Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Sun Aug 28, 2016 2:33 pm



She's so cute....why am I feeling like this?!

Seeing the girl's cheeks turn pink....seeing her so was a bit of a humorous sight. He loved seeing her like this for some reason. It only made his feelings rise ever more. The wind gently blew through his clothing, causing the ends of the scarf to slowly lift within the wind for the lack of weight that the cloth had. The boy's own cheeks turned red at the sudden thought of what he had been holding himself back from doing. He wanted to hug her, to pet her, to simply hold her...and protect her.

The boy's eyes were locked onto Yuki, watching her seemingly comfort and caress her tail. It was somewhat funny that she was doing that. A small smile grew onto Henrex's face as he watched this act, while the girl's eyes seemed to glare at him with confusion, embarrassment, and shock. Looking away, Henrex's left hand went to his right arm, moving his arm up and down the black shihakusho that he wore. However, his embarrassment did not fade. Henrex's embarrassment was not something that faded easily. The red on his cheeks still remained on his face from the shame and the sheer humiliation that he had put upon himself.

His eyes soon floated back up to the Wolf's face, before his right hand would move towards his scarf, pulling it gently more over his nose and right side of his face. He was taking some extra precautions in case something caused his scarf to leave his face in any way. Gently curling his fingers around the lip of the scarf, Henrex's eye shifted to the right, and he slowly took steps forward. Gently setting his feet on the ground, the silent steps of the young man would lead him to be mere inches away from the little wolf, with him looking down at the girl, his eye filled with fear, embarrassment...and if she looked closely...she might have been able to see something else within his eye.

Slowly moving his hand from his arm back to his side, his entire body shaking, Henrex's eye stared at Yuki's, before he slowly leaned in, wrapping his arms around the girl, gently pulling the little Wolf into a hug. Reaching his right hand, shaking just as well as his body, Henrex would gently place his hand on the girl's ears, and very carefully rubbed the fluff of the ears. Even through the gloves, Henrex could feel the softness of the ears, even when he had felt them before. This would last for at least twice, if not three times as long as the previous times, and Henrex would soon break from the girl, moving a few inches backwards, before his hand would move back to his arm, gently rubbing it. His eye soon shifted towards the ground, with the emotions from before still occupying his eye.


That was all the boy could really say. After doing so much to her, from petting her to hugging her, the only thing that the young man could really say. All he could do was hope that the girl would forgive him. Maybe....just maybe.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Mon Aug 29, 2016 11:44 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 627

For moments the two of them lingered in silence. While Henrex awkwardly rubbed his hand and repeatedly glanced aside Yuki simply stared at the boy, unblinking and with an expression that, while mostly neutral, was tinged with an icy coldness. Occasionally the boy took a moment to readjust his scarf. Clearly he was trying to hide that which had, for a brief moment, been revealed.

What is he going to do now? Perhaps he will have learned his lesson. He had better. Being rude isn’t good. Also I don’t understand why he keeps hiding that. Everyone carries scars. I don’t hide my scars! I mean, I hide my left eye, but that has tactical reasons! I’m not just hiding it out of embarrassment or shame or whatever his reason might be! This is getting me a little more annoyed than I really should be.

Yuki’s tail had untangled itself from her arms, now thrashing against the ground behind her, planting dents into the dirt. As Henrex approached her the young pup did not move, standing her ground calmly. What was he going to do? Would he fight her? Try to assert his dominance? Either would not have been bad choices. After all, he was very timid, even by her standards. If he was to become a proper warrior he would need to build confidence within himself. After all, how could he be relied upon in battle if there was even an inkling of concern over whether or not he might flee from a tough situation?

Arms curled around her petite frame, dragging her in close to the boy’s body. Her crimson gaze widened in surprise at how forward he suddenly was, although it soon relaxed when she noticed his nervous behaviors. She felt her body shivering slightly with the chilled feeling brought upon it, and then once more as cold digits found their way up to one of her ears, carefully squeezing and kneading against the sensitive appendage. Heat rose to her cheeks, body growing slightly limp against the boy’s while she enjoyed the brief moment of bliss. Even her tail had calmed down somewhat, lazily moving from side to side behind her, but alas it was not to last, as soon Henrex broke it off and drifted away.

Well he was close to doing something confident. Wait, that’s it! Maybe I can train his confidence! He says he can fight, and while I doubt it he might be at least somewhat competent, but confidence is something he certainly needs to work on. Hah! You are a genius Yuki!

Her gaze lifted to meet his. Again he was back to being timid, but no more! In a blur her left hand extended up, feet pushed off the ground so she was lifted onto her tippy toes as she aimed to snatch the boy’s scarf away from his body, and to pull it behind her back. The wolf’s facial expressions shifted, no longer quite so cold, although it still lingered ever so slightly, and now the redness upon her cheeks started to fade away.

“I will not forgive you. Not until you learn to be more confident. First, stop hiding yourself. Everyone has scars. I have plenty. If you want to see them I will gladly show them to you. That is confidence, and I shall teach it to you. That hug was a small step, but it was one in the right direction.”

But how do I build his confidence? I mean, just removing his scarf isn’t going to do it. I could make him fight naked. Hah! That would do the trick! Or maybe we could start with something easier. Like, making him go and speak to people in the city. It would be slower though.

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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Mon Aug 29, 2016 8:16 pm



Why did I do that?!

Henrex was not used to doing what he just did. His face was turning red once again from the sheer embarrassment that he had put himself through. He figured that he most likely would have gotten bitten, punched, slapped, headbutted, anything that would cause pain to him and cause him to feel twice as humiliated.

However, it never came. Instead of a strike to his face, something else came from it. Feeling the air sharply shoot up to his face, Henrex saw the little Wolf's arm lash out, her hand quickly and tightly grabbing the scarf around his face, cause the cloth that was tightly pressed against his face to be pulled from his face. However, the pulling would cause the boy's body to lurch forward, causing Yuki to fall down, and the boy to land on top of her. Using his arms to break his fall, Henrex's face was mere inches from Yuki's neck.

His eyes widened in embarrassment, his face turned red, and the boy didn't move a muscle. He was afraid that anymore sudden movements could cause an even more awkward situation. However, the scarf that hid his face was gone. The scars that littered the entire face were revealed. The ENTIRE left side of his face. From the start of his nose, to the back of his neck, it was completely covered. If Yuki looked at his neck, she would be able to see that the scars didn't stop there. They continued down his neck, under the shihakusho that he wore. Not only that, but his left eye was completely mutilated.

The colors of grey and white mixed together in an ugly form, making this one of the prime reasons that he covered his face. Who would want to look at something so revolting? Henrex's form shot up and back, before he promptly sat down on the ground, his hands in his lap, and his head facing away from Yuki. She was the one who held his scarf now. Doubting he could get it back, Henrex simply refused to look at her. He didn't want anyone to be looking at his face. It was a horrifying sight to some.

Henrex simply tried his hardest to not look at her. From his own embarrassment, and for her not to look at his face, Henrex's first secret was finally revealed. Would she find the other one?

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:43 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 515

With a powerful tug Yuki removed the boy’s scarf! Of course the force also brought him down upon her body. In an instant she was on her back once again, and Henrex was again hovering inches from her face. Without flinching or blinking her crimson gaze looked upon Henrex’s scarred face, taking in the many fine details. She could feel her heart beating, both out of nervousness and out of anticipation. What would he do now? Would he prove his confidence? Assert his dominance?!

This is a good step! Although it is getting dangerous. Still, that is the price for progress I suppose. What will he do now!? My neck is exposed. He could bite it. Or lick it. Or kiss it. Maybe he will touch me. Or lift me up. He might hug me again, or pet me. That seems more realistic coming from him.

Anticipation rose within the young pup as she awaited further actions from the boy, but nothing ever came from their predicament. Instead he timidly scooted off and away, sitting in a position which reminded her of a pouting child. For a few moments she laid there, staring up at the sky in utter confusion. Not even her tail moved.

What? That is it? He was doing so well! He had me just where he wanted! He could have done anything! Is this just because I saw his face? Is that all? Is he really this timid?

Slowly she sat herself up, staring now towards the other Shinigami’s back. A slight tinge of anger and annoyance rose through her mind, but for the moment it was held back. Stuffing the scarf into the front of her robes, the young pup stood to her feet, dusted off her uniform, and then moved over to stand behind Henrex. Both of her hands rested upon the boy’s shoulders, tugging him back until his head rested against her body.

“So you are scarred. I don’t care. As I said, I also carry scars. My left eye was mutilated too. Get it fixed, or leave it as is. And as for people who might look upon it with unpleasant gazes? Who cares? You shouldn’t. The only person it is holding back is you. Take pride in who you are.”

As she finished her little speech Yuki lifted one hand up, gently patting Henrex atop the head. It always made her feel better, so why shouldn’t it do the same for him? Still, she couldn’t forget about the training she planned on putting him through!

“I have stuffed your scarf somewhere within my robes. If you want it back then you will need to go searching for it, or learn to live with what you are. I don’t care which you choose. Also, you receive an okay grade for effort, but a failure for execution. While your last attack had me pinned and my neck exposed you did nothing to capitalize upon it. There are many different paths you could have taken, if only you had the confidence to do so. So, yeah, work on that.”

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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Tue Aug 30, 2016 6:53 pm



I wish.....I had kissed....her neck....wait, what am I saying?!

The boy's face went red as his eyes found their way to the ground. His gloved left hand slowly rose to his eye, covering the disfigured orb gently. He was lucky that he could even see out of that eye. After the sheer incineration of the left side of his body, Henrex was surprised he even had a left side. Keeping his back faced to her, Henrex quickly covered his left eye with his hand, before he felt something tug him.

Feeling his shoulders pulled on, Henrex didn't even resist as the boy's head was gently pulled back, and finally came to a rest on the little Wolf's body. The cheeks of The Broken Raven were slowly turning a darker shade of red as this happened, and he heard that she had stuffed the scarf within her clothing. God...damn it. Why did she have to play such perverted games?!

B-But...her body is...really a blanket....I could...get used to this....

Henrex made no signs of struggle as she did this. However, as she said for him to take pride in himself, his head lowered.

"There's no pride in being a fallen samurai. There's nothing about me to take pride in..."

Raising his burned and scarred hand, his hand seemed to hover over the moon, and his face turned dark. His hand gently clenched into a fist, and his heart felt like a thousand pound weight in his chest. Bringing his hand close to his chest, Henrex's eyes slowly began to close....until he

Feeling the girl's small hand seem to materialize onto his head and run through the soft, black locks of hair, Henrex's body tensed and locked up, and his eyes widened. His cheeks turn pink as this action occurred, and his body would not move. His eyes soon shut, before the boy's heart would begin to race, and his hands would slowly move to his lap, before his fingers would intertwine and separate, over and over. His teeth gently gouged into his lip, and his eye darted from left to right.

I-If she keeps doing this....I won't be able to control myself much longer....

Henrex swallowed nervously as he felt the heat from the girl's body against his back, and his eyes continued to fly from left to right, and his entire body started shaking. He was getting to reach his limits of self-control. How far would she go with this?

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:16 am


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 403

Petting someone else certainly feels strange. Usually I get all the petting. Well, there is a first time for everything. Besides, he is way too timid. Perhaps all of this is a lost cause? If so then at least I can say I tried.

The boy finally spoke up once more. Although his words weren’t entirely unexpected they were still something she wished he hadn’t spoken. This Shinigami had no pride in his self. While she normally would advocate against having too much Henrex had unfortunately stepped way too much in the opposite direction. Having no pride was just as dangerous as having too much.

What is a samurai? I think I’ve heard that word used before. Something about past lives. Is he really that affected by something which happened in another life?!

For a brief moment Yuki’s tail dented the ground behind her, pounding roughly with annoyance against the dirt. Thankfully she was used to keeping her cool, and so eventually her tail did calm down, returning to lazily swatting at the air instead. Moments later her hands stopped working through the boy’s hair, resting still atop his head. Her gaze lowered, just in case he might glance upwards, although at this point she expected him not to meet her cold gaze.

“Get over whatever happened in your past life. I never had one, but I have experienced enough hardships in this one. If you let it consume you then you will become worthless, and if you hold no pride in yourself then you give others every reason to do the same. Hold your head up high, embrace who you are, and build some confidence. Otherwise you’ll never be a good warrior, you’ll always be a coward, and you’ll never get what you want.”

After a single pat atop the head Yuki stepped back and turned. Her tail briefly brushed across the back of Henrex’s head, as if it too was trying to give him a comforting pat, before she started to walk away. She would need to give him time. Still, she had his scarf. Perhaps that would give him a kick in the butt.

“You can have the scarf back when you build that confidence of yours.”

Back to patrolling I suppose. I would say it was interesting, but it really wasn’t all that much. I tried, though maybe I am not a good teacher. It was worth a shot.

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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Wed Aug 31, 2016 5:32 pm



Hearing the little girl's tail slam against the ground, Henrex knew that she did not like his answer. was true. What was there to take pride in about him? However, he could feel his heart racing even faster. Slowly putting a hand to his chest, Henrex's eyes slowly closed halfway, before he felt the girl's words reach his ears, the last touch of her hand on his head, and the softness of the fur of her tail brushing against his head and neck. He then heard her begin to walk away, and his heart began feeling stranger....almost like...heartache.

Turning around, Henrex's heart felt like it would fall into nothingness if she left. His head lowered. His eyes shifted toward his Zanpakutō. Slowly drawing the weapon from it's sheath, Henrex turned the blade on himself. Pressing the tip of the blade under the shihakusho, and prayed that fate would not be cruel to him once more. Pressing the blade ever so slightly deeper through his clothing, he felt the cold tip of the katana touch his stomach. Closing his eyes and praying once more, he made one, single slash upwards. The sound of cloth tearing and a sound of cracking would sound off.

A burst of energy that came and went erupted from the boy's back, and two large, black and purple wings seemed to grow from his back. As these two massive wings grew, the two objects would surge forward, and so would the boy. Silently slipping through the air itself, Henrex's body moved the quickest he had ever attempted to force it to. As the boy reached within the desired distance of the girl, his body would stop in movement. His arms reached out....

And wrapped around the small girl's stomach. Pulling her close to him, the two massive wings on his back would slowly wrap around her sides, and Henrex's grip around her stomach would slowly tighten. The boy's head gently lowered and the icy feel of Henrex's breath would travel down her neck, and his wings would gently press against the girl's arms and legs.

"....I can't....hold it back anymore...."

Henrex's hand would slowly move from his grip around her stomach, before slowly turning the girl around with his soft gaze locked onto the girl, and the black orb that stared at her closed, before he brought her close to him again. However, his footing was, once again, off. Falling forwards and landing in the same position that they two were in mere moments before, Henrex's face turned red, and his eye opened, before closing.

"I'm hundreds of years's been so long that I've felt this I feeling?...."

His face turned a dark shade of red as he didn't move from the position that he was currently in. He wanted to do so much right now, but he wasn't sure....if she would even have it....

Would she care?

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 2:07 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 568

As Yuki started to walk away she could hear the faint sounds of silk being torn, which prompted her ear to stand up on end, twitching occasionally. What was happening? Were they under attack by some fabric creature? She would have felt another presence if that were the case. Maybe he was cutting his clothes, or himself? But then why would he do either of those things? Regardless, she did not stop.

Nope. I tried. Don’t worry about it. He will be fine. It’s probably nothing.

The fluttering of feathers was heard, and still she tried to focus on anything else. She couldn’t baby him. He would need to become decisive if he was to build any confidence in himself. Movement was detected. Henrex was closing in fast towards her. Would it be an attack? He did not seem to be in the mood for a fight earlier. She doubted that mindset had changed, but still she had to be on guard, and so she allowed her spiritual pressure to condense around her body, just in case an attack was imminent.

Alas, it was all to be harmless. Arms wrapped around her body, hands resting upon her flat stomach, and then suddenly everything became slightly darker as giant feathered wings closed in on each side of the petite Shinigami’s body. Ice cold breath fluttered upon the back of her neck, causing her to shiver slightly, and when she felt the wings close in against her limbs Yuki stopped her movement. She heard him speak, and for a moment she grew excited.

Huh? Hold back? Hold back what? Is he actually going to do something? Did that actually work?! Okay. Focus. Think like a teacher. What would be a good thing to say? This is my chance to break through his lack of confidence!

“Then don’t hold it back.”

Yeah! That is something a teacher would say! And it sounds totally cool! For once I get to be cool! This is great!

Hands removed themselves from her stomach, instead gripping upon her hips as she was slowly turned around. As she figured the wings were a part of Henrex, stretching out from his back. It was actually pretty neat, and she couldn’t imagine why he would hide them in the first place. As someone with a tail she knew full well how uncomfortable it must have been. Regardless, the boy’s movements were once again clumsy, and somehow within the space of a few minutes he again tripped over himself, landing right on top of her.

Um, I don’t know. I’m not that old. Also I don’t know feelings very well. And also still, I cannot read minds.

For the moment she simply laid still, staring at him with a gaze which was somehow unshifting and unblinking, expression neutral and calm as if this was a completely normal day to day occurrence for her. Of course it wasn’t, but then she was always very good at keeping on this sort of mask. Still, she was actually very excited, and if her tail hadn’t been uncomfortably trapped beneath her it would have been wagging at least somewhat by now.

“You should not hide who you truly are. I used to do the same. Take pride in yourself and have confidence in your actions. Do whatever it is your heart is telling you to do.”

You sound so cool right now Yuki!

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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 5:53 pm



I want her all to myself....

The mind of the Raven had completely changed, with his deepest thoughts running free, and his actions not wanting to be controlled. Bringing his arms close to his body, hands gently and slowly pulled the coverings on his hands away, before his pale hands roamed free. Gently pressing his icy hands against the wolf's shihakusho, his hands traveled around the girl's body, wrapping around her back, before pulling her close, with Henrex's face gently pressed against her neck.

Breaking this close bond, his eyes began to scan over Yuki's small body. As the boy's mismatched eyes continued to simply take in all of the features of Yuki Kameko, he found himself staring at her neck. His left eye, scarred and white, flicked with a red glow. A small hunger began to rise within the boy, and his head slowly moved down to the girl's neck, before his lips gently pressed against it, kissing the skin of the girl's neck, and his hands slowly gripping tight on her back, with his wings wrapping around the girl, trapping her.

There was no escape now.

His lips parted once more, and his pure white teeth shone within the moonlight. The boy's teeth pressed against the cheek of the little Wolf, before his mouth would move to her lips, placing his own over them and placing a kiss on the little pup's lips. But the connection would not last, as the boy's mouth would move away, and downwards, with his lips pressing against the collarbone of the girl, and the connection between Henrex's lips and Yuki's skin would last longer than before.

Pulling away from the girl, Henrex's cheeks turned pink from his actions, but he was far from over with what he was doing. Gently running his icy cold hands over her cheeks, Henrex's closed his eyes, and his face turned a darker shade of pink.

"I won't do anything you don't want me to."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki] - Page 2 Empty Re: Predator and Prey: The Wolf and The Raven [PRIVATE/Yuki]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 6:27 pm


Artist: Pendulum - Song: Crush - Word Count: 508

Yuki’s single crimson eye darted down, observing while Henrex moved his hands, and one at a time they were uncovered, no longer constrained by gloves. Briefly he gripped upon the sides of her body before they made their way beneath her petite form, sliding against her back. She felt his face press to her neck, although for the moment she simply tilted her head back slightly, giving him free reign to do so. It took quite a bit not to let out a feral growl on sheer instinct alone, but right now she had to encourage his behavior, lest he return to his docile ways.

It’s working! It’s really working! Okay Yuki, you’re doing well, I think! At this rate he’ll be filled with pride and confidence! He might even get enough confidence to fight me!

With her shihakusho there wasn’t much to look at, as the flowing robes concealed her already petite form. However were Henrex to explore beneath he’d discover that she wore little else. There was no need for a bra due to her bust size, nor did she wear underwear due to her tail. Regardless, Yuki’s gaze shifted back to Henrex’s face, studying his features. A strange red glow briefly shone through the damaged eye, but she didn’t really feel worried about anything, mostly because he simply was not a threat to her. In an actual fight she doubted she’d have any troubles dealing with him, and even in a social context she could claim herself dominant!

I bet he’ll be back to his old ways soon, especially if he does reach his scarf. I mean, I know I want him to succeed here, but that is going to be a funny moment!

Wings darkened the area surrounding the young pup, although enough light filtered in that they could both still see each other. Briefly the boy nipped at her cheek, and then she finally felt his lips against her own soft ones. A faint tinge of heated pink rose to her cheeks, but only on instinct, as for the moment she remained calm and collected and still relatively neutral in expression. With the brief kiss over Yuki was left laying still beneath him, hands resting flat upon the ground on each side of her body. Again her head tilted back, exposing the smooth skin of her collarbone, although dipping any further down would require delving into the unknown.

I guess this means we are friends too! Yes! Double victory for Yuki today! I learn that I make a great teacher and I get a new friend! Oh, he spoke again. Okay Yuki, calm down, focus on being the best teacher ever, and say something cool!

“You are doing well. It feels better, doesn’t it? Embrace that feeling and continue to follow your heart. It will lead you to the right places. Grab a hold of what you want and take it.”

Okay, that didn’t sound very cool, but it is probably still good. I’ll make him into a fine warrior in no time!

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