Bleach Platinum Hearts RP
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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta]

Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:03 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: Fallen Tears - Word Count: 761

The rukongai was just as she remembered it, it was noisy, it smelled bad, and it was full of bodies that jostled and pushed against one another. Children darted between the feet of adults who seemed to be going into shops and looking at wares. Kids stole from a vendor near by and fled into a ally. The vendor noisly chased after them with a rolling pin hoisted over his head. And in the middle of the crowd animum seemed to quietly ghost between the bodies, her signature hidden. But it wouldn’t be hard for someone who knew her , or knew the previous owner of her body, magnolia clixx’s Energy signature. As she wandered her eyes had been drawn to the sites. To the people as she felt a contrast to the demons and to hell itself, that places that she had been left to wander and she had to stop and think.

”..It’s strange to be in their midst despite the horrendous things i’ve done.”

It was a novelty, here in the crowd she was no one, just a single body that moved through the masses. No one knew who she was, no one judged her, no one cared. She was truly nobody and to her it was a lovely feeling. She could simply be here and no one expected anything out of her. Hence she had wandered to a vendor who was selling crepes outside a healthfood store, and bought one. Her lips closing around the whipped topping and eating some of the chocolate that lay beneath, savoring the rich flavor that was held within it’s soft shell. Then she had sat down on a bench on the street and watched people as they walked by, so many people lived here, well spirits did. They had their woes, and as they walked by some seemed to straighten as their despair was whisked away. Others seemed to have their heads buried in cellphones, or other new technology that was foreign to her atleast when in regards to the soul society.

”..Why am i always drawn here?”

She thought silently. She had no clue where she wanted to go ,who she wanted to be. What direction she wished to take her life was a mystery; even to herself. Yet for some reason she felt drawn to the soul society, to the fond memories her host had here. To the terrible times, to the good times, to the times she had been in so much pain she could barely stand it. All of it was precious to the ziamichi spirit known as Animum Desponde, and looking into it as a complete outsider she felt envious, of the person that had called this place at one time for hundreds of years home. Maybe it was this need to understand that drew her here, to a place where she was not accepted, however it didn’t matter really, because as she softly smiled and took another bite of her crepe she thought maybe this wasn’t so bad.

It was even pleasant, being here under the sun, the wind causing her golden hair to float around her while her wings and halo both had been expertly hidden. She was the spitting image of the person who had at one point been a lieutenant of the 13 court guard squads, yet no one spared her a second glance, and she was left to peacefully devour her treat, and people watch. To some it might be terribly boring, but to her this simple thing was a wonder and she enjoyed every second of it.

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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] LzZCuy7
With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] BtXe12b
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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty Re: With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:01 pm



The Rukongai... still not the best place after all; even if things had shaped up a little since 400 years ago. Even then it was hard to say since the place stunk, still looked terrible, and people were rather shit here still. Homeless children, terrible sellers, and shit families in general. There were some lucky few who got out of this, and some other luckier people who were born into a Shinigami family; or even a royal family. Jetta walked to the edge of the Rukongai, not really wanting to enter, and just stared at all the people. She mainly did not want to enter because of all the closely packed bodies. She would like to avoid contact with people she did not know; especially since her cold stare could scare people rather easily. Then there was her fire. While completely hers to control, Jetta did like to sometimes ignite some gasses in the air, for only a moment, to watch how it burns the particular gas before taking mental notes on how the gas was affected by the fire and how exactly it burst into flames. How exact was her mental note taking? Probably more accurate than a modern super computer running some of the best software. In other words, the mind always trumped technology; in Jetta's case.

So, with a sigh, Jetta simply just stood there; not wanting to enter the Rukongai. Not wanting to enter on the streets that is. There was always the sky and the rooftops. Jetta chose to use the sky. So, by using the method of 'walking on air' Jetta started to walk above the Rukongai rather comfortably. Sure, she was wearing a skirt that people could see under, but, she was creating some fire where her feet were stepping; effectively covering that area so no one could see. On top of that, Jetta was walking quite slowly; as if she was going on a luxurious walk. Though it really wasn't that luxurious. After all, she was walking on the air, fire trailing with her step to cover sight from those below her, and she was feeling a bit uncomfortable with all the stenches and people she saw. Truth be told, she was glad she did not live here. People probably liked their lives here for some reason, but, Jetta would not like it one bit. Whether it was because of her lack of care for those outside her family and friends; or if it is just because the living conditions are terrible.

With a soft sigh Jetta pulled her mind away from that thought and stared up at the sky if the Soul Society. Sure, it was cloudless, but, the blue sky was still nice. And filled of gasses that Jetta could manipulate, transform, and learn from. Heck, even the gasses up in the sky give the it the blue color it has during the day time. Of course, this meant that at night time the gasses didn't make such a color happen due to the decreased amount of sunlight passing through those gasses. However, that wasn't worry currently.

Jetta sighed softly and soon sat down on the fire, not actually sitting on the fire of course, as she continued to look up at the sky. Of course, she had no idea she was sitting above Animum. And with her senses otherwise focused on just looking up at the sky and messing with some of the gasses to create a nice color in the sky, she wasn't exactly paying the most attention to the beings below her. So, it is completely possible for Animum to surprise her currently. Such a thing may not be a good idea currently. But, it was up to Animum. Let us hope nothing burns today.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty Re: With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:33 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: Fallen Tears - Word Count: 761


Animum’s people watching had been interrupted by the sense of someone familiar. A certain readheaded girl who’s personality was as fiery as the powers she wielded. Jetta yuudeshi maybe that was her name? As animum thought about it she paused and looked up at the girl who was walking in the sky. Her golden eyes remaining neutral while she had decided if she wished to talk to the girl who at that time, had ended up affected by the amount of energy her previous host had exuded at the time. Sometimes the past snuck up on her at times like this, more people who would judge her , would ridicule her. Yet she couldn’t remain here in the crowd, people would be caught up if she was recognized. This close to the soul society it was a given something would happen. However she hadn’t known it would be something like this, no as her eyes dulled time seemed to slow down around her, to see the action she took this would be required.

Her knee’s bent and her body seemed to tense. Eventually launching up from the crowd in such a way that she would be able to transverse the distance between herself and the likes of jetta yuudeshi in mere nano-seconds. Appearing roughly a half mile from her she just stood in the air and waited to see what would happen. Her eyes dull her expression neutral. She loved to watch people more than anything, to watch their emotions and how they differentiated from one to the next. Some people had love that knew no bounds, and it shaped them, made them smile, made them laugh. On the flipside people who did horrible things sometimes seemed to be motivated by the horrendous things that had been done to them. Hatred propagated like the plague, love seemed to be few and far between. All that was left was the gray expanse of neutrality where happiness lurked, where hatred lurked. So it wouldn’t be a stretch to say Animum was hiding her emotions because she didn’t know what kind of exchange would be.

Would this be an exchange of good friends? Even though they were bitter enemies? She couldn’t know if this was going to be something violent, where the good guy punished someone who was viewed by society as an evil doer. Or if this would be a simple meeting. However the wind would blow her hair whipping it out laterally beside her. Her clothes rippled, and her halo still didn’t show, her wings remained hidden as she walked on the air towards jetta yuudeshi. Each step she took was a step towards the memories of the past that she couldn’t make heads or tails of. It was a step in the direction she sought, but also it was a hard thing to comprehend. Hence why right now she had looked at the Shinigami after she was but 20 feet away, and her expression would mirror the one that she had that day.

The spitting image of the girl who jetta had met in the australian war, who had caused melbourne to basically become hidden under an inland sea, to become an island. That girl was the one who stood in front of the girl known as jetta yuudeshi. The former warlord of the sea for the Rinyūaru. The one who had caused so much destruction back then. She shoved her hands into her jean pockets and the people below would look up pointing to the two who remained here in the middle of the sky. Animum’s expression would be absolutely fathomless as she took in the yuudeshi. Who hadn’t changed, yet she wondered the experiences that the girl had to have gone through. What led them to this moment might be fate, or it could be a curse, but the past would become buried today, it was time to move on, yet for now she merely spoke what was on her mind.

[b]”..Are you here to kill me, child of the yuudeshi?”

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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] LzZCuy7
With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] BtXe12b
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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty Re: With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:46 pm



Jetta was actually having a nice time for once, enjoying the sky. She didn't really look back on the Australia war much; just so she wouldn't burn a hole through the ozone and everything else. However, her peace was soon broken by a feeling she hadn't felt in a good while. The girl's eyes widened and her fire became a little wild as she remembered that time back in Austrailia. That time where a single woman destroyed enough of Australia to make part of it under the water. The thoughts made her clench her fist and grind her teeth as she thought of it, her anger flaring as she soon stood, attempting to ignore the suffocation feeling, and looked around the area; attempting to find Magnolia.

Jetta's eyes locked upon Animum, who looked exactly like Magnolia. To Jetta, it was Magnolia. What the hell was this bitch doing in the Soul Society? Jetta's teeth ground together as she tried to keep herself from exploding with anger and torching the Rukongai. She tried to hold back her anger to the best of her ability, not wanting to destroy the Rukongai completely. If she went berserk now, everything would literally go up in flames. Despite all her want and need to KILL Magnolia, she couldn't do it here. Not with thousands of innocent souls below her and in the way. Despite the fact that Jetta didn't have the highest care for these people, she still could not shirk her duties as a Shinigami. So, she attempted to forget her rage and anger and allow her talk to Magnolia... okay maybe not.

The second Jetta tried to calm down her rage only came right back. It seemed like this anger would not be sated until Magnolia was a heap of ashes on the ground; dead for what she had done. However, Jetta still could not just attack out of nowhere. With a sigh, that sounded a lot like growling, Jetta's gaze fixated completely on Animum's gaze as Jetta's fire continued to dance around her.

"Kill you? FUCK YEAH I'D LIKE TO!! But I won't... not with all these people... So, let's come to a sort of terms. You tell me why the FUCK you're in the soul society and then leave and THEN I won't consider turning you INTO A PILE OF ASH!!!"

It was clear that the events in Australia still hung over Jetta's mind, pissing her off quite a bit with what happened to Melbourne. She sure as hell had not forgiven her for what she had done. Why would she? She literally turned Melbourne into a FUCKING. ISLAND. She continued to clench her fists quite tightly as she continued to glare at Animum, who looked like Magnolia, doing her best to restrain herself from turning the Rukongai into a nuclear wasteland. If things went well, Jetta could avoid turning everything into a pile of ash and only turn Magnolia into a pile of ash; that would be nice. However, Jetta had no idea that this was Animum; Magnolia's Ziamachi spirit. Regardless of what may happen, the young Yuudeshi, yes 100 definitely counted as young, continued to glare at Animum; who she believed to be Magnolia. But, again, to hoping that the entire Rukongai does not become a black spot in the Soul Society.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty Re: With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:15 pm

Artist: N/A - Song: Fallen Tears - Word Count: 761

”I’m here because i have the right to be here.”

Animum’s words had been to the point, not even reacting to how the likes of the child yuudeshi had said she wanted to kill her. Who didn’t want her previous hosts head? Who was it that said everything would get better? Who was it that thought that things changed if you wished them to? Whome ever it was was a fool, this was reality. One that animum embraced fully while she faced the rage of the one infront of her. The only problem was she couldn’t die, she wouldn’t die. Not because she didn’t wish to, since there wasn’t a day that went by that she could say she didn’t contemplate it. How the world would be without her however the problem was just because jetta hated her didn’t mean she hated jetta or that her host hated jetta. It was quite contrary, given she had at one point even tried to protect her. It was because of this sentiment that the likes of the ziamichi had decided she would teach her another life lesson. Hence it would start only just slowly, one lightning strike struck her , then two.

It would seem like the heavens clouded over, as the sun was obscured by the thunderclouds, the air would be charged with static as rain fell. The very atmosphere seemed to change as the energy signature continued to rise. Increasing vastly from what it originally was, changing from merely a resting state to something more powerful. It was hard to describe, and even harder to comprehend the amount of power that was being exuded from the likes of animum, however it was easy to discern that even then with thousands of lightningbolts striking her body that this was far from her maximum amount of power. Also it would be hidden but every creature in the rukongai was protected, as animum had manipulated the very atoms in the air utilizing her ability to break down vast droves of information mentally. It was there that she calculated the frequency in which atoms would gain a very very dense repulsive nature.

This would lead her to then bind the electrons within atoms together in such a way that made it so that unbenownst to the yuudeshi there was a barrier seperating the rukongai from them. One that was strong enough that it would be hard for either of them to penetrate. Yet Animum stood there her expression remaining flat, neutral without a care as her words came out like daggers that would penetrate into the young girls psyche as she said honestly.

”..Sometimes you would do better to grow up, hatred begets hatred, it breeds until it causes a darkness that is inescapable. You also forget, your own weakness.”

Animum’s words coupled with her energy, which to the people below would be untraceable simply because it was too high, it had risen to a point that while calamitous to the young yuudeshi it was absolutely untraceable by the spirits below. It simply was too powerful, hence it was impossible to be comprehended by them. Yet the advent of despair then would tilt her head to the side as she said quite bluntly.

”..You are too weak to kill me.”

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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] LzZCuy7
With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] BtXe12b
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With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Left_bar_bleue128100/999999With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty_bar_bleue  (128100/999999)

With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta] Empty Re: With Each Breath You Take. [Animum/Jetta]

Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:12 pm



Jetta growled at Animum as fire coursed around her being and her hollow mask flashed on her face for an instant. Jetta remembered Australia, the things Magnolia did; and she could not help but feel years of rage and anger from when Magnolia did so much to kill, harm, and injure others. Jetta cracked her knuckles as she muttered the release phrase for her Zanpakuto; not even doing the normal release action. Why was that? Because this Yuudeshi was extremely pissed. She grit her teet hand put her hand over her face, preparing to hollowfy before she heard the words of her uncle, Shadin, in her head.

It was basically him telling her to learn to get her anger under control and not to let it control her. She gripped her fist tightly in front of her face as she glared at Animum; who she believed to be Magnolia due to the appearance. Of course, something... something was off. Jetta just sighed and shook off that feeling as part of her hollow mask appeared on her face. She growled, prepared to go on the attack before she heard Shadin again; not even speaking through the Yuudeshi network. Again, it was just something he had lectured her on the last time she nearly destroyed an area because of her ass face of a brother or some other factor; which was mainly her being pissed.

Jetta sighed softly and turned around to punch the wall behind her rather roughly; making maybe a single crack on the wall as she accidentally hollowfied in the process. Jetta dispelled her hollow mask and sealed her Zanpakuto before she sat on the surface, the barrier that Animum created, and she simply sighed softly and held back all the anger that was threatening to burst forth with the potency of the sun's core.

"What the fuck do you want, Magnolia? I was here to fucking relax and you show your face here after what you've done? So, before I change my mind and try and murder you right now; what the fuck is the reason why you are here? Because, god dammit, your random appearance makes no sense."

Jetta growled a little more before she attempted to calm herself down long enough to listen to Magnolia. At least, if she did speak and didn't just fucking attack her. Jetta summoned her hollow mask once more and then pushed the mask to be on top of her head; waiting to see what may happen now with this little decision she made. She could even hear Alistor in the back of her mind congratulating her for actually holding herself back. Yeah, that would not last long. At all. But, for now, time to see what the hell would happen and to see how long the Yuudeshi could hold back her anger from raging forth like a tsunami. Only time would tell, and Jetta was feeling herself already get a little impatient just from waiting this long.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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