Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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another day another patrol. - Page 2 Empty Re: another day another patrol.

Sat May 21, 2016 11:17 am
Namine looked at the other eye and slowly nods her head. That is not the pretiest thing no but I have seen worse.. After all I tend to explore places I possibly should not be. My curiosity leads me to a bunch of crazy sights. Plus I should say grey is my favorite color. My old outfit was grey but then I found this and well yea. It's not all that bad though. If you ask me it could be a whole lot worse. I hate to say it but I agree that's not all that bad. Pluss oddly enough it works with the wings.. I do not like shinigami but that is a rather nice look to me.

She slowly nod her head as the smile never once left her lips. She was a rather nice person but she found it was better to be honest with the people you talked to. I agree with you on that. The wings do seem to fit with the eye. Its almost like they were made for each other or something. She nods as she placed a hand to her chin. Her mind raceing as thought about everything that could make something like that. Though then she slowly stoped as she sighed. Anyway you need not worry so much about looks. There will always be some people who do not care about that. Some that will just say that it looks odd but interesting. Those who will not care cause they just wanna fight. I have never ran across the fight happy but I am told they exist. In the end if one is just themselves things are never really all that bad.

Speak for yourself. Nothing is ever bad in your eye's your way to easy going. After all in the end others will judge someone. Though there is no promise that it will all be good or bad. With you its all good cause you do not really pay to much mind to the bad. Well duh of course I do not pay much attention to the bad. If I do then that tends to be all you see after so long. If you pay attention to the good everything just seems to feel a little bit better. She said with a soft nod of her head and she could not help but feel a little bit better knowing she got someone to smile today.
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Sat May 21, 2016 8:05 pm
Henrex looked away. Embarrassment once again went to the surface and forced him to look away. His eyes refused to meet Namine's. He could feel his face turning red from what she said. Grey....was her...favorite color? But....not...worry...about....looks? His wings wrapped around him, as if they had a mind of their own. He turned to the side, not sure what to say now. Well, it's not like she would hear him. She seemed to be back to talking to the voice in her head. He turned back to her, before his eyes looked towards the ground. "You...aren't...afraid...? You....won't judge me?"

Henrex was surprised. He was afraid that everyone would judge him for the scars, burns, tattoo markings, and his wings. But...she wasn't. But also...she was only one person. There were millions upon billions of people in the combined realms. Many of which he would probably frighten. It was why he hid himself. He didn't want to frighten people. Maybe this girl could help him with this? Henrex smiled under the scarf that still covered his nose and mouth.

This girl....she was something...
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another day another patrol. - Page 2 Empty Re: another day another patrol.

Sat May 21, 2016 8:19 pm
Namine looked to him as she tilted her head to one side as he asked about her judgeing him... Nope no judgement here. After all I get judged all the time. I mean I take baths n all that but sense I can not remove this outfit I get judged for going to showers and all that with it on. People need to learn to get over things they can not control. After all I can't remove this so it is always with me. She Said as she tried to remove anything she was wearing but her hand passed right through the material. It was as if it was there but not actually there. Though she shook her head as she sighed. The point is if you have something wrong with you that people judge don't listen to them. After all humans and other people in general will always judge something or someone.

I was judged many years ago. the reason was good at the time but then again it does not stop a form of hate from building up against those who have done you wrong. I am against hate on those who do wrong to you. After all no matter how much you hate or worry about the past or possible future nothing will actually change what may or may not happen. Righ and wrong will still remain the same. Other people will still look at things they do not understand as good or bad. With me I choose to live a life that simply moves forwards. After all most people who find a strange outfit in a strange place would slowly back away and say that's not worth messing with. Me I look at a cave with a strange maze thing in it with unknown stuffs as a learning experience and a chance to show of your maze workin prowess.

She could not help but giggle as she looked to henrex. In the end its all based on how you see yourself. If you think positively others will follow. Maybe not everyone but that ends up being a matter of opinion at that point. You are aware you are giving the quincy's known foe's a chat on how to make themselves better? you are aware that in the grand scheme that is a rather stupid idea? Shinigami are not my foe's actually I model my special quincy attack after them in a way. I purify hollows and the things I kill insteed of destroying them. So in essence I am more shinigami then quincy though I am... well I am still a quincy though.
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Sun May 22, 2016 3:36 pm
Henrex tilted his head, confused when she said she couldn't take off her outfit. How is that possible? Is it bound to her nervous system? He looked down to the ground, trying to contemplate such a thing. The outfit....couldn't be taken off. It...made no sense. So...why not just ask? Henrex's head slowly rose to meet Namine's eye. He was about to speak, but then she said something bizarre. She...didn't completely destroy Hollows? How is that possible?

A Quincy's bow....destroyed the very being of a Hollow. There would be nothing left. The Hollow would have been wiped out of existence. How could a Quincy's bow....cleanse a Hollow like a Shinigami's Zanpakutō? It was...interesting. Henrex looked at the girl in the eye, his eyes sparking with amusement. "You have the blood of a Quincy....but the heart of a Shinigami...I respect that...Namine..." Henrex said, before reaching into his shihakusho, and pulling out two square items. Wrapped in black, the crinkling of a candy wrapper could be heard as Henrex revealed the two chocolate bars.

Henrex outstretched his hand, a gesture of offering to Namine, as he was giving one of them to her. If she accepted, Henrex would pull his hand back and begin to unwrap his own bar of chocolate, then would take a small bite from the chocolate, before starting to move. He would walk over to a nearby bench, then sit down and resume eating his chocolate. He would then look over at Namine and jerk his head in his own direction, giving her an indication to come over and sit down. Henrex stopped eating, then looked at the sky, slowly becoming lost in thought. Everything that Namine had said was rushing through his head....he wasn't sure on how to respond to it....
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another day another patrol. - Page 2 Empty Re: another day another patrol.

Sun May 22, 2016 4:01 pm
namine took the chocolate bar as she smiled. Everything had happened so fast in her past. But she could honestly say he did not regret any of what she did. You seem confused about something? Or is that just my imagination? After all I have a wild imagination. No its not your imagination I can tell he's pondering something. Though I dought he will ask considering everything may be tad bit to much for him. That can be. After all with everything that's going on you can never tell what someone may think. well unless your a mind reader... She said with a nod of her head as she turned to look around She could swear she heard something else but it was obviously her imagination. She then turned to look back to henrex.

Well if you do have a question its possibly best to just ask. After all you never know if an answer can be found unless you ask. She said with a soft nod of her head as she laughed. For some reason she could not help but find someone not asking whats on their mind to be rather funny. Then again she was the type to speak without thinking and that did not always end well for her in the long run. Soon after she said that another weak hollow showed up as she could not help but blink as she called her bow and shot a pure white arrow at it. As it hit its forhead it disappeared in a white light and this caused her to tilt her head to one side.

They may be drawn to you now for some reason. I can not fathom why. That may be the case but at least we are not alone right now. Though only these weak hollows seem to be drawn to us. She said and she did not even notice that she used the word us insteed of just me.
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another day another patrol. - Page 2 Empty Re: another day another patrol.

Mon May 23, 2016 4:51 pm
Henrex smiled as Namine accepted the chocolate, but then it soon faded when she shot the arrow. Hollows....again. He moved he hand towards his Zanpakutō, flicking his thumb upwards, causing a small part of the blade to become unsheathed. The crystal clear steel glistened in the sunlight, causing a glare to form from the blade. He was about to stand, but then realized something. His left wing was behind Namine, and it wrap around her. This...had to be Kajet messing with him. Henrex quickly made his "rebellious" wing return to being behind him, then slowly started to stand, withdrawing the rest of his sword from the sheath.

There were about four to five hollows that had approached them. Henrex's eyes darted from Hollow to Hollow, deciding on which would become his prey first....the one in the middle. He had decided. This hollow would be his first victim. He lifted his sword so that it would be completely horizontal, with the tip of the blade pointing towards this Hollow. A black energy would begin to creep from the base of the blade, until the energy would stop at the tip of the sword. The tip of the sword would form a sphere of black and purple energy which would then shoot forward, piercing the Hollow's mask, and causing it to disappear.

This attack would cause the hollows to back away slightly in fear, giving both Henrex and Namine the chance to attack. Henrex would then slide his left foot backwards. He was sliding into a combat stance. He then gripped his sword with both hands, before slowly moving it towards his shoulder, with the blade pointing outwards. He was ready to fight now. He turned to Namine, before sliding back further that he was next to her. i"I suppose we should take care of the task at hand?"
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Mon May 23, 2016 5:10 pm
Namine looked to the remaining hollows and took quick shots with her pure white arrows. The arrows hit their marks dead center and caused them to slowly dissipate as she took in a deep breath. It was starting to take a toll on her but she was still able to fight. Henrex would possibly begin to note something different. The lines on her shirt would have a strange feeling pouring out of them. The energy that was seeping outward from the outfit was a decently strong energy. It would appear the hollows were being drawn to it. Any hollow that showed up would seem to have their sights set on namine and not him. To many people that would be a supprise sense most the time hollows seemed to target shinigami over other targets when given the chance. the energy would slowly grow stronger and stronger and if Henrex did recognize it it would be clear that it was like a large beacon to hollows to come and attack here.

Damn more? I am positive I have never seen this many hollows in one place before. why could they be here. Is it cause of that strange energy that's coming from somewhere around here? Yes it is cause of that. We need to locate and destroy the source before more hollows show up and overwhelm the two of you. Even if we do manage to destroy the source we can not promise that the hollows would stop showing up. There has to be another way to distract them or to stop them from showing up in general. Namine had no idea that it was comeing from the outfit she was wearing. All she knew was that she was feeling weaker and weaker with each passing second. Her mind Began to drift as she looked around. She could swear she was able to fire more of her arrows then she had done so far. Though she felt so weak and it was only getting worse.

I am a tad bit weak now I can still take out these weak hollow's easy enough but we gotta do something about what ever it is that's drawing them to us. She said and the voice in her head was strangely silent. Normally it would chime in and tell her to run away from the targets but this time it was being suppriseingly silent.
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Mon May 23, 2016 7:48 pm
Henrex's eyes narrowed. He could feel a strange aura of spiritual power emanating from Namine, but...where? It was even more powerful than her! Something wasn't right. Henrex slowly turned around. only to turn right back from the growls of the Hollows surrounding them. But....they didn't seem to be interested in him. They were after Namine. Henrex quickly slid in front of her, keeping his sword ready. "Want to get to her? You'll have to get through me first." Henrex said, before slashing his sword downward, creating a black wave of spiritual energy that rippled across the ground and acted like a shockwave, pushing the Hollows back. Something wasn't right with Namine. He could almost feel her strength being sapped from her. Henrex would have to protect her until she was able to fight at her full strength again.

He slowly slid his foot in a half circle in front of him, making a small line in front of him. He now held his sword with one hand, pointing it at the Hollows. "Come forward if you dare. I will make your deaths quick." He once again slashed his sword downward, but this time, it seemed to be more of a declaration rather than an attack. He was saying with his body language that he was not going to be going anywhere, nor was Namine. All of these Hollows would die here. By his sword. Henrex spread his wings out wide, making a small wall between Henrex and Namine. He would protect her. Even if he died trying.
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Mon May 23, 2016 8:40 pm
Namine could feel her energy continued to fade as her vision slowly began to go. Soon a massive surge of energy would surge all around her body as the markings upon the clothing began to grow a bright Maroon color. As the lines began to glow the hollows that were once going after her began to cower in fear. It was as if the energy they were going after suddenly began to scare them. The energy around namine built into a massive orb that slowly lifted her up into the air. Soon after she was about 20 feet up in the air a massive surge of energy would shoot outwards from the orb. The energy would cause even the humans that were not spiritually aware to even be able to see the outflux of power that came from where namine was.

The power only seemed to grow as the seal took a lot of energy to break and it was storing energy the impressioned was gathering for a extremely long time. As soon as the outburst of energy happened the humans that were spiritually aware but weaker then the surge ended up going paranoid from the influx of energy they either were not fully aware of, or of energy that they were aware of but new that it was stronger then anything one would expect from the young lady who had proven to be nothing but weak up till that point. As the orb of energy slowly began to die down one would see Namine still seemingly floating in the air. Though as soon as the orb was completely gone those around would see a dashing figure holding Namine's limp body up by her left arm. namine would be naked now as the seal was destroyed as it broke. Well at least I do not have to deal with this idiotic human anymore. Though I will admit it was fun talking to her from time to time. Though most of the conversations were completely stupid.

Said the mysterious figure as she slowly raised her arm and threw namine's limp body to the ground as she laughed. Namine would land upon the ground with a large crash as dust would build up around her body as she lay upon the ground. Well means to an end and all that crap. Said the new lady as she smiled and slowly moved to land upon the ground as she glanced around. Ohh my everything looks rather different then what I am used to. I do so hope not everything has changed. that was did make for an interesting game of cat and mouse. I do hope to go through it some more.. This new figure had no idea the war she was sealed up in had ended. She also had no idea what was going on here as she looked to the hollows that remained and gave a soft scream as she stared at them.

The hollows seemed to know of her still or at least the power difference to say the least. In the end this caused them to flee but before one could she put up a finger and shot a cero straight through the final hollows head causeing nothing of it to be left behind. Well now that I am free from that prison I might as well go and see if there is anything worth doing in this pathetic place. I do hope something worth my time will show up sooner or later. I do hate to be bored. Then again I suppose I should work on figuring out anything I will need to do to survive in this strange new world... With that she slowly began to tap her chin as she glanced around she took note of the shinigami protecting the host she once was bound to.

I see times surely have changed if a shinigami is protecting a quincy.. Well tehn I suppose My old tactics really wont be of use.. Damn so I really do have to think of something new... Well I guess starting over again of sorts does have a nice ring to it.
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Tue May 24, 2016 7:08 pm
Henrex turned around as the energy from before grew stronger than before. When he turned, he saw her body being lifted in the air. What in the name of....What was happening? He continued to look up, watching as a dashing figure now held Namine's limp body. He spread his wings, ready to strike. His eyes widened as he watched the figure hurl her body towards the ground. Henrex immediately took action, zooming forward, before catching her just before her body hit the ground.

Only then did he realize the difference about Namine. The outfit she was wearing was gone. She was naked. Henrex's face turned as red as lava and he squeezes his eyes shut, before taking off his shihakusho, revealing his tattooed and scarred body. The only thing that he was wearing underneath the robe was blue jeans, ripped at the knees. He slowly and carefully wrapped his shihakusho around the naked girl, then picked her up. Henrex looked up at the strange being the had done this. What...WAS it? He couldn't even tell. He could only tell that this...thing...was female. Henrex slowly watched as the figure descended towards the ground. He lifted his sword, keeping Namine within his arms. "....Who are you....and what did you do to Namine?"
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