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Welcome to The Platinum Hearts Scroller. Here you can find our most recent Of the Year and Of the Season winners. Happy Roleplaying! --- Member of the Year: Locke --- Character of the Year: Alastair Eisfluch --- New Characters of the Year: Mizu Morikawa and Igendai Gyakusuma --- Social Thread of the Year: A Letter for Hymn --- Combat Thread of the Year: Raise Your Spirits --- Member of the Season: Paradigm --- Characters of the Season: Byakuya Kuchiki and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Applications of the Season: Armina Willsaam and Klein Schwarzwotan --- Fight Thread of the Season: Search and Destroy --- Social Thread of the Season: Damage Assessment --- Event Thread of the Season: Midnight Assault
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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 8:35 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963
“It sure is windy today”

The elect grumbled from her office in the middle of one of the congressional buildings in the city of light. This particular office faced the wind that had been blowing through the open window. Her hair being blown about while she sat there lounging on the window’s ledge a book in hand and her silver eyes gazing longingly across the sea. Often she thought about antarctica of the frigid regality that lay in it’s frozen tundra’s. Of the ferocious land-locked predators that lurk beneath the layers of ice in underground caverns. All of it had been home for her, and was she homesick? Yes, yes she was. There wasn’t a day that went by that she wasn’t homesick, that she wasn’t wishing that they had been able to remain in that home a little while longer. However she also had no qualms with her decisions, the ones that led them to this quincy city. Often she had paperwork, or other things to do these days, when in the old vandenreich all she did was bolster the ranks, suggest and lead, the paperwork had been the emperor’s ungodly headache. Now it was her ungodly headache.

Yet her day wasn’t about to be ruined by a stack of devil-spawn born papers! Nay! She wished for something more and this was why she had utilizing the RCS communicated with the sentries outside her room with a single, authoritative yet polite command that would be easy to understand and straight to the point.

”Please let miss Toshiko know that i wish to see her.”

The command was given out and the elect refused to tidy herself up, to put on a facade in which she let the quincy people see. Sure there was something ethereal about seeing her her skin radiating the suns light as if she was made of moonrock, soft luminous and mysterious however she continued to lounge her poise impeccable even when flipping absently through the pages of a good book this book was an ancient classic from america in the year 2014 or so, a good book even if it was considered to be young adult. Turning over the frayed cover she could just barely make out the title which was ”A Court Of Roses And Thorns, by Sarah J Maas” the book to her was fascinating. To think of how the humans had thought of a way to convey their imagination in a world that was entirely different from her own. She read about the elusive fae, and how a treaty had been struck with them to protect humanity from extinction. It was amusing because supernatural beings could be called fiction these days, authors didn’t write about them, they just simply existed.

It was this amusing thought that had the elect letting out a soft laugh, her eyes drifting up from the pages to watch some gulls which wobbled in unseen air currents riding them with a grace that you would associate for humans with a pro-surfer cresting a monstrous wave. This sight would most likely be the one to greet the captain whenever she came in, niflheim’s pale skin glowing against the light, her white hair undone and spilling across her shoulders while her silver gaze watched the clouds aimlessly, an open book balanced spine facing up on her left thigh.

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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] LzZCuy7
Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] BtXe12b
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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Re: Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 10:43 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Arrowhead and Zentra - Song: Funkyard - Word Count: 971


The surprisingly loud clicks that were resonating through the city of light were that of high heels; but not any random high heels. Nope. They were the high heeled boots of the Captain of Daten in the Vandenreich; Toshiko Kamenashi. She was walking with such a confident More Duck, her steps acting as if there was a line she had to follow, as was the normal for Toshiko ever since she became very confident. Of course, that also meant that eyes were trailing her, trying to get a shot of her backside. However, eyes would be met with disappointment, and a half skirt, as her backside was blocked. Hey, she knew she had a fair enough body; and she didn't like wandering eyes. Even if her attire, and body, was rather eye catching; she'd rather not people stare at her breasts or ass.

However, her purpose was not to taunt the poor sexually deprived people who roamed the city of Light. No, she was here to see her boss. Well, Niflheim was basically her boss, since she was the elect. Though, it was hard for Toshiko to think of an actual term to call her. Considering the fact that she was a comrade, a woman, and someone older than her Toshiko was very conflicted on exactly what to address her as. Sure, the basic san would work. Hell, even sama might be a good thing to use. Or should she use the Japanese term for boss...? Well, whatever the case, it was hard for the swaggering Toshiko to decide on what she should call Niflheim; how she should address her. Although, it would probably be a good idea to ask her personally. That or try out some things to address her by; like just her name or just her last.

It was indeed a windy day actually... If Toshiko wasn't wearing her hat, her hair would be flying all over the place; ruining the brown hair that she had made sure was not a mess when meeting those she cared for. That or she made sure it wasn't a mess when she was meeting those who were superiors to her. With a soft sigh, Toshiko rest a hand on the shoulder strap of her bag, which is her spiritual weapon; Zerstörung. The click of her heels continued to echo a little as she walked to where Niflheim was; the ever prominent sunglasses resting on her face.

Toshiko soon arrived at the congressional building that Niflheim was in and she walked in after a little bit of talking and some identity checking. Soon enough that click-clack of Toshiko's heels was now resonating in the halls of the congressional building; Toshiko's somewhat stern face and her walk giving purpose to where she is headed. This meant that no one would try to stop her in her tracks, or distract her from her purpose of getting to Niflheim's office.

Within about 10-20 minutes after receiving the message from Niflheim's assistants, Toshiko had arrived at the door of her office. Toshiko stood in front of the door, and the sentries there, as she waited for a identity check; never can be too careful. The sentries checked her ID and her sunglasses, a sure fire way to know it's her is to check the sunglasses; they have enough technology in them to go for a minor fortune. After getting cleared she entered the room and placed her spiritual weapon on the floor next to the wall in the back. She grinned and took off her sunglasses, placing them in her pocket, and looked right at Niflheim; who was looking quite disheveled.

"Hey there Niflheim~ I cam as you requested, Ma'am. What do you ask of me? Also, I would like to comment that the look you are adapting suits you a little. Nice to see the Elect relaxing a little instead of sticking to extremely strict attire standards~"

Toshiko's grin only grew as she finished speaking, but, Niflheim would be able to tell it was all in good fun; just a little teasing to try and lighten the mood between comrades and co-workers. Without further-ado, Toshiko walked a little farther into the room until she was about 5 feet away from Niflheim. She stood, leaning on her left leg a little, as she waited for Niflheim to reply to her. Truth be told, Toshiko could come across wrong on accident. If Niflheim did interpret things incorrectly she would correct them right away. Like if Niflheim somehow got it into her mind that Toshiko liked her, Toshiko would have to correct it before she fucked up something and was out of the Vandenreich.

However, Toshiko truly couldn't deny that Niflheim had this strange beauty to her. While it wasn't the same beauty that Sofia held, or that Toshiko herself held, it was definitely an interesting one that probably drew the masses. The pearl white skin, silver hair and very light blue eyes, at least they looked light-ish blue to Toshiko; all a very good mark that Niflheim definitely possessed beauty. But, it's hard to say if someone has ever attempted at that beauty lying within her. Whether anyone did or not, it did stand true that Niflheim was a very interesting woman with interesting looks. However, this was not the time to dwell on womanly wiles of Toshiko's boss. Instead, Toshiko stood and waited patiently for Niflheim to talk to her. One has to wonder, was this a business call or just some time to get to know each other? Only time would tell it seems. And hopefully Mr. Time won't be a douche and hide more secrets.

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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Re: Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 8:47 pm


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963
“It sure is windy today”

”..So you are here.”

Niflheim’s words had a musical clarity to them, the smooth way she spoke was crisp, punctuated and perfectly articulated. It was easy to understand but also it spoke of her position. Even if she wasn’t immaculate right now her words still held the regality many quincy had come to expect out of their new leader. So as she had picked up a old gold-leafed bookmark sliding it into the spot in the book that she had been reading, closing it gently and then setting it on the armoire besides her she simply looked at the female and looked her up and down. Niflheim had chosen her for the position of captain of the daten, solely for her abilities, sound mind and technological prowess. However today was for something different, in her mind’s eye she was already running possibilities through her head. About what she wanted to say, about how she wished this meeting to go. So in a way even if she was in a calm mood it wasn’t exactly that she was simply lounging about.

Instead she had actually chosen to show his side of herself to the captain. A gesture of goodwill to let her have a peek into the less than perfect self that lay beneath the shell. It was a window into the truer side of Niflheim, not the icy queen whose emotions seemed to be both elegant, and at the same time seemingly rehearsed. But for now as her eyes seemed to shift over there would be a hard gleam in them. A charisma that was in part because even as she lounged there she exuded power, a calm power that came from her certainty in her place in the world. In the certainty of what she was here to do. She paused for a moment while her lips seemed to part when toshiko had finally walked to the center of the room. Most people would be nervous, having been fetched by actual escorts of the executive division to come see the elect themselves. However not only was the captain of the daten punctual, but she was also very . . . . Liberal with what she said. She didn’t seem to concern herself with the fact she was in the presence of her superiors superior, with the one who led them.

”..She seems to be very . . .interesting” this was the initial thought that the elect had of the girl who’s auburn hair was bouncing with every step. With a back that was straight and proud. Only once the door was shut however did the girl first open her mouth and speak to her. The very first words that left the captain's mouth had been about her obviously less than perfect appearance. It made sense though, since up until now the captain had only seen niflheim when she was at her best. When she was calmly exuding power and when she had a pupose, to lead her people she often went beyond merely being there for them. She made herself the example in which they could look to, she was kind to those who needed it, she lent an ear and gave counsel to the scared. Every day she set time aside for her people, time she spent with those who had come with her from the very beginning. No matter how long it took she would help them , and she would let them see that she would be there for them no matter what.

But that was exhausting, day after day she was forced to adhere to a strict path, one that didn’t afford her the luxuries that maybe a captain would have. She couldn’t be seen as anything less than the perfect person who led them. She couldn’t be partial, she couldn’t be crude, she couldn’t be bias, and she couldn’t be thoughtless. All her actions had repercussions, all her words would leak out to the rest of her organization. It was because of this that the words she said would be nothing but unfiltered truth when looking at the situation from Niflheim’s own perspective.

”.In private i can be less than perfect, it’s the only time i can really let my hair down.”

Her words had a softness to them. Here she didn’t have to speak with a ringing authority. She didn’t have to be completely composed of perfect crispness and demure. She was allowed to move her hand out the window as a bluebird swooped down to perch on the finger. The bird looking at the elect who stared back at it smiling, bringing the bird into her palm where she gently nuzzled it’s head with her pointer finger, the bird would chirp before it flew off out the window once more, and the elect motioned to a comfy victorian couch that was the color of pastels. It would be there for her to sit in while niflheim said softly.

”..Please Sit’

Now she had taken some time to let her guest settle in, maybe get comfortable before the elect had also taken her time, getting up and making her way to an old victorian tea-set, the hot water and tea already steeped and in the tea-pot which she would pour into two tea-cups. One she would set softly down on the table next to Toshiko, the other she would have taken and set down as she sat back down on her window seat, relaxing there while she finally got around to the manner of this visit, of exactly why toshiko was called here.

”..Toshiko, what is your reason for being in the vandenreich? Is it because you feel you belong here, is it for power and prestige? Or is it because you truly love the quincy people and wish to do better?”

Niflheim’s words would be clear as she looked out the window and she continued with saying gently.

”..This used to be a personal dillema for me, this question. However i eventually learned my own answer, which was i do it for the people, the reason i ask this is because as an organization we are mostly new, and i need to learn more about exactly who the people who are within the vandenreich are, what their aspirations are, their hopes, their dreams. So i can better make a place in which each and every one of you can prosper.”

She had finally gotten to the meat of the matter, and awaited a reply.

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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] LzZCuy7
Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] BtXe12b
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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Re: Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 9:58 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Blue Stahli - Song: Takedown (Instrumental) - Word Count: 1128

Toshiko truly did mean well whenever she teased, made perverse comments, or even groped. While the last two likely won't see the light of day with Niflheim; she still always meant well. Toshiko again examined the elect closely. This was clearly a side she did not show many, whether out of trust or the need to make sure the people could depend on her was unclear. However, Toshiko felt a little happy to see it. Meaning that Niflheim either trusted her, or knew that Toshiko would rely on her without Niflheim needing to be clad in extreme formality. Actually, the lack of formality was perfectly fine with her. Despite growing up in Japan, the formal capital of the world, she had a small dislike for formality. Whether it was because of certain wordings, phrases, and things she had to wear was a little unclear to Toshiko. She just knew that the formality was something that she didn't always like. Of course, there was a sense of formality in Spain when she lived with the Montero's, but, she didn't believe it to be as intense as the Japanese formality system. Regardless, it made her a little happy to see that Niflheim was relaxing around her. So, Toshiko decided to return the gesture and remove her hat and throwing it at her bag; it landing perfectly on the bag. That made Toshiko grin a little as she looked at Niflheim again, listening to what she said and watching her movements.

"Ma'am, I can understand why you dress as you do as a normal basis, but, it's refreshing to see that you actually relax. And, I wouldn't say 'less perfect'. How about a different form of your perfection? Well, I'm just saying I think you like just fine."

This was coming from the girl who normally wore a hat to cover her hair whenever it was messy or did not dry correctly. Luckily, she had made sure her hair looked nice so she could take her hat off if she was able to relax; just like Niflheim was. Of course, she did plan to show Niflheim that she was normally quite relaxed and confident; even when referring to superiors. But, she was making sure to be careful so she eased Nifhlheim into her teasing nature that meant all good and could be serious when it was needed. It might be a little nice for Niflheim, for someone to address her casually instead of so formally. But, Toshiko did throw in the occasional Ma'am just to make sure she didn't step over any lines. Gotta be careful when teasing your boss.

When Niflheim gestured to the Victorian style couch and asked her to sit, she smiled softly and complied without a single complaint. As much as Toshiko loved her heeled boots, and how they accented her More Duck, they could definitely get uncomfortable after hours of standing. So, Toshiko walked over to the couch, her hair bouncing along with her More Duck. Just as she was about to plop on the couch she rethought that and decided to just sit down on the couch how most people would. But, it was still rather relaxed as she half plopped, half sat down daintily, on the couch. She exhaled with relief as she sat down, closing her eyes for a moment as her backside reached the edge of her couch while her back lied against the back of the couch. When she was relaxed she noticed that Niflheim had brought her some tea to drink. She sat up a little, her backside now in the middle of the cushion as she thanked Niflheim with a smile and picked up the tea, sipping some of it before putting it back.

However, Niflheim did not waste time in telling Toshiko exactly why she was asked to come here today; not knowing that most people needed escorts to come to Niflheim. She had no idea of that of course, but, she was a little intrigued by the question Niflheim posed for her. A very hard question to answer completely without worry that she may be considered selfish. With a shaky exhale, her confidence only shaken for a moment, Toshiko began to think. True, she did come to the Vandenreich because she wanted to be with Sofia again. But, she also knew that the Quincy were not in the best of places and did want to help her brethren as much as possible. However, she was quite unsure how Niflheim may react to the main reason she came to the Vandenreich. With a soft sigh, Toshiko spoke to Niflheim, answering her question.

"I can understand why it's a hard question to answer; even for you Niflheim... But, I think I know why I am here. I do know that I am here because I wish to help my Quincy brethren rebuild. And I--"

She cut herself off at that last reason. She wasn't sure that Niflheim wouldn't react badly to the main reason why she was here in the first place. While her words were true, and could be discerned so by her eyes and the look on her face, she was just afraid to speak of that biggest reason. With her eyes focusing on the ground for a moment before they swung back to Niflheim, looking a little steely, as she placed a question upon her superior.

"Niflheim, Ma'am, can you tell me that you won't get mad or disappointed in me if I tell you the biggest reason I came to Vandenreich?"

Her left hand clung to her left thigh as she asked that question. It was true that she was afraid that Niflheim would not like the main reason she joined the Vandenreich; to be with Sofia again. Hell, she was here mainly because of Sofia. She wanted to be with Sofia for the rest of her life frankly; sounds like a child's dream, does it not? Whether it was or was not a child's dream, Toshiko didn't care. She just knew that her feelings for Sofia were good and true, and while those feelings did bring her to join the Vandenreich; Toshiko came to like being in the Vandenreich for the reasons she spoke to Niflheim first. They were true. While her family was untraditional, she did care for her Quincy brethren. So, the question was, would Niflheim blame Toshiko for the biggest reason that caused her to join the Vandenreich, or would she not like it? Toshiko hoped to whatever gods that may exist she liked it; she'd rather not be separated from Sofia again.

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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Left_bar_bleue59000/99999Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty_bar_bleue  (59000/99999)

Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Re: Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 10:50 pm
Shizuo wrote:


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963
“It sure is windy today”
She paused and studied toshiko. Taking in her actions as they came to file them away for later. Everything a person did was done for a reason or atleast that was what niflheim believed. There was always an angle that was there to be exploited, a secret that someone wished to keep secret, or an end that a person was trying to reach. Because of this when toshiko said why she wished to be in the vandenreich in a way it made sense to her, there were people that simply wished to be here because it was safe for people like them. Because it was easy to be here, and because it was all they knew. It was because of this that the elect arched a brow and exhaled, her words carefully thought out before she even began to speak, given to her words had their consequences just as well as they had their benifits.

”.Toshiko, sometimes you have to dig deeper than if it’s simply to help your people, sure that’s a selfless reason but it isn’t the true reason most likely that you wish to be here. Now i don’t say this because i believe what you said to be anything but sincere, i say this because you must know exactly why you wish to be here, why you wish to go down a road shouldering other people’s lives. . .”

Niflheim paused as she stood and exhaled looking out at the window, fingers curling over the window ceil as she stuck her head out into the open air, staring at the vast city which one couldn’t even begin to see the end of even if they wished. It was amazing, to her that she had been able to truly give them a new place of belonging, that this metropolis was a place that the quincy could truly exist, could prosper, and more importantly they could learn to be themselves again. To laugh, to love to really live. She couldn’t have anything jeopardize that. So when she heard toshiko ask if she could share the real reason? The elect exhaled and said in a tone that to many could be considered to be tired, or irritated. But to niflheim it was simply her relaxed tone, when she wasn’t worrying about her day to day activites, about the strife that was happening in the world.

”..You can speak freely here, what i wish for are your unfiltered thoughts, and your desires. I wish to hear them and to be able to understand them for myself, because in this organization i will not have it be a group of strangers who all just hold power over the quincy race.”

Her words would be calm but the way she spoke commanded nothing less than the absolute pinnacle of respect. Her body exuded beleif from every fiber in the words she spoke. When she began to speak she hadn’t turned around to face her again, instead she continued to survey the lands around her. Her eyes taking in each insignificant detail, such as a child smiling and laughing, and since the answer she was given was so general from toshiko vague in it’s own right niflheim decided that she would make the question more specific, to explain truly the gravity of what she was asking of the girl to divulge, as it wasn’t just simply what she was here for. Or why she was here. It was the reason she believed in what she did strongly enough to continue to have a captain position hence she decided to speak the trth.

”..The reason i wish to protect the quincy people is something that one must go back to the very beginning of our race to understand. Before the quincy the world had supernatural beings, hollows still existed, it was just that humans remained humans. I was born a human, but i became one of the first pureblooded quincy, a part of the first generation. I lost my home when my brethren noticed i didn’t age, when i wandered i had nothing but eventually i found this place, it was cruel back then but they accepted me, and that was when i knew. I would do anything for this organization. I would bleed for it, i would burn for it, i would die for it, but i would not betray my beliefs for it. So i focused on changing it, molding it to what i believed the quincy people should have. I believe in this because it is for these people that i breath. So when i look out at them i don’t see merely people i am sworn to protect, no i see a mother who because of me is enabled to see the smiling face of their child. I see a father who doesn’t have to worry about the scorn of the world and who is able to cherish the time with his beautiful wife.

Niflheim exhaled as she tried to keep her cool, simply because the way that had been answered wasn’t the answer that was needed. What was needed wasn’t a simple answer that was lightly given. When niflheim said she had agonized over this she had meant it. It had taken her hundreds of years to understand her duty to the people of the quincy race. Far more than what made up the lifespan of most members of the vandenreich put together actually if you thought about it, which was why as she let her lips part she exhaled and continued to speak truely.

”..I see the future and all the joy it will bring the quincy. I see a time in which i can let them roam the world and the world accepts them, when shinigami no longer ridicule us. When we are once again a race that truly thrives. What i seek is not just protecting the vandenreich and it’s members. I seek something broader than that, it was a question i often asked myself. ”..Why do i hold an impossible dream?” My answer to that was because that impossible dream is the reality i crave for us. A world that doesn’t require all this bloodshed from our people. This is why i believe what i say so strongly, why i don’t mince words or speak half-truths. Everything is for them, everything is for their future , so again i ask you why is it you follow this banner. Why is it you shoulder the lives of men, women, children, you shoulder their hopes, their dreams. You are a part of the light that will guide them through the dark, You are a cog in the machine that is the vandenreich. When i see you for example i cannot merely see you as a part of the whole, i must trust and understand you as an individual because you are you and no one else.

Her head tilted towards the sky, and she let the sun hit her causing her very body to glow as the wind picked up, making her hair billow out behind her while her words weren’t just calm now. Even at a whisper they held the entire volume of her true emotions, a rich flavor of her desire, her hopes, her aspirations and her dreams. The very things that made her who she was today flowed through words which she spoke with such complete conviction.

”..This is why i hope, that eventually i can trust the members i have beside me as well, for they are closer than blood, more important than gold, priceless, irreplaceable. It caused me grief constantly because of who i am i cannot simply become friends with everyone. Because what the quincy need and what the quincy are used to are two entirely different things. The constant struggle to maintain who they wish me to be, and who i truly am without losing myself in the process is a matter that reflects my own beliefs and determination. But. . I will ask you again, truly why is it you shoulder the lives of those who believe and trust in you? Is it for love, is it for fame, or is it for a reason you cannot articulate? Because it is imperative you know this for yourself since if you know it, if you can find this reason deep within your heart. You will be able to serve with all your being, you will be able to get stronger, to push through hardship. This is not me asking you the easy answer, this is me asking you to search yourself for the answer that you believe with all your heart to hold true. So you don’t have to tell me right away, just think , breath and react. That is what i wish of you.”

With her words said she’d speak no more, for there was nothing more for her to say , now it was time to wait and see what kind of answer there would be.

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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] LzZCuy7
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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Re: Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Wed Nov 16, 2016 11:45 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Blue Stahli - Song: Takedown (Instrumental) - Word Count: 1441

Toshiko had truly not expected Niflheim to give her the speech she did; the true importance of the matter weighing upon Toshiko immensely. Though that weight merely lasted for just a moment Toshiko thought seriously about why she was here in the first place. As much as she wants to say it's for the people who she must defend; it wasn't for them. As much as she wants to say she got stronger to use her strength to protect them; it wasn't for them. No matter how hard Toshiko tried to gain a reason other than Sofia; it just wasn't for them.

"Niflheim... you may consider me selfish when you hear this..."

Toshiko exhaled shakily after she spoke, a long silence following after both Niflheim had stopped talking and the single line Toshiko had herself spoken. For a good time, Toshiko was unable to form words; trying to figure out why she was here. Well, not trying to figure out. More like trying to find a different reason then Sofia. Was she here to protect? Well, yes; she wanted to protect Sofia. She wanted to keep her safe with every fiber of her being. The emotions and thoughts that flew through Toshiko seemingly ripped at her consciousness; trying to get it to formulate something that made sense.

Toshiko's foot tapped lightly as she continued to think. She was hunched over and had her arms resting on her thighs. This was causing her hair to cover her face and hide her face; preventing visual evidence of the emotions. This was actually a good thing because Toshiko truly was worried that if Niflheim found out her reasoning she would kick her out of the Vandenreich. Truthfully, the woman was likely far kinder than that, but, it was a valid fear for Toshiko. One she did not want to experience on pain of death. So, with Toshiko's brain working a million miles a second, Toshiko decided the best thing to do would be to tell the truth. Her gaze floated back up to Niflheim, not really commanding eye contact or anything. It was just proof that what she was saying was completely directed at her and was meant for her ears to hear; and her ears only. For now, at least.

"Well... I'm not here for the most noble reasons, unless love could be considered a noble reason. Yes, I am here for love. I am true to defend my people, but, the strength and power I gained wasn't truly for their sake. The reason why my Vollstandig is so specialized is so I never have to stand down if the tables are turned on me. It's all for the sake of one person. One person who I have known nearly all my life... I'm sure you know her well, Niflheim, she is the captain of Jagdarmee... Sofia Montero. My childhood friend, the one I love and gained strength for; she's the reason I'm here."

A soft smiled spread across Toshiko's face as she started to reminisce about the past; a little lost in her memories about Sofia.

"Heh... I remember when we were kids and we walked around streets in Spain... she always was good looking, and I was always more stubborn than a mule... every time a boy approached her I punched him in the face; normally breaking his nose..."

She chuckled a little bit from that, clear happiness was on Toshiko's face as she reflected on her past with Sofia. Being such an ignorant child, she never knew that it was love she was feeling for her childhood friend. This meant of course that she did a lot of things on accident without even realizing what they were. Like when they were both teenagers Toshiko did some rather sexual stuff on accident; causing her face to turn redder than a beat. Just those memories made Toshiko laugh a little; clearly happy. But, that joy was soon replaced with a rather solemn look.

"It didn't take long for the demons to come in and take over Europe... It's a good thing that Sofia and her family were able to escape alive and unharmed. Though I think I did help a little with that... of course, I don't know if Sofia knows that I did protect her even then. I killed many demons that day just to make sure that she and her family were safe... whether that may seem admirable or not, I really only did it for Sofia's sake. I would still have helped Sofia's family regardless. But, the powers I have now are because of my want, no, my need to protect someone I love... I don't know if you know how that feels, Niflheim, but, it definitely compels one to be better at everything for their sake. To protect for their sake, to be there for them through everything... and I don't even know if she feels the same sometimes. I don't know if you've noticed, but, she's serious nearly all the time... makes it a little hard to tell her feelings and intentions sometimes, but... there are times where she does relinquish that serious nature when we're together... at least a little. I don't know if it's-- Ah!!"

Toshiko suddenly snapped to and looked directly at Niflheim as her eyes had since drifted away from her as she was basically staring into space; reflecting on her past. Toshiko's face slowly increased in coloration until she was clearly blushing as she stared at Niflheim with a look that made it obvious Toshiko had long since been slapped with cupid's arrow; and that arrow was quite stuck. Toshiko's face did not decrease in color, even when she started to speak again. She swallowed softly and then chuckled nervously.

"Eh-heh... I'm sorry Niflheim... I guess I got a little side tracked there... W-Well... My reason for being in the Vandenreich is Sofia Montero; if that wasn't already clear as day from all that I just reminisced about... So, yes, I'm here for love. Here to protect the one I love... and to also protect the city of light. I'm sure that if Sofia knew I was here just for her, she may not be all that pleased... I think. She may be happy that I'm here for her, but, I don't think she'll like how selfish that is..."

With another nervous laugh Toshiko rubbed the back of her head and then sighed softly as she shook her head softly; her brown hair going from side to side. Toshiko straightened her hair a little and then exhaled softly, looking a little more relaxed than she was early. Whether the sudden relaxation was from her Sofia train of thought or not would be a little unclear, but, she had answered the main reason she was here. At least for now. She again decided to speak to Niflheim

"That is my main reason Niflheim... truth be told; I would need more time to find an answer like yours. But, the answer I have now is mine own. It may not be a perfect answer, but, it is my reason... and Ma'am, I know I am basically your subordinate, but, despite how I can be; I am a good person to confide in. I would like to say I could be your friend, Niflheim. Maybe we can't be considered friends quite yet since I am still new to the Vandenreich, but, it's always an option. But... now that I'm done randomly spilling my past out to you, I really do hope my reasons don't seem too selfish... Also... please don't tell her I told you all that. I'd rather not get killed."

Toshiko sighed softly and then placed her hands in her lap; waiting for Niflheim to say something to her about what she had said. Hopefully the reaction would be good, but, it was hard for Toshiko to say currently as she was not sure how well Niflheim would react to her intentions. Hopefully the reactions would be good, but, Toshiko was still prepared. Regardless, she was currently happy as her mind was filled with thoughts of Sofia. But, it would all be for naught of she was kicked out of the Vandenreich. Hopefully, nothing would go wrong.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Re: Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Wed Dec 07, 2016 11:51 am


Artist: N/A - Song: N/A - Word Count: 963

Pfft~ Her internal thoughts had a small smile curving onto her lips, which she covertly had covered with a slight sip of tea, lifting the cup from the saucer before her. That, certainly hadn’t been the answer she was expecting from the gal. It was such a simple, yet convoluted answer, one which actually made perfect sense for the female before her. So as niflheims gaze shifted from a stern steel to the most thoughtful of airy-platinum hue’s she deliberated how she wanted to word her statement to the captain of the daten. Both so she could explain to her what was good, and what was bad about pursuing a reason such as love for their place in the organization. Alas, even with her own vast vocabulary she started out with a soft-introduction to the meat of the lecture the girl was about to get.

”..You, are only human after all.”

It was the first time she had truly recognized the fact, at least since her clan back in the warring states period had shunned her. Seeing as, weren't they all human? Despite wanting and often, declaring themselves as more than human. They all had stemmed from that template of a species that, up until the supernatural era; had dominated the world with their ingenuity and prowess. They had created the trojan horse, had learned about fire. All these things humans had accomplished on their own, quite . . . Astonishing if you thought about the vastly more advanced races that made up the majority of the world today. Sighing, the elect had then laced her fingers together only after placing the tea-cup gracefully back on the saucer without so-much as a ripple on the amber-liquids surface.

”Love. . isn’t a bad reason to fight, as the reason i fight to protect the quincy race, is ultimately because i love each and every one of you as if you had been related to me by blood. You all are the future, what you devise, and what you think of ultimately will help the quincy race, and even humanity usher themselves into a new age of prosperity. So don’t be afraid to declare your reason for being here is love, because while i am duty bound to guide you in the right direction, i do so because i care about you all, about this race that has been neglected, and has suffered tyrannical rule for too long. “

Niflheim paused, her silver eyes alight with mirth as the female mentioned . . . that probably they shouldn’t mention this to sofia montero. Another fire-brand upstart of a captain within the vandenreich organization. She was different fundamentally than, the captain of the daten. Whereas this captain seemed to be more reserved, and a tad on the perverted side. Her captain of the jagdarmee was all clear-cut lines and rigid formality. Something that niflheim respected, yet also because of that toshiko was right. She probably wouldn’t take well to the insinuation that this gal’s true reason was something other than duty in regards to why she was here.

”I won’t tell miss montero, you don’t need to be alarmed. Because atleast, now i know why you are here. As i stated before, it isn’t a bad thing to use your wiles and emotions as part of the reason that you are here. Because you are while a quincy, ultimately still have this thing called humanity, it doesn’t leave you no matter what you do to expunge it. It’s what makes us human, and not like the other races who pillage, plunder, and destroy our world for fun and games. “

Her eyes darkened at the mention of “Them”, the demon race. There was very few things she hated, strongly detesting? Sure she detested many things, for example she detested that moment when she burned her tongue on a cup of tea that was, well, just too hot. She detested long, droning meetings to help regulate the vandenreich. But she truly hated the demons that affiliated with shadow-fall in general. To a point at the mention of them the room could have been said to have dropped to a frigid chill, almost like they had been once more locked in the frozen tundra of antarctica. Infact since niflheim often associated the feeling of hatred with a glacial chill, she’d have been sub-consciously injecting the thought of ice into the reishi around her. Causing the vibrations that created heat to be slowed, thus causing the room to frost over. Even her tea seemed to freeze within moments as she studied the girl before her. Eventually speaking once more.

”..There will be a time and a place to deal with shadow fall, and the demon race in general. Rest assured of that. “

Finally she exhaled finally managing to man-handle the emotions that associated with hatred, anger and malice into check, her expression once more glossing over as she huffed and said slowly. Her demeanor warming up after the girl suggested to be her friend. It was an amusing thought one that she wouldn’t discourage the gal from.

”..Yes you are new arent you? And i don’t mind being your friend, even though i consider myself more like family to all the quincy that are left in the world, strange since the rest of my generation is gone or in hiding eh?”

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Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] Empty Re: Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko]

Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:55 pm

The Righteous Guardian


Where the Wind Blows [Niflheim/Toshiko] 6EdIfMt

Artist: Teminite - Song: Ascent - Word Count: 825

Toshiko could not help but let a sigh of relief escape her lips when Niflheim told her that she would not mention this to Sofia. One bullet dodged that could literally mean the end of her. She also kinda winced slightly at Niflheim's notion earlier; from her saying love in a questioning tone. Sure, it was childish of her, but, it was something that drove her towards helping Sofia and others. Maybe it would not last, but, it still drove the Quincy girl forwards. Of course, her passion to discover and learn more about technology and drive things onward really helped her as well. So, with a sigh Toshiko slowly spoke; the pace picking up after her thoughts were fully gathered so her mouth wouldn't fall behind.

"Well... human is likely a bit of an understatement since I am a Quincy and I have a feeling I won't exactly be living a normal human span. Not like I plan on living that span either. I know how our kind works, at least a little. If we are powerful enough, the bonds of mortality shatter and no longer bind us. But... until I find out whether I can deny those bonds yet has yet to be seen. After all, I am only 24 years old... And, I wish you to know that stopping the demons is a good idea, but, I don't think killing them would be a good plan..."

Toshiko sighed softly and scooted a little closer to Niflheim as her mind raced back and forth; gathering the thoughts she required. She required the thoughts of her past, of the demons attacking Europe; everything she experienced not too long ago. Toshiko soon sighed softly and then looked at Niflheim directly in the eyes.

"I know it will happen, regardless, but, death is never the answer to anything. Not even when it comes to the leader of Shadowfall. I may have killed demons, my own fair share for someone who basically just joined the Vandenreich, but... I'm sorry, my mind's a little jumbled currently."

Toshiko put a hand on her forehead, messing up her hair a little, before she straightened slightly and then smiled at Niflheim. She clearly meant well, but, Toshiko was venting a little to Niflheim while meaning to, something she was about to bring up here. Possibly. Toshiko fixed her scarf and actually pulled it off; revealing more of her skin. Her skin was actually a lot like Niflheim's; fair and basically pearl-white. However, Niflheim's was far more fair comparatively. Toshiko sighed softly as she moved the collar of her shirt a little; which did not reveal any cleavage or anything. She looked back into Niflheim's eyes as she started to speak again.

"Sorry for venting a little, just some things that have been on my mind, and, for some reason I guess I felt like telling you them. Some sense of security I guess... Ah, I'm not sure how to describe it."

Toshiko lightly scratched the side of her head, a frown slowly generating on her face as her eye brows furrowed; her eyes looking towards the ground. Toshiko was trying to think of something, something that was actually starting to eat at the back of her mind as she thought of it. Why did she feel so secure around Niflheim? She wasn't sure frankly. It was hard to tell at the moment since Toshiko's mind really was a little muddled. Thinking of her past normally got Toshiko a little confused when it came to actually thinking of it. However, she was still confused. Why? Well, Toshiko had grown up without siblings; neither younger or older. This meant that she was clearly at a loss of why she felt so secure. The concept of having a sibling to depend on or feel secure with was something that really did escape her.

Toshiko sighed softly before she cocked her head to the side and realized why she felt like this. It was likely drawn back to the past in which she felt secure online; on a computer. Toshiko's eyesight suddenly shot up to Niflheim as she stuttered something to her; trying to get some words out.

"-Ane... N-Niflheim! D-Do you mind if I call you Nif-Ane? I know it's random and sudden, but, p-please? You mentioned family and I feel a sense of security around you that I haven't exactly felt with anyone besides my parents. P-Please... I want to help you as much as I can; and I really do wish to refer to you as my sister."

Toshiko was being sincere here, and she basically changed the conversation from Sofia to this. It was definitely random, but, hopefully something good would come out of it. We'll see.

Coding Altered From: [THEFROST]'s
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