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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Sun Aug 07, 2016 2:21 pm


8/1/2416, 2:15 PM; CST Standard Time

This thread is taking place across an unnamed city which houses a high number of Shinigami. The size and scale of this thread is on par with a major city akin to New York. As such, it appears that The Black World has started to corrupt and corrode the zone within this thread. There is a non-stop rain falling, the people are behaving in erratic ways (murdering each other, fighting taking place, an increased surge in inventors/artists/music types, more people falling in love and so on) and it is up to whoever joins this thread to purge and purify this cluster of negative energy.


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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Thu Sep 01, 2016 11:36 am

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914


Demonica’s eyes had slanted as she took it all in, from her perch above the city. Sitting upon her akuma kyodo which had formed a barrier between the air below her and her posterior; yes as she sat here she could watch it with her chin resting atop her palm, legs crossed over the other. The decadence that was this madness that had bloomed, it sang to the tune of demonica’s whimsy. The black world had been the place she had found where not one being was any less fucked up than she. A place she could fight, battle and beat the enemy and they would laugh right along with her! Oh how grand it had been to have discovered that world, and how amazing had it felt to meet the inhabitants in it. All of these reasons caused the war-like demoness to sit atop what to many might seem like a chair, or possibly a throne. Her slitted gaze peering into the gloom, the fires that had begun to run rampant around the city, and then eventually her eyes flickered slowly to the shinigami from the soul society that would have begun to flash step into the area, this caused the demon’s expression to change from amused to bored, the fanged grin that was across her face moments before turning into a slight frown as all she did was raise a single hand.

From that hand hellish energies began to condense, and take shape. Blackened flames fed by nuclear radiation danced upon her palm, the 400 meter radius around her darkened by the distorted demonic energies. All of it would inevitably travel inwards, to dance upon her palm, a blast would begin to form the darkness increasing as the demoness seemed to dislike these shinigami pests. A strange notion because in her life there hadn’t been a single being she wouldn’t do battle with. Men, women, Children, Shinigami. Hollow, Arrancar, Demon, Angel, Iramasha, Quincy. All races in her eyes had nothing better about them than the other, it was simply that she, wished to fight them all. She wished to be enthralled by the beat of madness that was born from fist against fist, blood splattering through the air, and the yells of rage that would follow in the heat of the moment. Nothing could come close for her, and because of that she merely wanted to spread this feeling she had to others, to Allow Them to enjoy this madness along with her, but these shinigami weren’t here to embrace it, no they were here to put an end to it hence why as the demon let the blast begin to boil over she had no humor in the tank for their ilk. The sane had no place in the playground for the Insane.

Hence the blast began to distort as she took all that energy she had gathered, and then she jerked her arm in a horizontal line, the black inferno blast which had been augmented by nuclear energy within her palm arced out like a gigantic crescent moon. The first wave of shinigami that had come would be undoubtedly engulfed by it. The Black King watching as some had been vaporized on the spot, and watched while others had been set ablaze and had been left rolling and screaming , unable to keep flight and falling down towards the ground. All of them, it didn’t matter to the demoness who they where but if they interrupted this? There would be no mercy for them, they would be swiftly dealt with , that was just the reality of it all. So as shinigami appeared around her with their kido, the Demon merely blew them away with a release of raw energy, the demonic energies bathing the air in enough power that it would begin to distort the sky, and would only add to the madness below.

Even now after all this though she hadn’t moved from her spot, her eyes still taking in the scenery around her; she knew this was only the beginning, that there would be many others. Others who wished nothing more than to undo the madness that was branching out into every dimension, changing the lives of every being that it came across. However the Demon didn’t care, be it a human or the gods themselves she would remain in this spot, she would help further the madness that had been started given this was the world she wished for. All the depravity and the insanity, the hunger to do erratic and spontaneous things without reason or provocation. The fact that this blackened world had no mold it could be fit into, all of these things made the demoness excited. Yes! Excited! Thinking about how the world might change brought adrenaline singing to her veins, made that inexistent heart in her little demonic chest beat like a jackhammer. She wanted this to happen, and that was why as the demoness allowed her eyes to take over the scene she had surveyed it as if she was determining if any souls would be worth bringing back with her to the blackened world.

”..Is there anyone insane enough, depraved enough, and wicked enough to warrant taking back with me? It was a miracle when i found that shinigami nearby, that depraved. . lunatic of a creature that haunted hollows for pleasure.”

Thinking back fondly to a recent encounter the Demoness let that warm feeling envelope her before she turned her attention back to the task at hand. She needed to be able to destroy any opposition that took place hence why as she sat there, exhaling and allowing her chin to rest still upon one of her palms, simply because she didn’t care. She was a being that reveled in carnage and destruction, it brought completeness to her life, but she also would not attack those who had potential to become her allies and brethren. Every being could be converted to madness. It was but a matter of pushing them enough, to bring them to that brink, and then push them over. If someone strong came could she possibly break them? The very thought made her lick her lips in anticipation. Quickly! Quickly! Someone Come, Let me Break You, Let me Shape You! Let me share with you the bliss that lays within the madness! The Black king thought as she sat there and awaited someone to come, the city hadn’t been destroyed by her, but the city was destroying Itself And it was quickly thanks to demonica’s own presence readily speeding towards the brink of insanity simply waiting to finally be pushed over.

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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] LzZCuy7
Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] BtXe12b
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Fri Sep 02, 2016 11:02 am

I'm being serious here!

Captain of Stealth Corps


The desolation in every direction was disturbing, and in some cases, disgusting. The figure who moved along the shadows, however, did not take in a bit of this. He was here to perform reconnaissance, sent by his Division. He was not sent alone. A platoon of Shinigami had been sent to the area, but the majority of them were still camped outside of it. Kuro had gone in by himself in order to assess the situation. He had encountered this once. The images of those two women who had been able to destroy entire divisions still burned in the forefront of his mind.

”Give me a break..” He muttered to himself as he slid along, or rather, whispered to himself. He did not really mean it; in fact, he did not mean much of anything at the moment. The landscape did not impress him in the slightest. To him, the figure in the sky might as well have been screaming her presence. She was creating a great big shadow on the ground that was disconnected from everything else; an oddity. She thought that he was flash-stepping; in reality, his body was being absorbed and displaced within the shadows. As the flames she created resulted in the creation of several dozen shadows, Kuro’s eyes flickered upwards. She was creating light sources… thus creating more shadows.

There was a reason that Kuro had come alone. He was no hero, but he was not stupid, either. He had faith in his own abilities to perform reconnaissance, but there was absolutely no way that he could guarantee the safety of his men in this place. Once again, he recalled the vicious attacks from the last time this situation had occurred. Perhaps she was seeing the multiple Shinigami that had accompanied Kuro; in fact, they were simply manipulations of shadows. Shadows within shadows, as it were. Normally, they would be skulking through the shadows, so it was easy to create the illusion that there were several more figures than a single man. If she read their energy signatures, however, she would find them blank.

”…” Kuro was silent as the attack smashed into the most obvious wave of shadows, dispersing them utterly. He did not move an inch from his current location, his eyes observing everything. There was no possible way that real Shinigami would be here for her to slaughter; the shadows were the only things destroyed. The demonic energy, however, made him twitch. It made his left eye hurt, though he did not move or otherwise betray his position, cloaked as he was within the shadows, down to his energy. Gently wrapping his hands around the twin blades of his Shikai, he allowed for his body to travel along the shadows once again.

A peculiar sensation, travelling through the shadows. One had to lose all sense of self, and allow themselves to be dragged in along the darkness. Within darkness, all were equal, everything was one. All had one thing in common: absence of the light. This was the only place that Kuro found truly comfortable. Having moved close enough now, he could make out her words.

”Slaughtering hollows…?” He asked, his eyes not looking at his target as his right hand moved forwards, shadows pouring out along his blade. He had collected quite a lot moving around as he had, and this all resulted in a single stabbing motion. Aim for the heart. She has something that is preventing her from touching the chair. Sharp, sharper, sharper, sharp as possible. This was the single directive that possessed Kuro as he moved to eliminate the highest profile threat in the area. His blade emerged through the back of her chair, his body lurking within the shadows behind it as he stabbed through, the shadows clashing into her armor as they increased in raw cutting power, compounding as the shadows ripped away at her defenses. Smoothly, therefore, he would attempt to stab his blade directly through her, its sharp edge attempting to tear through her body and directly through her heart.

Releasing his grip on the blade, Kuro’s body slowly moved back. If the Zanpakutō had lodged itself within her, she would be captured by the nature of Zanpakutō themselves; the blade would be far too heavy for her to lift. If it fell, it would fall into its own shadow, returning back to Kuro’s hands as he leaned against the back of the ‘chair’ she had made. ”I’ve done that a few times… a few… hundred times…”

With that utterance, a peculiar thing happened. Demonica would be hit by an intent to kill that would likely surprise even her. It drowned out everything else in the nearby area; back at the camp, hairs began to rise on the backs of necks. It was a darkness, a desire to eliminate life, to cease the existence of others. That emotion was pouring out from behind Demonica’s chair, almost as paralyzing as any spiritual pressure of a Captain Shinigami. It declared his intent bright as day, and more than that… it also showed his ‘stability’.

Kuro himself was almost unaffected by madness for this very reason. He had learned long ago how to drown himself in his killing intent. So long as he had that dark will, there was next to no way for another to influence his mind. He was able to focus purely on his goal, and become almost like a tool. His body was a tool to his goals. Those goals tended to align with the Seireitei, because they had his loyalty.

Kuro’s back remained on her chair, before tilting his head to the side as he allowed himself to be carried by that simple momentum. His entire body was tossed downwards, his arms still crossed over his chest. As he fell, the shadows beneath him shot outwards, wrapping themselves Demonica’s body, or at least trying their best to. Kuro’s body slid into his own shadow, before sliding away once again, his body laying on the ground as he reappeared some distance behind her. He was face down, his stomach laying on the ground, his head tilted up to look at her.

The killing intent had stopped for the moment. His actions thus far had been almost like an animal playing with its food. If Demonica did not do anything about the streams of shadows that attempted to bind her, they would all plunge into where his blade had attacked once already, attempting to drive themselves through her heart once again as well.

Kuro was not merciful. He would continue to weaken that spot and attempt to destroy her core repeatedly. He did not feel any kind of sympathy towards this other living being, and it would probably be best if she didn’t feel any for him, either. He looked up from where he was laying on the ground. You idiot… did you see what she did earlier…? Do you have any idea what’ll happen to you if you get hit by that? The Ziamichi spirit within him questioned, in an uncharacteristically grave tone. ”Yeah, but I figure she’s really not that bright if she uses that much power on a bunch of shadows.” Kuro replied aloud, with no apparent care for the demon that was just ten yards away from him.

He was hoping that she would attempt to charge him next. He already had his next attack ready if she went for the physical assault, and if she went for a metaphysical one, he would quickly use the opportunity to nab the shadows that would be produced, using the opportunity to go for another critical attack. You’ve been kinda different since you remembered her, huh, moron? The Laughing Gray asked his master, his tone still too serious. ”It happened. Now I’m just Kuro Okami, leader of the Stealth Division, here to put an end to this senseless madness. There’s nothing here to disturb me in the slightest. Once we kill her, we’ll shut it all down.” He said with a deadpan tone, though his blank eyes never looked away from the demoness before him…

Power Beyond Controlling, Give Into the Night

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:08 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

The demoness could feel it, the impact of something against her back, something skittering off to the side of her but more then that, the collision would explode outwards. A microburst of air and an accompanied shockwave that sent the blade instead of falling to the ground? Off in a random direction like a rocket, Demonica hadn’t even moved this entire time, she hadn’t even blinked as the energy had slammed into her, and shocked her to the very core. Not because of the amount of force behind it but because she, demonica had been unaware of such a powerful foe that had been lurking quite close by. This foe had made a Mockery Of her by hiding and slinking around before somehow appearing behind her to strike through the back of her demonic barrier, granted she hadn’t raised it more than what was required to use it as a chair but still he had PIERCED it, something that had taken another person, who she had fought, a shinigami who if she was correct was even stronger than he, a ridiculous amount of power to shatter and he had done it so quickly. A fact that made her stop, debate and then well, she seemed to simply sit there her expression remaining calm, collected, and still woefully demented like a bomb with the numbers ticking by, getting closer to zero with each passing second.

”..So is he happy? He made a fool of me, he made me look like an idiot. . Now that i take a second look these shinigami weren’t even shinigami, they were a diversion of some sort, something that was a ploy to distract me from this . . Individual who was lurking around as if they weren’t anything. That was when the first precursor of her wrath would subtly appear on the battlefield. Energy, energy of the likes that it could be called a force of nature all it’s own. An energy so dense demonica herself was momentarily obscured by the dark red miasma that would have pulsated and danced upon her skin, this killing intent she felt? Well something interesting would happen, as if the sleeping giant had been prodded awake? A immense insanity, one which was borne not of intent but the rawest feeling of destruction incarnate, bloodlust and malice, a malevolent presence that eclipsed everything else, like reaper had descended to kill everything not because it wanted to, but because that was the only option that was left for them. Yes that would be the oppressive feeling that raged out unchecked causing for the darker aspects of the madness to accelerate. The minds of shinigami , and supernatural being further spurred on by the weight that threatened to smother anything and everything. That was when demonica's eyes slanted her lashes obscuring a majority of her gaze, the shinigami leaned against the remaining bits of her demon barrier formed throne ,

The Shinigami said something, about how he had done that a few hundred times, with his back against the chair prior to that surge of killing intent that had illicited that strange oppressive feeling from the demoness, one that even now was raging. The demoness hadn’t graced him with a reply as eventually- he fell; fell like a stone his entire body falling sideways , down farther and farther until finally the male made his second move, Tendrils of darkness exploding like fangs from the shadows beneath, and that was when the demoness decided she would gauge this attack with how much damage it could do, the thick veil of shadows that flew at her being would be smacked away like a child being spanked by a tired adult, blown away with the surge of demonic energy that eventually settled over her very being, not because she was trying to display how much energy she possessed, But it was rather the opposite she was tired of holding [i] Back.
All these weaklings and sniveling worms that crawled timidly in the rubble struggling for survival bored her. They had no meaning no value other than to be the fodder that they had been destined to be, and as the maddened mind of the demoness, contorted. . Twisted By the energy of the blackworld itself deliberated she was not just going into this fight without any preparation.

No that would be insulting, it would be a disgrace to the man that, for whatever reason had the balls to decieve try to kill and then speak to her nonchalantly and exert killing intent like it meant jack shit. Yes the demoness would take that second that she continued to sit after the attack, and she had taken in countless amounts of data, she had begun to plan out her attacks and how she would go about them. How she would attack, what her objective would be. All these things and more went through her head as she merely seemed to look down her eyes searching . .then searching and searching more to find the male that had tried to strike her down seeing as somehow after falling he had vanished, to appear laying down on the ground staring up at her, it was. . .strange it was almost as if she had found the one person that could evoke her ire within a couple thousand mile radius and just simply, stoped. Caring. Everything seemed to grow insignificant as the demoness raised her hand, then? She simply moved her hand downwards, the sharpness of her body naturally displacing air and as a direct result? Would cause a bladed jet of air to fly downwards towards the being, enough to scar the landscape, destroying buildings with what simply for the demoness was but a careless swat in all honesty.

Now it was time to teach him how powerless he was, how insignificant his might would measure up to her illogical pleasures. As she had looked down she would let out a sigh, as if she was being pushed to do this, to do something she didn’t like. Which was quite simply Using her head There was times brute strength would not be enough to finish the task at hand, this for whatever reason- was one of those cases. Hence when the demoness stood, she would try to standard precautionary approach for defense, cloaking herself in akuma kyodo this time that was dense enough to become a pure armor, she would glance down at the male beneath and she would exhale, sure she knew this battle would be long and brutal yet she also was a warrior that had learned through combat many things, and learned to revel in many things. . Yes, even in her throes of insanity, and her cackling damnation she too. . She. .too had a purpose here one that she could devote herself to, one that she could fight for, hence even with her mood which waned from mania to ire and indifference to self reflection and thought marked the changes in her personality quite well it was something more.

More than a mere fight, or atleast even her urge for battle was sated by something more instinctual. Respect, respect for another predator that made this girl exhale and even if he attacked and slammed against her armor well she would deal with that when the time came, because all she felt where mania had made her giggle and cackle, laugh and roar with merryment, was simply apathy, a calmness that settled in her demented heart from knowing that she too, she had a purpose and a place in this world, finally after so long she belonged to something, there was a purpose in her madness. A fundamental WHY that she had craved for so long, that she had tried to find once by sacrificing herself for her queen, then again for her former “lover” . Both seemed to never matter, never have a point, and even looking back on it, they had been so finite so . . . Empty.

So as she clearly heard the males conversation she chuckled since. . .Maybe she was stupid, for time and time again trying to like every other being, to find that niche in which she ultimately could belong and call her own. Hence why as she let her lips part a small grin would spread across, as she did that terrible energy that she possessed would explode even more garbing her in red and black before she stared at the shinigami, her expression both sad, as if she pitied that she couldn’t break this one. Not because he was strong, but simply because at that level of killing intent? In her mind’s eye he already was broken, a broken bird that even she an insane being sought to fix, so she wouldn’t ask the hundreds of questions she wished to ask , she wouldn’t try to understand the being that stood before her, as across the field of battle she was already utilizing the ability she had to read the environment via zao-ka’s influence and she was quite simply taking note of all the inhabitants in the city and everything else and then, the demoness had allowed her throne to dissipate with a flicker the remaining akuma kyodo reforming around her to condense further before she seemed to raise herself further into the sky.

From her veiw the world looked so small, so insignificant and she wondered if not for the thousandth time. Would she act any differently if she had been treated with kindness? If she had been treated as anything but a monster, She thought back to fantasia ,a being who while wasn’t the cause of her decision to embrace, was the turning point. A being that even after meeting her only once had deemed her a monster all the same, who had enlightened demonica herself when she had been lost without a guide, and wallowing in her own heartbreak. Hence it wouldn’t be a warning to the male, but rather a statement that was inevitable because demonica had decided , that she wasn’t going to save this city, because simply if a few died then more would be born, these shinigami and all races repopulated like jack-rabbits after all. So with her hand raising her energy would spike and that overwhelming pressure would increase before the demoness blinked once and thought about all the souls that would be erased. Yes mothers and fathers with their children would look up in the sky with its crimson hue, and probably wonder why they had to die like this.

However it didn’t matter to demonica as the red light covered the entirety of the ground, instead she had let the energy increase from her perch many miles in the air at this point, her golden hair aflutter in the wind. Then the immense energy that she had been gathering would shine like a star, the nuclear energy within crackling before she had released it upon the ground, the orb hanging there for a moment, as if deciding if it was going to do anything or not while the demon just… well watched it. Watched as it began to destabilize and grow in size, going from the size of a volleyball, to the size of a small building, destabilizing as a ring formed around it, and then the orb finally would burst as the demoness waited to see what the male would do.

”..Will you save them, or will you attack me? Choose shinigami. Show me you are not monstrous such as i.”

The blast would be immense, and if not stopped it would increase unchecked fed by the hydrogen atoms in the air itself, setting off a chain reaction that would be quite similar to a miniature nuke being dropped in the middle of town, not enough to erase the city. Since she was saving strength in case this turned into a drawn out battle, but enough that at this point if the blast went unchecked a rather noticeable portion of the city would be turned into a smoldering crater of radioactive ash. Hence why she’d begin by establishing her own dominion on the environment around them subtly while the blast was exploding, and given she had fortified herself to the point that at this particular point in time it’d take a lot to harm her it would present kuro with three options. One of course being attack the blast and contain it, two, attack demonica and try to injure her from her perch high in the sky, or three, stop her from establishing her zao-ka’s influence on the vicinity around her , or even possibly stop her from planning her next attack there was plenty kuro could do it was just a matter of what he would do, given if he focused on one, demonica would simply pool her resources into another, it wasn’t really a strategy as more her “playing” , her expression remaining neutral with that slight grin upon her face.

Template By:

Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] LzZCuy7
Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] BtXe12b
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Wed Sep 07, 2016 12:21 pm

I'm being serious here!

Captain of Stealth Corps


Kuro Okami felt his blade being blown away out of his grip, but he did not seem unduly bothered by it. The blade spun around a few times, before it finally dropped onto a flat surface. Gravity would return it to its shadow – that was the benefit of fighting while there was still light. It returned to Kuro’s grip all the same. When she replied to his burst of killing intent with her own oppressive response, Kuro also… did not seem unduly bothered by it. Why should he? If he could project that kind of absence of heart, to the point where he could mercilessly splatter the blood of his enemies along ceilings, walls, and floors… why would it have bothered him?

In fact, it did not even cause his spine to bend or any similar discomfort. It merely made him widen his eyes slightly. It did not matter much to Kuro that she did not elect to respond to his comment, either. Each scenario which emerged did not seem to faze him. Despite the assault he had made with his tendrils, they were seemingly easily batted aside. However, even this action had consequence. After all, she had waved her arms in order to perform this action. As the energy was ripping away from her body to destroy his attack, a dagger of shadow would emerge from beneath her arm, sliding itself smoothly into where her outstretched hand was. It was knocked away as well, but it was more of a warning shot than anything else.

Looking up at her from his position on the ground, he was silent. With the wave of her hand, she produced yet another devastating attack. This time, however, it was directed at the Captain of the Stealth Division. He watched as the attack approached, his eyes widening as he pulled a dagger with a line of wire attached to it out of his pocket. Without pause, he tossed the dagger at the incoming attack. The dagger slid along the side of the blow, and in that instant the shadows between the wire in Kuro’s hand and the shadows created from all the rubble she had produced lined up.

Kuro held the wire while several strands of shadows emerged from her attack that was moving towards her, as if they were using the vacuum of air created by her attack to move back towards her body. These strands of shadow were razor sharp, though individually not very strong. The point of the matter was how numerous they were. Because of the amount of rubble she had kicked up, Kuro had been able to access quite a significant amount of shadow. This darkness, in turn, became linked with his own abilities, allowing for him to animate it and assault her with it. The strings would attempt to lash out at her body, binding it from every direction and then attempting to drag her down into the rubble.

Kuro, meanwhile, slid into the shadows at his feet. The large attack passed over where he had been laying, and a splotch of red emerged from the shadows that remained there. Kuro’s body crawled out of another shadow at the base of the rubble, his eyes still locked on his opponent as he breathed slowly in and out. Along his right side were several small scratches, as if the wind pressure itself had ripped open his uniform. The pain did not quite reach his brain; it was ever so slightly annoying. He could feel the wounds, but the bindings of shadow that appeared from beneath his clothing quickly applied pressure to his nerves and stopped the majority of the pain.

”Embrace the Shadowy Sky…”

With those words lightly whispered, Kuro closed his eyes, slowly falling to one knee as his hand gripped into the shadows. ”Surroundings optional…” He muttered as out of the ground appeared several more wires made out of shadow. Pulling them out of the shade that the rubble had made, he reached his left hand outwards, drawing more shadows from behind buildings to himself. As a result, the wires in his other hand began to thicken, and with the movements of his fingers and mind he could practically ‘feel’ where each individual strand was. Piero, man it. He commanded his Ziamichi Spirit, who laughed maniacally in response.

Finally! I get to kill someone! It laughed joyously, Kuro’s left hand merging and shifting as it changed from a blackened human-esque arm into something much more… eldritch. The lines of shadow flowed into Kuro’s altered limb, and they seemed to almost be merging with his flesh as finally a vaguely human hand emerged. However, the fingers had far more joints than normal, and it seemed to have several layers of wrists that went up to his forearm. All this was done while she began posturing and increasing her defenses. About two years ago, Kuro had learned this technique as a method by which to kill immensely durable opponents. The objective was to bind them with the shadows, and then, fling them bodily into the nearby terrain. Eventually, the weight of their own defenses would crush them, or be reduced enough by the constant smashing for the razor-sharp wires to finish ripping them to pieces.

So it was that Kuro’s left arm became autonomous from the rest of his body and mind.

Now that his preparations were complete, Kuro took a moment to behold the multitude of dark colors swarming around Demonica’s body. His right hand was open as he casually absorbed more of the shadows that she was producing. Each and every time that she caused for a new layer of shade to appear on the ground, Kuro was waiting for it. This amount would not grant him something as powerful as the wires, but it was always good to have some excess shadow on hand. He was hoping that he would not have to resort to using his own private stock, at least while he was in Shikai.

His gaze remained looking up at the sky as she tried to produce her energy. She would find the task a bit more challenging than she had anticipated… as the lines that Kuro had produced were now wrapping themselves like hundreds of nooses around various points on her body. They were layered and thick, and began to drag her downwards, before Kuro’s variety of wrists flicked themselves. Over the length of the wires, this translated into a gigantic smashing motion, one which would attempt to rip her out of the sky and send her plummeting into the ground down below.

Of course, there was also the matter of the explosion in the sky. Kuro’s eyes were fixed upon it, before he sighed. ”Black and white net. Twenty-two bridges, sixty-six crowns and belts. Footprints, distant thunder, sharp peak, engulfing land, hidden in the night… Sea of clouds, blue line. Form a circle and fly through the heavens.” Kuro’s lips stopped moving, his eyes looking directly at the attack before sliding his glowing right finger along his left arm. ”Bakudo 78: Hexagonal Barrier: Million Shield.”

With that word, his left arm disintegrated completely. …I’m not a hero… but at the same time, I was the one who insisted on coming here by myself. As a result, Kuro felt responsible for this large attack. His arm disintegrated as it flowed along one of the wires, a wire that was rapidly encircling the explosion. Spread thin down to the very edges of his flesh, it stood as a giant loop as the attack impacted it.

A terrific noise emerged as it crashed against the barrier around Kuro’s arm. His wire continued circling the attack, attempting to bind it as more and more of the explosion was contained. Large beads of sweat rolled down Kuro’s chin as he fought to keep the spell in place. Thankfully, the echoing explosions against the magic caused a brilliant display of light, and the smoke that was produced by the explosion itself created thick shadows on the ground. Kuro desperately absorbed these as well, before one eye slowly opened back up again. He was still there, though Piero was screaming incessantly inside of Kuro’s head. That was almost distracting to the male.

”Not going to lie, that’s pretty cowardly…” He said, falling to one knee as he panted. ”But if you try doing that again, I’ll just respond… the same way.” He explained, before finally looking up at the woman. ”You understand me, demon scum…?” The Night Walker asked the woman, his mouth slowly opening as his teeth clenched. Once more, that killing intent washed over the city, and anyone who had not yet evacuated would have the unparalleled desire to flee. All… except for the woman before him.

At last, the majority of his arm had returned to him. All of his fingers were now missing, and there were a numerous amount of small holes and missing bits. Despite this, it was his arm, and already shadowy digits were reforming as the wires spooled around, tightening themselves once again. Kuro’s eyes looked to the ground as the shadows slid into them effortlessly, the wires dashing along the ground as he deployed the refreshed wave. That killing intent was still present as it they went rippling along, empowered by Kuro’s own shadow energy now.

At the end of their line, they exploded out of the ground. Moving at near-instantaneous speed, they slashed out along Demonica’s body, before they finally tightened themselves. With that, they attempted to drag her body downwards, sending it crashing into one of the destroyed buildings. His fingers slid together, before cupping and pulling towards his chest. Her body, if it was still ensnared, would be dragged forcibly along the structure, before with a final flick of his wrist Kuro would launch her into another one. If he had not properly caught her, however, the attack would instead merely slam into her as the lines wrapped around, like a great net, before continuing along their intended course.

Kuro was panting as he rose up once again, but his grip on the lines was firm, his eyes giving not the barest hint of mercy or leniency. This was in fact a battle to the death, and if she would not fight him, then he would attempt to slam her into every destroyed building and monument in this city.

Are you gonna Deny the Savior, in Front of your Eyes?

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Mon Sep 12, 2016 1:29 am

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

She wanted to move , she really did but the apathy she felt made it so that as the shadows seemed to wrap around her, full of razor wire and she had the time to contemplate what the male said about her being Scum or more particularly “Demonic Scum” As if scum was dictated by race, as if because she was a demon she was more likely to be scum. This thought caused the barrier he was using to flex, a multi-purpose application to the demon barrier and the ability to change the environment would allow her to manipulate the environment enough that her body would become anchored in the air and what would that do? Well it would cause the razor wires of shadow that surrounded her to have no sway on her body, they would continue to pull against what in all intents and purposes was considered a “Fixed” Object. Her barrier creaking under the brunt of the threads before she let the manipulation fade after she had gone along with it, the ride that whipped her through the buildings that had been in front of her. But what made this so futile wasn’t the action itself, infact for most opponents it was a very very sound tactic , wear down the defense by battering it however, there was one hitch. Well Two hitches in the roller coaster.

The first hitch was to wear down a defense you had to pound against it with something strong enough that it would be able to chip the barrier, and while normally buildings might do it for weaker barriers her own was a tad different. Given it by itself wasn’t technically supposed to be powerful in terms of how she focused her particular powers however, because of the fact that her barrier had gradually been strengthened with the sole intention of keeping her, a being on the threshold of being in the top 1% of fighters, destructive power in check. That stood to reason that it’s defensive capabilities would be nothing short of Monstrous Specifically due to her own skillset that was the fact that she herself was the living definition of a cutting edge, any angle she could sever shatter and cut things even down to a molecular level, so her barrier granted would need to be even stronger than this power as only something of equivalent or higher hardness can block out her cutting power completely. Which was what her barrier was doing at this current case.

The next, not entirely but still mostly false assumption was her defense was her greatest asset, or that she was stupid. Both while she couldn’t know for sure about the former , but had had verbal confirmation via listening in about the latter; might have been a safe assumption however the demoness who was hiding her cutting capability had in her possession power that was more than enough for her to turn these buildings into components even smaller than what ash or silt is, and would be able to do so in a very, very brief, if not instantaneous amount of time, and this was completely without aid of any sort of supernatural power [for the most part] given that was how her body worked. Hence as the threads kept grinding into her barrier she just slowly reinforced it further, eventually causing the threads that held her when combined with the strain of pulling against her and her barrier to snap and tear apart, and then? She’d fall into a demonic portal only to reappear back in the midst of the sky, now it wasn’t for vanity that she was standing in the middle of that huge field of rubble she had created, even after Kuro had managed to stop the attack, which was another factor she noted.

Yes even as she could feel citizens leaving that too was something that might have been a mistake upon her opponents part, since for them she had held back, to bring them into the folds of madness however if they wanted to flee and throw her benevolence in her face? She was going to glut herself on them every last soul would become sustenance for her body which was now furthering the blackworld. So as she once again stood in the midst of the field her mouth would crack ajar and then? That was when hell would break loose. Through a common demonic skill known as Reiatsu drain as she inhaled hundreds of thousands of people would simply wilt on the sidewalks, dying then and there as they had been robbed of their spiritual energy, the very sustenance that held them together which would consequently mean many of them would look like shriveled up husks on the street’s so yes many would flee since demonica wasn’t omnipotent nor wished to kill everyone but still just as many would be felled by her voracious appetite, her mouth only closing afterwards with the excess energy thrumming through her veins and a soft purr rumbling in her throat, as if she was happy only after glutting herself.

Now why even after the meal would she not Use That power just yet? It was quite simple sure she was more powerful atleast she assumed she was more powerful, and also his attacks had yet to harm her but still the potential was there. He wasn’t weak and his skills were of a caliber that if she didn’t reinforce her barrier such as she had previously when being drug through buildings or such as she had in the beginning, it would be very likely that her barrier would shatter and the attack would then contend with her true nature. Which was despite the fact that she wasn’t worried about it precisely did mean that the secret would be out of the bag, so in summary? She was still very Weary Of him. Because he was strong enough that there was the potential that he could somehow manage to either detain or harm her, which was also why she even bothered now as she elevated her demonic akuma kyodo further so that her skin shone with the barrier that surrounded it.

For now other then the action of increasing her defenses further though she’d remain still, like a wild animal after devouring a huge meal, yet that wouldn’t quite be the case. In-fact she was using a demons “Knowledge of the environment” Aspect of zao ka’s influence so she could pull everything into her mind in terms of the landscape around her , so she could assess and deliberate her next course of action, because she was beginning to figure out just what she wanted to do, how she wanted to end this, and was thinking about it because she couldn’t afford to just blindly trudge ahead in this fight, she had to think. Or she wouldn’t come out on top at all.

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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] LzZCuy7
Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] BtXe12b
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Sat Sep 17, 2016 9:08 am

I'm being serious here!

Captain of Stealth Corps


Now, Kuro had not meant particularly to be racist. The fact was, Kuro had only once ever had a positive encounter with a demon, and at the end of the day, they too had disappeared from his life without a word. No, he was calling her demon scum as if someone might refer to an ill-behaved dog. She was a demon, and she was scum. Thus, she was demon scum.

However, as for the things which actually mattered to the male… he could feel that his wire was not doing much to her. This was frustrating, to say the least, but Kuro took it in stride, continuing to pull down on the line. His mind was moving rapidly, already having decided on a second tactic.

Well, if the way she had failed to react to the back-flow of daggers that had ripped gouges into her defenses after her first wave-like attack was anything to go by, she really was not that smart. Kuro had watched her merely stand there as his attack had flowed back to her, ripping at her defenses . No, Kuro did not think that she was very bright.

However, she made one mistake in assuming that the lines would break. They were lines of shadow, and if the tension increased, more shadow that was now left over from their constriction would flow into them, allowing them to maintain their shape automatically without breaking. She managed to escape still, but Kuro was not extremely bothered by that. After all, he had already decided on what his next move would be.

"...Excuse me."

Kuro spoke, his hands slowly clapping together as the star on his face shone. Idiot, a massive amount of energy is leaving their hosts around us. Piero informed his owner, his ability of Energy Detection coming in handy. Even as he spoke, Kuro launched forwards.

Without pause, both of his hands gripped onto his twin daggers. Piero's energy flared up in his legs, allowing for him to Pulse Step in addition to his shunpo, appearing in front of the woman as his eyes widened, feeling the energy approaching them. He had to move extremely quickly, but that was no problem for the Assassin.


With that single whispered word… a massive overflow of power poured out from Kuro's body. Waves of shadow flowed out from his feet, pushing outwards in all direction as the reiatsu that he was releasing exploded outwards, before becoming contained in a single point.

Kuro's body was behind her now, and as he had passed by, three blades had come at her from the side. Each of them was Captain's blade of his bankai. Kuro's body turned around, and another five went straight into her back, slamming against her barrier as waves of shadow rippled around Kuro's body, compounding explosions of shadow into the blades as they ripped and tore.

Placing his right foot over his left, Piero's energy went into both, allowing for Kuro to execute one of his personal taijutsu. Repeating this motion, he pushed his body into Demonica, his form becoming a blur as dozens of ripping sensations were pushed into her body from behind while she was still attempting to absorb the energy.

Finally, Kuro's body stepped back, the shadows pouring up and around his arms as he nearly lost his balance. You fool… Piero muttered tensely, a leg of shadow appearing out of Kuro's thigh to steady him. Standing behind her now was Kuro, in full form with the exception of his blades. He was empty handed…

Except for a single blackline that was extending from his right hand. His expression was hidden behind his hair as he pulled down on the wires, causing for them all to bind down tightly against her body, before the five blades of his bankai slid around on wires of their own. Each one of these blades was pulled directly towards Demonica's body as a result of his wires tightening against her barrier, and as they approached… the wire that aimed for her neck became engorged.

Piero's disturbed energies ran through the line, before causing that one to explode. In that moment, the daggers of a Captain of Stealth's bankai plunged into where a more exposed neck would hopefully be. Needless to say, this attack seemed very likely to succeed. If she really wanted to keep draining the energy from that many individuals, she would have to double check herself.

Kuro's body was there as well, his eyes wide as the lines disappeared. His right fist came straight from Demonica's jaw, lines of shadow pouring out from his arm as he delivered an accelerated right hook. Bending his spine back, he used his superior balance to side step once again, pushing off of his feet as his left hand gripped each of his blades once again, before dropping each of them as a new line of shadow formed around each of them.

That layer of shadow poured around Demonica's body, forming a complete shell. At last, Kuro came to a stop, standing behind the shell. This was a technique which he had developed based off of the Black Box Hadō… and it had similar devastating effects as wave after wave of jagged spikes made out of shadow.

If, after all that, she had remained perfectly still and kept the concentration for such a massive technique up, then she would indeed have gotten her energy. Kuro doubted that she would have gotten even enough for a significant number of individuals to die; that would require an immense amount of focus, especially considering how far away most of them were by now and the fact that she was attempting to do all of this remotely. Perhaps one or two hundred souls were lost.

One or two hundred souls that would remain on Kuro's consciousness for the rest of his days, perhaps. After all, this was no longer a battle. This was a war, now. And she was attempting to slaughter innocents in her own gluttony. It was enough to truly anger the male known as Kuro Okami. He wanted to make this individual suffer, now. This was not like the Shinigami. He was an assassin.

But that did not prevent his next weapon from taking shape. In the arms of the male known as Kuro Okami, a twenty foot long hammer emerged. Even though it was made out of shadow, it made both of his arms tense to their full length to heft it. Its girth spanned a diameter of fifty feet at the end. In the case of an attack, the hilt would be able to serve as a shield, but until then…

"Haa…" Kuro let out a breath, before smiling as the massive bludgeoning weapon moved behind his shoulder as easily as a mace would, smashing casually into one of the nearby buildings as debris was expunged and blown away to the side. At the base of the hammerhead itself, small ripples were forming in and out of the solidified shadow. From this head, the points of Kuro's blades had formed, and rotate rapidly.

Throwing the hammer downwards, Kuro's eyes were wide. Of course, that was assuming that she was not prepared for the feint. After all, as this terrific hammer came down onto her head, the shadows that were still around her body from when Kuro had released his Bankai would flow upwards in sharp rings. These rings gouged into her legs, wrapping tightly around her. If she was as off-balance as a normal person would be after the assault that Kuro had given her up until this point, her natural instinct would be to avoid said hammer… and it was that instinct, that survival instinct, that Kuro was counting on to cause her to ignore the grasp of his shadows down below.

The ensuing crashing of disturbed hammer on ground created a huge shockwave, nearby buildings that were already crumbling losing some of their final structural foundations, and where Demonica had been standing in particular, the blades would have all converged, rotating rapidly to rip her to shreds, or at least try to.

After that final crash, his weapons would flow back to Kuro through the hilt, who released the hammer, allowing for the shadows that remained to return to him. His red star-shaped scar glowed on his face, and the shadows around his body were rippling, almost as if they were hungry...

I'd Rather Take It all The Way

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Sat Sep 24, 2016 8:41 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914

“Hold the line Don’t get angry, don’t get angry, enjoy the feast.”

The male had appeared from no where to try to stop her attack this shinigami had the guts to get up close and personal with her while she had been absorbing souls, something which would cause the demon to feel the cracks that began to fragment over her composure. She was beginning to get annoyed with this little whelp, how dare he!?! How dare he try to stop her attacks , how dare he shit on her FUN. With this in mind there would not be a moment that the souls stopped flowing, inwards they continued to flow drained as the barrier groaned and creaked against the shinigami’s attacks, raw energy colliding with each other while she continued to eat, and she was taking in all that energy which made her need to stay fixed into one place, so as the force continued to bash and batter her barrier? Well the barrier itself would begin to change as a sign of her taking the fight much more seriously. A conventional demon barrier could be however the user wished hence as demonica felt the need to keep her own ability under wraps for a little longer? The barrier would undergo a frightening transformation.

Yet even then the female continued to feel the strikes over her body, hammer blow after hammer blow descended upon her barrier building and building until the female seemed to continue to take in even more souls in a quickened burst, the blades of shadow that surrounded her would be combatted by something else, as the male seemed to continue to attack her via the medium of demon energy.magic? She would forcibly exhert a kind of pulse that would combat the shadows that rushed in, not quite stopping them but more batting them back to give her some more breathing room against the shinigami’s Offense.The repetitive blows from the shinigami’s taijustu on her body was enough that she while not being hit directly with them was beginning to feel the effects of each hammer blow against her defenses. , hence she’d close her mouth prematurely, the amount of souls she had managed to sap being around 200. their bodies decaying into dust before the female had looked at the male just as many wires seemed to converge on her body, a fact which had the demoness slowly losing her interest.

Then an explosion rocked through her body one that caused her barrier to shudder and a blow that reverberated to her very bones
The engorged loop had for a spell managed to bypass the first layer of her defense and because of that the shadows would encounter something different than mere barrier, that screech of collision occuring once more as it struck her demonic hide, one that was made to shred batter and annihilate the very atoms around it. Hence as the loop got through? The loop itself would be shredded however the blast would slam into the demoness causing small fires to form in her hair and for her once merely bored face to become lively. A feral grin that exposed her canines to the light splaying the surface of her face, sure there wasn’t more damage than scorch marks around her neck, but considering the demoness was a being that just touching something was able to shred things on an atomic level made the actual fact that. . .Well some of the blast got through to be more than a mere feat, yes she could feel the second degree burns on her neck and it caused the demoness to give pause, to re-assess and then?As the blades sought her neck they would be repelled by that same force, then she exhaled and stopped, even as the heat rose around her she had stopped but this was different than how she had been looking at him previously. No maybe it was respect now that filled her gaze and that? Caused for a small laugh to bubble forth from her mouth as she was being surrounded by shadows.

The shadows enclosed, they ensnared they sought to trap and crush her being but as they engulfed and otherwise covered her from head to toe energy began to bubble and boil, even outside the cocoon laughter continued, the laugh of lunacy that was similar in it’s own way to a battlecry. A laugh of a sadistic fight-happy creature that sought simply to destroy, to conquer to show that under it’s power everything else became both futile and insignificant. Hence as the cocoon completed first it would roil, as if boiling water was beneath it’s very surface. Then? It would began to expand outwards stretching further and further until eventually one shaft of energy would burst from it. Then another, what was merely two would become many and it would explode to expose the female that had been beneath the veil, around her a thin layer of energy glowed, and she had stood there her head staring towards the sky with a plethora of tiny bleeding cuts running from her being she had looked down one eye obscured within her disheveled hair, the other was but a slitted prick in the sea of white that surrounded the iris, then she ad said slowly as the wounds well demonica wasn’t known to heal herself in a fight, probably respect or maybe because she just enjoyed the feeling of being wounded and wounding others, but that didn’t matter her apathy had changed and she slowly exhaled before she said.

”..I was wrong to try to treat you as a nuisance, even if i respected you i honestly didn’t think you would be able to push me to this extent. Call it pride, call it arrogance, either one is apt. However. . . “

Demonica’s head seemed to tilt to the side as she tried to think about it. How many times had her defenses proven insufficient for their intended purpose? How many times had she been injured in the lull of battle? The number was easily counted on her fingers alone but just the fact she had met a foe such as this here caused for her to feel electric and hence as she had indeed gotten her 200 something odd souls however now that she had been ready? She’d utilize the ability to increase speed with her shadow step, linking it afterwards she had been capable thanks to her zao-ka’s influence already having been established over the battlefield previously this would double her boost and make it so that at this point she’d move at speeds that would whip up winds powerful enough to shatter the glass in a quarter mile radius. Now what did she do ? Well moving with such speed would make it so that she’d be able to blow past the hammer outright and get behind kuro. Afterwards she’d deliver a titanic kick with enough force that if it did connect it would be able to destroy large chunks of land from merely kuro’s impact. Afterwards she had remained in the air , partially because she didn’t fully understand his abilities yet and hence would rather stay in an open playing field but also because she wanted to keep the city or a majority of it in tact for the time being.

”..Now i won’t be making the same mistake you have my undivided attention at this point. “

Afterwards if the blades still sought to move after her? She would have released another black inferno blast to combat them knocking the blades aside as she looked down at her opponent, waiting to see what their next move would be now that she wasn’t simply remaining still.

Template By:

Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] LzZCuy7
Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] BtXe12b
Rower of Rock. And Souls.
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 8:00 am

I'm being serious here!

Captain of Stealth Corps


I need a stronger plan, here… The Shinigami thought to himself, racing through his head as he felt the energy beginning to dissipate into the woman. Man… Now I want her to die a bit… The normally impassive Shinigami determined, his attacks growing more ferocious and personal as the barrier began to give under his assault.

It was a familiar feeling… knowing that life had been extinguished. It did not make Kuro pause, did not generate a moment of hesitation. But it still made him think. How many off them had families that were waiting for them to come home? How many of them had partners and friends they had plans with? "… Forgive me… " Was all he muttered to those lost souls, before his gaze observed a change in the battle before him.

Something had changed with the woman. Her bloodlust had increased exponentially. His shadows closed around, and yet he could still hear her laughter. "Piero, she sounds like you…" He muttered off-handedly, to which his Ziamichi spirit gave a stern scoff of disagreement. "Well, I'm not here to push you." Kuro replied, his gaze meetings her transformed state.

He did not seem very impressed.

But that speed caught his attention like nothing else had.

Track, track. His mind seemed to slow to a crawl, depending on his instincts as he felt the woman's shadow. She had used Shadow Step against him… and while it may be fast, Shadows were his domain. His hands released the hammer completely, no longer needing it as the shadows flowed back around his arms. Or at least, what was left of the shadows.

-kick- The shadows formed around Kuro's body, creating a kind of casing behind him. Her foot swished across his chest, his shadows attempting to reach that place fast enough but unable to keep up. The male was impacted, and to properly explain what occurred from there, time must be slowed to a crawl. The foot impacted against Kuro, but not full on. His speed had been enough to move slightly, and with tht much momentum it was doubtful she could change her course. After the impact of her kick, his shadows had continued to move at their rapid rate, coursing around his torso as it created a kind of blast-armor of sorts, absorbing the impact as it shattered against Kuro's chest. In addition, the shadows behind him cracked and budged, Kuro's body moving backwards as if he were moving back against a cushion.

"Cuh…" He let out, a spray of blood from his lungs. He had broken a rib… but he would make sure to break her a lot more. After all, his left hand gripped tightly… and the lines of shadow created by her hair would expand, rapidly growing. Slicing them would be… quite impractical. After all, to do so she would have to fight all of the momentum that had produced the massive attack that left a captain-class Shinigami with a bloody chest. But… he thought that he finally had her. With that thought, the shadows continued to accelerate her, puling her, and against her backside produced blades of their own, dozens of small blades that would wrap around her body from the back.

Only then would this slowed-down observation of time no longer be required. The full second finished passing, and Kuro Okami's legs were thrust into the air by an explosive emergence of shadow from beneath him. In this way, he gained some distance from the demon as she moved away from him as well. "Well…" Kuro muttered, blood still leaking from the side of his mouth as she delivered her banter. "Well, I'm not impressed."

That was the route that Kuro decided to go. Reaching his hands down, he gripped onto his blades, though breathing was a bit hard. This was not the second, third, or even seventh time that Kuro had needed to keep battling with a broken rib. However, this was the first time he had been bruised so badly from it. While he had reduced the impact as much as he could, the entire front of his body felt like one big sore spot. Find it… find your center… The Shinigami thought to himself, before slowly opening his eyes once again.

At long last, he had decided on a course of action. The being known as Kuro Okami continued to stare at Demonica, before his power level began to drop rapidly. An obfuscating shadow appeared around his body, the shadow melding around him almost like a cocoon of his own. The Shinigami, however, had no intention of transforming further, at least at this time. Out of the front of the cocoon, Kuro's body slowly stepped out. His face and body were clad in shadow… exactly like the other four bodies that emerged.

Without hesitation, those four blitzed away from the cocoon in the center. Each of them had a trail that led back to that primary position. Each of them would take up a different position, a decent ways away from the being known as Demonica. From where she was standing, it would be considerably difficult to tell the bodies apart. Kuro himself had gone to the very back. After all, most likely, she could deduce that he did not care that much about himself, and therefore it was statistically a better idea for him to hide closer to her than farther away. Each of the figures took up a different stance, though Kuro ended up in a crouch.

This plan of action had two benefits. First, it would distract her greatly, and from what he had been able to deduce of the fight thus far would be the best way to deal with her. The city had been evacuated by this point: no more souls for her to steal and use like her own personal batteries. How ironic… what is it that makes that any different from my shadows…? The Captain wondered to himself. ...Because I do not take my shadows… I have become one with them… my power is not one of domination, but unison…

So the first part of the plan was to get her to use up her resources. She certainly seemed to favor big, flashy attacks… but those drained the user quickly. She did not seem very observant… especially if she had really thought that there was no need to give a Captain-Class Shinigami her undivided attention. Probably not too bright, then. The second purpose was a lot more simple.

Each of the different Kuro's had reached a sword, their shadow-covered hands reaching for the blade. Each of them was now armed with one of those blades. As far as appearances went, they did look identical. This was a tactic that Kuro had been practicing for quite a long time, and therefore would be difficult to figure out. There was one single, solitary weakness. The wound on his chest. If he was made unable to concentrate on the shadows that were holding back his bloodflow around that area, it would spill out onto the ground… giving him away completely.

...Move. Each of the shadow-clones was being tethered by a single black cord, which Kuro also had. Those cords transmitted more shadow as the clones began to move, each of them along with their master attempting to reach a position that another had picked up his blade from. In this way, a large circle of shadow was being formed, and it was from this perspective that Demonica would be left to react...

Keep Your Eye on the Birdie

Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] Empty Re: Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD]

Thu Nov 03, 2016 9:58 pm

Artist: Undertale OST - Song: Your Best Friend - Word Count: 914


That sound would be audible throughout the city as the female demon’s lips pulled into a smile, she could feel that her attack hadn’t cleanly landed on the male shinigami, and the shadows that tried to form in her hair would be blown away by one simple fact, her body in itself was a blade, this stood to reason that her hair itself would be quite similar to how her body was. That wouldn’t however make it so she was impervious to damage, several small lacerations and a would form against her back and a moderate sized one on her shoulder instead of the massive wounds that would realistically form for other individuals from all the inertia, all the momentum and opposing forces, then again this was a demon who’s defense was absolutely insane simply because of how her body offensively worked, so even these small lacerations fed her surprise and her desire to fight even more with this being. To bring the conflict and the feeling of fist against flesh, and pain on her own flesh to new heights. Then, they disengaged, and within the demon she could only feel the thrum of adrenaline, the call to do battle was a heady thing. Especially after all the corruption, all the instability formed by the seal of eris that glowed against her tongue, the one that sought to liberate her and bring her to her truer sense of self.

Only now did it slowly begin to glow, yet for now it did nothing to her. And the distance between them, for however brief a span of time allowed for something to transpire. The demoness and her roaring blood was able to calm down just a tad, given normally she simply had to resort to brute strength and push her way through. Yet this would take more finesse, she had to be smart- and not fly off the handle at the drop of a hat. This change would be a very small thing, yet the immediate effect was the wild gleam in demonica’s eyes dimmed abit. Her smile was more caged than wicked, even then though it was a twisted sick thing to behold. Since as she smiled the demon seemed to vanish, accelerating laterally to shoot up into the clouds far from the shadows, far away from anything that could be used for cover, infact in mere moments she breached the clouds with such force that they had been blown away in a mile surrounding the point that she had done this, but what would happen after that? Well she’d stand there for a moment, her eyes lidded.

The opponent seemed to form multiple “Selves”, something the demoness wasn’t keen on facing, hence she had made it so if he had wanted to get to her he’d have to come get her. Given her speed at this point was still passively being doubled because of zao-ka’s influence, which was stacked on top of the increase that stemmed through using shadowstep. Factoring all this in, her speed was fast enough that she was able to cover the roughly 60-70,000ft ascension above the clouds in around eleven to thirteen seconds. Her gaze shifting to glance down at the city below, which at this point looked to be more like a bunch of pinpricks then it would actual buildings. Now why had she taken the fight into the sky? Well that was simple, demonica’s nature was to use her physical abilities and destructive energy to fight prolonged battles, and while she was certianly capable of fighting in urban terrain, she already had used some of her reserves, [roughly 15 to 20% of her energy is spent at this point] And the fight hadn’t gotten anywhere at this point, hence she felt a change of scenery was in order.

Now what would happen if she had interference? On the off chance that somehow the opponent had been quick enough to catch her even with all her amplifications, she’d simply utilize a demon portal to teleport to her desired location, Using bodily manipulation, a trait all demons have to harden the interior of her body once she got to her desired altitude, her lips parting as she didn’t really bother to curb her voice.

”..The way i see it you have Three options. “

The demon would hold up a single finger as energy crackled across her being, her eyes glimmering with mirth.

”Option number one, Is you do nothing, and i just begin lobbing energy blasts at you until you croak. “

The demon would hold up two fingers now, her smile widening as her barriers reinforced themselves.

”..Option number two, You do nothing, i recover and chase the stupid civilians you so graciously let escape and then come back for you after killing them all “

The demon would then waggle three fingers as she grinned.

”..You come fight me or i do any combination of option One and Two as i see fit, and only Then Come kick your ass.”

She had given the shinigami captian his options, and to prove a point, she had raised her palm energy beginning to spiral against the pale skin until the very clouds began to be sucked inwards by the centrifugal force that was exerted, the heat generated by her body increasing while the orb would form a cool spot until the twin forces collided to form a rapidly increasing wall of wind that would for now remain in the sky, the clouds beginning to converge unless Kuro decided to do something about it , since if she had her way? There wouldn’t be a city for the civilians to come back to, even moreso she was planning something else, even as blood dripped and stained the front of her blouse, something fun, something big, and it would begin to show itself because of a very lovely dark spot forming in the sky behind her, as if it was the beginnings of a very very large portal.

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Inverse Infection: Ground Zero [BLACK WORLD ARC SERIES EVENT THREAD] LzZCuy7
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