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Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT] Empty Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT]

Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:21 pm


10/31/2416, 6:00 PM; CST Standard Time

The time is currently 6:00 PM CST time on Oct 31st, 2416. At the moment the city is in unrest. There are various fights taking place across the city, fires are rising up in the air and there seems to be hordes of infected fighting against the living. Your job is to figure out a way to resolve the incident. You can kill the infected, isolate them, cure them or whatever other way you can ease this outbreak.

Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
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Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT] Empty Re: Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT]

Tue Nov 01, 2016 11:34 am

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

"Point to the ceiling, point to the floor, point to the window, point to the overwhelmingly large horde of zombies about the overrun this position~" Mirja's song was not exactly the best one to be singing in such a situation, but that was Mirja. She was not exactly the best one to be in such a situation, depending on who you asked. A loose Cannon is still a Cannon, but who knows were it may fire. And the grinning Wolf girl had some malicious intent behind her gleaming eyes.
"Ahh, America~! The land of Freedom and being Free. Here, you are so free you have the freedom to be eaten by a massive blob of zombie persons, who in turn had the freedom to be zombied in the first place" She gibbered to herself, before one of the forerunner zombies tried to bite her.

Mirja did not go in for such stuff on the first date, and so punched the zombie in the face hard enough for it's very head to be ripped off and skittered down the road.
"And I have the freedom to deny being turned into a zombie! So keep your fangs away from me, kiddo" She told him, kicking the body a little to make sure it was dead, as the horde continued to approach. Mirja picked up a piece of gravel, and readied it like she had seen some people do in that game they liked to play here. "Batter up!" She cried, before launching the piece of gravel at the zombie horde with titanic power, taking out several of the in a line as the first got smashed into the ones coming up behind them. It was a lovely thing to see, even if it was a frivolous thing which is really no good when faced down with a massive horde of flesh eating gits.

"Zombies. You are all like, guilt-free humans. I can kill you all and nobody is going to say a thing. No 'ohh, Mirja, you shouldn't tear peoples heads off just because they groped your ass' or anything like that. I get to kill, crush, and destroy, without consequence. Especially destroy. I'm going to bring the roof down on your heads! But shush, that's plans for later. Anyway, buckle up, Zombie Buggers" she told the horde, cracking her knuckles and grinning broadly, showing off her fangs. "Because I have a lot of repressed rage to vent"

It was probably Mirja's imagination, but the Zombie Horde suddenly seemed worried about their approach towards this singular ashen gray wolf girl.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT] Empty Re: Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT]

Fri Nov 04, 2016 4:13 pm

Artist: DJTheSDotCom/Zelda - Song: Mask of Madness - Word Count: 959

"Ahaha, ahahaha! Daddy?"

A small boy had been running through the streets of Chicago, without a care in the world. His father had brought the group here on business, but something had come up, it seemed. Ah well, that just meant that Rasuca could go and play by himself. "Daddy gone... hmm... not fun." He decided, turning his mouth downwards. It was quite impressive that he was able to speak the way he was. After all, he was not yet four years old. "I want..." The boy thought to himself, rubbing his chin before blinking.

His eyes shimmered, glowing. Multiple energy signatures appeared within the boy's field of vision... and all of them seemed hostile. "Uh oh..." He let out, before bringing his fingers to his chin, much as he always watched his father do when those kinds of people were approaching. Threats, that was. Rasuca's tiny fingers wrapped around beneath his lip and around his chin, gently stroking.... and then his eyes began to change, a smile forming on his face.

The magic circle-esque tattoo on his hand glowed, while Rasuca's eyes became completely black in color, his mouth grinning. I can adapt to this, haha. The child thought to himself, not able to speak that way, but certainly able to think it. His face was now stuck smiling until the black faded away. He had seen enough. Chaos, this was. Madness, this was not. His eyes returned to their ringed state once again, allowing for him to look in every direction...

"Hehe, over there." The child muttered, before chuckling as his bottom lowered down onto the ground. As he did so, energy began to flow out of his body, wrapping itself like a cocoon around the lower part of himself. This strange top-like influence lifted him up into the air, spinning him around constantly as he closed his eyes in the beauty of the feeling. "Wheeee!" He let out as his top made a beeline for the other high powerlevel he had detected... that of a strange lady.

Rasuca did not recognize this woman; she was not in any of his Father's stories. That meant it was up to him to find out her name! "Hi, hi. My name's... Ra... ra... Rade!" He explained to the woman as he went caterwauling past, the discus of energy running out as Rasuca's body began doing small backflips, before he finally came to a stop, laying on his back. The small child was clad in white pajamas, and his hair was a bright silver. The most striking thing, however, was his eyes. Those deep blue eyes, like the final part of the ocean, occasionally rippling with orange and white rings.

"Do you wanna play a game?!" He asked the girl, seeing how energetic she was. But, as the hostiles began to approach, Rasuca began to frown. "No... too many..." He said sadly, before pulling back his wrist...

A watch made out of black material erupted, surrounding his body with light, before an explosion of mist popped out the top.

"Well... hello." Still not an adult, but definitely no longer a child... a preteen was now standing before the woman, looking over at the zombies. "So I get to play the game? Great. What do you say we play... how many can be finished off?" He asked her with a smile.

This was Rasuca Desavarsit Hebi, aged thirteen. Pushing his palms together, he then leaned forwards, placing them on the ground. "Here, I'll start!" He explained...

As a wave of earthen spears molded from the ground, spiral energy flowing from Rasuca's body as they wound earthen coils beneath each spear. Then, the multitude of dozens of spears launched outwards, slamming into the horde with wild abandon as their owner laughed away. "I wonder if they taste good..." The boy said aloud, slightly opening his mouth as he walked past the wolf girl once again, moving towards the zombies, before pausing and glancing at her.

"I bet you would... but Father said not to just take from anyone. These humans have lost all reasoning, haven't they?" He asked, stretching. This strange boy, still in white pajamas, gently began to move his hands in circles at his sides...

"They just want to eat us... they want it badly... its great... so like they want to do to us... maybe we should drain them dry..."

Rasuca's body did not seem to give off a terrific amount of spiritual power. But it would be strange if he was analyzed. After all, he stank of Arrancar, of Hollow... but also of the Iramasha. He was the world's one and only Arrancar Iramasha. Around his body, a trailing eyeball that was shut tight lightly hovered in the air, the tendrils that suspended it sliding into his body through various holes in his clothes.

That eyeball, on the other hand.. absolutely felt cursed. But as long as it stayed closed, there would be no problems. The tattoos on the back of both of Rasuca's hands were shining, his two primary weapons. While this Rasuca still did not know what he wanted to do in life, he could still alchemize basic objects with those hands. For now, he was going to sit back and wait to see what would unfold on this battlefield.

He was the Heir to Hebi Laboratories. This place would become his operating table, and its inhabitants the results of his own studies. After all, he would likely end up consuming at least one of these 'zombies', in order to understand the infection which had overtaken them. Perhaps strangest of all, like the wolf girl, he did not seem to feel any fear whatsoever. He was young, but serene.

He did, however, plan on winning the game he had proposed, if she accepted it...

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Believe nothing, no matter where you read it or who has said it, not even if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense.
- Buddha
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Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT] Empty Re: Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT]

Mon Nov 07, 2016 10:34 am

Artist: Fairy Tail - Song: Opening 3 - Word Count: 605

..Well then! Zombies! Interesting way to attack somewhere, now wasn't it? Kinda cliche too. However, it mattered not. Beetle wasn't one to nitpick about the enemies that she would face. She just found this kind of mission very basic and...almost kind of boring. If these were traditional zombies, then it would be even less of a challenge, as one punch to the face from Beetle would probably knock them very far away. And that would even be her holding back.

But, nevertheless, it was something that Beetle could use to get herself stronger than she already was, if there was even such a thing. She had heard of Radioactive, the incredibly powerful shark man who was even more powerful that her. She was curious to see what the little secret was for his titanic power, but that would all come in due time. For now, zombie killing. So, with that, Beetle leaped into action, dashing through Chicago, her hands ready to hit something. However, as she drew nearer, she could see two people already there. One of which was a very familiar face.

Mirja was here! A grin spread out onto 06's face as she ran faster, before kicking off the ground and leaping onto Mirja's back, hugging her tightly, despite the large size difference between the two. So, after the quick show of affection towards the tall wolf girl, Beetle let go of her, allowing herself to fall to the ground, and then she raced around to look at Mirja's face while speaking to her.

"Hey Mirja! I'm guessing you're here for the same reason I am?

Beetle would then see the Iramasha stranger's black watch erupt, before the male's body would change in appearance to that of a thirteen year old. While the change was certainly interesting and somewhat shocking for some to look at, now was not the time to be gawking and gaping in awe from a single object's power to change one's age. If anything, Beetle simply wanted to beat something up, as she need something to get her warmed up. In a short period of time, her wish would be granted.

As the hostile creatures that had been firmly referred to as "zombies" or "undead" came closer to the trio, Beetle's arms and legs would begin to emit a faint glow of spiritual power around them. This would be the influence of 20% of the CRETS Network's power. While this was only 20%, it was not something to just scoff at. With this amount of power being flowed into her already insanely powerful hits, she might have been able to wipe out one of the buildings surrounding them in a single blow without the need to use her trump card.


The ability to destroy near anything. While it had it's limits, Beetle still knew that she would never use it unless she absolutely had to. That ability would be far too dangerous to use casually, and she didn't want to end up screwing something up and accidentally destroying an important building or something of the like. So, with the CRETS Network powering her, Beetle went into combat.

Diving headfirst at the closest threat, she thrust out her arm, landing a direct hit in the midsection of the creature, around the sternum area. Holding back a large portion of the destructive power of her body, she instead focused a large amount of the punch to be focused on knocking them away. Sending the hostile force flying away, Beetle soon assessed the severe simplicity of this mission. If they worked together, and kept each other alive, this entire mission would be as simple as eating a cake.


Coding in template and Graphics By: [THEFROST] & Kylekaotikk
Header & Template By: Sou Yuuki
Mirja Eeola
Mirja Eeola
Demon Toy
Joined : 2016-08-18
Posts : 5956
Location : Where ever a Space-girl can

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Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT] Empty Re: Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 12:24 pm

Mirja, The Mad Wolf

Mirja was ready to give this zombie horde a good seeing too, with her fist, large rocks, and possibly a building or two, it depended on how she was feeling at that moment. However, before she could pull something like that off, some kid came flying in. Literally, flying. Which was impressive. Mirja could jump very high but she had an abject inability to fly in any way. His flight seemed to be from some sort of orb thing that was around his lower half, as if it was a saucer from another planet. The idea of aliens was something that appealed to Iko, but Mirja was more focused on the here and now.

He introduced himself as Rade. And the way he said it was as if he was unsure of his own name. Which, was double strange, but then Mirja was a wolf girl with a gem that spat fire, so strange was relative. His little flying machine ran out of juice and he landed on his back, giving Mirja a chance to look him over. Silver hair, blue eyes and a small frame, this kid was certainly not what Mirja expected to find out here. But, she was courteous, so she nodded.
"Nice to meet you Rade, I'm Mirja" she replied. Not giving her second name because the kid seemed to have trouble with his first, so her second might throw him for a loop. He then asked if she wanted to play a game, but before Mirja could reply, he looked to the zombies and muttered something about too many, before pulling out a watch and growing up a good few years, in a good few seconds.

"Well, that is a handy trick to have. But sure, I'd love to play that game, I'm pretty good at finishing things off" she quipped, cracking her knuckles, but then the kid - teen - went and launched earth spikes at them, which would totally have been cheating if Mirja didn't have her Damos Rune. "Well then, might want to clear the area, this is not really something that's got friendly fire off" she warned, and then totally missed the quip about things tasting good when Beetle jumped on her back like she was some equestrian wolf.

"Gahh! persons!" She exclaimed, before Beetle ran around to the side so she could see her, which made Mirja smile a bit. "Hey Beetle. How's it going?" she asked, but it was too late. The girl had already run off into the horde of zombies ready for pounding them into the dust. And Mirja could hardly let off her rune with the girl in the way.

"Looks like you have a new challenge, Rade. She's more for this sort of thing than I am anyway. Have fun. I'll make sure nothing terrible happens while you two are destroying vast swaths of zombies" She said, looking around for a tall building that would allow her to keep an overwatch of the situation. Sure punching zombies was fun on it's own, but too many cooks, and all that.

Coding Altered From: [The Frost]
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Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT] Empty Re: Operation: Shadow Purge [CHICAGO: WEST SECTOR EVENT]

Wed Jan 18, 2017 3:21 pm
There is always a profit margin to be had; that's what some people will tell you. And the three very formally dressed individuals walking down the streets of Chicago at this very moment were very interested in profits. They went by many names, across many continents; they weren't hard to find per say, but nor was a sleeping bear hard to rouse. It was simply that most people didn't want these people snooping around, and doing what it was they did. Collateral damage was pretty much a given at this point.

The eldest of them walked a faint step ahead of the other two, and wore army fatigues that seemed almost like they were picked up from each and every nation; there were flags of dozens of countries, and clashing discordant colors that made him seem rather silly to behold. He had a beret on his head, colored red, and an assault rifle rested across his chest, held in place by a strap. He reached down to it, gently stroking a finger across the stock, and a small greenish-yellow gem placed just over the sight.

"Zombies. This is a new one. I daresay we might have struck a gold mine on this one, you two. Now we just need to ride it as deep as it can go."

"You can ride me, old man."

This one was a younger gentleman, looking perhaps thirty. His suit was not nearly as well-maintained as the elderly gentleman's, showing a few frayed spots here and there. There was a sense of benign neglect about it, as if the outfit was one he'd worn a long time, and simply didn't give much thought to anymore. He had an ipod in one hand, earbuds in one ear, and a look of perpetual boredom and distaste on his face. He flickered his gaze towards the elderly man for the faintest hint of a moment, and then smirked at the expression of distaste there.

There was no real sense of malice between the two, but rather a sense of routine. There was warmth and familiarity in their every word, and it was clear that whatever quarrels they were having were long-fought, and would continue to be fought for quite some time. Not passionately, and rapidly, like a burning bonfire; no, the animosity of these two burned like faint embers, always ready to be blown into a few faint sparks.

"Bernardt, what is it I keep telling you?"

"The mitochondria is the power house of the cell."

A pause. Both the elderly gentleman and the younger one stopped in their place; for the first time Bernardt rose his gaze, baring his teeth in a smirk, and lifting his brows as he took a step around his elder, and walking ahead.

"How many times did you have to practice that before you could say it on reflex in under a second?"

"Took me about three weeks."

"And you can't apply that work ethic to our business? Honestly, Bernardt. You'd be my best agent if you could just act a bit more seriously."

"Blow it out your ass, old man. I am your best agent, and I don't have to act seriously. You and I both know what I can do, no one else can."

"Why is it I'm always the voice of reason?"

The final of the three was a woman, standing quite tall compared to the other two. She was far from handsome, face too torn by burn marks and keloid scars to really be called pretty. Her nose was too sharp, tapering to a precise point that looked like it could've been used to skewer someone. Her cheeks were sunken, and in a few patches were still healing over from what looked like severe burns, or crippling cases of acne. The only striking thing about her were her eyes.

Her eyes were beautiful, to the point of driving men to tears. They were both a deep, soulful shade of green that smoldered and spoke of great, hideous truths. This was a woman who likely had been a real looker once upon a time, but had lost much of it over the course of time, and her work. Even now, the force of those eyes was notable.

"Most likely because you're the only one who doesn't join in on the banter, Milani. Bernardt and I were having a perfectly pleasant duel of wits, and it will not have any impact on our work here today."

As he said this, the elderly gentleman pointed his gun off to the side, firing off five bullets in a short, burping stacatto; their conversation had, it seemed, drawn the attention of a few dozen of the walking dead. He never even turned his head, simply pausing for a single second in the conversation as he blew the head off of three zombies, and knocked two more into shambling, hopping motions as their legs were torn to shreds like wet paper.

"Time is a factor, everybody. We will not split up, until we have a more comprehensive idea of what we're dealing with. Milani will set up a perimeter, and begin to attract more and more of the zombies to us. Bernardt will isolate them, and cut off any chance of communication and coordination. Then we will procure our wares, set them aside for safe keeping, and expand the perimeter. Remember that once we start, this work must be done in complete silence."

The elderly man rose his hand slowly, faintly, and gestured towards Bernardt slowly.

"Bernardt, do that thing you threaten to do every day all the time."

"Aye cap'n."

The young, lax looking gentleman finally seemed like he'd grown interested, curious. He reached down towards his ipod, tapping away at it a few times; as he did, he tilted it to the side, and one particular studded gem on the back seemed to flash for a split second, before the area around them began to fill with the faint noise of pianos, and guitars. Before it reached a real crescendo, a few last words could be heard.

"Is that-"


"I'm flattered."

"Eh, broken clocks and all that."

"For once, I was thinking the exact same thing."

And then all hell broke loose, as the area around them, as an entire square mile of the city, was bombarded by the sound of music, and a very familiar, very old string of song. Windows shattered, zombies stumbled for a split second, and everyone present could feel the sound, shaking their very bones.

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