt someone could do better off with Dark Chi, so he infected them with his own Chi. He created Chi rituals because he felt as if the normal Chi abilities he had weren't enough to satisfy him, so he created his own. The rituals and spells act in a way similar to Kido of the Shinigami, with the spells and rituals both needing incantations to cast them, but Chi Spells have much shorter ones, and the rituals sometimes need some time to charge up. Vanyel now spends most of his time wandering the streets of Karakura at night, looking for anyone foolish to be roaming the streets of Karakura at night...

IV. Natural Abilities

» Natural Attributes:

High Chi Capacity: Vanyel has a considerably large amount of Chi, which has been tainted by his method of obtaining Dark Chi, by drinking a Demon's Blood, creating Dark Chi. Although his Chi has been tainted, it still functions like normal Chi, able to perform the exact same actions that normal Chi would be able to, but with a little twist. With his Chi tainted with darkness, the skills he uses are coated in a black veil of Chi, mixed with a crimson tang to the energy. When around him, people would start to feel a feeling of fear and uneasiness, which would gradually increase overtime, which is why some don't like being around him, since he always makes others feel uneasy, but that is mainly because they are normal humans, and they don't amount to his power. Higher rankings of power would be able to shrug it off as if it were nothing.

Martial Arts Expert: Vanyel's skill in martial arts is...well...schizophrenic. His best skill when using his martial arts is the speed of which he can move, and connect his attacks. When he starts using his martial arts, such as his custom "Tolling Bell Kick" martial arts set, consisting of high speed, but powerful hits to the head, arms, and legs to stun opponents and make them lose balance, giving Vanyel high control over a fight. Although he is very skilled at martial arts, he can sometimes over-rely on his skill in it, often forgetting that he has other skills, and when people figure out his strategy, he may run away, trying to remember if there is something else he can use to attack, completely forgetting that he has his other Chi skills to use. He mainly uses his Dark Chi Rituals and Spells, and when they fail, he often forgets about his other skills at his disposal. He has gained many martial arts skills over the time he spent in exile from the Xu Family, but none are as powerful as his own, which he spent long hours of the day perfecting and creating. The Tolling Bell Kick. A martial arts set under the classification of "Barehanded" martial arts, the Tolling Bell Kick revolves around, as said before, fast, powerful kicking attacks to an opponent's legs and head, to knock them off balance, and stun them. This is also a very complicated martial art, since it requires the user to stay within control of a fight constantly. This is what drove Vanyel to become very controlling in a fight, rather than create strategies.

Expert Swordsman: Vanyel's skill with his sword surpasses all of his weapon skill. He is able to wield a katana, nodachi, and many other sword weapons with insane skill, almost as if he it were born in his hands. This was achieved through long hours of training, and after those long hours of training, his finally got his grip on the sword to hold true. He had mastered the sword. His skill in nearly unrivaled in every way, except for one. He had a difficulty defeating fighters with two swords, as he is not used to fighting against twin swords. He not only can wield a sword with basic sword kata, but also use special martial arts with swords, such as Winds of Fury, Nine Palace Swords, and many more. His most powerful sword skills would most likely be the Nine Palace Sword set, which focuses on fast strikes, with some skills in it being able to vault over an enemy, giving even more attack chance to the wielder, as well as an opportunity to break a combo in someone's attack.

Immense Speed: Vanyel's speed is said to be the fastest of all in the martial arts factions, with him even being able to leave the leader of the Xu Family in the dust, from a foot race. People were in awe from this, since Vanyel has always been one for strength and control over a fight, not speed. This immense speed came from when he was in his teen years. This was the time before he had been driven near insane from the lack of sleep due to staying up late to research Dark Chi and the methods of obtaining it. Before this, he was addicted to training in speed, often spending his free time in the day running in the fields outside the Xu Family Manor, building his stamina and speed. He loved being fast, with the wind flowing through his hair, and just the rush he got from when he ran. However, when he was driven insane, and his unlocked Dark Chi, his speed was now that of superhuman. He could easily leave the best runners in town far behind, and catch up to someone who was running at their top speed. Although, with this major speed, comes it's downsides. After a long while of running, Vanyel will start to tire, and he will have to rest for a while before getting back up.

» Passive Chi Abilities:

Dark Chi
Enter the world of corruption.

One of Vanyel's main powers, and the main item that drove him insane, Dark Chi is exactly what it seems. It is Chi, but it's evil, tainted. The Xu Family believed the Chi would change if the user's heart changed, which is why they kept a righteous code, making sure all the members would keep a pure heart, and avoid falling down a dark path. Unfortunately, Vanyel was one who was immensely interested in this dark path. The man was insane. Dark Chi originally started as a legend in the Xu Family, something that drove them to create the clan. Chi was something a few centuries ago, humans could control very weakly. It was rare that some could even manipulate Chi to the point of making it visible. But when humanity evolved, and were able to control Chi, that is when the factions, and the sects of the Jianghu were created. Many who learned to control Chi wished to use the power of it for evil.

After a time, humans truly were able to harness the power of Chi. But some did not believe this was it’s true potential. They created their own version of Chi, one darker....much more was not the Chi the humans knew. This...was pure, unadulterated, evil. And thus...Dark Chi was born. Many wield Dark Chi, but none wield it to the extent, nor with the skill or deadly power as Vanyel. Many would think this man was a pure embodiment of Dark Chi, but this is only half true. Vanyel is one of the sole wielders of Dark Chi that can control it to the maximum, even with his insanity. It's unknown how he does it, since you can't get five seconds into a conversation with him without getting a blade swung at you. But it is said that he isn't even insane, but merely, that the Dark Chi has corrupted him to such an extent, that he is no longer in control of himself, and that Dark Chi is doing it for him, but no one knows the real truth...

What IS Dark Chi?

In short, Dark Chi is the version of Chi humanity created in order to seemingly unlock the full power of Chi. Dark Chi is not exactly evil Chi, but merely, corrupt Chi. The way to obtain Dark Chi has two different ways. There is rumored to be a third way, but this has not been proven.

Demon Blood Consumption: One way is to drink a demon's blood, which is relatively difficult, since demons are immensely powerful, most of the time much more powerful than humans. The blood of a demon is said to corrupt someone to their very core, and if the demon they slay and drink from are powerful enough, they can drive the drinker mad, even to the point of Vanyel's madness. He had lost his sanity only partially from his lack of sleep, but when he drank the Demon's Blood, he completely lost it. It's unknown how it happened, or what mad him go mental, but the moment he drank the first chalice of Demon's Blood, he was lost. However....there is a problem. it wasn't exactly the immediate effects he was looking for. It turns out that when you drink a Demon's Blood, it does NOT have immediate effects. If fact, you would have to make a bit of a routine drinking the blood before one's body would be able to metabolize it. This basically means you would have to drink the blood constantly, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, for about a month. Vanyel did this for much longer than needed. He did it for an entire year. Drinking for longer than the needed time didn't accelerate it. It merely made him desperate, and most of the time he would rarely get any sleep, because he was constantly drinking large amounts of Demon's Blood to try and obtain Dark Chi, but what he didn't know is that it was already there, it just needed time.

It was sudden. One day he was sitting in an alleyway, chugging down Demon's Blood as usual, when he felt a massive rush of energy. This was the Awakening of Dark Chi. The amount of Demon's Blood he consumed was the cause of this abnormal rush of energy, since he had drank far too much of it. He had drank nothing but Demon's Blood for an entire year, and...that's not something you want to do, especially when someone is trying to obtain Dark Chi. What happened? Vanyel basically became drunk on the enormous surge of power from the Dark Chi, which drove him to the complete edge of madness. This method is very dangerous, since it does have the potency to drive someone mad, if the user is not careful.

Chi Corruption: The second option is have your Chi become corrupted. How, you may ask? By having someone else corrupt your Chi. This was an old technique when Chi was first discovered by the humans. But the technique was lost in time, until now. Vanyel had discovered that some who wielded Dark Chi possessed a skill that allowed them to infect and corrupt someone else's Chi. Now, this has more downsides than advantages. One downside is that the victim is capable of fighting the corruption, depending on his Willpower. If the Willpower of the victim is one or two levels below the user, the victim would have a very hard time fighting the corruption. However, if the person had a Willpower of one or two levels HIGHER than the user, the victim would have a very easy, almost 100% chance of fighting off the corruption. How does this work? Well, the user would outstretch their arms, allowing their Chi to flow outwards, which would open their Chi nodes slightly. As their Chi flows outwards, if the person's Chi nodes were open, even in the slightest, the Chi would enter them, and the corruption would begin. The person, if they would wish to not fight the corruption, would need to focus most, if not all of their power into shutting their Chi nodes, which would prevent the Chi from entering them, hence stopping the process.

Vanyel is able to do this, but if he attempts it for a long period of time, it quickly drains his energy and he will be left vulnerable. What happens when the person has to fight the Chi Corruption? When the corruption begins, the person will start to hear auditory hallucinations, mainly whispers. This, if the person is not able to fight back, or gives in, would drive someone to madness, and their Chi would be easier to infect, as the person would not be able to stop it in their state of madness. Afterwards, the person would feel a massive surge of power, which if they cannot control it very well, can possibly kill them. This, of course, has it's downsides as well. For one, this can ONLY affect Chi users. It can't affect anything else. Another is that Chi Corruption is mainly a battle of the user's will and the victim. It all depends on the Willpower for who will win that battle.

What does Dark Chi DO?

Dark Chi is a corrupt, tainted version of the pure Chi that the humans know so well. It doesn't do too much, but it can, and most of the time, drive someone to madness from the massive surge of power that they would feel once unlocking it.

V. Shiyong

» Unique Abilities:

Chi Sealing: Vanyel, after months of research, has finally discovered a way to seal off someone's Chi, similar to how the Shinigami use Senka, it will seal off the Chi flow by severing the "Chi nodes" of a Chi user. This is a rather difficult task, because Chi nodes are extremely hard to sever when the target is moving, so Vanyel uses this move most of the time alongside a binding ritual, spell, etc. This skill essentially uses Chi to speed up one's movements to the point where they would not be visible, and they would be able to get behind said opponent, and sever the main Chi nodes in someone's arms and legs. This can be used in multiple ways, with one way using it like Senka, with the user moving at very high speeds to get behind an enemy, slashing at their arms and legs, before their Chi would explode outwards, overloading one's body and killing them.

This version of Chi Sealing is very difficult to perform, since most people cannot slice someone's Chi nodes that insanely accurate, and most would not be able to slice open acupoints so cleanly to perform this technique, so Vanyel rarely uses this, as even he can't perform this version very well. The second version is much easier, but still used more with a binding ritual, spell and all that. This version of Chi Sealing is where Vanyel once again slashes at an enemy's Chi nodes, only cutting them partially, disabling Xienfeng, and allowing the opponent's Chi to leak out. This is a very painful method, and that is what makes it one of Vanyel's favorite techniques. This also has it's downsides, with this version of Chi Sealing able to be stopped if the victim can get enough healing to repair the severed Chi nodes, and the Chi would eventually restore itself over time.

Chi Rituals/Spells: Vanyel can cast and create rituals made from Chi, with advantages and disadvantages between them. The Chi Rituals have high power, with the incantations being mildly long, and the requirements for casting are partially high as well, so Vanyel doesn't always use rituals for practical use, but more of for traps and sneak attacks. He can also perform them with only part, or by not saying the incantation, but this drastically weakens the ritual. The physical boosts have the same effect as the difference of spells and rituals, with the ritual boosts being more powerful, but take longer to cast and are very difficult to use in quick situations, but when he only uses part of the incantation take less time to cast, but also have weaker effects and last a lot less than the rituals. There are multiple types of Chi Rituals, but the one with the most of them is most probably the offensive spells/rituals, with high attack and area power, but are sometimes impossible to control, and they can be avoided. Depending on the power of the attack, the control over the attack can vary.

» Summon: Blade of Deceit: A very...odd Chi ritual. This Ritual requires a small amount of blood to perform, an incantation, and a decent amount of Chi to use to create this. This is a summoning ritual, which, when performed, creates of strange circle in front of Vanyel. This circle is where the Chi will be stored and fused together to form this weapon. A sword will arise from the circle, with the blade facing the sky. The blade is very jagged, with bumps everywhere. The blade looks of poor craftsmanship, but this is the intentional design of the blade. As it continues to rise from the ground, the tsuba and hilt is then revealed. The tsuba is very spiked, almost impossible to simply even touch this. The hilt is normal, with black and red wrappings around the hilt. Vanyel does not take this blade into his hands when he summons this. Instead, it floats just above his katana, Kuro Komo, and moves whenever Vanyel's sword arm does, but by mere seconds later. The sword is mainly used for a very offensive fighting style, with a highly fast barrage of hits from not only the sword in Vanyel's hand, but also the phantom-like sword above it.

However, this blade is not able stay in the physical plane forever. While this blade is summoned, it will constantly drain Vanyel's Chi capacity, until his body forces the weapon to vanish, in about 2-3 posts of the weapon being activated. The blade is also able to be destroyed, since it has the strength of a normal katana. If someone 1 or 2 entire tiers above him were to attack him for a long period of time, the blade would shatter, and the ritual would end. If the ritual ends so abruptly, Vanyel would be hit with a wave of nausea and dizziness, since the destruction of his ritual will take a minor toll on his body.

Incantation: Form all of the lies and deceit ever told into a blade, allowing me to sweep the land clean of all honesty and truth.

» Ao Kuang's Hatred for Ne Zha, The Strike of Thunder and Lightning: By fusing his Chi with the moisture in the air, as well as the moisture of the clouds, Vanyel can create a thunderstorm. However, he cannot do this at of nowhere. There must be clouds in sight ABOVE him. Directly above him. If there are none, he cannot use this, as it would not work. However, to make up for the need of clouds in the area, the Ritual has a mildly large range. About a half mile of width, this spell not only creates a thunder storm, but also creates a powerful bolt of lightning from his Chi, which is insanely wide, and would cover the radius of the entire Ritual, which is a half mile. One he completes the incantation, he would place his hand on the ground, and a large circle would appear.

The circle would have a single kanji letter in the center. That kanji would be the symbol for lightning. As the symbol begins to glow, the clouds in the radius of the circle would stop, and begin to converge into a circle, then begin to grow dark. The beginnings of stratus clouds. These clouds signify that a storm is coming in the area. As the clouds begin to crackle and flash with thunder, a bolt of blue lightning would come crashing down, striking the very center of the ritual's incantation, then spewing lighting in the remaining radius of the circle. If the lightning managed to reach the end of the radius, the lightning would automatically curve back and converge to the center. Although this spell is very, very powerful, it is very dangerous. This ritual causes such a heavy toll on not only Vanyel's Chi capacity, but also his physical strength, he can only use this once per entire thread. He is commonly know to use this as a last resort, or a finishing blow.

Incantation: Dragon King of the Eastern Seas! Fuel me with your hatred for the Third Lotus Prince! Allow me control over the water to strike down with LIGHTNING AND THUNDER!

» Fenrir's Rage: Unbound Runes of Ragnarok: This is a physical boost to Vanyel that increases his strength immensely. By covering his arms with his Chi, he fuses it to his arms for a short period of time. Once he completes the incantation, he would crouch down on all fours, taking the appearance of a wolf priming to strike. He would then howl towards the sky, with the sound echoing throughout the entire area. A red transmutation circle would form around him, glowing with a sickly crimson color as his eyes begin to change to that very same color. This is the power of the bringer of Ragnarock, Fenrir. Absolute destruction. That is what this ritual brings. As Vanyel continues this ritual, the tips of his hands will sharpen, forming claws. His breathing will turn into deep, demonic growling. This ritual grants him an increase in strength which boosts his General Strength by one levels, and his durability is increased to, but only but one level. However, there is a major weakness. During this transformation, five runes are circling Vanyel during this time. They are incredibly weak and able to be smashed easily, but the person who is trying to smash them might have a hard time, being that they must be on guard from Vanyel's furious attack. This transformation is immensely powerful, but doesn't last long. Only about 2 posts and the ritual's effects will fade away.

Incantation: Fenrir! Give me the power to shatter your bonds and use your power to destroy everything that stands in my way!

» Sei Abilities:

Jiaodian: This Sei ability is very handy for Vanyel, since is gives him the ability to see things much more clearly than he could normally, due to this Sei ability, Jiaodian. It has allowed him to see things like an aura of Chi around someone when he looks at them, see attacks that would normally be too fast for a normal human, and even, if he amps it up, dodge bullets and other types of small projectiles. This is a skill very useful in combat, especially for Vanyel. However, he can't keep this on all the time he as a time limit for this, since it drains his Chi much faster with the increased power. When he keeps this at a medium to a low level, this drains him, but not by too much, allowing him to use this much longer in combat. But when he turns up the power, it starts really taking a toll on him. He would at first start out with a headache, which would evolve into a migraine, then his eyes hurting. If he managed to keep it up this long, he would eventually pass out, since he had practically spent all of his energy on this. But his does not happen very often, since he knows his limits, and tries his hardest not to overexert himself when he reaches these limits.

Xinfeng: The process of handling two things at once. It's a very difficult task, especially with Chi. This skill allows Vanyel to form a shroud around him that prevents his Chi from leaking out, even with his Chi nodes open. This can also, if used right, can be used in a way similar to the Arrancar's Hierro, by covering their body with this shroud of Chi, which can protect them from damage, to a certain point. Vanyel's is very capable of breaking, since he doesn't use this often, as he doesn't care very much for defense or strategy. However, he has used this in a way other than for defense. He has used this in a way to prevent himself from aging in the way normal Humans do. He does this by surrounding himself by a thin layer of Chi, which would keep his body from deteriorating, and slowly down the aging process. But, other than preventing his aging, Vanyel has rarely used this for anything else. He has only used this to protect himself against overwhelming attacks against him.

Yizhi: This ability is useful whenever Vanyel is killing at night, which he normally is. This skill, in short, allows one to hide their presence completely from someone's senses by stopping the Chi flow within them. However, this does render the user powerless until they stop hiding their power. This is very useful for when Vanyel is trying to blend in, or trying to hide from someone in order to get close to them, so he can kill them. This does render him powerless in the time being of using this, but this is also why carries his sword and dagger, so that he is not completely helpless when fighting. This also has a downside, with this active, Vanyel's body becomes much more sensitive to the energy sources of other's, so Vanyel has to be very careful when using this.

Chengtan: An advanced application of Xianfeng, Chengtan allows Vanyel to envelop his Dark Chi around something, using it as if it were an extension of his own body. This means Vanyel could extend the length of his Xianfeng around something, giving it the same protection that Xianfeng would grant a human's body. Some Chi users are even able to infuse some of their energy into an object, giving it tremendous power. Vanyel is capable, and has done this with mainly his katana, forged by Kunitome, one of the greatest sword-makers of all time. The sword, called "Kuro Komo" (Black Cloud), was named Kunitome's best sword ever. Vanyel intended to keep it that way. He murdered the man with his own creation. After he was banished from the Xu Family, Vanyel sought revenge for what they did, and he knew that he would have to upgrade his weapons to get his revenge. So he did this using Chengtan. He enveloped his sword in his Dark Chi, giving it even more power.

Quan: Yet another advanced application of Xianfeng, this is very different than Chengtan. This Sei ability, instead of focusing Chi to a certain point of their body, this skill projects it outwards. Quan projects the Chi out in a wide area, which acts like a detection array. Anything that comes into range of it will alert the user of their presence. Vanyel can use this to great proficiency, with him leaving small patches of it all over major areas of Karakura, and even smaller patches of it over small areas. This is useful to Vanyel because he can use this to find people he would want to kill, without much effort either. But having these up all the time drains him of energy quickly, so he keeps them up only at night, for short periods of time. Not only that, but he can only have a max of 5 Quan barriers active at a time, so he keeps them up more around small areas.

Yuhe: Some say the ability to heal is far more useful than the ability to kill, and they are most certainly right. Yuhe is the ability to heal for humans, but Vanyel is not extremely experienced in his healing technique, but he has used it to heal any wounds he might have. His skill in healing is decent, but he is mainly only able to heal cuts, bruises, and sword wounds, since his healing skill is not incredibly high, but is capable of healing himself if he needs to. He has spent a small time practicing his Yuhe skill, but not much. He's more concerned with perfecting his other Sei skills, as well as his Dou skills.

» Dou Abilities:

Yoh: The core offense skill for Chi users, Yoh is a powerful blast of Chi with power equivalent to a Hollow's Cero blast, or a Shinigami's Kido, the Yoh is one of the main offense skills Vanyel uses when he uses Chi attacks. The blast is black, with a crimson tang in the internal color, the same color as Dark Chi. Speaking of Dark Chi, it has affected this ability in multiple ways. One of which is that the power is twice the strength of a normal Yoh attack, and the damage it causes is enough to destroy a few buildings at full force. The blast has no additional effects to it, and is merely a powerful blast of energy that can be very difficult to avoid. Vanyel utilizes this by firing the energy outwards in front of him, around him, or even above him. He can fire this virtually anywhere, but if he fires it around him, he would need to charge it for an extra post, since he is gathering more power within him to fire. His normal charging is one post, but if he charges the blast for more than two posts, the blast will start to increase in power. This does come at a cost, however. Each time the skill increases in power, which would be two posts, the amount of time needed to increase the blast another level would be increased by one. So, if he already charged up once, he would need to charge for three posts before it increased in power again.

Piqi: A dangerous, but rewarding Dou skill. This ability essentially closes off every Qiqong, except for the one that is being used to perform this skill, which builds up chi in that area and it expunging it all out through that one place. This makes the one part of the body immensely powerful and can increase the potency of any physical attack, Chi attack, or Shiyong. The major downside to this is that Vanyel is channeling everything to that one point of his body, making the rest of him very vulnerable. He uses this for a finishing blow, or a certain hit, since the vulnerable is too much of a risk for Vanyel to take. Vanyel doesn't always use this in battles where he can't kill someone right away, but if he's killing someone random, he often uses this right away, with the attack draining his Chi, and leaving him needing to rest afterwards.

Tilan: The opposite of Xianfeng, Vanyel, instead of covering his body with Chi to protect him, this ability projects it outward. By gathering a certain amount of Chi into the Qiqong in his chest, he can discharge this into a rather powerful blast that takes the color of black, with a light blue tang, rather than Dark Chi's normal crimson color. The blast's range is relatively large, with the average range of it being around 50-200 meters, and the effects of it aren't major, but it causes a loss of balance, dizziness, and partial deafness. The major downside with this is that Vanyel uses quite a large amount of energy when he uses this, so when he does use this, it tires him out a lot, and he has to recuperate afterward.

» Seidou Abilities:

Xin Yue Buzhou: The Chi user's flash step, Vanyel's Buzhou is a draw from both Sei and Dou energies, with Dou's energy giving him the speed he needs to boost him along, and Sei's energy silencing the wild, emotional energy from Dou. This is Vanyel's most used skill, since he has a habit of either walking or using Buzhou to get around. His skill is very high, able to get mildly large distances with minimal steps.

VI. Chuxian

» Awakened Appearance:


» Awakened Powers:

Enhanced Speed: With Awakening, Vanyel has become considerably fast. Although he is fast, he does get exhausted mildly easily, after 1 to 4 hours, he will need to rest and regain his energy before dashing around like a speed demon. His speed is very high, but it fails in comparison to his strength, with his strength ten times greater than his speed. Although with his enhanced strength and speed, it also leads him to become even more cocky in fights, often relying too much on his strength and speed, which can cause him the fight. He had found out about his enhanced speed around the same time as his awakening itself, but never truly realized it until he discovered his strength in his awakening.

Enhanced Strength: When Vanyel achieved his Awakening, it was on complete accident. His strength increases tremendously, with his martial arts training, combined with Awakening, he was able to effortlessly punch down a tree out of rage and was able to stop a car with one hand, a feat normally impossible for normal humans. Vanyel soon realized that he had awakened something within him, which enhanced his powers. Although this wasn’t something new, it was merely the Awakening, which was locked deep within him, and when he How did this happen? When he was banished from the Xu Family, he began intense, non-stop training to build up his strength and skill to bring down the Xu Family.

When he did, he unknowingly activated his awakening, which activated his enhanced powers. He did not know how to control his Awakening at the time, since he didn’t even know that it was activated. When he realized this, his training became even more intense, because once he did realize it, his body regained control over it and it shut down. He worked harder than ever to regain this power, and perfect it so he could stay within this for long periods of time. But with his massive strength, comes it's downsides. As said, he cares little to none for defense and strategy, side from his own which is "hit it until it drops", or "torture it!!!". Not the most effective strategy, which often ensures either a victory or defeat. Depending on how Vanyel acts and fights, his strength and arrogance can be one of his biggest weaknesses.

Enhanced Durability: Vanyel is able to withstand much more than he could when he activates Awakening. He does not necessarily become a human tank, but he is able to withstand many normal Chi attacks, as well as a Cero before his defense starts to wither. His defense isn't as powerful as his strength and speed, but he does become much more resistant. But, once again, he cares little to none for defense and strategy, so most of the attacks he tanks are because he wants to tire out his enemy before going back to attacking.

Chain Manipulation: Vanyel, when he enters awakening, gains the ability to manipulate special chains that he creates from his Chi, which is very durable and very strong, which he can use not only for ranged purposes but also offensive purpose, since he can extend spikes from the chains as well as other sneaky methods of attack. The chains are not silver, the color of steel, or light blue, the typical known color of Chi, but these are black, and the emit an aura of black as well. Vanyel seems to be able to call these chains forward at will, without any special command needed. The typical length of these chains is around 2-10 meters, with the spikes he forms on them being only a foot long.

» Perfectly Awakened Appearance: Vanyel once again does not change majorly, since most of his Awakening comes in the form of how much power he packs into him in the sacrifice for his looks in awakening. But, when he activates his Perfect Awakening, this is his when he is truly feared. This is the true form of insanity. The aura of his normal awakening increases by double and the aura begins to emit random arcs of electricity that does not harm since it is created by the amazing power that Vanyel gains in this form.

Also when he activates this, he obtains a black cloak that attaches around his neck through a chain that connect the two sides together. It is also noted that there is a wind current within, or around the aura of Vanyel, which causes the end of his cloak to fly and whip around. Vanyel's crimson eyes from his normal Awakening retains, but retaining his appearance from his normal Awakening isn't all that comes from this level of power from the maniac. He also gains sharp fangs that he has a habit of running his tongue through. When he fully awakens, he gains some new powers from this.

» Perfectly Awakened Powers:

Immense Strength: Vanyel's strength, when he activates this, becomes so strong, some say that he becomes a demon when this happens. His strength increases exponentially in this stage of power, giving him enough strength to bring down several skyscrapers with only a few punches, as well as several trees with a single punch. But, whenever he gains this amount of strength, he becomes insanely cocky, often misjudging his opponent, or opponents, and basically thinking: "Screw it!"

Ungodly Speed: Vanyel's speed is the main boost that he gains from Perfect Awakening, becoming so fast that some say he's faster than light, even though that is very impossible. He is moving fast, but not faster than light. When he runs, what happens is similar to what happens when he uses his Buzhou skill. Not only is his speed increased immensely when he ENTERS this form, but this form uses Chi to boost his speed to where he's faster than the normal human eye can perceive. As of such, this makes him even more arrogant, thinking that no one can see him, but that is not entirely true. A Shinigami with a PhantomTech Cyberbrain could see him clearly, given that they had an add-on that would allow them to see someone of this speed, as well as someone with high skill in Jiaodan. Basically, if a certain skill, power-up, or something that would let them see things of this speed, they would be able to track down Vanyel.

Immense Durability: When Vanyel performs Perfect Awakening, his durability becomes that of a tank, able to take an absolute ton of abuse, and he can be fine. You can burn him, shoot him, slice him, and he could walk out of most of it completely fine. The only problem with this is that his durability does not, and cannot last forever, and after 5 posts of having a durability of this level, he will start to weaken. His body, even in Perfect Awakening mode, can't just tank everything. His defense is strong, but he is NOT invincible. Once again, after around 5 posts, one would be able to deal damage were he would being to feel genuine pain.

Enhanced Chain Manipulation: Vanyel's Chain Manipulation becomes even more powerful when he unleashes his full power in this devastating form. The normal length of the chains, which is around 2-10 meters, becomes increased to the maximum of 20, and if Vanyel strains himself to make them longer, he can increase their length up to 30 meters. He also gains the ability to creates these chains anywhere he wishes, as long as they are within a 10-foot radius of Vanyel's body, he could make sneak attacks with these chains. The spikes he forms on the chains can now grow to be just the slightest larger, instead of the normal foot-long spikes, the spikes can be increased to 2-3 feet long.

VIII. Equipment

Kuro Komo (Black Cloud): Kuro Komo, translated to Black Cloud, is Vanyel's katana, forged by Kunitome, one of the greatest sword-makers of all time. The sword, called "Kuro Komo" (Black Cloud), was named Kunitome's best sword ever. Vanyel intended to keep it that way. He murdered the man with his own creation. After his banishment from the Xu Family, Vanyel took the blade with him, keeping it with him so that one day, he could take his revenge on the Xu Family Manor. Soon after, he infused the katana with Chi, giving it amazing power.

  • Immense Cutting Ability: Kuro Komo is a sword made by the legendary Kunitome, a swordsmith who created evil swords, with some saying that every time he made a sword, part of his own evil heart went into it. His swords were known as "Demon Swords", and Kuro Komo was no less. The first sword Kunitome made was able to effortlessly cut through many things, some say it was able to slice the air and water in half. Kuro Komo is able to cut through many things, including solid brick, although this does take a toll on the user's strength and stamina if they cut through multiple powerful objects like brick or cement.

  • Bloodbound: Bloodbound? What the hell is that? Well, Bloodbound is basically the reality of the legend of Kunitome's swords. People said that once you unsheath a Kunitome blade, you can never sheath it until it has drawn blood, whether is be the blood of an animal, another human, anyone or anything's blood will suffice. Some even say if the blade hasn't drawn blood, it will force the user to injure themselves with the blade so that the evil sword may be satisfied.

  • Name: Corrosion Cloud
  • Type: Other
  • User Type: Character Exclusive: Vanyel

  • Appearance:


  • Background Info: Blood, blood, blood. Everyone loves a bit of blood, eh? Well, The Queen sure in the hell does. So, for winning his first round match, Mana went ahead and crafted this handy-dandy little cloud for Vanyel. The madness exuding from this individual was rather fun to extract and forge for her. Hence, it's ability is quite fierce!

  • Effects:

Corrosion Cloud: Corrosion Cloud is a literal cloud of corruption. It feasts off the element of madness which brews within Vanyel's essence and manifests this aspect of himself into an ability which induces decomposition across various physical and spiritual spectrum's. Hence, the control of this power is going to have to come from his mind. And it is intended to be used in the form of weaponry. Thus, it is up to Vanyel to determine the type of mass, shape and being he wishes this weapon to be through mentally infusing his desire into the tool.

From there, it is important to understand how this ability works. For the most part, Corrosion Cloud produces a metaphysical decomposition of material that it comes into contact with. For example, it is possible for Vanyel to try and corrode the bonds of a master-level barrier with this weapon in order to create an opening for himself. This is based on the fact that the potency of this weapon is quite high when one considers Mana's own grand mastery over the demonic arts. And, being that this weapon was forged from the trait, it possesses a great potential for destruction so long as Vanyel maintains his madness.


  • Non-Spiritually Enhanced Objects: Usually, if they aren't protected or enhanced, then Vanyel can decompose a large variety of objects within his range of effect within the same post with relatively little effort. It will still take energy from him, but it won't exhaust him too badly if it isn't spammed.

  • Spiritually Enhanced Objects: If the object/weapon/structure is spiritually enhanced, then he will have to continue to make multiple strikes with his weapon in order to corrode it. That, or he will have to weaken it through others means and await to use Corrosion Cloud for a critical blow. I.E. wearing down something like a barrier with his other abilities and then using Corrosion Cloud to be the last strike that manages to break it.

    With that said, it is then important to begin to understand the range of effect with this Corrosion Cloud. It has a maximum range of one hundred meters for any sort of ability associated with it.

  • Other Attacks: He can influence other attacks with this ability to attempt to corrode them within the same post, but it will always take an active effort because he is fighting against other opponents forces. Additionally, he will be limited to 1-4 usages per post based on the range of effect limitations written below this section.

  • Decay Of People: This ability can cause corrosion of other characters as well. However, he will have to actually figure out a way to physically touch them with his ability. This can be done when the cloud takes a weapon form. When this contact is made, he tries and corrodes one aspect of themselves at a time and he will have to actively focus on it.

    So, if he were able to make a direct sword strike against an opponent, and he focused in on their "speed", then this corrosion would try and decrease how fast the opponent could move in order to immobilize them. It can influence up to two or three factors on an opponents ability if it strikes them directly in this form since this ability has the "1-20" meter range effect. I.E. if he were to make a second direct hit on the opponent, he could try and focus on decaying their durability to make them more prone to injury.

    These effects will usually clear up after the thread is over with and aren't permanent. They are temporary in nature in order to try and weaken the opponent for Vanyel so he can gain an advantage.


  • 61 to 100 Meter: an Extreme effort which will probably drain him in one post. He may produce one attack in this range, but it will probably induce a three post cooldown and feel as if a good deal of effort was extended to perform.

  • 41 to 60 Meters: This is a high level of effort for Vanyel. He still can extend two attacks per post within this range, but it will leave him drained and make him feel rather exhausted. There will also be one post cool down before he can use it again.

  • 21 to 40 Meters: This is considered a moderate effort zone for Vanyel. He'll more than likely be able to form two attacks within this range, but it will leave a noticeable form of exhaustion mentally or physically for him.

  • 1-20 Meters: This is considered the low effort zone. Vanyel can more than likely form 2-4 attacks per post within this range.

Other Side Effects

  • Tethered Link To Body And Mind: While it's abilities are pretty grand and potent, it won't do a whole lot of Van himself takes a heavy amount of damage. This is because the more his body is injured, the more complicated it becomes to properly wield it. Additionally, it will take small traces of energy away from him. So, at some point, this weapon may stop working if there is nothing for it to consume from his body. Nothing in this world comes without exchange.

  • Accelerating Madness: After attuning himself to this weapon, Van may find his own insanity and blood lust increasing. This is because this weapon feeds off his madness and it will indefinitely increase that. So, he may find himself being lost in this new power as it seeks to make him stronger and empowered the further he uses it. If he uses it for five posts in a row, he will even activate a "Pain Burst" which lasts for two posts and increases his pain endurance to that of a master before cooling down for two posts and repeating again two posts after that. Additionally, his pain tolerance should increase to advanced after this tournament as he bonds with this weapon.

Notes: For/From this event here:

VII. Skill Sheet

Chi Skills
  • Sei: Adept
  • Dou: Advanced
  • Buzhou: Adept
  • Chuxian: Adept

General Skills
  • Durability: Advanced
  • General Speed:Adept
  • Strength: Beginner
  • Weapon Skill: Adept

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Advanced
  • Focus: Adept

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Last edited by Henrex on Sun Jun 30, 2019 11:52 am; edited 35 times in total
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Wed May 04, 2016 8:34 am
Checking this afternoon, stay tuned.

Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] JfH75kA
Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] H8Tyk70
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Thu May 05, 2016 11:56 am
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  • Powers are described reasonably enough [o]
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  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination:
  • Mental Deduction:
  • Pain Endurance:
  • Focus:


Chi sealing: Considering the person has to be bound I can accept this.

Chi rituals: If you want to use a ritual you need to have it preapproced and added to your profile, as of now you'd have no rituals.

This is a preliminary check, as I'm on mobile but I'd suggest adding some rituals as I stoll got quite a bit to the add to this later.

Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] JfH75kA
Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] H8Tyk70
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Sat May 14, 2016 2:54 pm
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  • History is of appropriate length [X]
  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [O]
  • Powers are described reasonably enough [O]
  • Application/RP Sample is not in First Person [X]
  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: N/A
  • Mental Deduction: N/A
  • Pain Endurance: N/A
  • Focus: N/A


Henrex Astillon wrote:Quan: Yet another advanced application of Xianfeng, this is very different than Chengtan. This Sei ability, instead of focusing Chi to a certain point of their body, this skill projects it outwards. Quan projects the Chi out in a wide area, which acts like a detection array. Anything that comes into range of it will alert the user of their presence. Vanyel can use this to great proficiency, with him leaving small patches of it all over major areas of Karakura, and even smaller patches of it over small areas. This is useful to Vanyel because he can use this to find people he would want to kill, without much effort either. But having these up all the time drains him of energy quickly, so he keeps them up only at night, for short periods of time. Not only that, but he can only have a max of 10-15 Quan barriers active at a time, so he keeps them up more around small areas.

Limit it up to five.

Henrex Astillon wrote:His normal charging is one post, but if he wishes to make it stronger, he would charge the blast for another post, and another if he wants to make it even MORE stronger, and so on.

Specify how much he can charge it and the power equal to each charge.

Henrex Astillon wrote:The blast's range is relatively large, with the average range of it being around 1000-2000 meters, and the effects of it aren't major, but it causes a loss of balance, dizziness, and partial deafness. The major downside with this is that Vanyel uses quite a large amount of energy when he uses this, so when he does use this, it tires him out a lot, and he has to recuperate afterwards.

Change this to 50-200 meters.

Henrex Astillon wrote:Chain Manipulation: Vanyel, when he enters awakening, gains the ability to manipulate special chains that he creates from his Chi, which are very durable and very strong, which he can use not only for ranged purposes, but also offensive purpose, since he can extend spikes from the chains as well as other sneaky methods of attack. The chains are not silver, the color of steel, or light blue, the typical known color of Chi, but these are black, and the emit an aura of black as well. Vanyel seems to be able to call these chains forward at will, without any special command needed. The typical length of these chains is around 100 meters, with the spikes he forms on them being only a foot long.

Um. Make the chains a realistic size. Idk two or ten meters at max. You could say he can expand them temporarily.

Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] JfH75kA
Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] H8Tyk70
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Wed May 25, 2016 5:31 pm
No updates have been posted, moving to pending and if no response is made within five days it will be moved by to wip.

Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] JfH75kA
Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] H8Tyk70
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Thu May 26, 2016 5:40 pm
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  • Powers are not Godmod/Overpowered [x]
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  • Skills are not filled in (Omit if a Hollow)[X]
  • RP Sample Present (Omit if this is not the first character) [X]
  • RP Sample is 10 sentences [X]

Will Skills
  • Willpower/Determination: Adept
  • Mental Deduction: Adept
  • Pain Endurance: Adept
  • Focus: Adept


Tier: 3-3

Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] JfH75kA
Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] H8Tyk70
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Wed Jun 08, 2016 7:11 am
Just changing the Tier due to an approved upgrade for this guy after Sector P in Operation Moon Massacre.
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Fri Jun 24, 2016 11:05 am
Just changed the template.

Last edited by Henrex on Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:27 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Thu Aug 04, 2016 9:52 pm

Last edited by Henrex on Mon Dec 12, 2016 1:27 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : Wrong number, put 3-5+ instead of 3-1+)
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Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+] Empty Re: Vanyel Xioyang [APPROVED 3-1+]

Mon Dec 19, 2016 1:19 pm
Forgot to mention this, but also added in Corrosion Cloud from the Greece tournament.
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