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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Mon Oct 17, 2016 10:46 pm

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Mirja was quite nervous, to tell the truth. And to say she was 'quite' nervous was to be lying through her teeth. Stood outside Arianda's house, with hair a little longer than she had when they last met, but not nearly the length it used to be, Mirja had changed little enough to be immidiately recognized. She wondered how the Demon woman got along with Henrex after she had sent the morbid little Mumle to her for some Demon training. Maybe Arianda would be really pissed off because Henrex's special brand of gloom had infected the entire house.

And then there was the problem of Ceal and what had happened earlier. Mirja knew that Ariand acould see everything that went on, and so she knew that there would be words had about what Mirja got up to with Ceal in that place, leaving the girl rather wild and wanting, but without permission. Would Arianda be angry, and cast out Mirja, or would there be forgiveness. There was only one way to find out, but Mirja was unsure if she had to courage to do so. Milling around in the general area did not help either, she needed to act.

So, throwing caution to the wind after giving it a solid punch in the face first, Mirja went up to Arianda's door, and rapped her knuckles on it, enough to be heard by anyone who cared to keep an ear out for the door. Which there where probably several of, knowing Arianda. She was a grand duchess of hell, or something like that. Grand duchesses or something like that did not awnser their own doors. Espeically when there was every chance that Ceal was home. Those two were inseperable, and were a nightmare for Maids across the world.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 11:30 am

The Angel of Conflict


Arianda sat in her house relaxing. Glad to be back from the black world and with her Ceal once more. Where might Ceal be? In their palace in the demon world. While Arianda hated to be away from the one she loved, she normally had Ceal stay there due to past events. Of course, Arianda wouldn't be surprised if she ever sneaked out. Ceal should know that Arianda would find out easily and get punished, however, no one could truly understand their relationship. Many likely saw Master and Pet when looking at those two but, Arianda normally saw two lovers entwined in love. Of course, there are times where she views Ceal as her pet exclusively for certain... activities.

Arianda yawned softly as she sat in the reclining chair that she had placed in front of the TV she was able to get. She never truly watched the thing, she just watched what her other eyes could be seeing and that normally entertained her. Arianda chewed on some chocolate that she had grabbed from the fridge. Even though Arianda likes this house, one would have to wonder why she was here. Well, it was because of Taichou.

After Arianda found Taichou half dead in the wastelands, she had taken the girl as one of her pets. A more loosely attached pet as Taichou was cute; she did want Taichou to be happy, if being one of Arianda's pets was that, then so be it. If it wasn't, then she would allow Taichou to leave. There was nothing binding her here, not yet at least. Arianda sighed softly and then sat up slowly in the chair as she thought about Taichou, Ceal, Mana, and... Mirja.

The thought of Mirja made Arianda grit her teeth a little due to what Mirja did to Ceal, but, she couldn't help but feel fond for the girl. She sighed and stood up, fixing her skirt, and then walked over to a tiny little alcove where she pulled Mirja's old collar out of. The collar was still broken in two, as Arianda broke the demon magic bound to the collar long ago. While the collar was still completely functional as a collar, and didn't smell weird or anything, it no longer was bound to Arianda and could no longer spy on what someone did; unless Arianda rebound it with magic. She sighed softly and as her mind was thinking about what she could have done differently, she jumped at the sound of the door being rapped upon. She tilted her head to the side and walked towards the door.

She put her scissors on her back, and put on her boots, as she was walking to the door; just in case. Arianda's hand touched the doorknob, Mirja's collar in her left hand. Arianda slowly opened the door and when she looked up at the face and figure she saw, outlined by the door, her eyes widened and her mouth fell open, only to spit a single thing out and close soon after.


Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Tue Oct 18, 2016 12:02 pm

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Za Wulfo stood outside the door, and considered if she should knock again. There should be footmen, or cute cute maids waiting on hand to open any door that was knocked. That was the rules of this place, she had made sure of it before leaving. Servants aplenty, Arianda was too awesome to do petty stuff like opening doors and cooking breakfast herself. But then, maybe Arianda had ousted them all from her house after Mirja left, because they all reminded her of Mirja, and she was to heavy hearted to bare something like that. It would imply the girl liked Mirja more than Mirja had thought, but still...

Eventually the door opened, and there was Arianda. Or, someone who smelled like her, but had a distinct change in apperance, not that it was bad.
"Hey darling. New pet?" she teased, nodding to the collar that was in the Demon girl's hand. Melancholy was the only reason that she was here anwsering her doors herself, and Mirja being unable to sense Ceal - but could sense another familiar person, that was something for another time, however - and it kind of made Mirja feel bad. Hoping this wasn't all her fault, she gave a coy smile.

"I was in the area, thought I'd drop by, see how you were doing. Apparently, you've got a makeover. It suits you, a lot" Mirja said, still smiling. The demon girl was always in Mirja's heart, and mind, but never quite as she was when they first met. Ceal, and the whole incident with Iko had put Mirja on a different track in life. And that track, Arianda could see, was pretty dangerous. A scar was evident on her left thigh, and though the Shunshakusho covered it, her body was pottered with quite a few other scars to boot.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:10 am

The Angel of Conflict


Artist: Arrowhead and Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 534

Arianda stared at Mirja with obvious shock, the collar in her hand falling to the floor with a small 'clink'. Arianda quickly scooped it up when Mirja asked about it and she sighed softly. A new pet? Taichou was her last 'new pet' and she was just here because Arianda wanted to keep her safe. Mirja probably had no idea why she was here, then again; she might. However, that was not the top of her worries. Arianda sighed softly and then held up the broken collar in front of Mirja and she sighed.

"N-No... No new pets not since Taichou... It's your collar Mirja. I'm a little surprised you didn't recognize it. The thing's useless now, I took the tag off long ago and when you broke it I accidentally released the magic around it, so, it's just a normal collar... You can have it back if you want, I know you were kinda fond of it."

She sighed softly and gestured for Mirja to come in and to close the door behind her. She walked in slowly and then placed the collar on a table. Arianda went to the other side and gestured for Mirja to take a seat near the collar. She walked away and then moved into the kitchen. As she did she started to speak.

"Ever since I brought Taichou here, I've needed to store more than just chocolate. Gimme a sec and I'm sure I can find something she made a couple nights ago."

Arianda dug through the fridge, and then the freezer. After a time she came back with something that was steaming hot. Arianda placed it in front of Mirja and sighed softly; sitting down on the other side of her. She again gestured to the collar.

"Please, take it. It's literally the only thing I can give you since I doubt you are here to stay."

Arianda sighed softly and then rested her chin on her palm, her elbow propped up on the table. She sighed softly and then looked at Mirja and thought about why she was here. Why...? Arianda felt that Mirja never would truly return, especially after what happened with the two... well, three if you consider Iko. Though, it didn't excuse Mirja for what she's done; for what she did to Ceal. She sighed softly and then her silver eyes focused on Mirja's eyes.

"I thank you for the compliment but, I don't think you just came here for idle talk... What is it that you may want? I could be wrong in my assumptions, but, it's not a bad idea to rely on one's instincts from time to time."

Arianda's gaze did not fall from Mirja's, however, Arianda was clearly looking for answers why her ex-pet returned. One last night of Sex? To gloat about something? What was it? Arianda absolutely had to know, but, in the end; it may even be better not to know. However, only time would tell; and the bitch was about to reveal his secrets.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 11:53 am

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Taichou was Arianda's pet....that'd explain why she couldn't find the girl in the Shin'o Academy, where Mirja expected her to be after all this had happened. But nope, she managed to find her way to Arianda, of all people. Who still had the old collar around, and seemingly played with it at times. Maybe Mirja had underestimated Arianda's mentality, but at the same time, there was still Ceal. Mirja just didn't feel comfortable around that girl, with Arianda. It made her feel like a third wheel, regardless of how well Arianda treated Mirja.

"Well, it's been a long....however long it has been" she explained, before Hvit piped up.
'You used to be some Demon girl's pet? Ohh, this is hilarious. I can just see you in naught but a collar, walking around like a good little doggie' the taunting made Mirja irritated, and it was obvious on her face, Arianda might even assume it what her that hade irritated Mirja.
'Iko?' Mirja thought, and in the next second a surprised yelp came from Hvit.
'Get off me you furball! No~!' Hvit cried, futiley fighting with the Wolf girl.

In response, Mirja's irritated look turned into sudden hysterical laughter, of which she would have to explain to Arianda, who seemed to have brought in food. Mirja graciously took it and started eating, unaffected by the heat.
"I told you I was going to come back eventually. You are a friend, even if the sexual side of things fell through, that doesn't change the fact that we are still friends. Or, I am still friends with you, at the very least. Can't say anything about your status. However, I did come over to give you something. Might be interesting for you and Henrex if you read them over" she said, pulling out the letters from her Shunshakusho and handing them to Arianda. Four, in total. Two from Henrex, and two replies from Mirja. "They might give you insight to Henrex's mentality. Maybe"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Thu Oct 20, 2016 3:08 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Artist: Arrowhead and Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 937

Arianda sighed softly and looked at Mirja's annoyed face, not sure if it was directed at her or not. Arianda's face contorted as she thought of taichou, looking down. She stood up and walked away for a little bit, to go check on Taichou. She conversed with Taichou quickly and generally made sure she was okay. Afterwards she returned quite quickly, using shadow manipulation to return before Mirja got out of her reprieve. She sighed softly and then looked at the collar then at Mirja who just burst out in laughter. She raised an eyebrow at the now Jovial Mirja. She sighed softly when she spoke about them being friends. Arianda really hoped she was gonna at least stay as her pet, or something, but, it was not to be. Arianda focused on Mirja's eyes and then she sighed.

"I understand you don't know what you are to me... frankly, I don't know either. You're so many things to me; lover, pet, enemy... Only enemy because of your Shinigami relations and the fact you tried to do lewd things to Ceal... but, I can't help but want to forgive you because of how I feel for you... and also... I'm truly sorry for what I did for Iko... if she can't hear me, tell her that for me. I was being foolish and fell into a pit of anger that did not need to be touched... Just, tell her I really am deeply sorry for what I did..."

Arianda sighed softly and bowed her head for a moment before raising it at a mention of Henrex and letters. Arianda's eyebrow raised and she took the letters. She started to read through them. She sighed softly at Henrex's letters and attempted to keep herself from laughing at what Mirja had wrote to him. After a good ten minutes Arianda sat the letters down, her face red from trying to hold in her laughter. She exhaled softly and then tried to speak.

"I didn't know Henrex used to be that desperate... or well, unable to understand love. And Mirja, I've basically seen into that kid's mind with my demon magic. That and I think I may have exposed him to far too much manic energy."

Arianda started to giggle and then burst out laughing; thinking about the contents of Mirja's letters. Her face went read as she laughed loudly, her voice reverberating off the walls. She kept laughing as she tried to speak and not fall off of her chair.

"I-I'm, pff, sorry! haha, I didn't expect you to be so savage to the poor boy. I know he's a little pitiful at times, but, I mean HOT HELL MIRJA!! BWAHAHAHA"

Arianda now nearly fell off of her chair. Her leg shot out and dug into the wall. She stopped watching and groaned. She stood up and fixed the wall with a little demon magic and DE. She sat down and then wiped off her boot; fixing her stockings.

"Thanks again for the compliment on my new appearance. I really like it actually. I had to get new clothes since I actually have breasts now. But, I found these cute clothes! It even matches my normal color scheme! I never would have thought I would love stockings, boots, a corset, and skirts so much!! Ah, but, I'm getting a little off topic. So... about that part you wrote about worrying you, lemme see, about how you 'had to construct a fake persona to inhabit this body since the real one had left it, and then live in perpetual fear that the real Mirja would return and take her body back, killing me in the process'... W-Was that about what you were worried about so long ago when you were here in this very mansion... was it?"

She looked at Mirja with true earnest, since it was something she had never talked about. She remembered Mirja messing with the scar and she sighed and then walked up to Mirja and hugged her slowly.

"Mirja... Even if you do regain your memories you won't be overwritten... that's not how things work. The most that would happen would be another person in your head... that sounds worse than I thought."

She sighed and then lets go of Mirja and sits back down. She sighed softly and then brought up a single leg to hug to her chest as she thought. Arianda now heard the voices inside of her head again and she held her head with both hands for a moment as her Chasm Revival flashed on her form for a moment before she returned to normal and slowly took her hands off of her head. She sighed softly and then looked at Mirja.

"I understand the whole thing about having voices in your head. I have... I dunno, maybe a couple thousand? voices speaking in a language I cannot understand whenever I either conflict about something or someone else is."

She sighed again and the fixed her cuffs a little before she looked at Mirja, her face looking a little steely.

"I know you wouldn't tell me what worried you so long ago, but, please; tell me now. We're no longer pet and Master, and I have a feeling will we never be again, so please, tell me. Tell me as your friend."

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Fri Oct 21, 2016 9:53 am

Mirja, The Masterless Pet

Mirja finished the food, and listened to Arianda before shaking her head softly.
"Iko doesn't even know you exist right now. To her, you have become the Boogy-man. Or, woman. She's convinced that the Evil Buzz Woman doesn't actually exist, and is just a cautionary tale about some moral that she seems to lack the understanding of. Telling her you actually do exist will just open fresh wounds without the garantee of them closing again. So I'd rather keep her blissfully unaware of that fact" Mirja explained, her tail swishing softly left, and then right.

Then, after reading the letters, Arianda seemed surprised that Henrex was such a desperate little puppy, even after apparently reading his mind. But, Hexrex's emoness had no bounds, Mirja concluded, after the second letter he sent which was practically no different from the first. Not even thanking Mirja for her help, just more bitching. However, what Mirja wasn't expecting, was for Arianda to break down into hysterics and laugh her ass off, to the point she fell off her chair, or near enough at least. Apparently, Mirja had been 'savage' with him. But not savage enough, with his reply.

"Stockings, corsets, and skirts are the foundation of a beautiful girl, Arianda. Best clothing you could ever wear to entice and arouse" Mirja explained, teasing ever so slightly before the topic changed for the worse. Talking about things she really wished to avoid. The ghost whispers had stopped of late, which was a harbinger of much darker times, she just knew it. And admitting to Arianda what had caused such distress in the mansion was another thing she was really looking to avoid, no matter what it took. So the situation needed derailing, and quickly.
"Yea, Ceal was such a girl. The way she let out those moans when I toyed with her. Do you not feed that girl or something? She was totally willing to come back to my house and bone like crazy in only a minute or so. She sounds like she needs some prime steaks for her meal"

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]

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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Thu Oct 27, 2016 5:02 pm

The Angel of Conflict


Artist: Arrowhead and Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 615

Arianda watched Mirja as she spoke. She spoke about Iko, not knowing that Arianda was real. Not sure how to feel about that... she nodded at Mirja's remark to how her attire was the foundation of a beautiful girl. How it was the best way to entice and arouse. It got Arianda thinking for a little bit. Was she saying this because of events in the past or was it because she wanted to be with Arianda again as pet and master...? No. Wishful thinking. If Arianda was gonna have Mirja as her pet, she would have to do it herself; one way or another. She looked at Mirja and was about to speak when she talked about Ceal. She talked about... that day. The day where Arianda had enough explosive rage to tear out Mirja's jugular before repairing it and then giving her the punishment of a lifetime; pet or not. with a tiny growl, Arianda sighed softly and lightly grabbed Mirja's shihakusho. It was clear the action was not threatening at all. She looked into Mirja's eyes and then started to speak in a rather steely voice.

"Mirja... there's a reason why I didn't turn you away from my house... the first is because I still love you, and I don't want to turn you away. The second reason is that I am trying to forget that day so I won't be endlessly angry at you. Please, Mirja, don't talk about that. If you don't want to talk about what happened in your past with this 'real Mirja' then don't bother telling me. Not like I can make you do anything anyways."

With another sigh the loose grip of her hands was slipped off of Mirja's shihakusho and she moved back to her chair slowly. She sat down and then placed her hands on the table between them. Arianda's brain started to work, to churn, to understand what Mirja meant in her letter. She remembered the scar on Mirja's skull, how she acted when they first met, and how she stated things in her letter. The first thing that she noticed was the comment of a real Mirja, and how Mirja was just occupying a body. Arianda gritted her teeth and then suddenly froze as she thought of what Mirja was talking about.

Scared of the other Mirja, scared to fade, scared. She was scared that she would lose who she was if the Mirja who inhabited this body before her came back. Arianda slowly lowered her head and then sighed softly, a single hand reaching out towards Mirja. It would be unclear why until she spoke, and she would only speak one more thing before she waited for Mirja to reply; hoping it wouldn't be bad. With a soft sigh, her voice came from her, and, the assumption she made likely hit Mirja like she was a gong.

"Mirja... Tell me... Are you afraid that, whoever you are, is going to be taken away by the slight chance that the you that once inhabited this body could come back...? Mirja... please tell me. Do NOT evade the subject again..."

And with that, the issue was in the air for the house to hear. It was only a matter of time before Mirja either left or tell her what Arianda really wanted to know; why she was so conscious about that scar on her head. Why... why? IT was time to find out, and Mr. Time was gonna butt his stupid ass out or he would feel Arianda's scythe.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Left_bar_bleue398349/999999On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty_bar_bleue  (398349/999999)

On the third day, look to the east [Arianda] Empty Re: On the third day, look to the east [Arianda]

Thu Oct 27, 2016 6:33 pm

Mirja watched Arianda as she seemed to react in a rather predictable way when Mirja mentioned Ceal. She was so over protective, it was kind of amusing. However, the way she told Mirja she was still in love with the ashen wolf girl was kind of a stab to the heart. She knew Ari was in love, or the kind of dotting love that a Master gives her Pets at very least, but to have it confirmed was a bit much for her. She knew why she left, and it wasn't entirely to do with Iko. But that was for another day.

An errant thought went through her head, what Arianda would do if Mirja really went through with her plans and made Ceal scream Mirja's name, but that was also something for a much later day. A day when she was confident that the Demon Girl was not going to be too difficult to put down if it came to blows over it. Beowulf was still growing as a Zanpaktou, and her Bankai was not great at this moment in time. However, Arianda's rather incredible deductive powers hit the nail pretty hard on the head, and Mirja lost control of her temper, as if trying to cover up the inherent fear and lothing of the very concept.

"Enough, ok?! I'm not going to get into this with you, now or ever. It's not something that can be helped, so telling you my problems like some nubile Princess isn't going to do anything. So just, drop it ok? I came to see if you were doing good, and you are doing good, so now I am going again" She said, moving with purpose towards the door and hoping that Arianda wasn't going to try and stop her because that wouldn't end to well for anyone.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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